#thea surana
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
@dalishious made an elven character creator for Dragon Age and I got hooked ( it is HERE if you want it).
So… here:
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Naomhan Tabris. A good kid who was full of dreams about being a great hero who would lead the world into respecting his people only to watch as they put more focus on his companions and not him. After her saved his father from a riot, Naomhan was bitter enough to follow the woman he loved (Morrigan) through the mirror, bringing his father with him.
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Thea Surana. An intelligent mage who tended to prefer the truth over white lies, Thea was used to being able to over come thing through willpower alone. Being out in the world though taught her more then books ever did and she learned that sometimes lies or misdirection was needed. She comes from Rivani and had gotten her tattoo and piercings done in secret, hoping to one day go to the homeland she dimly remembered before her magic manifested.
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Davalla Lavellan. My delightful himbo lady warrior who likes to chase dragons and wrestle with Bull. She is intelligent and quick witted, managing to get a full court approval (I still let Celene die though ✨tragic✨). She’s just also the person to get distracted or over eager to hunt down dragons or poke at giants. She’s huge on staying true to yourself owning what you believe in, which led to some issues down the road with Sera and later when her lover Solas left.
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Revas Lavellan!! I originally shelved her after wanting to replay the games but I delight in her to much to let go. So instead I kept her wok editing her enough to not do the same thing. I also edited her name after learning of the… issues reguarding the person’s lexicon I took the name from.
Revas is a rouge who has a bit of a devil may care attitude. After spiders destroyed her first clan a when she was in her twenties vallaslin, she became very ‘live in the moment’. She found the Lavellan clan after her clan’s death and began searching for her baby sister who had been alive during the attack on the clan but awakened her magic quite late in life as she herself had just gotten her vallaslin. Harellen was caught by Templars in a town they passed though, being dragged off. Revas devoted her life to find her… and did, selling wares with a blank face. Revas kidnapped Harellen to take her to Lavellan where the former mage became a craftsmen.
Of course we have my AU of this…
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Harellen Lavellan. A world where Revas fought off the Templars and Harellen fled into the forest where she found a clan. Young and never trained, Harellen devoted herself to work as a mage, hoping in her heart to bring her sister back to her. She eventually started going by Harel when her interests became more macibure and more into the idea of the dead coming back. She was eventually traded to the Lavellan clan who were welcoming of Harel’s interests in things like entropy and necromancy. Harel eventually accepted she would never bring her sister back but devoted herself to her studies.
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orionlancasterr · 2 years
My OC’s!
Noose- Courier Six and Follower
Rust- Lone Wanderer and Minutemen General
Arson- Vault Dweller
Radio- Prisoner and Scavver
Emil- Champion of Kirkwall
Valen- Hero of Ferelden
Thea Brosca- also hero of ferelden
Oliver cousland- also also hero of ferelden
Camriel Surana- Inquisitor
Skunk- Far Cry 5
Saturn- Far Cry 5
Judas- Far Cry 5
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Oh, Grey Warden
What have you done?
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biserker-kadan · 4 years
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Saraya Odette Trevelyan - Elemental Mage, way too polite for her own good and a softie for the curly boy.
'My Mother used to always tell us to think twice before we acted, first to come up with a plan and second, to forget about that and improvise.'
'What's this?' She asked, curious as she poked at the rough and worn armour, holding it close she felt how tough the fabric was and the absolutely dizzying way it pulsed of Mana.
Leliana smiled, softly but bitterly, 'It belonged to Thea. Thea Surana, my dear friend and the Hero of Fereldan. It's one of her old Grey Warden armours. She was quite fond of it. Eyes and ears have told me how much trouble you're having with your own armour and I thought you might appreciate this.'
Saraya looked startled, eyes wide, 'Are you...giving this to me? Are you sure?!'
Leliana nodded, 'Someone should use it. I believe it would suit you well, should you do some minor alterations.'
Saraya swallowed, 'Why me? Don't you want to keep it for her?'
'She has plenty.' Leliana laughed, reaching out to pat the Inquisitor gently on the arm, fingertips brushing against the fabric, a fond smile on her face as she followed the stitching and line of the armour with her eyes, 'She'd want someone strong and capable and kind to have it. She'd like you.'
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TMI! 【Dragon Age】
Canon OCs
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Cordelia Eilidh Cousland
Euryphaessa “Thea” Hawke
Jacquelyn Trevelyan
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Milerias Surana
Nazjatar Adaar
Yu-Kan Lavellan
Feel free to ask me anything!
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I’m not going to lie, the “Letter from the Hero of Ferelden” codex is moderately hilarious to me. 
Like, this is the canon letter: 
To Her Worship, Inquisitor Lavellan:
I wish that I had helpful information regarding Corypheus, but due to my own limited training during the Blight, I know less of ancient darkspawn lore than do most Wardens. I am engaged in a search of my own. All Grey Wardens who do not fall in battle eventually fall to something known as the Calling, a magic that preys upon our own connection to the Blight and the darkspawn. Rather than such foul magic eventually leading to my death, I have determined to find a way to negate this Calling and save all Wardens from its effects.
As I have little useful information to offer, please accept the accompanying gifts instead. If, in my quest, I find anything that may be of use to you in your fight against Corypheus, I will send it to you immediately.
In closing, I wish you luck. This world of the shemlen is a difficult one for our kind, and I can only imagine the pressure of leading the Inquisition, an organization dedicated to the Chantry, while staying true to the Way of the Three Trees. May Mythal protect you in your quest, and Andruil bless your hunt.
Yours, Warden-Commander Mahariel of Ferelden
Would Aderes Mahariel write this? She absolutely would not. This is very Formal and Fancy, and that’s not her at all. If she needs to impress someone, she’ll just point out all the shit she did during the Blight. Who’s earned the right to write letters super casually? She has. Who gave her the right? The dead archdemon, that’s who. 
Like a realistic letter from her would go: 
Inquisitor Lavellan: 
If I knew anything about Corypheus, I would tell you, but unfortunately I don’t. They never bothered to teach me anything. I would offer to come kill him for you - he can’t be worse than the archdemon - but I’m busy trying to figure out how not to die to some magical darkspawn bullshit. If he’s still hanging around after I’m done with that, I’ll come put a blade or two in his heart. 
Here’s a mage robe I looted off an enemy a while back. I’m not a mage, so I don’t need it, but rumor says you are. Hopefully it fits. 
Good luck,  Warden-Commander Mahariel 
PS - Sorry you’re stuck with the Chantry. I’ve met some decent shems over the years, but they’re rarely with the Chantry. Keep a list of who disrespects you for being Dalish. I’ll put a blade in their hearts too. 
Either a scribe is following her around and being very liberal with what she says or Leliana intercepted the letter and rewrote it to be more Official sounding. 
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kunstpause-archive · 4 years
OTP Meme
I was tagged by @cornfedcryptid - thank you! :D
No idea who did this and who hasn’t - so I am just tagging blindly - ignore if you want or feel yourself tagged if you see this
@edencalder @captainderyn @elveny @tishinada @anchanted-one @defira85 @knallbart @midnightprelude @dandelionofthanatos @elfyourmother @tishinada
Since usually Cassia gets the most of tag memes from me I’m gonna go with others this time
Aren Surana/Leliana
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers  | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
Amara Lavellan/Iron Bull/Adriene Hawke
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids| grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies (is stabbing things a hobby though?) | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers  | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
and because I’m in between writing chapters
height difference | mutual pining | first kiss | first love | wedding | in-jokes | lgbt+ | family disapproves | friend disapproves | would die for each other (well, would kill each other tbh...) | fake relationship | arranged wedding | cuddlers | pda friendly | and they were room mates | holding hands | secret relationship | opposing worldviews | opposing personalities | opposing goals | getting a pet | have kids | want kids | grow old together | relationship failures | rests head on shoulder | share a bed | token dummies | relationship doubts | they have a song | first date | share a jacket | sharing a blanket | mutual interests | study buddies | bathing together | crash into hello | accidental nudity | laundry | same hobbies (I repeat my stabbing question...) | cooking for each other | big fancy gala | sibling rivalry | hair stroking | dancing | laying in the grass | watching stars together | watching the other sleep | shared values | friends to lovers  | enemies to lovers | lovers to enemies | childhood friends | slow burn | love triangle | toxic relationship (more fore everyone else then for each other though) | sitting on each other’s laps | can’t be together | hugs | forehead touches | neck kisses | car/motorbike rides | compliments | nicknames | falling asleep together | late night talks | gifts
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extraordinarymage · 5 years
Kayta made me want to list all my DA OCs names so we're doing it cuz I'm bored
Fausten Amell, Monta Aeducan, Fenella Cousland, Ea'lin Surana, Fenrie Mahariel, Cae Kader, Donovan "Dov" Hawke, Carolyn Hawke, Dimitria Hawke, Hudson Trevelyan, Ilaan "Veil" Adaar, Wesley "Wes" Trevelyan, Heleste Lavellan, Teodora "Thea" Trevelyan, Margarit & Saphira Cadash
Shona Amell (Morrigan/Fausten's daughter), Irina Theirin (Alistair/Fenella's daughter), Veras Hawke (Fenris/Dimitria's child), Embriana "Embri" Trevelyan (Hudson's daughter pre-DAI, later adopted by Dorian), Rafiel and Syriana "Ana" Mahariel (Zevran/Fenrie'a son and daughter)
Astrid Amell, Revanne Amell, Ealon Amell, Niel Amell (Fausten's siblings)
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ma-sulevin · 7 years
Dragon age asks: 4, 5, 6 :)
Oh boy you’re testing my memory. Okay here goes:
4. What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)?
The first Warden I built was a female rogue Tabris, but I only made it through the prologue and Ostagar before my husband sold our 360 and upgraded to the One (and Origins disappeared with it).
When I got Origins again (one year ago plus a few days; it came up on my Timehop earlier this week), I played through as Neria Surana and watched in horror as Alistair sacrificed himself for me.
5. What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)?
Somehow I played DA2 blind.
I think I played through as a purple mage Marian? And I romanced Anders and didn’t know how to recruit Fenris. It was a disaster of a playthrogh.
6. First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)?
I think I was a female elf mage. I know I narrowly avoided Solavellan hell by deciding to romance Cullen at the last minute.
When I played it again after playing DAO and DA2 with my canon characters (Harea Mahariel & Thea Hawke), I played as a female rogue Trevelyan, Asha.
101 DA Questions.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 hours
Brutal Honesty Time: Dragon Age Companions Edition
I never really LIKED Alistair. No hate to those who do but I never vibed with him. He looked like my brother at the time I was playing so romance was OFF the table, but later when my brother grew his hair out ala Thor, I did romance him and while it’s cute I’m still: eh. I do think he’s best friends with some of my Wardens and do headcanon his relationship with Thea Surana is adorable (Muirin is not a good partner though.) but I just… meh.
Also, I cannot see this man as anything but straight and it’s just… I can’t. To me he’s the himbo lovable guy but he’s just not into dudes.
Wynne also never appealed to me in the sense that I felt she was preachy as fuck. She was to much a ‘older wiser mentor’ for the players and yet I felt that she was also the granny who was without a doubt to set in her ways. I have a headcanon that the Spirit of Faith that possessed her actually bound her to rigid rules. As such she cannot change really.
Dragon Age 2
Anders is to me right in his goals but I think killing him is still a reasonable reaction. I it really depends on who you play as but I’ve always felt that while I would be personally horrified the fact the Chantry did NOTHING to help the people they claim to watch over and the hell the Circles became are on their shoulders. Anders was RIGHT. But a Hawke killing him doesn’t make them wrong. Also he’s like my fifth fav romance in DA2. Yes I mean I like Sebastian’s over his. I just never clicked with Anders despite some epic lines.
Aveline as well I never… liked? To the extent others do I mean. She’s interesting but I was always wtf about her comments. She feels like a character they were forced to sort of shuffle into the story without finishing. Her entire Act 2 quest is atrocious (oh you must help her with a man really?) and I would love to explore her slowly coming to the realization that she was wrong in her actions/the system itself is broken. I think there’s a fantastic post going around to break this down firmly but I can’t really remember who made it. She’s a character I have to aggressively headcanon like Cullen to put up with.
Varric comes up to and for me… he is fun. He’s a fav for me. But I’m also sick of this guy. Most of my Hawkes are his friend because I love the ‘storyteller is the lovable rouge’ trope but like I have a few Hawkes he did not like. Yet here we are with him being besties. I really wish if we needed a continuing companion it was Dorian who has REASON to be in Tevinter. Varric can at in Kirkwall.
Actually a brutal honesty moment is me going: this game is rank 3 for me out of the three so far. I don’t HATE it. It’s a fun game. But god the entire open world they tried SUCKED. It’s so tedious I get bored after Haven is destroyed.
Blackwell has the better romance compared to Cullen and no you can’t tell me otherwise. It’s much more dramatic and impactful and I love him. Also people saying he killed kids ignore how the Templars murder children and how Cullen 100% was an accessory to it even if he didn’t do it himself. Also I always find it funny there’s uproar over Blackwall doing this when there is a graduation system where they MURDER INNOCENT PEOPLE but oh no that’s never discussed. Plus with how much other shit goes down- yeah Blackwall is irredeemable totally when it’s HUMAN NOBLE children who die.
I’ve said my piece about Cullen being a disappointment of a character.
I never actually liked Cassandra and even after romancing her she’s still bottom of them in my list. I’m just not able to make anyone hate me.
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orionlancasterr · 1 year
Dragon age origins
A Team: Valen Maherial, Alistair Theirin, Camriel Surana (sometimes Wynne!)
B Team: Thea Brosca, Morrigan, Leliana
C Team (the murder patrol): Oliver Cousland, Sten, Zevran Arainai
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Naenna Mahariel
Roarke Brosca
Thea Surana
Adelaide Cousland
"You are called upon to submit yourself to the taint for the greater good. From this moment forth, you are a Grey Warden."
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
Ophelya Cousland, with her families crest proudly on display. A rusted shield with darkspawn blood dried into cracked edges accompanies an old, but not yet blunt, family sword. She cleans it as best she can by fireside and runs her fingers over the design again.
Thea Surana, alone and forgotten with only a broken bracelet to her name. Words unknown, or perhaps forgotten in a language unreadable to her, carved into treated wood. She holds it close to her chest and imagines how they would feel formed in her mouth.
Meira Tabris, a smoke in one hand and a golden wedding band settled firmly on the other. A memory, a promise, a debt all rolled into one - she wonders how it would look on her finger if it was paired with its other half. She watches the light dance off the gold and tells herself she'll sell it tomorrow.
Eliza Loga Aeducan, betrayed and thrown away. She walks calmly through the blood and dirt of the Deep Roads, head held high. With nothing but the clothes on her back and the promise of her return, she marches on - a threat in each step, 'You should have killed me.'
Alaric Mahariel, soft tears on a stoic face, he walks away from all he has known. He will learn, slowly but surely, what it is to be spared. There is no denying the strength, but the pity goes hand in hand. A broken heart slowly heals, but it does.
Quinn Amell, an old family name sets her apart. A name, a gift, a curse. There is little to be liked and nothing to be loved. She walks around the tower, Ostagar, Fereldan, with a heavy heart - forever bound by duty. She spits fire and calls forth ice. She is unrelenting.
Briar Cousland, rage twisted painful memories, she no longer sleeps. Eyes open, she stares at all that is left of the Couslands - a family sword and a desire to thrust it deep through Howe. The Blight is secondary but she can multitask. She survived, she remembered, the call will not go unanswered.
Aiden Tabris, a force of nature, mischief and strife. Nothing is given freely so he will take it all. He wears his mothers boots, her dagger, her name, proudly and refuses to surrender. He has no regrets. He will wage war for those unable and protect what is his.
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OC meme
Say the first three (3) things that you think of your OC(s)!
(Without an explanation of course)
Cordelia E. Cousland: elaborate hair braids; traditional dance; an oath;
Milerias Surana: cherry blossom; fireworks; pygmy falcon
Thea Hawke: dandelion weed in between crack stones; parting glass; the eye of the storm
Jacquelyn Trevelyan: incense sticks & oils; animal bones; wet earth after rain
Yu-Kan Lavellan: the warmth of the campfire, bedtime lullabies; hot cocoa
Ishara : mother's home cooking; textile weaving handicraft; leather-bind old tomes.
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I have a problem, and it’s the letter A. 
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biserker-kadan · 5 years
catch me recreating Thea Surana in Inquisition just so my babe can romance her long haul romance Cullen cause im a sucker for that development shit 👌👌
also Thea
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