#akio would end up crying after finishing his drawing
linagram · 1 year
not really an interrogation but how would each of the prisoners draw themselves? (+ eiji and miki too?)
pick your fave mine is reina (akio is a close second)
(this is how their t1 versions would draw themselves btw!)
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les7saisons · 6 years
7Seeds Gaiden part 3
Last part. I kept doing other things but with the third volume of Mystery to Iu Nakare coming out soon, I thought I’d better finish my reread so I could continue Tamura’s new work! So let’s get started.
Our characters successfully built their new home base and are now living in it. I love the way it looks like, here’s a picture:
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Kurumi is a bit worried because Arata doesn’t cry much, especially at night. Fujiko and Ban think it may be that she’s sensing that there are dangers in the wild, like young animals can do, and keeping quiet to stay safe. Kurumi and Ryuusei are amazed that a baby’s able to feel that.
Gengoro wants to raise the spiders for their thread and for food. Semimaru is horrified and it leads to a discussion about the fact that Semimaru and Arashi both have the insect ideogram in one kanji of their names (Arashi never thought about it and it destroys him)
Hotaru, Gengoro and Nijiko also have it so Semimaru quickly cheers up, saying they’re the “insect team”. This makes the others join the game with name-based teams like the bird team, the flower/fruit/plant team or the seasonal team. Natsu thinks it’s neat how they can make up various teams like that and it leads them to talk more with different people and to get to know them better (Haru, who she was a bit scared of, is the one who comes up to her to ask if she’d be in the same team as him, since they’re named after spring and summer)
There’s also the new curly haired gang (Chimaki, Matsuri and Kurumi joined) which Haru eyes suspiciously because Koruri is hiding something...
Near the Ark, Tsunomata studies Rikako’s notes, hoping to learn how to wake up the children. The robot Peru is found in the water, all dented, which makes Semimaru and Natsu emotional (Chimaki later makes up something for Peru in the little cemetary they’ll build)
Botan talks with the Summer A team about their relationship with Ryo and Ango, they end up going to see them and Ango apologizes for his past behaviour. He has decided to ask again to borrow the boat, this time to everyone. Botan ask once more what he wants to do with it. He answers that he intends to bring the stuff from the various shelters to Sado, then to leave to search for other people, like the american team who sent the letter or people that may know how to make the Ark work. That he’ll talk to them about the people here and show them the way over there. He says he’ll definitely return. Gengoro backs him up and says they can be trusted to keep the boat in good shape. Karita asks Ran what she thinks and she says she’s fine with it (saying that useful things should be used and that she thinks Ango’s not the type to come up with such a big lie and then do some evil deeds lol)
But she asks them to not start shit with other countries that would lead to some kind of war. Ango says he’ll be careful but he glances at Ryo with the biggest distrust ever, going “YOU TOO, RYO!” while Ryo pouts. Supposedly, they should not have communication problems because they learnt some english, spanish and chinese back during their studies... I kind of wish we knew about that before, it seems a bit last minute to bring it then?
Anyway, when Botan asks if it will only be the two of them leaving, Matsuri interrupts saying she’ll go too, reminding Ryo that he said she’s necessary. And yeah, though  Matsuri probably doesn’t speak any other language well, I kind of get the feeling her social skils may be needed to avoid trouble! Before leaving, they make a ceremony for the departed. Chimaki sculpted tombs for them. Shigeru’s body, Rikako’s remains, the little stones Koruri bought are put there. Ran also put Izayoi’s glasses, that she had kept all along. Aramaki asks for a prayer for team Winter.
While Ango and Ryo are getting ready, Karita comes talk to them about Mozu’s hand that he found. As he leaves, Ango realizes something and asks him which hand it was. Karita doesn’t seem completly sure but says the left one, which makes Ryo laugh and say that in that case, Mozu’s alive and sacrificed it as bait. He adds that maybe they’ll meet again, to which Ango agrees, with a contemplative look on his face. Ango asks Karita to talk about it to Hana, which Karita intended to do but he doesn’t want to tell everyone or Kurumi may feel guilty about it. 
What Koruri was hiding from Haru was a present! A mini-piano that she made with the help of the curly haired club! Haru tries it, which brings him to tears and laughter. Koruri asks if the sound is not the one a piano should make but he says “it’s the sound of a piano from this world”. They are super cute.
Ran remarks that there seem to be some couples forming all around and Karita agrees, saying that Akio and Chisa looks like they get along well, then asks if Ran’s feeling lonely. She says Akio can do what he wants to, then adds that she’d be alright with Karita if he is with her. After a moment of shock, he shouts seriously that he’ll do it. Definitions of the verb he uses have both the meaning of embracing someone/having sex with them so I guess there’s kind of a double entendre? Because Ran laughs, saying she’ll want to do the same too and that he’d better be ready. Which makes Karita faints.
Natsu and Matsuri have an heartbreaking goodbye scene in which they cry while holding each other. Everyone watches while the boat sails away. Ryo reveals to Matsuri that part of why he felt that Hana was in the way/a problem was that he thought she could become an equal partner to Ango. Meaning he was afraid of getting “replaced”.
Ango is embarrassed by Matsuri and Ryo snuggling up and looks towards the sea. He thinks that he’ll face the future, for everyone and for himself. THE END.
Actually there’s also a little bonus story about the making of the carvings of the 7 Fujis. Takashi met Chimaki’s dad, Kiichi, who was in a live sculpting troupe (we see them sculpt a wooden Toraji, at a show), and offered them this work for an astounding amount of money, part of it paid in advance. They’re pretty creeped out because Takashi is super shady obviously but Kiichi needs money to go see his son who’s living with his divorced wife. Unfortunately she ends up leaving Chimaki with her mother a few years later and runs away with money he sent. Having last seen his son when he was two, Kiichi is scared of seeing him now, he keeps on sculpting and sending money instead, to the grandmother this time. His only clear memory of Chimaki is them drawing together.
One day, they learn that something is being constructed under one of the Buddha they finished. They ask Takashi about it and he ends up telling them the true. Even after that, Kiichi keeps sculpting. Once they are done with the 7 Fujis, Takashi tells them that they’ll be allowed inside any shelter they want and they’d be allowed to name some family members and friends they’d wish to stay with. Kiichi wants to send his son to the future instead.Takashi says that he’s a candidate and agrees to put him on a team after making sure Kiichi wouldn’t prefer to meet with him in a shelter. Kiichi then asks for Chimaki’s grandma to be put in the same shelter as himself. 
We get a little scene in the future with Chimaki mentioning his oldest memory is of drawing with his dad. Then we skip to some unknown point in the future, on the last page we see children running/playing in the water and the door of the Ark being open. 
So that’s it!
Obviously, I left out a lot of stuff, Tamura puts little details everywhere and there would be so much to talk about but it took me so much words already, even for just describing events. Sorry if it was boring, I started those “chapter talk” posts with the idea of talking about what I liked in each chapter but with translations being very slow and myself deciding to keep doing those while reading the volumes in japanese, I ended up doing more of a summary of things.
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