#alcale brainrot
shrimpfriedeggs · 9 hours
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shuuenka · 3 years
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many wild alcale doodles folder: God of Death! Cale x Sun God “Saint”! Alberu AU
Cale has been God of Death since ancient times, for the most part he left human world to its devices and let it govern itself. He preferred to either rest in his realm, or travel the world with various lesser gods he met through out his life.
Alberu has become Sun God's "Saint" actually as a tribute from Roan; after Zed stopped favouring him he allowed the vat!can to take him and make him a saint. Tasha didnt want her nephew to die, so dark elves tried their best to create an item that will hide his darkness atribute.
Therefore Alberu has travelled to Vat!can with his neckace and bracelet that was blessed by priest from GoD temple. Many years passed, and the item was blessed many times over in hiding by Tasha.
Alberu has been living in luxury in his own palace, as Vat!can wanted to keep appearances, butin fact he was basically imprisoned. He would make appearances on important dates, meet with nobles as their confidant and just be a representative.
Cale never really cared about "blessed" items, until on one of his travels, he felt its presence in ... vat!can? on territory belonging to Sun God's church. He got curious and hiding his aura and identity, he went to the mansion, where he meets Alberu.
Cale immidiately recognizes darkness attribute Alberu posseses and asks him about it. Alberu is completely thrown off, basically thinking this man is some sort of assassin. albeit well dressed.
As there were people gathering for Alberu next schedule, Cale disappears. Cale decides that bascially "whatever idk", but for some reason he actually comes back. again and again. and again. and slowly but surely learns about prince turned saint circumstances
he does wonder briefly whether or not make a visit to zed crossman, but decideds to only send some ugly nightmares. he shouldn't really meddle in human affairs and also turn sun god's eye towards him. (they're not friends at all)
Cale decideds that this all is a bullshit, and takes out Alberu out to town and other places in the world (whoop god powers!) and spends much time with him, that his godly friends are also very curious. not that he will tell them.
first time he takes out Alberu using teleporation and reveals he's actually GoD, Alberu almost has a heart attack. Because wtf... a god? and god of death no less?? (cale just blesses his bracelet with strongest, yet untracable blessing so Alberu is safe)
one day where they are walking around the town, on impromptu date, using invisibility Cale has "oh. oh shit" moment, when he realizes that he fell for this human. They were just walking around Endable, and Alberu for the first time saw dark elves walking freely among other people
Alberu sent Cale happiest and sweetesst smile; Cale was struck and just spiraling because of his realization. It took Alberu a moment to wake him up.
Alberu was always somewhat aware of his feelings, since he recognized them quickly, but how do you love a god? so he decided to igonre it all, and be happy with this breif moment, where he could see and things he never imagined.
cale's visit didn't cease, but he was noticably getting flustered and tsundere all about it. 
after witnessing a scene between pope and Alberu, where he was reminded how terrible situation Alberu was in, he decided that enough is enough. He's stealing Sun God's Saint.
He's stealing Sun God's Saint and he'll make Alberu his bride ("suck my d* sun god, how could you let things like this happen, are u dumb, i'm taking him away, watch me)
and... and so he did. He asked Alberu whether he wished to follow him to his realm, as he would make him immortal. He could be himself, no hiding identity; do whatever he wished and spend eternity with him.
Alberu of course said yes.
And next day whole Vat!can was in uproar, as their Saint was gone, and only a single note remained, that was "holy item" clearly left by God of Death. it wrote "I'm stealing your Saint and make him mine. God of Death.”
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shuuenka · 3 years
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many wild alcale doodles folder: Trapeze artist! Alberu x young noble Cale (The Greatest Showman AU)
might as well pour out all of this au brainrot. warning for incohesive ramblings. 
So actually the one who acquired circus was Choi Jung Soo while his friends Cale Henituse and Lee Soo Hyuk were away. He quickly realizes he can't deal with this alone so he goes to Cale, his best friend naturally. 
Cale is in state of shock as of "CJS r u dumb or r u dumb???", because what disasterous fanacial decision is that? Cale is young noble from Henituse family (they are rich, but not lcf canon rich). 
CJS is begging Cale to join and help as a partner. Cale is like "no.", but he at least promises to visit the circus and help out financialy if its really bad. (ngl he's tsundere he would join anyways). When visiting the circus he meets various folks, and lo and behold, stumbles into Alberu during his practice *cue slow-mo shot*
Cale has a full on crush mode, because have you seen this guy??? 
CJS is surprised as to why Cale suddenly accepts his offer as being a partner, but won't complain. 
When LHS comes back from his trip, he is terrified by his juniors business endeavor.
LHS: i would expect this from CJS, but you too Cale???? 
meanwhile Cale is busy checking out very nice muscles. 
LHS: ...i see.
Alberu is new a hire, has been there for like a week, along with his friend, magican Rosalyn, and his aunt make up artist, Tasha. 
He actually negotiated highest paygrade from CJS, thanks to his scammer smile, but this guy knows whats he's worth ok?  
Cale flipped over when he saw how much CJS promised to pay him and decided to confront this guy about it, but during their convo he quickly realizes that they both try to outscam each other, so that fails and they have a moment of ''mkay that wont work on this guy.'' 
but it's ok, after negotiations Alberu’s pay gets somewhat more reasonable but at the same time Cale has already decided to make Alver a star of the circus, so the pay will go up anyways so. win-win.
Cale absolutely hates being a showrunner, but will do that if CJS can't, he's taking care of the business and money, plus helpes out to manage the programme of performances. CJS is the showman. LSH is helping out where he can, and in the end recognizes that they actually onto something with that circus business
Cale also quickly realizes that Alberu is beauty + brains package, and if at the beginning he had a *a crush*, now he's total (not so hidden) simp mode. Also if you though only Cale is pining, you're wrong. They're both pining idiots. Everyone and thier mother can see it.
They just have good pokerfaces (or so they think...) and there's definitely a betting pool between other circus folks of "when" not if; started by Rosalyn.
(LHS seeeng them fliriting-not-flirting in main area: right in front of my paperwork???)
Cale likes to make Alberu flustered - but joke's on him, Alberu can do that too and with twice as much intensity
Alberu absolutely wears make up for performances, like golden or red eyeliners, and he makes it work!! cue some make outs before performances (make up artist tasha atp is caling cale a demon and telling him to stay away and not mess up Alberu’s make up or so help her gods)
when they get together you bet Cale would randomly walk up in the middle of Alberu practice to get some upside down aerial kisses. he also claims he doesnt want to be lifted. its a lie and Alberu capitalizes on that a lot. 
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shuuenka · 3 years
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many wild alcale doodles folder: ballet au
in which Alberu and Cale belong to the same ballet company as sololist; they hated each other now they date each other, and judge other people while stretching
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shuuenka · 3 years
LCF Brooklyn 99 AU (brainrot); 
okay so, this is something i started working on months ago, never finished it, used different artstyle. and figured might put it out anyways so. Enjoy.
(also i dont know much about police and i dont care enough to do research, so this is just for funsies after i finished watching B99)
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Cale Henituse:
+has been training with Choi Jung Soo at police academy, with Lee Soo Hyuk as their instructor. Cale is in Roan St. precinct; they still keep in touch (ha! no Soos dead in this AU!)
+Cale wants his slacker life, after serving enough time in the force
+Cale wants to serve quielty, solving easy cases; but joke's on him, he solves the worst and hardest to solve cases
+often pairs up with Choi Han or Bud, the newbies
+he often ends up in ER if they have some action going, making literally everyone worried
+he has a binder calld ''Cale's road to slacker life'', which was filled with things like med insurances etc. now its filled with children's drawings and photos
+On, Hong and Raon are orphanage kids, that after saving, started hanging out at the sation
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Alberu Crossman
+sergeant; aka Sun of Roan St. Station
+his family has long tradition of becoming comissioners and he also aims for this
+usually stays at the station, between mountains of paperwork; sometimes does some fieldwork too
+Alberu and Cale have desks right next to each other, and often drink tea side by side, while gossiping over cookies
+he is both stress baker and workholic and the worse paperwork becomes amount of cookies brought from home rise;
+great shooter, with high accuracy
+great at interviewing suspects, has 99% of confession rate; often plays bad cop-good cop with Cale, roles change and those two bastards have a lots of fun
+has his own teapot and god forbid anyone touching it
+allows kids to draw by his desk while he does paperwork
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Bud Illis
+newest to the force, detective
+in perpetual state of wtf since he transferred; because this station is wild
+he is smart but dumb, he is great at finding clues at crime scenes, but aslo looses dumb bets with Cale so
Choi Han:
+newbie detective, but was serving in the army before as sniper; so senior in age but junior in ranks
+often confused with step by step detective work, but helps by being intimidating
+saved on action by Cale, so has deep gratitude towars him
+wants to resign and retire every week, but nobody allows him
+fails at acting high and mighty, and worries about members of the station daily
+has a soft spot for the kids, and allows them to play with his gold dragon figurines
Rosalyn Breck:
+works as civillian administrator; has desk before Eruhaben's office
+also great at IT, and definitely collects dirt on everyone
+considers joining the force at some point but as IT specialist; for now helps out whre she can
Ron Molan:
+older detective, not active in field anymore; 
+acquainted with Cale's parents, so pays close attention to him; 
+servs him lemonade tea ofc
The White Star: 
+a criminal, somehow couldn't be put to jail and convicted because they always lack evidece etc.nemesis of Roan St. Station
+when he is finally caught and shoot dead, after his memorial all crew took photo by his grave and hung it on the wall
Clopeh Sekka: wants to transfer to Roan St. Station to follow legend, but somehow his application is always lost, cannot be read etc... hm. 
Mary: IT specialist from the basement
Beacrox Molan: currently in SWAT team, but hans out at the station
+all my aus are alcale aus, so they are stupid idiots in love here too <3
+roan st station has badly photoshopped poster of Alver, and has inside joke of "SWEAR ON THE SUN" while pointing at it. (inspired by Derry Girls)
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