#theron shan x imperial agent
tiredassmage · 2 months
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when two spies attempt to pretend they're not the galaxy's biggest workaholics-
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eorzeashan · 7 months
Snowball fight! Eight, Theron, and whomever else you'd like to join in! :)
Winter Prompts
“Theron, stay behind me.” Eight gallantly stepped before his hiding spot behind a waste bin and fended off a flurry of snowballs lobbed his way, armed with naught but a tree branch held aloft like a blade. He caught them with its noticeably blunt edge, discarding the disintegrating snow with a flourish.
“Is this really necessary…?” Theron echoed, his back pressed against the trash receptacle, feeling his cheeks flush pink from needing to be defended or simply the bitter cold of Odessen’s winter.
Strangely enough for an operative, Eight put himself on the frontlines or in place of others more vulnerable– a trait unseen in most of his ilk, who excelled in the shadows behind their sturdier comrades. Yet Theron learned quickly through repeated battles by his side that such bold tactics were a strength rather than a weakness for the Cipher, whose fragile disposition as an agent acted as a mere cover for the unexpected warrior within.
But in this moment, it acted as little comfort to his dwindling pride that he was being protected by someone smaller than him– Theron checked the enemy position and popped briefly out from cover to snipe Aric Jorgan’s shoulder with a bold blast of powder, causing the Cathar to hiss a curse and fall back– and in a snowball fight, nonetheless.
“This is what you get for getting chummy with other spies, Agent!”
Theron instinctively ducked. Where that voice sounded, trouble soon followed.
Eight side-stepped several snowballs from Kaliyo, most likely filled with rocks, given the menacing way they heavily thumped against the ground.
As expected, the others were out for snow-covered blood.
Theron was stuck in the sinking ship with Eight and his angry acquaintances, for all his sad lack of actual enemies that weren't related to him. Not that Lana and Koth weren't gunning for his head– he could see them whispering tactics in the foreground through his flake-covered lashes, those vultures– but the entirety of Eight’s old crew had chosen to aim for their erstwhile agent as means of revenge today.
Theron was just collateral, or so he incorrectly assumed. Not that it would stop him from aiming for his compatriots himself, and what he wouldn't give to see Lana have a taste of her own snow. Theron smirked at the thought of the blonde Sith shaking off ice like a frozen voorpak, already balling up a fresh set of snowballs in his mitts.
“Eight, cove–ACK!”
Theron yelped as frigid, biting snow touched bare skin and fell even deeper past his clothing into nooks and crannies where the sun didn't shine. He instinctively scrabbled at the back of his jacket, face crumpling into what could be called an excellent mimicry of a paper ball. Betrayal! Stabbed in the back! Unprotected! And…SO COLD. If his skin were a jacket, he would've shucked it right then and there.
His suffering didn't go unrewarded. Two blue arms wrapped around his middle as a delicate chin pressed into his shivering shoulderblades. Theron’s surprise settled into relaxed ease as warmth flooded his center, pooling low in his stomach at the familiar scent of his lover.
Aketho sported a wicked grin as he nuzzled into Theron’s broad back, the telltale signs of snow coating his gloves pointing to only one conclusion. Theron gasped dramatically. “How could you, ‘Keth?” His hazel eyes narrowed in suspicion. “...And how did you get past Eight?”
“A good Cipher never kiss and tells,” Aketho purred. Theron shuddered as his hot breath ghosted past his ear. “You're my hostage now, Agent Shan. I’m afraid your friends won't be coming to rescue you, either.”
Eight whistled innocently as he turned his back to the two spies in love, stick-holding hands clasped behind him as he walked pointedly in a different direction.
Traitor! Theron assailed him mentally, mouth dropping in an O as he watched his faithful defender hand him to the enemy on a silver platter, complete with plenty of snow.
He slumped in Aketho’s embrace, giving up. “Well, I could think of worse people to be captured by.” He smiled, entwining their fingers together. His smirk grew lascivious. “Wanna ditch this place and get warmed up somewhere else?”
“Can't think of anything I’d like more.”
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voidendron · 8 months
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is Andur/Xaerez/Theron so SO tempting. I started thinking of them again and now they won't leave my mind
slow burn, enemies > allies > lovers, three VERY different backgrounds that they all come from (Theron's whole "raised by a Jedi" thing then being Republic SIS; Xaerez from the Ascendency, then being Imp Intel; Andur as a Zakuulan Exarch and in charge of a Star Fortress) ... UGH WHY
like. it would start as one-sided, Andur with feelings toward Xae since Xae DID practically save him from "going down with his ship" so to speak after his Terrible Guilt for getting the other Exarchs all killed and betraying his world. and just gradually, especially after Xae deals with having his Castellan restraints re-triggered, just. Become A Thing
bc like. Xae saved Andur, so why can't Andur save Xae?? and maybe he Also saves Theron but like. in a Literal sense from something dangerous instead of a "from himself" sense. which just cements things Even More between the three of them????
and also bc Xaerez Will eventually die from complications due to all the shit his body's been through, Theron deserves SOMEONE he can lean on when Xae does die ok
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chaoticstrata · 1 month
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game) Rating: Explicit (This Chapter is SFW) Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Male Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine/Theron Shan, Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine/Theron Shan, The Outlander/Theron Shan Characters: Male Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine, Theron Shan, Kaliyo Djannis, Vector Hyllus, Lana Beniko, Original Chiss Characters (Star Wars), Jakarro (Star Wars), C2-D4 (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, Teasing, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Sex, Laughter During Sex, Not Beta Read, we die holotraversing into a boss cleave, Shower Sex Summary:
With the promise of pastries, answers, and more flirting, former Cipher Agent Kthira'keth'omi (Aketho) lures Theron Shan away from the safe house on Rishi.
(05/08/2024) New chapter out now! Apparently, Aketho is terrifyingly beautiful when angry.
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dirthara-dalen · 3 months
WIP Whenever
was tagged by @serenofroses (Ty so much for the tag!)
A little context in regards to the wip. It takes place at the start of chp 3 of KOFTE. In Ligastar's updated canon he is in a relation with Theron and my agent Vilkas. Said relationship began during SOR. One key thing about their relationship is Ligastar and Theron knows Vilkas is force sensitive and, in my canon, an undercover SIS agent in the empire.
The hissing sound as the carbonite chamber slotted into the dock followed by the sound of a code being entered into the nearby keypad filled the chamber with a sense of anticipation. The three figures watched the chamber intensely as it began to thaw. One of the figures prepared what appeared to be a modified kolto injector as they stepped in front of the chamber. As the Mirialan became more and more visible they aimed the injector at the Mirialan’s chest. As it became clearer that the individual was coming too, they held their finger on the trigger.  His vision was hazy as he caught brief glances of the figure in front of him. “You’re dying, ch'eo vur. I have your cure but it's going to hurt.” He couldn't help but cry out in pain as the medical dart hit his chest and he fell from the chamber. He reached up, yanking the dart out with a loud gasp. His whole body felt like lead as he slowly raised his head to find a rather icy gray hand being held out to him. He couldn't believe what he was seeing as he took the hand and was brought to his feet coming face to face with Vilkas. Behind the chiss he noticed Lana, T7 and Theron messing with some control panels. “Listen Ligastar, we don't have much time and I know you probably still feel like shit but we have to leave.” “V-Vilkas?” He took a deep breath as he struggled to stand straight. “What are you doing here…how are you here?” “You can thank Lana later for finally locating you. Any other explanations will have to wait until we're out of here.” “He's right.” Theron walked over then gently took one of Ligastar’s arms, pulling it over his shoulder before wrapping his free arm around the Mirialan’s waist to support him. “Our top priority is getting you out of here alive.” 
T7 began beeping incessantly as the door to the chamber opened revealing three skytrooper droids charging towards them. Lana leaped into action as she took down a droid while deflecting blaster bolts from the other droids. Vilkas quickly glanced at Ligastar and Theron as he dodged a bolt. With a simple gesture he used the force to bring one of Ligastar’s sabers to him. He ignited it in time to deflect a blot headed straight for them. “We need to move! I'll make sure the way is clear.” Lana shouted as she raced down the hallway. “Do you think you can walk Ligastar?” “Y-ya.” Theron helped Ligastar get his footing as he acted as a support for the Mirialan. Vilkas remained with them in order to defend them.  “How long…” Theron did not want to answer. The last few months leading up to this sucide rescue mission had been hell. For five long years the two agents had searched for any trace of their lover only to constantly come up empty handed. Neither had believed the reports stating Ligastar had died in the explosion that destroyed Marr’s flagship. Vilkas glanced behind him at Ligastar and was met with a look of desperation he'd never seen before from the Mirialan. “Please…how long have I been here?” Theron sighed as he relented. “It's been five years.” “What?!” Vilkas took a step towards him as he reached out, gently cupping the side of his face in his hand. “Ch'eo vur, I understand this is a shock but we must escape first.”  Ligastar couldn't help but nuzzle the chiss’s hand ever so slightly. After what he had seen in the “vision” or perhaps dream, he had feared the worst believing he may have lost the two men whom he loved dearly. Vilkas could sense the fear in the man as he leaned forward gently kissing him on the forehead.  “Once we are safe, we will tell you everything.”
I tag @stratataisen, @the-tomato-patch, @valleyofthemachinegods and anyone else who wishes to do this!
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sullustangin · 1 year
2022 SWTOR Secret Santa Fic
Happy Holidays to @thelealinhypehouse​ ! 
I was happily assigned to be your Santa.  One of the prompts you sent over was:  “My imperial agent Ain'res or my jedi master Sallaros. Ain in some snowball fight  with Theron or solo.”
I read into your blog a bit, noted your descriptions of Ain’res and his lovely braids, and picked up on his ‘hard-ass with a heart of gold’ attitude.  One thing did stand out to me in my research: the fact that Ain’res’s romantic pairing with Theron is an AU, given his issues and the dangers he voluntarily faces.  One of the major themes of Star Wars is hope.  So this gift fic straddles a space between your canon and your AU -- you can place in either universe.  I hope this makes you happy.
…it was time to move on. He’d reached that decision less than a week before Life Day rolled around at Odessen.  
Well over a year ago, Ain'res'sabosen had helped the Alliance save the galaxy.  His bags had been packed the second the victory broadcast had finished.
No, it wasn’t because he had hated the Commander or had disapproved of the Alliance’s presence as a peacekeeping aid fleet.  Ain’res had needed to go home.  To the Empire.  
And so he had.  
Someone had to defend it against all foes, visible and invisible.  That included far too many Sith who’d let power go to their heads. Cipher Seven was to return to Ghost status, and after each mission, simply disappear.  Every mission.
Months, a year passed. Every success was met with a tingle of adrenaline and a flash of dopamine for a job well done… and yet his fingers always found the rings woven into his hair.  
But then Lana Beniko asked him to return, because Theron Shan – the Alliance’s black ops coordinator and operations manager of Odessen – had seemingly defected.
He was dangerous to the Empire, as well as the rest of the galaxy.  That was Ain’res’ rationale at the time.  
“Seemingly” was why Ain’res really needed to move on now: it had been a charade, everything had been set to right, and his former firing range partner was no longer another target on his list.
…but why was it so daunting to move his bag to the shuttle he’d reserved for transport off-world?
Maybe it was the snow. It reminded Ain’res of Csilla; even though he’d been born on urban Cioral, Csilla was much prettier to look at, much like Ain’res.
It was also far more dangerous -- much like Ain’res.  
Ain’res finally pushed himself to stand and took one last look at his quarters on Odessen, making sure he hadn’t left a charger or something behind.  
There was no need to check the drawers; he’d never really unpacked.  Laundry would be washed and replaced right back into his bag… he never intended on staying with the Alliance.
Why was this so hard?
As Ain’res marched down the hallway, one of his braids bounced right into his line of sight. Pesky thing.  Impulsively, he chomped down on the end to keep it from smacking him.  Fortunately, he managed to avoid the rings, this time.
“Are you sure we can’t persuade you to stay with the Alliance?  Your talent would be used for the betterment of the galaxy,” Lana again asked him.  
Ain’res shook his head.
Both of the Alliance advisors had been loitering, deliberately, in the hallway en route to the shuttle launch area to try to catch him.  If Ain’res had wanted to avoid them, he could have…
But it was sort of nice to feel like he was someone they wanted to keep around.
“I still serve the people of the Empire.  Not every Sith Lord… is as pragmatic as you are,” Ain’res chose his words carefully. “They don’t seem to understand that without the people, there is no Empire…or tax base with which to run it.”  Lana smirked at that smart comment. “Their worst impulses…need to be checked.”
“And you’re the man to do it,” Theron said, looking straight at the blaster pistols at Ain’res’s hips.
Ain’res nodded again. “I have to be.”
Sudden, both advisors’ datapads screeched.  Theron’s hand was quick to reach for his implants, beating Lana’s attempt to draw out her datapad from her voluminous robes.  “Well, looks like you’ll be here with us a little longer, Cipher Seven – inclement weather.  Lana, the Commander is – ”
“Absolutely not going to try to land in this!”  Lana had already whirled around in a great billowing cloud of Sith tailoring as she marched toward the nearest holocomm to delay and deter the Commander arriving.
It wasn’t the first time a landing hadn’t quite gone to plan.
That left Ain’res and Theron Shan standing in the hallway.  After an awkward pause, Ain’res asked, “Any idea how long this will be?”
Theron shrugged. “Depends on how much snow it drops and whether it starts icing over – we should know within the next hour or two.” Theron jerked his head toward the docks. “Want to take a look?”
“Yes.”  The answer came out unbidden, and by the time Ain’res had a moment to feel self-conscious about his eagerness, he was already following Theron down the hallway.
Eventually the two men emerged on the military docks.   Aygo was directing traffic and ushering people to either get inside or get cold weather gear.  The two spies took the hint: they grabbed two standard-issue all-weather thermal jackets before darting out of the hangar bay.  
As the pair followed the trail out toward the shooting range, Ain’res couldn’t stop himself from feeling that little jolt of awe as he passed through Odessen’s now sleeping forest.
This planet in winter was beautiful.   Maybe even prettier than Csilla.  There was a promise of spring here.  The snow was temporary; the joy or inconvenience it brought was fleeting.  Change was possible.  That wasn’t the case with Csilla…(and maybe not Ain’res either).
“Should have brought blasters out here.  Ah well. Probably wouldn’t have fired well in this weather,” Theron mused distractedly as he scanned the terrain around them.  
Ain’res was a resourceful man.  He did not miss opportunities.  
A strangled yelp came out of Theron as Ain’res’s well-aimed snowball hit him right where his collar met his skin.  Despite himself, Ain’res giggled –
And promptly got a face full of snow in retribution.
It was on.
There was some divine comedy in two of the deadliest men in the galaxy engaging in something as juvenile as a snowball fight.
Then again, neither of them really had the chance to be juveniles in the first place, so perhaps the Divine had mercy on them, just this once.
The fresh cold snow hit Ain’res’s skin and lingered; Chiss ran cool by nature.  The flakes eventually evaporated away, but the edges of the tiny crystals were briefly felt.  The prickle again summoned a memory, a good one, as he heaved snow in Theron’s direction.
Eventually, the two juggernauts slowed as the snow continued to fall down, making their steps heavier. They staggered about, grabbing for snow, their accuracy gone, their lungs gasping for breath.
It was fun.
They never did come to an agreement as to who hit the ground first and didn’t get up again; it was too close to call.  
Exhausted, as they were both trying to catch their breath despite their laughter, Ain’res betrayed himself; he looked at Theron’s face.  …they’d become fast ...friends again after Theron had returned.  
That word came so hard for him.  
When Theron was cleared from medbay, after he returned from Nathema, they’d had a drink.  Theron had settled for ginger ale, given his condition. They had laughed then also, but over such a horrible thing:  the deadly cat-and-mouse game they’d almost gotten to play.  Thank the Stars for the Commander’s less bloody thinking (at least compared to Lana).
Most people would have been horrified to be a Cipher target, but Theron had understood.  He’d been SIS; he knew how these things were, regardless of personal feelings.
…And there was the problem…
Looking right back at Ain’res.
Ain’res had been caught.
He felt the flood of heat on his face as he tried to look away, redirect his own attention --
Yet, even in his panic at being found out, Ain’res observed a certain sadness, just before half of Theron’s mouth hitched up.  
“I thought Chiss were good with cold weather,” he said.
Ain’res blinked at him, confused.  
Theron pointed with a gloved finger, keeping his hands close to himself.  “You’re turning purple.”
Ain’res blushed even harder.
…And Theron finally figured it out.  “Oh. Sorry.”  A nervous hand went up to the back of his neck.  His soaked collar had to be pulled away from his skin. “Didn’t mean to … call you out or anything.”
The Chiss vigorously shook his head, his braids making quiet ‘thumps’ against his shoulders.  “I’m – fine.  So –
And suddenly, a very warm puff of air crossed his mouth as Theron impulsively kissed him.
Ain’res’s brain shut down entirely.  It wasn’t unpleasant, like the brainwashing.  It felt pretty amazing…
The kiss had to end sometime – and it did.  Sometime.
And then Ain’res’s heart dropped.  “I can’t.” He might have shut his mouth then, but Ain’res couldn’t stop the feelings from rampaging through his head.  After everything, the mind control, his team --  There was a reason he was alone, and it was because he deserved it. He’d failed.  
Theron watched him, trying to read him, trying to understand what was going on in his head…the master of spies knew his file.  He knew --
“I owe it to them to serve the Empire.”  
It was the slightest motion on Theron’s face, but it was enough.  “You really want to go back to the Sith Empire?”
Ain’res glared.  “I serve the people of the Empire.  Not the Sith.  You know that.”
“You can do that here with the Alliance, just as I serve the Republic… at least her ideals, anyway.” Theron cleared his throat.  “I’m probably not the guy who should be encouraging others to defect, given recent history.”
Ain’res had to laugh at that.  Then, the shame.  The urge to shake himself… “But I would harm the Republic to save the people of the Empire,” Ain’res cut right to the heart of this matter.  “We… friends.  All we are. All we can be.”
Because you wouldn’t forgive me.
Although his hair was darker from being wet due to the snow, Theron’s silver streaks at his temples still reflected the hazy light of the  sun as he shifted to sit up.  “Not … necessarily true.”
“Are you mad?” The words flew out of Ain’res.
Theron stifled a weak laugh. “No… it’s just… how do I put it?” Theron sighed.  “...it’s one thing to be alone in the galaxy, like I am.  It’s another thing to be lonely.”  He tilted his head toward the other agent.  “Not sure which one you are.  But now that a planet-eating emperor is gone and an unstoppable space fleet is no longer a threat to anyone… the galaxy might start to calm down.  It’s changing, almost as fast as Odessen, according to Dr. Oggurobb…”
Ain’res understood what he was getting at….
And he didn’t want to deal with those feelings right now.  
“…I need to prep my shuttle for departure.”   But before he could run off and abandon Theron entirely, Ain’res felt the urge and gave into it: “thank you for your time,” he said in a rush.
He was so bad at this.
Been awhile since Dromund Kaas.
Been awhile since this bed. He was glad he had done the laundry before he left.  Fresh sheets always made sleep easier… though not always possible.
Ain’res hand tangled in his hair.  He felt the aurebesh letters on the rings slide by.  He explored them, as if he’d never touched them before.
Ain’ress knew the names; they were carved into his heart.  
Are you alone?  Or lonely?
On a not-so-good night – or a night where a mission was keeping him awake, Ain’res constantly toyed with the rings until they slid down the strands.  One of his nervous habits was to bite down on the braid, and sometimes, he’d knock a tooth against the rings.  As his jaw sprang back open, his first thought was to the rings…not to his own teeth.  
His friends…his partner…his team…  he’d lost them.  They weren’t here to proclaim him blameless for their deaths.  No, their names were engraved on the rings to remind him --
…He needed to be reminded that he was alone, and he thought he deserved it…
And with that came the loneliness.
Are you like Csilla? Pretty, dangerous, and always cold?
Ain’res watched the shadows of traffic on Dromund Kaas play across his bedroom ceiling.  Rain, as usual.  
No snow.  No magic.  No Theron. All these things melted away when just enough time had passed.  
But the memories were already lingering far longer than his normal mental discipline permitted.  
…or can you be like Odessen?  Pretty, dangerous… and ever-changing?
Ain’res let himself remember the cold and the hot contrast that had lingered on his mouth for glorious moments…
Can you change…?
Live a little longer than you want…?
Ain’res surprised himself that night.
For the first time since he could remember…maybe before the brainwashing? … he dreamed.
There was a message on his datapad from Theron the next morning.
Ain’res answered it.
A/N:  To dream for a former Cipher is quite a hopeful sign.  How he answers -- that’s up to you.  Happy Holidays
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artestarr · 1 year
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Theron's on a stakeout on the rooftops of Corellia. He gets a visitor.
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Theron Shan/Male Imperial Agent
Word Count: 2037 (Complete)
Warnings: Sexual content, rough sex
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ainyan · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Legends: The Old Republic (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Imperial Agent | Cipher Nine/Theron Shan Characters: Darth Marr, Lana Beniko, Vector Hyllus Series: Part 1 of Kal'istae, Imperial Ghost Summary:
After the events of Ziost, ex-Imperial Agent Kal'istae needs some downtime before she joins Darth Marr in their hunt for the resurrected Emperor. She's not the only one looking to get away for a while.
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Since I’m playing SW:TOR right now because 7.3 hit and I have to catch up, have some fic.
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thelealinhypehouse · 1 year
Ain'res: Force, give me patience.
Theron: I think you mean 'give me strength'.
Ain'res: If Force gave me strength, you'd be dead.
Im gonna have fun with generator text because myself im bad at writing
Incorrect quotes generator by
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coryphefishh · 1 year
Let's do a deep dive on a line from the Theron x imperial character romance in Shadow of Revan.
Goes something like...
"And they said if I ever kissed an imp, I'd spontaneously explode."
So uh. First question...WHO EXACTLY does he mean by "they?"
Early Jedi training? No. Jedi say that about kissing anyone.
SIS training? No. For some agents, kissing imps is part of the job description.
Teff'ith? No. Although it's a nice headcanon that she changes pronouns to they/them.
Theory: Whoever these anti-imp-kissing people are, they're more recent acquaintances.
Next question is WHEN? How recently was Theron advised of this?
Let's zoom out shall we?
The makeout is happening in the briefing room. On Yavin. After a whole lot of Republic and Imperial forces arrived and are at this very moment, trying very very hard to get along. And I don't have any specific examples, but I remember there's bickering and banter dialogue that we overhear.
Now let's zoom out even farther and look at content before and after Yavin.
In the Umbara arc, Theron writes in The Letter that, "I loved you from the moment I saw you."
Now, this easily makes sense for a republic character. Theron's job is to make a holocall to an important person, and WOW they are--WOW very attractive.
An impside character? Running through Manaan? Dodging droids and Selkath while being increasingly on fire? Makes just as much sense if you think about it. He wouldn't necessarily know who this chaotic force of nature is at first.
Oops wait halp that's not just an imp, they're an extremely important high profile powerful imp.
Let's zoom back a notch, and we have a plausible theory.
Theron is obviously unsuccessful at putting a stop to these feelings, especially after what happened on Rishi. He is absolutely smitten and just CANNOT STOP TALKING about this magnificent person who stormed the compound to sweep him off his feet and whisk him off to safety, except he'd already escaped, and kriff, the look on their face when they saw he'd already escaped! Except alas his love is an imp! Except what if....
And every single republic soldier in earshot is all "Mr. Shan DO NOT KISS THE IMP!"
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inyri · 5 months
People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @keldae-- thank you for the tag!
F!Shepard x Kaidan Alenko
Theron Shan x Imperial Agent
Dame Aylin x Isobel
Lord Peter Wimsey x Harriet Vane
Weathering: The Extraordinary Stress of Ordinary Life in an Unjust Society by Arline Geronimus
also SWTOR story updates
for these little shits to stop arguing in my head so I can get this last chapter bit edited (it keeps going off-course on me)
Tagging: @thievinghippo @shimmersing who else hasn't done this one yet?
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tiredassmage · 2 months
wip wednesday
woe! for it be wednesday and the desire to make words domed me in the head last night, so you may all have more 'dot what au are you on now?' wonderings! the premise context on this one is a bit long-winded, so the short of it is aus with friends! au where friends blorbo was the inquisitor! [it... does not go well. for most involved, lol press f, etc.] so! this piece is several(?) years post-nathema conspiracy, a little drabble on... tyr and theron and trying to heal through the aftermath of an eternal alliance era that... wasn't so kind to them.
“Theron…” Tyr sighs heavily with a hint of frustration that Theron wants to flinch from. He struggles to swallow down the urge wriggling at the back of his throat if only because Tyr’s hand draws steadily up and down his arm.
“Look at me.” Two fingers reach out and gently tap under Theron’s chin with the softly rasped words.
Theron nearly frowns a moment, nearly shrugs his chin out of his partner’s embrace, but reluctantly gives to the request. Tyr rewards the tilt of his head by caressing his jaw. A soft, easy smile starts to paint across the ex-Cipher’s lips.
He’s tired - a very different kind of ‘tired’ than Theron remembers when they stood together in the Alliance. The Kaasi edge has started to bleed from his voice after the many years separated from the capital planet for something a bit more roaming, for something warmed by a sun more commonly seen than that which may or may not have broken through the storm clouds.
Theron leans faintly into his calloused palm. A few more silver threads mix with sun-muddied blonde at Tyr’s temples. He used to say Darth Nox - Emperor? It… Well. It doesn’t much matter what the dead prefer.., does it? - would drive him to it earlier. He’d smiled less and less about it as the Alliance matured.
But now..? Now, the ‘tired’ looking back at him has a gentler kind of warmth - the kind he hasn’t felt… maybe since Rishi.
The thought’s almost enough to make Theron tremble.
Tyr shuffles a bit against the pillows, squirming to lay a bit more on his back, to steady Theron against him. The brief grunt of effort dispels the smile for something more…
Theron’s eyes drop, blindly skimming along, eager to find some indeterminate distraction to settle on. His hand moves towards Tyr’s wrist. He shouldn’t need to-
“Theron.” He can hear the frown without having to look back. That was more like it.
Except the caress moulds firmer and directs his fleeing eyes back to Tyr’s knitting brow.
“Stay. Please?”
Theron blinks, breath stilling in his stiff shoulders.
Tyr’s next smile is fragile, framed with barely a breath of a tight chuckle. “I… I’ve lost quite enough, by now… Or so I thought, at least.”
Theron’s jaw shifts. Tyr’s touch softens to fingertips tracing the line of his jaw, his thumb brushing along his cheek.
And his eyes follow. “I’ve thought I’d lost everything so many times.” He swallows. His touch drops lower once more, cupping under his jaw to steady his thumb against Theron’s chin. “I’d thought… Finally… Finally, I’d lost everything, and I had no more to lose… Only to find there was always just… one more thing… Always something more to lose…”
The tightness around Tyr’s eyes threatens to shorten Theron’s already arrested breathing. He faintly realizes his other hand has tightened, twisted into Tyr’s shirt against his side. His grip nearly flexes to release, but-
“Always some… part of me to lose, I guess,” Tyr breathes shakily.
The same hands that hadn’t followed when Tyr left Odessen… however many cursed years ago it’d been now. The same hands that had strangled any hope of better out on Nathema - had strung it up in odd tresses and shot it bloody before it could even realize it’d waltzed into a trap. Tyr closes his eyes and draws in a deep breath with some unsteadiness. His thumb works uneasily across Theron’s chin, drawing their eyes back together. “And then I…” Another sharp exhale that cracks the painful veil threatening to constrict around him once more. “And then I didn’t… I haven’t lost you, Theron. Not yet.”
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eorzeashan · 2 years
Tell me more about 'Life Day'~
Alright, this one really gets me into the Xmas mood and it brings me no amount of joy to work on/think about because a) it's a silly feel-good oneshot, and b) whoa! Theron's here!
Basically, it takes place in the main timeline for my agent, which is where everything is all peaceful and he's retired- but his problems include adjusting to the hectic life of Coruscant with all its culture shock, babysitting Theron's nephew, and even worse: trying to celebrate Life Day for the first time while finding Theron a present amidst all this chaos. He only has until midnight, and Theron might also have the same idea while he pretends to be away on work.
As you can see, it's a dilemma for an ex-Imperial who will overthink affectionate gestures and still has the strange methods of a former assassin to deal with it, aka- not well. There's a lot of domestic conflict here where Orre tries his best to fit in with this strange new world and feel worthy of being a part of the warmth that Theron has brought to him, so he tries extremely hard to make a home that the other spy can return to...despite never having had that experience in all his life.
I should also mention that said nephew he has to babysit is the child of my friend's JK and Kira, who ended up non-force sensitive and doubly attached to Theron because of their similar backgrounds. His name is Din! Named after the late Master, of course. Because of the cousin-bond between Theron and the JK in this timeline, Orre is close friends with Kira in a sort of spouse club. It's pretty funny, especially for an agent who used to hate all force-users. Now he makes lunch for Master Satele weekly.
It's very family-centric, as you can tell. I'm hoping to touch on a lot of Theron's views of his own family since it's always been core to his character there too, but we'll see how it goes. He doesn't regret protecting his loved one from his late Father's ire on Iokath, but I'd like to pay Jace some respect too. He's not better than Master Zho though.
As two people who never had the luxury of coming home to a roaring fireplace or anyone to welcome them back, this WIP is a lot of firsts for spies who are finally coming in from the cold. No excerpt since I write way too out of order for it to be coherently posted, but I hope that gets the idea across.
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voidendron · 2 years
You Tell Me I'm Safe. You Don't Know You Lie.
Whumptober 2022 Day 21: Famous Last Words Coughing Up Blood | "You're safe now." | "Take me instead."
Star Wars: The Old Republic Post-Onslaught Characters: Rediaex'aere'zortiea (Cipher Nine - Chiss), Theron Shan Warnings: Brainwashing/Castellan Restraints
The call had ended hours ago, now.
It left him to wonder. To fear. To dread, what would come next.
His mind was already racing with how to fulfill the order, whether he wanted to or not. How could he get off base, with Theron in tow? How could he convince his husband without raising suspicion? No matter if he wanted to raise suspicion, to raise alarm bells in someone’s—anyone’s—mind so they’d take a shot at him. End it then and there.
Xaerez took a breath. It was too even. Too calm. It didn’t match the racing of his mind or the fear that squeezed his heart.
When the door to their shared quarters opened with a hiss, he glanced up. There was a grimace on his face as he shifted his cane to the other hand; the scars at his wrists were aching again, as were the ones that climbed up his neck like twisted fingers threatening to choke his breath away.
Xaerez smiled, much against his will; he couldn’t let the man know anything was wrong. When Theron returned it, he wanted to cry.
“How you feeling?” His touch was gentle when he took Xaerez’s elbow to lead him to sit down.
“…Hurts,” he answered with a hiss when he wrung a hand around one wrist, where prosthetic hand met marred skin.
“I know, I know…” Theron pried his fingers away with a shake of the head. “Don’t. You’ll bruise yourself.”
His hands were led to his cane, and he squeezed his hands around it with a deep breath. A part of him wanted to leave bruises; it would distract his mind, even if only for a little while.
He hadn’t realized he was staring down at his hands until Theron’s hand lifted his chin in silent request to meet his eyes. So, Xaerez looked up to find those pretty brown eyes creased with worry.
“How are you, Xae? Really?”
The Chiss swallowed. The words came easy, and he mentally cursed them.
“I’ll be fine.” Help me. “It’s just been hurting.” I don’t want to hurt you.
When Theron leaned forward to press their foreheads together, Xaerez closed his eyes. The tears he wanted refused to come.
“Just remember that you’re safe, now.” Theron reached for one of his hands; Xaerez hated that he couldn’t feel the way his husband squeezed gently at his fingers. “Focus on recovering. You’re home.”
I’m going to kill you. They want me to kill you. You aren’t safe! His tongue betrayed him not for the first, nor the last, time, “I know. Thank you.”
No one was safe. Not anymore.
Not while those damned Sith held the key to the former Cipher Nine’s conditioning.
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a-shy-blueberry · 2 years
Chapter One: Beginnings
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A/N: Hi Everyone, this is a series I've been brainstorming for many many years and I've finally decided just to post it so I stop going back and revising it. I hope you enjoy it!
Fandom: Star Wars the Old Republic
Pairing: F! Cipher Nine x Theron Shan; F! Darth Nox x Lana Beniko
Genre: Romance, Action, Smut
Summary: When Cipher Nine is called into Darth Arkous's office, she assumes it'll be another mundane task, little did she know that it winds her up in total disarray.
Warnings: Swearing, Slowish burn, smut coming soon
Word Count: 2.6k
Series Masterlist || Next Chapter
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15 ATC
Imperial Space
Nine awoke to a chime from her holopad. Please be nothing she willed to herself as she rolled over to check the pad, wincing at the blinding light as her eyes adjusted to read the message.
Kriffing hell
“Darth Arkous has requested your presence at Vaiken Spacedock to discuss a matter of utmost urgency.” 
Nine hated sith, even more, she hated interacting with the Dark Council.
Call her prejudiced but, every sith she had met had tried to kill her, or someone else in her presence, and that really wasn’t what she wanted out of her morning.
That whole ordeal with Jadus had cemented her opinion. 
And Darth Zhorrid certainly didn't help.
Or Lord Razer.
Really no sith had helped that perception.
“Arkous isn’t Jadus,” she gently chided herself “And you aren’t the same agent anymore,” The Black Codex had given her significant freedom but she doubted that the Empire would ever let her escape entirely. Working as a free agent, defending it from the shadows often as Marr’s beck and call was much preferred after the chaos of Corellia but, there was still a small part of her that wanted more. 
Rolling off the bed, Nine headed towards the small refresher in the corner of her quarters. Fortunately, the Eidolon was already docked at Vaiken giving her extra time to prep for this meeting. While she hadn’t met the Dark Council member before, she assumed the meeting was no more than a power move, much like the many meeting Zhorrid required of her. Some light threatening, maybe an attempt on her life, then she’d be on her way.
She finished running a comb through her light brown tresses she opted to leave her hair down for this encounter. I’m not theirs, they no longer dictate my hair, it was a small rebellion, and she knew it was silly but, the small victories were what kept her separate, kept her free. A glance in the mirror to check her uniform and she was on her way. 
The Vaiken Spacedock was massive, and almost always crowded. Nine never liked being here but, what it offered necessitated many visits. After elbowing her way through the crowds she managed to make her way to the elevator and steel herself for this visit. 
Walking into the small office that served Arkous, Nine was surprised by the group of people she hadn’t expected. In the small office were Darth Arkous, Darth Nox, and 2 other sith that Nine didn’t recognize. Dealing with one sith was dangerous, the tempers that flew with four would hardly end well. Before she could speculate why they were all here, however, a bounty hunter walked signaling for Arkous and a blonde Sith compatriot called for attention. 
“I’m sure you’re wondering why you’ve been called,” the blonde sith started. Immediately she was cut off by Darth Nox. 
“I do not appreciate petty summons demanding meetings of me,” she snarled yellow eyes glinting, sharply contrasting her blood-red skin. The Pureblood Sith wore her dark hair short, spikey, and wild. She wore long dark robes that obscured her figure. Silver chains hung from her shoulder pads connecting with a large silver medallion that lay in the middle of her chest. When someone was able to electrocute their opponent, silly things like swinging chains could be worn with little risk of an enemy using them. Nine hadn’t had much experience with the Sith, she had just recently risen to her seat after killing Darth Thanaton in a Kaggath. Debacles like that were why the Star Cabal came so close to succeeding. Darth Nox emanated power and rage, a purple haze that flicked with lightning often surrounded her, Nox appeared brash, quick to speak, and quicker to kill. 
The blonde sith went pale, and Arkous put out a hand, “Now, now, let’s not threaten anyone before introductions have occurred, This is my advisor, Lana Beniko,” The blonde sith nodded her head. “And I’m sure you all know of Darth Nox,” the dark counselor merely sneered, crossing her arms. “And then there’s the Emperor’s Wrath.”
The smallest of the sith lifted her head. The Wrath was ghostly pale, her long black hair framed her face in soft coils, the rest disappearing into the depths of her hood. Some Sith chose on occasion to hide the corruption of the dark side but, the Wrath left it in full view. Red eyes were framed with dark makeup that jutted out with inky varicose veins that stretched across her face like lightning. She wore a simple blood-red vest that was cropped to reveal further marks down her stomach and lacing her arms. A plain matching skirt obscured the rest of her but, Nine guessed that her whole body was decorated with streaks. Twin lightsabers hung at her hip. Their intention was to look cruel, curved hilts with metal fangs that would hug the blade upon activation. The Emperor’s executioner daunted anything in her path.
The Wrath looked around the room, nodding at Arkous and Lana, then turning to Nox, and Ciera. When she looked at Nine though, she could’ve sworn she saw her hesitate, and her red eyes flickered to brown but, it only lasted an instant before her haughty expression returned. Nine filed this away to analyze later and returned her attention to Arkous.
“And then there are our two newcomers, The Grand Champion of the Hunt, and Cipher Nine of the former Imperial Intelligence.
The Grand Champion was striking. Her hair was a white blonde that she kept loosely braided over her shoulder. Shorter strands formed side-swept bangs softening the woman’s face. Dark brown letters in what appeared to be Mando’a splashed across her face in an intricate tattoo. Her eyes were chocolate brown and surrounded by dark eyeshadow. The woman’s armor was intense, a silver-gray set with sharp edges projecting out from her knees, elbows, and shoulders. The majority of the armor appeared to be made from beskar but, around her waist and thighs, cortex hugged her instead revealing the thin shapely figure that the rest of the armor hid.
The Hunter did a small wave and gruffly added, “Name’s Ciera, nice to meet ya.” When she stuck out her hand to the sith, Nine tried not to smile at their incredulous expressions. When no one responded, Ciera lowered her hand, turned to Nine, and tried again. Gently obliging her, Nine took her hand and shook it firmly. Ciera smiled and turned back to Arkous and Beniko.
“Now that that’s settled, we should dive in, you have both been selected because of the roles you have played in improving and molding the Empire, now we stand on the precipice of a new chapter,” Beniko said, “You’ve been invited here to perform an act once thought impossible: an attack on the Jedi Temple on Tython.” Nine felt the air grow hot and looked over to see the two sith next to her grinning hungrily. “For this mission, the four of you, and your companions will form a strike team to take out the various defenses Tython has erected.” 
Lana continued, “Cipher Nine will be working with… Ciera to remove outer defenses,” Nine discretely smiled at Beniko’s discomfort with the casual hunter and continued listening, “Lord Wrath and Darth Nox, the two of you will take care of the actual temple assault, there will be plenty of Jedi Masters serving as the last line so you’ll likely split up to clear the temple.” Instructions continued for quite some time, everyone would take their own crew and had their own responsibilities. The plan actually seemed quite feasible and soon everyone was on their way.
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Vaiken Spacedock
Two Weeks Later
Vayna really liked a challenge, she wouldn’t have made it on the Dark Council if she didn’t. The Tython Assault was simple, and the revenge strike to take back Korriban was child’s play. Neither of these was a challenge but, Lana was proving to be downright difficult. At first, the woman blushed incessantly every time Vayna flirted but, when they returned after Korriban, Lana completely ignored her.
Vayna detested being ignored. 
She wasn’t left stewing very long though, Lana chimed her the second she hit the elevator. Smirking to herself she listened to her comm. Somewhere private , she mused to herself as she made her way to the cantina. She inferred the urgency in her voice, as nothing more than desire. Vayna was desirable and she was going to show her just how she was the Empire’s only hope . 
When she arrived at the cantina, she was disappointed to see the others from the twin assaults. She didn’t mind sharing, she had just hoped their first activity wouldn’t have been group work.  Lana urged them all to sit and from the look on her face, Vayna was starting to realize that this was more business than pleasure.
“I am aware I’ve been more reserved since you’ve returned but, do not mistake my reticence for apathy, I have discovered some troubling things and needed somewhere remotely private to discuss them with you all,” Lana said.
“If you wanted to whisper sweet nothings to me, I really could do without the crowd,” Vayna replied. Almost immediately Lana’s cheeks began to color and the Cipher snapped to look at her with a frown.
“Yes, well, um..., that wasn’t my intention for this meeting you see…” Lana began “There were some suspicious circumstances regarding the invasions of Korriban and Tython.” 
“You mean the timing,” the agent answered. Her eyes focused intently on Lana, she seemed much too serious for Vanya, even leaning against the wall, the agent was still stiff as a board. Someone needs to get bent , she thought to herself with a giggle. The rest of the meeting went much the same
Vayna had spaced out significantly but at this point, with how they were droning on, and no matter how pretty Lana was, secret societies dedicated to Revan and conspiracy theories really couldn’t hold her interest. Darth Imperius was more suited for this, any time he uncovered so much as a spindly connection between the history of one really old guy to another really old guy, his eyes would gleam and that would be all he would talk about for weeks. She was suited to power, he was for knowledge, that’s how they worked and now she really regretted not bringing him along to listen to this for her. Hell, even Darth Oculus would’ve been better for this. At least with her pupil-less red eyes, she could at least look like she was paying attention. 
Finally, the meeting reached a conclusion, and the hunter and the agent split off almost immediately. Vayna could hardly blame them, willingly hanging around sith was suicidal. While Vayna wasn’t familiar with the Mandalorian she had heard of the atrocities the Dark Council had inflicted on Cipher Nine, her dossier had been one of the few critically important files Darth Nox had been informed of. The approval of mental restraints still sickened her. She absently rubbed her neck, tracing the faded scars she had received as a child. Shock collars were bad but, at least they could be removed, the cipher was forever a slave to her programming. 
The Wrath left soon after, nodding to Lana and smirking at Vayna as she made eyes between the two of them. Kalida had never been subtle, especially not when it came to flirting. Her methods of ensnaring her husband had been to barrage him with lewd flirtations till he turned as red as her lightsaber. Vayna doubted Lana would be that easy, but she was thankful for the alone time she had gotten with Lana.
Lana was still nursing her drink when Vayna scooted her chair next to her. Lana eyed her wearily, I guess my efforts have been noticed. Oh well, if lack of subtlety worked for Kalida, maybe it would for her. 
“Lana darling,” she purred, “It feels like you’ve been ignoring me, I simply hate being ignored,” her voice had taken a falsetto-like quality. Lana sighed.
“Darth Nox,” she began and Vayna put up a hand. Lana rolled her eyes, “Fine, Vanya,” she continued, “I’ve been a little busy trying to protect the Empire from conspiracy theories, it wasn’t my intention to offend you.” Nox gave pouted her lip.
“Oh but, I am offended, you’ve left me all by my lonesome. What is a girl to think,” Vayna laced her fingers with Lana’s, “Here I was thinking I was nothing more than a plaything,” she raised their entwined hands to her mouth and kissed Lana’s hand, “Something you’d grown tired of, and discarded.” Lana’s bright yellow eyes were focused on her. Nox moved her lips down the side of her pinky, then placed a long kiss on her wrist bone. “I guess I’ll have to try and be more interesting .” Lana inhaled sharply. 
“I really don’t think…” Lana tried to interject but Vayna wasn’t done. 
“You’re awfully closed off for a Sith. I could help with that.”  Lana pulled her hand away, and her yellow eyes grew bright. 
“Just because I don’t go around indulging in every whim, does not mean I need help “unleashing my passions” so please kindly refrain from using nerfshit like that just to get me into bed.” Lana stared at her defiantly. Vayna lifted her nose, unwilling to submit. 
“Fine, then what would it take to get you into my bed?” The question was blunt and Vayna knew it would piss her off. Lana pushed up on the table, her face flushed with anger.  
“Agh, you’re impossible!” Lana stood and tried to walk away. Vayna slid out of her seat and caught her arm. 
“Please stop,” Nox kept her tone free of its usual attitude, and surprisingly, the request had actually worked. Lana paused but did not turn to face her. “I didn’t mean to offend but, you must know I find you ridiculously alluring and I would like to pursue you… er this, with your consent of course.” 
Lana at that point was looking at her, her mouth hung open. Sith didn’t make a habit of apologizing, not that this really was an apology,  She hadn’t even said sorry yet. Nox certainly had never tried to apologize but, her head was spinning and Lana’s arm was still in her grasp. My stars, I’ve really lost control of this. Vayna released Lana’s arm and smooth her robes. “I apologize for my behavior, it was most inappropriate, both to you and to the situation at hand.” She had expected Lana to walk away, an arrogant huff maybe. Or perhaps a lecture. Lana seemed like the lecturing type. What she hadn’t expected was for Lana to kiss her. 
Vayna was a Darth. She was a member of the Dark Council. She had devoured ghosts. She had survived the destruction of her family, and exile into slavery, and had risen even further heights than her parents had ever hoped to reach. She was strong, resistant to even the most heinous of compulsions, and yet she was boneless.
Lana's soft lips had pressed against hers and she knew nothing else. It took her a minute before she had gathered enough senses to kiss her back. Parting her lips slightly to tease Lana’s lower lip with gentle tugs between her teeth. Her hands snaked around Lana’s waist drawing her closer. Lana had her hands entangled in her short hair, playing with the wild strands, twirling them in her fingers. Vayna drew back and angled her mouth back over Lana’s, drawing the kiss deeper till they were both panting, and out of breath. 
“Well now that that’s taken care of, let’s get out of here,” Lana said, smirking as she entwined her fingers with Vayna’s, dragging her out of the cantina. 
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Do not interact with 18+ works if you are under the age of 18, do not copy or repost my works, or share on other platforms. All characters belong to Bioware. Do not follow if you are under the age of 18 or do not have an age in your bio or if you have filled out the age verification form
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commander-krios · 1 year
Ten Random Lines Tag
I was tagged by @tealenko, thank you hun! I cheated with the last fic but it was too good to pass up.
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagging: @eluvisen, @starsandskies, @starknstarwars, @cinlat, @kalliesa, @swaps55, @zet-sway, @shadoedseptmbr, @comeoniwantacoolname and @mallaidhsomo
Firestar - KOTOR - Revan x Canderous
Revan continued on, her short legs carrying her ahead of them faster than he would’ve expected. Her fury was still burning hot in her blood even if her expression was clear of all emotion.
And Canderous planned on making it burn hotter.
2. The Perils of Redemption - KOTOR - Darth Malak/Alek & Jolee Bindo
“If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn’t need such a roundabout way to do it, kid.” Canderous muttered, picking up his stack of cards, ignoring the next scowl. 
3. Dust in the Wind: Chapter 9 - Mass Effect - Female Shepard & Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Daniel rolled his eyes. “He’s your guy now. He found out from Anderson that today was our birthday and he wouldn’t stop sending me messages until I agreed to let him come.”
4. My Anchor in the Storm - Mass Effect - Steve Cortez/Kaidan Alenko
Steve raised an eyebrow at the slip. “Ogling the Commander, Kaidan? That’s beneath you.”
5. Under the Surface - Mass Effect - Female Shepard/Jeff "Joker" Moreau
While the energy surge had taken out long range communications between Shepard’s team and the Normandy, short range still worked fine. “I need you to focus fire on the brute, Vic!”
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing, Shepard?!” 
6. Justice: Chapter 1 - SWTOR - Female Imperial Agent/Jonas Balkar
“The guard is dead. I’m back in position.” Derrick said over the comm, pausing briefly before letting out a furious sigh. “ What is he doing?”
“Getting himself killed.”
7. Tell Me A Story Cowboy - Mass Effect - Male Shepard & Zaeed Massani
The question surprised Shepard, and he wasn’t a man easily shocked. “I don’t usually murder the people in my care.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time Alliance murdered people who surrendered.”
8. Perfect - SWTOR - Female Republic Trooper/Theron Shan
“You don’t need to be nervous about dancing, Theron.” She told him sweetly, but he could sense the other shoe drop before she opened her mouth again. “You’ve always been bad at it.”
“Very funny.”
9. I'll Always Find You - Mass Effect - Female Shepard/Jack
Reaching her hands out, her biotics catched hold of the debris easily. She’d done enough of this in the last few months for her body to know what she wanted. Wisps of power curled around the wreckage and with a quick movement of her hands, she yanked the offending piece of metal from the ground and into the air, throwing it with as much force as she could muster. 
10. Confessions - Mass Effect - Female Shepard/Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Please tell me to go.
Those eyes fell on him, as blue as the Earth’s oceans that the Alliance liked to brag about in their tourism campaigns. Oceans that Joker would’ve liked to see someday, if they lived through this.
“Do you want to go?” 
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