#alaric mahariel
wyvernscales · 10 months
Woe, full names be upon ye
Mi'var "Brielle" Atheraniel Mahariel of Clan Lavellan Cian Ronan Hawke Feja Anika Aestyth Valda Angyalka Aeducan Eth'las "Elias" Atheranion Mahariel of Clan Sabrae Talani Brosca Elara Assanniel Sabrae of Clan Lavellan Ghilana Elariel Sabrae of Clan Lavellan
Lucia Mairyn Evandra Cousland Marguerites "Rita" Hèloïse Caron Adelaide Elspeth Hawke Hissera "Tessa" Adaar Adralla "Aria" Anne Trevelyan Marzia [?]
Alaric Theodemir Amell Syl'vhenan Andras Kirta Deka Kader Nikolas Kay Hawke-Amell Rihannon "Rynn" Shea Cadash Lorelei Surana
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
Ophelya Cousland, with her families crest proudly on display. A rusted shield with darkspawn blood dried into cracked edges accompanies an old, but not yet blunt, family sword. She cleans it as best she can by fireside and runs her fingers over the design again.
Thea Surana, alone and forgotten with only a broken bracelet to her name. Words unknown, or perhaps forgotten in a language unreadable to her, carved into treated wood. She holds it close to her chest and imagines how they would feel formed in her mouth.
Meira Tabris, a smoke in one hand and a golden wedding band settled firmly on the other. A memory, a promise, a debt all rolled into one - she wonders how it would look on her finger if it was paired with its other half. She watches the light dance off the gold and tells herself she'll sell it tomorrow.
Eliza Loga Aeducan, betrayed and thrown away. She walks calmly through the blood and dirt of the Deep Roads, head held high. With nothing but the clothes on her back and the promise of her return, she marches on - a threat in each step, 'You should have killed me.'
Alaric Mahariel, soft tears on a stoic face, he walks away from all he has known. He will learn, slowly but surely, what it is to be spared. There is no denying the strength, but the pity goes hand in hand. A broken heart slowly heals, but it does.
Quinn Amell, an old family name sets her apart. A name, a gift, a curse. There is little to be liked and nothing to be loved. She walks around the tower, Ostagar, Fereldan, with a heavy heart - forever bound by duty. She spits fire and calls forth ice. She is unrelenting.
Briar Cousland, rage twisted painful memories, she no longer sleeps. Eyes open, she stares at all that is left of the Couslands - a family sword and a desire to thrust it deep through Howe. The Blight is secondary but she can multitask. She survived, she remembered, the call will not go unanswered.
Aiden Tabris, a force of nature, mischief and strife. Nothing is given freely so he will take it all. He wears his mothers boots, her dagger, her name, proudly and refuses to surrender. He has no regrets. He will wage war for those unable and protect what is his.
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thedasfinest · 7 years
Because everyone else is doing the thing, my OCs sexualities:
Finn Tabris:  As of now I’m assuming he’s straight, but that’s not a solid thing.  He definitely likes women though.
Enansal Mahariel:  Definitely straight, but she’s currently not interested in romance or sex now that her husband’s died.  Also will absolutely not sleep with anyone who’s not an elf.
Lizette Aeducan:  Probably bi or pan.   Definitely likes men, but I can 100% see her smooching a pretty lady.
Anaan Adaar:  ???  She isn’t interested in romance, and minimally in sex, but isn’t opposed to sex.  Tempted to say grey-ace, but not sure if that’s accurate.
Ashe Trevelyan:  Panromantic, heterosexual.
Feylin Lavellan:  Gay.  So gay.  100% lesbian.
Jasper Trevelyan:  Straight.
Talon:  Pansexual.  Sexual preference is often, gives no fucks about what gender or parts you’ve got.
Azriel Trevelyan:  ???  He’s interested in women, and I thought he was straight, but he keeps thinking about riding the Bull, so I mean...  *shrug emoji*
Alaric Trevelyan:  Straight.  
Nona Martinelli:  Very very ace.
Rissa:  Straight or bi, only person I know she’s slept with is Talon so who actually knows.
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biserker-kadan · 6 years
My Wardens.
Kilani Aeducan used to sneak out, armour up and march the deep roads. She only truly got away with it once when Bhelen covered for her for over a week and a half before her parents discovered what she continued to plan to do. They tried and failed to keep her from picking up a Great Blade and marching then again so instead her father chose to have her trained as future military commander. Young and curious she devoured the knowledge given from those training her until she could recite strategies backwards. She's good at telling people what they want to hear but isn't malicious and prefers kindness to killing. She's poised, elegant and swings a sword with all the surety of a seasoned veteran, she took to being a Grey
Similarly to Kilani, Evianna Cousland was also born into nobility, however, she grew up with a keen sense for rogue abilities; easily picking locks and becoming invisible during the best of opportunities (the kitchen). Her brother and Sir Gilmore were her childhood and early adulthood companions, along with her Mabari: 'Sir Doggy'. Training at her mother's disapproval in blade and sword work, she dreamt of battle. After the events that led to her becoming a Greg Warden she hated it, hated herself for wanting to become one and was so full of anger and hatred that it changed her fundamentally. Prior to being a Grey Warden Evianna was kind, slightly sarcastic, elegant and positive, afterwards she was pessimistic, aggressive, sarcastic to the point of being an asshole and untrusting. She rarely got along with anyone at first but learnt to trust others (especially Alistair, Sten, Wynne and Morrigan). In honour of her mother, and father, Evianna chose to hone her archery skills and only used a bow and arrow. She used the last arrow stolen from her mother to put in Howe's throat.
Alaric Mahariel is also a rogue that prefers a bow. Having grown up in a Dalish Clan, the Dalish elf felt most at ease when hunting, especially alongside Tamlen: his best friend and lover. He has always been curious, although protective of his family, and a slightly temperamental type. Usually quick to stop a fight, the eventual Grey Warden has no trouble starting and finishing one. Loosing Tamlen, his Clan and becoming sick all in a few days took a toll on him and he never really regained the easy going nature he favoured. Alaric is a skilled archer, lock pick and overall fighter; happy to stay behind and act as backup but also able to over power most enemies in skirmishes. He's helpful, kind spirited but a very angry, very sad young man. He gets along very well with Alistair, finding a brotherly bond with the man and Wynne. He falls in love with Morrigan and grows up a lot with her, she treats him as the smart individual she knows he is. They bonded over both coming from different but similar upbringings (alone, woodland based and away from humans).
Meira Tabris is the most violent of Wardens; a real shoot first, ask questions never type of gal. A rogue as well, she's very skilled with blades and the such, usually found twisting one sharp enough to cleanly slit someone's throat through her fingers. She trains every morning before sunrise, going through the steps her mother taught her until she's sweating and her muscles ache. A constant reminder of having let Shianni down. She's unafraid and overly violent, most happiest twisting and weaving around enemies in battle. She doesn't like humans, doesn't trust them at all but has a soft spot for children. She understands that they are young and should be taught to understand elves rather than fear them. She can be warm to others (Morrigan, Zevran, Oghren, Sten) but prefers to keep people at a distance. Honouring the hisband she didn't want wears his wedding ring until the day of her death, something Zevran understands and respects. It makes her love him even more. She does come to understand Alistair and eventually becomes friends with him. Eventually. She's passionate, unafraid, protective and never apologies for her existence. She's ready to cut a Shem.
Natia, or better known as Echo Brosca is full of life. Sarcastic, cheerful and helpful, she'll make sure that everyone is okay before she even begins to worry about herself. She, like all other Wardens, is a talented fighter and has always dreamt of fighting darkspawn and taking care of her family. She's hella gay and hated that her sister was whored out to care for her and her mother. Her mother hates her, was abusive and a drunk and made Echo feel horrible and broken for only being Rica's half-sister. Where Rica has pale skin and red hair, Echo has dark skin and black hair. Becoming a Grey Warden was the best thing that ever happened to her (second best) and she'll always be thankful to Duncan. She gets along well with everyone and has a positive outlook on most things. She is respectful but distrustful and doesn't like when people make assumptions about her. Just because she's nice doesn't mean she won't destroy you. She will.
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wyvernscales · 3 years
OC/Worldstate Info
All OCs | all Wardens | all Hawkes | all Inquisitors | all Rooks
The Maker’s (un)Chosen (tag) (masterpost) Talani Brosca - (tag) (pinboard) Feja Aeducan - (tag) (pinboard) Elias Mahariel - (tag) (pinboard) Cian Hawke - (tag) (pinboard) Brielle Lavellan - (tag) (pinboard) (character page) Elara Lavellan - (tag) (pinboard)
Then Let it be Ruby (tag) (masterpost) Lucia Cousland - (tag) (pinboard) Rita Caron - (tag) (pinboard) Adelaide Hawke - (tag) (pinboard) Tessa Adaar - (tag) (pinboard) Aria Trevelyan - (tag) (pinboard) Marzia [???] - (tag) (pinboard)
My Valley, My Shadow (tag) (masterpost) Alaric Amell - (tag) (pinboard) Syl’vhenan Andras - (tag) (pinboard) Kirta Kader - (tag) (pinboard) Nikolas Hawke - (tag) (pinboard) Rynn Cadash - (tag) (pinboard) Lorelei Surana - (tag) (pinboard)
Other: Terasiel - (tag) (pinboard)
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
Ts Wardens
Ophelya Cousland
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Meira Tabris
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Thea Surana
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Aiden Tabris
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Alaric Mahariel
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Briar Cousland
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Loga Aeducan
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Quinn Amell
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Bonus! Dog
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
Ts modern au!
Cause I really need to flesh this out.
So Myrinah is a detective, and a damn good one at that. She lives with her boyfriends - Cullen, a nurse (fight me) and Iron Bull, who owns a bar/restaurant who specialises in Southern food. Yum.
She's got her family, Riddick - who works as a bouncer and part-time bartender for Bull and Bren, Riddick's adopted daughter, who is studying at Uni/College to become a Doctor.
Beau and Tala own their own food company, deleivering produce and alcohol to restaurants, bars, bistro's so that's how they met Bull and Myrinah, Riddick, all them.
Saoirse is forensic analyst who generally works with Myrinah, and her boyfriend Carver is in the Air Force. Carver's sister is a MMA fighter (Marian is a bastard, but she's smart and strong), whereas Garrett (twin) owns an animal shelter.
When Bren starts working (placement) in a hospital- that's when she meets Harlow, a really bitch who knows her shit and has decided to take the young girl under her wing.
Kira works as a lawyer, I thought maybe a librarian but honestly, with her backbone and personality she'd be so much better suited to law - she's probably worked closely with Myrinah as well, and Saoirse and does a lot of pro bono work as well.
Aliyah is the owner of the only cafe worth going to, she works day and night to make it fun and safe and genuinely appreciates her regulars who order ridiculous amounts of coffee. Myrinah usually goes every morning and recommends the place to everyone listening. Eren works there as well as a pastry chef while Aliyah makes the coffee and her dad, Kadir, sits around talking to people and helping out at the register.
Val is a tradie who comes in almost everyday to get a drink at Bulls Bar and usually orders the exact same thing every night with his boyfriend, Dorian, who meets him there at 6.00 on the dot - everyday.
Myrinah has adopted the kid and Dorian.
Eirianwen works in a factory creating the steal structures for houses, which is how she meets Val and eventually everyone else.
Meira Tabris, Ophelya Cousland, Briar Cousland (no relation), Will Amell, Quinn Amell (no relation), Loga Aeducan, Alaric Mahariel, Thea Surana and Natia Brosca all work in the same unit as Myrinah (fuck if I know how this fits), and they're her work friends.
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wyvernscales · 6 years
I FINALLY figured out my world states....
The Maker’s Unchosen (Canon)
Talani Brosca/Elias Mahariel/Feja Aeducan
Cian Hawke
Brielle Lavellan
Lucia Cousland
Rita Caron
Adelaide Hawke
Tessa Adaar
The Worst:
Alaric Amell
Nikolas Hawke
Rynn Cadash
Elara Lavellan
Aria (Adralla) Trevelyan
Sasha Adaar
Lorelei Surana
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biserker-kadan · 6 years
OC Archives
Rules: Give your OC’s name, face (if you have a claim or picture), mbti type (if you know it), venture on yonder to https://www.archetypes.com for the quiz, tag some people, and let us know
Tagged by: @dickeybbqpit @biowareownsmysoul @littlestlavellan (thanks loves!)
Tagging: @inquisitorsmabari @tessa1972 @cullenvhenan @red-wardens @ironbullsmissingeye @hoehoehoelt @space-vashoth @wardenofmyheart @shadow-kid-cole anyone else who wants to (tag me cause I want to see them please!!)
- I only did my Wardens/Inquisitors with face claims -
(Long post, under the cut!)
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Evianna Cousland | ESFG | Face Claim: Emmy Rossum
56% Royal: When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
25% Creative: The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are.
19% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
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Meira Tabris | ISTJ | Face Claim: Kristen Stewart
38% Visionary: Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
31% Athlete: The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
31% Rebel: The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind - and bucking the system - if that means getting their point across.
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Alaric Mahariel | ISFJ | Face Claim: Martin Sensmeier
42% Caregiver: Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
37% Explorer: The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. They take journeys, not vacations.
21% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
Marian Hawke | ISTJ |
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Myrinah Lavellan | ISTJ | Face Claim: Kiera Knightly
42% Royal: When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
29% Visionary: Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
29% Advocate: The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
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Eirianwen Lavellan | ISTP | Face Claim: Miranda Kerr
59% Creative: The Creative appreciates all beautiful things, in art and daily life. The creative act is essential to who they are.
23% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
18% Caregiver: Friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the Caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.
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Ryder Trevelyan | ENTP | Face Claim: Jesse Williams
38% Intellectual: The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
33% Visionary: Leave it to others to live by the status quo. The Visionary is interested in new ways of seeing, solutions not yet imagined, products not yet built.
29% Spiritual: The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
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biserker-kadan · 6 years
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Alaric Mahariel is my cutest warden and I love him. I’m gonna remake him in Inquisition…not sure how he’ll fit but I rlly want to!
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