turikustar · 21 days
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Akuseru Rou?!?! (I love him)
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cruelangel94 · 3 months
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Artist By Akuseru Sama
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hermyowney · 3 months
WAIT okay last boonboomger ramble of the night i have work to do, but you know how the names of the boonboomgers are like car related right, do you think they have any links to their personalities too? (Someone please tell me if this is the most fucking obvious thing that i am now acting like i struck gold with)
Okay, our BunRed: Taiya Hando. Obviously Taiya=Tyre, so he's the one that propels the group forward. takes risks, the driving force of the vehicle?
BunBlue: Ishiro Meita. Meita=Metre or speedometer. So, he's the one who knows when the group is going too fast/too slow. Tells them when to speed up and when to calm down, the voice of reason i would say.
BunPink: Mira Shifuto. Now this one was tricky for me, per ranger wiki Shifuto refers to the shift(er) and the Mira could be interpreted as Mirai which means future. So her name would be Future Shifter. I think, like ranger wiki says, this would allude to her constant shifting of jobs but i think also shows her fast paced personality, as someone who does not stay in one place and does what is best for her.
BunBlack: Jou Akuse. Akuseru= Accelerator. We havent seen much of him yet, but i assume he's going to be a force to be reckoned with when he gets on the team, and might end up being overeager or maybe a little impulsive?
BunOrange: Genba Bureki. Obviously Bureki=Break. I can see him being the quiet and somewhat mysterious glue of the team, who prevents them from 'crashing' when they are going too fast and offers help in times of need.
Okay in hindsight when i type this out this seems a little bit obvious (the writers would obviously be intentional with their names duhh) but i do like to ramble. More boonboomger brainrot coming soon after i finish my project
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thelocaldetective · 7 months
Mitsu “Makka” Yagami
VO (English): Constance Wu
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<> Mitsu’s first name means “light” in Japanese but she was also named after her late (✝️) second adoptive grandfather Mitsugu
<> Mitsu’s middle name is Ryuko (which is close enough to “Ryuzo” her first adoptive grandfather, translates to “dragon child” in Japanese
<> Makka is a combination of “Sakura” and “Mini Tak”, which is what her “uncle” Kaito calls her affectionately (familial), due to have dominating majority of her father’s personality
Theme song:
Favourite Quote(s):
“It only takes is a spark.”
— Young Mitsu repeating Yagami’s words in awe
Species: Human being
Helluva Boss: Sinner (kitsune)
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Sex: Female
Nationality (determinant):
• Japanese 🇯🇵
<> Kyoko (full)
<> Nanami (full)
• English 🇬🇧
<> Emily (half)
<> Yoko (AU) (fluent)
<> Yagami (fluent, implied)
• American 🇺🇸
7 years old (fanfiction)
15 years old (standard)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Tokyo, Kamurocho
Happy Hotel (resident)
• High school student
<> Foreign exchange student (Emily)
<> Seiryo High (Kyoko)
<> Uni + scholarship (Nanami)
• Hostess (part time)
• Being chastised
• Japan’s culture
• Dad jokes
• Her father’s interrogative nature
• Losing (Kyuki)
• Wearing uniforms (especially for school)
• Criticism
• Being told what to do
• Sexual remarks about her father
• Feeling like a suspect
• Mother’s Day and Father’s Day
• The nickname “Makka” due to be associated with her father’s personality and mannerisms etc
• The sound of gunshots (despite being a criminal 😂)
• Amasawa (herself)
• Not being able to travel
• The idea of having siblings
• Skateboarding
• Listening to music whilst fighting
• Gambling
• Starting and finishing fights
• Food
• Tattoo & piercings
• Karaoke 😏
• Criminal activity
• Pranking people
<> Specifically speaking in full Japanese 🤣
• Drone racing
• Escape rooms
• Showing off her fighting abilities
• Travelling overseas
• Foreigners
• Sitting under the cherry blossom tree
<> Either meditating or playing a pan flute
• Using her father’s former occupation (lawyer) as an excuse to get her out of trouble
• Defying her father
• Dancing with the Rabbits 🐰
• Model work (Kyoko)
<> Specifically with drone parts 🤭
• Mystery (as a child)
Status: Special interest
• Being an only child 🤣
Romantic interests:
• Axel/Akuseru (Helluva Boss)
<> T.J. Buckzo
<> Wally Wackford
• Peter (Your Boyfriend)
• ??? (OC)
(bio) Mother: ???
• Kyoko (determinant)
• Emily (determinant)
• Nanami (determinant)
(bio) Father: Takayuki Yagami
(surrogate, paternal 1#) Grandfather: Ryuzo Genda
(surrogate) Uncle: Issei Hoshino
(surrogate) Aunt: Saori Shirosaki
(surrogate, paternal 2#) Grandfather: Mitsugu Matsugane (✝️)
(surrogate) Uncle: Toru Higashi
(surrogate) Uncle: Masaharu Kaito Matsugane
(surrogate) Aunt: Mikiko Sadamoto
(surrogate) Cousin: Jun Sadamoto
(oath / surrogate) Uncle: Tesso
Fiancé(e): Axel/Anderson (OC, Helluva Boss)
(surrogate) Sister: Kyoko Ansawa (🤭)
(adoptive) Mother: Ellie
(half) Sister: Kozakura
Family name:
• Yagami (standard)
• Matsuoka (determinant)
• Matsugane
• Fuji
• Hakase (determinant)
• Mochizuki (determinant)
• Inari Ōkami 🦊
• The Dragon (vilgilante name)
• The Sinful Siren (stage name)
• Tigress (by a child)
<> Because Mitsu is both stoic and can do kung fu
• Queen Himiko
• Eve
• Angel of Death
• Blackjack
<> Her nickname comes from her expertise in playing blackjack
• MIT-Sue (by tormentors)
• Mini Tak (by Kaito)
Short version: Makka
<> Due to how much Mitsu acts like her father 🤣
• Moriarty 😈
• Matriarch Matsugane
• The Mole (referred to herself)
• Abandonment issues
• Tormentor (formerly 😈)
<> Which soon stopped when Kuwana let her off with a warning if she continued bullying people
• Alcoholic
• Oppositional defiance
<> Literally will do the opposite of what her father says
• Autistic (via her father 😂)
• Bloodlust
<> Due to uncontrollable bar fights which just gives her dad more work to deal with
• Smoker
• Astraphobia (fear of thunder and lightning)
<> Which is ironic because the thunderclaps she’s scared of a sound that like gunshots 🤣
• Daddy issues
<> Due to Mitsu and her father being on complete opposite sides of the law; her a criminal and him a detective
• Biker gang leader
<> Stage name: Anarchy
<> Faction: Switchback Drifters
• Victim of rape (secret)
• Selfish
• Transportation
<> Mitsu has some experience with travelling between Tokyo and Yokohama to get to Seiryro High School
• Robotics ~ programming
• Dancing
<> Breakdancing
Yagami Detective Agency
<> Yokohama 99
Queen Rogue
Girl’s Bite (Emily)
Seiryo High School (Kyoko)
<> Robotics Club
<> Dancing Club
<> Boxing Gym
MIT university (overseas)
• Self defence (Kung Fu)
• Pathological liar
• Puns 🤭
• Evading evidence
• Fluent in foreign language (English)
• Lock-picking
• Skateboarding skills
Appearance & Personality:
Mitsu has black hair that comes down to her shoulders and has brown eyes. She also has a nice little beauty spot, like her mother, at the corner of her eye
Normally when Mitsu is not working; her attire is usually a little dark and screams out “moody teenager” (much to her father’s concern — for both his daughter and his hard-earned reputation)
As a hostess:
Mitsu wears a muse maxi dress with a split down both sides (so she can still defend herself if needed without being restricted by her outfit)
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Standard outfit:
• Similar to her father, Mitsu, wears casual clothing if not a little more edgier and “punk rock” with a black shirt, plaid shirt with fishnet stockings, doc marten boots, and of course, a leather black jacket to go with it
• She wears a hair pin so she can use it to pick locks (🤭) , at her own convenience, when breaking into places she’s not supposed to be in — rather than use it for her appearance.
• She also wears leather black gloves to avoid getting caught by the police (or her father) when committing crimes and would often wear a mask to hide her ID
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Distinguishing marks:
🟣 = Tattoos
🟢 = Significance
<> Koi Fishes (2) swimming both sides of her stomach
• Reference to Koi Bride ; her go-to gambling place
(She also has a leaves/reefs to cover her lower stomach area which looks like the fishes are in a pond of sorts)
<> Cherry Tree branch going up her arm/shoulder with open cherry blossoms 🌸
(Since her middle name was “Sakura” before she changed it to “Ryuko” due to her antihero alias)
<> Dragon going down her arm ~ hence her middle name being Ryuko which means “Dragon Child”)
(Henceforth her alternative name being ‘The Dragon’)
How would you describe Mitsu’s personality?
• Interrogative (subconsciously)
• Vulgar
• Cunning
• Realistic (determinant)
• Feisty
• Family oriented (?)
• Dry humour
<> Like father like daughter 🤣
• Seductive
• Defiant
• Authoritative
• Smug
• Manipulative
• Clumsy
• Maternal (selectively)
• Jealous
• Hostile
Due to Mitsu's enjoyment of (ironic) criminal activity, she and her father tend to butt heads a LOT which would often leave them at an impasse, frequently.
Because of the strained relationship Yagami often would wonder where he had gone wrong with his parenting and how Mitsu could have preferred delinquency over being a law-abider (especially when one’s father is a detective 😂)
What deteriorates Mitsu and Yagami’s relationship even further is choice of career and had, unintentionally, tried to coax her doing something else as a hostess (of all things) and implied she could put away criminals instead of becoming one.
She would often feel inferior to her father especially when it comes to occupation and always hates when he woyld “coax” her into becoming a criminal lawyer when announced she had no interest of being any kind of law enforcer because she enjoys being a lawbreaker
Whilst Yagami passionately disapproves of Mitsu’s decision to play a part in criminal activities — he is still somewhat more pleased that she’s doing normal things a kid should be doing; like skateboarding or participating with robotics club
However his disapproval escalates dramatically after finding out that Mitsu had become the leader of biker gang and started a faction called “Swiftback Drifters” — technically undoing his hard work of disbanding death races
Unlike Yagami Mitsu tends to deliberately get into fights for the sake of fighting and would often be the one to start it on purpose and would always let her emotions get the best of her (even so far as to kill someone) to prove to people how “strong” she is
She’d even go as far as to doing cage fights to earn extra cash and would often fight dirty to make it happen which often lead a argument between both father and daughter about what was ethical etc
Mitsu considers Kaito as her "uncle"; and would always look up to him — more than her actual father, if she had something to say about it (but then again that’s because they were opposites sides of the law and not in a prosecutor way 😂)
Despite the tension between father and daughter; Kaito also points out the positive traits of Mitsu and how she's more like Yagami than she actually thinks (both in choice of attire and mannerisms)
And that, of course, her father, as a detective, would be against anything lawless and that it would make sense why they would be at impasse a lot, which would often make her pissed off — before giving Kaito the silent treatment (for like a day or two)
Jun is the closest thing to a "cousin", to Mitsu despite there being 15 years between them — putting him at 30 y/o —. He can both protect her and give her very good advice and never fails to support her specifically when she trashes her father behind his back (so pretty similar to Kaito or at least tries to be 😂)
Mitsu deeply resents Amasawa — as any sister would — and would often make snarky comments like how she was technically the daughter Yagami would have had because of their common interest in mystery and detective work
However Mitsu would either be ignored or is acknowledged — bluntly — by Ansawa and that the former would have been the “ideal daughter” if she wasn’t into criminal activity and that she should have known better — what with being a daughter of a detective and a law-abider (etc)
Kozakura (OC):
Despite Mitsu’s hostile relationship with Kozakura (most of the time and if there’s an audience) outside of that; she does seem to have a soft spot for her younger sister and isn’t afraid to “teach” her tormentors a lesson and offers to teach her some self defence skills.
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bl4cktourmaline · 7 months
"nemurenai nda" kaze mo naku udarisou na yoru ni kimi no koe ga mimimoto de yuraida kanshou ni hitatte bakka nani mo kawaranai waraenai hibi wo nukedasou ze kimi wo tsure tobidashita
kaze ga toorisugita yami to mazariatta kimi no waraigoe ga chiisaku ai no sora ni hibiite
sonnan de ikite iken no ka mou modorenai ze nante yuragisou na omoi wa akuseru e kono mama chiheisen wo oikoshite yarunda
saizensen tobase bokutachi wa hoshi mo nai yoru tada higashi wo mezashite yuku juusanbyou saki mo wakannaku tatte seiippai boku wo ikite iku nani mo koukai nante nai sa mae wo muke tomaranai sa kitto hikari no matsu hou e
kurayami ni ochita saki no mienai you na michi mo tadoritsuitara yami nante nakatta kitto boku wa boku wo shinjikiccha inai kara isso ano mukou e imada minu yoake wo shinji aruita
oinuita hashitta kitai shita koronda mayotta wakannakunatte demo just feel alive fear or light mada bokura wa aruite iku
konnan ja itsumade tatte mo doko ni mo ikeyashinai sa nante nuguenai omoi mo akuseru e douse tomareru hazu nai sa
yoru ni kusatte ita tte bokutachi wa machigai naku asu ni mukatte iku
saizensen tobase bokutachi wa shiramidashita hoshizora mune wo narashite iru nemuranai you agaru myuujikku to nuruku natta mizu dake motte yuku muda mono wa nani mo nai sa mae wo muke sono hou ga kitto waraeru sa tte
saizensen tobase bokutachi wa noboru taiyou sono hikari wo mezashite yuku shiawase tte ima wa wakannaku tatte seiippai boku wo ikite iku nani mo koukai nante nai sa mae wo muke owaranai sa isshou bokura wa ikite yuke
ohh, are those lyrics to a song? if so, what is the name of the song, I'm curious to know now since I don't know that many songs to begin with 🧐
~ yue | modmizuki
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kuningaskunta-sielut · 7 months
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Alunperin tässä on ollut vitsinä se, että japaniksi sekä Axel että toi auton kaasupoljin on アクセル/akuseru. Vähän hassulta se käännettynä kuulostaa, kun harvemmin pitempää sanaa käytetään lyhyemmän sanan muistamiseen, mut minkäs teet. Toi "kaasumies"-lisäys on vain suomennoksessa, varmaankin siksi että vikassa ruudussa punchline on, että Axel toteaa Roxasin olevan jarru ja suomentaja vissiin halusi varmistaa että vitsi varmasti tulee selväksi. Eli Axel on kaasu ja Roxas on jarru.
Mut joo, ei tossa itse vitsin käännöksessä ole mitään suurempaa ongelmaa, enemmän mua häiritsee se miten Axelin tunnuslause on tässä käännetty.
Kuten aiemmin selitin, tässä suomennoksessa se on vaihtelevasti käännetty joko "Joko muistat?" tai "Painoitko mieleen?", ja tässä suomentaja päätti käyttää molempia samassa paikassa. Miksi? Miks sen yhdestä hokemasta on tullutkin kaks?!
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Mä oikeesti luulin, että se oli vahingossa käännetty kahdella eri tavalla, mut ilmeisesti se olikin ihan tarkoituksella tehty ja mä en vaan ymmärrä, että miks. Jos ideana oli, että se kuulostaa vähemmän hölmöltä jos se ei koko aikaa toista ihan samaa juttua, niin joo ehkä niin mutkun se pointti on just se, että se tykkää hokea sitä yhtä tiettyä lausetta! Siks sitä kutsutaan hokemaksi!
Jösses että voi pientä ihmislasta ärsyttääkin näin vähäpätöisen asian takia.
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pokeheros-drama · 1 year
"i think akuseru left ph :( i liked talking to them"
got good news for u bud
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hangozoe · 1 year
I am not immune to midnight shadow
Akuseru kishimu Highway city
Joshuseki utsumuku omae no
ROUGE iro no urei
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nguyenthiennhuong · 1 year
Lời bài hát スピードライブ (Speedrive)
Lời bài hát スピードライブ (Speedrive)
Hashittari tachidomattari “Koi ni mo shingou areba ii noni… ” nante Iza ao ni kawattemo mada Kimi e no ippo susumezu ni iru Maemuku kimochi tomerarenai Shiru tabi ni kasoku shite yuku “Yama ari tani ari” yosomi shinaide Uchi dake wo mitete hoshii nen AKUSERU zenkai donkan Houkouonchi no anata wo hotte okenai Kyuu BURE-KI kakete wa DOKIDOKI komarasete shimau kedo SHI-TOBERUTO ? ! Ja…
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from-axel-to-lea · 6 years
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A new trailer means new screenshots for you guys!
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oursidae · 3 years
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neon-nuisance · 5 years
I don’t care how you feel about Naruto, Haruka Kanata still fucking SLAPS.
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stayatsam · 5 years
one time i told grace id been watching naruto again and she called me disgusting with a very powerful vehemence to her voice
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gachaddict · 6 years
the best medicine?? ? listening to naruto op 2 on repeat 
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porcelain-yume · 2 years
8mmBOMB - THE MADNA (English Lyrics Translation 英訳)
Lyrics: Ryota; Music: THE MADNA
Listen to the hardcore music flowing through your headphones     
Wearing hella studded punk rock fashion
Watching R18 psycho horror movies
Let’s dive deep into a more exhilarating, brand-new world
Boys & Girls
Let’s ride
Start the train running straight to you – hurry
Nonstop racing full-speed ahead, accelerating
Wake up! Hey, it’s time!
Calling all passengers before sunrise
Everyone, are you ready?
It’s time to prepare for the journey
Heading up towards the stars – we’re midair walking    
Suddenly gazing right into the skies, so psychedelic
At last the future we’ve been dreaming of is finally within reach
Time to start a revolution and to shake things up across the world
Let’s ride
Start the train running with you on board – go way
Don’t know where we’re heading
No destination, just traveling
Let’s pedal to the metal
Piercing through the atmosphere
So grab on, hold tight & don’t let go of my hand
Listen to the hardcore music flowing through your headphones     
Wearing hella studded punk rock fashion
Watching R18 psycho horror movies
Let’s dive deep into a more exhilarating, brand-new world  
Boys & Girls
Japanese, Romaji & Spotify Track:
Listen ヘッドフォン流れるHardcore music
Wearing スタッズだらけのPunk rock fashion
Watching 18禁のPsycho horror movie
もっと刺激的な世界へ飛び込もうぜBoys & Girls
Listen heddofon (headphone) nagareru hardcore music
Wearing sutazzu (studs) darake no punk rock fashion
Watching juuhachikin no psycho horror movie
Motto shigekiteki na sekai e tobikomouze Boys & Girls
列車 走り出せ 君の元へHurry
Nonstop アクセル全開で駆け抜けろ
Wake up ほら、 時間さ 夜明け前に Calling
Everyone 準備はいいか? 覚悟を決めろ
Ressha hashiridase kimi no moto e hurry
Nonstop akuseru (accel) zenkai de kakenukero
Wake up hora, jikan sa yoake mae ni calling
Everyone junbi wa ii ka? Kakugo o kimero
やっと手が届きそうさ 思い描いたFuture
Furatto hoshi wo mezashite kuuchuu walking
Futo nozokikonda sora wa psychedelic
Yatto te ga todokisou sa omoiegaita future
sekaijuu attoodoroku you na kakumei wo okose
列車 走り出せ 君を乗せGo way
無論 目的地なんて決まっていないTraveling
もっと加速���上げろ 大気圏突き抜けろ
Ressha hashiridase kimi wo nose go way
muron mokutekichi nante kimattenai traveling
Motto kasokudo agero taikiken tsukinukero
Gyutto tsunaida kono te wa hanasanaide
Listen ヘッドフォン流れるHardcore music
Wearing スタッズだらけのPunk rock fashion
Watching 18禁のPycho horror movie
もっと刺激的な世界へ飛び込もうぜBoys & Girls
Listen heddofon (headphone) nagareru hardcore music
Wearing sutazzu (studs) darake no punk rock fashion
Watching juuhachikin no psycho horror movie
Motto shigekiteki na sekai e tobikomouze Boys & Girls
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doubleca5t · 4 years
Bruh you know who has horrible ship names? The Final Fantasy/Kingdom hearts fandom. They be adding letters that wasn't even in either characters names like what? Is this a culture thing I dont understand why is AkuRoku Axel Roxas I don't get it the fuck is Zukkura?
I believe what’s going on there is that Kingdom Hearts fans have decided to use the Japanese ship names (which is usually a good option), meaning those ship names are using the character’s names in Japanese.
To give some perspective on this, the way Japanese works is that you can only form words from a range of 70 possible syllables, all but one of which end in vowel sounds (the exception being a singular “n”). This means that no word can end in a consonant other than “n”, and there are a lot of sounds that are common in english that simply don’t exist in Japanese. So a phrase like “Ice Cream” would be transcribed into Japanese as アイスクリーム or “Aisu Kuriimu” or in an example that will be familiar to many Final Fantasy fans, the name “Aerith” would come out as エアリス or “Aerisu” since Japanese doesn’t have a “th” sound. (thus the translation mistake in the original PS1 version).
So Axel would his name written in Japanese as アクセル or “Akuseru”, while Roxas would have his name written as ロクサス or “Rokusasu”. Thus: AkuRoku.
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