#ahit: the empress🐈‍⬛
★ Fates Glass ☆
Hey ya know the swap au I posted about a bit ago? Well I decided 2 actually make a explanation post for it!
Fates Glass is a ahit swap au that (probably obviously) focuses on fate instead of time. In the au there's a specific relic that makes it so our two protagonists can make and control others fates. Once they reach the planet that it takes place on the relic broke (due to it being used much more then it should've), it exploded into multiple pieces that fell onto the planet. Now they have to get the pieces back without any casualties.
Here are the characters!
Dutchess Destiny (She/Her)
[Queen Vanessa as Hat Kid]
Vanessa Swanson, aka Dutchess Destiny is a runaway who uses the Fates Glass to make people's fates/futures. She lives on a spaceship along with her childhood friend & roommate Madam Magnolia.
She and DD accidently cause the Fates Glass to break and now have to find it again. Dutchess Destiny is a Fate Keeper (aka basically a angle humanoid)
Madam Magnolia (She/Her)
[The Florist as Bow Kid]
Blodwen Flower, aka Madam Magnoliais a runaway who uses the Fates Glass to make people's fates/futures. She lives on a spaceship along with her childhood friend & roommate Dutchess Destiny.
She and MM accidently cause the Fates Glass to break and now have to find it again. Madam Magnolia is also Fate Keeper, like DD
[Everyone else below the cut, since there's a lot]
Quick Claw (They/Them)
[The Empress as Mustache Girl]
A young cat that is a citizen of the Kingdom of Night, they hate their home now due to the kings sudden corruption, they wish to change the kingdom back to its former glory and peace.
They live on their own in the alleyways causing mischief and stealing to survive. They end up helping Destiny and Magnolia since they actually seemed to care about them. Betraying and leaving them behind after realizing they had the ability to change fate, fearing they'll make things worse, they try to find the pieces and fix everything themself
Chaos King (He/Him)
[The Snatcher as Mafia Boss]
The king of the Kingdom of Night, one day he became and cruel and corrupt ruler, causing his kingdom to fall into chaos and ruin. He took the Glass shard that fell from the sky for a unknown reason.
He ends up getting killed (one accident) and becoming a spirit that can't really do anything since he's so tiny and also has no hands. He's very resentful towards Destiny and Magnolia but tries to get friendly with them (ya know to destroy them easier!).
Bonbon the Clown (They/Them)
[Hat Kid as The Conductor]
Mele Ikaika, stage name Bonbon the Clown is a clown at Big Top Circus. To the public they're a bubbly ball of sunshine! A total joyess angel, though in private they're the complete opposite, absolute pessimist asshole.
They butt heads with Dazzle a unreasonable amount, nobody really knows why though. They wish to leave the circus but can't both bc of contracts and needing money.
Dazzle the Trapeze Artist (She/He)
[Bow Kid as DJ Grooves]
Rowena Taylor, stage name Dazzle is a trapeze artist at Big Top Circus. She's a quiet sweet gal, he doesn't enjoy speaking much so the others don't know much about her. Though she is very helpful and happy-go-lucky despite his quietness.
She butt heads with Bonbon a unreasonable amount, nobody really knows why though. He wishes to return back to her hometown at least for a day.
The Stage-Meister (He/They)
[Mafia Boss as The Snatcher]
A stage actor that was a star in the making who sadly died in a freak stage accident, and now he haunts the town after it had been abandoned. Anybody who happen to wander into the town (weither it be they just happen to walk in or they lures people into it) he forces to work for him.
He's dramatic and overemotional, being able to use their charm to get people to trust him into following and working for them. They're in love with The Weeping Lover but he believes she left along with the others years ago...
The Weeping Lover (She/Her)
[Cooking Cat as Queen Vanessa]
A woman who hid herself from the world due to believe she was a horrific monster, she had fallen in love with a young actor due to his kindness towards her. She was driven to madness after hearing the news he has been killed, refusing to leave with everyone else opting to end herself instead of living in misery any longer.
After becoming a ghost instead of reuniting with her love she now spends all day inside, hoping they'll return to her one way or another..
I have stuff for the dlc & side characters but I might make a post about them later, or just tell anybody who asks lol
This au is still a work in progress but I like this au and am proud of it so yeah ^^ hope y'all like it too! Ask me anything you all want about this au
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Ahit characters food preferences / favorite foods hcs!!
This also has my hc names and stuff :3
Hat Kid / Kelpie- Kelpie's favorite foods are cookies and spaghetti. They generally just like sweets, pastries, and pastas, they also like things like ravioli, gummies, and sweet rolls
Pup hates anything with cheese or mustard, other than that pup will eat anything really
Bow Kid / Tabby- Tabby likes ice cream, especially Neapolitan and Cotton Candy. Like Kelpie she'll really at anything tho, the only thing he won't eat is stuff with gluten since she has Coeliac Disease
Meow doesn't like blackberries and most salty foods though
Mustache Girl / Penelope- Mu likes simple kiddy foods like mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, etc etc. She also really likes seafood, especially shrimp. Star doesn't like most sweets besides a rare few.
Mu is also lactose intolerant, but that never stops her.
Cooking Cat / Charlotte- cc likes almost anything, they're a chef after all, their favorite foods are any type of comfort foods. Though they don't like seafood, it's not like they won't eat it at all just not her favorite.
The only type of food cc hates is fast food the stuff makes her feel sick.
Mafia Boss / Romeo- mb has a GIANT sweet tooth, he absolutely adores anything sweet he just has a big soft spot of it. I feel like he'd mostly like chocolates and lollipops. He also likes muffins, especially chocolate (surprise surprise) and banana.
Other foods I think he'd like is pastas, I also imagine he'd adore any type of cultural food. I can't think of anything he'd dislike? Idk maybe fish? Bc working in a fish factory might make you sick of it even if you've never eaten it.
I feel like he'd just eat and like anything without question
Goofy Mafia / Sasha- Goofy likes Italian and Russian foods, and soups, idk he seems like a soup fella. His favorite is probably Ukha.
I also feel like he'd like cakes, especially cheesecake or red velvet
The Conductor / Bonnie- Con's favorite food is pumpkin pie, she just likes pies in general. Con probably enjoys any type of comfort foods, as well as simple meals.
She also enjoys quick stuff like bagels and muffins, stuff you can eat and get quickly since she's used to having them while working.
DJ Grooves / Piers- I hc Grooves as vegetarian so obviously he'd enjoy anything without meat in it. He probably likes mostly salads or pastas.
He also enjoys snack foods, like popcorn, chips, ect.
Also he's French so he probably like traditional French foods. It also has a soft spot for sweets, not that spook would ever admit it.
The Snatcher / Alaire- canonically Snat likes bacon (ew), so he probably likes other type of breakfast foods as well such as pancakes, eggs, toast ect ect. I feel like he'd also like fancy stuff, he is a prince after all! So anything that could be expensive he'd try
Queen Vanessa- Vanessa also has a major sweet tooth (like mother like son eh?) she definitely loves chocolates, candies, treats anything of the such. She also likes simple "commoners" foods, just bc she's used to eating it when seeing her people which she does a lot.
Also she likes Mexican food, but that's mostly bc I see her as Latina.
The Florist / Celestina- Celestina enjoys salads and fish, simple as that. She's pretty picky so she doesn't quite enjoy anything else besides those. Her favorites are salmon and Caesar salad
The Empress / Hoshi- Emp has high class refined tastes, so she's only eat the best most fancy foods. That's it that's all I have I ran out of ideas hehshdeg
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