#akashi kuniyuki x reader
sword-brainrot · 3 years
i really liked the self-sacrificing saniwa reqeuest! so if it's not too much trouble/too boring can i ask for the same but with akashi and kikkou? thank you so much~
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! Don't worry about it being troublesome or boring, if it's something you wish to see, I would gladly do more! I really enjoy writing these requests so feel free to request anything ^^
Self-Sacrificing Saniwa w/ Akashi and Kikkou (GN Reader)
Warnings/Tags- Mentions of violence, blood, gore, angst, hospital like setting, suggestive nsfw
Cut for Length
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♡  The saniwa was not someone who would normally go on the field with their swords... but it was another story when it was the last chance at saving history.
♡   The first mission failed. Swords returned in the citadel just before indubitable doom. They had their lives... Barely. It took days for the Saniwa, Yagen, Hakusan, and Chouson to all work together to stable their mortal form and to make sure their blades didn't break.
♡  Yet another team set out to Battle of Nagashino to succeed this time. The Saniwa being a part of it.
♡  Akashi was the leader and giving all the orders. He was the most powerful sword in the citadel, even if he masked this fact with his lazy persona. He knew when he had to act serious and get work done. 
♡  Gun fire, screaming, and the heavy rain were the only thing could be heard. You had to stress your ears to hear the orders that were given by Akashi, even though he was raising his voice on the battle field. 
♡   Kuwana Gou,  Maeda Toushirou,  Izuminokami Kanesada,  Ichigo Hitofuri, and  Nankaitarou Chouson accompanied Akashi and the saniwa on the mission. Chouson, the lead strategist and someone to help you patch up the swords that ended up getting hurt on the field. 
♡  The HRA had already shown their faces on the battle field trying to tamper with history. The swords were all in intense fights with the HRA, trying to keep them away from the main battle and you.
♡  Akashi was the last force to stop them from getting to you and messing with the battle that changed a good part of history. Things were not going as planned....
♡  Most of the boys were hurt and Akashi could not hold off the wave of them going past the team. 
♡   “Aruji-han.” He would huff as he held his blade against one of the HRA Uchigatana. “I have one last order just for you.”
♡  Even before he said anything, he flashed his lazy grin at you. A smile that normally made you feel warm inside now made your heart ache. 
♡   “Let your swords protect you until the end and get out of here safely, ya?” A quick slice made the Uchigatana evaporate in black smoke as Akashi’s persona faded and you could clearly see how worn out he had become. He was bleeding all over due to him putting his all out there to protect you and the mission in front of him.
♡  So exhausted that he barely had a chance to see feel the Yari HRA lunging to pierce the nearly broken sword. Akashi’s hand shook as he swung his body to try to block the attack. However... There was one thing that was faster than the strongest sword in the citadel.
♡  You had rushed in front of him and blocked the attack for your forearm. Pain rushed through your whole body as blood splattered across the ground and dripped down your arm. The deep wound making you feel light-headed already.
♡  Images of all the swords on this mission flashed before your eyes... All nearly broken. 
♡  As the Yari pressed down on your arm, your muscle and bone barely holding together from the strength of this supernatural being... You knew the team was going to die if you didn’t use your last-ditch option.
♡  Your free arm reached for your neck, ripping off the pendant that hung loosely there. A shaky smile turned to the sword behind you who stood there stunned at how fast everything just happened before him.
♡   “I’m sorry. I can’t follow your last order.” You whimpered through the pain as you crushed the glass pendant in your hand. Light emerging and a blast of energy throwing all the HRA enemies back. All the swords slowly having cherry blossoms appearing from their mortal forms as the team and you were forced to teleport back to the citadel. The last of your magical power used up to save your boys from the grips of death.
♡  The citadel in chaos as the team came back to find everyone in critical condition, including their lovely saniwa who was in the worst shape of all. 
♡  And the worst of all, they were unconscious and not showing any signs of waking up anytime soon.
♡  Weeks went by before any indication of life appeared. Slow cues that why may awaken soon came as twitched in the finger and toes. Eye movements behind the eyelids. 
♡  Akashi was there to witness all of them. When they weren’t surrounded by the medical trained swords taking care of them and checking their vitals, Akashi was by their sides talking to them to try to get them to wake up. That is when the signs appeared that they also wished to wake up. 
♡   “Aruji-han, I know very well how amazing sleep is,” A soft break in his voice appeared before your ears as sobs came out of his mouth and warm tears hit your hand, “but it’s time to wake up... I’m so sorry...”
♡  Another week went pass before their eyes finally fluttered open. They were laid up in a bed with tubes everywhere and monitors that was tracking their source of life. Their  arm wrapped up to their elbow and hung up so the sleeping body could not cause damage to the already broken bone. As soon as the screen showed consciousness, Hakusan and Yagen rushed in the room.
♡  However that was not the first sword you saw. As you tilted your head, you saw a very pale sword. His mouth agape. His eyes red and dark bags hung under them to show that he didn’t see much sleep.
♡   “Aruji-han?” He wished to reach out and touch you to make sure that what he was seeing was real and not an illusion from the 20 minutes of sleep he gathered from dozing off he got in that day, but he was unable to because that is when the two other swords appears and made him leave the room.
♡  Yagen and Hakusan stayed with you for what felt like hours. They were checking over anything and asking you everything they could. 
♡  When other swords could finally see their beloved saniwa again, Akashi was the first one appeared. This time, he looked more clean. He was bathed, his hair was no longer sticking all over and his eyes looked a little more normal. The bags remained under them. 
♡  His brows were downcast as he stood before your bed. 
♡   “Aruji-han... Was this a test? Do you believe I didn’t care about you enough so you had to test me with this ridiculous quest to get yourself hurt for me? Because it is foolish and I-” A sudden bit of the lip stopped his words as his golden eyes looked at the floor. “I was worried.  Hotarumaru and Aizen kept asking me about you constantly and I didn’t know what to say. They wanted to see you so badly but I had to be the villain and say no because I couldn’t let them see you like this... Don’t ever do that again. I don’t want them to hate me because of it.”
♡  His hand reached out to touch your cheek but stopped midway as if sudden fear overtook him. “... This is probably a dream, huh? I finally lost it and passed out and this isn’t even real...”
♡   “It’s real.” You choked out. Your voice hoarse from lack of use, “I’m sorry Akashi. I couldn’t let to see you all break when...” A rough cough erupting through you as you pushed yourself to talk.
♡  That is when Akashi rushed forward, laying a hand on you and supporting you.
♡   “When... I could do something about it.”
♡    A weak smile appeared on his chapped lips, “Idiot Aruji... Don’t ever do that again or you will really piss me off. But... I guess I should have talked to you about the plan more and trusted you more... I’m sorry.” He gently lifted your weak hand and kissed your fingers softly that you almost didn’t feel it.
♡   “No more scaring us like that though. I couldn’t sleep because of you. You have to repay me with some bedtime stories after you get better, no ifs, ands, or buts.”
♡  It was your turn to give a soft laugh, “I will get better soon then.”
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♡  The mission was quite simple. Head to the Siege of Kanegasaki and claim something that was accidentally left in the past. It was so simple. Not even an HRA aura. Something that was an in and out task.
♡  However, nothing ever seemed to go the easy way.
♡  The team was Norimune, you, and Kikkou (because he was feeling clingy to you today and begged to come along). 
♡  As soon as the three teleported in, things felt off. It appeared that the siege was going as planned but... there was something there that made the two swords uncomfortable and you feeling slightly sick. 
♡  They brushed it off. They just had to grab Omamori charm left on the stairs of the castle, they could come back after with a larger team to check out the energy with those who were more equipped to do so. 
♡  Kikkou was the first to spot the tiny blue charm on the stairs. “Goshujin-sama, I did good, right? Don’t a deserve a reward... maybe-” He voice called over to you as he leaned over to pick up the charm. 
♡  The energy around the group seemed to spike to the darker side as they could see a vibrant blue not too far off. Kebiishi.
♡  It seemed like the group of three weren’t the only group that decided to come to this time in history. Most likely, the HRA appeared before them and try to change the outcome but the Kebiishi abolished them before they could. Now the last thing they had to get rid of.... was your team.
♡  The Kebiishi Ootachi wasted no time to rush forward to end the one on the stairs who was in the middle of doing something to react as fast as he wished.
♡  Luckily there was a sage with a powerful shield that could rush forward just before the swing came down. You quickly pushed Kikkou back as you put up your golden shield in front of the two. 
♡  “Goshujin-sama...” He laid on the ground and looked up at you with a tender look in his eyes. However he knew that this was no time for such daydreams about his cherished master. 
♡  The two swords got into their fighting stances as you held off the Ootachi before you. The Kebiishi knew that you were not just another sword and more valuable compared to others, locking his target on you. 
♡  As soon as he knew the one he wish to destroy first, his blade’s force began to strength by ten-fold. So quickly that you barely had time to react that your shield shattered before you, golden dust filling the air with blood, as their blade cut through the shield and your shoulder. 
♡  A piercing and chilling scream left you in a second notice. It didn’t take Norimune and Kikkou a second longer to dash forward to deal with the single Kebiishi before you. Kikkou’s demeanor changed from a lovable person who just wanted their master’s attention and love, to a sinister being. 
♡  His blade was quick, cutting down at any vital part of the Kebiishi. He wanted this thing to feel all the pain he could. Not caring for any blows that the Ootachi tried to strike him with. 
♡  Norimune might act like an old man who was oblivious what was going on around him most times, but he knew that he shouldn’t get in the way of Kikkou now. Instead coming to your side and taking off his red cloth, wrapping it around your shoulder and applying pressure to stop the bleeding the best he could.
♡  Once Kikkou decided that the Kebiishi was no longer any fun to torment, he struck his blade down on it’s neck vertically. A disturbing smile as he watched it disappear before him in smoke. 
♡  The dark presence fading as quickly as the smoke as he rushed over to your side, “Aruji!” He cupped your face as he looked over your body. Without a second thought, he picked you up bridal style and told Norimune to call forth the portal to get back to the citadel. 
♡  The two spoke soft words of “Don’t worry” “You will be okay” “We got you”. Before the adrenaline finally wore off and your eyes felt heavy as you rested your head against Kikkou’s chest. His white suit now dyed red.
♡  When you awoke again, you found yourself in your room with Kikkou hovering over you, gently stroking your head with a worried expression.
♡  Right until he saw your eyes open. A gasp left him as tears overflowed and he embraced you. “Aruji... How could you! I am the one that is supposed to be punished instead of you! Don’t be taking my place. I know you are the master in this relationship but I’m giving you an order now. Never do that again!”
♡  You couldn’t help but laugh out of pain but also endearment at your quirky sword. The both of them holding each other’s faces, staring at each other.
♡   “Master... You were only asleep for a few hours but I missed you so much. This time, let me do all the work and take care of you, alright?”
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toukenramblings · 3 years
and I promise I'll keep trying, even if I get tired
I HOPE THIS PLEASES YOU DARLING!!! I ADORE YOU! And you had better be taking care of yourself! I will not have it if you are not properly eating, drinking, taking meds, and sleeping, hun! >:o
Fun fact: According to my friend Mei Mei, there’s a bit of a joke that Akashi will take at least a month to return from his Kiwame journey instead of the normal four days lmao. ALso I do not know if this is platonic? Romantic? Who fucking knows man. It can be seen as either?
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The hat revolves around his finger as it would be your heart.
Always turning and twirling and churning, the man before you holding on to it with an iron grasp and refuses to let it go.
Honestly, you would rather let him have it.
“Don’t get lost, alright?” You chide, arms folded over your chest, and a laugh bubbling at your lips.
“Do you doubt me that much, master?” the purple haired man lets out a soft laugh, quirking a brow at your words; his chortles sending static down your spine.
You’re going to miss him.
A lot, really.
“You had better not.” Hotarumaru scolds, standing next to you, holding a carefully prepped boxed lunch for his guardian and fellow Rai sword. The three of you had spent all morning preparing it, even the ootachi had refused to let him leave without giving him something to eat. Well, if Hotarumaru didn’t eat all of the ingredients first…
“We’ll worry!” Aizen quips beside you, hands on his hips. “So you had better come back on time, Kuniyuki! Or else!”
“Oh?” The tachi only quirks a brow and stops the spinning of the hat, an amused amicable smirk, a hand reaching down to ruffle the hair of the little one beside you – black gloves a stark contrast to the locks of fire. “Or else? What will you do?”
“Look for you, of course.” There is no shred of hesitation from you, laughing as the warrior blinks in confusion. The snort of a chortle leaves you as you reach over to pat his shoulders, squeezing them lightly. “I trust you though, Akashi.”
“We all do!” the tantou proudly puffs out his chest at the words, “You had better come back quickly!”
Hotarumaru nods his head rapidly at the suggestion, handing his guardian the box of morsels. “For you.” Of course it was, Akashi did watch the terrifying trio try to make something for him after all – surprising all of you when he suddenly appeared in the kitchen doorway after watching your…attempts for at least thirty minutes.
What a way to wake up.
Akashi’s gloved hand takes the box from the ootachi, placing the straw hat upon his crown. There is a languid roll of his shoulders, the cape fluttering with his movements. “Master?” he questions, causing you to cock your head to the side.
“Yes?” There is hesitance within his eyes, teeth digging into his lower lip before he inhales deeply; confidence shimmering in his hues. “I…will have something to tell you, when I return.”
Ah, but there are many things he wishes to say and do. Far too many to count on his mortal digits.
How could he ever list them? His gratitude and things left unsaid, how he wanted to pour out his heart to you; to say things he could never say before. But he knew, perhaps after this journey of his, he could.
“Of course!” you cheer out with a grin. “I’ll be happy to listen to whatever you wish to say, Akashi.”
A pleased hum leaves the tachi’s lips, “You had better keep that promise, master,” there is a purr to his lips as he turns his back to you, spectacled eyes traveling beyond the gates of the citadel. A world he was meant to explore at his own pace.
Besides, the home he has to return to is waiting for him.
For a sword who is a good for nothing, lazy bastard.
Akashi Kuniyuki will return that favor you gave him: of life, love, and companionship. For reuniting him with Hotarumaru and Aizen, for giving him a chance.
He will return, better than ever.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
First Kiss Headcanons: Akashi Kuniyuki, Ookurikara, Hakusan Yoshimitsu
when will my darling mutuals @sword-brainrot​ and @annoiide​ return from war, i made this for you two, i MISS YOU AND I HOPE Y’ALL ARE STAYING SAFE AND EATING WELL AND DRINKING WATER
also hi felix~! i got these kuniyuki headcanons for you, PLEASE ENJOY~!
Akashi Kuniyuki
It’s a sleepy morning for the two of you, or perhaps a late night? Who knows? Time stops and ebbs and flows whenever you two are together. There’s...not really a true way to describe it. You just...exist.
It’s a soft lull, Akashi adores the sound of your heartbeat. This kiss comes to you when you two are comfortable in a relationship. Yes he may tease and toy with you before entering this relationship but now that you two know its serious, he takes it seriously.
As much as he can at least.
This leads to cuddles all the damn time, Akashi adoring being the little spoon because it makes him feel safe and loved and wanted. It makes him feel like he’s yours. Because he is, but not as a sword, but as your beloved.
There’s just...something that makes him feel content whenever you two cuddle like this, your hands through is hair and his eyes shut. His own heart steady and calm.
You think he’s asleep, and perhaps he is. Just happy to be there, nuzzled against your chest. It’s bliss. You press your lips to his temple as a habit, feeling him stir. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“No.” he answers back, opening one lazy eye. His voice is still marred by groggy sleep and it stirs and tugs at your heart strings. He just looks so cute like this.
But then there’s this glint in his eyes and you immediately begin to fear for your heart™️
“What are you looking at, Kuniyuki?”
“You.” and the kiss to your lips is sudden, lazy like he is but sweet and gentle. It quick and seamless, and when he parts, he smirks at your flushed face. “Good morning, love, I would say that is the best way to wake up, no?”
Like Akashi, this kiss from Ookurikara will only come if you two are dating. Hell no this is not going to be a public spectacle. hELL NO are the rest of the dategumi about to see him kissing you. This is a private thing.
Honestly, you may have to initiate the damn kiss. There’s nothing wrong with moving at a snail’s pace, not at all! But whenever you two are ready to kiss, it’s...uh...awkward.
It’s just you two in your room, Ookurikara and you just enjoying each other’s presences. It’s possible that there’s a pot of tea shared between the two of you, Ookurikara is hesitant to open up to people and yes you two are dating but uh....this is hard for him.
You have to let him come to you if you want that kiss. It is most likely going to be something not truly out of the blue per say? But expected.
“Do you wanna try kissing, Kara?” you would say after beats of relaxed silence, just sitting by each other, each of you doing your own thingy. Ookurikara isn’t uber physically affectionate, but you might be leaning on him a little bit? He won’t mind.
BUt when you say this, he stares at you. Shocked, shocked I tell you. He stares at you with a rather neutral expression but face with a light tinge. You almost wanna tease him, but you know he’ll react negatively to it.
He turns his head away from you, Kara is dying I tell  you! DYING. Poor man is found DECEASED. His heart can’t handle it!
“Only if you want to.” you quickly state to try and ease his worries. 
“fine...” the mumble is small as he turns back to you, the pink of his cheeks having yet to fade. “Once. That’s it.”
And the kiss is soft and awkward and clumsy, it’s probably not even a kiss. It’s a small peck, and that’s fine. You two are moving at your own pace, and it will take time. When you two part, Ookurikara is silent. He seemed to have liked it, with the way his eyes dart back over to your lips. “If it makes you happy, shall we try again?”
Hakusan Yoshimitsu
Haku is somewhat emotionally distant like Ookurikara, but like Kara and Akashi, the first kiss will come after you two have decided to start dating. This kiss will probably happen when his fox is not present with him, the damn thing does tend to report back to the government like a little snitch, you two gotta have your private times!
I feel like Hakusan is very curious about it. He’s a very serious young man but he won’t lie and say he hasn’t thought about kissing you. He won’t show it though.
Knowing him, he might have asked Ichi-nii about this or decided to reach this himself. Again, his fox will be trying to keep an eye on him but Hakusan probs researched this.
Despite his coldness, Hakusan is secretly a bit of a romantic? He was a wedding gift after all, and even if he may hide it, he shows it sometimes when around you.
So it’s a lovely day and the fox is gone, Hakusan is relaxing in your presence, and helping you clear papers and so on and so forth. Your hands would brush against each other’s sometimes and he has this cute little smile you see out of the corner of your eyes, perhaps a small flush to his cheeks.
And then this fucker just turns to look at you after calling you and is like, “I want to learn how to kiss you.”
So after you get over heart attack number 7849 since becoming a saniwa, you two have this miniature staring contest. You ask him to repeat himself, maybe you were hallucinating? Confused? What. Is. Happening?????
He tells you again that he wants to kiss you, asking for your permission. “I have asked Ichigo and he was no help. I have also read books on it and it seems...nice.” he’s telling it like it is man, no hesitation here.
BUt here’s the thing. If Akashi’s first kiss with you is the lazy one, and Ookurikara’s first kiss is quick and seamless, than Hakusan’s first kiss is gentle, experimental. He holds you curiously, unsure of where to put his hands and even though he has researched all of this, it can only do so much in your presence. In the end he has his hand trying to pull you closer.
And when it ends, Hakusan’s face is a light tinge of pink, a soft smile decorating his lips. “I think...I think we will need to kiss more, for me to understand this properly.”
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
aight so these fandom feels came outta nowhere for me so got any headcanons on what its like dating honebami toushirou and akashi kuniyuki? seperate pls and thanks~!!!
I love these boys more than you could imagine, if I’m being honest. Thank you so much for requesting this!! I love them!!!
Honebami Toushirou And Akashi Kuniyuki Relationship Headcanons (GN!Reader)
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♡  Getting close to Honebami will be a task all by itself, if we are being honest. He will constantly push you away and try to not let you get close to him for reasons we will discuss later.
♡  If you can withstand him constantly being very rude with you, telling you to leave him alone, to not touch him or get close to him, and to repair him right away... You will find a sword that his very caring. Though it isn't too big of a surprise if you catch him around his brothers. He ends up softening up around them and showing a little of a side he doesn't show many. Maybe even the smallest of smiles on his lips as he listens to Shinano talk about his day.
♡  You will have to be very patient with him as he slowly lets you in overtime.
♡  It will be through this process that he slowly falls for you as he warms up to you. Once you do break past his barrier, he will fall all at once for you.
♡  He really won't know how to act around you. All he knows is when you are around, his heart suddenly races and it's addicting. At first he may often excuse himself around you because he will honestly think he is sick!
♡  Honebami might even go to Yagen for help because he really doesn't understand why his heart continues to race and he starts to heat up. It is then when he finds out that he actually has a crush on you. Only three people will be aware of this fact; Yagen (because he is the one who told him), Namazuo (because they are always around each other and promised to always tell each other what is going on), and Ichigo (because Namazuo couldn't keep his mouth shut because he will need advice)
♡  It will be hard to even see he has a crush on you because he really won't act any different. He will start to hand around you more often. Often appearing out of no where and asking what you are doing or if you need him to do anything. He may stick around to chat a little but won't stay too long because he does get nervous under that mask of his. He will also be more gentle with you and often trying to help you and care for you in his own subtle ways.
♡  Honebami will definitely be the one that confesses first. He will invite you out one night to watch the Moonflowers bloom for the first time with him. It is there he will confess. He blurts it out and looks away, expecting rejection and to close up to people again. But when you accept, he will look at you absolutely shocked and even ask if you are sure.
♡  It is here where Honebami becomes more affectionate. He won't completely change but will show you more care.
♡  Honebami's love language is Physical Touch and Acts of Service.
♡  If you have long hair, he will often offer to brush it for you after you get out of the shower/bath, this also ties into Acts of Service. He often does it for Namazuo so he knows how to brush gentle and make sure to not knot the hair. He will be super gentle and it will be the most relaxing thing on the universe. He will even let you lean back onto him after he is done and just rest there. He will just gentle hold you in his arms, not saying much and enjoying the silence between you two.
♡  He will not show affection in front of others. Sometimes he will get needy and just stand awkwardly around you but won't say anything. You will get the hint after a while when you find him pouting about it later at night, not wanting to talk about anything.
♡  Honebami will become the most needy for affection after a long mission away from you! Once you are both behind closed doors, he will embrace you and just hold you in his arms. A small mutter of "missed you" slipping out from under his breath.
♡  It will be on these days where he will just wish to be by your side. He will rest his head on your shoulder as you do work. It will calm him down after being away for so long.
♡  Honebami will listen to any request you give him for Acts of Service. He will always try to do anything that makes you happy. Most time it is just him sitting silently as he listens to you talk about your worries. He might not be able to offer much to solve the problems but he will hold your hand and let you know he is there with you all the way.
♡  Something you will notice (especially if you two share a room) is that Honebami actually has a journal that he writes in every night. It is everything important to him. He lost his memories once and he never wants to lose them again, not the ones with you and his brothers. Every page is stuff that you two did together, how he felt in that moment, how beautiful/handsome he thought you were in that moment of time.
♡  Losing his memories really affected him. You will notice how often he has night terrors because of it. Often shaking and rolling around in bed before shooting up in cold sweat. Tears often follows after. Please comfort him, this will be the only time he will truly open up to the things bothering him.
♡  "I don't know who I am... I lost everything I cared about in that fire. I lost me! Who even am I now? Am I even the same person if I can't remember anything? What if that happens to me again...? What if I lose everything I care about? What if I lose all the memories of you? I don't want to lose you or my brothers ever again!"
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♡  Akashi is another sword that is hard to get warm up to you. He won't be cold and push you away like Honebami, if anything he is the opposite. He is caring and teasing but also distant, like he isn't actually involved in the conversation.
♡  That is because... He isn't. Akashi puts up this façade in front of everyone in the citadel. If you ask him, he is just a lazy, unmotivated guy that wants to take a nap. Nothing special to worry about. However, he can be one of the strongest and smartest swords in the whole citadel. He hides his hand at all times, even from you.
♡  The only one that catches the real Akashi, is his brothers.
♡  He truly cares about his brothers and wants to best for them. Even with them, they see other sides of Akashi. They know he is strong but also sees the lazy side of him. He is much more like a dad to them, always teaching them lessons and trying to make them smile at any chance he gets.
♡  With you, he will often try to excuse himself out of activities because he is "tired". If we are being honest... Akashi is mostly socially awkward around others. He does actually like being around others but isn't the best at talking and has to play an act to feel like he can be liked. Even then, he feels like the act doesn't work.
♡  He will often degrade himself, saying he is only good for his lack of motivation. He will phrase it as a joke but truthfully, he will mean it.
♡  Keep pulling him along with you. He will actually be happy you do. Even if he complains a little.
♡  Even if everyone else is hanging out together, if you stay with him on the side lines for idle chatter... He will appreciate it a lot and will slowly fall for you over time.
♡  Unlike many other swords, Akashi isn't subtle with his crush. He will often tease you. You want the last of a sweet he has? "well doll, I will trade you this sweet for a sweet of your own." As he gentle touches the bottom of your lip with his thumb. A smirk present on his face as he watches yours heat up.
♡  Will he act on any these teasing flirts? No... However if you want to catch him off guard, follow up on it. You will leave HIM to be the flustered mess.
♡  The asking out will also come out this way. He will phrase it as a joke and if you accept... You two sort of become a couple like that. You both were already like a married couple prior but now it was official... In your own ways.
♡  Akashi's love language is Physical Touch and Quality Time. Both often play into each other.
♡  His favorite thing to do with you is actually nap with you! Use his chest as a pillow and he will hold you tight. A smile on his lips the whole way through.
♡  Speaking of that, good luck getting up in the morning. He is another one that will try to pull you back down into bed with him when he is still tired early in the morning. Akashi sleeps for a long time too. Even if you get out of bed, he won't be awaking up anytime soon. You will have to force him to get up. Or, if you want to be sinister, get his brothers to come him and jump on him until he actually gets up. HAS TO LEARN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.
♡  Actually loves holding your hand! Will hold it any chance he gets. Doesn't care who sees! To him, you are his and wants everyone to know.
♡  Akashi is one sword that is actually really interested in humans. He will ask you a lot of questions about your life and what it is like being human. He might be half but the other part of him is very much still a sword. He actually really wants to be fully human.
♡  Don't expect to ever sit normally on a chair when he is around. No matter who is around, he is going to pull you into his lap and rest his chin on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist. It is his favorite spot! It also makes him feel less anxious when he is around a big group of people. You are his boulder, you make him feel safe and he hopes he also makes you feel safe.
♡  With you, he will slowly show more of who Akashi Kuniyuki really is.
♡  He is a teasing and flirty guy around the person who he truly fell for. He is a protective and strong guy for those he cares deeply for. He is willing to sacrifice himself to make sure those he loves aren’t harmed and he won’t lose them. He carries a lot of regret inside for things he has no control over (losing Hotarumaru in the ocean). He is a guy that never wants to regret things twice so will try to not have anyone expect anything from him. You can’t disappoint someone if they don’t expect anything from the start. 
♡  With all that said, he is willing to try. If he truly loves someone, he will try his hardest to make them proud. It will scare the hell out of him if he thinks he didn’t do good enough to make them proud so be sure to praise him. He will shake it off with “sometimes even I can do good”, but he will be really happy and give you a peck on the lips. 
♡  He may never openly say all these things but through actions you will be able to figure it out. You make him become a better person and he doesn’t ever want to leave your side. He wants to make you proud and make you fall for him even more. 
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toukenramblings · 3 years
hi!! can i request akashi with an insomniac s/o? 👀 thank you in advance and take care ^^
I am inspired TO TALK ABOUT MY MANS. is this modern au? canon? idk, pleeb enjoy idk where this was going
More SJ Tucker songs lETS GOOOO
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There's a dream of this place that I never tell a soul
They say that opposites attract.
Perhaps they did? Perhaps they did not? You were not sure entirely.
But what you do know is that you did not want to move.
No matter how much your body aches, no matter how much you wanted to move and free yourself form his grasp – a koala bear in the making. How could you, when he holds you tight to him like this? When you feel safe and warm and happy and content and most of all, loved.
His head is at your chest again, your fingers in his hair; silken royal purple locks tangling between the gaps of your digits. His face nuzzles further into your embrace, a soft giggle leaving your lips.
You envy how he can fall asleep oh so easily, oh so quickly, oh so happily.
“I am always fall asleep in your arms because you’re here with me, love.” He would always say whenever you bring it up.
But there is just…something special about peering down at him like this. So peaceful, no angry creases against his forehead, your finger tracing his cheekbones.
You startle when you hear his sleepy voice ring out in the empty room, blinking owlishly up at you. “Sorry, did I wake you?”
Akashi doesn’t answer you for a moment, a small hum leaving his lips. “Not really…” he mumbles back, his fingers play with the clothing of your night clothes, curiously almost; pondering. “Would you like to be held?”
You pause, blinking. “Uh…”
A part of Akashi doesn’t truly wait for your answer, shifting your forms – your head on his chest.
It’s safe and warm and happy and content and loved.
Maybe here you can dream, and fall asleep, and slumber to your heart’s content.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
@lunalove25 send help babe im in too deep
@sword-brainrot​ for you sweetieeeeeeeeeeee <3
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Warnings: These feelings for Akashi, Hotarumaru, and Aizen came outta nowhere. Send help. Fluff. Is it ooc? Maybe. Idk. I just needed to get these feels out. That’s it. Left this gender neutral because idk what y’all wanna be called lmao.
“Family is supposed to have two parents, right?” Hotarumaru questions, fangs sinking deep into the flesh of the bun, tearing it from its seams – humming as the flavors seep into his sense.
“I…guess?” Aizen answers, wrinkling his nose in thought, his own meat bun barely touched. Instead he tosses it up and down, humming to himself. “I mean, we have Kuniyuki…”
“But that’s only one parent.” The other boy states, eating another third of his meal. “What about the other?” “Shouldn’t it be our master?” the mop of white hair snaps up at the tantou’s words, mouth partly open in realization. “I mean,” The red head continues, taking his first bite out of the freshly cooked meal, moaning at the taste. “Our master cooks for all of us, along with the others, but they and Kuniyuki are…together, right?” he emphasizes that with air quotes.  “Legally, doesn’t that make them our parent too?”
Hotarumaru’s eyes light up at the suggestion, his delectable delicious food forgotten. “Then let’s go call our master our parent now!” he smiles oh so vividly, not carrying for the sauce on the corner of his lips. “We have a full family now!”
“What’s this about a family?” The boys almost tumble in shock when the door opens, almost dropping their morsels – eyes wide, and a pair of deer in headlights. The master stands there with Akashi at their side, a second plate of meat buns in the sword’s hand but a kettle of tea and desserts in the arms of the master.
Hotarumaru drools as the smells hit his senses; Aizen on the other hand, happily gets to his feet. “You’re back!” he calls out, rushing towards the master who gasps and holds the tea tray out of the way as the red haired tantou suddenly wraps his arms around their waist, smiling up at them with the widest of toothy grins.
But what he calls them next almost causes them to pass out.
“What…did you say, Aizen?” Akashi questions, glancing between the boy and his partner beside him – poor master, they looked like they were going to keel over, face redder than the boy’s hair.
“Hotaru and I were talking about it earlier!” Aizen answers, pointing at the other boy. “We’re brothers, then Kuniyuki is the dad,” he points the finger at the purple haired man. “And our master is our parent too!” A choked sob comes from the sage, balancing the tray as best as they could – a hand covering their mouth. “Aizen, you-“ “I-I-I’m sorry!” gasps out the little one, Hotarumaru rushing to his side. “We thought that you would…like it.” They both stare down at the floor, shuffling their feet, defeated. “We’re sorry, we-“ “No! No!” hurriedly does the master hand the tray off to their significant other, kneeling down to embrace the ootachi and tantou in their arms. Their lips press a gentle kiss to each forehead, soft tears dripping down their cheeks. “I think that’s sweet, you two. I don’t mind being called that.” “It’s kind of true anyway.” Akashi remarks, chuckling with a lazy roll of his shoulders. “Come on, get off of the floor, master. Let’s eat. These trays are getting heavy now.”
“Let me hug our sons a little bit longer, Akashi!” came their whine, further hogging the tiny ones to their chest. At this, both of them stick their tongue out at their guardian sword.
“All Kuniyuki has to do now is to marry our master! Then it’ll be official! We’ll have the biggest and most fun family, ever!” cheers Aizen, wrapping his arms around the neck of their master and nuzzling into their nape.
Akashi laughs, shaking his head, walking over to the table and placing the trays them down on to the surface. “I’ve been trying to, silly.”
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Inspired by @sword-brainrot and their Akashi headcanons, specifically this one:
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I love their blog so much, you guys. I’m not sorry.
Warning: Maybe some nsfw? Idk, I have a lot of feelings about Akashi, THANK YOU HUN
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“Well then, master,”
Eyes narrow at your words, a smirk dancing across the lips of the Rai sword that sat next to you. Words pour from his lips like honeyed wine, and you desperately found your trails trailing down towards that part of his body.
What would it be like to kiss them?
How soft would they be against your own lips? What would he taste like? Like the mochi that Hotarumaru and Aizen made for him?
Of red bean and sugar?
Of dreams and bitter longing? Will he send thunder down your spine?
You stiffen when you feel his thumb against your bottom left, a ghost of a touch. “A-Akashi?” “If you want the last of the mochi that the others have made for me, you will have to give me something sweet of your own.” You wanted to wipe that damn smirk off of his face.
But you couldn’t. Paralyzed by his gaze, lightning striking you dead, cheeks aflame with the fires of Aizen’s hair. “I-I-“ “You don’t have to, silly.” Akashi chuckles out, his hand leaving your face as a sense of coldness seeps into your soul. It felt warm to his touch, electricity sending jolts up and down your spine, the sensation proving to be oh so addicting; as though you have just drunk something, tinged with wisteria ichor.
You missed it.
There is a look in his eyes, a sense that he regrets his actions. Akashi could not help but inwardly strike his sword against his skin, what the hell was he saying? How dare he even make such a statement.
A lazy good for nothing, a man who lies around and doesn’t do work. How could he ever hold a candle to you?
But then there is a sudden kiss to his cheek, to the juncture where his chin meets his lips, thunder reverberating within his heart to the point it may burst and give out. There is a jolt when he looks back at the you, who only smiles a sheepish smile, cheeks still blood red as they stare down at the tatami mat they sat on.
“Is that…what you wanted?” More.
Every cell, every organ, every neuron in his body screams at him; clawing at the walls of his mind, talons streaking against the grey matter of his brain, leaving indents that only serve to cause him to fall deeper and deeper into that abyss.
He never wanted to leave that crevice.
Akashi’s own cheeks rivaled that of the festival lanterns that Aizen adored crafting, the sweet little treat on the plate forgotten. “Master…” his hand reaches up to place it against that tingling center where your lips had met – almost wondering if he could go back in time to turn his head and let them connect.
A shame he could not.
But there is a soft chuckle rumbling from the core of his gut as his cups your chin yet again, his thumb partly working to separate your lips from a thin line, the pad fluttering over your lips.
“May I have more?”
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