jmeestella · 2 years
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-Hey Aja! It's nice to hear that after becoming queen you're finally taking a break… oh my kleb, what do you have there?
+¡ASmoothie! They sell them there on Earth, would you like some?
Day 7- Rest
#bernies_toatober22 de @bernie-the-nugget
Steve decided to finally visit Akiridion-5, so Aja decided with Eli to take a vacation and give him a trip around the planet. The trip will be a bit long, so it's best to take a little nap
I heard this joke in English that the ship between them would be "slice of cheese" and I loved it, I also needed a pretext to draw it. In general, I found that I love drawing the akiridion design.
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faraum · 3 years
Im doing some reasearch on Rise of the Guardians reading the wiki and such... Man in the Moon is like... an alien??? I just want to know how old Santa is.
But Santa's sword is like?? Made from the spaceship? And to me it sounds like the weapons that come from Akiridion5 like what Krel and Aja use.....
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