#akuma if you see this. i am accepting all propaganda
cemetery-irises · 4 months
gently places these andrew merch designs i'm obsessed with into your hands just in case you haven't seen them (totally not obsessed mainly bc they match with ganji designs nope no way absolutely not)
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((they're also just really nice designs imo the best part abt andrew being such a popular character is that he gets a lot of merch designs))
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saemi-the-writer · 3 years
Okay, this one is longer than the previous because I introduce some of my OCs and because the setting is different/takes longer than in canon. For continuity and character’s depvelopment’s sake, there will be more episodes like that, I hope you will enjoy them too. Btw, it’s one of my fav episode of the first season (mainly the akuma, I still find it very fun!)
Dark Blade, Miraculous team version!
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(Takes place after Reflekta, early/mid-September)
Ms. Bustier announce to her class that the class rep election will be held in a week; she quickly reminds her students what the class rep role is, and their duties, before asking who would be interested in the job and/or the deputy. Chloé, Rose and Kim raise their hands for the class rep while Sabrina precises she goes for the deputy position. Ms. Bustier writes everything down and tell them they still have a whole week before the election and the bell rings. As the students get out, Alya notices that Marinette looks a bit down -jaded even- and asks her what’s wrong.
“Chloé is going to be class rep no matter what. She’s always been since 6th (first year of middle school) and it won’t change anytime soon.”
“Wait, you really think others want that blonde bully as a class rep?! She certainly doesn’t get my vote; Kim seems a better option even if he’s a bit dumb!”
“Yeah, if Kim maintains his candidacy. But the past two years, each time, all Chloé’s opponents gave up before the election, leaving her the only option. We didn’t have a choice.”
Alya is both shocked and annoyed to learn that, and the two discuss about it more before they split up to go home. They didn’t notice their teacher heard some of it. Once Marinette is home, she rushes to do her homework and finish her secret box, in case an akuma would appear in the evening or night. Tikki is a bit anxious that she writes all her secrets in her diary until she gets trapped in the box (like in canon). Marinette also assured her she wrote the part about her life as Ladybug in Chinese, so only her mom (or family on her mother side) could read it but they were little chance they’d get their hand on the diary or even want to read it. Before going dinnertime, Marinette confides in Tikki that she would have liked running for class rep, but she’s afraid she won’t have the time to do properly. Tikki tells her it will not hurt to try and that it would be a shame to leave the position to Chloé of all people, especially because she thinks that Marinette would be a great CP. Marinette feels a bit flattered but doesn’t change her mind (yet).
At dinnertime, she hears her parents talking about the incoming elections. They’re not really happy with either candidate, but they’d rather have Mr Bourgeois again as the mayor than Mr D’Argencourt. She listens with a distracted ear, choosing not to talk about the class rep elections.
Meanwhile, at the Agreste mansion, Gabriel and Nathalie have a similar conversation. Adrien listens carefully, curious about it since D’Argencourt is his fencing teacher. When Nathalie points out that D’Argencourt is too backward-looking (among other things) for her taste, it amuses Adrien who tells them that, indeed, his teacher has an old-fashioned way of speech and is sometimes too pompous. He imitates D’Argencourt shortly, making the two laugh a bit, then Gabriel reveals him that he had been seriously considering Adrien to change fencing lessons for a while because D’Argencourt tends to speak of politics too much in front of the children, imposing his point of view on them. “I am not paying him to spread his own propaganda.” While Adrien respects his teacher for his skills and enjoys fencing, he admits that he wouldn’t mind having a new -friendlier and more open-minded- teacher. Nathalie takes her tablet so they can show him the options they found.
As the week goes by, both Rose and Kim go to Ms. Bustier to tell her they withdraw their candidacy in turn. The teacher tries to change their mind, but when she realizes the two are really scared and were threatened/blackmailed, she stops. Ms Bustier is very upset, she speaks about it to some of her colleagues and the vice-principal (Damocles) only to hear that they can’t do much about it. The principal eats out of the mayor’s palm hand and so, he lets Chloé do whatever she wants. She goes to some of her students, asking them if they would be interested but they are either not interested at all or don’t want to confront Chloé. Only Adrien, Alya and Marinette answered “I am too busy, I won’t have the time to do it”. Marinette feels kinda sorry for her teacher who seems quite glum because of that, she starts having second thoughts. Tikki gives her a pep talk, then Marinette remembers that compared to Miss Tigri and the two giant snakes, Chloé seems ridiculous, which is why she manages to hold her ground and keep her seat, so she decides to go for it. Ms Bustier and her classmates are thrilled by her decision, whereas Chloé fumes and is already on the war path.
The following events are quite the same as canon then, all Marinette’s classmate congratulates her for her courage and have some requests for her. All of them are already planning to vote for her, Adrien too: he sees that Marinette will take her duty seriously. Then Chloé tries bribing them with albums and autographs of Jagged Stones. While Marinette rushes to the hotel, Sabrina goes to the bakery and uses the geometry book excuse; Sabine hesitates a bit because she doesn’t recognize Sabrina and cannot go and look for the book herself. Then, a young woman Sabrina doesn’t know speaks up:
“I can go and look for it with her, auntie!”
Sabrina is confused and wonders who that girl is, but Sabine, relieved at the sight of her niece, allows them to go. The girl introduce herself as Ryma -Marinette’s cousin- and the two climb to Marinette’s room. Sabrina is bothered by Ryma’s presence; she cannot search the room as she wishes nor talk to Chloé (who is hopping mad since Sabrina hung up on her in panic). However, she notices the diary in the box, and the moment Ryma turns her back on her, she rushes to take it. The two girls jump at the loud snap.
D’Argencourt is still bitter because he lost the elections and takes it out on his students, being harder and more demanding than usual. After showing off his move to Adrien, he makes his speech about his ancestor during his class (like canon). Adrien only listens out of politeness, eager for him to stop so he can go – plus, he (deep down) thinks D’Argencourt is a jerk, just like his ancestor. Gabriel comes to pick him up with his bodyguard, and while Adrien goes to change, Gabriel argues with D’Argencourt. The latter doesn’t take well that Gabriel wants his son to leave his “school”, nor how he cannot counter any argument Gabriel throws at him.
The fencer leaves only to be approached by Nadja Chamack and the sight of André Bourgeois’ picture is too much, he gets akumatized. Nadja and her cameraman are changed into knights, Gabriel and Adrien’s bodyguard see it and they both try to get Adrien to safety. They are changed as Adrien transforms and rushes out as Chat Noir.
Back at the hotel, Marinette feels a bit offended that her classmates (seem to) accept to be bribed; but when she asks them, most of them put it bluntly that they don’t intend on voting for Chloé.
“She will never keep her promises if she becomes class rep, so why should we keep ours?”
Marinette is left speechless, but she cannot blame them for making a false promise to her bully. Her phone rings, and she’s surprised to see it’s her cousin Ryma calling her. She gets more and more confused until Ryma arrives, pulling Sabrina behind her by her wrist.
“That girl was literally caught left-handed!” she tells Marinette, holding out Sabrina’s trapped hand for her to see.
Chloé runs to pull them all asides and is shocked as Ryma grabs her too then terrified by the older girl’s expression. Marinette tries to calm her cousin down, but they are interrupted by the akuma’s arrival. Like in canon, Marinette takes the lead, and they barricade the doors while Chat Noir and Pandora fight the knights outside, then she sneaks away when she can. Pandora is quite irritated as she fights off the knights and takes jabs at Dark Blade whenever she can, to both LB and CN’s surprise and amusement.
When the knights catapult themselves up, Chat Noir is the one who cries out “The flag! They are aiming for the flag!” and the three quickly climb up to prevent them from taking it. Pandora stations herself near the flag, fending them off (some Les Misérables references? Maybe!) while Ladybug uses her Lucky Charm. She gets a little bag full of itching powder and she throws it at Dark Blade after he tries to pull his move on Chat Noir (“Not twice!” yes, a Saint Seiya reference too sorry not sorry), CN uses his cataclysm on the sword and LB can capture the akuma and uses her miraculous healing.
The younger heroes have only a few minutes left, so after a group “pound it”, they leave. Pandora turns to D’Argencourt and offers to help him down the roof, but he is so rude and condescending to her that turns away. “Suit yourself, Messire. Good luck!” D’Argencourt stays stunned and huffs, trying clumsily to go down. A shadow appears behind him and reaches out:
“I think you would have been an amazing ruler, sir.” A smile. “We can help you restore your family’s former greatness, let us help you and together, we will lead the people of Paris to glory.”
D’Argencourt remains silent a moment, then takes the hand in his.
“Welcome among us, Armand D’Argencourt.”
The hands shake firmly.
Marinette sneaks back among her classmates, claiming she had been changed into a knight. Adrien does the same (and no one questions how and when he arrived at the hotel) before Chloé tries to make a scene, calling Marinette a quitter. It doesn’t last as Ryma butts in, still dragging a tearful Sabrina behind her; Marinette frees Sabrina’s hand and expose Chloé (well, she betrays herself but still). When Chloé tries to shift the blame on Sabrina, everyone rolls their eyes “yeah right, we know Sabrina is more your minion than friend.”. Although her victory is obvious, Marinette still makes a nice speech, showing them all that she does deserve to be class rep and gets a round of applause.
The following day, Marinette is officially the class president and Alya her deputy. She sees Ryma at the bakery later, who congratulates her. They both hug and Marinette thanks her again for defending her.
Adrien then joins his new fencing class and meets his new teacher, Laura Fleuret.
AN: Adrien’s new teacher is inspired by a real fencer Laura Flessel ; and if you wonder what Ryma looks like, here’s a reference)
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preeshera · 7 years
If Love Be Blind
Chapter 4
Angsty multi-chapter love square monstrosity (you have been warned)
(Chapter 1) (read on AO3) (I owe my life and sanity to my lovely beta Bell! Special thanks to Tala who is a sweetheart and indulges my ML rants)
‘Marinette’s life is slipping through her fingertips, all the dreams and plans she made for herself shattered, as she falls deeper and deeper into misery.
What happened to Ladybug’s famous luck?
And could there be a way to bring it back? … a certain black cat, perhaps? Only time will tell.’
It was his hand that turned her world to ashes, but he must never know
   “Bullshit. Ever-fucking crap-covered hell!” Marinette exhaled heavily, her shoulders sagging in frustration. She was supposed to be happy to be home. Sure. She was in pain, completely blind,  treated like a ticking bomb by her parents, and couldn’t even make it to the bathroom without knocking something over, but she was home.
Tears of frustration welled in her eyes as she gripped at the piece of furniture she bumped into. See, all the blind people in movies somehow automatically knew where they were going, but that, she quickly learned, was some rotten Hollywood propaganda.
As if she were supposed to magically know the layout of her entire house by heart the second she lost sight. Well , Marinette thought bitterly, her brain must have not gotten the memo.
She sat down hard on the tile floor and let the tears run free. Crying-that’s the only thing she was good at anymore.
‘Cheer up, Marinette,’ Tikki spoke up softly from above her.
Yeah, right. Easier said than done.
The stupid bandages itched and her head still hurt in irregular intervals, but apparently, she was well enough not to be on the good drugs anymore.
Marinette sighed. She hated this, all of it. Hated how she was angry all the time. Hated the noise, the dark, the stabbing pain behind her eyelids anytime she tried to lie down to sleep. Chat’s visit the other day made her feel so much better. She wished she could just go out and...
“Tikki, say, are my parents busy right now?”
The kwami pursed her lips disapprovingly, but Marinette wouldn’t have cared even if she could see – which she couldn’t.
‘ Last I checked they were downstairs in the bakery, but I don’t think –” but the kwami never got to finish her sentence.
“Tikki, spots on!”
  Flying on her yo-yo through Parisian streets was an amazing feeling. Marinette felt that she hadn’t truly appreciated being Ladybug before.
Sure, there were the akumas and the danger; she knew that better than most. But even gray and cloudy, the vast expanse of the evening sky sang to her. She could finally see. Screw plain, boring, blind Marinette – she was Ladybug. She was a superhero. She could do anything.
Chat’s crimson eyes flashed in her mind, and she startled so badly she missed a step and twisted her ankle painfully, crashing down onto an empty roof. She shook as the memory took over. Distorted and unreal, it took a shape of her nightmares and  overtook her senses.
Chat Noir was walking towards her. His black suit looked different, darker somehow. It was bulkier in the shoulders and made him look imposing. Monster-like. He smirked at her, but his teeth looked too sharp. His eyes were all wrong. Not warm, not laughing, but red – like blood.
Marinette shook like a leaf.
Then she realized her shaking legs weren’t covered in the polka-dotted red and black of her suit. She wasn’t Ladybug, just herself. Just Marinette.
Chat let loose a cold, disturbing laugh.
“My Lady.” he crooned, faux-sweetness, like venom, dripping from the words.
“My Lady?”
“Buginette?! What happened? Are you okay?!”
The warm, familiar voice colored with so much fright and concern was what finally brought her out of the episode. This was her Chat   – this bright, warm, friendly presence. Not that horrible nightmare.
Marinette shook off like a wet dog and tried to piece her confident Ladybug persona back together.
“Hey Chaton,” she said softly and met the familiar pair of bright green eyes after a beat of hesitation.
“Don’t just ‘Hey Chaton’ me! What happened LB? You looked totally terrified there...” He was drawing in a breath to continue on his rant, but stopped at the look on her face.
“I am sorry I worried you, Chat Noir. I am still a bit shaken by the last attack, that’s all.”
His expression turned somber.
“Have I told you that I am sorry?”
“No! Chat you know it wasn’t your fault!”
“I used my Cataclysm on you, you could have died!”
“And I didn’t. It wasn’t you, it was the akuma, and you know it – just like you knew it all those other times. I am fine, really.”
Suddenly, she didn’t feel like being Ladybug was helping her mood anymore. She swung her yo-yo around and pushed off the rooftop without a single look back.
“See you at patrol, Minou.”
  The moment she de-transformed she fell prone to the floor. Part of it was the banging headache caused by the meds Lady-bugging out of her system. Part was her general lack of will to attempt to get anywhere like this.
After a few beats, her head cleared a smidge, and she almost went to sit up, when she heard a strange noise from down below.
She realized where she landed must be directly above the kitchen, and straining her ears to focus as much as she could, she heard the whispered argument from downstairs.
“Sabine, you can’t mean to lie to her forever.” She covered her mouth. Daddy never argued with mom. It was always her chiding him for something or other.
“She is not ready for another set of bad news. Tom, she barely gets up in the morning. She doesn’t eat properly. What good would it do to tell her?”
There was a beat of silence, and Marinette could feel tears pricking her eyes underneath the bandage. Her parents, her loving, amazing, supportive parents were arguing because of her.
“False hope doesn’t help anyone. She needs to accept her condition and learn how to move on, Sabine. We all do.”
With a gasp Marinette realized her mom was crying.
She shot up to her feet and after fumbling for a few steps she threw herself in the general direction of her bed.
Accept her condition? Move on? They had no idea, Marinette realized. Her parents thought she believed her blindness was only temporary. They thought she didn’t know!
Well, yes, it was easy to pretend with the bandages pressing heavy over her eyes, but Marinette wasn’t stupid. Cataclysm to the fucking face doesn’t just heal.
Not overnight. And probably not ever. If Tikki couldn’t heal her she doubted some conventional medicine had a shot.
But they thought she didn’t know. How could she have?
And they’re arguing about how to tell me... Marinette thought grimly. Her musings, however, were cut short by footsteps coming up the stairs towards her room.
Marinette focused on the footsteps, but she had honestly no idea. Seriously, popular culture gave her such unrealistic expectations for this. A soft knock on the door echoed around her quiet room.
“Come in!”
“Hello dear, how are you feeling?” Mom drew the short straw, then.
“Okay. Blind.” Marinette said dryly, then instantly regretted it.
“I am sorry mama, I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days – I feel so angry all the time.”
Warm arms wrapped around her and her mother’s comforting smell calmed her down.
“Here, it’s okay love, it’s okay. I am pretty sure you are not the first teenager to ever snap at her mom. Given the situation, I would say you have more reasons than most.”
Marinette nodded, lips pursed.
“Do you feel like coming down? Your father and I need to talk to you about some things. It can wait if you are tired, or –”
“No, mom, I’m fine. Help me down?”
Marinette let herself be led by the hand like a child and tried her best not to feel too bitter about it. She could just about make it into the kitchen on her own these days. She asked her parents not to move furniture around and leave things in her path so she could move around on her own. Sadly, they all forgot about it way too often for her to be sure she could make the longer trips through the house unscathed.
It was probably a good thing that Marinette couldn’t see her parents just then. Sabine’s blotchy red eyes and Tom’s worried, tired look wouldn’t have made the upcoming talk any easier.
“Marinette, your father and I,” her mom started, but her voice broke, “your father and I need to tell you something important.”
I know mama. I know, it’s okay, Marinette wanted to say, but she remained silent and still.
“We decided to move away from Paris.”
Wait. Rage bubbled inside her like hot lava.
“What? What do you mean move away?!” Marinette demanded angrily, “why would you do that? And what about the bakery? Mom you can’t be serious!”
“Calm down, Marinette,” her father pleaded.
“We found an amazing institute that could help you, and we decided it is worth moving for.”
“ You decided?! Well that’s just grand, isn’t it. None of you thought to ask the poor, blind Marinette what she thought about it, have you?!”
She was screaming now, but she didn’t care.
“Well if you think I will let you abandon all your dreams and hard work just because of me, you are wrong. I will stay in Paris alone if I have to. I am not going anywhere!”
Her father was about to say something, but she stood up, storming off into her room. If she knocked over a chair or two on her way, or stubbed her toe on the stairs, it really was nobody’s business but her own.
I will not let them do this , she seethed internally once she finally made it into her room.
I just won’t allow it! Her hands clenched into fists as she tried to restrain the angry tears threatening to spill.
You won’t allow it? How cute. A cruel little voice piped up inside her head. And what exactly do you think you can do about it?
Marinette bit her lip.
Arms extended in front of her she made her way towards her table, there she pawed at the smooth wood for a second before managing to locate her phone.
She unlocked it with her thumb and calmed her shaking voice to activate the voice recognition:
“Hey Cortana? Call Alya Cesaire, please!”
Three beeps later her best friend picked up with a wall of blabber.
“Marinette? Are you okay? Is everything alright? Are you hurt? Do I need to come over?!”
“Oh, yes, sorry,” her friend apologized sheepishly, “Chilling out. Sorry. No overcompensating – I remember what you said the last time.”
Marinette sighed.
“I need my awesome, smart, incredible best friend to work a miracle for me. Is she there, or is this my new helicopter mother talking?”
Alya grumbled.
“So, which one is it?”
“Your best friend, always.” she replied dutifully. “So what is it, Mari, you sound kinda, well, mad?”
“It’s my parents. They want us to move away from Paris - to some village that has this amazing institute for blind kids.”
There was a beat of silence.
“That sucks. But maybe the new school will be super great for you, and, and I can always come to visit, right? I’ll drag Nino, and Adrien with me! And Juleka, Rose and Alix will want to come too, I –”
“No!” Marinette stopped her resolutely.
“No? You don’t want us to visit?” Alya asked, her voice tiny.
“No, I don’t want to go. I don’t want to move away, and I don’t want to go to some super special school for blind kids. I want my old life back - okay? I know that I can’t see now, okay, I know! But plenty of people can’t, and they aren’t all locked away in some institutes in the countryside !”
Stunned silence followed suit.
“Mari, I...” Alya started gently, but Marinette interrupted her again.
“Alya – I don’t need your pity! God knows I have enough by myself. What I really need right now is my best friend to help me find some way around this. I know my parents don’t really want to leave. The bakery is their life Alya. And I don’t want to take that away, not because of this.”
“I get it, Mari, I do. I will go do some research – I promise I will find something!”
The new fire in Alya’s voice spread warmth of relief in Marinette’s belly. Finally. Her best friend was back.
They could do this.
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