lapusas · 5 years
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                            ❛          konohamaru ,       you   ...          ❜
                                           naruto’s     always     thought     the     kid       reminded     him     of     himself  ;          in     many     ways     they       were     &     continue     to     be       alike          (     in     certain     ways     more     than     others ,       though ,       perhaps ,       that’s     not     uniformly     a     good     thing     ) .               &     now     he’s     being     reminded     of     himself     with     his     late     master .               always       seeking     to     prove     himself     &     outdo     the     other ,       aiming     for     the     approval       of     one     held     in     such     high     regard   ...               &     this     feeling     in     his     chest ,       a     kind     of     warm     air ,       rising     with     an     increasingly     deeper     smile   ...          //          ero - sennin ,       is     this     how     you     felt     while     training     me   ??
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                            he     gives     a     laugh       &       plops     his     right     hand     on     the     boy’s     head ,       affectionately     ruffling     his     hair ,       something     he’s     gotten     into     the     habit     of     doing     with     konohamaru     &     the     other     kids     &     doesn’t     particularly     feel     like     breaking .
                                           ❛        you’ve     already     made     me     proud .               &     you     just     keep     makin’     me     prouder     every     time     i     run     into     you ,       dattebayo .          ❜               his     hand’s     resting     still     now ,       laughter     fading     but     the     smile     remaining     firmly     in     place .               you’ve     grown     so     much ,       you     know     that   ??               i     think     everyone     can     see     it .               with     all     the     effort     &     heart     you     put     into     everything ,       how     could     anyone     not     feel     pride     looking     at     you   ??          ❛          i     can     already     tell     you’ll     be       an     incredible     hokage       some     day  ;          i’d     be     only     delighted     if     you     surpass     me .          ❜
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                            &     then     he     goes     &     breaks     the     moment       by     pulling     konohamaru     in     a     headlock ,         teasing     as     it     is  .               ❛        you’ve     still     got     a     looong     way     to     go ,       though ,       so     don’t     go     gettin’     a     big     head .               you’ve     still     gotta     beat     me     before     you     can     think     about     bein’     hokage ,       remember - ttebayo   ??        ❜
poetry starters.   //   accepting.   //   @akaego.
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nakotnes · 5 years
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❝    i  don’t  mind  coming  with  you.    ❞
@akaego   /   starter  call.
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kujakusuo · 5 years
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The city isn’t completely silent at night. There’s the sound of cars in the distance, and electricity whirs, joining in harmony with crickets and frogs. But it’s still a little too quiet- muffled. It always feels uncomfortable when there’s nothing happening. Lonely. Charmy preferred sleep when it was straight to the ‘all at once’ part of it, a complete and total crash. Sitting in bed alone at night with just his head wasn’t great. Falling asleep with someone nearby was always a lot easier.
But Espio had never asked that before.
Charmy quirks an eyebrow, giggling, before the giggle is cut short. He looks down at the cup in his grip (chocolate milk), and tugs the blanket around his legs a little closer. “Well”, the bee says, his wings fluttering ever so slightly, “I dunno.” He had a few guesses- but it all kinda swam around in his brain in a non-coherent way. “Everything’s so quiet and boring and--”, well, he didn’t want to say lonely, “- my head just keeps talkin’, y’ know?” Charmy’s a little too young to have the tools to deal with what’s going on his head, but right around that age where everything start’s becoming a question. Or maybe it’s always been that way for him- it’s not every day you meet a mysterious runaway kid, let alone one so young.
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hxgure · 5 years
“ don’t say thank you or please. ” / from denji u_u give him food sjdosjo
Grunting, Nicolas merely gave a once-over to the male that stood a few feet away from him. All skin and bones, the boy looked like he would break if someone were to run into him. Not really interested in heeding the boy’s words, not that he was one to let his gratitude be known in a blatant manner such as that, Nicolas walked past him. 
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Strutting towards a food vendor, he brusquely ordered more than what was probably meant for one person. Finishing up the food in a quick fashion, the man packed the orders neatly into a paper bag, setting it on the counter as he tapped at the price on the register. Fishing for the twenty in his pocket, he handed the bill to the man before taking the bag of food. Making his departure, not letting the man give his change despite how he kept calling over to him. It all went unheard as he had his back already turned to him.
Just as he was about to pass the boy that came to him earlier, Nicolas subtlety slid the food on the seat next to him. As he kept walking, he didn’t bother glancing back. He could pay him back next time if they were ever to run into each other again.
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gadgte · 5 years
" at first the loneliness sting " / idk uuuuh espio ?
POETRY  TIME   /   @akaego
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perhaps  for  some  this  rings  the  truth   /   yet  not  to  you.   you  had  family   /   yet   (   you  cherished  them   /   you  really  did   /   &   oh    ,   how  distant  you  were  of  them   ).   did  you  find  comfort  in  that   ?   /   in  the  space  you  made  for  yourself   ?   of  course  you  didn’t   ,   but   /   that  was  for  only  you  to  know.   in  that  blazing  inferno   /   being  helpless  in  watching  your  family  die.   your  past  died  with  those  flames  as  well   /   yet  the  loneliness  rose  from  its  grave   (   always  haunting  you   ).
of  course   /   then  it  stings.   you  were  already  lonely   /   yet  now.   now  you  were  truly  lonely   /   for  just  a  moment   (   it  felt  as  though  you  were  the  last  man  alive   ).   yet  it  subsides   /   the  feeling  passes  along  with  the  moment.   emotions   ,  feelings   ,   thoughts   /   all  drift  with  the  wind   (   conflicting   /   changing   ).   &  soon   /   you  forget  you  were  ever  in  pain   (   but  only  for  moments  at  a  time   /   for  the  weather  always  changes   ).   you  were  too  tired  for  this   /   this  wasn’t  a  thought  you  wished  to  burden  you  throughout  the  day.   you  simply  give  the  other  your  casual  smile   /   a  soft  laughter  to  complete  the  facade.
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❝    if  you  wanted  to  hang  with  me  you  could  have  just  asked.    ❞
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scburo-blog · 5 years
                  @akaego         /           ❤'d
PRECISELY  her  boots  sink  into  the  ground  ,  a  perfect  landing  that  could  put  most  accurate  gymnasts  ,  besmirching  the  concrete  with  mud  .  Evidence  of  her  crimes  dissipated  ,  acute  ears  decipher  a  GRUMBLE  --  right  behind  her  and  so  she  swiftly  spins  onto  her  heels  to  face  the  source  .  ❛  —  NO  DOG  .  ❜  With  a  fondness  for  creatures  ,  she’s  disappointed  to  meet  a  human  ,  but  nonetheless  rummages  through  her  dress  (  LAYERS  of  fabrics  )  and  pulls  a  piece  of  PEACH  candy  in  magician  fashion  .
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 ❛  —  PRESENT  .  .  .  FOR  YOU  .  ❜
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theirsalvation-blog · 5 years
@akaego​ got IVAN!
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BLANKET WAS QUICK TO disappear off the individual, sunlight bathing the room. It was far too late for them to be sleeping in, not when breakfast was being prepared. Ivan wore a blank expression, gloved digits holding the fabric delicately.
❛Wake up. It’s already past eight, and breakfast is being made. Do you truly lack this much class?❜
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taleighas · 5 years
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❝    uh   ,   is  it  suppose  to  be  making  that  noise   ?    ❞
@akaego   (   for  tails   !   )   /   starter  call.
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pxwcr-fxll · 5 years
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“Oi. Denji. Oi. OI. Oi. Aren’t like, these fuckers seem awfully weak to you?” Honestly speaking, even Power herself didn’t quite realize that the training actually paid off. She was just too focused on killing the old geezer to pay attention to her own state of being. 
“Aren’t we like, super cool now?” She wasn’t even trying and these smaller demons went down without issue. That feels nice. So fucking nice!
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fortruechaos-moved · 5 years
Continued from here. || @akaego -- HINATA
eyes narrow to slits, scanning up and down. he has fire on his head, illuminated in the sun’s silhouette. his spirit is larger than life. it teems off of the boy. and yet...he is so small.
“ how did you manage to do that? ”
even though it’s phrased as such, it’s not a question. he’s annoyed. he had been walking so far away when the object came hurtling at him at what felt like terminal velocity. a large gap, and somehow hinata had closed it.
stepping closer, shadow reaches to pluck the ball from hinata’s hand like a ripe apple on the lowest branch of a tree. he throws it high, catches it.
the ball dances on his fingertips, a planet whose orbit is the palm of shadow’s hand. it teeters violently on patchwork of skin.“ your coordination needs work. ”
shadow feints a throw.
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coueture-a · 5 years
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          ❛     nu uh ! what’d i tell you ?     ❜     there’s a brief pause , one that lasts but for a second at most ‘fore he returns back to the current topic at hand .     ❛     you caaaaaan’t have a lollipop until you pet my head ! go on , what are you waiting for ?     ❜  ( @akaego . )
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kingtrayed-blog · 5 years
‘ omg here goes your lil crybaby ass. ’ / tails HSJSSNSKXJ
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                                       ❝      i  beg  your  pardon  ?    —    i  swear  ,    you  are  so  immature  .    i’m  ashamed  to  call  you  my  double  .      ❞
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nakotnes · 5 years
boops the booper " how are you a teenager? " / espio u_u
AGE   /   @akaego
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with how  your  world  is   /   in  ruins   (   &   constant  danger   /   it’s  a  miracle  you  survived  to  be  18   ).   your  memories  are  foggy   /   &   your  mind  comes  in  blanks   (   you  are  empty   ).   as  though  these  hazy  days  pass  you  by   /   in  a  blink  of  an  eye   (   you  existed   /   without  living  life   ).   how  tragic   /   yet  you  desperately  cling  on   (   fighting   /  so  one  day  you  could  live  a  simpler  life   ).
❝    i…   don’t  know.    ❞   what  an  odd  question.
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innosen-a · 5 years
“just be careful.” / from ishida u_u
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IT HAD PROBABLY BEEN THE THIRD TIME ishida-san had told her to be careful. and as if words weren’t enough , he also just HAD TO accompany her all the way up to the nearby train station. while the child’s heart was more than grateful for his concern , it was already becoming more than what was necessary. she was just visiting her best friend who lived a few stops away. even for a first-timer , she would be able to HANDLE it just fine , right? ❛ here … ❜ turning around to meet the taller boy , the child raised up a pinky at him. ❛ i promise that i WILL BE CAREFUL , and i will return home safely. ❜
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blossomcd-blog · 5 years
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“Never seen it in my life.” She chirps, staring at her own little business card like it’s a foreign object. It seems she’d accidentally dropped that one and someone had seen it fall from her. She didn’t want it traced back to her. // akaego, sumire starter !! 
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gadgte · 5 years
‘ this might come as a shock but I’m Not Feelin too good my dudes. ’ / espio mm
POPULAR  TEXT  POSTS   /   @akaego
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with  a  snap  of  your  finger  espio  gets  thanosed   (   except  imagine  that  i  wrote  this  all  poetic  like   ).
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