#alaric silversmith
phoenixresistance · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance Cast - Part 1
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More coming soon as more people join. Also there’s a image limit to posts agdjdhhd.
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Chapter 2
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London, England - August 8th, 1997
Over the past week, Devon and Henry had managed to buy a little tavern in Whitechapel. Devon also managed to get in contact with the Silversmith brothers. Edgar and Alaric Silversmith were happy to join her and they chipped into the tavern as well. Edgar was a skilled Archivist and his brother was an equally skilled Auror.
The Lone Star was a small rustic medieval style tavern. Wrought iron barred windows looked out into the street and glowed faintly from the light within. The interior consisted of large rough wooden tables, a high polished bar, and a huge roaring fireplace. In addition, there also were dozens of cardboard boxes scattered on the floor and tables. They were currently in the process of moving in.
Henry was sweeping the floor when Devon suddenly apparated, Eiffel Tower miniature in hand.
“Hey I’m back.” She greeted him with a wave of her hands. “Where’s Edgar and Alaric?”
“They are in the cellar working on the enchantments on the barrel door.” He replied, putting his broom down and wandering over to give her a kiss. “So how are Charlie and Asri getting on?”
“It’s like Charlie never left. They already have it up and running. Asri is excited to live in Paris because he was a baby when we moved away.” She smiled as she signed but then it faded and she signed more hesitantly, “I just hope the war doesn’t reach them.”
Henry quickly wrapped his arms around her, smiling gently as the residual smell of yeast and sugar reached his nose. “I can’t promise you they will be ok. However I can promise you I will try my best to protect them, including you. I love you.”
Sniffing and wiping away tears that have gathered in her eyes she smiled back, “Not if I protect you first. I love you too.”
Devon perked up suddenly, “I have something to show you. You’ll need your coat.”
Paris, France - 11:30 AM
After getting his coat and changing the time on the portkey, they apparated into the store room of the bakery, the smell of bread hitting them immediately.
“Meet me out in the car. We are taking Charlie’s, here’s the keys. There’s something I have to grab first.” She signed and handed him the keys before disappearing in the back.
Five minutes later Devon reappeared, exiting the bakery and shoving something in the trunk of the car and then jumping into the passenger seat.
“So where are we off to? Or is that a surprise?”
“You bet. Turn left up there” She replied with a wink, pointing down the street.
Following Devon’s occasional directions, Henry drove down Paris streets until finally coming to the edge of the city, the high urban buildings being replaced by more and more trees. Eventually Devon told him to pull over in front of a small cottage overgrown with vines and foliage.
“This was our house. When my mom was still alive.” She signed as she got out of the car, answering Henry’s question before he could make it.
“Come on, we aren’t there yet!” She added as she grabbed his hand after retrieving a large basket from the trunk.
The two of them walked around the house towards the back and then entered the dense forest. Bright green leaves gently rustled in the wind. Only Henry heard the cracking of sticks beneath their feet and the chirp of birds above.
Within minutes they emerged into a clearing. In the center laid a huge flat rock next to a small stream that slowly flowed over mossy stones. Upon the rock was a knit blanket made of deep red, orange, and brown.
Henry laughed brightly as they walked over and sat down on the blanket, Devon producing containers of food from the basket and laying them out. The last thing she pulled out was a large cardboard box which she instead handed to Henry. Opening it up, his eyes met an elegantly frosted cake topped with a mixture of fruits, obviously a product of the Marlowe Bakery.
“Happy Birthday, my love”
The hours passed by as they drank champagne and enjoyed a picnic under the noon day sun of Paris.
I hope you like it! @thatravenpuffwitch
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Chapter 1
The Burrow - August 1st, 1997
Devon could feel the vibrations of the music in her feet radiating up her legs. The rhythmic thumping in her chest matches the beat of her heart as she glides around the room guided by Henry’s hand on her waist. Her gold sequin dress catches the candlelight and reflects it against the tent. With a smirk, Henry suddenly dips Devon low, his lips catching hers. The beat of her heart increases and drowns everything out as the moment seems to last forever. Finally pulling away, Devon grins at Henry who grins back. The dance finishes and they leave the dance floor, hand in hand.
“Excuse me, darling. I promised I’d have a drink and catch up with Charlie. I’ll see you later.” Henry signs before kissing Devon’s temple.
Devon watches him disappear into the crowd, the smell of his cologne fading. Sighing wistfully she navigates the crowd in search of anyone she knows.
There’s no sign of Kathryn yet. Will told Devon earlier in the day that she had a late shift at the Ministry but would try to get away in the evening for the dance. However she did see many people she recognized.
Luna Lovegood was over on the dance floor with who she assumed was her father. Mercy was in the act of shoving an uncomfortable looking Septimus onto the dance floor as well. A motion outside the tent catches her eye as she notices Remus Lupin on patrol, his wand in his hand as a precaution.
Turning back towards inside the tent she scans the crowd again and spots Lara Fairbourne who catches her eye and gives a wave, which Devon returns with a smile. Walking towards the tables she notices even more people. At the first table she passes sits the Silversmith brothers, Edgar and Alaric. Sitting at the second table, hands entwined and deep in conversation is Azariah Steele and his girlfriend Irena Janda. It seems like Lou Yaxley must be on patrol duty as she isn’t with them. At the last table sits Harry Potter himself talking with a man she knows to be Elphias Doge.
As she reaches the other end of the tent having found nobody free to chat with, Devon decides to wander outside for some fresh air. The stars shine brightly on a crisp clear August night. One particular star looks brighter than the others. It shines a brilliant blue and there’s a moment where Devon thinks it must be Neptune or Uranus. Except it’s moving. In fact, it’s also getting bigger and bigger. With a gasp, Devon watches as the blue orb rushes towards the Burrow and disappears into the tent.
Grabbing the fabric of her skirt and pulling it up she breaks into a run towards the tent and pushes past a blur of people until she spots the orb gently floating in the center of the tent. The orb pulses and shifts to show pictures and faces. Concern and fear fills the faces of the wedding guests and suddenly dozens of voices cry out in her head.
“What’s going on?” “Oh my god!” “The Ministry is taken?” “They killed Scrimgeour?!” “Merlin’s beard” “Where’s my kids? We need to get out of here” “They are coming. They are coming. They are coming” “Oh my god”
In a heartbeat a dozen black clouds descend upon the party and people scatter. Spells whiz by and smash glasses and knock candles over, flames quickly consuming the tent fabric. Snapping back to her senses, Devon tries to shut out the voices in her head and focus. They fade a bit but still flood her mind as she runs and ducks behind an overturned table.
Where’s Henry. I need to find him, oh god. Please be ok.
Fumbling beneath her dress she pulls out her wand and with a deep breath she darts out of her cover, firing a stupefy at the nearest death eater. Her eyes dart around furiously as spells fly and voices scream out in her head. In a panic she starts running, too disoriented to fight and eager to find Henry. They had to get out of here now.
Her foot catches on something and she hits the ground hard. Looking behind her to see what it was she discovers someone laying on the ground motionless. Suddenly she’s grabbed and hauled to her feet. Devon struggles against them but stops instantly as she meets Henry’s concerned eyes. With a flash of magic he apparates both of them and the chaos of the wedding turns into a darkened street. She knows where she is in an instant and she rushes inside the illuminated bakery.
London, England - 11:45 PM
Devon has prepared for this. She knew it would come eventually. The war has started and the Ministry has fallen. As she rushes upstairs to the apartment she goes over her checklist in her mind.
Step One: Make sure her family is safe.
Bursting into her fathers bedroom she gently shakes him awake and flips on the lights.
“It’s time. Pack only what you need. I’ll help Asri. Henry is downstairs on guard. Meet us downstairs, we have to go.” She hastily signs, repeating it a second time when Charlie doesn’t quite catch it the first time.
Leaving the room she goes down the hall and, more gently this time, wakes her fourteen year old brother and helps him pack his things. Finally she rushes to her room and grabs her emergency bag, having it packed and ready for months. Hesitating at the doorway, she turns back around and quickly scans her room. Her eyes fall on a miniature of the Eiffel Tower she keeps on her windowsill. Scooping it up she then dashes downstairs to her family.
Checking her watch, she sets down the trinket on the bakery counter and points her wand at it. The tip of her wand glows blue as she silently casts portus. In a hurry she motions for them to all grab on to it and, as the clock strikes midnight, their surroundings blur past and the warm lit interior of the bakery is replaced by darkness.
Paris, France - August 2nd, 1997 - 12 am
“Cool!” Devon hears her brother echo in her mind and she suppresses a smile.
“Devon, I know this place. This is our old bakery in Paris! Why the hell are we here?” Her father’s voice comes a second later.
“I bought it. Last year with my own money. Henry helped too. I’m going to sell the one in London. It’s not safe there anymore. Set up shop here and live normally. Henry and I are going to return to London tomorrow.”
“-But you said it’s not safe! Stay here with us honey. They will be targeting you as a muggleborn.”
“If I can help in any way to save people like me then I have to try, Dad. I’ll try to be safe, I promise. This portkey can take me back here every day at midnight so I’ll visit as often as I can. Look after each other. I love you both.” She replies in sign and then hugs them tightly and kisses each of them on the head.
With a final wave goodbye she grabs the Eiffel Tower and then takes Henry’s hand as they disapparate into the night air.
London, England - 12:05 AM
Back in the bakery, Devon shuts off the lights and lowers the blinds, placing a For Sale sign she retrieved from her bag in the window. A pang in her chest hits her as she gazes around what was her home for 14 years. Tears well up in her eyes but she quickly wipes them away. She can’t hesitate now.
I prepared for this. I’m ready. I know what to do, she reminds herself.
Then why are you shaking? She counters back.
Henry takes her hand in his and they share a quiet moment together, fear on both of their faces.
Courage isn’t the absence of fear.
Squeezing Henry’s hand and taking a deep breath, they walk out of the shop for the last time and into the cold dark night.
Step Two: Disappear
I have no idea if I’ll even finish this but I’m finally writing Devon’s story! It’s a huge mess and I’m sure I fucked things up but I’m not a writer I’m just trying to put things in my head down on paper. Featuring MCs from: @thatravenpuffwitch @cursebreakerfarrier @brothergrimm71 @lgvalenzuela @slytherindisaster I hope you enjoy it 🥺
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kathrynalicemc · 3 years
Phoenix Resistance Safehouse - Part 1
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Safehouse: The Lone Star tavern
Location: Whitechapel, London
Description: Owned by the Silversmith brothers and Devon Marlowe, this pub has a rustic interior with rough wood bars and tables with a grand fireplace. Beneath a heavily enchanted and charmed cellar door features what appears to be a normal storeroom and wine cellar filled with barrels. However, knocking a specific pattern on a specific large wine vat opens a passage in the empty barrel that leads to an extension of the cellar. This half features Devon’s office where she writes and prints her Paper and also a few bedrooms where the owners and safehouse residents can sleep. There are yet more enchantments upon Devon’s office as that’s where she keeps all of her intel. Also within her office is a curious object. Inside her desk drawer is a miniature of the Eiffel Tower. If someone were to be holding it at exactly midnight, they would suddenly find themselves within a large bedroom. Looking out of the window they would then discover they are in Paris, France. This portkey is used by high risk hunted muggleborns/Order members/Aurors to get out of the country. They can then head into the city to find shelter or they can stay in one of the rooms in the Marlowe Bakery Safehouse. See part 2 for that safehouse info.
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phoenixresistance · 3 years
The Phoenix Resistance - Chapter 1 (Repost)
The Burrow - August 1st, 1997
Devon could feel the vibrations of the music in her feet radiating up her legs. The rhythmic thumping in her chest matched the beat of her heart as she glided around the room, guided by Henry’s hand on her waist. Her gold sequin dress caught the candlelight and reflected it against the tent. With a smirk, Henry suddenly dipped Devon low, his lips catching hers. The beat of her heart increased and drowned everything out as the moment seemed to last forever. Finally pulling away, Devon grinned at Henry who returned it. The dance finished and they left the dance floor, hand in hand.
“Excuse me, darling. I promised I’d have a drink and catch up with Charlie. I’ll see you later,” Henry signed before kissing Devon’s temple.
Devon watched him disappear into the crowd, the smell of his cologne fading. Sighing wistfully, she navigated the crowd in search of anyone she knew.
There was no sign of Kathryn yet. Will told Devon earlier in the day that she had a late shift at the Ministry but would try to get away in the evening for the dance. However she did see many people she recognized.
Luna Lovegood was over on the dance floor with who she assumed was her father. Mercy was in the act of shoving an uncomfortable looking Septimus onto the dance floor as well. A motion outside the tent caught her eye as she noticed Remus Lupin on patrol, his wand in his hand as a precaution.
Turning back towards inside the tent, she scanned the crowd again and spotted Lara Fairbourne. She caught her eye and gave a wave, which Devon returned with a smile. Walking towards the tables she noticed even more people. At the first table she passed sits the Silversmith brothers, Edgar and Alaric. Sitting at the second table, hands entwined and deep in conversation was Azariah Steele and his girlfriend Irena Janda. It seemed like Lou Yaxley must be on patrol duty, as she wasn't with them. At the last table sat Harry Potter himself, talking with a man she knew to be Elphias Doge.
As she reached the other end of the tent, having found nobody free to chat with, Devon decided to wander outside for some fresh air. The stars shone brightly on a crisp clear August night. One particular star looked brighter than the others. It shined a brilliant blue and there was a moment where Devon thought it must be Neptune or Uranus. Except it’s moving. In fact, it’s also getting bigger and bigger. With a gasp, Devon watched as the blue orb rushed towards the Burrow and disappeared into the tent.
Grabbing the fabric of her skirt and pulling it up, she broke into a run towards the tent and pushed past a blur of people, until she spotted the orb gently floating in the center of the tent. The orb pulsed and shifted to show pictures and faces. Concern and fear filled the faces of the wedding guests and suddenly dozens of voices cried out in her head.
“What’s going on?” “Oh my god!” “The Ministry is taken?” “They killed Scrimgeour?!” “Merlin’s beard” “Where’s my kids? We need to get out of here” “They are coming. They are coming. They are coming” “Oh my god”
In a heartbeat, a dozen black clouds descend upon the party and people scattered. Spells whizzed by as they smashed glasses and knocked candles over, flames quickly consuming the tent fabric. Snapping back to her senses, Devon tried to shut out the voices in her head and to focus. They faded a bit but still flooded her mind as she ran and ducked behind an overturned table.
Where’s Henry. I need to find him, oh god. Please be ok.
Fumbling beneath her dress she pulled out her wand. With a deep breath, she darted out of her cover and fired a stupefy at the nearest death eater. Her eyes darted around furiously as spells flew and voices screamed out in her head. In a panic she started running, too disoriented to fight and eager to find Henry. They had to get out of here now.
Her foot caught on something and she hit the ground hard. Looking behind her to see what it was, she discovered someone laying on the ground motionless. Suddenly, she’s grabbed and hauled to her feet. Devon struggled against them, but stops instantly as she met Henry’s concerned eyes. With a flash of magic, he apparated both of them and the chaos of the wedding turned into a darkened street. She knew where she was in an instant and she rushed inside the illuminated bakery.
London, England - 11:45 PM
Devon had prepared for this. She knew it would come eventually. The war had started and the Ministry had fallen. As she rushed upstairs to the apartment, she went over her checklist in her mind.
Step One: Make sure her family is safe.
Bursting into her fathers bedroom, she gently shook him awake and flipped on the lights.
“It’s time. Pack only what you need. I’ll help Asri. Henry is downstairs on guard. Meet us downstairs, we have to go,” she hastily signed, repeating it a second time when Charlie didn't quite catch it the first time.
Leaving the room she went down the hall and, more gently this time, woke her fourteen year old brother and helped him pack his things. Finally, she rushed to her room and grabbed her emergency bag, having it packed and ready for months. Hesitating at the doorway, she turned back around and quickly scanned her room. Her eyes fell on a miniature of the Eiffel Tower she kept on her windowsill. Scooping it up. she then dashed downstairs to her family.
Checking her watch, she set down the trinket on the bakery counter and pointed her wand at it. The tip of her wand glowed blue as she silently casted portus. In a hurry, she motioned for them to all grab on to it and, as the clock stroke midnight, their surroundings blurred past and the warm lit interior of the bakery was replaced by darkness.
Paris, France - August 2nd, 1997 - 12 am
“Cool!” Devon heard her brother echo in her mind and she suppressed a smile.
“Devon, I know this place. This is our old bakery in Paris! Why the hell are we here?” Her father’s voice came a second later.
“I bought it. Last year with my own money. Henry helped too. I’m going to sell the one in London. It’s not safe there anymore. Set up shop here and live normally. Henry and I are going to return to London tomorrow.”
“-But you said it’s not safe! Stay here with us honey. They will be targeting you as a muggleborn.”
“If I can help in any way to save people like me then I have to try, Dad. I’ll try to be safe, I promise. This portkey can take me back here every day at midnight so I’ll visit as often as I can. Look after each other. I love you both.” She replied in sign and then hugged them tightly, kissing each of them on the head.
With a final wave goodbye, she grabbed the Eiffel Tower and then took Henry’s hand as they disapparated into the night air.
London, England - 12:05 AM
Back in the bakery, Devon shut off the lights and lowered the blinds, placing a "For Sale" sign she retrieved from her bag in the window. A pang in her chest hit her as she gazed around at what was her home for 14 years. Tears welled up in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. She can’t hesitate now.
I prepared for this. I’m ready. I know what to do, she reminded herself.
Then why are you shaking? She countered back.
Henry took her hand in his and they shared a quiet moment together, fear on both of their faces.
Courage isn’t the absence of fear.
Squeezing Henry’s hand and taking a deep breath, they walked out of the shop for the last time and into the cold dark night.
Step Two: Disappear
I have no idea if I’ll even finish this but I’m finally writing Devon’s story! It’s a huge mess and I’m sure I fucked things up but I’m not a writer I’m just trying to put things in my head down on paper. Featuring MCs from: thatravenpuffwitch cursebreakerfarrier brothergrimm71 lgvalenzuela slytherindisaster I hope you enjoy it 🥺 (not tagging a second time cuz of reposting)
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