#alastor's mother is a line even vox knows well enough not to cross
alice-after-dark · 5 months
Silly Little Idea
Ever since hearing about how Alastor is apparently a momma's boy, I just keep having this silly idea playing in my head of Charlie and Alastor randomly running into Vox and Valentino. Naturally the barbs and jabs start flying (with poor awkward Charlie trying to keep the peace) and then Valentino opens his big mouth and makes some unsavory comment about Alastor's mother and very suddenly Charlie finds herself zapped onto a nearby rooftop with Vox.
"Uh...what are we doing up here?"
"Getting out of the blast zone."
"What do you me-"
*Cue Alastor demonic transformation and Valentino shrieking below them*
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remember-the-fanfics · 8 months
I loved your gen-z!overlord! headcannon! What about the same character X Alastor or X the Vees! I liked how you wrote a bit about the character with Rosie!
Added Carmilla for funies
• You constantly make fun of his oldness when he moved to the hotel
• He finds you entertaining and annoying, would've killed you in the beginning if Rosie wasn't already found of you.
• Thought you had the same idea with the hotel.
• Figured out quickly when he brought it up and you got pissed at him.
• Bounds over his interests of the chaos you make.
• Found out his disinterest with relationships and more physical stuff quickly
"Oh so you're AroAce? Cool."
"What are the words you just say?"
• Trying to get him to know what certain slag is from your time, nows use it incorrectly to fuck with you.
• Minus after his tussle with Pentious.
"I yeeted him, correct?"
"Ahhh! Yes! Ahaha!"
• Shown you some Overlord powers that you had no idea that you had.
• Accidentally blow up the wall a few times.
• Calls you dear child or little annoying one. Depends on his mood.
• Calls him old man to annoy him or weird ass deer man when he pissed you off.
• Decided you're a good allie after finding you laughing at what he did with Vox.
"The TV was buffering, that was really funny and good."
"Thanks for the compliments, my dear.
• Didn't change the fact when you were ready to kill him for making a deal with Charlie.
The Vees-
• The only one you on the good side is Velvette
• Vox and Valentino just keeps nice with you not to get Velvette pissed at them.
• You've tried to change the channel on Vox's face once. You're not allowed to hold any remote when visiting anymore.
• You made fun of Vox after his fight with Alastor.
"You were buffering! Guess you overheated?"
"Oh fuck off."
• Have a business deal for your territory to get Vox's stuff for cheap.
• Told him about the advancement that happening before you died.
• And had to endures something for him after Velvette dressed you up.
"Hating everything right now."
• But he is the only one that makes TV or well anything with Technology
• Everyone keeps you away from Valentino after you heard how he treats Angel Dust.
"I just want to talk with him, I just want to kill him."
• You had already didn't like him anyway.
• Creepy ass Moth motherfucker is the only 'nickname' you call him
• Valentino enjoys making you uncomfortable
• If he cross a line, you are killing him
• But then he holds Angel Dust soul above you so you don't actually kill him.
• Doesn't mean you wouldn't hurt him
• He eventually tries not to cross the line, tried of getting beaten by a child according to him.
• Velvette is the only reason you vist, mostly to her studio.
• Being a backup model when she wants you too, only in private.
• Refusing to actually model infront of people.
"I would die... again."
"Don't be dramatic about it."
• Gives you clothes that are in at the moment if you hang out in public
• Understand most of your references
• Willing to fuck someone up if they give you a weird look when she's with you.
• They all hates that you go to the Overlord meeting
• Does enjoy when you spill some tea about what happens
• You're cool enough to associate with the Vees but not enough to be one, not that you would join when you only get along with one and half of them.
Carmilla Carmine-
• Has a motherly instinct with you even though you're powerful enough to be an Overlord.
• You mostly come over to hang out with her daughters, whose usually busy working so you end up helping them.
• Ends with her mothering you when she mothers her daughters.
• Teaches you how to fight after seeing fighting so recklessly.
• Only because someone tried to fight you when her and her daughters were around.
• One of the Overlords that has been in your territory, enjoys how you keep it orderly.
• Surprised with how you run your deals and with how many Sinners come to you for help.
"Oh that was less than normal, you probably scared a few of them away."
• Makes sure your kindness isn't viewed as weakness to anyone.
• Doesn't let you cause any chaos in her presence.
• She gives you a stare that reminds you of your own mother/guardian.
• Causing you to stop before you even start.
• Odette and Clara enjoy your company, reminds them of a less annoying sibling.
• Checks up on you after exterminations, will invite you to wherever they hide but you don't usually don't leave your territory during
• Doesn't like that you get along with Velvette or any of the Vees.
• You were there when the exterminators showed up, ready to go all demon on them to buy time before Camilla showed up, Clara and Odette had to make sure you didn't still tried to fight by pulling you away with them.
• Sheltering them in your own hiding place for the rest of the time.
• Sworn to secrecy, by a pinkie promise.
"Thank you for being ready to defend my daughters at any cost."
"It was no big deal, you showed up before anything actually happened."
• You only showed up because you knew where they were hiding and saw how it quickly went to shit.
• She tried to get you to promise not to do that again, you denied it.
"If that ever happens again, I'll do it in a heart beat. So I can't."
• Realizes quickly you wouldn't let anyone mess with people you call your friends
• Even if meant facing certain death by angels.
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Hazbin Hotel AU idea - Sister Act with nun Alastor
Just recently I found that old gem with Whoopi Goldberg & it finally clicked!
Good music? Check. Nun costumes? Check. Someone needing a place to hide to disappear for a while? Check.
This practically writes itself:
Alastor, popular singer, maybe still a (well known) radio host & partner of Vox, who wants to push him into romantic relationship. Alastor finally has enough after another (tasteless) gift he never wanted or after Vox crossed a line again, and gets into a physical fight with him, almost gets killed and flees. He needs to go into hiding until he´s feeling better, but knows Vox wants him either back or dead, because Al knows too much about his illegal business(es with Val & Velvette)
Maybe he gets the (crazy) idea that Vox would never think he would go to the police for protection, maybe he just gets this idea of hiding in a convent by accident. It would be funny though if he went to the police or a private investigator and there he meets Lucifer, who has the "brilliant" idea to put him into a nun costume and in a nearby convent.
Of course Alastor is not happy with this arrangement, but in the end he chooses to play along and Lucifer introduces him to Reverend Mother Sera, who wants to object, but gets convinced by Monsignor Adam to let him stay. (He thinks it´s kinda funny & he wants to see how long Al will last behind these walls without any outside entertainment. Adam isn´t around very much, because he has "important" things to deal with, namely going out and partying)
It´s not entirely decided if Al should be introduced as a woman to the convent, already donning on the nun outfit and makeup to make him look more feminine with an altered female name like Althea or something or if they know he´s a man, but allow it anyway, because he obviously isn´t interested in women anyway.
Anyway, Alastor gets introduced as Sister Mary Allen or something similar to Sister Charlotte (who of course is Lucifer´s daughter), Sister Vagatha, Sister Rosalie & Sister Emily.
Surprisingly, he gets along well with most of the girls, they kinda love him even though he likes to pose some uncomfortable question and constantly mocks their believes and such, but he finds it much easier to socialize with them. He ends up in the choir of course, and even though he really tries to not get involved in it too much, he can´t help but participate in it. (He might need a voice changer or something else to make his voice less deep or maybe he can get away with his singing voice as it is.)
He coaches their voices, he plays the piano, he introduces some new things, they have a lot of fun & it´s going really well. Occasionally they sneak out to go drinking or dancing or whatever and they might even run into Adam a few times and both sides agree to keep silent about their extracuricular activities.
In the end they get too popular, even though Lucifer tried really hard to convince Alastor to "tone it the fuck down" & Vox gets to him.
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