#akayona star wars au
snickerdoodlles · 7 years
I haven’t stopped thinking about this au for the past few days and I can’t stop thinking about this little scenario that popped to mind yesterday when i was in the shower, especially since it involves Jae-ha and Yoon treating Lili like their sister-in-law, plus Lili and Yona being really freaking gay.
So enjoy some sneak peeks and then come suffer with me please
“This is reckless Lili-dear.”
Lili ignores Jae-ha with a haughty sniff. She’s already aware that their mission pushes Yona’s “appropriate risk level” boundaries, but the people of Dorumi need these herbs. She’s not letting them down, no matter what.
Jae-ha’s hand falls on her shoulder. “Lili,” he says softly, “I’ll help you. Of course we’ll help you. But we need more of a plan than ‘walk in and take’.”
Lili reluctantly halts. “I had more of a plan than just that,” she grouches, wrinkling her nose as Jae-ha raises his eyebrow. “I was gonna dance as a distraction.”
Jae-ha snorts. “Very thorough.”
“Rich, coming from you,” Yoon butts in without taking his eyes off their map.
Lili snaps her head around, ears perked.
Yoon ignores Jae-ha’s glare and frantic ‘shut up!’ motions. “She has more of a plan than you did back in Awa, Mr. ‘I look fabulous in this pink dress-mphrmp!”
“Now, now,” Jae-ha says cheerfully, smile strained and hand tight over Yoon’s mouth. “Be quiet, Yoon, Lili’s telling us her plan.”
“Ooh~” Jae-ha coos excitedly, propping his elbow on Lili’s non-injured shoulder. “Grabbing flowers for the misses, hmm-eek!”
Lili smiles, teeth bared and eyes closed as her finger flex around his throat. “Finish that sentence, I dare you.”
“Please don’t kill him until we’re actually off this damn planet,” Yoon says with a long-suffering sigh. “Not unless you know how to fly his ship.”
“I’m a quick learner.”
Jae-ha takes pity on her and grabs Yoon’s shoulder gently. “Come on Yoon, the clinics need those medicines. You’ve already treated Lili, she’ll be fine.” Jae-ha’s eyes meet hers, glinting mischievously. “Besides, I’m sure Lili-dear wants to give Yona-dear our…report as soon as possible.”
Lili scowls at him, blushing heat flaring along her cheeks. So much for him looking out for her.
Yoon misses the teasing as he chews his bottom lip, eyes darting between Lili and the road leading towards the small clinic their group had made two weeks ago. A moment passes and then Yoon snaps to attention. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid for a week and aggravate your injuries,” Yoon wags his finger threateningly, “Or else I won’t tell you anymore embarrassing stories about Jae-ha.”
“Whaaaaat,” Lili whines. She has sword practice twice later this week. Yoon can’t honestly expect her not to go. “That’s not fair!”
“Yeah!” Jae-ha says indignantly. “Why do I get punished if she behaves?!”
Yoon shrugs and starts down the road. “Stop doing stupid shit and then I’ll run out of stories.”
“With our idiots around?! What do you think I am, the Chosen One?!”
“Lili,” Yona whines, cheeks puffed out in an adorable pout. “’Scratches’ is Lili-speak for ‘actually injured’.”
“A habit I picked up from you,” Lili says petulantly. Yona scowls back at her, moving in closer until her forehead bumps against Lili’s.
Lili swallows to hide her gasp. Then Yona’s hands dance up her arms and along her back, checking for injuries, and Lili nearly adds on a heart attack to her list of injuries.
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thehobbem · 4 years
Fic writer tag meme
I was tagged by @politicalmamaduck​, thank yooou! ♥
AO3 name: thehobbem
Fandoms: Star Wars, Yuri!!! on ICE, Akatsuki no Yona
Tropes: Mutual Pining, Enemies to lovers, Musician AU, Fantasy AU, Royalty AU, Canon divergence
Number of fics: on Ao3, 18. Unpublished, written on notebooks as I was growing up? Pfff, dozens XD
Fic I spent the most time on: Write Me In C Major (YoI fandom) A couple of years XD (and still counting, I guess, because I’m awful at juggling fics... OTL)
Fic I spent the least time on: A Desire of My Own (Akayona fandom) An hour or so. A blessing.
Longest fic: Write Me In C Major — 86,120 words in 11 chapters
Shortest fic: Victor Katsuki-Nuggetfluff (YoI fandom) — 567 words XD
Most hits:  Write Me In C Major (20,826)
Most kudos: Write Me In C Major (1,287)
Most comment threads: Write Me In C Major (~350)
Most bookmarks:  Write Me In C Major (343). You know, call me crazy, but I’m sensing a pattern here with C Major.
Total word count:  280,160
Favorite fic I wrote: Ugh, this is so HARD. No way I can only mention one XD words fall through me (my first Reylo fic, musician AU) It’s turning out much better than I thought I was at this. I love it.
Frozenheart & Hiddenfire (Victuuri Howl’s Moving Castle AU) I love fantasy, and tbh, I think I did a good job of making that world my own, and I really like my characterization of Victor, Yuuri and Yurio in this.
every calculation falls silent (Victuuri royal AU) I didn’t think I could write a period piece well, but as it turns out, I can! And it being arranged marriage + forbidden love + mutual pining hits so many of my sweet spots XD
hey isn’t this easy (Victuuri You Belong With Me AU) I’m really proud of how I did it without villifying anyone, and of making it high-school without making them childish. I also think it’s one of the funniest things I wrote.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I think none, at the moment? I have fics I want to FINISH XD but none I want to rewrite or expand on. I never publish anything I’m not satisfied with, and once I’m done with it, I’m done.
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: Here’s a bit from  words fall through me, which I’ll be updating tomorrow!
After a quick moment of hesitation, she gives him her violin and bow with a “here, take this”. He takes it on pure reflex, while she takes out her ‘coin purse’ (if it even merits the name), and shoves today’s tips in it.
The sheer absence of method with which she crams the bills inside is nothing short of appalling, and it vaguely horrifies Ben, but it’s the violin in his hands that begs for his attention. When was the last time he even held one? Or, more importantly, the last time he wanted to?
It feels like a lifetime ago.
Aaaaaaand tagging, if they want to do it: @ceciliasheplin, @sinkingorswimming, @omgkatsudonplease, @maydei, @regardingluv, @iwritevictuuri. ^_^
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