#i can imagine eiji giving up halfway and going “this is stupid” and leaving
linagram · 1 year
not really an interrogation but how would each of the prisoners draw themselves? (+ eiji and miki too?)
pick your fave mine is reina (akio is a close second)
(this is how their t1 versions would draw themselves btw!)
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diabolicallyinlove · 6 years
Altered Illusions (Chapter 1)
            You can find all my other works here!
  I struggled to get the front door open. Of course, when I needed help carrying in groceries inside, none of them are around. Just leaving the front door open, I set the bags down on the kitchen countertop, starting to take the items out. It was weird that I hadn’t seen any of them. The sun had set hours ago and they didn’t have school. Kou didn’t have work. The other three were homebodies. So… where the hell were they?
              When I went to shut the front door, all four them were in the foyer. On the couch laid a girl with blonde hair, unconscious… or asleep, which was unlikely. I stared for a second before I said, “Alright, I’ll ask. Why is there a girl on our couch?”
              Kou’s eyes lit up when I spoke and he pulled me over to where they were standing. “Because, my lovely Leiko, this is Eve.” The grin on his face grew bigger.
              “Eve? The Eve?” I asked. When he nodded, I glared at Ruki. “Can I talk to you?” I demanded and teleported up to his bedroom.
              Ruki did come. He watched my run my hands down my braided light purple pigtails. “Leiko.”
              “Are you out of your damn mind?!” I started, pacing around. My black high heel ankle boots clicked on the floor with every step.
              “This was the plan. You know that.” Ruki said, picking up his father’s book off the desk.
              I stopped. “HIS plan. I told you not to trust him! Karl Heinz is a liar and—”
              Ruki cut me off. “You don’t know that. All your accusations against him come from your own imagination.” He was getting annoyed with this conversation. Good. I wanted to get under his skin. He never listens to me.
              I clenched my teeth. “You know that I remember some things about him. It’s fuzzy but I know that we can’t trust him.”
              “And you know what he did for us,” Ruki spoke louder. “Your past is something you want to uncover, I understand that. But your fuzzy memories could mean that your filling in the blanks with your own dislike for your father.”
              “I am not.” I snapped.
              Ruki appeared in front of me, backing me into the door. “If you ruin our chances of becoming Adam in any way, I will end you. Are we clear?”
              Where the hell did that come from? “I’m not one of those helpless girls you prey on.” I growled and shoved him so hard that the wall cracked on the other side of room when he hit it. “I’m the pureblood here. Don’t threaten me, Ruki.”
              Ruki came at me again but Kou and Yuma appeared between us. “Hey, enough,” Yuma said, his hand on Ruki’s shoulder.
              “Let’s just give it a rest,” Kou said to me. He tried not to take sides but I knew if he’d heard the argument that he’d defend Ruki. All four them had been through a lot together. I know about their human lives and that was always something that put a rift between me and them.
              All three were staring at me, waiting for me to comply. “Fine,” I said after a moment. I jerked the door open. “I have to finish my paperwork for school tomorrow anyways.”
              I didn’t have to look to know the shock that was on their faces. Until now, Karl Heinz had ensured that I was homeschooled but I’d gone around him to enroll myself at the night school. Not a shred of me cared what he, or the boys, thought about it. No one was going to make decisions for me anymore. I would find my lost memories if I experienced more of the outside world.
              Finding my way back to the kitchen, I finished putting the groceries away before I started on the dishes. Pushing up the white sleeves of my crop top, I sighed. This girl… Karl Heinz had said she was important but ignored any questions I’d asked. It didn’t add up for me. The whole situation had me on edge.
              “You’re still mad,” Kou said, sliding his hands up my thighs to the band of my underwear. He pushed me up against the counter and kissed my neck. “Just forget about Ruki, he’s insensitive.”
              I scoffed, trying to focus on the last of the dishes in front of me. “Insensitive? He’s being reckless. This Eve girl is not going to save you.”
              Kou groaned from behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder but continued his teasing under my black skater skirt. “Leiko…” He whined. “Don’t make me choose a side.”
              Drying my hands on a towel, I rolled my eyes. “You’re already on a side, Kou. You made that clear the day I met you.” They thought because I was a girl that they could intimidate me into doing whatever they needed from a pureblood. I wasn’t that much of a pushover.
              Kou spun me around and kissed me. “It’s the plan. You don’t have to like it. Just let it happen.” He played with my pigtails. “Please? For me?”
              I swatted his hands away. “No way. Not on this. I’m right and I know it. If you guys don’t want to listen, that’s your prerogative. Do whatever you want, but count me out. Just don’t blame me if this goes up in smoke.”
              “Just because you’re a pureblood doesn’t make you right.”
              So, he did hear the argument earlier
              “I didn’t say that. I just told Ruki what I know is true. I don’t care if none of you believe me. This plan isn’t right.”
              Kou frowned, sighing angrily. He jerked me around again, moving us to the open counterspace. One hand pushed me down while the other one slid into my underwear, rubbing me slowly.
              “Kou!” I bit back a scream when he grabbed my hair at the scalp between my pigtails. “Stop.”
              “What’s wrong? I’m doing whatever I want,” He said mockingly, pulling my hair harder.
  ��           I pushed at the counter, trying to get up. “This is not what I meant. Let me go, Kou. Now!”
              “Make me.” His reply caught me off guard. “Make. Me.”
              I closed my eyes. Dammit.
              “If you don’t want me to fuck you right here, right now, make me stop,” Kou said in my ear. The point. I got it now. “You threw Ruki across the room. All you have to do is push me away.”
              “Kou… please.” I said, giving in. He knew the power he had over me. I had done the unimaginable when I came here. I’d fallen for him when I told myself that I would never.
              He chuckled. “Please? Be more specific.”
              “I’ll let it go. Just stop.” I finally said.
              Kou released me, the smile returning. “See? That wasn’t so hard was it?”
              I straightened my skirt and couldn’t even look at him. Part of me was embarrassed that he’d just done that and the other part of me was upset that I’d let him. I could have stopped it. I had the ability but somewhere down the line I’d let him in. He knew that he could… I had never expected him to go that far.
              “Kou, she’s awake.” Azusa said, pouring a glass of water into a small glass.
              “We’ll continue our talk later. I want to know about this school thing.” Kou made a point to kiss me slowly. Then he disappeared.
              Azusa drank slow. “Are you alright, Leiko?”
              I forced a smile. “Fine, thanks.”
              Not being able to stand lying to him, I teleported to my bedroom. Why the hell did he decide to do that? I ran my hands down my pigtails again. This wasn’t right. I can’t deal with it right now. Not at all. Stuffing some clothes into an overnight bag, I headed to the front door. Halfway down the stairs, I could hear them all talking. The girl sounded terrified. She should be. Most vampires were dicks.
              “This is where we live and you’ll be living here too,” Kou said.
              I stopped on the landing before the last set of steps. They were all watching her. “Here? I won’t! I’m going back!” She stood from the couch and headed for the door.
              Ruki stopped her. “Go back? You want to go back to the Sakamaki manor? The place where you were a mere vampire toy for them?”
              Like she wouldn’t be that for them. She served a purpose but that didn’t mean that they weren’t as messed up as whoever had her before. “I’ll give you a ride,” I mumbled louder than I should have. All eyes turned on me, keys dangling from my hand.
              “You’re… a girl…” The blonde said as I walked down the stairs.
              “Observant.” I rolled my eyes. She stared at me like she was seeing a ghost. Did she know me?
              “Being held their captive while your blood degenerates to livestock.” Ruki continued like I hadn’t even spoke.
              “But… you’re vampires too, right? So, wouldn’t it be the same?”
              She had no idea what they planned for her. “Offer still stands.” I flashed a smile, ignoring the angry looks from the boys. I didn’t care what they thought.
              “Don’t compare us to them.” Ruki snapped.
              I still had that name on my mind. Sakamaki? It sounded familiar but I couldn’t place it. I’d have to add it to the list of things I thought I should know.
              “We have self-control at least.”
              I scoffed. “Not in this universe.”
              “Leiko.” Kou said, warning in his tone. I was walking a thin line. One look at him told me he was upset that I was leaving. Kou usually freaked when I did. This time, it was all his fault.
              “I still don’t believe you.” She said. Good. Hold your ground. Don’t let them get to you.
              “How irritating,” Kou said. Now he had flipped. Laughing, fun Kou was gone. This was who he was and I had allowed myself to fall for him. “We couldn’t give a damn whether you believe us or not.”
              “Correct. We just need your blood, Eve’s blood, for this plan,” Ruki replied.
              I folded my arms. “A stupid plan.”
              Yuma rose from the couch. “Say that again.”
              Looking over at him, I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You idiots aren’t worth my breath anymore. I’m leaving.” With that, I pulled the front door open.
              “Leiko,” Kou grabbed my hand. His voice shook. This side of him was the one I fell in love with. The side he rarely showed. “When will you be back?”
              “Don’t know. Sometime tomorrow. Maybe.” I snapped and pulled my hand away. The look of hurt on his face almost got to me. I slammed the door shut. If I stayed one more second I might change my mind. He wasn’t always so… sadistic towards me. Most of our time together was indescribably amazing.
              I drove into town where most of the city had already closed for the night. The mostly dark parking lot was only illuminated by one streetlight and the lights coming from inside the building. The closed sign hung from the window in the door but I knocked anyways. Checking my surroundings for the umpteenth time, finally, the door chimed as it was opened.
              “Hey, Leiko, you’re here late,” Eiji said, sliding his headphones off his head so they hung around his neck. The broom he’d abandoned leaned against an empty table.
              I set my bag on the stool next to me at the bar. Juro was cleaning glasses and smoking a cigarette. “Can I crash here tonight?” Upstairs there was loft space. Eiji lived there but Juro owned it.
              “Trouble with that boy again?” Juro asked, pouring me a drink.
              “Something like that.” I mumbled. Juro was a big guy, tattoos all over and not a hair on his head. I could only assume that in human world, he was considered a tough, strong man… I could snap him half with little effort.
              “What did he do this time,” Eiji asked, taking the empty seat next to me. His dark green hair poked out from under his beanie and his bangs shielded one of his gray, concerned, eyes.
              I took a long drink. “I saw a side of them that I’d never seen before.”
              Juro stopped, setting down his cigarette. “I’m only going to ask this once. Did he hurt you?”
              “You know he and I are vampires. Your threats won’t affect him. You’ll only end up—”
              “Leiko, just tell me.” Juro said.
              I stared into my drink. “No. He might have. But he didn’t.”
              Neither Juro nor Eiji seemed to believe me but they dropped the subject. Instead, Eiji talked about the university he intended to attend. His dream was to be photographer. Humans. I barely understood them but Eiji made it seem like we were so much alike.
              I tried to focus on what he said but I knew that I’d already grown much too attached. Eventually, they’d both grow older and older and inevitably die, while I would remain this way. Young. Vibrant. Immortal. Deep down, I would mourn their deaths for eternity. That was the curse of being a vampire.
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