#aka coveredinthecolors
galvanizedfriend · 3 years
Klaroline Fic Rec: Quiet Light
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Quiet Light by @definedareasofuncertainty✨
So I figured it was maybe time I started writing my fic recs again. I can't commit to a whole week or month of recs, but every now and then I will come out with a new one to one of the stories I have read recently! Already have a few in mind. 👀 Decided to start with Quiet Light by @definedareasofuncertainty, and the fact this is my birthday gift is only *part* of the reason. This is also an amazing story I think more people should be reading! (It's a Klaroline story, even though it has Carolijah as well, but since I am *me*, I decided to go with a Carolijah moment that had my heart in shatters - Luiza knows which scenes I'm thinking about here - also because they're so beautiful and I don't want to waste a chance to use some Carolijah edits, OKAY? Sue me.) Summary: Caroline Forbes sets off to the Bahamas with her boyfriend, Elijah, where she'll finally meet his brother for the first time. But as it turns out... she knows Klaus Mikaelson a little too well. Why you should read it: I'm biased to talk about this fic because it was written *for me*, but also I am *not* biased at all because this story is fantastic whether it's your birthday gift or not. And it has for sure turned into something so, so much bigger than I ever imagined it would be when I started pestering the hell out of @definedareasofuncertainty to write it.
. Here's what I thought Quiet Light would be: funny, light-hearted, rom-com-ish type of story about a lil misunderstanding that lead to awkward yet incredibly hilarious situations. . What Quiet Light actually is: an incredibly mature, deep and loaded study of relationships and self-discovery.
I'll start by saying Quiet Light is definitely not for everyone. I know that, and so does the author, which is why the story has been very well tagged and the A/N is filled with warnings. If you choose to disregard those, then it's your own problem. Do not go blaming the writer for not writing the story you wanted them to. It deals with certain subjects not everyone will be comfortable with, and that's fine. But the thing about it is that you should look past the actions and what you feel about them and really see what the story is about. I don't condone some of Caroline's actions in the story (and Lord knows how many SCREAMING comments I have left Luiza lol I'M SORRY, OK? DEFENDING ELIJAH'S RIGHTS IS MY ENTIRE BRAND), but you don't have to approve of what she does in order to still enjoy it. Quiet Light is about so much more than the hard, cold facts. It's such a mature take on relationships and how sometimes people screw up and do things they don't mean to. Nobody is ever 100% right, and nobody is ever 100% wrong. People are complicated and things aren't always pretty or neat. Not all relationships, no matter how good they might be on the surface, are perfect or truly fulfilling, and sometimes people figure that out in incredibly messy ways. What I love about Quiet Light is that you can see so clearly how Caroline chooses the path of least resistance because she had been burned before, and thinks that this is where she went wrong, by jumping head-first into the unknown with a guy she'd only spent one night with. But while things with Elijah are totally *fine*, it never really puts her heart at ease. Caroline, as in canon, is someone who tries to make herself fit a mold of expectations that aren't necessarily *hers*, but rather what she thinks it should be. But the truth is her heart longs for more. She seeks adventure and a love that will shake her whole world. When that proves to break her heart, she forces herself to settle for less. And then, when faced with the possibility of having all of that again, she ends up acting in a completely crazy way that makes her feel terrible later - but also gives her some much needed answers. Her relationships with Klaus and Elijah are perfect ways to understand Caroline's character, and the differences between the two are so, so amazing. There are some VERY powerful scenes in the story that had me going 😢😢😢 And my heart went to Elijah so, so many times. This is a story that definitely made me FEEL MANY THINGS. 😭😭 Luiza's writing is amazing, that's not news, but she really reaches some PEAKS here with the punches she packs and the emotional turbulence in some parts of the story. Her way to evoke sensations and get you right in the mood of things hits you right in the feels, and I think that's what makes it all the more powerful. I cannot recommended it enough. Beware of the tags and warnings and you'll be good! It's not finished yet, but it should be soon! And I know there are some surprises coming in the last chapter............. 👀 Thank you so much for writing and sharing with us, friend!
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
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Because my ridiculously talented friends never cease to amaze me and make beautiful edits for fics that don't even exist anymore. 😭💖
Another perfect creation by Luiza Beyoncé Lula da Silva, aka coveredinthecolors/itsnotacrimetoloveyou for the Android!AU.
It's so beautiful! 😍😍😍 It almost makes me want to go back and read that fic again. 💓
Thank you so much, friend, for blessing me with these stunning edits! 😭 You are so talented and you truly do everything!
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