#aka raven and her murderhobo sister
lightdancer1 · 3 years
The Last Two
Are born in a DC Hypertime splinter based on the New Teen Titans, where Angela Roth/Arella and Susan Meir both end up impregnated by Angra Mainyu/Trigon and Turugamvirakil, Lord of Urhalzan. They end up moving in together and making sense of the horrors that happened to Arella and the nature of their bodies changing with the particular pregnancies in question.
Then their children are born and the God on the Gilded Throne massacres Gotham City (yes, you read that right) and kills ten million people minus about seven survivors, of whom two are infants abducted from a blood-strewn room full of bassinets and one of the casual demonstrations of how cruel the God on the Gilded Throne can *really* get.
One of them calls herself Blackbird, grows up wearing black cloaks and dresses with an avian theme, commands colossal demonic reality-warping power which goes out of control if her emotions do. She is the daughter of the High King of Pandaemonium, every bit the equal of the omniversal Urhalzantrani, if a bit stoic and prone to a morbid self-obsession that is at least partially a calculating mask that lets the insufferably proud Urhalzantrani get a showing up from her.
Her sister is the Shadow-woman, a being who's entirely aware she's in a story, breaks the fourth wall with extreme prejudice, literally *wields the power of narration to the point that she can and does hijack entire stories to revolve around her or simply rewriting a plot line she despises*, emulated the cult of Xipe Totec when an annoying archangel didn't leave her sister alone after she asked real nicely and that meant war, y'see, and serves as a complete wild card. She might be a heroic figure and having a great laugh poking fun at stories and the more absurd elements of my cosmology, or she might be an unrelentingly nightmarish force like a demented Lovecraftian Bugs Bunny who can and will literally rewrite reality around characters who as characters in a story think their worlds and experiences are real....
And then she 'lovingly' and graphically details all the ways in which they're not and literally can and will use the medium-appropriate means to unravel the world around them.
So basically this is a straight up New Teen Titans AU where Raven had a twin adoptive sister who's a cosmically powered Deadpool with an even bigger murderous streak. with every single nightmarish possibility that could entail.
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