chaoticstrata · 3 days
In Harmonious Song: THE FEELS (WiP)
Who wants some Aketho feels? Because I have the Aketho feels right here.
They fell into a comfortable silence after that, both working on their own analysis for the meeting the next day. It was broken only when they had to share some of the bits of information they gathered on the planet and enemy before the silence took over once again. After a while, Aketho noticed the older man shooting him glances. A small smile crossed his lips as he caught Theron’s eye when the SIS agent went to glance again.
“Something on your mind, Agent Shan?” the Chiss teased.
 Theron blushed and sputtered a moment before clearing his throat.
“Sort of,” the SIS Agent replied. “Something I overheard the Grandmaster mention to another Jedi earlier crossed my mind again…I’m wondering if you were the reason behind it.”
“Oh?” the former Cipher asked, both curious and amused. “And what is that?”
“She mentioned something about someone looking for a Chiss Jedi,” Theron replied after some hesitation.
Aketho froze for a moment before going back to his data. From the corner of his eye he saw Theron rub the back of his neck and shift from foot to foot.
“Are we alone?” Aketho asked quietly, gambling that the older man had set up sensors or tapped into the camp's security feed. When he didn’t get a response he glanced over and saw Theron looking back at the terminal but appeared to be looking at something other than what was on the screen. After another long moment the Human replied.
“Yeah, we’re alone,” he said, looking back at Aketho with confusion and concern.
Aketho couldn’t keep the small grin at that. He set down his datapad and crossed his arms, staring ahead.
“Yes, I had asked Master Satele if she knew any Chiss Jedi…considering how rare they would most likely be,” the Agent said.
“Are you looking for someone in particular?”
“How much do you know about the Ascendancy?” Aketho asked instead of replying.
A brunette eyebrow shot up, but Theron did not comment at the dodge of his question.
“I know what would probably be considered the basics--social structure, what language is spoken, basic policies,” he replied.
Aketho nodded, that seemed to be standard for most Republic agents. “What about their view of Force sensitives?”
That got him a head tilt--which absolutely didn’t remind him of an inquisitive akk pup.
“I’m aware they’re not fond of them…”
“That’s an understatement,” Aketho snorted, a frown creasing his lips. As much as he loved his home and people, this was the one of the few things he hated about them. “They see Force sensitivity as a disease that needs to be…purged from our people.”
“...when you say purged…” Theron asked cautiously.
“Exiled into Unknown Space, for the most part,” Aketho replied, “Although I’m sure there have been worse fates for some who are found out.”
“I see,” the SIS agent said softly, hazel eyes searching Aketho’s, “And the person you’re asking after…”
“My older brother…Kthira'orm'omi…Raormo, although I don’t know if he’s going by that name still,” he said quietly, eyes falling to the ground. Aketho could still vividly remember the day his brother’s abilities were discovered by those outside of their House. While House Kthira kept several Force sensitives in their ranks--seeing them as useful…assets--with Raormo’s abilities out in the open, there’d be no hiding him. 
The authorities had come to their home quickly, however unlike most, Raormo was not pulled away by force. Instead, the official from the Ascendancy sat down and respectfully spoke with their parents on the options they had--all would end up with his brother being sent away. Aketho remembered crying into his brother’s arms--still too young to have control over his emotions--apologizing for his mistake. His brother had smiled and soothed him, saying it wasn’t his fault over and over until the tears finally dried up. Even now he could feel those calming words keep those feelings at bay.
Aketho glanced over at Theron, who had taken a step closer to him, hand hovering near his elbow. “When it was discovered that Raormo was Force sensitive, my parents used their pull with the Greater Houses to get him smuggled out to the Jedi. Perks of being a House of assassins, I suppose--you have several favors you can call in.”
Theron was silent for a few minutes before his hand finally touched Aketho’s elbow, squeezing lightly. Aketho smiled softly at that, appreciating the comfort offered.
“Are you trying to find him to reconnect?” Theron asked.
“Something like that,” the former Cipher replied with a wry smile. “I suppose I’m just looking to apologize again…and…to make sure he’s been doing well with the Jedi.”
“Apologize?” the SIS agent asked in bemusement.
“I…” Aketho hesitated a moment, before closing his eyes and letting out a soft breath. “I’m the reason he was discovered. I was playing somewhere I shouldn’t have and he used the Force to stop debris from crushing me…”
“Aketho...” The hand on his elbow tightened, causing him to look back up. “You were a kid…I’m sure he doesn’t blame you.”
The younger man let out a soft laugh. “I know…he said as much before being taken away…I just…”
“Continue to blame yourself,” Theron finished.
“Yeah…I…just miss him…I looked up to him. Wanted to be just like him…”
“If I didn’t think it’d get us in trouble, I’d hold you right now,” the brunette murmured.
Aketho let out a chuckle. “I appreciate that.”
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riachuelowii · 10 months
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@stratataisen Drawing of your two sons because i am very normal about them and the relationship they have 🥺👉👈 Also totally a very much thanks for the small fanfic you did of Vector last month <3
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eorzeashan · 10 months
Snowball fight! Eight, Theron, and whomever else you'd like to join in! :)
Winter Prompts
“Theron, stay behind me.” Eight gallantly stepped before his hiding spot behind a waste bin and fended off a flurry of snowballs lobbed his way, armed with naught but a tree branch held aloft like a blade. He caught them with its noticeably blunt edge, discarding the disintegrating snow with a flourish.
“Is this really necessary…?” Theron echoed, his back pressed against the trash receptacle, feeling his cheeks flush pink from needing to be defended or simply the bitter cold of Odessen’s winter.
Strangely enough for an operative, Eight put himself on the frontlines or in place of others more vulnerable– a trait unseen in most of his ilk, who excelled in the shadows behind their sturdier comrades. Yet Theron learned quickly through repeated battles by his side that such bold tactics were a strength rather than a weakness for the Cipher, whose fragile disposition as an agent acted as a mere cover for the unexpected warrior within.
But in this moment, it acted as little comfort to his dwindling pride that he was being protected by someone smaller than him– Theron checked the enemy position and popped briefly out from cover to snipe Aric Jorgan’s shoulder with a bold blast of powder, causing the Cathar to hiss a curse and fall back– and in a snowball fight, nonetheless.
“This is what you get for getting chummy with other spies, Agent!”
Theron instinctively ducked. Where that voice sounded, trouble soon followed.
Eight side-stepped several snowballs from Kaliyo, most likely filled with rocks, given the menacing way they heavily thumped against the ground.
As expected, the others were out for snow-covered blood.
Theron was stuck in the sinking ship with Eight and his angry acquaintances, for all his sad lack of actual enemies that weren't related to him. Not that Lana and Koth weren't gunning for his head– he could see them whispering tactics in the foreground through his flake-covered lashes, those vultures– but the entirety of Eight’s old crew had chosen to aim for their erstwhile agent as means of revenge today.
Theron was just collateral, or so he incorrectly assumed. Not that it would stop him from aiming for his compatriots himself, and what he wouldn't give to see Lana have a taste of her own snow. Theron smirked at the thought of the blonde Sith shaking off ice like a frozen voorpak, already balling up a fresh set of snowballs in his mitts.
“Eight, cove–ACK!”
Theron yelped as frigid, biting snow touched bare skin and fell even deeper past his clothing into nooks and crannies where the sun didn't shine. He instinctively scrabbled at the back of his jacket, face crumpling into what could be called an excellent mimicry of a paper ball. Betrayal! Stabbed in the back! Unprotected! And…SO COLD. If his skin were a jacket, he would've shucked it right then and there.
His suffering didn't go unrewarded. Two blue arms wrapped around his middle as a delicate chin pressed into his shivering shoulderblades. Theron’s surprise settled into relaxed ease as warmth flooded his center, pooling low in his stomach at the familiar scent of his lover.
Aketho sported a wicked grin as he nuzzled into Theron’s broad back, the telltale signs of snow coating his gloves pointing to only one conclusion. Theron gasped dramatically. “How could you, ‘Keth?” His hazel eyes narrowed in suspicion. “...And how did you get past Eight?”
“A good Cipher never kiss and tells,” Aketho purred. Theron shuddered as his hot breath ghosted past his ear. “You're my hostage now, Agent Shan. I’m afraid your friends won't be coming to rescue you, either.”
Eight whistled innocently as he turned his back to the two spies in love, stick-holding hands clasped behind him as he walked pointedly in a different direction.
Traitor! Theron assailed him mentally, mouth dropping in an O as he watched his faithful defender hand him to the enemy on a silver platter, complete with plenty of snow.
He slumped in Aketho’s embrace, giving up. “Well, I could think of worse people to be captured by.” He smiled, entwining their fingers together. His smirk grew lascivious. “Wanna ditch this place and get warmed up somewhere else?”
“Can't think of anything I’d like more.”
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serenofroses · 11 months
thought... I spotted a follower's chiss agent oc on Odessan while I was looking at guild bank and storage. o.o
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teacakes1799 · 11 months
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a smug lil Aketho for @stratataisen !!!
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chaoticstrata · 3 months
WIP New Chapter
I actually got this started. ;-; It's a bit rough...but I'm happy I got it started.
As Aketho approached the meditating Jedi, he made sure his steps could be heard. Not that it would matter, for he was pretty sure the Grandmaster could already sense him. He was less worried about her or the Republic troops and more worried about the Imperial army. The former Cipher knew if anyone from the latter caught sight of him over here, he’d have hell to pay, even for something as innocent as checking in on a comrade's medical status. Once he was in range of Satele Shan, he paused and observed for a moment. A frown creased the Jedi’s brow and tugged her lips downward. Steeling himself, Aketho cleared his throat. “Grandmaster Shan, could I have a moment of your time?” The Jedi took a moment before opening her eyes to look at him. Her expression was neutral, but her eyes were cold daggers. Mentally he sighed. The reaction was fair, all things considered, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. “I won’t be long, I promise,” he said, giving her a small bow, “I only wanted to see if Agent Shan was able to be seen by your medics.” The puzzled look and raised brow had him sigh aloud. Although, he did make an amusing mental note that the familial resemblance was strong when she did that--apparently, Theron had his mother’s eyebrow game. “He never mentioned he was captured by the Revanites, did he?” Aketho asked rhetorically. The Grandmaster’s look of surprise and worry had him rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Of course he didn’t,” he muttered, mainly to himself, “Stubborn git.” “I assume this happened before your assault on the Revanite’s tower…Do you know for how long?” Satele asked, finally speaking. “It was before that, yes. And I would say about a good day, day and a half according to what I was told by the others,” he replied, clasping his hands behind his back. The Jedi looked away, a deeper frown settling on her features. “I can…I can give you a brief report of what I observed when I quickly triaged his injuries and patched him up in the field,” Aketho offered, unsure of how much he should say.  Her eyes snapped back to him, studying him for a long moment. She didn’t look entirely pleased by that, but she still seemed… grateful? “How bad were they?” she inquired. “They weren’t severe. Bad, yes, but not severe. I was able to apply kolto to the majority of his physical injuries,” Aketho replied, frowning as he thought back to the patchwork of bruises and cuts on warm skin, “Theron never mentioned to me what happened, but from what I saw, I could tell he suffered from both Imperial and Republic torture techniques…” Satele’s frown grew deeper, and there were the briefest flickers of anger. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
Theron is going to have thoughts about being rattled on. XD
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chaoticstrata · 1 year
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Just a lovely letter from Aketho's hubby-to-be. Also...smack you where Theron? 😈
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Mwahaha! I love these little letters. They're the best. I kind of wish they would send more for romance interest, even if they were repeats of some.
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chaoticstrata · 11 months
Commission of Aketho & Theron
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Artist: Rav Tumblr: @daddyschlongleg Twitter: @daddy_rav Link to Commissions Post (Please go check him out if you're interested in commissions of your character! Such amazing work and he's wonderful to work with!) So I got another commission for Rav. This one for a YCH of Aketho and Theron....-flails- OMG EEEEE! I love it so much!!!
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chaoticstrata · 1 year
Aketho Commission 💜💜💜
Okay, first and foremost, shouting out the artist for this commission before I start gushing over it. Artist: Rav Tumblr: @daddyschlongleg Twitter: @daddy_rav Link to Commissions Post Rav is an absolute gem to work with! He answered all the questions I had and was able to translate the image I had in my head into the artwork you see above. If you're looking to commission an artist, I highly recommend him! 10/10 Please Note: This is not the whole commission--Tumblr was being a pain, so I cropped the legs because I'm too tired to fight with the site.
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Anyways, on to the gushing! EEEEEE!!!!! I got the art commission because how I see Aketho in my head is nowhere near how he looks in-game--don't get me wrong, he's still sexy in-game....but come on. Just look at him. LOOK. AT. HIM! He is a gorgeous bastard, and he knows it. Fun side note: for his facial expression, I pretty much said: "flirty expression--like he's just clicked the flirt option for his love interest, and he intends to make him blush." ....Aketho succeeded. Theron is 100% blushing right now. lol I'd kill to have that hair in the game.
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chaoticstrata · 6 months
Aketheron Chapter 5 WiP
Got tagged by @serenxanthe for the WiP thing.
Don't have much, sadly. Writing seems to take me forever sometimes. >.<
The double-agent gave him a small, sad smile before rubbing his nose against Theron’s. “We’re reaching the end game, aren’t we?”
“Yeah…We are,” the Republic agent replied, a soft sigh escaping him. Theron hated the fact that this was going to end. 
He didn’t want it to end. 
But it would, regardless. He wasn’t in a profession where he could always get what he wanted. Theron knew that going into the spy business, but back then he never thought he’d find someone who’d pull on his heartstrings like Aketho did…he closed his eyes at that last thought. Try as he might, he couldn’t deny his feelings toward Aketho. The joy that bubbled up in his heart just by standing in the same room as the Chiss. The fluttery feeling he got in his stomach every time those crimson eyes looked in his direction. The absolute elation he felt seeing the other spy in the Reveniate encampment. Theron still couldn’t believe Aketho came to rescue him. From what Deefour had told him on the way back to the safe house, the other spy needed to be calmed prior to infiltrating the Reveniate’s camp because Aketho wanted to tear the place apart and leave a bloody trail behind him…just to find Theron.
Stars…why did that make him feel giddy?
“Theron,” Aketho said softly, pulling Theron back to the present as the other spy reached up to lightly trace his face, “Can I admit something?”
“Of course,” Theron replied, eyes fluttering shut at the soft touches.
“I…” there was hesitation in Aketho’s eyes as they fell to Theron’s chest, “I don’t want to say goodbye…I know we’ll have to, but…I don’t know if I’ll be able to when the time comes.”
Theron couldn’t help the soft smile as his heart thundered in his chest. Leaning in, he planted a kiss to Aketho’s forehead. 
“Same,” he murmured against cool skin, leaving his lips there until the Chiss pulled away. “I swear, I’d give anything to have some more time with you…”
Aketho simpered and leaned in to kiss him again when he froze. His brow furrowed, looking toward the doorway with a peculiar face, as if straining to hear something. Theron was about to ask what was wrong when his implants alerted him that something, or someone, triggered one of the motion sensors. The former Cipher pulled away from him and quickly moved over to the computer terminal to start clearing the data. Theron was about to look busy when a familiar voice called out.
“Anyone one still around?”
Theron swore his eyebrows hit his hairline as soon as he heard the voice. He glanced over at Aketho and was happy to see he looked equally as surprised.
“Sarsa?” the SIS agent replied in confusion just as the woman in question entered the hideout with two large bags.
“Oh good! I didn’t miss you,” she tittered, moving toward the table to set down the bags. “I have some goodies for your journey. Your next mission is following those Revanites, right?”
Once again, Theron was hit by a wave of surprise. “How--”
Sarsa gave him and Aketho an amused look. “Wasn’t too difficult to figure out. You two are good, don’t get me wrong, but I know an undercover operation when I see one. I’ve been in the underworld too long to not pick up on someone lying through their teeth about who they are and everything they’re doing,” she glanced between them again with a knowing smirk. “Well, maybe not everything.”
Theron felt his cheeks heat up, but even as they did, he couldn’t help back chuckle, because of course she’d notice something like that.
“Just don’t tell that to our superiors or we’ll never hear the end of it,” Aketho said, sounding more than a little amused as he walked back over. As he stood next to Theron and glanced at the bags, a small mischievous smirk formed on his lips. “Hmm…that will probably last Theron a day…”
And there was that fluttery feeling again. Theron didn’t know why, but the playful teasing made him all sorts of happy. And he couldn’t resist playing into it…“Hey now! I’m not that bad,” Theron exclaimed, maybe a little too over dramatic. But he got the response he wanted from the former Cipher, a wide smug smirk. He countered it with a pout before a small grin broke out and he nudged Aketho playfully. When Aketho nudged him back, he was about to do so again when Sarsa’s giggles reminded him they were not alone. Stars, did he really have to blush so bright? His face felt like it was on fire.
Tagging @eorzeashan, @kemendin, & @zhakyria. Is it only supposed to be three? I have no idea. o.o
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chaoticstrata · 11 months
3. hiding face in neck
Theron almost wanted to chuckle as Aketho hid his face against his neck and groaned. Almost. But he knew the younger man wasn’t having a good time. Instead, he carefully pulled him in closer and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Fuck these lights,” Aketho grumbled, pressing his eyes against Theron’s skin.
“Lana’s working on getting them switched out,” Theron promised with a kiss on his temple.
“Remind her to update the maintenance crew that some of us are sensitive to certain lighting, energy efficient or not,” the Chiss groused, “I do not appreciate being blind first thing in the morning.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Theron murmured; he made to move out of the bed, “Let me go shut off the lights.”
Aketho held onto him with a vice-like hold. “Stay. It’s giving me the excuse to stay in bed all day and cuddle with you.”
The former SIS agent chuckled and kissed his forehead.
“Milking it for all it’s worth, hmm? I can’t say I oppose,” he said.
“Of course not, because you benefit,” Aketho chuckled, nipping at Theron’s jaw playfully.
“Very true,” Theron growled softly, pulling the other man in closer and kissing him. He devoured the soft moan that escaped Aketho. “Should I have maintenance get to our room last?” he asked when he pulled away.
“Stars, yes.”
I need to get these little things posted up on Ao3. Just trying to decided how I want to go about doing it.
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chaoticstrata · 9 months
cuddling, wrapped in soft blankets in front of a fireplace for aketheron *or* window shopping for kaishan/hien!
Oddessen winters were cold. Nowhere near as cold as Aketho’s homeworld, but still, they were rather chilly. Especially at night. And especially for human’s it would seem.
Aketho smiled as Theron pulled him in closer, back pressed against his husband-to-be’s chest. He pulled the soft, white, fur lined blanket around them tighter as Theron wrapped his arms around his waist.
“Cold, dearheart?” he teased gently.
“Switch off,” Theron grumbled, face pressed into Aketho’s hair. The Chiss could practically hear the pout in the other spy’s voice. His soft chuckle only made his fiance grumble more. “Yes, it’s kirffing cold, alright?” 
“Even I find it cold, Theron,” Aketho said soothingly, turning so he could look at the other man. “And while it sucks, there are some good things about it.”
“Yeah, like what?” the form spy huffed, very much pouting like Aketho thought. 
Leaning in, he kissed the man until that pout melted away like the snow in the sun. Reaching up he cupped the back of Theron’s head, fingers weaving into the base of his mohawk and deepened the kiss--nibbling and licking the human’s lower lip.
“Like finding fun ways to keep warm,” Aketho murmured against his mouth, pulling on Theron’s lower lip with his teeth. When he pulled back, he couldn’t keep the smug look from his face as Theron looked dazed.
“Yeah, ok…there are good things about the cold.”
I hope you like it. I may do the Hien/Kaishan one at some point (in the Aketheron mood atm, lol).
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chaoticstrata · 11 months
Chapter 3 Snippet
“What time is it?” Aketho asked, drawing Theron’s attention away from his thoughts. 
The human checked the time with his implants again. “Quarter past seven,” he replied.
“Hmm, Lana never gave a time, but I suspect we need to get up and moving,” the younger spy mused, looking back at him, “I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not find out if Lana would hunt us down and drag us back to the safehouse naked if we don’t show up well before noon.” 
Theron snorted and sat up as well, sheets pooling around his waist. “She would do that, wouldn’t she?”
“More than likely,” Aketho chuckled, scooting toward the edge of the bed. He motioned toward the bathroom. “If you want to take a shower first, I can start the caf and make both of us a quick breakfast.”
“Mmm, sounds like a plan,” Theron said, stretching and rolling his neck. “Although I will admit I thought you’d have offered to share the shower,” he added as an off-handed comment, not really thinking the other man would take it seriously. 
He was wrong.
“Now there’s a wonderful idea,” Aketho purred, voice going straight to sultry as he leaned into Theron’s personal space with a wicked grin, “I wouldn’t be opposed if you aren’t.”
Theron was very proud of himself for not sputtering like a fool--although he couldn’t stop the blush even if he tried. Instead of replying verbally, he pulled in the cipher for a kiss, gently parting his lips with his tongue to plunder his mouth. The younger man moaned and leaned in further, fingers going for Theron’s hair again--fuck he loved the feeling of those cool fingers against his scalp. He nipped Aketho’s lower lips lightly before breaking the kiss.
“Start the caf, and I’ll start the shower,” he murmured, brushing back Aketho’s hair.
“Deal,” Aketho said softly, planting another kiss before slipping out of the bed. He headed out of the bedroom, still naked as the day he was born. 
Theron couldn’t help but feel a bit amused and impressed by the younger man’s confidence, he’d have thrown on a pair of sweats or even briefs before walking out into the living area…but then again, if he looked as good as Aketho did, he'd have the confidence to run around his apartment naked too. He chuckled and shook his head as he stood, making his way into the bathroom. Theron punched in a reasonable temperature for the water and started the shower, leaning against the glass door as he waited for it to heat up.
Closing his eyes he breathed in deep before letting it out slowly. Despite getting the eight hours of sleep he still somehow felt mentally exhausted and drained. Stars, what Theron would give for an entire week off, away from all the spy work and people. Just him, an isolated cabin in a forest somewhere, and a really good book he could curl up with. He could already picture it in his head. A warm fire, a cozy couch, and Aketho snuggled up in his arms with said book open. His daydream came to a screeching halt as he felt his face flush. He’d ask himself where that image came from, but it wasn’t like he didn’t already know. Theron was well aware he liked the Aketho, wanted to spend more time with him, get to know him better, make him smile and hear him laugh…Fuck. Maybe ‘falling hard’ was an understatement regarding how he really felt about his fellow spy. Or perhaps he should say he’s ‘fallen hard’ for him instead of ‘falling.’...
Theron sighed and lightly knocked his head against the glass door. Now really wasn’t the time to be dwelling on this. While last night--and more than likely this morning--was a nice distraction, they still had a mission to do…
A longer snippet this time. I keep trying to show that they have feelings for each other but refuse to fully acknowledge them. I don't know if I'm hammering it in too hard. -sigh- I just want to get to the KotFE part where I have them confess. ;-; (and maybe the after Ziost part when they spend a week in Aketho's safehouse...)
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chaoticstrata · 10 months
Nicknames: Therbear
“Hey, Therbear, have you seen that report from Dr. Orggurobb?” Aketho asked as he approached the former spy.
Theron in the meantime choked on his caf as his face lit up like a Life Day tree. He sputtered and coughed, thumping his chest to clear his airway. The snickers he heard from the otherside of the command room told him the others either heard or were just laughing at his reaction…which only caused him to blush further. Theron glared at his boyfriend.
“Really?” he asked with a soft growl.
“What?” the former Cipher said with the innocence of a child caught doing something they shouldn’t. The restrained grin did not help with convincing Theron in the least that Aketho didn’t know exactly what he did.
A sigh escaped him as he shook his head. Theron knew discussing it further would only lead to more embarrassment in the moment, so he dropped it. Aketho, while obviously amused with his reaction, was testing the waters to see if Theron’d be fine with pet names around comrades and friends. While he couldn’t say he was opposed, that particular pet name he might put his foot down on…especially since he could already feel Lana’s smirk at his back. With another shake of his head, Theron picked up his datapad and sent over the report Aketho was looking for.
“Is that what you wanted, Keth?” Theron asked, raising a brow.
Aketho checked his own datapad and nodded after a moment. He looked up with a soft smile and leaned in to kiss Theron’s cheek. “It is, thank you. See you for dinner later?”
“Of course,” he replied with a sweet smile. “I’ll see you then.”
“Till then,” the Commander said, taking Theron’s hand and kissing it. The former SIS agent could feel his ears heat up, but he had nothing but a loving look for the other man in front of him. Once Aketho had let go of his hand and walked away toward the military hanger, he went back to what he was doing--pointedly ignoring the looks he was getting.
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chaoticstrata · 1 year
A Bit of Aketho Lore
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@karanan Ok, since the replies to my one post wouldn't allow me to fully write this out, here it is. XD
Gonna try to not bore you with Aketho's whole family backstory…because I'm insane enough to have this in my head for future fics. For the most part, his father is pretty pragmatic and would see the benefit of having an agent in Intelligence; he doesn't want it to be his son. He wants to avoid getting his family involved with an outsider's--the Empire's--war. At least, that's what he tells Aketho and his siblings. In actuality, he didn't want Aketho to join Intelligence--and Aketho does not know this--because he promised his late wife he would protect their children. Aketho's father knows he would not be able to do that with any of them leaving Chiss space. He already feels he failed her when it was discovered their eldest was force-sensitive. They had to send him away (he ended up training with the Jedi), which devastated his wife and Aketho. He refuses to let that happen again…yeah, the whole start of KotFE wrecked him a bit. >.>
Aketho has always thought himself a disappointment to his father, mainly because the man is a bit cold and distant to him and his siblings. The main reason is his father's upbringing. He's not good at showing emotions or acting like a father because he never had anyone to show him how to do the latter. He can show emotions when a mission depends on him being open and friendly or using his cover of a well-known merchant. Their House is officially known for being merchants and artisans as a cover. However, he struggles to be open in private or with his children. The only person he's truly opened up to was his wife, and when she passed, he clammed up again--he's working on all of that.
I still need to pick out a name for this man, yet I already have a whole backstory for him. ;-; Things may change by the time I reach this in my story, but this is what I've planned out in my head thus far. Hopefully, it makes sense!
And I 100% agree about the Chiss lore bit; it's why I made up Aketho's House. It just seemed to work in my head. I based the House off of the Rogue's Guild in FFXIV, where they're the enforcers of the pirate Code in a legitimate pirate city-state. House Omi is there to keep the noble families from outright killing each other from political intrigue/rivalry--plus a side business of assassinations/spying.
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chaoticstrata · 9 months
In Harmonious Song CH 5 WIP
Finally got more than a few sentance written down for this! Huzzah!
Aketho was both terrifying and oddly beautiful when he was angry. 
Theron came to that conclusion as he watched the Chiss tear Lana a new one for the stunt she pulled on the Republic spy with the Revanites. His cheeks were flushed a pretty purple, his expression was hard and stormy, and Theron swore his eyes glowed brighter with each word spoken. In all honesty, Theron was a bit mesmerized by the sight.
And while he’d say he didn’t need Aketho coming to his defense, he was still incredibly flattered by it.
“Apologize,” Aketho ordered, crossing his arms as he glared at the Sith Lord in question--silently daring her to argue with him. 
Well…that was more sexy than it should have been.
“At the risk of seeming egotistical, I will not apologize for being right,” Lana said, settling the Agent with a stubborn gaze.
Theron had to admit, Lana was tenacious and--like some of his trooper friends would say--had balls of durasteel.
“Do it,” Aketho responded, lifting an eyebrow as he took on the brunt of Lana’s glare.
That last statement was double for the double-agent. Stars, he seemed fearless in the face of a Sith Lord--and Theron would put good money on it being the same for Darth Marr.
There was a long, exhausted sigh from Lana, which drew Theron’s attention. She looked at him, somehow looking both annoyed and sincere at the same time. In all honesty, he had to bite back the laugh with how put out she looked--it would be a good response when she was trying to make an effort to apologize…even if she was being forced.
“Theron…I recognize that I betrayed your trust, and for that I am sorry.”
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