#ajfawioefnaw idek what to tag this under
johnnyseod-remade · 7 years
The Syndicate; Prologue
Part: Prologue Pairing: None Genre: Action, Adventure (tbh idk) Description: Five boys have gathered. Solemn silence spreads around them and they look upon one another, hoping that an answer may descend upon them. However, no one speaks and the silence ensues. It is almost endless; the vastness of it spreads like poison throughout each of the boys. And as if connected by something other than their bond to each other, the answer dawns on them. An agreement, an alliance, an anchor. Word Count: 1432 Words Warnings: None. Requested: I mean, not really? @taeyong-dot-com​ and I kinda just ?? got super emo?? Song Recommendation: Cathedrals of Steel - Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Soundtrack (Austin Wintory) A/N: So, due to a dream and @taeyong-dot-com​ making me cry about this idea- I came to the conclusion that I should write this Assassin’s Creed x NCT AU. Really, I think this might be my favourite idea that I’ve ever had and hopefully, I can write this with minimal (or no) blocks. So, the most important thing is that, this is going to be a series! Basically this prologue will be followed by each individual member’s backstory and how it led to this point in the story! The backstories will involve “Y/N” but they are not the same person! In each chapter, “Y/N” represents someone different. I made it that way so that the reader, you, can read the ones about your bias and just afiowaenfoiawioef. Obviously, I suggest reading all the backstories, as it will show to the qualities of the characters and what types of assassins they are. But yeah, that’s completely up to you! Anyway, I really hope you guys enjoy this series!
The small room was quiet. Five boys were scattered around the room; some were sitting, some were standing, all holding goblets with wine. And all were silent. Absolute silence spread over them, like the darkness that covered their faces and their hearts. It was like a poison seeping through their veins, paralyzing even their thoughts. Nothing was being said in light of the recent events. But, who could blame them? What could anyone even say about the events that had transpired? It was not simple, but then again, life rarely was.
Every so often, one of the boys would glance at his comrades, a small sigh escaping him and then look away. This cycle of stealing glances continued on, until the boy with black hair and once star strung eyes looked up. Something along the lines of determination was etched into his features and he glanced carefully around at the boys. He tried to find the words that would mean something, anything.
“I think, it’s time.” His voice carried confidence, although he didn’t feel it.
Every head snapped up, eyes that held no sign of determination glanced at him. He could feel the lack of energy, and he couldn’t blame them; these days held no reason for trying. But at a moment like now, they could not let it influence their actions. Not with the position they held.
“I know how you must be feeling, what you must be thinking. Of course, I feel it too,” He paused, glancing around at them, making sure they knew he was more than sympathetic, “I recognize the fragility of your hearts and minds. And I understand; I myself am there. But there is another fragility to consider. That being the fragility of this situation. I know that I do not have to explain to each of you why we are here. We have all been through our fair share of pain and anguish but… This moment, this is the moment we were all trained for. We’re here because we have a job to do, and we should do well to remember that more than what has been taken from us could be at stake.”
One of the boys stood up from his place on the floor, raising his goblet to the ceiling. His eyes shone clear and hard as he nodded in the speaker’s direction.
“Well said Taeyong.” “Thank you Jaehyun.”
One boy, who was leaning against the wall, smiled at this. He nodded, repeating Jaehyun’s action and raising his cup to the ceiling.
“I expect nothing less than our leader to be sensible at a time like this. Good on you for not losing your head completely.” “Any of you would’ve done the same, even you Hansol.” “But none of us are as well spoken as you.” Another boy commented from the floor. “Johnny-” “There’s no use arguing or denying it Taeyong. You’re just going to have to accept that, out of the five of us, you’re the most adept at handling stress.” “Yuta…” “Trust us.” Jaehyun nodded, smiling.
Taeyong’s eyes regained some light and a small smile graced his lips. There was something warm about the boys. Something that carried the feeling of family and hope and kindness. Although the circumstances under which they met had not been ideal for forming friendships, they’d easily and quickly adjusted, becoming close and trusting. And for a job like the one they held, trust was necessary.
“Thank you, for believing in me… As a leader.” “Always.” Their voices echoed each other. “I suppose there isn’t much more left to say then?” Taeyong’s eyes flashed around the room. “Probably not.” Johnny’s smile reappeared after what felt like too long. “Shall we then?” Yuta murmured. “We’ve no choice.” Hansol pushed off the wall, fixing his cape. “Well, any final words?” Jaehyun’s grin brightened to the room.
No one seemed to know what to say, and their eyes naturally glided to the leader. He stood there numbly wondering what sort of words might comfort the other boys. And as if a prayer had been whispered into his ear, the words came to him. They felt right in his mind. He opened his mouth, the syllables ready to dive off his tongue.
“For those we have lost… And found.”
A ripple of emotion passed through the five boys and they nodded, a quiet sadness filling them. They raised their goblets in unison once more. A sort of understanding was made. Although they would never forget their past lives, they were just that, past lives.
“And,” Taeyong spoke up once more, “for The Syndicate.”
Silence filled the room but not for long, as they collectively murmured, “The Syndicate.”
Taeyong nodded at the door and they understood. Four of the boys slowly filed out of the room, giving the room no final glances. The last one, hesitated, glancing back over his shoulder. Would this be the last place he ever felt safe? Would this too, become a distant memory? Somewhere that seemed like a lifetime away? A frown flickered over his features, darkening his expression.
“Johnny- What are you doing?” “Ah, sorry Taeyong. Just… Thinking.” “About?” “If this is it… If things will never go back to how they were before. I was just wondering if this is the moment we lost our lives.” “I think we lost our lives a long time ago… Back when we first joined…” “No,” He said, a dark expression clouded him, making him look rather different from his natural self, “Even back then Taeyong… We still had a sense of self- a sense of life. We only lost it after…”
He couldn’t bring himself to say it. Whatever it was, Johnny couldn’t find the words to describe it. Taeyong gripped his shoulder and squeezed gently.
“I know…” “Especially you. You lost the most-” “We all lost something dear to us. Not just me.” “Do you believe in fate?” “No, do you?” “If I did, I don’t know if I’d be able to live with myself. I would question constantly why fate had allowed us to suffer… Why it had…” The boy trailed off, getting lost in thought. “Johnny, we have a long way to travel tonight. We should get going- And I think the boys must be waiting.” “Right…” He nodded, glancing back at the room once again. “It’ll be okay. This is what our lives are. We’re meant to protect people.” “I know… I just wish I’d been able to protect the most important ones.”
Taeyong sighed and squeezed Johnny’s shoulder again. There was nothing to say this time; no words could heal these wounds. But the mere action was appreciated and meant more to Johnny than he could express. He gave the boy a weak smile, trying to tell him he was okay, but the words would not leave his throat. They were stuck. But Taeyong could tell, just from his broken expression. He understood.
Letting go of Johnny’s shoulder, Taeyong turned and walked back towards the door. Johnny followed, this time, not glancing back at the room. Together, they walked out the door and into a vast open stretch of land, staring out at the horizon. Everything was painted with the rays of a golden sun, sinking lower and lower against the horizon line. The sky was, fittingly, a blood orange. The few clouds that lingered in the sky were thrown into a golden glow. And the smell of spring nights hung in the air, making anyone vulnerable to the heavy sleepiness it brought.
Train tracks were bolted to the ground a few meters from where they stood, and as they looked around they noticed the other boys, huddled together, conversing quietly. They noticed that Johnny and Taeyong had finally emerged from the makeshift hideout.
“Remember Johnny: this is all for the greater good. All of this, we do it for-” “The Syndicate.”
The sound of an approaching train caught their ears. There was a flash of eyes followed by nodding, and suddenly all five boys were running at the train. Trained and skillful hands grabbed at ledges and ladders, hoisting themselves up onto the moving locomotive.
They stood together on the roof of the train cars, staring at the hideaway as it grew smaller and more distant. The sun continued to sink lower on the horizon, as the rushing of air blew through their hair. This was a life they had chosen and their current path had become an inevitable one. But so long as they had each other and the strength of The Syndicate, their aims and resolve would remain everlasting.
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