ARGONUS INFO: a rough guide on elkinet distribution
(NOTE: description copy-pasted from DA where i normally post my works. any context that is missing here on tumblr can be found on my DA [linked here and on pinned post] )
[like said, this is a rough guide i created mainly for myself, but also for other people because context reasons. not the best thing out there (then again argonus is wild AF on it's own), but at the time it was a good start. ]
[oh, and one more thing: i started these "argonus headcannons" where i looked at different airplanes and their species, subspecies and variants. any headcannons that i've already posted on DA will be linked on this post, though i will eventually post them here as well]
argonus aircraft distribution: a very rough guide
So, i’ve been meaning to make a post on what aircraft comes from where, because surprisingly it’s not exactly what you think (because “something something argonus-aint-like-earth”). Here, let me ramble on and explain:
Now, how do I start this? Well, you may think aircraft from a specific country will be found in their respective country (Or at least the area when it comes to their argonian counterparts), i.e. american bombers coming from amerigia. And, to an extent, you are correct. However, the actuality is that it’s actually more spread out than just restricted to their respective countries. And the best way is to explain that? Well, by typing this long essay out. That’s how.
So, let’s get started. This is the list of aircraft and where they come from (historically speaking)
Now, first of all, some things needing to be mentioned:
1-this is, again, historically speaking.
2-all countries do have at least a few of their respective aircraft from their respective aircraft manufacturers in and around their respective area, though of course certain types may or may not exactly be present in said country/area.
3-all aircraft have pygmy populations (aka dwarfs, an alternative “politically correct” name). Like I've said about the pygmy aircraft, they originate as a result of a lack of resources, commonly on isolated land masses though it can happen on the mainland as well. How common these pygmy populations are varies between different aircrafts themselves.
4-unless specified otherwise, when talking about specific-role aircraft, it’s specifically aircraft that were built initially for that role itself, and not any later variants modified for those roles (i.e. trainer aircraft and not trainer variants). There are two primary exceptions to this rule: the first being cosmopolitan aircraft, as those specific variants will occur in those specific areas (i.e. civilian c-130s in civilian aircraft population). The other exceptions are the variants/related developments of said aircrafts living in the population of what they were derived from(ie, military variants of airtractors living alongside their non-military kind), which will remain true unless stated otherwise.
5- When talking about aircraft, we’re specifically talking about most-fixed winged aircraft (excluding gliders), which are basically just the elkinets themselves and not other aeronoid species.
[tumblr edit: #5 tldr: only talking about airplanes and airplane-like drones]
6-there are some lore drops here and there throughout this, and I may or may not expand upon them in later posts like I always do.
7- like the title implies, this list is far from a polished piece. I just wanted a generalization of aircraft distribution throughout the planet, and of course this is just to get a general gist not just for you but also for me as well. Like a lot of these long posts, I'll more than likely expand upon these concepts in future posts.
It’s confusing, I know, but don't worry. I’ll try my best to make more sense.
The first thing that should be out of the way are the “cosmopolitans”, the group of aircraft that are found on almost every single continent except the indus islands and astra. Surprisingly, there’s alot of aircraft that can be found throughout the planet. This doesn't just include the aircraft itself, but also the variant and sometimes even some of their closely-related developments as well. I guess i should lost them off, just to get the out of the way:
-f-16 fighting falcon: not just one of the most widely recognized aircraft, but also among several kinds of jets which are spread out throughout the planet. Not just limited to their variant and liveries, it also includes the f-16xl and x-62 vista in southest ameriga and the mitsubishi f-2 in sonias as well.
-eurofighter typhoon: this includes the British aerospace EAP (of which eurofighters were developed). Of all the aircraft out there, pygmy/dwarf aircraft are the most common within their populations. As a matter of fact, at least 1/3 of all eurofighters are pygmies. Whilst the usual lack of resources are to blame, it’s actually unclear why there are so many pygmies among the eurofighters.
-c-130 hercules: the hercs are the largest of the cosmopolitans. With the many different variants, there are alot of different hercs throughout the planet: the ac-130s from amerigia, the dc-130s from indus and K.O. laos, and the L-100 in eroon.
-canberras: what canberras you may ask? Well, like in our world there are two kinds of canberra aircrafts: there is the English Electric canberras, found in the old world, while there’s the Martin b-57 canberras in the new world.
-“the cessnas”: this isn't one specific aircraft, but a select group of high-winged, single-engined light aircraft developed by cessna. These aircraft include the following:
-skyhawk (eroon), including the t-41 mescalero
-skylark (sonias)
-skywagon (nylus)
-skylane (Northest amerigia)
-stationair (southest amerigia)
The cessnas are often considered the most widespread of the civilian aircraft, though because they’re a group of different aircraft instead of a single aircraft and its variants, this has been placed in controversy.
-“the DC aircraft”: similarly to the cessnas, this isn't one singular aircraft and it’s variants, but a multitude of them. In this case, it’s the DC-1, and all the other aircraft developed from it. the dc-1, dc-2, and dc-3 all are found in the five continents that all the other cosmopolitans are in. However, when it comes to specific variants, the dc-2 variants tend to stick to the old world while the dc-3 variants are restricted to the new world. The only exception is the b-18 bolo, which despite being developed from the dc-2 of the old world is found in northest amerigia with all of the other bombers.
-an-2 colt: the an-2 is the most widespread of all the biplanes. This, like with all the other cosmopolitans, includes both variants and their related developments. Being that both utility and agricultural variants of the an-2 can be found throughout the planet, the an-2 colt is the only agricultural aircraft outside of the amerigias.
-b-17 flying fortress: the flying fortress, like with many other of these cosmopolitans, gains the “Most widespread” title, in this case the most widespread bomber species.
[tumblr edit 1: as of posting, both the hercs and the canberras have their headcannon posts]
[tumblr edit 2: another important thing to note: the cosmopolitans refers to aircraft that had reached this status prior to the end of the neolithic era. this means that other aircraft aren't true cosmpolitans, but depending on the era they may be classified as "secondary comsopolitans" (post neolithic - end of medieval ages). this...might be something i need to talk about when it comes to the blue angels and thunderbirds...]
There are many theories as to how and why the cosmopolitans exist in such a huge, extensive range. One of the most popular theories is that they’re the living common ancestors of various types of aircrafts (ie, the c-130 being the ancestor to all cargo planes), though there isnt any real hard evidence for this (as of posting). However, most accept that their numbers are what lead to their success as a widespread species.
Now that the cosmopolitans are listed down, we can get to all the more continent exclusive aircraft species/group. Eroon is the europe analog on argonus, and with argonus being a sort of alternate version of earth, is not too different from modern-day europe in terms of culture.
Perhaps one of the most well-known aircrafts to inhibit eroon are the many different kinds of civil aircraft. This would include alot of small, privately-own aircrafts (alot of cessnas and beechcrafts), business aircraft and airliners. As a matter of fact, eroon has the highest population of airliners. Whilst all the different types of smaller civil aircraft exist throughout eroon, the larger airliner aircraft tend to stick with the more southern parts of the continents. Military variants of civilian aircraft can be found both within eroon and throughout sonias and nylus. The airliners were often seen as experts in growing herbs and spices, though much like on our earth sonias is the real king when it comes to spices and such.
Another group of aircraft that are found in eroon are both coast guard and carrier-based aircraft. These are found through the middle seas area (the mediterranean sea analog), with the coast guard aircraft being more common on the mainland whilst the carrier aircraft are more common on the many islands, both big and small. The carrier-based aircraft tend to have alot pygmies among their populations, and both carrier and coast guard aircraft can be rarely born with webbed or lobated feet (something which is most often associated with the seaplanes and other water-based aircraft).
[tumblr edit: aircraft from the middle seas are referred to as "sealanders". creative naming, i know...]
Eroon also includes the smaller ww1 and ww2 aircrafts. This includes various aircraft from various countries, like america, british and german. An interesting thing about this group specifically is that while they can be found throughout the continent, aircraft from certain countries often have their populations lean toward the direction of the aircraft’s origins (well, earth speaking that is). For example, British aircraft would be found in brith and neighboring countries, American aircraft would lean more towards the western side, and Russian, Chinese and Japanese aircraft would lean more towards the east. Because eroon and sonias are connected (since they’re the europe/asia analog), those last three are also found in their respective analog of their country. With aircraft coming from ww1 and ww2, it wouldn't be much of a surprise that eroon would also contain a lot of biplanes, and especially for the ones created during the time.
When it comes to the british de havilland aircraft, it is not only both de havilland and de havilland australia, yet strangely not de havilland canada as those are located in villageda (canada analog). Apart from that, the de havilland aircraft are located farther west.
The final group that are known from eroon are some of the smallest manned aircrafts (aka the smainxians), who were only found in the isle of smainx. When it comes to “smallest manned aircraft” it could cover a wide array of different kinds of aircraft, Both here and on argonus. however, the general consensus is that any conventional aircraft that’s either smaller than a cessna skyhawk, "human-sized" (roughly 14ft long or smaller, not including pygmy populations), or simply given the “world's smallest” title. This would include the likes of the stits sky baby, beecraft wee bee, columbian cri-cri, and the xf-85 goblin. These aircraft were already pretty small themselves (many close to the size of a human or argonian chicken), however it’s not unheard of for there to exist pygmy versions of these aircraft, and especially on the hundreds of tiny islands that lie in between the major islands.
Sonias, despite having less countries than eroon, is among the biggest continent of argonus, perhaps with northest amerigia a close second. Whilst Center kingdom, the china analog, is relatively big in terms of worldwide trades, it’s its northern neighbor L’russ that’s the biggest body of imports and exports towards the western world, especially in the trade of metals, livestock and foods.
Starting up north, most soviet aircraft live in l’russ and northernlands. The migs, sukhois, tupolevs, all found in those two countries. Like with eroon, smaller aircraft could be found throughout the country, while the bigger ones were found further south. However, their spotlight is taken away by the other southern giants.
The giant cargo planes are one of the most recognisable of the country’s aircraft. This would include both soviet cargo aircraft, but also basically any cargo aircraft that’s “herc-sized” or larger. No surprise, this includes some of the largest aircraft like the c-5 galaxy, the an-124 condor, and the an-225 mriya. These giants are often associated with royalty and higher classes, which isn't totally wrong since historically they’ve been put in high power. They’re crazy about their exotic pets, and they’ve even domesticated some of these exotics animals (Though that could be said for elkinets in general). They are also seen as agricultural geniuses, creating many varieties of crops and keeping them inside their massive greenhouse. Of course,there is a reason for this: the larger an organism, the more food it needs, and plants just so happen to be the easiest to gain in larger quantities. This isn't exclusive to l’russ, as larger aircraft in general tend to lean more towards a plant-based diet though eating meat when it’s available. It’s also pretty common for their to be pygmy populations among these giants, with some of these giants having up to 1/7 of their population benign pygmies.
[tumblr edit: at the time of this post, i created a headcanon piece for the AN-225, AN-124, C-5, and 747. the latter, however, needs a headcanon of it's own too because 774 variants]
Cargo planes aren't the only kinds of aircraft associated with royalty and riches. Moving more south towards the rest of sonias, in Center kingdom and KO laos the reconnaissance aircraft (reconnas) are also associated with higher classes and authority. Similar things about high power are seen with the stealth aircraft found more southwest in indus and swauda. However observation aircraft (Observs) found throughout the continent don't quite get that recognition.
[tumblr edit: at time of post, two iconic "reconnas" have headcannons: the U-2 dragonlady and the SR-71 blackbird (and it's closest relative). those two were also my first headcannons, so they'res some annoying bold text]
Like all the others listed here, nylus isn't too far off from it’s earth counterpart, africa. While the countries in africa don't have much in the way of country-unique aircraft, that doesn't stop the continent as a whole from having diversity in the way of aircraft.
For example, there’s still the middle seas area, which is not only part of eroon, but also nylus and a bit of sonias. Many types of aircraft that are found in the middle seas area can also be found in mainland northern nylus, which is primarily the carrier-based aircraft. While coast guard aircraft are found all around the mainland shores, it’s the maritime patrol aircraft that are found on the southern end of the mainland. Not only that, but there’s also the BAE systems hawks, which includes it’s two related developments, the T-45 goshawk and the British aerospace hawk. All three aircraft are not only found on the middle seas coast, but also just throughout mainland nylus in general (especially the BAE system hawks).
Another group of aircraft found throughout the mainland of nylus are the aerial refueling aircraft (aka tankers) and electronic warfare aircraft (electrics). more specifically american refueler aircraft. This not only includes said tankers, but also the aircraft they were developed from (i.e. both kc-135s exist alongside their regular c-135 relatives). Like with many others on this list, the smaller ones are found throughout the mainland continent while the much larger aircraft are more restrictive. In this case, the largest ones are often more restricted to the savannas of nylus.
Nylus also has a specific group of aircraft known as the “lakerealmers”. This group specifically includes the a-10 warthog, f-111 aardvark, IA 58 pucara, and the a-6 intruder, as well as their related developments. This group not only lives in the central lake realms, but also in the areas where the surrounding countries border the small country of central lake realms.
The final aircrafts that live on the nylus continent is the DA42 twinstar and it’s weird variants. However, unlike most other nylinian aircraft, they don't live on the mainland, rather they live on lemura grasca (the madagascar analog). They, alongside the dc-2s, are the only aircraft native to the island country.
Astra, alongside the indus islands, are the only continents that the cosmopolitans are not found, thus leaving room for more unique aircraft to live. What aircraft can be found depends on what landmass we look at.
On the New Zealand analog, Moaland, there are alot of twin-boom aircraft. More specifically, however, it consists of non-military twin-boom aircraft, excluding agricultural and racing ones. They’re not just found in moaland, but some can also be found in tasmuth and on parts of the eastern astranesian coast. The mainland, however, contains military trainer aircraft of which are also found in tasmuth. Whilst the indigenous aircraft were still relatively “Primitive” (By the eroonian explorer's standpoint), both trainer aircraft and twin-booms were surprisingly advanced (roughly like that of the bronze age), having domesticated many animals and plants, and living in city-like civilizations, albeit with architecture near-identical to that of our native australian abroiginals.
(Indonesia and indo pacific islands)
The indus islands represent our indonesia and the islands within the indo pacific. Chalked full of islands with plenty of unique island flora and fauna, ther is only one group of aircraft that are native to those islands and island countries, and those are the UAVs aka drones. more specifically, it contains any UAV that bears resemblance to any manned aircraft, with such examples such as the ryan firebees, EADS barracuda, mq-1 predator, and NCSIST cardinal.
Of all the aircraft out there, the UAVs had perhaps the worst of treatment from outside countries. In particular were the eroonian explorers, who were ogrinists (Most likely solid ogrinists). They saw that the drones practiced xortanism, and of course because the ogrinist saw xortan the bad guy, they were repulsed by this. Combine this with their primitive settlements and their appearances, the drones were often either killed or made into slaves or entertainment. However, during the turn of the 19nth century, the other aircraft began to start seeing them less like animalistic being and more like equals, which was primarily helped by sonian and l’russese royals that kept them around as pets (which pets in general were often treated like royalty themselves). Nowadays, they’re seen as equals, though there are plenty of ogrinist (and solid ogrinist mind you) that still bring hate crime on them for simply being a drone.
[tumblr edit: i've made a short lore post about eroonian colonization, (will inevitable post to tumblr when i get to it) and don't worry, the religion stuff is up next after this one (it's a whole thing that needs to be posted in seperate parts)]
(north america)
The aircraft of northest amerigia are interesting. Not only does the continent have a lot of aircraft unique there, but also some of these groups extend down towards southest amerigia as well.
The agricultural aircraft (agrics) are one of those aircraft that extend to both northest and southest amerigia. Contrary to our world, only humans call agrics “cropdusters”, as that’s one of many different aviation terms only specific to our world and not argonus. Like their name implies, they are well-versed in the realm of agriculture, having domesticated and cultivated various species native to their continent. While agrics are found all around the mainland, the racing aircraft (racers) and stunt planes are found more in the southwestern part of the continent. Racers, agrics and stunt planes tend to get along well (generally speaking), often sharing the same civilizations as them.
While the agrics are agricultural masterminds, the real rulers of crops and livestock are the british and american bombers, which like the cargo planes in l’russ, commonly eat more plants than animals due to easier accessibility. The british bombers live more northeast (including the island countries of rhadnol and nucklon), while american bombers are more widespread throughout the continent,as well as the northern parts of southest amerigia. In the northern parts of amerigia is where the rest of the de havilland aircraft are, the de havilland canada aircraft, whom live in the canada analog, Villageda.
In the islands and mainland shores of the amerigian-navaloon gulf are where most amphibious aircraft and ekranoplans (aka ground-effect vehicles) are found. These aircraft are rather special for a few reasons, most of which is because of their adaptation toward water. Webbed/lobabed feet, strong swimmers, able to take off and land in the water with little effort, ect. Interestingly enough, contrary to our non-living ekranoplans, the ones on argonus can fly at some of the same altitudes and speeds as amphibious aircraft. This is most likely due to them having naturally longer wings than our ekranoplans in order to properly use them as effective “hands”.
The final aircrafts are are a small, select group of spaceplanes (known as “the starbirds”). The starbirds include the space shuttle, buran shuttle, and the scaled composite spaceships. They are the only aircraft found only on the island of Hihiuantius and are the only spaceplanes on argonus. While they can fly like any normal aircraft, they cannot reach those sub-orbital flights like their earth counterparts.
(south america)
On initial thought, most aircraft seen in southwest amerigia are either belonging to south american countries or just the northest amerigian aircraft whose range extends into the continent. However, there are three groups unique to the continent.
First off there are the learjets. Learjets live in the southeastern end of the continent, and are the only aircraft found in the three islands in that area (which would be eenda isle, north archus and south archus). The learjets are the only business jets to exist outside of the old world, and especially eroon where most other business jets come from. However, the real diversity comes with the other group of aircraft.
That would belong to the experimental aircraft. Experimental aircraft are divided into two groups: the experimentals (aka southesters) and the x-planes. The first one, the southesters, are more specifically the experimental aircraft that came from the new-world countries (argentina, brazil, canada and america). While all of them can be found throughout the continent, argentinian and brazilian experimental aircraft are found in the southern half of the continent, while canadian and american aircraft are found in the northern half, and a little bit into the southern parts of naveloon. X-planes, on the otherhand, are more specific to the continents tropical rainforests.
So, like said in the beginning, this entire list was just a generalization on aircraft distribution. So, here are some misc fun facts:
1-hihiuawntius (hi-hi-oo-awn-tee-us, “hihi” for short) has alot of rumors, myths and theories about there being other aircraft besides the starbirds. Most of these stories involve tiny drones the size of hummingbirds, and while some smaller-than-human drones do exist, there’s no real solid evidence for such a tiny aircraft existing on the island. Of course, there were plenty of hoaxes about these tiny “fairy drones”.
2-a piece of elkinet biology: despite several real-world aircraft being able to fly at near-space altitude (*cough*u-2*cough*), their elkinet counterparts cannot reach such heights. At the highest, they can fly around 20 miles high. However, with proper equipment, many of those high-flying aircraft can reach those near-space altitudes.
3-oftentimes, the elkinets have domesticated local fauna and flora. This isn't too surprising to us humans, if it wasn't for the fact that many of these domesticated/semi-domesticated animals are also from animals that we have not domesticated. Sometimes these domesticated animals even come from fauna that are only found on argonus, due to either being unique to there or otherwise being extinct in our world (i.e. the tigrapard and its domesticate relative the vuzeklynx). [tumblr edit: tigrapards are the last living "saber-toothed cats" and they got turned into damn housecats, both can be found on this DA post]
annd that's gonna do it for today. tune in when i talked about....airplane religions...that'll be fun to post.
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aviatrix-ash · 2 years
Got to tour a renowned piston plane engine shop as a little class field trip, gave a little peek at how these things are actually overhauled. Wasn't able to take any photos. Tho they really did have some super specific machines in there, lots of old stuff too, probably from around WW2. whack there's like maybe 5-6 people keeping about 60% of the general aviation fleet alive right there and they really can't get parts for these birds for real rn.
Continental got sold off to Boeing, who's jacked up costs of basic parts and made getting anything new very difficult. And Lycoming's trying to come back, I met the guy running em nowdays about a month back and he said they're steadily rebuilding a brand new machine shop in the US, but all the people still alive who were experienced making the parts are like 70-90 years old and are all mostly retired. Little planes really are in a bad spot rn.
I know it's probably about as reliable as soggy bread rn but (if I can get it running) I'm a little glad I've got the VW on my bird. At least I don't have to wait 8 to 10 months for a part and I can legally use whatever they have on sale at AutoZone, but those certified birds got it rough. 😅
Oh, and on the way out from that airport, I spotted a glider getting towed by a lil antique AirTractor
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Φωτιά στο Ρέθυμνο: Ανεξέλεγκτο το πύρινο μέτωπο – Συνεχείς οι εκκενώσεις οικισμών
Εκ νέου έλαβαν μήνυμα πριν από λίγα λεπτά μέσω του 112 κάτοικοι στην πληγείσα από τη φωτιά στο Ρέθυμνο. Συγκεκριμένα το μήνυμα αφορά εκκένωση του οικισμού Βαθιακού που καλεί τους κατοίκους να απομακρυνθούν προς τον Πλάτανο και να ακολουθήσουν τις οδηγίες των αρχών. Η φωτιά αυτή την ώρα δέχεται διαδοχικές αναζωπυρώσεις με τα εναέρια μέσα -τα οποία έχουν ενισχυθεί από airtractor μικρά πυροσβεστικά…
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zoranphoto · 1 year
‘Gori doslovno sve!’ Deveti krug pakla kod Šibenika: Ljudi ostali bez domova, ima ozlijeđenih
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Nešto prije podneva u četvrtak u Gornjim Banovcima, nedaleko od Šibenika, buknuo je požar kojeg gasi 79 vatrogasaca s 28 vozila, a gašenje otežava jak vjetar. Vatra je zahvatila i stambene objekte u Grebaštici te je u tijeku evakuacija obitelji čiji objekti su ugroženi ili zahvaćeni požarom. Stanovnici ugroženog dijela MUP-ovim vozilima se prevoze do Morinjskog mosta kod Brodarice, zatim ATP-ovim autobusom do sportske dvorane na šibenskom Baldekinu, gdje im je osiguran smještaj, javlja Slobodna. Promet je otežan na potezu od Šibenika do Splita. 18: 00 Vatrogasci su uspjeli obraniti Grebašticu i Šparadiće, ali vatra se sada širi brdom Jelinjak prema primoštenskim selima. Na terenu je trenutno 160 vatrogasaca. “U ovom trenutku je teško reći je li požar podmetnut i općenito govoriti o uzrocima. Vremenski uvjeti su vrlo nepovoljni, na udare i orkansko jugo je brzo širilo požar. Imamo lakše ozlijeđenih vatrogasaca i jednoga građanina, svi su medicinski zbrinuti, nitko nije teže ozlijeđen. Dat ćemo sve od sebe da se požar tijekom večeri stavi pod nadzor. Požar je izbio u gotovo istom trenutku kao i onaj veliki lanjski u vodičkom zaleđu, razlika je u jednoj minuti. Današnji požar nije ništa manji ni manje katastrofalan u odnosu na lanjski”, izjavio je Darko Dukić, vatrogasni zapovjednik Šibensko-kninske županije, za Slobodnu. 17:10 Iz Hrvatske vatrogasne zajednice za N1 su potvrdili da je došlo do ozlijede vatrogasca i jedne osobe u požaru. Vatrogasac se naudisao dima, dok je građanin svojom krivnjom došao u zonu gašenja. Ozlijeđeni vatrogasac je dobro.   17:05 MORH je objavio kako požar u Dalmaciji trenutno gasi šest protupožarnih aviona, tri kanadera i tri Air Tractora. ➡️ Trenutačno 6️⃣ protupožarnih aviona gasi požar u Grebaštici: 3️⃣ aviona #Canadair i 3️⃣ aviona #Airtractor‼️#PPsezona https://t.co/5hQol5sKcg — MORH/MoD Croatia (@MORH_OSRH) July 13, 2023     16:15 Iz Policijske uprave šibensko-kninske su poslali apel građanima. “Apeliramo na sugrađane da svojim ponašanjem olakšaju posao dežurnim službama na terenu te da omoguće im neometan prolazak cestom ili drugim pristupnim putevima gdje je u tijeku požar. Neka uklone automobile i druge pokretnine koje im mogu smetati u gašenju požara te da se i sami udalje od vatre i ne dovode se u opasnost”, stoji u priopćenju. Kako bi osigurala nesmetan rad vatrogasaca i ostalih službi angažiranih na gašenju požara, policija je zatvorila državnu cestu D-8 od Žaborića prema Primoštenu. Promet se preusmjerava na cestu D-58. 15:55 Požar se širi i ide do Šparadića, naselja uz more preko puta Grebaštice, koje je nešto bliže Primoštenu i Rogoznici.  Vatrogascima sa šibenskog područja u pomoć su došle kolege iz Zadra i Splita. Novinarka Slobodne javila se mobitelom s terena. “Gori cijela Grebaštica, doslovno!”, rekla je potresena novinarka. Dnevno.hr Foto : MORH & Harald Armellini Read the full article
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ckarem · 2 years
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carbine04 · 7 years
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Airtractor AT802U Longsword (I guess this is what happens when you had to spray your weed at 11 and blow up some terrorist at 12)
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theframelines · 6 years
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Old Air Tractor by Navier-Stokes
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gmessy30 · 3 years
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I had been trying all summer to get a picture of this nearly neon green air tractor. I see it coming and going all the time, but I have no idea where they park. They typically fly somewhere south across the Inlet. It's only a single seat aircraft, and they are primarily used for crop dusting, firefighting (another one was here spotting for the Loon Lake Fire), and some countries have actually armed them. This one doesn't seem to fit any of those roles. There is also a brilliant blue one that stops by from time to time. Overall an interesting aircraft, with an interesting history, and interesting uses. #sonydschx400v #sonydsc #sonycybershot #SonyCameras #kenai #kenaialaska #alaska #alaskaphotography #airtractor (at Kenai, Alaska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVZueQ5rQ9f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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geektechsailor · 3 years
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Started using a #remarkable2 tablet today. You have to try one out. Marine chart work is a breeze. PDF and layers are so easy and universal in today environment. #remarkable2 #remarkabletablet #remarkabletabletdrawing #kindle #kindleoasis #agcat #airtractor #kayakfishinggear #kayakfishing (at Lake Arthur Yacht Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRjipMLD6XD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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audieriomarinho · 5 years
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Air Tractor At802 ,o protetor da lavoura ! #aeroclube #aviacaoagricola #aviao #fab #marinhoscustoms #airplane #fab #plane #aircraft #aeroporto #aeroplane #jet #airliners #voar #voo #vôo #flight #flying #airtractor802 #airtractor #fly #at802 #trator #agradecido #farm #fazenda (em Em Algum Lugar Sendo Feliz) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwPhQs0hhtd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fujickq9reco
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mohdnourshahen · 6 years
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With AIR TRACTOR AT-802I 🛡️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ——— Archives SOFEX [2018]⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ——— #sofexjordan #sofex2018 #sofex #airtractor #at802 #amman #jordan #mohdnourshahen (at SOFEX Jordan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BudqKcIDqUv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wz5naelof8p0
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What is your #gethomeplan How about carring your #rokon2x2 everywhere you go! Belly slung will do :-) I don't think carrying mine on the tail end of my #ToyotaFJ is so wierd now :-) Always loved this photo. Now I need an #airtractor to haul my #mototractor
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rcflyernews · 7 years
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We love #airtractors! This #pilot put on a show for us while we shot photos.... #airplane #sprayplanes #agspraying #turbinepower #lightroom #rcflyernews #rcfn #wilb #flapsdown (at Quincy, Washington)
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astratv · 2 years
Προσθαλάσσωση πυροσβεστικού αεροσκάφους λόγω βλάβης - Επιχειρούσε στη Νέα Πέραμο
Προσθαλάσσωση πυροσβεστικού αεροσκάφους λόγω βλάβης – Επιχειρούσε στη Νέα Πέραμο
Σε προσθαλάσσωση στη Σαλαμίνα υποχρεώθηκε να προχωρήσει διθέσιο πυροσβεστικό αεροσκάφος ελαφρού τύπου, AirTractor. Το αεροσκάφος το οποίο πραγματοποίησε την αναγκαστική προσθαλάσσωση και επιχειρούσε στη φωτιά στη Νέα Πέραμο, πιθανότατα εμφάνισε μηχανική βλάβη. Τους δύο πιλότους περισυνέλεξε αρχικά μια ιδιωτική βάρκα. Στη συνέχεια μετέβη σκάφος του λιμενικού για τους παραλάβει. Και οι δύο πιλότοι…
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fefefernandes80 · 4 years
Após extinção de incêndio, Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca será reaberto na próxima semana
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Informação foi divulgada nesta quarta-feira (30) pelo diretor-geral do Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF). Chamas começaram na madrugada de segunda-feira (28) e o local precisou ser fechado. Incêndio foi controlado por brigadistas com apoio do IEF e Corpo de Bombeiros Gabriel Fortes/Arquivo Pessoal Apesar das chamas que consumiram cerca de 500 hectares de uma área dentro do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, durante incêndio que teve início na madrugada de segunda-feira (28) e foi controlado na noite desta terça-feira (29), a unidade de conservação ao público será reaberta na próxima quarta-feira (8). O anúncio foi feito nesta quarta-feira (30) pelo diretor-geral do Instituto Estadual de Florestas, Antônio Malard. Segundo ele, o fogo no interior da unidade de conservação foi extinto, mas está sendo feito todo o acompanhamento para que não ocorra nenhuma reignição. “Desde domingo, nós temos cerca de 100 pessoas, entre brigadistas, voluntários, servidores do IEF, a comunidade, Corpo de Bombeiros, Polícia Militar atuando efetivamente no combate a esse incêndio. Nós tivemos, infelizmente, uma área queimada no interior da unidade de 350 hectares e na zona de amortecimento 150 hectares. Além desse aparato humano, nós contamos com cerca de 10 veículos, quatro aeronaves – sendo 2 helicópteros e 2 aviões air tractors- que fazem o lançamento de água, além de uma ambulância que ficou à disposição, mas que felizmente não precisou ser utilizada” explicou. E, frente a toda essa operação, felizmente a extinção desse incêndio no interior da unidade de conservação, a boa notícia é que estamos aptos novamente a reabrir a unidade de conservação ao público já na quarta-feira. Na próxima segunda-feira (6)estará disponível o serviço de agendamento, explicou Antônio Malard. O IEF realiza uma campanha de conscientização de prevenção a incêndios todos os anos. E, segundo o diretor do órgão, é muito importante que sejam realizados trabalhos de comunicação, educação ambiental, mostrando pras pessoas a importância em prevenir os incêndios. “O objetivo é garantir que a população não coloque em risco a unidade de conservação. Prevenir é sempre a melhor ação, porque combater torna-se muito complicado como foi mostrado nessa ação, especificamente, em Ibitipoca.” Segundo o diretor do IEF, cerca de 99% dos incêndios são provocados pelo homem. “Nesse incêndio específico não sabemos se foi intencional ou se foi criminoso, isso precisa ser melhor apurado mas sempre é muito difícil identificar quem provocou o fogo,” finalizou. Incêndio O incêndio teve início na madrugada de segunda-feira (28) em um terreno de propriedade particular ao lado do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca e rapidamente se espalhou. Por causa da situação, a reabertura do local, que estava marcada para esta quarta-feira (30), foi adiada pelo IEF. Incêndio no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca Corpo de Bombeiros/Divulgação Conforme os bombeiros, o fogo não chegou a atingir estruturas do parque, como a sede e a portaria, e estava espalhado em focos na vegetação. Durante o incêndio, equipes foram lançadas em campo com o apoio de lançamento de água pelo helicóptero do Corpo de Bombeiros e por um avião airtractor do IEF. O objetivo do uso destas aeronaves foi jogar grandes quantidades de água nas áreas queimadas. Brigadistas no combate ao fogo no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca Gabriel Fortes/Arquivo Pessoal
Artigo Via: G1. Globo
Via: Blog da Fefe
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carolinagoma · 4 years
Após extinção de incêndio, Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca será reaberto na próxima semana
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Informação foi divulgada nesta quarta-feira (30) pelo diretor-geral do Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF). Chamas começaram na madrugada de segunda-feira (28) e o local precisou ser fechado. Incêndio foi controlado por brigadistas com apoio do IEF e Corpo de Bombeiros Gabriel Fortes/Arquivo Pessoal Apesar das chamas que consumiram cerca de 500 hectares de uma área dentro do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, durante incêndio que teve início na madrugada de segunda-feira (28) e foi controlado na noite desta terça-feira (29), a unidade de conservação ao público será reaberta na próxima quarta-feira (8). O anúncio foi feito nesta quarta-feira (30) pelo diretor-geral do Instituto Estadual de Florestas, Antônio Malard. Segundo ele, o fogo no interior da unidade de conservação foi extinto, mas está sendo feito todo o acompanhamento para que não ocorra nenhuma reignição. "Desde domingo, nós temos cerca de 100 pessoas, entre brigadistas, voluntários, servidores do IEF, a comunidade, Corpo de Bombeiros, Polícia Militar atuando efetivamente no combate a esse incêndio. Nós tivemos, infelizmente, uma área queimada no interior da unidade de 350 hectares e na zona de amortecimento 150 hectares. Além desse aparato humano, nós contamos com cerca de 10 veículos, quatro aeronaves - sendo 2 helicópteros e 2 aviões air tractors- que fazem o lançamento de água, além de uma ambulância que ficou à disposição, mas que felizmente não precisou ser utilizada" explicou. E, frente a toda essa operação, felizmente a extinção desse incêndio no interior da unidade de conservação, a boa notícia é que estamos aptos novamente a reabrir a unidade de conservação ao público já na quarta-feira. Na próxima segunda-feira (6)estará disponível o serviço de agendamento, explicou Antônio Malard. O IEF realiza uma campanha de conscientização de prevenção a incêndios todos os anos. E, segundo o diretor do órgão, é muito importante que sejam realizados trabalhos de comunicação, educação ambiental, mostrando pras pessoas a importância em prevenir os incêndios. "O objetivo é garantir que a população não coloque em risco a unidade de conservação. Prevenir é sempre a melhor ação, porque combater torna-se muito complicado como foi mostrado nessa ação, especificamente, em Ibitipoca." Segundo o diretor do IEF, cerca de 99% dos incêndios são provocados pelo homem. "Nesse incêndio específico não sabemos se foi intencional ou se foi criminoso, isso precisa ser melhor apurado mas sempre é muito difícil identificar quem provocou o fogo," finalizou. Incêndio O incêndio teve início na madrugada de segunda-feira (28) em um terreno de propriedade particular ao lado do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca e rapidamente se espalhou. Por causa da situação, a reabertura do local, que estava marcada para esta quarta-feira (30), foi adiada pelo IEF. Incêndio no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca Corpo de Bombeiros/Divulgação Conforme os bombeiros, o fogo não chegou a atingir estruturas do parque, como a sede e a portaria, e estava espalhado em focos na vegetação. Durante o incêndio, equipes foram lançadas em campo com o apoio de lançamento de água pelo helicóptero do Corpo de Bombeiros e por um avião airtractor do IEF. O objetivo do uso destas aeronaves foi jogar grandes quantidades de água nas áreas queimadas. Brigadistas no combate ao fogo no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca Gabriel Fortes/Arquivo Pessoal Artigo originalmente publicado primeiro no G1.Globo
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