#omniverse tales multiverses
lightdancer1 · 2 years
And then there's the Butcher
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Who was the last one added and was a part all along of the multiverse, when that became a fully established element of the cosmology. She reflects what I call 'parallels' insofar as they are the equivalent alternate universe selves of people. In her case she is a parallel of the main character of the series, Xaderavcal the Unifier. This particular parallel would seemingly be 'Mary Sue' except that she gets there by an extradimensional incursion slaughtering her family and the basic function she fills was a case, prior to reading anything about the World Eaters, of being her family's equivalent of Angron.
As in 'she introduces herself in a rain of blood and wherever she is, whatever she lands on isn't.' She's less the Executioner and more the Destroyer. And like all her kin she has many names, most of which are various euphemisms for annihilation and butchery because that's....exactly what she is and how she goes about doing it.
As the Urhalzantrani are an entire species of immortal imperialists she's essentially imperialism stripped of its refined traits and as such a parallel to the arch-villain and the irony that one of these is the 'hero' and one of these is the 'villain' is meant to show that at a cosmic level if it's Azarath flaying your soul and reconstructing you as a flesh-puppet for the mad God on the Gilded Throne to torment indefinitely or this one, people might be forgiven for wondering where the difference actually lies.
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randomfandommansblog · 4 months
Foundation Paradox
In the beginning there was only Darkness but suddenly Light has exist and begun espanding toward from the begining and beyond.The Universe is either infinite or not but mortal eyes can never know.but what if there more universe same as the original but different or it completely different at all.that what we call the multiverse.what if there something beyond the multiverse.well,there the hyperverse,outerverse and the Omniverse in which in this reality we call the "All-Dimension" or "bigger version multiverse"each universe have different source of origin and stories.
like the Marvel and DC universe,which universe filled with Superheroes.
the Tolkien/Middle-Earth and Warcraft universe,a fantasyverse filled with fantasy creature that never exist but now they live here.
Mythology universe of god of war,Percy Jackson,and record of ragnarok universe's filled with Deities and mythical creature inspire by the 4th-Wall one.
Game universe like Sonic,mario,counter strike,bendy,Undertale,Grand Theft Auto,Smash bros & many more filled with their own character and stories.they have different source of core origin like codes and data made in technology.
Horror universe like Slasher and creepypasta filled with scary & horrifying stories and character
Powerfull Universe like Scp foundation,World of Darkness,Self-reference Engine,Lovecraftian universe/Cthulhu mythos.
There is also Fanfic or we this reality call "illusion worlds/universe/dimension".many consider this Exist or non-exist.but it up to the original Creator to acknowledge them.
All of this started by the Tale of Epic Gilgamesh and tale of Genji
Now, what if there a Higher Being guarded or vandal the All-Dimension.they have their own stories character inspire by the 4th-wall... Or some are they're really here?
Welcome to Foundation Paradox
More Lore in progress
Upcoming character:
3.Jonathan Hamilton
5.The Ascended
Current places/domain:
1.Astral Plane/Heaven/Aether
3.the Void
5-Garden of Eden(Tree of life|Tree of Knowledge|Tree of Feeling)
7.Nine realm
8.planet Paradise
10.Universe-Prime/the first worlds/original reality/4th wall replica
(first attempt making a fictional universe,either gone failure , a bit successful or dumb asf,also probably gonna made this one also in a Book and Novel.idk.too lazy.)
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chernobog13 · 3 years
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No, this isn’t Jon and Damian having a hissy fit.  It’s actually Clark Kent Jr. (aka Superman Jr. or Superman ll) and Bruce Wayne Jr. (aka Batman Jr. or Batman ll) in their first appearance as the Super-Sons, at least as a semi-regular feature in World’s Finest.  There had been plenty of “imaginary stories” involving offspring of both Superman and Batman before this, but those stories were generally one-shots, and the children were much younger.
In the Super-Sons story series Superman Jr. and Batman Jr. (writer Bob Haney thankfully dropped the “ll” from their names after this initial appearance) were portrayed as typical rebellious teens, tired of living in their fathers’ shadows.
The sons looked almost identical to their fathers, especially in costume, although artist Dick Dillin would occasionally draw Superman Jr with mutton chop sideburns (which were popular at the time (1973).
The boys’ mothers were never identified, and when they appeared their faces were always drawn in shadows so deep it looked like their heads had been dunked in India ink.  Superman’s wife was shown with black hair (leading everyone to assume she was Lois Lane).  Whoever she was, she was definitely a normal human, because we’re told repeatedly that Superman Jr. half-Kryptonian/half-human.
Batman’s wife was usually drawn with red or auburn hair (which meant she could have been anyone, including Vicki Vale, Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl).
Being half-Kryptonian, Superman Jr.’s power levels are only half of his father’s.  In this first story, he is shown being unable to fly, but he can leap up to 100 miles in a single bound.  Bullets don’t hurt him, but they leave nasty bruises (a trait he shared with Marvel’s Luke Cage).  And while bombs don’t kill him, they render him unconscious.  A hallmark of Bob Haney’s writing was lack of consistency, and Superman Jr. was no exception; by his second appearance he was flying effortlessly, although a strong headwind could slow him down.
The Super-Sons proved popular enough that thy appeared ten more times in World’s Finest over the course of the next three years.   Writer Haney treated the stories as actual tales from the future and, in his mind at least, it was canon that Superman and Batman would have namesake sons who would embark on these adventures.
Haney’s final Super-Sons tale was in World’s Finest #242 (Dec. 1976).  Not too long after that he was no longer the regular writer on the title, and by the end of the decade had pretty much stopped working for DC.
The Super-sons made one final appearance in World’s Finest in issue #263 (July, 1980), written by Denny O’Neil.  The boys showed up in the adventure, much to the surprise of their “fathers.”  It was revealed that the sons had never existed; they had been simulations Superman had run on his computer in the Fortress of Solitude to show Batman and him what it might be like if they had children.  A bizarre accident had caused the computer simulations to come to life, but an energy they gave off was threatening to destroy the planet.  Convinced that they weren’t real and posed a threat, the boys sacrificed themselves by diving into Superman’s disintegration pit* and saved the world.
This version of the Super-Sons has returned a few times since, either in Elseworlds tales or stories depicting different Earths in the multiverse.  The last time I checked, versions of these Super-Sons were living on Earth-16, but they may have, or probably did, change with the introduction of the DC Omniverse.
* Superman described the disintergration pit, a regular feature in the Fortress at the time, thus: “It’s a sort of atomic cauldron, really, fueled by radioactive Kryptonian elements I obtained from the bottle-city of Kandor long ago.  It’ll dissolve almost anything which is dropped into it back into its molecular components within an instant.  And that would include yours truly, if I were feeling suicidal.”)
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lifeexperience · 4 years
Maribat March 2021 - Half time
In my AO3 account I am also updating the 'A playboy billionaire, an ambassador and the secret love-child' title, and sometimes I add(ed) commentary why I write something the way I do.
From the last fifty days here is all the plus note:
First day
In Red Robin (2009-2011) comics Vicki Vale was a little bit too noisy for her own good, that's why I used her personal annoyance against Bruce Wayne in this story.
Third day
Vanessa Rios was an assistant district attorney in Gotham in the Robin (1993-2009) run. Here I am using her as the Wayne's legal team head. Tamara Fox, Lucius Fox's daughter, is friends with Tim Drake in Red Robin (2009-2011) comics and here too. Also she is an intern with the HR department who knows about the BatFam alteregos.
Fifth day
In the comics, Alfred always followed Bruce to his 'trips' (in 'Batman and Son' to London, 'Batman & Robin Annual' to an scavenger hunt, in 'Batman Inc.' to every country where they found representatives...) However because of Damian's unpredictable behaviour he stayed at the manor with the children in this story.
Sixth day
So Young Justice thing is a little complicated to me if I dare to say something about it. There was the 'Young Justice: The Secret' and its sequels. Then there were 'The New52' and 'DC Rebirth' era, plus the animation show. And they all are kind of okay..ish, furthermore I wanted to keep the principles like the main members (Tim Drake, Connor Kent, Bart Allen and Cassie Sandsmark), however I never liked their too childish behavior in some of the works (and the mixing with 'The Titans). So in this story, here, they are more adult..ish, but more relaxed and cheerful than 'The Titans' ever was (like in comics, not in the shows).
Eighth day
In the 'Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir' show they showed Lila as a manipulator without any remorse, which got me to think she has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). I am not a doctor but I had some basic lesson in psychology, and I have a natural curiosity about things so I always research everything. With diagnosed ASPD the person has to be older then 18, however I read its symptoms can show up in childhood, and it can lead to an earlier diagnosis like 14-15 years old early.
In the case of Lila she deceives people and uses them (✓). Don't makes long term plans or thinking through about her behavior (✓), however has a set on some goal she wants to achieve (✓). She has a sense of superiority above of her classmates and adults in her environment (✓), nevertheless does't have any remorse or guilt to mistreat them (✓). Uses charisma and her fake charming persona to get something or someone (✓), however didn't value them more than tools or prizes (✓).
I didn't see any real aggressive behavior from Lila beside akumatizations (✓), but on its own I think it's enough evidence, that she has this disorder (and not the many that she claimed). In normal aggressive way Lila didn't show herself (like physical violence, loud angry outbursts, big fits in front of everyone) yet, rather she uses Akumatization to hide that kind of behavior (when Adrien tried to stand up she became willingly Chameleon, or the Heroe's Day, or Oni-Chan). So her Akumatised forms and helping to Hawkmoth are the evidences that she has aggressive behavior, however they are not the classic forms (but we also can remember the threatening in the bathroom, but I think that was more intimidation and showing her superiority then pure aggressiveness).
And I wanted that recreate and strengthen this 'fact' a little bit so it would be more obvious than in the show.
Ninth day
In the comics there are so many take on Bruce Wayne it's kind of hard to count it. We could list the Batman persona, when he kind of let his children do what they want within his no-kill-rule (like living alone at fourteen with bunch of other teenager - 'Teen Titans' or 'Young Justice' or as it looks like to go rough - Robin, Red Hood). And there is the obvious martyr-parent take, when he has to know everything about his children, but he is always silent about the important things ('Death of the family' - 'Batman and Robin: Born to kill' - 'The Hunt for Robin'). And one of my favorites the worried-tired father take, when he is kind of showing his emotions and trying to love his kids ('Super Sons' - 'Robin Rises' - 'Prelude to the Wedding: Nightwing vs. Hush' ...).
And I decided to use the last with a more active take from the first (like he lets everyone do their thing but he is monitoring them within reasons). In the comics there are many accusations about being someones father (with Julie Madison or Mariah Shelley), and here in my take he is trying to be responsible (for the sake of his children, mainly for Damian and Jason) and checks every claim out personally (so they also can do DNS test).
Tenth day
Alya Césaire is a complicated someone in the show. At first she is portrayed as a fierce helper for the protagonist, Marinette. She is stubborn and reckless, but royal to her best friends.
Then came Lila and the makers sharpened her stubborn tunnel vision. This I saw it first at the 'Lady Wifi' episode, when she clearly didn't remember about the first day, when Ladybug saved Chloé (or ignored it). After that she always fixated on 'Adrienette' (or everything else if it's interesting - Dark Cupid) when the girl, herself had other things to do (Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer 2, Reflektdoll 2, Timebreaker). So it was not that big surprise when her tunnel vision turned to Lila, and she (and everybody in her class) forgot about that they all met Jagged Stone and with his crocodile already.
Yeah, it's all true, however unlike Lila, Alya didn't show any other big social flaw. And she is 14 years old and middle child, which is kind of important in someone personality. She has to be a mature figure and a little child at the same time in her sibling's eyes. She has to compete attention in their parents eyes and be smart about it.
Moreover if we look at the Collège Françoise Dupont's students, they are all spoiled, not just Chloé or Lila or Adrien. Yes, they are not that bad like the three, but they are all sheltered to a certain degree. Their family don't have financial problems (famous chef, designers, mayor, famous bakery, curator in the most famous museum, police officer, famous pantomime, ...), plus they are all in a prestigious school where they can't meet people with everyday problems (and rich spoiled kid is not an everyday occurrence in my country). And beside some vision problems (Max, Sabrina) they are all healthy and the first time to meet a disability is when Lila arrived. So it's natural if they don't really know how to interact right with her (putting aside that whole lie thing).
And I think they, especial Alya, need first a little life experience, before they could be called responsible about their acts. And here I am trying to write it this kind of way, where they are all flawed, but they can learn from it.
Human being can be shallow and not perfect. These children only heard one perspective from Lila, and another from Marinette. In the show the makers not exactly specified about how well the classmates know Marinette and how depth Marinette and Alya friendship is, so there is already some trust issue.
Like yeah all of they are going to concerts, cinema, each others, however they didn't show so far any serious conservation between them (maybe the only exception is Adrien-Marinette combo). Until this year when Adrien and Alya got transferred in the class, the classmates don't even help Marinette with Chloé bullying. And one year friendship - how beautiful is it tho - is not that depth and stable, especially with that many secrets they have. And Lila 'charming' personality came into this still fragile relationship at the right time to prove this.
I am not saying that the makers is doing good to simplifies the relationships. Because rather they missed so many ziccers for the sake of promote new hero designs and the overwritten romantic scene, it's physical hurting me. But they are right that we are talking sheltered-traumatized-too naive kids, who sometimes had unearned magic powers (looking at Chloé, Alya, Kim).
And I didn't ever going the length of mentioning the adult characters. It's an other kind of wormhole.
Marinette was the only one who openly disobeyed Lila's wants. She stands up against her lies in the public so she is a real obstacle for Lila. While Adrien is only trying in the background without any witness (I don't say it's bad, because with some case it's better, but not here), and the boy is too valuable to Lila.
Lila already showed in the series she didn't stop with the lies and she is brave enough to ruin someone carrier with them (Marinette - 'Ladybug', Nathalie and Gorilla - 'Oni-Chan', Alya - 'Volpina'). And Adrien watched all of it in the front seat, and he kind of knows that Lila's main target here to discredit and broke Marinette/Ladybug (and Adrien, himself also, but it's his perspective and he is very sheltered and naive about it).
And this story she got another one to ruin. Bruce Wayne, himself. And as her fake charming side melts away in her anger as she is focusing more and more on her targets.
Eleventh day
Speed Force is one of the Seven Forces of the Universe. It grants the power of the speedsters. And some of them merged with it (for example Barry Allen). Speed Force has a direct connection to the time flow and with the Multiverse (or now Omniverse). The biggest event of it is the Flashpoint (2011) which started the New52 era. And Batman doesn't want to mix this kind of force with a really mysterious ancient magic.
Nightrunner's first appearance was in 2011 in Detective Comics Annual #12. Within the Batman Incorporated line Bruce recruited Bilal Asselah, French-Algerian citizen to represent Batman in Paris. Here he is a mentor/background assistant to the Team Miraculous and a representative of Batman Inc.
Fourteenth day
Wang Fu is not the most mature character in the show and I think it says it all. Being an 186 years old is the Great Guardian after he accidentally destroyed the temple, he is kind of shameful and amateur. And if we contrasted him with Batman... yeah. Batman is NOT happy and takes the control from the old master.
Fifteenth day
I know Cyborg, alias Victor Stone is currently shown as a founding member of the Justice League (since 2011), however I am prefer him more in the Titans. And it's not just because of the animation show form 2003, but also in the comics he is more himself with the first Titans then with the -all mighty- Justice League. And I also wanted him to have a little cameo in this story because in the Super Sons (2017-) he was kind of like a babysitter for the boys. And to me it's kind of funny how many times the bats short circuited him (Robin Rises, Super Sons: Parent Trap, ...).
Sixteenth day
Damian Wayne is a complicated character. For ten years he was teached to kill. He only learnt about his mother at eight. He only learnt about his father at ten. Thalia used him for anything from power play to plotting someone death. Bruce loves him, but he is so moronic about his own emotions it's kind of painful to read sometimes. And there is the thing where Damian is never enough, his mother cloned him (Heretic), his father has other wards (mainly Red Robin). Dick Grayson went incognito spying when the boy had finally a healthier relationship (Grayson: The Superspy). His best friend, Jon Kent was suddenly older then him (2018 Superman #16). Alfred was killed in front of him (2016 Batman #77). Yeah, Damian is a jerk, but he has every right to be a jerk in my opinion. And I wanted that recreate here as Lila is a liar and threatening his 'only' position as a blood son. His only weapon to prevent it to have a fit and doing what was teached to him.
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BoomLord's weird adventure
Chapter 17 where's the storm?
Twilight and boom Lord both laid back on the bed the question still hung in the air. How do they tell their friends as even they weren't sure how it happened. For now though the two seemed content just laying there leaving the question for later."well it's probably not the best idea to rush it for now I just like to take a bit of time as I'd like to get to know the person who somehow taken my breath away."twilight's worried face disappeared as boom said this a look of interest on her. Who could blame her even though they knew the kind of people they were and much of the base stuff they were still so much mystery and mystery can be quite intriguing. She leaned into one allowing him to embrace her, wrapping his arms around her."okay well tell me about your kind to be honest even when uh."her face filled with a blush 'shit Twilight how do I tell him about my experience with humans."Boom started to chuckle finding it hard not to burst out in complete laughter. Her face was so flustered it was funny to him."Twilight I'm aware of your time as a human beforehand I know many things about you...er.. well that sounded creepier than I wanted it to."He quickly looked away before looking back to her gaze.'Of course he knows' she thought before holding back her own chuckle."okay then well tell me about humans."Boom let out a sigh. Truth be told he was waiting for this question yeah just expected it to happen later on."well humans are a complicated species and it's not always a happy tale when it comes to us."This only made Twilight more curious as she leaned in."humans are some of greatest creatures in the Omniverse and they're also the worst in it. In every world in every Galaxy in every multiverse where there are humans there are war, deaths ,hunger, starvation we commit terrible horrible Acts for the dumbest reasons."twilight's face went blank for a moment."we fight over land over opinions for love and hate.The ones over love can can often be the bloodiest."a distant look entered boom's eyes those Twilight looked up at him with soft eyes."I don't understand how can love it's a wonderful thing create such a terrible act?"her voice was sorrowfull admittedly the conversation was pretty so far."Twilight you'll find many things in our adventures but nothing more powerful than love. Love can be a terrible thing when misused it can lead to rejection obsession and betrayal ultimately that leads to death the bloodiest wars in my history may have started with acts of love. Trust me I've witnessed it first hand."He look down at the beautiful girl in his arms looking like she was about to cry 'Ah shit them what the fuck are you doing!' He took a deep breath determined to give Twilight a more satisfying ending to the question."but Twilight even for the many faults of humans we are capable of great acts together when we put aside our petty differences we have built towers that reach into the sky vehicles that extend into the Stars and relationships stronger than steel."He reached down grabbing her hand intertwining their fingers."and well love can lead to terrible things the best things in life are pointless without it. Without Love there can be no compassion sympathy loyalty and the other elements that you and your friends represent. And it's love that keeps us going In the Blake is of times. One day in the dark when there's no hope no future insight love love is all it takes to make a light."twilight's expressions slowly turned back into a joyful one as she leaned up nuzzling into his chin."you know you wouldn't make bad poet."Boom give out a snort."nah I ain't got the patience for that I'd rather just blow stuff up."the two of them burst out and laughing before embracing each other once more however it was time to face the day.
2 The pair quietly open the door before heading downstairs towards the exit of the castle. It had been a few days since Twilight or boom had spoken to spike mostly Fluttershy and AppleJack were keeping an eye on him bringing him gems and other food. Mostly candy. Once the two actually entered the main courtyard many of the candy citizens took notice of them taking a sigh of relief noticing that it wasn't Pinky. They were sick of having to replace their buildings."man it's so weird being in the Candy Kingdom without peppermint Butler announcing my presence."she turned to look at him with a confused expression one that she had had several times today."okay I've met a lot of candy people but whose peppermint Butler?" Boom shruged." Just the smartest person in the Candy Kingdom next to princess bubblegum sadly he won't be around for a bit he's currently recovering from an incident so I don't think he'll be around much."he decided not telling her about the dark magic would be for the best. The two of them eventually reaching the Cotton Candy Forest where the large form of Spike rested after a little bit of walking. Spike had remained relatively the same with Fluttershy and him playing Tic-Tac-Toe in the dirt. Currently Fluttershy was winning. Spike turned his head noticing the two approaching figures."hey guys what's up!"Spike blurted out in excitement. Twilight giggles going over to hug the giant head of Spike who nuzzled back. Boom can help but smile at this it was truly a sight to see. It's not every day a unicorn person hugs they're Giant dragon surrogate son. But booms of warm feeling quickly faded as another feeling took over. This was a feeling of dread of hatred but it wasn't his own. Boom turned his gaze to the forest we're a lone figure stood in the shadows. If it weren't for his demon eye you never would have spotted it. The figure was at least 7 ft tall dark black robes covered the entire body with a hood obscuring the face. Metal gauntlets were the only thing visible and in its hand was a small black cylinder object. An object boom knew too well. The figure in boom stared at each other for what felt like an eternity well Twilight talked with Spike about last few days their words faded in the background to him. But he had to act he knew exactly what was about to happen but he could only speak."run."Twilight and Spike caught notice of them along with Fluttershy. Twilight was about to say something before boom turned to her."RUN!"he screamed as the figure emerged from The Shadow holding up the cylinder and a blade of red light shot from it lighting up the area in a red glow.
3 the dragon and the two ponies looked at the face of their friend the terror across it and anger. They knew better than to question that face. Two girls quickly hopped on spikes back who took off towards the castle leaving boom with the figure."what's wrong boom didn't you miss me~."the figure mocked seductively in a female voice. Boom didn't respond as he pulled his guns from his satchel pointing them at her."not even slightly you piece of shit."she chuckled she enjoyed the anger coming from him and he knew it. But he couldn't help it it was the person he hated most in this world or any world."fuck you Lily!"boom unleashed six shots from each gun unloading them on her the flashes filling the forest. But she stood there the bullets merely creating Sparks on her as they fell to the ground."oh boomy did you really think your little guns were going to do shit against me?"a devious chuckle came from her her blade raised up in a fighting stance."it really was more about the principle of it."boom joked. The two stared for a minute."well I'm assuming you came here to kill me so why not get the fight over with already it's not like you'll win anyway!"boom fight desperately to keep his anger out of his voice but her presence only fueled it."boomy boomy I did want to kill you but now someone has showed me the right way~. They showed me the best way to get revenge is to make you suffer~."this time a cackle came from her as she raised her hand."but I wasn't quite sure how to go about it but thanks to those cute little friends of yours I now have something to torture you with. You always did have a taste for the Smart ones~."boom's red eye glowed in anger. Lily had just threatened his newfound relationship and it hadn't even been a day yet."if you lay a hand on her on any of them I will hunt you down till the last world falls! Not even palpatine will be able to save you from my wrath!"he roared at the saber welding woman."how will I have the time to torture your friends when you'll be too busy killing them~?"she asked. Boom's face went to one of anger to fear."you wouldn't!"he couldn't see her smile but he could feel it."oh I fucking dare~what's that thing you used to say bada bing bada boom or some shit~."she raised her hand as a stream of lightning left it hitting boom causing his body to fill with electricity. The pain for him was unbearable but it wasn't the pain that caused him to scream."NOOOOOO!"she then lifted boom tossing him towards the Candy Castle and he flew he flew all the way to the castle and right through the walls landing in the center chamber where everyone besides Spike was gathered. And his Golden eye shines one last time before turning red. A dark blood red.
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Warring Kingdoms:
S rank Bard Night Elf Queen Nysa Swiftmight:  
As a night elf bard Nysa Swiftmight she is a writer, author, illustrator, publisher, screenwriter, actor, producer, director, dancer, singer, songwriter, music producer, painter, sculpture, photographer, comedian, poet, spoken word poet, bard, orator, storykeeper, & storyteller. Nysa as an S rank bard has an ability to find a place to perform anywhere she wants. She is always in popular demand in every settlement, village, town, or city of any kingdom, confederacy, empire, or federation. Either in an inn or hotel, bar or tavern, at a theater, at a concert venue, or in a noble’s court. As long as she performs and acts each day or night she can receive free food, drink, or housing of a humble or luxury standard. That is depending on the quality of the business and establishment at an inn, hotel, motel, or tavern. Her acts, routines, performances make her something of the local, national, & international celebrity. Strangers naturally take a liking to her. Where people recognize her in numerous cities she is always asked for her signature and autograph. To her as an artiste art should echo the heart and mirror the soul. It should come from inside and disclose who we really are. The stories, legends, & songs of the ancient times must never be forgotten. For they teach us who we were, who we are, & who we will be. To her the world is in need of innovative thoughts and audacious action. The most successful of entertainers, artistes, & performers are able to capture and captivate an audience’s attention with their charm and allure. So they tend to have pretentious and grandiose or dynamic and influential personalities. So they regularly cling to upstanding standards about the practices of the art. They search for approval and admiration. She gets indignant if she isn’t the center of attention and isn’t in the spotlight. As an artiste she will settle for nothing less than excellence. She will do anything to acquire notoriety and reputation. She is only in it for the money, the glory, & the fame. She is a hopeless romantic always searching for true love and that special someone. She has written stories, sonnets, songs, poems, & spoken word poetry about Lysander Norwood. She is a sucker for a pretty face and a sap for romance. Nobody stays mad at her or around her for too long since she can resolve any amount of conflict and hostility with her humor. Nysa Swiftmight she knows a tale that is appropriate to almost every situation. She loves a good insult directed at her and she loves a good retort even one intended for her. She has difficulty keeping her true feelings secret. Her sharp tongue and wit lands her in trouble often. She once ridiculed and mocked a noble aristocrat in a comedy routine. This aristocrat who still wants her head put a bounty on her. It was a mistake and blunder that she will likely repeat. When she performs she can make the world a little better and a little less ugly than it was. She likes seeing the smiles on people’s faces when she performs. It gives her meaning and a sense of purpose as an orator, storykeeper, & storyteller. That is all that matters to her. She as a performer thrives in front of an audience. She knows how to entertain them. She knows how to charm and entrance them. She knows how to inspire and rouse them. Her poetry, music, & spoken word are able to stir the hearts and souls of others. To have them experience joy, sorrow, or anger. Their hearts and souls can be raised by her music and poetry. Her dancing as a dancer captivates and engrosses. Her art is her life whatever the method she uses.  
Language and song are not just sensations of the air. But they are communication of power all on their own. The bard is a master of speech, song, & the magic that they have. Bards say that the universe, multiverse, & omniverse were spoken into existence. That the gods and devils gave it form and that these ancient words of creation still echo throughout the universe. The music of bards is an effort to grasp those resonances that are faintly woven into their spells and power. The greatest strength and power of bards is their sheer adaptability and resourcefulness. Many bards rather stick to the sidelines in combat using their magic to encourage their aliens and obstruct their enemies from a distance. But bards are more than talented of shielding themselves in close quarters combat or melee combat if necessary. Using their magic to augment their own bodies, bolster their own shields, strengthen their own swords, & reinforce their own armor. Their spells incline more toward charms, transfiguration, & illusions rather than palpably devastating spells like curses or hexes. They have a broad comprehension of many subjects. They have an innate ability that lets them do roughly everything well. Bards become masters of the gifts that they set their minds to perfecting from musical performance to arcane and esoteric understanding. Genuine bards are not ordinary in this world. Not every singer in a tavern, dancer in a recital, jester of a royal court, or spoken word poet in a concert venue is a bard. Discovering the magic concealed in music requires hard study and some degree of inherent ability that most performers lack. It is hard to spot the distinction between these performers and true bards. A bard’s life is spent traveling across the land and seas collecting lore, singing songs, telling stories, & living on the appreciation of spectators. Much like any performer and entertainer but a profundity of knowledge, a rank of musical expertise, & a touch of magic sets bards apart from their associates. Only seldom do bards inhabit in one location for too long because of their natural yearning to travel. Every adventure is an opportunity to learn, to practice a variety of skills, to enter long forgotten tombs or dungeons, discover lost works of magic, decipher old scrolls or tomes, travel to strange places, encounter exotic beasts and creatures, to find new legends to tell, new songs to sing, new jokes to crack, new dances to discover, new abilities to learn, & new discoveries just past the horizon. It makes an adventuring job a natural vocation for bards. Bards love to escort heroes and champions on quests to observe their deeds and exploits personally. A bard who can tell a breathtaking story from personal experience earns fame from other bards. Indeed after telling so many stories about heroes completing impressive and grand deeds. Many bards take these themes to heart and assume valiant roles themselves.  
Bards flourish on stories and songs whether those stories and songs are true or not. Their personal history and motives are not as important as the stories that he, she, or they tell about them. Perhaps they had a secure or mundane childhood. She was a night elf noble after all. But there is not good story to be told about that. So you make up a bullshit story and paint yourself as an orphan whose parents were killed by a monster. Or maybe your childhood might be commendable of a story. Some bards acquire their magical music through amazing means such as motivation of the light or dark fae or other mystical creatures. Nysa Swiftmight already has such a link as a light fae who is a night elf. Nysa Swiftmight she as an S rank bard was a spoiled noble night elven child educated by a master. She served as an apprentice studying under a master during an apprenticeship following the more veteran bard until she was ready to strike out on her own. She then attended a college where she studied bard tradition and practiced her musical magic. Nysa is a mixture of a writer, author, illustrator, publisher, screenwriter, actor, producer, director, dancer, singer, songwriter, music producer, painter, sculpture, photographer, comedian, poet, spoken word poet, bard, orator, storykeeper, & storyteller. She performs the stories that she writes. She performs her own adventures as a guild member and performs the adventures of others such as her adventuring party and guild order. She is a storykeeper, orator, & storyteller.  She is a mysterious fireside story weaver. The subject of her stories is herself, Lysander Norwood, her adventuring party, her guild party, or her guild order. She tells these stories to spread the deeds and exploits of those she cares about. The personal spin she puts on her stories is a few embellishments of the truth for myth and legend is often not as wholesome or honorable as real life truth.  She is in this for the notoriety, fame, & glory. With her stories she is furthering the cause of Lysander Norwood and his guild order and paladin order. She is both famous and notorious. The types of stories that Nysa Swiftmight tells are of current events, her own adventures, the adventures of her guild party and adventuring party, & myths. Nysa Swiftmight is a famous storyteller. Her tales have reached lands and seas far and wide. She is well received everywhere by patrons all over Aehinara unless her stories offend them of course. Nobles and aristocrats and innkeepers and barkeeps are more than happy to give her free room and board as long as she tells them and their guests her stories around the fire at night. Due to stage fright she only performs after a drink. She sometimes confuses what happened in her stories with what happened in her real life. She writes her stories down and sometimes she freestyles her stories only going from memory. She can never resist hearing a new story. Her stories are mostly cheerful and inspiring but some are depressing and disheartening. She is a chronicler and historian so her obligation is in telling the stories as close to the reality as possible. She is a bard and she will be the best storykeeper, orator, & storyteller that ever lived. She sometimes will tell the most compelling of stories regardless of facts. She just likes telling stories. They don’t need to make sense or be true.  
Nysa Swiftmight she loves her fans. Without them she is nothing and she strives to entertain them. She loves her book of stories more than anything and she can’t imagine losing it. As a storykeeper, orator, & storyteller those who ask to hear her stories earn a special place in her heart. The topic of her stories is all she cares for. Innkeepers and barkeeps who let her perform promptly become her closest friends. Her thoughts are never far from home. Families and friends frequently have the greatest stories. Her stories sometimes digress and she is occasionally asked to get to the point. As a comedian people don’t appreciate her dark humor or impudent wit. She refuses to tell the same story twice no matter how popular some are. Back then all she cared about is getting the best stories. She did not care if she hurts people or their feelings to get it. Back then earning as much money as possible was all that mattered to her. Her stories are told from her viewpoint which is often different from the mainstream or whats trendy. Her stories as a storyteller were often radical or divisive. Most of the world’s history and culture is inked into the pages of books, tomes, & scrolls. That now lies in the dusty halls of archives and libraries that are studied by scholars and librarians. Those who write these books, tomes, & scrolls can influence the way people think or feel. Those who write these books, tomes, & scrolls can influence how events are remembered. Nysa Swiftmight is one of these people as a writer. Few people look at a writer as one who goes out of their way to find knowledge and information. Many actually visualize a writer to stay at their desk and just write until their dying breath. This raises the question. How do the authors who write the personality, description, & life of beasts, creatures, & monsters learn of these things? Simple they go out into the world and investigate it themselves. They say a writer’s greatest tool is their ink and quill. But obviously a sword, shield, armor, & or spell can help pull a book, tome, or scroll together just as well. The thing that has compelled Nysa Swiftmight to leave her writing desk and go out into the world was to find more information and gain some personal experience about the new theme, subject, & topic of her new book, scroll, & tome. It was to help motivate up her artistic flow, find a new muse, or find a way to be free of her writer’s block. The styles of books, tomes, & scrolls that Nysa Swiftmight writes as an author are action and adventure, romance and drama, mystery and horror. The styles of books, tomes, & scrolls that Nsya Swiftmight writes as a spoken word poet, singer, & songwriter are music, spoken word, & poetry. Her publication has a particular importance for some of her readership. Nysa Swiftmight has a bit of a fanbase. She has amassed a fanbase which is diminutive and passionate for her works as an author. She is always somehow running into a fan that can help her. This fan is someone who is always willing to help her with lodging and accommodations for the night. Even if it is to get a sneak peek at her next book, tome, or scroll or a signature or autograph. She has gained the services of an illustrator, editor, & publisher. A small publishing company that has picked up one or more of her books, tomes, & scrolls that she writes as an author and is willing to writer her next book, tome, or scroll in moderation obviously. A publisher from a small publishing company could help set up a meeting with knowledgeable people that could aid her and her adventuring party and guild party. Such as a local guide to help her and her guild party and adventuring party navigate unknown and mysterious land. A publisher from a big publishing business could also help by paying for certain services. These are benefits such as passage on a ship between countries. These are services such as a carriage or a cab coach between towns and cities. In some cases a publisher from a big publishing company could be pressed to pay for more exclusive and pricy services. These can only be open when she proves that their investment in her is worth it. But for now the price of such services would come out of the sales of her next book, scroll, or tome. It is out of the question since she is now helped by a small publishing company. As an author when on her adventures she often asks, “Is this something that the lead main character of my stories would do?” When something exciting happens she thinks, “This would be wonderful for my next book!” She can’t resist a good story especially after a good drink. Nysa watches how people interact with each other in social situations when she is in bars or taverns and will often write notes about them in her journal. She bases the characters in her stories off of people that she knows sometimes to the point that she will get them mixed up. She reads everything that she can get her hands on. She can lose track of time when she starts to read and when she starts to write. The world needs some new stories and she is going to make them. Even if no one will ever read her books she will keep on writing. If her books can help out at least one person she will be happy. The more of the world that she sees the better her books will become. She owes her publishers everything for if they did not take a risk for her. She would have never sold a book, tome, or scroll. She loves her fans. Without them she would have nothing and she would be nothing but a nobody. She admires an author that encouraged her to pick up the quill and pen herself. Her head and heart is full of stories and ideals. She needs them to write about them. She doesn’t care if people will read them or not. She found an unfinished manuscript that is a masterpiece and she will complete it one day as a book for the original author who never finished it before they died. Her book sales help keeps an institution that is close to her heart from closing. She finds it hard to trust new people. They could be out to steal her work. She suffers from regular writer’s block as an author when writing her books, tomes, & scrolls which causes her to get argumentative, irritable, annoyed, crabby, & mad. She can’t handle criticisms and disapproval. She finds them to be a personal attack on her.   The world is full of life. To truly comprehend and understand cultures and pass on this gift of history. People have gathered around all for the sake of storytelling. She is a storykeeper, orator, & storyteller. Much like their bard cousins the arcane storyteller preforms for the amusement for her audience. If she can make some good coin while doing so all the better. But when she's in danger she can spin a tale so mesmerizing the pages seem to really come to life. The part a storyteller bard plays is like that of a wizard. Off the front lines but off to the side as a support role. They are more adaptable and flexible when it comes to their role. Storykeepers and storytellers use their immense range for supporting allies, hindering enemies, or directly effecting the situation. These magical bookworms can be powerful friends and terrifying enemies. She likes to roam and wander telling stories to children, preteens, teenagers, & young adults of all ages. She enjoys the expression of a fascinated audience. She is an artist in search of fame and glory. She is a writer in search of ancient forgotten lore. She learned to perfect her storytelling as a bard. She loves spinning epic tales about her guild and adventuring party. She seeks out myths that time forgot. She follows behind her guild in search of documenting their tales of adventure. She is an arcane storykeeper and storyteller. She might not tell the story exactly how it happens but she will spread the stories of her guild as best she can through word of mouth sometimes embellishing it a tiny bit. She tells stories to make people smile which brings her joy.  
The planet generally knows the bards of House Kitsune as artistes of the highest order. This stems from a custom that dates millennia and for many members of the house it is the only occupation they follow. Though legends flourish that attest the bards of the House of the Nine Tailed Fox Kitsune are undercover agents or worse. But the people of Aehinara treat these as tall tales. In a world that includes so many beasts, monsters, enemies, & creatures the people have enough to fret about. In reality the House of Kitsune manipulates one of the supreme covert and clandestine intelligence networks in Aehinara. But these services are available only to imperial nobles, affluent aristocracy, & others that the house identifies as players in the great Shadow Game of politics, power, intrigue, influence, deception, conspiracy, & authority.  Members of the House of Kitsune served as couriers and bards traveling from court to court bringing songs and news. The House of Phoenix worked to uphold reconciliation and harmony through open arbitration but they also began to assemble covert and clandestine information on their travels. This was knowledge that they would anonymously pass to rival sovereignties when doing so served the greater good. Slowly intelligence gathering became a clandestine business for the House of Pheonix.  With the ascension of the secret and underground Eternal Shadow Court the secret society that governs the Shadow Games. The House of Nine Tailed Fox came into their own as spies serving the country of the Principality of the Kingdoms of Ceson, the Alliance of the Twenty Kingdoms of Aehinara, or the Council of the Original Primordial Twenty Five Houses all together. Their task was a righteous and gallant one bringing the light of surveillance to bear against the shadows of trickery so that impartiality could be served. Their bards were welcomed in every settlement, village, town, city, metropolis, kingdom, empire, confederacy, & federation in Aehinara allowing House of Kitsune’s information and contracts to develop. In time the leaders of the House of Kitsune secured the House’s repute into clandestine and underground contacts with the Original Primordial Twenty Five Houses. They started to trade the intelligence gathering aptitude they had honed for over millennia with the imperial nobility, wealthy aristocracy. The House of Kitsune did all of this while still serving as the eyes and ears of their allies the House of Cerberus to destroy the Eternal Shadow Court, the Undying Shadow Monarchy, the Perpetual Shadow Empire, & the Infinite Shadow Legion. Today the House of the Nine Tailed Fox Kitsune lives in two worlds. Its bards can be found on the courts of nobility, the most renowned opera houses, or in the most celebrated theatre stages. Its bards can be found in the modest taverns, saloons, hotels, inns. That is while its eyes watch and its ears hear all of Aehinara even where no bard is even seen. Hardly anyone comprehends the correct scope and understands the exact extent of the house’s power and supremacy but kings and queens, chieftains and warchiefs, & emperors and empresses respect its control and fear its influence. House of Kitsune controls and rules the entertainment business in Aehinara and Ceson. Besides this nonviolent and passive vocation it keeps a gigantic intelligence system that stretches across Aehinara. The house sells information and intelligence gathering services to the most commanding people in Aehinara. The Nine Tails is the spying arm of House Kitsune. Few people outside the house such as freelancers even know of its existence. Hardly any of these goons and mooks realizes the complete connotation of their service as they merely gather and pass along information never knowing how it is exploited. Members of the house who wish to operate their own autonomous intelligence agencies can be approved by the Nine Tails though the house keeps a close vigilant eye on such activities. While it is an easy affair to deal with the Bard Guild of the House of Kitsune the Nine Tails does not publicize its existence. An individual looking to utilize the mysterious services of the house can request at a core enclave and if the appeal is useful it is approved to the Nine Tails contact and when the time is right a representative will contact the potential patron to converse the mission at hand. Most of Aehinara sees only the beautiful veneer the artists, the actors or actresses, the singers, the entertainers, the painters, the poets, & the singers. But only a select few such as the Original Primordial Twenty Five deals with Nine Tails of House Kitsune. House of Kitsune entertainers can be found across the Federation of the Alliance or Coalition and Legion or Horde from the most luxurious or illustrious ball to the plainest inn or tavern and the secret agents of the Nine Tails are just as omnipresent but are rarely seen hiding in the shadows. The organization of the House of Nine Tailed Fox Kitsune taken as a whole is an impartial society, though its undercover agents often engage in unlawful behavior in the course of completing their missions. In the course of their missions the House of Kitsune operatives value the general structure of civilization. Like their ancestors the leaders of the house of kitsune see themselves as agents of equilibrium evening the odds between adversaries and rivals and revealing quarrels that would otherwise worsen and spread. Nysa Swiftmight as a bard is a member of this organization. She was convinced to join his side and become his mole, double agent, informant, & spy for the Shadow Games.  
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
https://ift.tt/3yQNVBv #
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While Booster Gold may be one of the more self-serving members of the Justice League, when Michael Jon Carter learned of one of the greatest threats the DC Universe ever faced, the golden glory hound pulled off a death and resurrection way bigger than Superman‘s – and he didn’t even advertise. Booster Gold is typically portrayed as a guy who’ll do anything for a quick buck. While he was always a true hero underneath his greedy demeanor, there was a time where it seemed like all Booster really cared about was his fans and his fame.
It wasn’t until 52 by Keith Giffen, Greg Rucka, and many more, that Booster’s heroic streak returned for good. When a mysterious force was threatening the newly formed Multiverse, it was up to Booster to stop it. The problem was that he had to do it without giving away how much he knew. And when the master plan called for the death of Booster Gold, he at least got the good publicity he always craved.
Related: The Flash is Teaming Up With DC’s Newest Hybrid Hero
Throughout 52, Booster Gold finds himself in a publicity war with a mysterious new hero known as Supernova, even getting himself killed trying to one-up his foe by containing massive explosion in 52 # 15 . Meanwhile, Booster’s robotic sidekick, Skeets – the other half of Booster’s most amazing bromance aside from Blue Beetle – has been scheming behind the scenes. But when the corrupted Skeets confronts Supernova and the time-traveler called Rip Hunter in 52 #37, Supernova reveals that he is none other than Booster Gold himself. It turns out that weeks before Booster’s “death,” Rip warned Booster of Skeets’ evil intentions. He had Booster fake his own death to travel back in time in disguise. Acting out a rivalry with his past self, Booster secretly gathers all the tech Rip needs to stop Skeets, who’s revealed to be Mister Mind, one of Shazam’s oldest villains. Mind pursues Booster and Rip to the birth of the Multiverse as a giant cosmic moth, but Booster traps the monster and hurls him into a time loop before he can consume reality.
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Though he didn’t actually sacrifice his own life, Booster Gold’s “death” sill managed to outshine that of the Man of Steel. In the classic 1993 “Death of Superman” story, Kal-El gave his life to save his beloved Metropolis from the raging Doomsday. His sacrifice saved many lives and is held up as a seminal tale in DC history. And while his actions were heroic, Booster’s actions saved the entire Multiverse. That’s pretty impressive for the superhero commonly referred to as “The Greatest Hero You’ve Never Heard Of,” and it shows just how much Gold has managed to grow as a character.
Booster Gold may have faked his death, but the threat he faced in Mister Mind was bigger than anyone ever expected. His actions in 52 show a willingness to sacrifice himself, which marked significant growth for the character. The death of Blue Beetle before DC’s biggest event, Infinite Crisis, forced Michael to mature in ways that fans hadn’t seen and prove himself a true hero. Booster finally realized there was more to heroism than fame and fortune — something Superman already knew. With Booster Gold and Blue Beetle reuniting in Infinite Frontier with an expanded Omniverse, there’s much more for Booster to protect. And with his adoring fanbase skyrocketing in volume, there are many more spotlights for Booster Gold to steal, even from Superman.
Next: Superman Could Help More People by Making a Tiny Change to his Costume
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
And last but not least, The God on the Gilded Throne, the arch-villain
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In the original take on these stories as an expy of Raven, she's the expy of the Azar of Azarath (hence the term Azar and Azarath being associated with her). The 80s Azar was a near-immortal demigoddess who manipulated Raven into being the proxy for an annihilating bit of soul-magic to kill her father and was in a multi-multiversal enmity with him as per the Terror of Trigon.
The original version of her had her be incompetent and selectively oblivious. This version evolved into the personification of Imperialism, Tyranny, Western civilization, and being the most direct Cosmic Horror of the bunch. She is a feral maddened entity who is Firstborn of Chaos, operating as the same kind of Chaos as Event Horizon and Warhammer 40K (and indeed in my cosmology she is what becomes the Immaterium/Chaos in 40K AUs and that's not even as far as her evolution as Chaos goes, it's more the second baby step).
The Lightdancer is the End of All Things and Death, essentially. The supervillain is always the mirror of the hero, so where she's Darkness, Death, and Finality, the God on the Gilded Throne is a cosmic virus that devours and flays souls and remakes them in her image and in her likeness, longing for death and unable to die. She devours and re-sculpts universes from sub-atomic particles to the widest ranging galactic superclusters, reforging worlds to a point that there is one God, absolute and indivisible, on the Gilded Throne. All that is in Azarath is her, remade, living their greatest dreams twisted into their greatest nightmares.
As such she's also the one that appears most frequently in crossovers with my fandom work as she can be a more insidious virus-like thing spreading from a temple in a more subtle Lovecraftian horror or go full-scale 'Opening an Eye of Terror by Goatseing the universe for shits and giggles'.
In trope terms, as she evolved into one of the arch-villains she took notes primarily from Morgoth Bauglir, inverting the main aspect of Morgoth that in diffusing himself into existence he weakened himself out of spite. She makes herself infinitely stronger and is too big for the Unmaker Force to crush before she can rebuild herself, the only entity for which this is true. She also takes notes from Christian theological definitions of God....but is not an expy of Darkseid so much as a shadow-mirror of Leto II of Dune fame.
Also as a nod to Lovecraft her face is modeled after the human relative known as Paranthropus boisei, while her appearance is everything he would have loved (blonde, blue-eyed, an imposing Germanic shape) and as per Western civilization all the various strands meet, but chiefly that of the Graeco-Roman and modern overseas colonialism aspects.
The other Urhalzantrani deconstruct the older ideas of eldritch abominations. She reconstructs them and is one of the two with interests in humanity and by far the most malevolent. And all she needs to do to devour a universe is send an avatar to a single planet and by her presence alone the plague of her existence spreads until that universe is remade with most entities only understanding the agonizing changes as they spread and then All Are One in the Azar.
As "Azar" means "Fire" in Avestan, one of her main names she goes by is 'Undying Flame' and she's associated with imagery of Hell and light. As another part of her being an anti-Morgoth is that instead of a Dark Lord on a Dark Throne there's a being of Light on a Gilded Throne. Morgoth wanted to wreck the universe because it couldn't be his, she hungers to devour all things because she's a feral raving being of chaos who was once a person, knows what she is, hates it, and the one thing she wants most eludes her for eternity. Namely.....the ability to die.
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the-marsh-maker · 3 years
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//Paradox - This is a contribution to an ongoing project called @into_the_omniverse led by @sungjinwoo9281 on who's request I made this illustration, This series revolves around Professor Paradox narrating tales of different universes featuring alternate versions of the titular character 'Ben Tennyson' and other supporting cast, I am glad that I could contribute to such an ambitious project as I really dig the different concepts explored in this novel, to know more about it head on to the Instagram handles mentioned above - - /tags_ #professorparadox #ben10 #ben10omniverse #ben10alienforce #ben10ultimatealien #ben10fanart #ben10art #characterdesign #characterart #conceptart #comics #comicbookart #cartoonart #cartoonnetwork #cartoonnetworkfanart #manofaction #art #artoftheday #illustration #mixedmediaart #digitalart #digitalillustration #ibispaintx #scifiart #bookillustration #artcollab #multiverse #whatif #intotheomniverse #omniverse (at Mumbai) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTZ6X6uIg54/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mudaship39 · 4 years
Alpha Centurion War:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcTmKM8G6QA.  “The infamous Battle of Metal State of Hard Light City, Steel City, & Iron City,” said Arcane Assassin (Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones). “Everyone in the universe, multiverse, & omniverse knows that story.” “The story still brings shame and embarrassment to the Sentinels (a black ops and spec ops superhero team who started with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Milky Way Galaxy and in modern times in the present day of the 40th century have enough members to defend the Andromeda Galaxy, Xeno Galaxy, & Milky Way Galaxy).” “For it was the Sentinels greatest humiliation and most notorious scandal.” “This tale still causes the Elites and the Paragons to mourn and grieve with agony, misery, anguish, sorrow, & torment.” “For it was the Elites greatest tragedy and most well known heartbreak.”  “For it was why the Elites was shut down and why the teams that made up the Elites or Elites Earth were permanently disbanded.” “It is what led to the birth of the Paragons out of ashes of the Primals, Exiles, Vigilantes, Ironclad, Alpha, Wildcards, Paramounts, & Centurions superhero teams that made up the superhero conglomerate of the Elites.” “That chronicle still brings me Larissa Owen Maximiliana Jones disgrace, dishonor, & discredit.” “For it was my greatest failure and most legendary mistake.” “It is why our cosmic and stellar war against the Forces of Evil (a supervillain organization and supervillain alliance who seeks to conquer the universe, the multiverse, & the omniverse) that engulfed both the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy in intergalactic and celestial war is called the Alpha Centurion War.” “The Sentinels, that black ops spec ops superhero team, abandoned those three cities, Hard Light City, Steel City, & Iron City of Metal State, cities of several million civilians to the Horde, Swarm, or Legion Army that was coming to demolish those cities to the ground and the leaders of the Forces of Evil who were coming with their evil plan to destroy those cities to ruins.” “They said to stand down and they said to forsake them because they were apparently a lost cause.” “Not to them the Elites Earth or The Elites a superhero team conglomerate with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the planet Earth (that was a conglomerate of the superhero teams the Ironclad, Centurions, Exiles, Vigilantes, Outcasts, Alpha, & Paramounts) though.” “They did not choose to leave those civilians to die as collateral damage, not when they could still save them.” “Not when there was still blood in their veins, still beating in their hearts, & still air in their lungs.” “The Elites they chose to save as many as they still could from the Legion, Swarm, or Horde Army (imagine Zerg Swarm, Brainiac Probes, Halo Flood, Starro drones, Imperiex clones, Star Trek Borg, Darkseid parademons, Resident Evil zombies, Trigon demons and arch demons, & Star Wars Yuuzhan Vong combined) that was coming to raze those cities to the ground and the leaders of the Forces of Evil that was coming to accomplish their maleficent plan to destroy those cites...” “They didn’t even know what was coming…” “No one gave them enough time to evacuate...” “They were giving those people a fighting chance when everyone else fucking chose to abandon them!” “They were forced to also fight the twelve leaders of the Forces of Evil such as the eight alien leaders (with each of the eight as powerful like Doomsday, Imperiex Prime, Darkseid, Mongul, Apocalypse, Thanos, Galactus, & Starro combined), that devil lord and demon general (similar in power to Diablo, Trigon, Mephisto, Nekron, Lilith, & Dormammu combined), that evil sorcerer (as powerful as Doctor Strange, John Constantine, Doctor Fate, Scarlet Witch, & Giovanni Zatara combined), & those two Greco Roman Titans such as the Greek Titan Cronus and the Roman Titan Saturn alone with no back up and no aid in Nova City, Solar City, Lunar or Moon City, & Nebula City in the Battle of Planetary County.” “So Jo Jacobson and Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith ordered them, the several hundred strong novice apprentices, the order to fight off the Horde Army and save the civilians of Hard Light City, Steel City, & Iron City and retreat.” “To give them, the one hundred veteran members, the twenty honorary Elites members, & the fifty founding members enough time to fight off the leaders of the Forces of Evil and stop them from destroying Hard Light City, Steel City, and Iron City when they took the fight to Nova City, Solar City, Moon City, & Nebula City.” “Earlier they reached out to their honorary Elites to give them aid.” “They called the holo communicators of several people, aliens and humans across the planet, metahumans and superhumans across the Sol System, including Joanna “Jo” Jacobson their civilian supporter, asset, liaison, & agent and me Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones their Sentinels supporter and liaison.” “We were both their benefactors and patrons as the others gave up on them and chose not to support them.” “We being patrons and benefactors led to the creation of the Elites.” “But out of those two, only Jo answered our call and replied to our request for aid.” “They all remember that was the day that I Laurissa abandoned them and turned my back on them on the orders of the Sentinels...” “I had no choice….” “I had orders to stand down...” “Some of the Elites USA of the Elites Earth (this was before they made the Elites Earth of the Elites Sol), they the fifty founding members, they the one hundred veteran members, & they the twenty five honorary members, all knew that I gave up on them.” “But most of the Elites, their novice recruits of a several hundred strong, refused to believe it even when the truth was there staring at them in the face.” “She was not coming to save us,” they told them, “she is not coming to fight with for she abandoned and chose to forsake us.” “Most of the Elites, their few hundred newest novice recruits said no, “She is coming you will see, just give her more time they said, she is just taking a while putting on her superhero costume.” “When most of those few million civilians were saved.” “When those cities were about to be razed to the ground by the Horde Army with several thousand civilians still inside...” “When most members of the Elites Earth, their several hundred strong trainee apprentices, refused to abandon those several thousand civilians still trapped inside Iron City, Steel City, & Hard Light City and kept trying to save people from the Horde Army even when it seemed like a lost cause.” “We are upholding the oath, the pledge, the vow, & the promise we swore as Elites.” “They were so honored to become Elites and so honored to fight by their side on their first mission as official Elites members.” “The thing they wanted to be the most was heroes like them but they were already heroes.” “Amelia Himmat Mishra had to hold her wife Maysa Nabila Uzun-Mishra as she dropped to her knees and cried.” “When Maysa as an ultimate level empath and absolute level telepath who was then still a superhuman level empath and supernatural level telepath felt the loss of a few hundred souls and the death of several thousand lives...” “If only I knew,” said Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones, “I could have stopped it…” She screamed out with so much anguish and agony as she felt it the death of a few million civilians, “No!” “When the unthinkable happened…when they too late found out the true plan and intention of the leaders of the Forces of Evil...” “When the earth shook and a titanic mushroom cloud was seen over Hard Light, Iron City, Bronze City, & Steel City…” “When the leaders of the Forces of Evil did something with their alien technology…” “A weapon….” “A nuclear fusion warhead bomb that detonated Hard Light City, Steel City, Copper City, Bronze City, & Iron City of Metal State to rubble killing several thousand civilians…” “Leaving only the rest of Metal State such as Nickel City, Silver City, Platinum City, Cobalt City, Gold City, Bismuth City, Zinc City, Lead City, Aluminum City, Tungsten City, & Titanium City a population of several hundred million untouched.” “When the earth shook once more as a second bigger mushroom cloud was seen over most of Gemstone County...” “When the leaders of the Forces of Evil supercharged a second warhead with divine and celestial magic, demonic magic, & arcane and esoteric magic and detonated it that also decimated Diamond City, Jade or Emerald City, Topaz City, Sugilite City, Ruby City, Malachite City, & Sapphire City of Gemstone State killing several million people…” “Only leaving only Opal City, Agate City, Cats Eye City, Onyx Harbor, Sunstone City, Sardonyx City, Pearl City, Sardonyx City, & Amethyst City of Gemstone County a population of a hundred million still untouched as they were far away from the blast radius...” “They could not be there in time since they took the fight to the leaders of the Forces of Evil in the four surrounding cities that were already evacuated, Solar or Sun City, Nebula City, Lunar or Moon City, & Nova City, in a battle called the Battle of Planetary County that destroyed those cities to ruins.” “An explosion that obliterated those four cities with their newest novice men and women of a few hundred strong still inside who were still trying to save some of the several thousand civilians still trapped inside!” “When the light left their eyes...” “When their souls left their bodies…” “As those several hundred strong novice recruits and several hundred thousand trapped civilians were reduced to hard light ash and plasma substance residue by the explosion of the megaton warhead of those aliens supercharged by that devil lord and demon general’s demonic magic, that evil sorcerer’s esoteric and arcane curses and hexes, & those Greco Roman Titans divine and celestial magic.” Laurissa’s voice was breaking as she said, “When the only thing they had left of their few hundred novice apprentice members to bury in closed casket funerals were just hard light ash and plasma substance residue from those alien bombs that detonated four cities and was supercharged with demonic devil magic, arcane and esoteric curses and hexes, & and divine and celestial Titan magic that exploded several cities!” The founding fifty members of the Elites, seventy five of the one hundred veteran members, & twenty five of the honorary Elites members survived. But the twenty five veteran members and several hundred of their newest recruit members did not survive. “They buried them with the utmost honor and buried them with medals, pins, & badges of heroism and valor.” “They died the most courageous champions and died true gallant heroes who paid the utmost sacrifice so others could live.” “Everywhere on every social media and news outlet throughout the planet, star system, & galaxy was the headline, “Where is the Arcane Assassin or the Mystic Mercenary.” “Where were the Sentinels.” “Maysa Nabila Uzun-Mishra an absolute level telepath and ultimate level empath who is the wife of Amelia Himmat Mishra said, “Those several hundred that were our novice apprentices they died still believing.” “That you, Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones, would still come and save them and that you would come and fight by their side together against impossible and overwhelming odds as a sister in arms.” “That is was all just a joke or a prank...that you actually didn’t forsake them to fight alone and you actually didn’t abandon them to die,” she said openly weeping and crying.” “Did you know that?” She shouted, “They still held out hope and faith worthy of even blue lanterns of the Blue Lantern Corps led by Saint Walker of DC Prime Earth that I would come and save them and that I would come and fight by their side but I never fucking showed up now did I?!” She roared, “I abandoned them, my friends and my family to die and chose to forsake them to fight alone!” “That is what most of the founding fifty members of the Elites are still furious and still enraged about.” “I failed not just them, the Elites.” “I failed not just him/her/them…Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith...” “I failed not just them, the civilians.” “But I failed upholding my sacred oath, my hallowed vow, & my consecrated pledge as an honorary Elites member.” “Our oath that he/she/they created as the founder of the Elites and the Paragons based on ancient esoteric knight guild pledge and an olden arcane paladin guild vow is, “We have been called, we must answer, we all made an oath, we all took a pledge, we all made a vow, we all made a promise, that no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter the odds, no matter the numbers, no matter the opposition, no matter the risk, no matter the cost, & no matter the sacrifice, that we always answer the call!” “The mottos of his/her/their team the Elites and the Paragons that are the taglines on the top, bottom, left, right, & middle of the four dimensional holographic posters of the Elites and Paragons.” “That he/she/they based off of Blue Bionic or Crimson Cyborg (Amelia Himmat Mishra a bisexual Hindu Black British South Asian Indian woman of color), Dragoon Dragon or Wraithlike Wyvern (Chun Hei Kim a bisexual Buddhist Black American Southeast Asian Korean woman of color), me the Mystic Mercenary or Arcane Assassin (Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones), & Scarlet Soldier (Maysa Nabila Uzun-Mishra a lesbian Muslim Black African Egyptian Middle Eastern Iranian woman of color) are...” “United we stand together we stay.” “Stand strong stand tall.” “Day or night we are ready.” “Out of the darkness we bring light.” “Through the shadows we persevered.” “Sword in the shadows, shield in the darkness.” “Honor, duty, & valor.” “Strength through diversity.” “Arisen from phoenix ashes.” “Formed from many now united as one.” “United in war but together in peace.” “To this day in the remains and ruins of Steel City, Iron City, and Hard Light City, those few million saved by the Elites,” Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones said bursting into tears, “erected the most beautiful memorials to those twenty five veteran Elites members and several hundred novice apprentice Elites who died to save Hard Light City, Steel City, & Iron City from the Horde Army and constructed the most glorious monuments to them the seventy five veteran members, twenty five honorary Elites members, & fifty Elites founding members who lived and saved Nebula City, Solar City, Lunar City, & Nova City from the leaders of the Forces of Evil.” “Every year for decades, centuries, & millennia…” “Citizens of this universe, people, aliens and humans, metahumans and superhumans, from across the planet Earth and across the terraformed and colonized planets, moons, & planetoids (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Luna, Triton, & Pluto) of the Sol System still come and pay their respects to those valiant champions and gallant heroes.” “To this day in Neo Hard Light City, Neo Iron City, & Neo Steel City every year on the anniversary of those battles.” “Those cities as most of those citizens are the survivors of a few million that they saved they hold a day of mourning and they hold a night of remembrance.” “All choirs and all orchestra join together and burst into songs and chants.” “The choirs sing solemn ballads and the orchestras play somber hymns as those citizens they saved light candles and leave flowers to memorials as they grieve and mourn the loss of their heroes and champions, that died in Hard Light City, Iron City, and Steel City trying to save their family and friends, the several thousand civilians who died.” “To honor those few hundred recruits and those twenty five veteran members of the Elites who gave their lives and made the ultimate sacrifice so they, the few million civilians, would live.” “Who chose to save them when everybody else chose to abandon them to the Horde Army and left them to die to the leaders of the Forces of Evil!” “They knew that going in that it was a suicide mission and most if not all of them were going to die anyway, how could they not, but they still answered the call because our oath says...no matter the risk,  no matter the cost, & not matter the sacrifice...” “I should have been there with them…” “I should have damned the orders to stand down…” “I should have came and fought by their side..” “After the loss of their several hundred novice apprentices they disbanded and shut down the Exiles, Paramounts, Alphas. Vigilantes, Primals, Wildcards, Outcasts, Ironclad, & Centurions.” “They the founding fifty members, seventy five veteran members, & twenty five honorary members then created the Paragons (made of the superhero teams the superhero teams Apex, Omega, Ion Immortals, Wraithlike Wardens, Iron Inquisitors, Esoteric Ethereals, Psion Primordials, Titanium Templars, & Cinnabar Celestials) out of the ashes of the Elites and the superhero teams that made it.” “It was a superhero team with enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol System and later became enough metahuman and superhuman members to defend the Sol System, Polaris System, & Vega System.” “I Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones was their Sentinel supporter and liaison.” “I believed in them when no one else did.” “The other members of the Sentinels didn’t believe in them and refused to be their benefactor and patron.” “They patronized, dismissed, & ignored them.” “Did you know that when they were making the Elites they laughed in their faces.” “Everyone said no to them but me.” “I took a leap of faith and chose to stand by them.” “I was supposed to be there for them no matter what.” “But when they needed me most…” “I chose to abandon them to die just like they did!” “I chose to forsake them to fight alone just like they did!” “I left them to die and left them to fight alone in their hour of need when they needed me most!” “But do you know what is worse though?” “I didn’t even show up to any of their funerals.” “I couldn’t look any of them in the eye after that...especially not Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter...”  I jumped down with my arcane and esoteric magic as a demigod and said, “Alexander/Alexandria, I am so sorry.” “Please let me in, let us talk, please we need to talk, please let me explain!” Alexander Smith/Alexandria Smith said, “Sorry does not bring those several hundred novice apprentices who were reduced to nothing but hard light ash and plasma residue back Lori.” “Those bombs reduced them to just hard light ash and plasma substance residue!” “Please does not bring my veteran twenty five members back from the dead!” “After the only thing left of them to bury in closed casket funerals are domino masks, gloves, boots, & capes!” “Just pieces of their fucking costumes Lori that is what we had left of them!” “For the rest of them after the were captured by that alien superhuman immortal were vaporized by the energy blasts, breath blasts, & optic blasts of the alien leaders of the Forces of Evil, destroyed by the arcane and esoteric curses and hexes of that evil sorcerer, destroyed by the demonic magic of that Devil Lord and Demon General, & destroyed by the divine and celestial magic of those Greco Roman Titans!” “I let out a gasp of shock and covered my mouth and started crying as I learned the truth. “No…” “That’s not what the Sentinels said happened.” “So where the fuck were you Laurissa?!” “Why did you abandon us to fight alone and why did you forsake us to die Lori?!” I said, “I am so sorry Alexander/Alexandria but I could not come and fight as much as I wanted to be there for you I could not.” Macy Smith/Mack Smith said, “Those several thousand people that died in Hard Light City, Steel City, Bronze City, & Iron City, their blood is on your hands Lori because of your inaction!” “The deaths of several million that died in Jade City, Diamond City, Ruby City, & Sapphire City and the others of Gemstone County are on the Sentinels because of their apathy and indifference!” “Why did you ignore your holo communicator that I gave you as an honorary Elite?!” “Why didn’t you answer the call!” I said, “I wanted to more than anything but I had orders from the Sentinels to stand down.” Alex Smith/Lexi Smith said, “You had orders,” he/she/they said before giving a cruel laugh.” “Orders are why you are still alive when most of my men are all fucking dead.” “Orders are why the rest of them have depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD because of survivor’s guilt from being forced to watch our family and friends die!” “Why the fuck didn’t you show up to the funerals?!” “That was the least you could have done to honor their memory.” “Did you know they all looked up to you as their hero and as their idol.” I said, “I couldn’t come not what after I did.” “I couldn’t show my face after what happened.” “I was a coward.” “I couldn’t face them and I couldn’t face you especially after what happened.” Alexandria Macy Smith in her female form aid, “Do you know how many condolence letters the fifty founding members and I had to write?” “That say we are sorry but we made the tough call and we ordered your sons, daughters, children, father, mother, parent, brother, sister, or sibling to their deaths.” “That they gave their lives to save several thousand civilians and refused to abandon them even when the odds were so low it was a lost cause.” “Leave Lori, I can’t look at you right now.” I said, “You don’t mean that Alex/Lexi.” Alexander Mack Smith in his male form said, “Lori what you did was your greatest betrayal to me and your greatest act of disloyalty to the Elites.” I started crying as I  said,  “I can make up for this please!” “Please forgive me!” Alex Smith said, “Forgive you?” “I don’t know if I can ever forgive you.” “You abandoned me and my men to die and you chose to forsake us to fight alone on orders.” “Make it up to me?” “Lori you didn’t uphold your oath as an honorary member.” “I brought you into the fold as an honorary member myself.” “I saw something in you.” “I saw someone worthy.” “I saw a warden, a protector, & guardian.” “I saw a hero and a champion in you but apparently I was wrong.” “You are unworthy.” “What you are is just a coward.” I don’t know if we can ever come back from this.” I said, “Please forgive me, I will do anything please just give me a chance to make up for this.” Lexi Smith in her female form said, “The ones who you need to be sorry to, are not the living Lori, but the dead, because the dead, they died still believing that you are a hero.” He/she/they growled, snarled, & roared with tears of rage and sorrow, “But we both see how much of a lie that is don’t we Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones!” “Because you are no hero!” “You never were a hero!” “You will never be a hero!” “Tears were flowing out of my eyes at his/her/their words.” “Lori give me your holo communicator, give me your symbol and mark as an honorary Elite, & give me your medals and pins as an Elites member.” I burst into tears and said while openly crying, “Alexander/Alexandria please don’t do this!” He/she/they held out his/her/their clawed hands with tears in his/her/their eyes. I said, “Joanna Jacobson herself gave this holo communicator to me when she made me an honorary Elites member.” “She said it was an honor and a privilege to serve with me.” “The fifty founding members of the Elites themselves gave me these medals and pins.” “They said they each saw something in me, something worthy.” “You gave me this mark and symbol yourself when you recommend me to become an honorary Elites member.” “You said I was a true hero, your role model...” “I was so joyful and happy when I earned these…” “So please don’t take this away from me, I beg you...” “I cried openly as I placed the holo communicator, medals and pins, & symbol and mark in his/her/their hand.” “My heart and soul broke as I heard his/her/their next words.” Alexandria Macy Smith/Alexander Mack Smith said, “You are not worthy of this mark and symbol.” “You bring it shame and you bring it dishonor, disgrace, & discredit.” “You don’t deserve these medals and pins.” “You are no hero, you are no warden, you are no protector, you are no guardian, & you are no champion.” “From now on you are excommunicated from the Elites and no longer an honorary member.” “Leave Lori...and never come back…” Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones said with tears running down her face, “I’ll leave but I am so so sorry Alex/Lexi, I hope someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me, I hope we can I don’t know...come back from this, & I hope I can make it up to you.” “I will show you that you were not wrong when you recommend me as an honorary Elites member.” “That what you saw in me was real and that I am worthy.” “That I am a hero and that I am a champion.” “Just like you are...the greatest hero I know.” She was crying as I flew away as as a kryptonianized superhero given alien superpowers in a super soldier experiment as her eyes blazed with red optic blasts and fists burned with blue energy blasts. Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith dropped to his/her/their knees and let out a snarl, growl, & roar as he/she/they let out a wail, scream, cry, & howl of agony, pain, anguish, & misery mourning the death of the friendship with Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones his/her/their friend and sister. His/her/their alien extraterrestrial wives, Indigenous women wives, & people of color wives soothed and consoled him/her/them as he/she/they let out tears of sorrow, torture, distress, suffering, & torment as he/she/they grieved the loss of the Elites who died under his/her/their command and the loss of several thousand civilians and several million civilians who died under their watch. Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones’s heart and soul broke as she heard their pain and agony that she caused.  Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones was driving down the street on her hover motorcycle wearing a black military bomber jacket with patches and aviator shades. “I stopped as everyone throughout the planet, solar system, & galaxy in the universe, multiverse, & omniverse turned to the news on their holographic smartphones, holographic tablets, & holographic laptops.” “There was a new unknown nonbinary genderfluid antihero or supervillain who appeared genderless or androgynous wearing a mask, wearring a cape, wearing boots, wearing gloves, & wearing pants.” They said, “People of the planet Earth or Terra!” “Citizens of the Polaris Star System, Vega Star System, & Sol Star System!” “Citizens of the Andromeda Galaxy, Xeno Galaxy, & Milky Way Galaxy!” “Let me ask all of you.” “Who is still lamenting the loss of our heroes the Elites!” “Who is still grieving the several hundred Elites recruits and twenty five Elites veterans who gave their lives for us!” “Who is still mourning over our loved ones, the several thousand civilians who died in Metal County, & the several million civilians who died in Gemstone County!” “Who is still angry over the inaction of the Mystic Mercenary or the Arcane Assassin!?” “Who is still furious over the apathy and indifference of the black ops and spec ops superhero team the Sentinels?!” “Who wants the Mystic Mercenary to pay for her sins and her crimes!” “Who wants the Sentinels to answer for the offenses and transgressions!” “If that is your want and desire then I am your salvation and deliverance!” “I am here not for justice…” “But I am here for vengeance, retribution, & revenge.” “The Sentinels and Arcane Assassin abandoned us all to die to the Forces of Evil and the Horde Army.” Several people crawling out of the ruins of Gemstone County who were now metahumans and superhumans. “I was there in Gemstone County when my city of Jade or Emerald City was detonated when the nuclear weapon of the leaders of the Forces of Evil was supercharged by their magic.” “I am of several civilians of Diamond City, Ruby City, Sapphire City, & Jade or Emerald City who became metahumans and superhumans and were given supernatural level powers as a result of the explosion.” Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones said, “Oh no…” “Arcane Assassin I am what happens when crimes, sins, offenses, & transgressions go unpunished.” “I am what transpires when your phantoms, ghosts, & demons come back from the dead to haunt you!” “Run, flee, or fly away in fear and terror.” “I don’t care for it makes no difference to me.” “Gods must answer for their hubris and it seems like I am yours.” “Phantoms, ghosts, & demons haunt you.” “You are a demigod who became an old god and later became a new god.” “So I am going to haunt you forever.” “Mystic Mercenary I know who and what you really are.” “I will find you.” “I will hunt you down.” “I will break you.” “I will destroy everything you love.” “I will destroy everyone you care about.” “My men will burn the Sentinels to the ground!” “The Sentinels aren't heroes!” “They are just charlatans pretending to be the true heroes that the Elites are!” “They are all frauds!” “I will raze the Sentinels to the fucking ground with hellfire, holyfire, & dragon fire!” “I will have my men execute and murder every single fucking Sentinel and put their heads on fucking pikes!” “But even then I wouldn’t kill you.” “Not yet because you see I want to enjoy your sorrow, torment, & suffering.” “I want to savor your agony, misery, & pain.” “When you in divine shackles after I capture you with celestial chains.” “After I leave you with broken and fractured bones.” “Injuries of broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, a broken foot, & a fractured elbow, a broken arm, fractured knee, a broken hand, & a broken leg after I use my superhuman strength to break your supernatural healing and durability.” “Broken after I have a telepath torture you mentally, broken after I have an empath torture you emotionally, & broken after I torture you physically myself.” “Only when the last pieces of hope and faith withers from your eyes will I ever be satisfied.” “When your world is in shambles as I take everything from you.” “When your body, mind, heart, & soul is in pieces.” “I want you to watch helpless as I force you to witness me killing all of your loved ones.” “Only then will I allow you to die!” “I want you hopeless as there is a bleak look in your eyes as you realize that you lost everything worth fighting for.” “When you are before me beaten and bloody with a broken nose, a black eye, & cut cheeks spitting out your divine blood.” “When you are before my pleading for me to spare your friends and family.” “When you are before me pleading for my forgiveness.” “When you are before me groveling begging me to kill you as you realize there is nothing left to live for.” “That is when I will execute you with your own divine Roman gladius sword!” “I will then have a mage curse you with arcane and esoteric magic to have you forever not know peace as I become known as someone who slain even an immortal like you!” A genderless nonbinary metahuman weeping over their dead partner and dead children. “That is what you deserve as I watched my children and partner die in my arms because of your apathy and indifference!” “That is what you deserve for allowing thousands of civilians to die!” “That is what the Sentinels deserve for allowing millions of civilians to die!” “That is what you deserve for abandoning the Elites to die and forsaking Cardinal Changeling to stand alone against the leaders of the Forces of Evil!” “I will show you that even you a demigod can broken for I will break you!” “I will show you an old god like you can still bleed celestial and stellar blood!” “I will show you that even you a new god can still die!” “I will become a godkiller myself and drag your fucking soul to Hel and Tartarus itself!” “I swear to the demigods, old gods, new gods, Titans, & dragon gods!” Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones she shook in fear and terror even as a divine and celestial being as she heard their words. She then decided to flee to delay the inevitable and prepare for the fight of her life. Later everything that they promised came true. Lori was beaten and bloody before the antihero and supervillain as she watched the Sentinels burn and watched helpless as their minions their men beheaded several members. “I want to see the pain, anguish, distress, & agony as you are forced to watch your friends die.” “I want you to grieve, mourn, weep, & cry as you watch your significant others and family get hurt and beaten.” I want you to feel the same misery, torment, & sorrow I felt.” 
She was put into chains and shackles as she was subjected to physical, emotional, & mental torture meant to break even a Titan like Atlas or Prometheus. She later pleaded with them to stop. She begged their forgiveness. I said, “I am sorry.” “Please forgive me…” “Please spare them.” “It’s me you want.” “Please don’t make them pay for my crimes.” The villain then stabbed her in the stomach with an arcane and esoteric sword cursed with powerful dark magic. They then violently tore it out of her as they repeatedly stabbed her in the abdomen. “I fell to my knees screaming in pain.” They the androgynous or genderless antihero and supervillain were about to execute her but she was saved by Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith. The antihero and supervillain stopped upon seeing the Cardinal Changeling or Scarlet Shapeshifter. Alex/Lexi pulled out a hard light plasma pistol and it seemed like he/she/they were going to use it to murder the antihero and supervillain. But instead he/she/they pressed it into the forehead of Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones. “Do what you want to the Sentinels I do not care.” “But the Arcane Assassin leave her to me.” “I fucking hate you Mystic Mercenary!” The self loathing and self hatred of the Arcane Assassin was apparent when she heard those words spoken to here with such anger, wrath, fury, & rage. Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones said, “I am so sorry Cambion Chimera.” “I should kill you where you stand for your crimes in the Battle of Gemstone County!” “I should kill the Sentinels for their transgressions in the Battle of Metal County!” “I should execute you right here for your inaction that caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians!” “I should let the Sentinels burn to the ground and I should let them all die for their apathy and indifference that caused the loss of several million civilians!” “I saw and I felt it as they all died through the empaths and telepaths of the Elites.” Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith using their power armor dug through the rubble trying to find survivors. “I dug through demolished buildings with my power armor trying to find survivors but there were none.” “I found only corpses and pieces of bodies.” A child holding the hands of her younger adoptive siblings shouted, “Mom, Dad, where are you?!” “I heard the pleas of a child as she and her adoptive younger brothers searched for her dead mother and dead father!” “Her name was Maria and she was looking for their parents with her younger adoptive brothers Takeda and Nathan.” “They were her biological parents and they were their adoptive parents.” Maria, Nathan, & Takeda asked Alex/Lexi, “Do you know where our parents are?” “Their parents were gone.” “I know because I buried them myself.” “The Horde, Swarm, or Legion Army of the Forces of Evil.” “It took your real birth parents from each of you,” said Alexander/Alexandria to his/her/their adoptive children Maria Garcia Morales, Nathaniel Ngo Nguyen, & Takeda Sato. “When they razed Metal County to the ground.” “I didn’t know how to explain to them that they were not coming back.” “I adopted them as my own adoptive children.” “How do I explain to my adoptive children that you are part of the reason why their parents are dead?” “Alexander/Alexandria in his/her/their costume and combat armor as he/she/they held a dying superhero in his/her/their arms. “I held a dying metahuman and superhuman young adult superhero while in my costume and combat armor!” “I watched as the light left her eyes...” “I heard her say sorry as she died in my arms...” “My combat armor was stained in her blood…” “No matter how hard I tried to scrub it out the smell of blood and the smell of a corpse did not wash out.” “Every night I hear their screams.” “You have blood on your hands Lori.” “You have their blood on your hands.” “The blood of several hundred Elites.” “This hard light plasma pistol is armed with several hard light plasma 45 caliber bullets capable of negating supernatural healing.” “I forged it with magic strong enough to injure new gods or even kill old gods.” “You know what that means.” He/she/they pressed the barrel harder into the forehead of Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones. He/she/they cocked the hammer as she/he/they loaded a bullet into the chamber of the hard light plasma pistol.” “Goodbye,” said Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith. He/she/they then shot her in the arms and legs. “You don’t deserve to die so easily.” “I sentence you to an immortal life cursing you to always feel this regret.” “I curse you to always live with this sorrow, grief, agony, misery, anguish, & torment.” “To never know peace for as long as you live as a new god.” “You are a betrayer.” “You are a destroyer.” “You are an oath breaker.” “You are a coward.” “You are no hero.” “From this moment on this is goodbye.” “From this moment on Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones we are no longer family and we are no longer friends.” “I cried harder as I realized he/she/they just disowned me as his/her/their sworn sibling.” She grabbed onto his/her/their cape as she begged for his/her/their forgiveness. He/she/they ripped off her hands as he/she/they growled, snarled, & roared, “You are dead to me!” I cried, “You don’t mean that!” “Don’t say something that you will regret.” “You should have died Lori not them.” “It should be you in those graves not the Elites.” “It should be you.” He/she/they then turned their back on her and walked away. Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones dropped to her knees as she let out a wail and sobbed until her eyes were bloodshot red. She was mourning and grieving the death of a relationship of fellowship and brotherhood. She begged the antihero and supervillain. I said, “Kill me…” “There is nothing in this world worth living for and there is nothing in this world worth fighting for anymore.” “You won.” “Now even my own sworn sibling hates me.” “Do it!” “Kill me!” “Do what you came here to do.” She gave them her divine and celestial Roman gladius sword and Greek xiphos sword. “Behead and execute me.” “Grant me peace.” “Gain your revenge, vengeance, & retribution.” “Become known as a godkiller.”  “No.” “I think I like Alex’s/Lexi’s idea more.” “Sentencing you to die.” “It is too easy for a coward like you.” “Sentencing you to an immortal life of pain and suffering is way more satisfying.” “You know as a demigod an immortal life is suffering.” “As a demigod who became an old god and was later turned into a new god your immortal life is even more despair.” “You did this to yourself.” “Now even the legendary Cardinal Changeling hates and despises you.” “You don’t even know if what they said was the truth and that they really despise you or if it is just bullshit that they said for me to spare you.” “There is no greater justice than that.” “Live with this heartache and sadness for the rest of your days.” “That in the end you destroyed your relationship with your sworn sibling in everything but blood.” “You were never a hero and you will never be a hero because you are just a villain.” 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oN2Xs-MvxLw.  “That was my greatest dishonor as an Amazonian barbarian fighter.” “That was my greatest disgrace as an arcane and esoteric knight sergeant and later paladin commander.” “That was my greatest shame as a superhero.” “That was my greatest embarrassment as a demigod.” “That is why I to this day wears that mark on my celestial and divine armor as a demigod and that symbol on my esoteric and arcane armor as a homo magi.” “To mark me as a warlock and to mark me as an oath breaker.” “I broke the bonds of fellowship and links of brotherhood when I broke my promise, my oath, my vow, & my pledge.” “To remind myself when I failed to uphold my oath as a superhero and my word as an honorary Elite.” “You are an oath breaker, a traitor, & you are a betrayer Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones the daughter of Athena,” said Hades and Pluto. “Even now tied to my scabbard is a piece of a cherry superhero cape with the symbol and crest of my friend Barbara who stared death in the face defiantly as she was executed by optic blasts, breath blasts, & energy blasts by the alien leaders of the Forces of Evil.” “Even now tied to my shield is a piece of a cobalt flag or banner of a novice apprentice Elites William or Billy who died saving civilians.” “I tie a piece of a cape to my scabbard because when the battle was over.” “I came to the remains of Solar City, Nova City, Lunar City, & Nebula City.” “I held the domino masks, gloves, boots, & capes of my dead family and friends, the twenty five veteran members who died in Nova City, Lunar City, Solar City, & Nebula City, in the palms of my hands and dropped to my knees and cried.” “As I saw that pieces of their costumes were the only thing left of them after they were obliterated from the breath blasts, energy blasts, & optic blasts of the alien leaders of the Forces of Evil, annihilated by the curses and demonic magic of the Demon General and Devil Lord leader of the Forces of Evil, & eradicated by the divine and celestial magic of the Greco Roman Titan leaders of the Forces of Evil who were Cronus and Saturn.” Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones dropped to her knees. She was howling tears as she learned actions and inactions have consequences. “I covered my mouth with my hand as I cried.” “As I saw the civilians of a few million survivors place flowers and light candles near the smiling holographic four-dimensional photos of my friends and family, the twenty-five veteran members who died.” “With shame I stood before their makeshift tombstones and tore off my blue cape from the shoulders of my solar suit.” “I hung it off the pommel, cross guard, and grip of his hard-light bastard sword and the top of his plasma shield.” “A grave marker of my friend Jonathan who died who gave his life in the field of duty.” “To this day my cape still hangs off of his sword and shield...” “The only thing the Elites had to mark their graves as tombstones for unsung soldiers were their hard-light shields and plasma weapons...” “I wear pieces of that flag tied to my shield because when the battle was over.” “I stabbed both my celestial Roman Centurion Gladius sword and my divine Greek Xiphos sword into the ground.” “Divine weapons forged by my relatives the Greco Roman Gods.” “A Roman Gladius sword forged by the Roman God Vulcan and a divine Greek Spartan Xiphos sword forged by Greek God Hephaestus.” “I stabbed them both into the earth and prayed to the Greco Roman goddesses and gods before the banners, flags, & colors of the hundred novice apprentice Elites that were obliterated by those bombs that leveled Hard Light City, Steel City, Bronze City, & Iron City to the ground with their men and women of a few hundred strong who were novice apprentices still inside.” “I did that to pay respects for their men and women that were reduced to hard light ash and plasma goo residue.” “The only thing they had to mark their graves as tombstones for unsung soldiers were their flags, banners, & colors.” “I cried as she stood in the rain on a docked corvette or frigate spaceship in a spaceport on the colonized and terraformed planet Venus of the Sol System during an Earth Space Armed Forces style military funeral in my black and red Earth Space Marine Corps Force Recon military uniform as an officer.” “When the veteran Elites members who were former Sol and Vega Star System Federation soldiers were given a gun salute by the Earth Space Marine Corps I as an Earth Space Marine Corps major saluted them with tears running down my face.” “My tears were masked by my red and black dress blues cover in the rain.” “When my friends and family were symbolically sent out into space because they had no bodies to bury the caskets with during the three-volley gun salute I started openly crying.” “The twenty-five of our one hundred veteran members refused to retreat and refused to surrender to the eleven leaders of the Forces of Evil.” “Those twenty-five of our one hundred veteran Elites USA members after they were captured by the Cataclysm a part of the Forces of Evil.” “They were obliterated with the optic blasts, breath blasts, & energy blasts of the eight alien leaders of Forces of Evil, annihilated by curses and hexes from the evil sorcerer leader of the Forces of Evil leader, demonic magic of the Devil Lord and Demon General that was the demon leader of the Forces of Evil, & eradicated by the divine and celestial magic from the two Greco Roman Titan leaders of the Forces of Evil.” “Until they were nothing left but domino masks, gloves, boots, & capes, to serve as an example to those who stood against them.” “Those twenty-five of the one hundred veteran members were reduced to nothing but domino masks, gloves, boots, & gloves because they refused to retreat and refused to surrender to the leaders of the Forces of Evil.” “They could not even resurrect or revive the twenty-five veterans lord knows they tried.” “Valerica Garcia a Tsalagi Indigenous and Mexican woman of color, a grim reaper armed with two shadow scythes, said it herself.” “Those Greco Roman Titans, that evil sorcerer, & that Devil Lord and Demon General did something to their men when they died.” “That evil sorcerer cursed them and hexed them with powerful arcane and esoteric magical curses and hexes,  those two Greco Roman Titans curses them with divine and celestial magic, & that demon general and devil lord cursed them with foul forbidden blood, dark, & death demonic magic that forbade us from ever restoring them back to life.”  
“How many times have I accepted the curses of the family of the deceased demanding why I am still alive.” “How dare I be alive when they, their children, siblings, partners, or parents, are all dead.” “Asking why did I abandon my family and friends to die when I could have made a difference and save some of them.” “Asking me why did I forsake my brothers in arms, sisters in arms, & siblings in arms (those who are nonbinary like Alex/Lexi) when I could have fought by their side as a sister in arms.” “I had no answer to those comments.” “I beg you Lord Hades as your grandniece,” I said, “To bring them back.” Hades asked, “What price are you Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones willing to pay for such an act?” Pluto said, “They were cursed by powerful divine magic from titans Cronus and Saturn.” I said, “Anything even my own immortality if need be.” Pluto asked, “For these mortals you are willing to even live eternity powerless?” Hades asked, “Why would you give up so much for them as a demigod who became a new god.” I said, “Because they are worthy.” I said, “Because they are the only hope this world has.” “How many times have I pleaded to Hades and Pluto asking them to bring the Elites Earth who died back to life.” “And when asked what price I was willing to pay to undo the demonic magic of that Devil Lord and Demon General, undo the arcane and esoteric curse and hex magic of that evil sorcerer, & undo the divine and celestial magic of the Greco Roman Titans Cronus and Saturn.” “I said she was willing to even give up my arcane and esoteric magic as a homo magi.” “I said she was willing to forsake even my celestial and divine magic as a demigod.” “I said was willing to forever give up my own immortality and even my godhood as someone who was born a demigod and was later turned into a new god.” “I was willing to live the rest of my life as a powerless mortal to undo the powerful magic to bring them back to life.” “So I can atone for my crimes and my transgressions.” “So I can make up my worst mistake and greatest failure to him/her/them.” “How many times have I asked Persephone to let the Elites Earth who sacrificed their lives into the paradise of Elysium.” “How many times have I demanded Ares, Athena, Mars, & Bellona to train me until even my divine and celestial powers give out because I don’t want to fail like that ever again.” Ares and Aphrodite asked, “Is the reason why you hate the superhumans and metahumans and is the reason why you loathe the aliens and humans of the planets, star systems, & galaxies of this universe, multiverse, & omniverses so much for abandoning and betraying Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith is because it reminds you so much when you abandoned Alexandria/Alexander and the Elites to die and chose to forsake them to fight alone?” Mars and Bellona asked, “Is the reason why you train with us so hard is so that you can make up for your crime and your sin of choosing to forsake Hard Light City and Core City to the Horde Army and the leaders of the Forces of Evil on the orders of the Sentinels a decision that cost thousands of people their lives?” “The tears streaming down my face as I openly cried and nodded was enough of an answer to Athena and Lady Meinn who were my parents.” “How many times have I woken up crying from the spirits of the dead asking why did I forsake them to fight alone and why did I abandon them to die.” “Why did I turn her back on them and forsake them.” “How many times have I demanded the spirits to scream out their loathing and yell their hatred at me.” “How many times have I pleaded the ghosts not see me as this hero in their eyes.” “To damn me and curse me when I learned.” “That even as they light left their eyes and even as the souls left their bodies.” “They never lost hope that I would come and save them and that they never lost faith that I would come and fight by their side.” “How many times was I so broken when I realized my mistake and failure that caused so many to die.” “How many times did I break when I realized how much blood is on my hands.” “Several thousand civilians died because of my inaction.” “Several millions of civilians died because of the Sentinels indifference and apathy.” “How many times have I been comforted by fellow demigod heroes Achilles, Theseus, Perseus, Orion, & Hercules because I still feel regret and lament for my actions.” “That is why I as an alcoholic resorts to divine and celestial alcohol as a demigod...” “That is why I drink with the Greek god Dionysus and the Roman god Bacchus at their parties in Greek and Roman Mount Olympus until I am hungover and black out...” “This is why with Aphrodite’s blessing as the niece of Aphrodite I resort to taking so many male, female, & beyond mortal and immortal lovers in Olympus City home of the demigods and Amazonians...” “So I can temporarily forget my mistake and my failure.” “I still burst into tears when I remember the day I failed him/her/them and the day our relationship was torn to shreds when I saw that he/she/they no longer saw me as a hero and champion.” “When he/she/they told me that I was no longer an honorary Elites member and was banned from the Elites.” “When he/she/they stripped me of my medals and pins as an Elite, my symbol and mark as an honorary Elites member, & my holo communicator.” “When he/she/they said I wasn’t a hero and would never be a hero.” “This is why I Laurissa Owen Maximiliana Jones hate the universe for abandoning him/her/them when it reminds me so much of when I abandoned him/her/them and the Elites to die and when I chose to forsake them to fight alone on the orders of the Sentinels.” 
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aion-rsa · 4 years
How Dark Nights: Death Metal Reboots the DC Universe
The end of Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 is the last stop of more than a decade of Scott Snyder driving the DC metaverse’s bus. The conclusion to the Dark Nights saga, which started in 2017 with Dark Nights: Metal and ran through an entire Justice League series before concluding here, closes off storylines Snyder and his creative partner Greg Capullo seeded as far back as their first issue of Batman when the New 52 launched.
And with Infinite Frontier and Future State, DC’s next publishing initiatives, on deck, it’s worth taking a look at what Death Metal did so we can try and understand how the pieces fit together. Because if there’s one thing to take away from Death Metal, it’s that everything fits together. Even if you really gotta stomp on the pieces to get them to stick. 
The final couple of issues of Death Metal throw a little bit of a curveball at readers. The entire series has felt like it was heading for a confrontation between Wonder Woman and The Batman Who Laughs, the Jokerized Bruce from the Dark Multiverse who (everybody take a DEEEP breath now) led an army of dark Batmen on behalf of Barbatos, the evil Bat god, in Metal; escaped captivity with Lex Luthor’s help in Justice League; betrayed Lex and usurped his role as evil overgoddess Perpetua’s right hand in Hell Arisen; and had his brain dropped in the body of a Bruce Wayne who had been turned into Dr. Manhattan after being killed by Diana earlier in Death Metal (with a chainsaw made from her invisible jet…just roll with it), giving him the nearly limitless power he needed to betray Perpetua earlier in this series. And from this point forward, we’re referring to him exclusively as BWL. Now let’s all go get a glass of water.
Ok, back? Cool.
So the rematch in the last couple of issues of Death Metal is what the rest of the series has felt like it was building towards. And we definitely get a BRAWL: Diana, charged up with Anti-Crisis energy (we’ll get there), is a giant embodiment of her golden lasso, and several times in the issue, she punches BWL so hard he traverses the history of the DC Universe. 
But it turns out BWL isn’t just fighting to dominate the entire multiverse. The Hands are returning. 
The Hands and the Green Lantern Connection
You know how DC time travelers can’t go back and watch the beginning of creation? Whenever they try, they just see a giant hand. This is pretty well established, going back to John Broome and Gil Kane’s old Green Lantern story about Krona, the Guardian scientist who first attempted to see the dawn of time. 
Turns out, the giant hand is part of a race of them: enormously powerful cosmic entities that bear a passing thematic resemblance to Marvel’s Beyonders, only sized up in power a few times. That hand we see when Krona tries to violate the laws of the multiverse, it belongs to Perpetua, and she’s one of them. Now they are coming to judge this local multiverse, and Perpetua and BWL both think it’s going to go poorly. So poorly, in fact, that BWL is asking Diana to join her Anti-crisis energy with his, as it’s their only hope of preventing The Hands from sweeping everything away and starting over.
Crisis Energy and Anti-Crisis Energy
Oh that. 
Perpetua and BWL power themselves up first (in Justice League and Hell Arisen) by harnessing the unseen dark forces of the multiverse – the invisible spectrum that manifests as John Stewart’s Ultraviolet Lantern powers, or the Speed Force’s opposite number, the Still Force, for example. They eventually graduate to eating universes to expand their power. These are examples of what Death Metal categorizes as Crisis Energy. 
Diana is charged with its opposite: Anti-Crisis Energy. This energy is produced by the connective tissue of the history of the DCU, by the totality of the DC Universe’s history. That’s why “everything counts” in Death Metal #6 was a big deal: it was a massive power up for Diana. It’s also an interesting meta critique of DC’s history of reboots.
Crisis Energy is described *by Diana* as being selfish and short sighted, focused on short term gain at the expense of respecting the sweep of history. Anti-Crisis energy is constructive, drawing strength from the depth and breadth of 80 years of DC continuity. 
We have to be careful assigning authorial intent where none may exist. But it is certainly a valid read of Death Metal to see criticism of DC’s accelerating continuity reboot cycle built in. It doesn’t take an enormous leap of logic to transpose Crisis Energy and all of Diana’s critiques over to Crisis Events and some of the fan criticism – short term sales boosts at the expense of the richness of an 80 year publishing history. 
Who Was Right? Wonder Woman or the Batman Who Laughs?
Diana, of course. She refuses to give into BWL’s cajoling, punches him through continuity a few times, and eventually meets The Hands, who come to her wearing the form of…her.
More specifically, they show up as Golden Age Wonder Woman. 
The Hand she speaks with explains to her that they were going to sweep away Diana’s multiverse because of its propensity for gross selfishness, but Diana’s personal heart and generosity touched them, so they’re giving the DCU another shot. Only this time, they’re putting everything back in place: the full history of the DCU, along with a blossoming multiverse. And it’s heavily implied that the barriers between worlds in this multiverse are going to be…less walls, and more suggestions. The price the Hand extracts for this boon is Diana’s existence: she ascends, no longer living as a physical being on Earth Prime. Instead, she joins the Hands protecting the new multiverse from a hinted at but as yet unstated threat.
It’s worth noting here that this evolution of the DC multiverse somewhat mirrors Snyder’s evolution as a writer at DC. His early Batman work, on the “Black Mirror” arc of Detective Comics, and early in his New 52 Batman run is very carefully plotted and paced. They’re written more like traditional detective/horror stories. Similarly, the DC multiverse has been slowly returning to continuity since Infinite Crisis and 52, only very slowly, with rigid rules and boundaries about what constitutes the new multiverse. Remember the Orrery of Worlds? 
The difference, in both Snyder’s style and the cosmogony of DC’s multiverse, are the rules don’t matter anymore. Death Metal, both in how the story is told and where it leaves the DC multiverse, has a certain “FUCK IT, EVERYBODY HAVE FUN AND WE’LL CLEAN UP LATER” vibe to it and if we’re being entirely honest, that’s kind of exciting. 
What Does this Mean for the Future of the DC Universe?
I’ll admit, it hits a little different landing after a year of wild rumors about the future of DC’s publishing line. The journey of Death Metal saw a bunch of new bosses coming in and rumors and threats that they were going to rip the DC Universe down to the studs, and whatever came next wasn’t anyone’s business. 
The end of Death Metal is a jubilant explosion of everything bright and beautiful about the DC Universe – our heroes have made it, and not only did they survive, but they did so specifically because everything in their publishing history saved them. Everything counts now, everything happened, everything mattered, and it’s that counting/happening/mattering that saved the day. And then Black Canary, Superman, Wally West, and Batman play a big metal concert for all the celebrating heroes. With Jarro on cowbell. 
Future State is the next step, in-universe and out of it. Death Metal closes with a group of heroes and villains – Martian Manhunter, Mr. Terrific, Hawkgirl, Lex, Talia, Vandal Savage, and maybe Wally West (it’s not explicitly clear that he’s part of the group and not just visiting) – gathering together to talk about the cosmogony of the new omniverse. Hypertime is healing, the multiverse is growing so infinite that it’s now the omniverse, pasts and futures are opening into what Wally calls an Infinite Frontier (NEXT PUBLISHING PHASE MIC CHECK!). But Earth Prime is no longer the center of the multiverse the way it once was, as you can see from your handy dandy Multiversity map. It’s replacement is actually two worlds: one yet unstated, and one the group of DCU bigwigs is calling…the Elseworld. 
After reading the first batch of Future State books, one could be forgiven for assuming many of those stories take place there. Each book has a blurb about the saved multiverse, and the wealth of new possibilities growing out of the ashes of Death Metal. These books are dripping with multiversal references. But I think that’s beside the point – some of the Future State stories will end up being Elseworlds tales; some, possible futures; and some will slowly integrate to regular continuity. I think the variety is the actual point here; variety of settings, variety of stakes, and a variety of stories and storytellers. 
One would think that emphasizing variety might also lead to variances in quality, but the hit rate for the Future State books is remarkably high. These books are genuinely exciting to read. Several of them look nothing like what DC has been doing before, almost to the point where we can hold a funeral for DC House Art Style. 
The characters are certainly vastly different from what came before, and a couple of them are going to be absolutely huge – watch Yara Flor, the new Wonder Woman. If Joelle Jones’ first issue of Future State: Wonder Woman is any indicator, she’s going to be extremely popular. 
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It has been a long, and sometimes very odd journey to get here, but between the power chords of hope from the end of Death Metal and the completely new jams being played in Future State, it’s hard not to be cautiously optimistic about the future of the DC Universe.
The post How Dark Nights: Death Metal Reboots the DC Universe appeared first on Den of Geek.
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
The Last Two
Are born in a DC Hypertime splinter based on the New Teen Titans, where Angela Roth/Arella and Susan Meir both end up impregnated by Angra Mainyu/Trigon and Turugamvirakil, Lord of Urhalzan. They end up moving in together and making sense of the horrors that happened to Arella and the nature of their bodies changing with the particular pregnancies in question.
Then their children are born and the God on the Gilded Throne massacres Gotham City (yes, you read that right) and kills ten million people minus about seven survivors, of whom two are infants abducted from a blood-strewn room full of bassinets and one of the casual demonstrations of how cruel the God on the Gilded Throne can *really* get.
One of them calls herself Blackbird, grows up wearing black cloaks and dresses with an avian theme, commands colossal demonic reality-warping power which goes out of control if her emotions do. She is the daughter of the High King of Pandaemonium, every bit the equal of the omniversal Urhalzantrani, if a bit stoic and prone to a morbid self-obsession that is at least partially a calculating mask that lets the insufferably proud Urhalzantrani get a showing up from her.
Her sister is the Shadow-woman, a being who's entirely aware she's in a story, breaks the fourth wall with extreme prejudice, literally *wields the power of narration to the point that she can and does hijack entire stories to revolve around her or simply rewriting a plot line she despises*, emulated the cult of Xipe Totec when an annoying archangel didn't leave her sister alone after she asked real nicely and that meant war, y'see, and serves as a complete wild card. She might be a heroic figure and having a great laugh poking fun at stories and the more absurd elements of my cosmology, or she might be an unrelentingly nightmarish force like a demented Lovecraftian Bugs Bunny who can and will literally rewrite reality around characters who as characters in a story think their worlds and experiences are real....
And then she 'lovingly' and graphically details all the ways in which they're not and literally can and will use the medium-appropriate means to unravel the world around them.
So basically this is a straight up New Teen Titans AU where Raven had a twin adoptive sister who's a cosmically powered Deadpool with an even bigger murderous streak. with every single nightmarish possibility that could entail.
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nova-friends · 7 years
It's time for more omniverse NEWS! The Marco diaz of this universe has gone on many secret adventures without Star butterfly or his "known" friends accoss multiple multiverses during the beginning of his Hekapoo trials at the age of 14. For starters he fought alongside Batman and the Batfamily.He has helped them numorius times and is a member The Justice League.He's helped Goku the Z fighters.He became a jedi and fought alongside Luke Skywalker. Sadly he keeps these tales secret till this day.
Marco: *Eats popcorn* Man this is so cool. Sigh, only if i could share my stories. but you know, dimensional stability and such. 
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
I made the Urhalzantrani so close an analogue to the history of the Mongol Empires for a specific reason
That reason was to deal with the concept of Othering.....because unlike other Cosmic Horror stories in this case the Cthulhu-faction are POV characters built up to be sympathetic, understandable entities.
And then there's a perspective flip of universes collaterally wracked by forces more devastating than a gamma ray burst they can barely see, let alone comprehend and showcasing that they're very much Cosmic Horror with the full capital aspect of it.
The Urhalzantrani are the eldritch abomination for whom the stars are right, and their presence heralds that the long cycle since their predecessors is slowly but inexorably trending to its end. They're also built up as a complex civilization with a vast cosmology, elements of the Mongols' redeeming traits and with a direct eye to xenofiction where humanity is just one of many minor alien species the Urhalzantrani encounter and no more anything than all the rest of them.
I find xenofiction far more interesting as a challenge to invert the concept of Othering entirely and make *humans* the strange and bizarre alien species (though to an entity that perceives entire multiverses as minor factors any given mortal is less than a bacterium so.....yeah).
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
The next of the five, the Lightdancer, was born in what I call the Blue Fire Verse:
Originally known by another name I changed after the release of a poorly done porn series to evade any kind of confusion. In this alternate universe, the one developed the most deeply, the Lightdancer, Tahalavataru the Morning-dew, was born in 1491 to a world already profoundly altered by the whim of the Crawling Chaos, who met a fine Jewish girl he liked and schtupped her and brought forth a lineage of demigods with few equals in the multiverse. To this lineage was born a being of Urhalzantrani descent, whose impact in turn brought The Day the Mountains Fell, humanity's First Contact with aliens in the form of the Architects of Fear.
Upon her return in 1980 to root out an Azarath-affiliated bloc using an old Witch King relic called the Staff of Storms, she creates a group called the Prometheans with herself as the strange mystic being that unites the group, a super-spy with a bird theme, an alien warrior princess, a golem with magickal powers, a shapeshifter who focuses upon animals first and foremost, a speedster connected to an alternate dimension granting unrivaled powers of super-speed and none of the physics drawbacks, and the End of Empire, a Black man who was a superhuman-hunter who literally made the God on the Gilded Throne bleed by throwing a black hole grenade down her gullet of his own invention and achieves apotheosis into the ranks of the Urhalzantrani in the aftermath.
As the name indicates this is also where the original origin of the Omniverse Tales as a pastiche of the New Teen Titans came in. Xaderavcal the Unifier was originally the Starfire expy but she evolved into a Paul Atreides analogue instead and her adventures spun off into an alternate universe.
The End of Empire is the equivalent of Cyborg but he's more modeled after a 40K obliterator in terms of his changes, a towering technorganic mass who commands a vast arsenal produced from his own body, wielding all manner of esoteric weaponry capable of dealing harm to omniversal entities and matched only by the Lightdancer herself.
And the Lightdancer, the Hammer of Doom, the Unmaker, Nine-Eyed Death, she is the equivalent of Raven with elements of Superman.
The broader universe is loosely modeled on elements of a DC Universe that had its meta-origin event happen in 1908, with ensuing results like the Colossus-ish Josef Stalin overthrowing his fellow Bolsheviks and ruling as the immortal expy of the Emperor of Mankind in an Imperium of Mankind-ish USSR down to the 'Kill All Gods' mentality.
The Fantastic Four equivalents are the CUP analogues as well and rule the Ottoman Empire as a super-tech state, pushing its boundaries back to the Danube in the process.
Germany is ruled by Ernst Roehm, who gained the power to transform into poisonous gas and with it a kind of twisted immortality and neatly turned the Night of the Long Knives into the end of Adolf Hitler and the start of what became a brutal war between the USSR and the Reich that leaves the heart of Europe a desolate wasteland and no-man's land between great powers.
The USA is torn between the South, where a revolution against Jim Crow led to a Neo-USA dominated by Black people and something of a sci-fi paradise, and a hellscape in the North and West where superheroes and supervillains turned it into a blend of Lebanon and Afghanistan.
China is its own mirror to the USA, torn between superpowered warlord gangs with Mao and Jiang both footnotes and the Ma Clan among the most powerful of the warlords and spanning central Asia, inner Mongolia, and Manchuria in their domains.
India and the former Belgian Congo are old-model sci-fi utopias where the very best in humanity flowers, and both are only marked by the vice of navel-gazing and leaving the barbarian savages beyond the hinterlands to fight it out in blazing hellscapes of technology and superpowered armies.
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
The next eldest of the five, Xaderavcal the Butcher:
Was born in an alternate version of the Bizjarran Empire's throneworld as an alternate universe version of the protagonist Xaderavcal the Unifier. In her case the consequences of her birth were an attack by the armies of Pandaemonium under the direct personal command of one of their main generals, one Lucifer Morningstar. Then Turugamvirakil personally opted to handle this one, bandied them all back in a demonstration that he's only matched by entities that directly command such forces, not their lieutenants, he saves her, and in the process the House of Chaliel, the mercantile beating heart of the Empire died without a trace caught between two incomprehensible fires that operated for reasons of which the local culture had no knowledge.
The result is an Empire on the edge of a fiscal collapse and a setting that owes as heavily to Warhammer 40K as a loose expy as the God on the Gilded Throne's home universe has its elements of the Silmarillion and Warhammer Fantasy. A vast technologically superior empire is in its death throes, assailed by a vast number of foes that gather around its ruins.
Against the ever-present foes of nature and supernature it has vast teeming armies and the suicidal death cult mentality cultivated by the House of Underlan and its brutish ruler Fordin VII the Fell-Handed, who slew the Regicide and re-established himself upon the throne.
The Bizjarran Empire of this alternate universe may be dying the slow death of a state so vast that it would take it tens of thousands of years to full and truly die, but it intends to take everything and everyone it hates with it.
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