#ailurocide: mistle
ailurocide · 1 year
Sorry for not remembering, but who are the parents of Mistle, Myrtle and Mallow?
I really like how they all start with 'm'.
No worries! A lot of stuff has changed with the move, including some family trees! It’s better to ask rather than assume and confuse yourself later on ^^’
Their parents are Frost-tongue and Larchface!
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ailurocide · 1 year
Can we get any insight on how the little babies were named (Myrtle, Mistle, and Mallow)? With the low numbers and who both their parents name Id think their kitten names would have some importance :)
Myrtle flowers symbolize affection, hope, good luck, and loyalty.
Mistletoe, from which “mistle” is sourced from, symbolizes vitality, protection, and health.
And mallow flowers that symbolize peace, support, intelligence, and new opportunities.
The names were meant to reflect a new beginning, a new generation, and a new hope for the future.
That, coupled with their lineage… There’s gonna be quite a bit of pressure placed upon these little blossoms.
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