candont · 1 year
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years
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by ebi-hime
Price (US): $10.99
Included In: Bundle for Racial Equality and Justice
Genre: Visual Novel
Pitch: A Vocaloid fan is shocked when the virtual idol she adores sends her a DM—and says she's in trouble!
My expectations: Developer ebi-hime has published 39 anime-style visual novels to Itch in the past eight years. I can only see the date they were made available on Itch, so it's possible some were released somewhere else prior to 2015. Regardless, 39 games is a mind-boggling number of games for anyone to develop in one lifetime, and ebi does appear to be a one-woman developer. Okay, but anyone can throw something together at a weekend game jam and call it a game, right? Well, here's where it gets weirder. Many of the Itch listings include each visual novel's word count and estimated time to completion. Among the pages with this information, most hover around either 50,000 words (2-3 hours) or 100,000 words (4-6). At least one game is double that. And people are playing these. ebi has more than 3,000 followers on Steam. Three people I follow on Twitter also follow @ebihime, including one of my close, personal friends. AIdol was funded by a KickStarter campaign that raised $2,872. I'm not saying these are huge numbers, but these games have dedicated fans. I am beyond intrigued.
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Hana is just a boring girl. She doesn’t have friends. Her hair is short. She doesn’t know anything about makeup. She can’t cook. She listens to music. And on top of all that, she can’t cook and she doesn’t have friends!
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Maybe if Hana didn’t spend half of her time repeating this list of unremarkable characteristics to herself, she could develop a personality, but who needs to be a human when they could instead be a fan?
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Her passion is “virtual idol” Aiko, a Vocaloid popstar who performs hologram shows and sells stomach-churning quantities of overpriced merch. She’s basically Hatsune Miku, except the Lyriq corporation has given her artificial sentience for some reason. But something sinister is happening at Lyriq. Aiko’s programmer has been fired. Her code has been changed, and her memory has been erased. Now Hana and Aiko must work together to solve the mystery.
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This mostly involves oops-I-bumped-into-you-and-spilled-coffee meet-cutes and shirtless boys.
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It all bores the heck out of me. After an hour of purple prose and static images of generic anime people, I started skipping dialogue, hoping to get to the end, but I couldn’t even put up with that. Not for me.
+ The intro sequence—lots of quick cuts and effects set to (I think) an original song. It's lively and well produced; not at all what I expect from a visual novel. + There are occasional typos and grammatical errors, but again, it surpasses my expectations for this type of game. + Professional-looking artwork. I don't know how much is original, but asset packs are made to be used. + Ditto, music.
– I brushed my hair away from my forehead. It's hot today, and I hoped it would help me to cool down. Mom thinks I should try a new style, but I don't know anything about hair. We disagree about hair, but I am lucky to have her. Sometimes when I look at her, I think she looks like she's the same age as me, except her hair is different than mine, and I don't know much about hair. Or makeup. I prefer Aiko figurines. I ordered one from AImazon, an online store that is very popular on the idol forms. Other people on the forums can be rude, which is why I'm thinking about cutting back to only posting for 14 hours a day. With my hair away from my face, cooling me on this hot afternoon, which feels as hot as yesterday, I leave the forum and turn my attention to Tumblr. "Now I understand how someone can write 39 visual novels," I write. – Aiko asks Hana to help her find her original programmer. Hana asks the idol forum if anyone knows anything. Then she hops on a train and visits Lyriq headquarters. She doesn't get any information there. She spends a few minutes commenting on every person she sees walking outside. (Throughout this scene, the only things onscreen are her internal monologue and a picture of a deserted city block.) She stops into a café and watches a young man order coffee, with all the pointless detail of that scene from The Room. The man bumps into her and almost spills the coffee. The game forgets about Hana and instead follows the man on his walk to his office, where he waits for an elevator, talks to a co-worker, goes up the elevator, and talks to another co-worker about his experience getting coffee. The perspective shifts again to this co-worker. We learn about her life for a few minutes, and then she sits down to do her work. Part of her job is moderating the idol forums. She sees Hana's post and closes the thread. Back at home, Hana reads every response to her question, until she finally sees that the thread has been closed. She texts Aiko to tell her the bad news. – No.
🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 Bottom Line: Props for making a complete product with decent production value. Anime and visual novels with minimal interactivity don't usually do anything for me, but even if that is your scene, surely there are better options than AIdol.
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augustinthewater1995 · 2 months
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AIDOL (2019)
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pissanddie · 10 months
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Lawrence Lek, Aidol, 2019. CGI Feature Film, Stereo Sound, 83 min
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loteavenue · 1 year
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Kosa Froral Printed Thong Bikini
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anyadoesai · 7 months
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Tale of the Golden Temple
My Shop
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baltharino · 4 months
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Happy birthday Ai Miyashita! (insp)
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Today’s J-fashion wearer is Yuko from AIdol: Artificial Intelligence Idol! She wears onee gyaru!
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skyminsworld · 3 months
I am so excited to when my Aidol house Felix plush will come
They already hinted a Han plush coming out soon too so AND IT MIGHT BE ROCK-STAR CROP TOP HAN AAAA I NEED IT
Even tho I am saving for oh so many things I will need him
Support Aidol House they got lots of kpop stuff and make idol plushies
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tsundere-selfship · 8 months
I would now like to introduce the newest addition to my 20cm doll collection, Seungmin from Aidol House:
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stylecards · 4 months
Stylecards 2 Front Cover by Stylecards Via Flickr: Stylecards № 2 Chloe shows her Pride Ivy Wong in Kiyori Kalyani is ready for Summer Designer Showcases for BFF and Tastic June 2024
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20cm · 1 year
meg and i promise plave arent more aidols . theyre just vtuber avatars of real like. actual (anonymous) idols <3 they debuted w/ a song they wrote/produced and el capitxn worked on it with them :] big fan if u cant. tell
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angelicaartsworld · 11 months
Zim and Tak aidol
As always behind a fanar that I make there is always a story. I'm writing a little story that tells how the tall Miyuki (who is still alive) has a great weakness for cute "creatures", the smaller they are the better for her, she really loves cute things and has a collection large of all those beautiful "things" that it has taken under its protection, that is why a law was implemented in Irk, it is order to hold contests that involve all the beautiful irkens and other species slaves of the irkens to provide their services to the older ones rank, in order to finally reach Miyuki's hands, she will decide who to choose from all the candidates that are constantly presented to her, those chosen and those who sell them will automatically have a better status and although the smaller irkens do not want to lend their services such as entertainment, they have no other choice, since they are highly coveted, they force them with quite strict methods (even rescheduling), it is not like they have any other choice, in reality there are many who accept their destiny because if they reach Being selected by the highest Miyuki or by another high-ranking irken, their life automatically improves, it is not as if they will be treated badly if they are not in Miyuki's hands, in fact they are highly valued, it is simply that some, like the case of Zim, they don't like being subjugated to someone of higher rank.
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Zim y Tak versión aidol
Cómo siempre detrás de un fanar que hago siempre hay una historia.
Estoy escribiendo un pequeña historia que relata como es que la alta Miyuki (que aún sigue con vida) tiene una gran debilidad por las "criaturas" lindas, mientras más pequeñas sean es mejor para ella, en verdad adora las cosas lindas y tiene una colección grande de todas aquellas "cosas" lindas que ha tomado bajo su resguardo, por ello en irk se inplemento una ley , es orden hacer concursos que involucren a todos los irkens bonitos y otras especies esclavas de los irkens a prestar sus servicios a los de mayor rango, con la finalidad de llegar finalmente a las manos de Miyuki, ella decidirá a quien elegir de todos los candidatos que se le presentan constantemente, los elegidos y los que los venden automáticamente tendrán un mejor status y aunque los irkens más pequeños no quieran prestar sus servicios como es el entretenimiento, no los queda de otra, ya que son muy codiciados los obligan con métodos bastante estrictos (incluso reprogramación), no es como que les quede de otra, en realidad hay muchos que aceptan su destino porque si llegan a ser seleccionados por la más alta Miyuki o por otro irken de alto rango, su vida automáticamente mejora, no es como si los tratarán mal si no quedan en manos de Miyuki, de echo son muy cotizados, simplemente es que algunos, como el caso de Zim , no les agrada estar subyugados a alguien de más alto rango.
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augustinthewater1995 · 2 months
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ala-adavia · 1 year
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loteavenue · 11 months
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오빠.. 여기에..💗💗💦
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