#alastor is a demon with doubtful morals? absolutely
australet789 · 8 months
"When will we, as a fandom, understand that Alastor does not infact want the best for Charlie, nor does he want to be her dad"
What about you shut up and let people have some fun and enjoy the found family that's clearly shown in every episode
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champagnefountains · 7 months
So...Alastor went missing for a while after the extermination right? Would you be open to a story where the reader is taking care of Al after he gets back? Maybe still a little mad at him for vanishing, more worried about him being hurt...just the fall out that comes from not knowing if he was alive or not? Your first Lucifer story was wonderful!! You really have a solid foundation for this and I'm excited to see more from you!!
Aw, thank you so much! I'm really, really glad you enjoyed the Lucifer story! And omg, I love this idea...I live for angst so here's some more~!
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A/N: They probably were able to rebuild the entire hotel in less than a day, but just to make it more dramatic, I made Alastor's disappearance two days long. Also, I'm not exactly too happy with the pacing here...so I apologise in advance ;-;
Word count: 2.8k+ words (I need to control myself...also unedited, sorta). Genre/other tags: Angst with good ending. OOC Alastor (I think?...sorry...). Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of blood. Talk about loss/death.
After the cancellation of this year’s extermination and Hell's victory against Heaven’s forces, Charlie and the team had spent the next couple of days repairing the damages caused. The team’s morale was as high as ever as they busied themselves reconstructing and making significant renovations to the hotel, their spirits brightening at the prospect of the potential influx of evil-doers to their establishment. There was no doubt that the hotel’s popularity had boomed, as there wasn’t a single soul in Hell that didn’t know about their contribution towards the annual culling. 
However, there was one thing that had been plaguing your mind since the end of the bloodshed: Alastor's whereabouts. Everyone, including yourself, knew that the Radio-Demon was more than capable of looking after himself, considering his high-regarded reputation in all the Nine Circles. However, it’s been two days since the battle and there wasn’t a single trace of him anywhere. And as his significant other, it bothered you to no end. And it wasn’t like you could call him either – Alastor strictly refused to use a mobile phone or any electronic device, no matter how much you pried. He didn’t even make any attempts to reach out to you, whether it be from your own portable radio that he gifted you, or even a small note or letter. Absolutely nothing.
Currently, the hotel has just completed its final transformation with big thanks to Lucifer and Charlie's magical powers and sorcery. With your distress multiplying with every passing second, you couldn't bring yourself to be as excited as the others. You silently excused yourself from the group by the main entrance, wandering off to the furthest side of the building and turning the corner. With a trembling sigh, you leaned against the wall, covering your mouth with your hands as a sob wracks through your body.
You hadn't felt as anxious as you were, in so, so long. It must've been the build up from the months-long preparations made to fend off Heaven to now, that had you overwhelmed. Yes, there was no doubt that Alastor was powerful, but he fought Adam head on – the very first man – which you were able to only catch minor glimpses of in the midst of battle. And that was probably the last time you saw him.
You didn't want to think about the possibility of loss. Because there's no way, right? ...Right? The others were also quick to reassure you plenty of times, sensing your growing unease with each passing day. But it did little to nothing to help ease your nerves. Preoccupied in your own despair, you failed to sense an approaching figure among the shadows.
"'Cher? What are you doing, hiding all the way down here?" A static-like voice called out, causing you to stiffen, "you should be celebrating with the others! You wouldn't want to miss out on such an exciting time!" Eyes widening, you swiftly pivoted yourself to face them. Low and behold, the source of your worries stood before you, all in one piece, smiling down at you with his usual Cheshire-like grin.
"...Alastor?" You weakly called out. Your wavering tone caused the Overlord to raise a brow, mild confusion taking over him. "Yes, my dear?" He asks with a tilt of his head. But it wasn't until he took a closer look at your distressed features that his expression softened a faction. "Darling, you're upset...why are you crying?"
Despite your immense relief, you couldn't help but send him a baffled look. "Wha-Why am I crying? Are you serious, Al?" You spat back incredulously. "You've been gone for two days! Two days! And I didn't know where or-or how you were! Can’t you even imagine how I must've felt when I couldn't find you after the fight?” Alastor only blinked at your sudden outburst. “And you don't even think to tell any of us where you've gone off to! I thought...I-I thought..." Your voice died down as a sob threatened to leave your throat. "I-I thought you were gone."
"Oh, dear, don't be silly," Alastor softly chuckles, fixing his monocle, "it'll take more than those pesky, little angels to get rid of me!" His lanky legs strided towards you, his head shaking in mild amusement. He stops just before you, leaning forward to pat your head reassuringly. Sniffling, you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around his waist, burying your head into his chest. It gave you the reassurance you wanted and needed – it was proof that he was here with you, physically. However, the action unexpectedly causes Alastor to stiffen. You furrow your brows, lifting your head to send him a questioning look.
"...Al? Are you okay?" You worriedly ask, slowly unwrapping yourself to inspect him. Usually, Alastor didn't mind whether you initiated physical contact and vice versa, especially considering that you had been together for a while now. You then glanced behind him and your surroundings in caution – there didn't seem to be anyone watching either, knowing that he wasn't as fond of PDA. 
As you pan your eyes towards his face, you were surprised to see a tensed expression. "N-Nothing to worry about, darling," he says through a forced smile, waving his hand dismissively before sharply pivoting himself the other direction. "Now, shall we go join the others now? They're probably wondering where we've both gone!" Nonchalant, he begins walking off with his hands crossed behind his back. That was...strange. Something was clearly wrong, you think to yourself.
"Al, wait!" You jog towards him, passing and stopping him in his tracks. "Is...is there something wrong?" You worriedly ask. "I just...I feel like you're not telling me something. I-If I made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–"
You felt your words die in your throat as a noticeably large, wet patch began to form against his dress shirt. You let out a startled gasp. "Wha–you're‐you're bleeding!" You cry in panic, hands raising and twitching in front of you with uncertainty. His expression darkening, Alastor stubbornly shook his head, gently pushing you aside by the shoulder, "Like I said, it's nothing to worry about. It's not but a small scratch! I'll be fine, dear–"
"No, you're not fine!" You interjected, eyes blurring in tears and wavering. Your hands shook as you gawked at the growing stain on his shirt. At that, you didn't miss the way Alastor's lips twitched in presumed pain, as small beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. Gritting your teeth, you reach out to grab his wrist, preparing to pull him towards the hotel's entrance. "Come on, Al. W-We need to get you cleaned up–" A firm squeeze in your hand stopped you in your tracks as you turned back to face him, distressed.
"[Name]. I said I'll be fine," he sternly says, his voice contorting in static. Despite the sinister grin he displayed, it left you unfazed. You pinched your brows and balled your fists in frustration, staring at him in disbelief. "...What the hell is wrong with you?" You hiss at the deer-demon, "You're clearly not fine–you wouldn't be fucking bleeding right now if you were fine!"
Alastor clicked his tongue, "Darling, you're exaggerating too much, don’t you think? You don't need to fret—"
"Shut up! I-I don't give a damn who you think you are! Strong Overlord or not, I'm worried, okay?! I-I'll always be worried about you!" Angry tears began pouring from your eyes. "I was scared for my life when I didn't hear from you the past few days! I didn't know what happened to you–if you were okay or even alive! I-I couldn't even get a single blink of sleep last night, so don't fucking tell me to not worry!" Alastor's egotistical and prideful personality was not news to you and everyone else – you knew how stubborn he could be, and now was no exception. It was absolutely infuriating.
Alastor's grim expression eased at your growing distress, his stomach twisting uncomfortably as he watched you messily wipe your face. You took a brief moment to compose yourself, your breaths shaky and uneven. "Look, just–I don't want to argue right now, okay?" You hiccup, "i-if you don't want the other's seeing you like this, just...I-I don't know, teleport us inside the hotel somewhere. Just anything, so I can stitch you up properly."
Begrudgingly, Alastor manifested his microphone from thin air. He didn't have any room to argue with you here. He then softly taps the ground with the bottom of the stand twice, casting a group of black shadows from the ground. They surrounded you both in a circular-like motion, completely filling your sights with a black void. There was a brief gust of wind and it didn't take long until they dissipated, the both of you now standing in what was assumed to be your new shared room in the hotel – it was nearly identical to your previous one before the reconstruction, save for the new wallpaper.  
"Remove your shirt. I'll get the kit," you immediately order as you point at the bed, gesturing for him to sit. You then disappear into the bathroom for a brief moment, grabbing the small first-aid kit under the sink before returning to the bedroom. Alastor had already sat himself down the edge of the bed, his dirty button-up and coat neatly folded on the floor, and his chest bare. You grimaced as you eyed the massive, fresh gash across his scarred chest, that was somewhat tended to with poor stitching.
You let out a disapproving sigh. "I expected your patching to be a little better than this,” you comment as you set the kit beside him, taking out some gauze and alcohol. Alastor rolls his eyes. "It's not everyday you get struck by an angelic weapon, dear," he shoots back sarcastically. There was a small stagger in your movement, your jaw clenching as a deep frown settled on your lips. So it was because of Adam that he's in this state, you sourly think. You try to not let the thought affect you too much as you begin disinfecting his wound.
While you were fixing him up, the both of you remained in complete silence. You actively chose to ignore his piercing gaze in the meantime, which practically burned through your skull as you maintained your focus solely on his wound. Your earlier frustrations didn't seem to simmer down either, deciding to keep quiet to prevent another one-sided shouting battle. As much as you loved Alastor, his lack of understanding towards your concerns vexed you to no end. Because, hypothetically speaking, what if he had actually died during his fight against Adam? If his body went missing, you were never going to find the closure you needed and were probably gonna go on with your life not knowing of his whereabouts. Your life would've been completely miserable with the constant grieving. And like Alastor smartly said, it wasn’t everyday that he’d be fighting a divine opponent, so definitive defeat wouldn’t be completely off of the table despite being quite powerful himself. 
The mere thought brought fresh tears to your eyes, which you were quick to blink away. ‘No…there’s no point dwelling in the past and what-if’s,’ you reprimand yourself. Alastor’s here, after all. That's the only thing that matters right now. But regardless, you still remained upset.
After a while and now satisfied with your craft, you neatly applied a bandage around his chest and waist. "...Don't put too much pressure on it for a while," you quietly advised as you began packing the equipment away. You continued to ignore his gaze, knowing that you'd lose your composure if you were to look at him. Without sparing him a glance, you lazily chucked the kit by the bedside table and made your way towards the door. Shortly after, you left the room without another word.
You found yourself aimlessly walking on the balcony facing the bar, near the main entrance. There, you saw Charlie walking up the stairs adjacent from you, who was quick to catch your approaching form. "[Name], there you are! I was just looking for you!" She cheerily says, skipping towards you with excited steps. "Everything looks so, so amazing, can you believe it?! Oh, oh! We all saw Alastor, by the way! I told you he was going to be fine–erm, [Name]?" The Princess forced her banter to a halt upon spotting your swollen, red eyes.
"Hey, hey, what happened?" She softly asks, coming forth to rub your back. You open your mouth to speak but consciously stop to think your answer through. You knew not to speak a word of Alastor’s state at the moment, knowing it would desecrate his persona. So you decide to keep it short and vague. 
"Alastor and I...we, uhm…had a small fight," you briefly explain with a tight-lipped smile. Charlie’s eyes softened in understanding. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did...do you wanna talk about it?” She kindly offers, holding your hand. You shake your head, “It’s alright, Princess. I’ll be okay in due time.” You didn’t want to dampen the overall mood and atmosphere, after all the hard work and sweat shed for this very moment. “Well, I mean, if you’re sure…” she hesitantly replies, giving you another quick look-over. “Say, how about we get you cleaned up a little and we head down and join the others? It’ll help clear your mind a little bit, yeah?”  
Bless her heart, you think with a small smile. With a nod, Charlie dragged you to the nearby restroom, where you splashed your face with water and did minor touch-ups to look somewhat decent. Shortly after, you joined the others by the main lounge, who all cheered and welcomed you with open arms. All the while, your mind automatically wandered to Alastor, who you knew was dwelling somewhere within the hotel. 
After a couple hours of celebration, you all decided to retire for the night, exhausted from the day's work. Charlie had sent you off with a small hug, wishing you luck as you slowly made your way back to your room. You felt your heart thump loudly against your ears as you spotted your room number in the distance, which only intensified as you reached for the knob and opened the door.
With a deep breath, you entered the room and to your surprise, you found Alastor where you had left him. However this time, he was already in his night-wear and was comfortably sitting upright and against the bed frame, legs under the covers and reading some book. He made no effort to acknowledge your presence as he hummed a random, sweet tune, licking a finger to flick a page of the novel he was supposedly engrossed in. You didn't know what would've irked you more – the fact that he wasn't addressing you right now or alternatively, if he were to go on about his day in his usual chirpy-self, and not bring up what had happened. Reciprocating his behaviour, you wordlessly went to the bathroom to do your usual night routine and changed into a comfortable set of pyjamas. When you were done, you beelined towards your side of the bed, stiffly slipping under the covers with your back facing him and pulling the covers close to your face. 
The tension was dripping as the room filled with an uncomfortable silence. You unconsciously found yourself pacing your own breaths, as if you were worried that you were breathing a sound wave too loud. You also didn't move a single inch from your spot, remaining stagnant like a statue. It remained that way for a short while, unable to find a single blink of sleep or tiredness, just as you did the past couple days.
“Darling, I know you’re awake…” Alastor says, finally breaking the silence as he shuts his book with a soft thud, placing it by the bedside table. There was a brief pause, as if he was waiting for you to say something, but you didn’t. You listen intently in silent anticipation as you dug yourself further into your pillow.
“I…I wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier. It wasn’t in my intentions to upset you,” he continues, “I didn’t mean to carelessly dismiss your concerns the way I did. I understand that you’re merely worried for me. After all, if had it been you in my place instead, I would’ve acted the same way, if not more. And I’m sorry for troubling you these past few days. It was due to my carelessness that made you disregard your own health and caused you so much distress. With that, I want to express my utmost gratitude to you for looking after me despite it all. I…I hope you can forgive me, darling.” 
It was simple and straight to the point. And yet, his words struck a chord with you, causing a new onset of tears to flow and dampen the bed sheets. Alastor wasn’t one to easily admit his faults and apologise the way he did, so his words had so much of an impact on you. Though you had your own few questions to ask him, you suppose that this was enough for the time being as you didn’t want another day to go by, remaining in conflict with each other. You turn yourself to face him, sitting up and tearfully looking up at him. Silent, Alastor looked back down at you in a hopeful manner, his usual grin on his face. “O-Of course, I forgive you,” you quietly replied as you carefully hugged his side, “I-I just…I want you to look after yourself better. I-I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself if I had lost you then.” 
Huffing in relief, he softly snickers into your hair, running one of his claws through its strands. “Like I said, you won’t lose me, my dear. I’ll even wreak havoc across all of Hell to get back to you,” he cheesily coos as he nuzzles his nose into your neck. You wetly chuckle at his remark, leaning into him closer. “That’s quite a huge commitment to make, Al. You promise you gonna keep your word for it?” you jokingly reply, playfully poking at his chest. Grin widening, Alastor boops your nose with a single digit, “that’s a guarantee, darling.” 
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firstwcman · 3 months
What are your personal thoughts on the theory that Lilith owns Alastor's soul?
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I think it could be possible! Not for certain, but definitely a possibility (or a really big red herring). I've been here since the Pilot's trailer came out and I ate every detail I could for years, and that Pilot, unlike Helluva, is still considered to be canon. I look at all the little details. Skip to the bottom for the bare bones opinion lol, I'll TLDR it for you.
Alastor showed up right after Charlie's brokenhearted phone call to Lilith where she began to express doubt in her dreams. He immediately vouched to help, that was his goal for arrival. Yeah, that could just be him chasing his own interests to solve his chronic case of ✨ SHEER ABSOLUTE BOREDOM ! ✨ But then there's a scene where he's looking at the Magne / Morningstar family portrait in the lobby and he focuses particularly on Lilith.
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Gets the brain tickling. Showed up right after Charlie's phone call to Lilith and now he's eyeballing a portrait of her? Hm. Okay.
2. It gets a little funnier. During Alastor's reprise of "Inside of every demon is a rainbow", you get this: Two apples and then boom, a human deer skull. While the apple is part of the Morningstar family insignia, it's also a really big symbol for Lucifer in the Hellaverse in general.
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Interrupting something there, Al? Seems to be a repeating ordeal.
I tie this scene with Episode 5 and suddenly, oh - is that connected? Because weirdly enough, Alastor, who has never met Lucifer before, immediately locked in on that man with animosity. It was on sight the second he stepped through the door, the SECOND. His eye is twitching. Lucifer is the reason he drops his first canonical F-bomb. Why? They have never met before this moment.
Going into some headcanon territory mixed with canon information.
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What's canon is that Alastor is a mama's boy, and we know that Lucifer was a bit of an absent father throughout Charlie's life. Depression eats away at you like that, you shelf yourself off into self-isolation even when you have loved ones. Charlie was the one to seek him out and even mentioned:
"When I was young, I didn't really know you at all. I always felt so small."
and then earlier in Episode 5, she says:
"We just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls sometimes, but only if he's bored or like, needs me to do something."
Entertain the idea of Alastor being in a contract with Lilith. We don't know what his father was like, but we know he favored his mother. Imagine this mother who has split from her husband shares the fact that her daughter's father is distant and Charlie feels that distance, and it's effected her negatively ( "daddy issues" ).
Alastor is someone who seems choosey about the company he keeps, the only genuine relationships that we know he has is with Mimzy and Rosie. He seemingly considers the Hotel to be a form of entertainment and nothing more, he has no emotional attachment to anyone inside. That said, he's a man with morals. He's a southern man who doesn't stand for the mistreatment of women and will resolve such issues through very violent means.
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I think the idea of an absent father puts a bad taste in his mouth. You put that father in his close proximity, and that father just so happens to be an enormous power figure who could end up being a crucial part to this Hotel, and you could wind up with one very irritated deer who wants to take that man down a peg or ten. Viv said he has a weird sense of morality when it came to his serial killings, he was similar to a serial killer character named "Dexter" who killed other criminals. That paired with the comic gets my brain percolating with this headcanon / theory.
A man with a soft spot for his mother being in a contract with a mother who loves her child very much and potentially vents about the absence of the girl's father.. He might not care for Charlie, but he has his twisted moral compass. Lucifer's presence rubs him the wrong way, so he deals with it in his sassy way and tries to keep favor with Charlie. He's being petty without being violent (one he can't handle the devil, two that would mess things up with the Hotel to get into fisticuffs with his business partner's father who is there to help).
I do think Lilith sent him to watch over Charlie. I really do. She's not there, but someone who is contracted to her is, and he has the means and ability to help support her dream. He has his own plans toiling in mind, but he follows her command.
That is all headcanon mixed with the tidbits of info that we have about him, mind. Theory within this theory, lol. Grain of salt.
3. Of course, the seven year absence. Lilith's been gone for seven years, Alastor was gone for seven years. Big sign for a red herring, but also fits into this theory like a glove.
tl;dr: My thoughts are that it's possible and I see the path laid out for it. I also understand that it can be a massive red herring. Lilith and Alastor could still have some sort of connection outside of the contract, because I think regardless of what it is, those two do know each other in some way or form.
Personally, I like the idea of Alastor being contracted to Lilith and softly involve it with my Lily. But, I've been flimsy about it and considering dropping it. It's a very loose detail, I just really like the idea of him being her personal two-way walkie talkie while she's in Heaven. Her cellphone doesn't work, but her spiritual connection to Alastor does.
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anxietyscribbles · 1 year
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★ Alastor X Listener - Comfort Audio Dialogue ★ You: The Reader I: Alastor
♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ ♫♪ “Hello my dear I was wondering if you could hel-” Cuts off mid-sentence “What is the matter? Why the tears?” Sits next to you on the couch puts a hand on your back in a comforting manner “A lowlife demon didn’t do this to you did they? If so I’ll see to them personal-” Cuts off mid-sentence “No? Then whatever is the matter dearest?” Pause for a few seconds “Well whoever has done this doesn’t matter right now, Time and wraith will catch up to them but for now YOU take priority my dear.” “How so? Well I enjoy your company most of all out of everyone in this hotel.” “You have... Slight pause for thinking a certain quality about you that I can’t quite explain. It’s very complicated and as you already know I don’t understand feelings of the heart all that much.” “Even though our age difference is quite large in the greater scale of things YOU take the time out of your day to understand where I come from.” “Even going so far as to say that if we just sat around in silence and listened to the records spin I would be perfectly content.” “Yes you do matter? Why do you believe you don’t?” “Honestly sweetheart, you need to start trusting yourself more. You are no bother to me. Every moment I spend with you is never a waste of my precious time.” “Where is all this self doubt coming from?” “Are you positively sure no demon talked to you in such a vulgar manner?” Pause for a few seconds
“Good ahem is there anything I can do to ease your sorrow?” “You know sighs slightly I don’t like seeing anyone without a smile plastered around ones face.” “I absolutely hate it.” Opens mouth slightly and sighs quietly “Especially when it’s you.” “Why? Because darling with you it feels morally wrong.” “Don’t get the wrong idea I love the idea of seeing these pathetic creatures lose themselves and fall to the point of no return.” “Although If that happened to you I don’t think I would feel any sense of joy.” “Which sickens me to my very core. If ANY vile, sick, perverted, pompous piece of shi-” Clears throat ”Excuse my explicit language but I would make sure they suffer an eternal fate far WORSE than death.” Grabs your shoulders for you to face them “Why because I lov-” Supposed to say “I love you” “No I car-” Supposed to say “I care about you” Turns slightly away from you with shocked eyes ”When exactly did I fall for you? Such a fragile little thing aren’t you?” Chuckles happily while brushing his ruffled hair back Turn back to face you “Well that certainly got you to stop crying didn’t it? Look at your face right now it’s priceless haha” “Yes I just realized that I have taken quite a liking to you.” “I don’t think I quite remember when exactly these feelings of mine took root.” “So furthermore I can’t put a time-frame on when this all came about.” Looks up at the ceiling than back at you Stares at you for a few moments Puts a hand on your head and plays with your hair slightly “Don’t worry too much about it right now. My dear look around! We have an eternity to figure this out.”  “Besides I like how things are right now. So why change what’s already working! Come now darling don’t talk so poorly about yourself.“ Gets up and reaches a hand towards you “Besides we have a lot to talk about over dinner.“ Helps you get back up on your feet and starts to walk off towards his office “Hmm? Yes dinner I will knock at your door around 7:00PM.” Stops dead in his tracks and turns his head slightly to look at you “Is this a date? Hmm. Maybe.” Radio static increases loudly as he disappears for the rest of the afternoon  
The End
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inu-jiru · 2 years
Damn Jazz Back At It Again With The Helluva Boss Rambles
Back on my bullshit again with another post now that I’ve mellowed out from the shock of how shit that episode was lol
I wish mobile made it easier to add the “Keep Reading” tab but it’s fine 
I’ve seen so many people go around being like “o it’s ok if Stella’s generic and not given more personality like everyone else because women can be bad didn’t you know that something something Amber Herd” and apparently anyone who thinks otherwise is just a Vivziepop hater who thinks she’s a misogynist (love the strawman shit mmm so juicy). And while evil for evil’s sake can be fun and cool in something like Sleeping Beauty (aka an adaptation of a fairy tale that’s already a story of “good vs evil”), why would you expect me to be chill with that in a show where the demons are, for the most part, more than just evil demons? If Stella was some minor, one-off character like that asshole imp guy at Loo Loo Land, that’d be one thing, but she’s not. She’s one of the main antagonists. This isn’t a “good vs. evil” story where you don’t need to worry about that kind of thing, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are supposed to be more than that. I’d be just as confused if Valentino or Vox, for every second of screentime they had, were doing nothing but going “haha rape haha prostitution haha tv is so cool” for 25 minutes and that’s it. But I digress.
I’m writing this because I was suddenly reminded of a character that’s basically what Stella could’ve been: Flowey. Flowey is just as volatile and agressive as Stella is, attacking you, killing you, and possibly having done countless genocide runs in the past with his own ability to RESET. Then, we get his backstory and find out who he used to be and why he’s the way he is. He’s an unfeeling sociopathic child. He was created with absolutely no way of feeling empathy because he has no SOUL. The child that he used to be is angry, longing for his past and his old friend, and was put into this situation for reasons that weren’t even his fault. Flowey is also a victim, but that doesn’t mean he can’t also be evil or do hurtful things. Whether or not you choose to show him pity or mercy is up to the player, but the fact that he’s that complex enough to warrant that choice is just part of Undertale’s writing. Hell, even Toriel is a better Stella than what Stella is in “canon”. I personally don’t like Toriel, but she does have depth to her (until the end where she just waltzes in and takes over the situation and no one does a thing to stop her because it’s Toriel and I guess everyone’s just chill with the traitorous queen coming in and acting like she’s in charge). Toriel comes in acting all sweet and nice, but is very clingy and definitely has issues with guilt and a black-and-white morality to justify her own actions. She’s not simply “ah, my child have some pie and we’ll be a family my child” 24/7. She’s a spiteful bitch, a hypocrite, and runs away from her problems. Again, this is because Undertale’s writing is (for the most part) consistent with giving it’s characters more depth underneath the memes and quotable dialogue.
Now, why am I writing all this about Undertale? Because it and HB/HH are on similar levels of writing. They both try to show more than just what’s at face value. Charlie is nice and sweet but will throw hands and has self-doubts, Alastor is everyone’s nightmare, but according to the comics, he does crave genuine interaction and is much nicer towards women (aside from Vaggie but my theory is that it’s because she’s not as feminine as Charlie or the Sheep Woman and far less easy to charm). So if Alastor, a mass murderer and cannibal who is more than likely going to do everything he can to mess with the Hotel’s success for his own entertainment, can have elements of good in him, then why the fuck can’t Stella? Oh, I know why, because Alastor isn’t interfering with the “romance”. I already didn’t like Stolitz before but Season 2 has nuked any chance of making me change my mind. This whole “romance” is being pushed so hard that it’s tainting the writing with retcons and things that just make no sense. Why would Octavia say “you ruined it” to Stolas in episode 2 if Stella was apparently just mean and nasty the whole time and Stolas was just soooo innocent? Why does the Ozzie’s song frame it like Stella and Octavia are victims of Stolas fucking up if Stella was always secretly the evil one and not Stolas? Why is Stolas ashamed if he was so proudly yelling about his divorce in front of her friends? Why is Goetia divorce a thing if the Goetia family looks down on it and sets up arranged marriages? Why the fuck is Stella just around and eating at the dinner table like they’re married if she can’t stand Stolas? Why is she ranting about Stolas being a cheater on the phone, if they’re separated and if she just doesn’t care about anything but money? And why the dickshit would Stella, someone who everyone is so fucking sure is only in it for her image, just blabbing about how shit her marriage is if that would just make her look like a loser who’s settling for trash? It makes no fucking sense unless it’s all just some poorly done retcon of earlier events. Hell, the pilot is supposedly non-canon, and yet a scene of it pops up in the new episode, so I can’t even be sure what’s true or not.
Sigh, but I guess at the end of the day, I saw this coming. They’re trying so hard to push Stolitz that the writing has to suffer for it. I’m not even sure I want to continue the series, if it’s just gonna become some genetic telenovela where everyone is so evil unless they wanna help Stolas in some way because he’s “such a victim”. I never wanted to have to write something like this and I sure as shit never foresaw myself reblogging critical content, but it is the way it is, I guess. But, that’s what rewrites and AUs are for, and I’ll be working on mine.
Anyway, that’s it for now unless I find something else to ramble about. Later.
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emilyrox · 2 years
If you could make an evil/villain design for any character ever, who would you do it for?
I've never actually thought about this much before 🤣
But I do have a few ideas. I will be interpreting this as characters that are not already villains.
1. Sierra from Total Drama
I don't know if her design would change that much tbh. I think it would be mostly the same, except for one or two minor changes? I've heard people discuss a Villain!Sierra AU, and also Total Drama Swap AUs, where Sierra is often swapped with Alejandro. So that's why she popped in my head.
2. The Captain from In Space With Markiplier
The Captain can be literally anyone, and therefore can be interpreted however anyone wants. So there's no doubt that some people would have Cap be a villain. The Cap is the protagonist, and I personally view them as the hero, but that doesn't mean they have to be.
So a Villain!Cap design would be cool af, especially since their design can also be literally anything. I may have to think about this one more, but I would want it to be the dopest villain outfit ever.
3. Charlie from Hazbin Hotel
So once again I don't have much of a design idea, but I have actually considered a potential idea where Charlie becomes a villain. Not incredibly detailed, but I do have thoughts.
So people have discussed the possibility of Alastor influencing Charlie enough to the point where she does become evil, malicious, against redemption, etc. And I had the thought "what if the inverse happened as well?" Where they both end up influencing each other. A slow process, but you can tell that their mannerisms, actions, morals, etc., slowly start becoming like each others. To a point where they end up having the exact opposite stances on redemption than they had in the pilot.
Villain!Charlie's design would be horrifying, definetely. Princess of Hell. We expect no less. We've seen her show glimpses of her demon form before, but never in its full state. That'd be absolutely terrifying if it ever was shown in its fullest form.
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