#aka MY ASSSSSS !!!!!!!
lxnarphase · 5 months
is your ass on the menu and can I eat it please 💛
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we have a weekly special on the dessert menu!! Todays menu consists of Lunar Cake, a thick, moist slice of chocolate cake 🤍
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
Do you want to take till??
[Internal cheering with added. Its my till mothetfucker!!! GIMME]
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omoghouls · 2 years
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How we feeling tonight gamers oughuhgough
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zhalar · 1 year
i did these posts with books i read in 2020 i think, bout to make another for black sails. this is just a yardstick for my progression with the series, aka my extensive nonsensical notes and quotes i liked etc. no clear indicators whos saying what and when, just Vibes and Real Drama Television so i'll generally remember whats Happening. watch out its quite a wordy fucknig thing if you press read more also i started at episode 4 of season1 for some fucking reason and it pisses me off immensely. IT TOOK ME SIX MONTHS AND NINE DAYS TO FINISH THIS SHOW. I NEED TO PUT THESE THOUGHTS SOMEWHERE. heres also a twitter thread of reaction for however long the site's gonna be usable at this point
(watch and read as my opinions on characters and decisions change in real time)
ep4 fuckign FUCK jack is the funniest motherfucker in this SHOWWW . "you'd be a valuable asset to anybody .. my [most valuable thing??] is my wits [and as someone who just lost 5000 pesos of their own crew's money, it isn't worth much atm]
"and that, my darling, i feel compelled to state out loud, life is simply too FUCKING SHORT".
also anne as the muscle and him as the wits.❤️ straight rights
ep5 "i specifically tried to talk her OUT of getting wrapped up in my selfish scheme" it's the Best when men are. self-aware.
ep6 eleanor holding john's life in her fingers❤️ tasty delicious i love women with power yes girl destroy every other person for the woman who you love
the enslaved people fucking their captors shit right up. i love this flavor. fucking hell. fucking fuck the stunt scott pulled almost got me ooohhhh thank god it didn't go as i feared.
john has this cadence about him it's like he's constantly trying to sell me a used car
"you had your say. now i'll have mine" ANNEEEE
ep7 gates: "because billy. Wasn't expendable. To Me." MY MANNNNNNNNNNNNN IM GONNA. CRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
eleanor PLEASE get your head outta your assSSSS....
back to jack rackham's funtime brothel business attempt :) hes so bad at this... what the hell.... "the wRong tree" BITCH.... he is so pathetique godbless
"get your fucking house in order" MAX. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
the . fuckign tears in Gates' eyes when Dufrene says that after this trip, Flint dies. . ajdslfhjl
ep8 flint you . flint. Flint. you fucking. YOU SADDDD PATHETICCCCCCC LITTLE MAN. NOT! GATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not the sobbing and im sorry's and cradling his dead body in your hands. this sucks. this fucking SUCKS
i wish vane would suck some sand and die :)
john's manic smile "had to be done" you are. sssssso. YOU.
"no-man's-land. there was a time when stopping halfway across this bridge would have been unthinkable to you"
sorry to be so crude but flint's tits are fucking Humongous. Who allowed this.
ep1 "but i'm the only person within a hundred miles of here who doesn't want to see you dead" hm. my god. so flint and silver, like...
"maaadam guthrie" jack <3
"so i actually have to fight him?" "WELL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN"
"you have absolutely nothing to worry about" i doubt that, jack. but thanks
flint and silver make each other worse :) yay!!!
ep2 ".. but seducing her was certainly... an interesting approach"
idk where this is going to go yet . but jack. "take our, predicament" bruh. MANN. hes so pathetic and i feel bad for him but do nottt be a dickkkkk. HE'S TALKING LEGALIZE LIKE A DICK AND JUST. TAKES THE SHOT. [DRUMROLL] READY TO LEAVE,
. JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK. "Please know that all i have ever wanted for you is to be happy. come to bed when you're through" for. REAL?????????????????? JACK MY BEST FRIEND JACK?? POLY KING..
ep4 im sorry i know theres all this war and politic intrigue happening but the . threesome morning after, jack's awkward but jovial ?? grimace at max when he's leaving the scene, ohh my god... also max being a ma'am now within the brothel❤️ and jack kissing anne's head as he rose from bed....
flint and john insane homoerotically charged conversations. always reverting back to his share of the gold huh.
ep5 miranda's actor doing SO much for big frustrated female emotions(tm)
(utterly unimpressed) "all right. what's the matter with the articles"
"so again fuck's your problem?" anne... anne your voice is like a SO~NG
"and another to tell them why they should want to do it"
ohh my god, uhhuh. Uhhuh. huh? . yeah. yeah i thought so. i mean. fuck. Wow. uhhuh. no one's spoiled me enough to prepare me for this, then, huh. james fucking flint you complicated hard-headed queer jackass of a man. your plan is bad but fuck man who am i to tell you anything
ep6 please tell me jack doesn't know how to be a sailor please please PLEWASE he is so pathetic. "listen... no women" SHUT UP!!!!
anne's stride to that man's neck to get him to spill the beans about the gold. her voice and eyes. i love you strange angry violent bisexual woman. god. you know. trauma !
thhhe fucking shadow work when small scared traumatized anne lifts her gaze to max. oh the shadow in that. MAX'S VOICE.... MAX PROMISING TO. PROTECT ANNE?? at some cost i bet.... BUT ANYWAY????
i love the fact that jack is just compleeeteely not scary intimidating or physically impressive at all. wet blanket of a man but at least he's got a brain (?) and a heart ???
ep7 max standing up for anne, both of them owing so fucking much to the other. i love how much authority max has...
oh its sooo fucking delightful how silver and flint are just. thick as thieves, suddenly, i love to fuckin see it. OK NEVER FUCKING MINDDD LMAO. but theyve still got that rappor!!! like!!! cant get rid of the other fast enough. or at all!! no matter what! tied at the ankles together!!
oh. thank. fuck max hugged her. ohh my god... and [the other lady] was so .. idk whats going on exactly but how kind of her to . come and usher anne out of the situation. you dont need to be doing this. go. HHHNNN
silver telling max about the gold >:) MAX'S SMILE. ILOVE HERRRR
ep8 "please go with him, so he doesn't get himself killed" ".. oh for fucks sake.."
the power that silver holdddds. ooohhhhhhhhh
wait HOLD UP. ? DID :) did flint kill hamilton's father for putting him in an asylum (??) am i reading this girl's tale correctly..
"for if anyone is responsible for what happened that day, it's, Me." ma'am. ily
oh god oh lord. the birds of prey over the fort. has vane Really just murdered 40 men ON HIS OWN.
ep9 "footrope. bitch of a spot"
"you idiots are the fucking riggers of this ship" AHSDHFJKH
oh but i thought there were two ships. one in charlestown and one at nassau. and that vane's men would yknow. be in Nassau. cuz how did they get into charlestown THIS QUICK ?
i know it's main character syndrome but man oh boy is silver good at keeping himself alive
"where are we going?" "to execute the third option"
i hate that anne has to kill :( but it is also so fucking sexy that she is so GOOD at handling a fight
fuuuuck eleanorrrrr,,, GRRRR
tjhe lingering hand hold with anne and max.... AUUUGH
the LOVE. that miranda and flint share for thomas is SO FUCKING WILD TO ME WHAT A POINT WHAT A POWER. ????
OH . SHHHHE. FUCKING. DIES??????????? JUST LIKE . THAT????????????
john's smug ass grin when vane says theyre saving flint... whaaaatttt
ep10 "like we was two halves of the same thing""i can't be your wife, jack"[A TEAR FROM JACK'S EYE]"but you and i are gonna be partners til they put us in the fucking ground" HET! RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!
john seeing how the crew starts rising up for him.. oh the power. oh the power is DELICIOUS.
"everyone is a monster to someone. since you are so convinced that i am yours... i will be it"
"what do you suggest?" "that we remind them that they were right to be afraid" FLINT!!!!!
"where are his keys, and has he seen them since he took me away from my men" BRO. JOHN!!!!!!
oh flint is. fully gone :) kill my lover kill my wife i've HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the fear the genuine guttural fucking FEAR at john's voice over the state of his leg . the crew all around him. oh this is. OH THIS IS.
point of no return.
"would you like to see something shiny?" PIRATES!!!!! WOOOO YEAHH
ep1 TEACH!!
"any capital sentence against a pirate would hear my answer" he's an avenging angeeeeel. OF SOME SOOORT
haircut and facial hair to show that time has passed, yes, i see
"this crew has spilled a great deal of blood to make your name what it is. it doesn't belong to you" WOW
oh. Oh! alright! jack you piece of shit huh! vane i'm sorry for my very mean words (still deserved, but you know, people, being human, piracy)
"take this, and leave me be" max.....
"jack, if i thought it gave you any pleasure, i would've killed you the moment you suggested it" goddamn. goddamn these two. fucking fuck.
season three poster kicks ASSS
ep2 "lovely. good old jack gets buried beneath a pile of rubble while you two begin a well-funded life of leisure"
"i am here in part to ensure my own future, i will not apologize for that" max you deserve eeeveeerythiiiiing
sjhaking jack and max in a bottle grr GRR they both love anne GRRRRRRRRH
"this is the second time in the last few months im facing certain death, and you are again offering moral support" "does that mean we're married?"
oh . oh :( john having to witness and hold this guy through as he's helpless and fucking drowning before his eyes. fuck tthis fucking SHOW!!!!!
i love how much this all. Affects john. he's so fuckjing sad to lose yet another of his brothers.
"just how fucking stupid, exactly, are your men" "... it's hard to say"
"... like fucking rodents, preparing for the winter"
flint's nightmares in this... ough. miranda... HAUNTING
oh fuckyes the becalming be upon us. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS.
ep3 "no, i think we should feed some of the men and not, others" dfhjk flint flint flint flint this is FUCKED UP. BUT WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO???? AS CAPTAIN!!!!!
jack's "[whistle] that's enough. you, sit down" charming charming guy
"though might be you're the only one who actually made a career of it" jack and anne and jack and vane and hdsfdbkjbvkvj what is this do they even like each other is this old friends is tHIS ABOUT OLD FRIENDS ???
"i think it's torture for him. and i think the only way he can imagine it stopping is when there are no more of us left to witness it" john's insight into flint.... why is he so clever about this man. huh!!!
the ghosts hunting flint❤️ oh christ i cant do this . fucking trauma. fucking piracy. fuck this noise. FUCK!!!
"if you're not strong enough to do what needs to be done, [then] i'll do it for you" flint. my man. is this a love confession (fuck no it isnt but also HM)
oh shit, oh fuck , anne and max fucking love each other. FUCK. "you should stay. to see it divided evenly" ".... i trust you" AH! HOLY! SHIT!
"i'm one of the two men who've been on full rations for the last few days. you're the other. let's go" YAY AT THIS DYNAMIC. YAY AT TRYING TO BECOME WHAT HIS BEST FRIEND AND WIFE WERE TO HIM. YAY AT THIS ENTIRE TRUST-BONDING EXPERIENCE :)!!!
fight me or kill me "or acknowledge the fact that you and i would be a hell of a lot better off as partners instead of rivals" HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
ep4 the men shouting and lying and demanding shit outside the fortress, appealing to jack, trying to get to vane. jack point-blank shooting the guy❤️ oh my god.
fuck yes retribution by enslaved people <3 oh man. where is this going to Fucking Take Us. ethically choppy waters, black-n-white thinking, i dont fcking know
jack is . so focused on leaving a legacy...
"how much?" "... mmh !"
"i was just gonna say 'i'll see you soon', but that would probably be a lie, wouldn't it?"
"i hate to be the one to say it, but is it possible we've all missed the point of that story? they all Died."
flint and john's epic fatherhood over billy ahljsdf:djflgk
"she will not let us leave this place alive" and good for her for that
oh fuckers and shitheads you did not just . shoot at him. did you. im going to eat you
ep5 "so i might oversee the survival of both places outside the scrutiny of either" mr scott.......
"you should know, people do not speak to me that way anymore" max you deserve the moon and the stars. eleanor get the fuck outta here...
h e r  v o i c e  w h e n  s h e  s a y s  a n n e
scott smiling so fucking gently softly at his wife and THEN HIS DAUGHTER OUGH MAN HE'S SO..!!!! flint i swear if you fuck this up. if you get a knife on her im gonna [jsdfhmgjkfjngj]
"strange how little separates us" :( vane and that dying spanish dude talking...
"it's awful, isn't it. how the money makes sheep of us all"
max demanding herself a seat and a future. god i love you.
"and yet for some reason, right now i am bothered by it" the flint fucking curse i see
"bring down nassau. maybe you bring it all down"
jack and his name..... ohhhh brother.
ep6 "in a few hours time, there's a good chance you're going to look awfully smart"
jack so angry and peeved and hurt-of-pride bc that english dude got the city to work and he didn't... ouhh the pride. OH WHY ARE YOU HERE YOURE GONNA GET IN TROUBLE.....
"no one prepared you for this, did they" ah the similar fates "but i know how"
"but it cannot be borne if you cannot stand"
"please understand i'm quite particular about my library"
"to have been a partner to him in this way" the homoerotic subtext mmmhh-hm!
"you don't think i can convey a thought to Anne comprehensible only to her? a thought as simple as 'run'?" ;_; BRUH,,, he's ready to . Not let Nassau be 'english' and for anne to have a chance out NO MATTER WHAT THE COSTTTTT
"english it will not be" or however the quote went..... badass... fuck yehaw.....
scott and his daughter ,,, scott continues to be so. fucking loving father to her despite the great gulf between  them :( MANNNN
FUCK! ROGERS!!!!!!!!!!!
ep7 jesussss this plan is big and dangerous🙂
yes yess YES YES YESSSS THE DAUGHTER GETS ON THE BOAT!!!!!!!!! please tell me her name next. ffs.
billy taking her hand and helping her onto the ship COOL SHOT !!
".. but this battle is ours as much as yours. my word and your will govern in consort or not at all. and when i'm not present, that word shall be given by my daughter" POWER TO WOMEN!!!!!!!!
"we're all villains in nassau. don't think cuz youre new youre any different"
fuck :) now they gotta give jack as well as the gold. max is so pissed abt this. she gave anne her WORD.
i love that she had power and say over white men now. btw. love this flavor.
"i understand this is the place cowards come to beg forgiveness from a king"
"captain flint is dead" "not anymore he's not" HE GOT BETTER
ohhhh ffffuuuuuck did silver just. kick glasses-guy's head in with his peg leg. ohh Brother.
"my name is john silver. and i've got a long, fucking memory"
flint coming to ask silver "are you alright?" after this all :)c not to be annoying. but im gonna be annoying. these two fucking guys <3
flint talking about both miranda and thomas this episode i love bisexuality
"... and spiteful to anyone who would find.. Happiness, under her rule" AFTER REFERRING TO THE FACT THAT BOTH THOMAS AND MIRANDA WERE KILLED FOR THE FIGHT FOR THE PARDONS ETC. WOW!!!!
vane and jack and anne and max polycube of all time. at this current moment just the three of them at all actively but it still stands.
ep8 anne and flint discussing routes. vane is there too. vane is playing with some tea cup. gets his finger slightly stuck on the ear--
"don't despair, some other poor bastard'll take my place soon enough" jack..... the RAT......
"there's a whole world out there, that ever so often rewards ambition"
"this does not seem like release"
"one waits for mr de groot to finish speaking, frowns thoughtfully, and then repeats phonetically what he said to the men"
"the depths of my ignorance on the subject" oooh yes. oh YES. learning the job. ON THE FLY.
he and madi have an interesting thing going on :) they should be friends i think
i really dont care for eleanor anymore. like good for her for girlbossing her own way but ohhhh stay away from max thaaaanks
ok sorry yeah i do like it when she's cussing men out its good its fantastic
the fucking spiderweb of people and relations and ideals and pride and trust and power and dsshfkdjfgkj
"for reasons passing understanding, mr dobbs still has a number of friends on this crew" fuck dobbs but FUCK this line is funny
madi :(....
jack is the son of a long line of tailors omg...
"but jesus did i make up a lot of ground to catch you"
anne clambering into the wreckage to kiss jack square on the lips hello............ "ow" HELLO
vane jack and anne "right behind us" vane's INSANE fucking stare at flint as he says "yeah" GOOD STUFF
i mean im not trying to sell the polycule but uuuhhhhoooohhhgh vane helping jack out of the carriage.. that hold is GOOOOOODDD
ep9 "charles vane's death is inside that box. along with my good name. along with her lost love. along with your late quartermaster's life." holy fucking shit speak UP jack oh i LOVE THIS. oh my godddddd
"that, or he doesn't know how to say no to the both of us at the same time" flint and silver parents of all time
"... it could be catastrophic" "HE KNOWS." JOHN'S FACE HEREEE
"if you have something to add you should just fucking say it"
"i can't tell if this was a warning, or a welcome" WELCOME!!!!!! WELCOME TO H E L L ! ! !
madi hugging john OH GOD. OH THE . GHRGHGGRHG THERES A TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"get on with it motherfucker" oh fuck me i really like vane actually. he's not gonna fucking DIE, HAHA, THAT WOULD BE . WRONGGGG
huh. well this fucking hurt actually. gol d roger ass move btw. FUCK THIS SUCKS ACTUALLY!!!!!!
jack taking on vane's mantle . my teeth are gonna be ground clean off with the way im clenching my jaw right now. fffuck me this episode was pretty rough after all
eleanor guthrie youre a fantastic character i hope you also get whats coming to you❤️
hello mr teach and your sad little camp.... dad's about to be fucking furious about a certain someone's hanging.... "what do you want to do about it?" and the movement of his eye.... GIRL WHAT DO YOU THINK HE WANTS TO DO ABOUT IT
ep10 "the irony wasn't lost on either of us"
"but the one in whose name this war is to be fought... it is still a stranger to me" oh Words. also flint's stare in this moment mmmmmwah!!
"and given how much we have sacrificed to earn this battle, how can we do anything other but to see it through. my friend may have given his life to earn this battle"
flint sacrificed fifty of his men in a senseless massacre just to entice the english to chase after him.......... bitch this fucking MAN.
blackbeard coming to avenge his SONNNN and also jack closing his eyes to take in the news of charles' death oh my GOD
he is. so righteously PEEVED at eleanor over what happened to charles oh my god.....
BTW really very good hair insp from jack here. around 19minutes to the ep
"... once our relationship had been exposed, defiled, scandalized... everything ended"
"england was broken, and that sooner or later a good man must resist it" BRO. BRRRRROOO
flint's voice and face during this conversation haHa. haha ha ha. Ha., huh.
john..... partners and trust and dying 'for' flint ghngrhg
"there may be no one in the world closer to you than i am" THIS IS . INSANE. INSANE!!!!!!!
"i think he feels shame. for having disappointed me. and a great need to redeem himself in my eyes"
"but among them is the sincere confusion as to why charles invested any time and energy in you" BECAUSE THEYRE FRIENDS!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!
"there wasnt any more to that thought, was there" JACK YOU LOSER....
"to be underestimated is an incredible gift"
"someone better suited to do what must be done" madi's so fucking cool and i would lay down my life for her .
"see you on the other side" "always." fuck will and elizabeth actually these are my emotional support straights (not straight). also jack just called charles their brother im going to dshfjkdbgjkhjhklfdg
oh i love comedy. blackbeard's ship getting shot at and jack faltering in his step, while Teach. Literally Just Stands there. giving him the eye. Jack trying to gather himself. lmao
"but in terms of out future and the danger that you believe you may pose to me, bear this in mind. I've survived starvation, a tempest, pirate hunters, jealous captains, mutinous crews, angry lords, a queen, a king, and the goddamn british navy." the rest of that quote. THE SCENE WHERE THEYRE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER OVER THE BODY OF WATER. WOW!!! FLINT'S SMILE IN THE FLASHBACK. WOW!!!!!!!
"but that name isnt doing anything for us. see about that"
cant fucking describe how insanely fun it is to me that the crew at nassau are creating a myth, a man out of thin air, to serve as the poster boy for their efforts or whatnot. this is the Neatest fucking thing. WHAT the hell.
best fucking thing to have max be in these season finale final shots so often
ep1 "if it makes you feel any better, i havent considered killing you in months" aw he cares ❤️
also hhhiiiih the opening sequence underwater stuck in that ladder thingie :) yikes!!
"today there will be vengeance for the death of charles vane" JAAAACKKKKK
oh that was. a nasty fucking trick, the barricade whatever. oh fuck me.
OH FUCK MEEEE flint i cant believe you'd leave silver on his oWN OH NNNO. and madi's reaction as well oh no....
"i dont know. got to make this" girl this is . So.
im still wondering about max and eleanor's roles in all this. who will max side with. No one? herself. is eleanor actually This, Now. after all That? shes the most selfish mf (honorific) that im finding this all Very difficult to swallow
flint telling madi how it seems that silver and her have become 'friends'.... "he is my friend, too" i see. I See.
no no nnno not mister de groot :(
"there will be no pirate King here. of that much i am certain" GO GIRL!!!!!!!!! I SUPPORT THIS
ep2 "i gave you a life, and you repaid me by conspiring with my enemies" MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh NO???
aah, good ol sexism on the high seas. whats teach's fucking issue with anne.
israel fucking hands lmsjkdfglfk i fucking knew it was fking waiting for the name to drop i cant fucking, believe this
i love this, when john is spinning this tale about himself, i dont know if he believes any of it himself, whether he's so deep in the lie just to get out of a bad situation, is this where his heart actually lies. i love this. myth of a man. "now i am here". like some goddamned god
"at a certain point there is a good chance he'll just decide to kill you than take your no for an answer" "he can try" anne loml loml loml
"now that we're here, it'd be so easy. and i don't wanna do it"
[looks at the camera] oh. i Love Infighting.
"someone who shared anne's mistrust of sentimentality" anne and charles bff's for REAL.....
oh fuck off fuck me, teach's memory of charles and that bird and what it might mean, "dinner" fuuuuck meeeeeeeeeeee this FUCKING gUY
max is so tired of this fucking situationnnn but she has some sense of moralityYYY oh my god this tangle of WEBSSSS
john just lost a friend in max :(
ep3 max's voice when she's angry... loml
"the empire survives in part because we believe its survival to be inevitable. but it isn't. and they know that. that's why they're so terrified of you and i" flint and madi bestfriendism arc begins Now
wait this occurred to me out of nowhere as jack is pondering about his future status and whether he's gonna be blackbeard's equal one day. oh are these daft bastards all doomed by the narrative. cuz of the history thing. idk  what happened in nassau, historically speaking, but is this whole entire endeavor gonna end Bad for them. oh no. OH NNNNO
"do i need to run?" "that'd be fun for me to see. how would you do it?" "with great difficulty, i imagine"
this episode is paced and shot in the most . bizarre fucking manner. why does this look and feel like a relationship drama or a cheap version of one.
"i did not fail to do it. i refused to do it and would again"
teach offering that shithead rogers a tight lipped smile while he's captured. ok blackbeard you have rights
oh. oh they fucking killed. huh. teach is fucking dead, then. fuck rogers fuck him entirely what the fuck is this dudes deal
ep4 flint saying "our shared authority" like a . fucking confession. oh my God.
"a lot of them end up that way too. though i admire your optimism" AND THE WAY FLINT LOOKS AT HIM. THIS IS INSANE ON THE BRAIN
silver's personal vendetta against billy. <3 flint and silver sharing the mantle of Captain(tm) <33
"i think we all agree that it helps none of us to have those idiots armed to the teeth" "... yeaH"
this john billy flint + max conflict is so interesting. oh my god it's so . HM!!
"any man" "absolutely -- absolutely not" LET ANNE FIGHT FFS !!!!!
"anne get up" her hands. fully open. bleeding down to the bone now,
"that i would have had to live with it" max is not a killer ohhh she's got the sensibilities of a human-person still when everyone else is ready to reign bloody murder upon anyone who crosses them ohhhhhhhhh
"do i need to be concerned that you took almost two hours to tell me about it?"
i know i know i know its about miranda (and thomas) but mostly miranda i know i know but fuck man fuuuuuuck when john tells flint that madi is the person who makes him the most vulnerable and flint is spacing out after it. dude. FUCK. but also uhhhhhh UHHHHHHH this could be. Bad❤️ flint is. NOT a good person. HHHHHHH
"wouldn't you trade it all to have thomas hamilton back again" HUUUUUUUUUH ? OH I DID NOT EXPECT US TO GO /HERE/ ACTUALLY
the way flint's face is twitching. sir toby stephens THANK YOU
"i suppose the good news is that's how we'll know we're finally getting somewhere interesting" AND THE SAD SMIRK AT THE END OFTHISSSS
fuck eleanor but the look she grants flint before the gate closes. damn.
eleanor i am sooooooo sick and tired of your shhhhit leave max ALONE <333333
ep5 eleanor's handmaiden lady is quite brave actually, to trust her word and go out to the wolves like this
billy is so. Baffled. this actor is really fun in this kinds of emotion
john trusts flint.... or at least. he is trying to convince billy that he does.....
ok this is Quite fucking fascinating actually. this Quarrel-type a beat between rogers and eleanor
i.... dont,,,, care for eleanor getting all emotional about madi and her mom and mr scott. dude. get real.
LOVE the way flint says "i'm not concerned" in regards to the change in plans (cache, and john)
sucha fucking powerful frame when flint and co. come from that tunnel and madi with her men are there <3
"HE just Said it."
"all it guarantees is we no longer have the cache that we all agreed was Critical" I LOVE THAT JACK IS SO. PRACTICAL AND SMART...
eleanor's commanding officer or whatever . his face when looking through the looking-glass and max asks him what he sees. priceless.
ep6 yes yes yes madi, stomp on those white girl feelings. FUCK eleanor
"'this deal'? as in the one in which you walk away with all My mOnEy?"
"i did not want this" :-(
"thats the power youve given me" oh, BILLY. YOU SHOT YOURSELF IN THE LEG WITH THIS CHOICE !!!
billy's vendetta against flint, wanting to see him dead...... silver asking him to stop it/be over it...............
max and jack, hm, not friendship necessarily. but the General Understanding between them. at times. yeah.
MAX AND ANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"i loved you. and i betrayed you. but i cannot apologize for it" ... "and i do not wish to lie to you ever again" MAX. GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR VOICEEEEE
did madi just. fucking die.
oh. shit. did eleanor fucking die also.
flint's face acting once again, now that he's telling silver about the. Hnghn. situation. oh god.
"anyone who can't make it to the beach, i want them carried. i'll not leave anyone behind"
"how can we all have sacrificed so much and none of us has anything to show for it?" oh i get it now i get it . max isthe fucking insightful oracle or smth like that of the series. she's always on all sides and on her own side, selfish and giving and caring and loyal and scheming. oh she. Oh She.
"... and the governor is sitting in Nassau in mY ffFFUcking chair, victorious !!!"
this spat jack and max are having. Oh Man. i revisit my earlier statement. I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC????
"youre goddamn right i do"
"eleanor is dead, anne is nearly dead, and i want him to pay for all of it dearly" this is not the point but hoooooohhhhmy god if anyone suggests that this woman is bisexual rather than a lesbian im going to [choking noises. but humorously]
oh this shall be. Really Good. <- scene opens of silver lookng Fhucking worse for wear and red-teary-eyed. and flint's opening the captain's door
ep7 "she was curious and strong, not made to be hidden away from the world" THIS SUCKS. SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
flint asking "how are you" from silver...... hngnh. theres something so genuine in his voice in this. and in silver's eyes. oh fuck fuck fuck this
"they call you king, but only in the kingdom that is no more. we're all free men here, and i wish to Stay that way."
"you told her to fuck off. she listened" IM SO SAD
jack's funy little breakdown over the whatever-fees like. bruh. this is SO domestic
jack's got the energy of a single father of four, methinks.
"when i was drowning myself over miranda, you helped me find my way out. Look at me. I will do the same for you"
"charles vane was my closest friend in the world" bruh............. JACK....................... BRO!....................
eleanor's grandmother's actor hello hello hello. Hello
hyii vittuuUUU the dead eleanor having moved her gaze towards rogers in his minds eye eeewwwwWW CREEPS ME OUT
"they are strong when flint and silver are united, but separate the two of them, turn them against one another and their world collapses" JESSUS THE CODEPENDENCY THE ISSUES THE . WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
BITCH. BITCH ??????????????????????????? BGIHNTUTDBGJK H:)DFGFNK MADI IS ALIVE?????????????? FLINT WHAT DID YOU . DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think max is the only character in this show actually. thats what i think actually.
oh fuck Oh fuckkkk silver looks like a drowned cat when he realizes that flint and the queen are not... in favor of. getting madi ? oh goddddddddddddd
".. to divide us like this, i will not permit it,  MADI, would not permit it..."
flint is like. RIDE OR DIE. for silver rightnow about madi. i respect this i like this this feels like an insane person thing in its entirety this is so good to me
"when you and i are of the same mind there is nothing we have not yet been able to do" and then he kinda Smiles. at silver. flint youre Insane.
ROGERS CAN SUCK SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
madi is so fucking through with this shes angry and tired and powerful and everythign and she will also die fighting i Hope this iSnt Foreshadowing🙂
"i mean, how could you be someone who would do that?" aint that thefucking question
"i do it for us. thats how it started. thats how its going to end" DID JACK FUCKING RACKhAM JUST INVENT. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEE ? ?
"you'll. you know." "i will" bro they. they both love anne like crazy. they dont love each other they kinda despise/respect/pity each other but By Golly Gee God They Both Love This Woman and Will Put Aside All Arguments For Her SAKE
ep8 "right people ... to hold the world together while it finds its balance" "you think so much of what you and i can accomplish together -" "you and her." OH MY GOD????
"i think that you are the best of us" AND I THINK THAT THIS IS A LOVE CONFESSION. UNLESS????
a cold winter's niiiight. HEALING ONE'S WOUNDSSSSS. MAX AND ANNE!!!!!
oh the trust is so fuckingbroken. between max and anne. between silver and flint... jhessus the stare flint offers silver after the cache is revealed. FUCK.
ooooh the lady of the brothel and the lady in waiting and JACK JACK JACK
dads are. FIGHTING.
"but do not ask me to choose between a war, and a wife. i do not think youre going to like the answer"
"... but i demand your support. [...] do i have it?" [LONG ASS BEAT] "yes." HE SAID, YOU KNOW. !!!! LIKE A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"but max refused" BUT MAX REFUSED. BUT MAX. REFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"she's a breath away from winning that fight. for whatever reason, she wants to share the spoils with you" IM GOING TO SPILL OVER IM GOING TO DROWN IN A PUDDLE IM GOING TO GNAW ON MY HANDBONES AND TURN INTO A FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
youre forcing her to sell herself again, to be someone else's to belong to someone who does not deserve her nor her affections, to hide behind a white man, im not angry at the show or the writers i am thrilled to witness this fiction but FOR FUCKSSSS SAKEEEEEE THE STORY OHMY GOD!!!!! SHE IS THE CENTRAL PIECE!!!! TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"that... is a Very oldman"
silver still making sure. that no one does harm to flint. he fucking trusts that man. oh i am in so So much danger
"it's a fucking mess out here, come inside" ANNE. YOU AND YOUR WAYS!!!
"... because i refuse to situate a man in a position where he might interfere one day with my ability to repair things with you"
"you are the bravest ... the truest .... and i betrayed you [her voice breAKS] and it sickens me" IM IN THE FUCING TRENCHES.
"for failing to see there's nothing important that does not include you"
hey yo <3 the hurt and . tears in silver's eyes as he watches flint Fucking betray him. after everything. after all. burrowing mmy head in sand right now effective immediately. i hate this. I HATE THISSS. he's not gonna trust flint EVER again about ANYTHING, and flint is SO. he is SO GOING TO END UP LONELY FRIENDLESS ALL HIS CLOSEST COMPANIONS AND LOVERS AND PARTNERS  D E A D  BECAUSE THEY HAD THE MISFORTUNE OF EXISTING A HAIRS WIDTH TOO CLOSE TO HIM. HATE PREVAILS LOVE LOSES FUCK MY STUPID BAKA LIFE
ep9 "after i just climbed that fucking hill are you being serious right now?" heh. COMEDY.
god the fucking. gentle grins and smirks they share . to let pride get between them... and then they did. let it get there. right. i hate this show (i LOVE THIS SHOW???)
"on his own and disadvantaged countless times since i've known him... and here we are"
"i wonder if he knows just how much youve learned from him" ENDME.
we dont know who silver is.
"i'd be forced to hesitate before doing you any harm" hes putting silver in the same line as thomas and miranda.
"no seriously ive got quite a lot riding on this" JACKKKK
is this fucking bitch rogers blaming . MADI. of all people for eleanor death im going to k*ll this man
"i must answer to them" and "MY war." madi. fuckingchrist girl.
flint bodily regretting his choice of companion as this guy will not fkcing Shut UP.
FLINT STILL. idk if this is care or plotting. BUT HE DOESNT WANT TO PART FROM SILVER
"that is to say you know my genuine friendship, and loyalty" im. going. to . scream
"can that be enough and there still be trust between us?" IM. GOING TO. SCREAM!
irrelevant to everything going on but my god the way flint is build. i'd like to look like this man thanks! gender OUTTTA the wazoo
THE THREE "mm-hmm's" JESUS
if flint fucking kills joji right now i will not be a happy camper i swear
god fucking fuck.
"it would be preferable to me if we solved this another way" AND WHY DO I STILL BELIEVE HIM!!!!!
"i know you cannot see why this must be. but it must be"
LIKE WAIT A MOMENTTTT silver i love your drive and love for your wife its only right <3 but fooor fucksake madi MADI HERSELF. ON THE ENEMY SHIP. is ACTIVELY SPITTING IN ROGERS FACE AND SAYING yeah whatre you gonna do kill me do it coward AND SHES LOOKING FORWARDDDD. PLEASE GIVE HER THE COURTESY OF DOING THE SAME.
mr de groot. i fucking despise the english.
"i have his true friendship, and so he's going to have mine" bruh.
ep10 ok i said i wouldnt comment on the last ep as i was watching but here me out. i hate that theres no fondness between them, at least not the sort that you(as a watcher?) can Reliably trust upon. its all just politics and selfish wants and needs and the flotsam and dead bodies that happen around you as you strive towards your goal. i hate that i cant trust jack!! and that flint cant trust jack!! and silver cant trust either of them!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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stevebvck · 2 years
I’m rewatching tfatws and I’m ?! Who tf told Bucky he has to make AMENDS? AMENDS FOR WHAT? Jfc this just helps perpetuate the narrative that he “”was a villain”” 🤢
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kemonodad · 7 years
Update Again
Heyyo yall, im almost ready to fully start posting again since my birthday is just shy of 3 days away! But unfortunately ive gotten hit with a horrible cold that might upgrade to worse things if im not careful, aka I feel like assssss... but im alright for now, so dont worry!
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