meownotgood · 1 year
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
So... about season 3 Aki.
Ok harsh contrast to my previous, excited post, but I did say I had more to yell about episode 75 and I need to get this off my chest anyway. Plus, I remember mentioning in a post that I need to talk about season 3 onward Aki anyhow, so might as well do that now! I am thinking Big Thoughts and I need to Scream.
Long, incoherent, unhinged rant incoming because I have 100 things to say and 100000 screenshots to post, but I am also tired and my brain is mush.
Can we please talk about all the jarringly unfulfilled setup the start of season 3 did for Aki? Because I'm starting to feel an urge to claw at the walls. I'm gonna go through this, piece by piece of damning evidence, because I need to vent my utter confusion and frustration somehow, I guess. Okay. So.
After giving us a bit of time to settle in after the timeskip into the pre-WRGP stretch of things, the itty-bitty portion of the story Aki occupies at this point starts off arguably strong. Yusei gets kidnapped, everyone's in a frenzy about it, but Aki's especially worried.
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Then this. Funky new signer powers! Nobody's been able to do this before! I wonder if they're going to do something with that! (Spoiler: They're not.)
Then Aki "no sense of self-preservation" Izayoi gets herself in a bunch of danger trying to rescue Yusei and we get this:
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Oh! Wow! Aki can control her powers now! (Which: how. Why did they never show us this. That alone could have made for a whole mini-arc. Why waste that????) That would give the writers so many cool opportunities to let her use them! I wonder if they're going to do something with that! (Spoiler: They're not.)
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(Side note: I love this scene. I love it to death. They're both ride-or-die "who cares for my safety when yours is on the line" for each other and I love them.)
Of course, shenanigans then ensue, leading up to Sherry's marvellous introduction.
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(Mwah. I blow her a little kiss.)
And it is at this point that Aki Has An Epiphany.
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And to top it off, she gets some interesting interactions with Sherry, too!
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So Aki resolves that she wants to become a turbo-duellist, too. And the thing is, this isn't a little one-off thing or something they never deliver on. They end up building this up for several episodes, bit by bit. First we get another mention of it at the pre-WRGP press thingy they all attend:
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Then it's brought up again when Yusei accepts the first duel against Bruno/Antinomy:
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(Also, side note again, but can I just mention that Aki also gets this moment the episode before:)
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(Where she literally puts herself directly in harm's way in a public setting to protect people with her powers??? Like, I'm sorry, pinch me or something, but how does that not scream "badass good girl setup"???? HOW?)
So we get at least three episodes worth of buildup where Aki agonizes over becoming a turbo duellist to understand what her friends (but especially Yusei) are feeling when they duel like that, and then they finally deliver on it and episode 75 has her getting her license. And it's fantastic. Seriously. That episode is golden. Not just because it delivers on this promise, not just because it has a really cute moment between Aki and Yusei in it (regardless of how you read their relationship dynamic), and not just because it (as per my last post) showcases how much the rest of Team 5Ds cares about Aki (by literally building a runner for her and accompanying her to her exam and don't even get me started on Jack beating up those jerks trying to make her crash unprompted) but because it gives us just that smidgen more detail about Aki's character, too. Because the thing is, at first, she majorly sucks at driving.
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And not only is this realistic to a degree (learning to drive is hard, regardless of what you're learning to drive), it's also great, because you know what Aki's response to it is?
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She keeps going. She doesn't let it get her down, she gets back up and tries again. (And from a writing standpoint, this is lovely because that stubbornness is great in situations like this, but you could easily turn it into a weakness in a different scenario if you wanted to.)
And not only does Aki learn driving the hard way here, she also finds herself confronted with jerks who don't want her to succeed,
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(Ruka, sweetie, I love you.)
and she makes an absolute rookie mistake during her exam by trying to play a speed spell when she doesn't have the necessary speed counters.
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And feel free to disagree, but I think this is also great. Because honestly? While driving a really damned fast motorcycle that I'm not super used to yet, and being expected to make solid tactical judgements in an overcomplicated card game—the rules of which are slightly different when you're playing it on a motorcycle—at the same time, I would likely also mess up like that and accidentally try to make an illegal play. But the thing is, the episode rewards her for sticking it out anyway by letting her pull off a really complicated driving manoeuvre to save herself from her envious turbo-duelling-license colleagues' cheap tricks, and by letting her score a really nice win from a tight spot, much like any of the boys would have in her position.
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(Take that, you jerks. Dumbasses only get blurry screenshots.)
So Aki gets her license and is welcomed by the team as a fresh turbo duellist. Hooray!
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(I love them all so, so much, help me.)
And we also get this:
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Wouldn't you know it! Sherry's been watching Aki get her license with interest! And she seems to be mighty pleased with the result!
So. After all that, I don't think you could blame anyone (it's me, I'm anyone) for getting really excited about what Aki's gonna get up to from this point outward. Aki can control her powers now! And she got her turbo duelling license! And we've got a new, enigmatic side character who seems like she could have super interesting interactions with and play off Aki! I wonder what they're gonna do with all that.
*deep breath*
Seeing as I already know this show like the palm of my hand, I kind of dreaded getting past this episode because I know exactly what happens to Aki from this point out: Nothing. A whole lot of nothing. Okay, well, no. See, I went back and checked all the episodes I have left, just to make sure, just in case I forgot something (very likely when you've already watched the show three times, I know).
From here on out, during the entire pre-WRGP, WRGP, and Ark Cradle arc, Aki gets exactly three things to do:
She uses her shiny new turbo duelling license to fill in for Crow at the Team Unicorn match because he got injured. Which, on paper, is a perfect way to let her have the spotlight for a moment. Except, the only thing she gets that spotlight for is to last a hot four turns in the duel before losing spectacularly to Andre and literally never turbo duelling again for the rest of the show. (Like, yes. The moment where she summons Stardust Dragon is chefs kiss and legendary. But in light of the surrounding circumstances, it feels like a consolation prize to make up for the ensuing character trainwreck.)
Since Crow is technically still injured when they're meant to go up against Team Catastrophe, Aki trains to fill in for him there again. Except! They intentionally make her crash right before the duel, putting her in a short-term coma! And as the icing on the cake, when she wakes up, it also turns out she lost the powers she was only just able to control for absolutely. no. reason. None. They never bother explaining it, they don't even try to hint at why they might have vanished. (I have my own theories for why they had to let her powers vanish and they all start and end with the words "we couldn't be bothered to figure out how to write this character".)
At the very end of the show, the very end, after temporarily fridging Sherry, too, they dig both girls back up in order to let them participate in a three-way final boss duel with Crow. (Which is a fantastic duel, I love it to pieces. Genuinely.) You could argue that they tried to cash in on all the intrigue they set up between Aki and Sherry here, but—come on. At the end of the show? Seriously? Oh, and did I mention that for some reason, Aki's powers mysteriously reappear after this duel? For no reason? Again?
I just. It does not compute. They went as far as doing all this setup, letting Aki get the hang of her powers, letting her get her license, making her part of Team 5Ds, even giving us a new character that seemed like the perfect fit to let her bounce off of—and then, like some sort of kafkaesque reverse-miracle, they somehow managed to take a sharp left into "whoops, don't care about this character" and nearly wasted the entirety of that setup in one fell swoop. If it weren't for that finale saving at least a smidgen of it, I'd be holding a torch and a pitchfork over here. (Hell, I might, even knowing that Aki's final duel in the show is kickass.)
Please tell me if this is just me (15 years after the show released, I know, leave me alone), but this feels like they were literally loading Chekov's gun directly within view of the audience, only to later procede to toss the damned thing into the sea instead of firing it.
Okay. Okay, I think I'm done. For anyone who actually bothered with the whole post, first of all, thank you for your attention, secondly, sorry, but this does, indeed, still bother me ten years after I first found this show, so I had to get it out or it would have eaten at me forever. God damn it.
Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to writing fics where Aki actually gets something to do right this second. If anyone's interested in giving a fic series where Aki gets a separate character arc that tries to stay mostly canon-compliant after the defeat of the dark signers a go, you can find my stuff here.
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newtype-princess · 1 year
and I'm making a second post just to talk about Himeno, I have no idea what warped idea the author has of whats a sympathetic character or overal what was the point with her, whatever it was I think it just failed. From the beggining she is this bizarre character,offering kisses for the one that kills the demon in the hotel episode, like ?? what does it mean, it makes no sense, no one wants to kiss her idk if the author was trying to hint at a rivalry between her and Makima (a rivalry of sexually assaulting their male coworkers?) The whiplash between the serious tone the show is trying to portray and the anime bullshit no sane person would think about is amazing to me I was glad she died, I did not feel anything for her and he death was pathetic and stupid, she only did harm to Aki, she did not respect him, kept going on with her little speeches trying hard to be this manic pixie dream girl it was so cringe to see. Every new detail we learned about her relationship with Aki was rage inducing, she made him (by force almost) start to smoke while talking about how bad was that her partners kept dying, like huh?? I thought she was going to be like this toxic person that Aki maybe learned to get over but no she was the girl that died and made him sad... And she kinda wanted that she was like i'm gonna die rn to traumatize him so much hehe
and the scene where Aki gets a letter and she says she PIERCED HIS EAR WITHOUT HIS CONSENT ?? what the fuck was that ??? were we supposed to be like "Aw thats so cute" ??? what about respect and boundaries ?? Like the framing wants me to feel sympathetic for her but the text is insane like she has no likable traits, she has no redeeming qualities the only good thing I can think of is that at LEAST she did not rape a minor (she did sexually assault him tho) but ok
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letyugisayfuck · 1 year
chainsaw man >:]
Favourite Female: ohhhhh shit immm gonna say Power but I also love Makima. Power is hilarious and I vibe with her manic energy. But like damn Makima like damn kill me plz
Favourite Male: AKI is literally my ride or die.
3 Other Favourite Characters: Kishibe is so fucking fun! Kobeni I hated at first but then she became a fucking badass like hot damn girl you get it! And Angel is just so perfect I can't. The character design just really vibes with me!
3 OTPS: Akiangel is life. I really can't think of any other ships I like though.
Notp: I'm not sure I'd say notp but not a huge fan of Makima/Denji. Not against just not dieing over it. Power/Denji too. Like they just read as siblings to me.
Funniest character: Power is ridiculous and makes me cry laugh every time I see her.
Prettiest character: AKI. No further questions 😂😂😂
Most Annoying Character: Denji but in the most loving way possible. I still love him so much 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️
Most badass character: Imma give this one to Aki. Goddamn boiiiii
Character I'd like as my BFF: Aki. Like soooooooo bad. He's just so cool
Female Character I'd Marry: Kobeni. She's just so cute ❤️❤️❤️
Male Character I'd Marry: Probably Aki but like I VIBE with Kishibe toooooooo. He fiiiiine.
Character I hate/dislike/least like: OK just the girl with the snake demon but not like her thoooo just her character design is a little boring and they could have done more.
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righteousdelusions · 2 years
new follower here so my bad if this is actually very obvious and stated on the regular haha but: fav and least favorite csm character? ….fav and least fav csm ship? 👀👀
Hello! Welcome. It's ok 💖
My favorite character... It's a tie between Aki and Denji I guess. I like Aki's development a lot, but Denji is very precious to me. My sweet baby. Yoshida might become it but we need more info (though I'm scared because if he gets more prominent you know he's gonna die ahshsj)
Least favorite character... Well, I don't tend to dislike characters that much. Kobeni is a bit annoying in the anime and she's still Peak Cringefail Princess in my heart. In general, I like how Fujimoto does characters. But Katana Man is 😒 can't wait to see Himeno's Requiem
My favorite ship is currently yoshiden, because I think it's super hot and cute and Fujimoto is actually doing fanservice. This is not Naruto, Fujimoto is super self aware and he knows what he's doing. I'm intrigued that he's catering to fujos ajsjsjdj
My least favorite ship... Well, my previous favorite haha. Akiangel. I think I'm a bit sick of overexposure. But it's still a great ship! Bixbi bitches in grief. They deserved the world 💔
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nkogneatho · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
Okay let's do this. (I'm sorry and tell me if I forgot you. I get lost in the mentions and tags)
@venussins - this is Loni. She is that one amazing friend who is the sweetest but also very kinky. I love her.
@hisvillainess - Ryuuu. She is Sukuna's Defence Lawyer in case you didn't know. I hope she wpuld notice me but all her attention is on worm-kun aka her husband😔 i love you baby.
@laudthingcat - Winter is very supportive and mature. She is always there for you in your worst and we love her.
@licantropa - Nymph is the hottest mom on block. Very dominating and nice. Praise kink go brrr.
@tteokdoroki - Aali is an angel and she is very cute and supportive.
@httptamaki - Snow is a hardworker. I don't say this often but I look upto her and I respect the work she puts into anything.
@nozomiasl - Maï is mine and Suna's. She is amazing.
@nanaminswaifu - Monica is an angel on earth. She is amazing and she deserves so much more. Very talented, supportive and caring.
@katsukisbimbo - MY TUMBLR TWIN. I love mae. I was so scared to talk to her first but now? I WOULD DIE FOR HER.
@jthebeauty - THIS IS JEN, MA FEMME. Very talented and very lovely. You'll fall in love right when she speaks.
@sauza - Another angel that this world doesn't deserve. Sauza is super talented, and hardworking. They are a very good writer, a very supportive friend. They are caring and I love how nice they are towards everyone.
@rayhaitani - THIS IS RAY, MY LITTTLE SPOON. I kick the wall everyday because I can't smooch them and show them how much they mean to me.
@chronic-claire-universe - Claire-a-bear. She is my baby. I love when she calls me mama. Another talented person here😚🤍
@katsukisdynamite - The moment I interacted with her, I knew she was a Bakugou fucker. I love Dyna. She vibes with me😚
@katsukichu - KASURI IS MY TEDDY BEAR🥺 It's a shame that the world only has one kasuri, coz she is amazing. She lights up ny world.
@thesimphouse - Saraaaa. The friend who always hypes me up and who I am the comfortable spilling tea with.
@sunascumdoll - Bamboo. She my boo. I want to show her how much I appreciate getting to know her and being her mutuals. Any suggestions fellas? Cause this pretty person deserves all the happiness and love.
@half-baked-biscuit - Well, who doesn't love biscuit? We all do, baby. Let me tell you, her works have so many pure emotions that you can feel it. Love her.
@getoswhore - Asiaaaaah. This js the continent I live on so I love my continent. Bdbdjs okay that was lame, but I love how asiah will always hype you up and encourage you.
@fuwushiguro - Luxe is also one of the person I look up to. I admire her work and it inspires me. She my anus🥺
@izanaphoric - DION ES MI ZORRA Y MI ESPOSA. I cheated on her but she still loves me. We don't find more people like her in this generation so she's a keeper 👀🤍
@cyancherub - Cass is someone who is very talented and I nearly piss my pants trying to interact with her. Not gonna lie, sometimes, it's like "Notice me, senpai." Jokes aside, 🙇🏻‍♀️ Bowing down to the queen.
@stariwrites - Stari is a sweetheart. I want to steal her from Aki. She is talented and amazing.
@hanmasin - Nire is a Kisaki fucker y'all. RED FLAG. RUN RUN RUN. Okay but she is amazing. I'd kiss her but I don't want to kiss kisaki indirectly.
@kyoutxni - I bully this fella right here. Leo is a kinky lil whore hiding in a harmless sweet lil person's body.
@ravenina14 - Vey interactive and a lovely person🥺🤍
@kentosovertime - Naoya fucker. But I love her. Mommy asf. I'm also scared of her sometimes 😬😵
@earlesskitten - IS THE BAE I LOVE. Taiji will always praise you for the goods. 🥺🤍
@erenscockslut - Pala has some wierd obsession with blocking me and then unblocking. But hey! Who cares? I still have her😚😌
@sugarbooger513 - It's in the name folks. She ma sugar boo. Okay but on a serious note, Ash is talented, supportive, caring, AND AMAZING.
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meownotgood · 2 years
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meownotgood · 1 year
ahahaha.... eeueuehhh... ehehe... AAAHHA..... AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! CAT AAAAKIIII'!!!!!!!!!!!
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meownotgood · 1 year
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meownotgood · 2 years
I'm supposed to be sleeping because I have work early tomorrow but I flung myself out of bed so I could post this offical art of aki with earbuds
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meownotgood · 2 years
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meownotgood · 2 years
today I'm thinking about how I need these figures like I need the oxygen I breathe
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meownotgood · 2 years
om nom
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meownotgood · 2 years
Headcanon that you get major cute aggression with Aki and can’t help but pinch his cheeks. And all Aki can do is just take it because he also thinks it’s adorable. Despite how many times he’ll claim that “it’s annoying”
You know he isn’t annoyed of it because you can see the way he secretly pouts if he doesn’t receive his daily dose of cute aggression. And the way he bends down to let you reach his cheeks better. Or let you reach his topknot that you paw at like a spring door stop.
yes..... aki grumbles that it's annoying... but secretly he loves the attention.... he's just grumpy and refuses to admit it, and he's not used to someone showering him with so much love and affection, he's secretly really grateful
aah and he blushes and gets embarrassed every time I pinch his cheeks or smush his face lolol
YES AKI POUTING WHEN HE DOESN'T GET HIS DOSE OF AFFECTION I'M GONNA CRY I'M GONNA EXPLODE I'M GONNA.... AAAAAAAAAAA!!! aki who secretly looks forward to being woken up with a thousand kisses, aki who relishes in every second that I hug him and don't let go.... AND PLAYING WITH HIS TOPKNOT I'M GONNA DIE I WANT TO PLAY WITH IT SO BAD I'M
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