wool-string · 9 months
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My secret Santa to @nezkovsou
Merry Christmas!
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szollibisz · 5 months
Az előző rebloggolt posztom eszembe juttatta, hogy amúgy még leszbikus visibility week van, úgyhogy nézzetek dokumentumfilmet:
Fiataloknak főleg ajánlott, meg azoknak akiket amúgy is érdekel a rendszerváltás előtti meleg kultúra és a töri, csak magyart nehezen talál.
És ha már Takács Mária, akkor itt van egy hasonló ötletre épülő filmje, csak férfiakról:
(ezt a linket a tumbli már nem akarja rendesen megjeleníteni valamiért)
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drakvuf · 3 months
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realeyes-realise · 9 months
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 16 days
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arassea · 9 months
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bozusuruz · 20 days
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Sevgilime ve kendime akik tasi bileklik aldim cok güzel sunlara bakinn
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nevzatboyraz44 · 2 years
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Agate Stone:
Agate stone, also known as Agate stone, is one of the natural stones. It is formed by the eruption of underground magmas to the surface. Agate can be encountered in the event that magmas are compressed and leave residue on some structures. It usually has the colors pink, white, brown, black, red, blue, green.
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حجر العقيق:
حجر العقيق ، المعروف أيضًا باسم حجر العقيق ، هو أحد الأحجار الطبيعية. يتكون من اندلاع الصهارة تحت الأرض على السطح. يمكن العثور على العقيق في حالة ضغط الصهارة وترك بقايا على بعض الهياكل. عادة ما يكون لها ألوان الوردي والأبيض والبني والأسود والأحمر والأزرق والأخضر.
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Akik Taşı :
Agate taşı olarak da bilinen Akik taşı, doğal taşlardan biridir. Yeraltında bulunan magmaların yeryüzüne çıkmasıyla oluşur. Magmaların sıkışarak bazı yapılar üzerinde kalıntı bırakması durumunda Akik taşıyla karşılaşılabilir. Genellikle pembe, beyaz, kahverengi, siyah, kırmızı, mavi, yeşil renklerine sahiptir.
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pankannie · 2 years
“kikoptattad magad
mint mosógép
a csőfarmert”
Tisza Kata
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kurazsimama · 4 months
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wool-string · 1 year
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@chickedy1 thank you!! I actually stole this ship from nezkovsou so I can’t take full credit! But here is a messy doodle! Thanks for your request and for following me!!
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isemykal · 2 years
Baszki, mire nem képesek lennénk akár csak egy pillanatnyi törődésért cserébe...
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drakvuf · 4 months
Kalandos nyugalom 🤭
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conqu3er · 8 months
AYYOOOOOO I PASSED MY MATHS FINAL!!!! I went to view my exam and the teacher found like 9 point more points omg
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ayoiamri · 1 year
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egyedembegyedem · 2 years
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