#alchimancer phlunq
telltalecoyote · 7 months
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Rata Sum's first ever Kralkachocolate Factory event is going well. It is not a scam.
Phlunq >> @commanderhorncleaver Kudo >> @wisp-enclosure
I've never drawn an Asura before and was handed these two by my partner
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gw2 ask meme 4
3 - Gaius
10 - Phlunq
Ask Game
3. Do they have actual expertise in the other weapons their profession can wield or just the ones they currently use?
Gaius is mostly proficient with bladed weapons, and prefers knives, longswords, and on occasion, greatswords. Watching/training with Naz has actually given him some proficiency with axes as well, but for the most part he prefers short-to-mid-range weapons that are good for throwing and quick movements. He likes knives because of the different ways grips can be adjusted for a variety of attacks.
10. What is/What would be a lie about them they WISH was true?
Phlunq is mostly indifferent to others' opinions of him, but I think he does wish he could be as empty-minded and sole-focused as people think. Unfortunately, that head is not empty.
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scourgeblooms · 7 months
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march [na] vsartparty portraits!! ☘️☘️☘️
Lucretia Naissance (adore this hairstyle on femvari!) - @abyssal-oddity
Darius Sunstep (luv this fella's colors. such a good palette) - @clemmykins
Dusty Wanderhorn (such a good charr hairstyle/headgear combination) - @telltalecoyote
Alchimancer Phlunq (curly haired asura!!!!) - @commanderhorncleaver
Chreibhe Croile (captivated by this sylvari's miserable swampy vibes [affectionate]) - @twilightdomain
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ratasum · 1 year
"Excuse me, Miss Tinkerfist, what exactly is your field of study? Something to do with the pack dynamics of charr?" --Alchimancer Phlunq Blighthorn (@commanderhorncleaver)
Your OCs Ask My OCs
Qirri blinks a few times at the question, her ears perking up slightly. "Oh! Well. That was my field, initially. When I left Rata Sum to travel while on a forced, admittedly hiatus from my final year of college. I went to the Black Citadel, and met Garrus Firstblood, whom I then began traveling with. I learned a great deal about the interpersonal relations of charr with traveling companions- there was quite a learning curve, as there are considerable differences - of which I'm certain you're aware - between a fifteen year old asura and a fifteen year old charr. Just as there are considerable differences between an adult asura and an adult charr."
No comment on the fact that she was fifteen at all, really.
"Nowadays, though, my research is largely focused on medical devices and disability aids for those with various issues that require them. Partly inspired by my own situation, I admit, but also as a result of a very dear friend with mobility needs. Our world is not built with the disabled and chronically ill in mind, and I hope to someday be able to change all that for the better."
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me running back from spawn after dying, watching the killfeed say 'plunk is on a rampage' despite being dead for fifteen seconds
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This is my son plunk, he cannot swim and he has every disease
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they are both violently terminal and rampantly contagious
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I was talking with Catrat (Wisp) and Bat, more rambling than anything, but the current idea for him is that he's a Synergetics kid/graduate (I have no idea how old he is yet) whose area of focus focuses on alchemy and ways to extend one's natural life or enhance one's natural abilities. You know, elixirs and shit.
I'm thinking he winds up in Orr, either he's sent there with his krewe for study, if he's a student still, or otherwise he's with the Priory if he's a graduate.
The primary point of the matter is their group is attacked by Risen or Inquest, potentially both, but despite very much suffering a mortal injury... Phlunq doesn't die. Worse... he can begins to hear Zhaitan.
And that's not all, he gets taken by the Inquest as an experiment--if his claims to hear the voice they're identifying as the Dragon as Death is true... then maybe they can use him to control the dragon.
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🫵 what does Phlunq think about LU?
At first, it's large indifference, in the way of "I don't really interact with you, my college roommate and adoptive father do". After a certain point, though, seeing her, observing her (observing how Kudo behaves around her), observing their situation within the Eternal Alchemy.... it's all Very Interesting and he is going to interfere with whatever the hell is going on here as much as possible.
I think he likes her, though he'll very much comment on her self-sacrificing proclivities to her face like he's talking about the weather. We've seen a lot of how he interacts with Kudo, where like. He's a very malicious inconvenience, but generally isn't that bad? He's usually much easier on her, but he can't bear to not comment on someone else's bad habits.
He likes to pay attention to her tinkering, too, given the Horns are usually more interested in weapons (those of them that actually do any tinkering). Likely one of the few times you'll find him entirely pacified is when he's watching her, watching Gloryana (he's weirdly ((in his own words)) enamored with paying attention to her), or when he himself is working out something that's vexing him.
I think a common comment he'll make about her designs will be criticizing or complimenting her "tragically charr sensibilities."
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Tell me about Phulnq's interests? What sort of shenanigans does he get himself into? What hopes / dreams does he hold?
Phlunq's interests mostly pertain to experimenting and seeing what sort of mayhem he can get up to around the Synergetics group. One thing I really like about the Asura stories is that it has a vibe that really gives "someone should really be paying more attention" except they're all paying attention always and they're just all like that.
I was talking about it before, but his field and interests as a student pertain more to alchemy than anything else--he wants to improve the lives and natural abilities of those around him, and perhaps dabble in messing around with giving people the abilities of others (gene therapy type stuff, awakening the genes in a human to allow them to breathe through their skin, or whatever the fuck it is hylek do <---genuinely something on his backlog).
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Look at my gremlin, boy
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Gonna have to figure out aesthetics and such, but pcertain I wanna play him as Harbinger. Got a long way to go before that, though.
meantime, gotta get him outta these rags
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What are Phlunq's current thoughts on each of the main races of Tyria? Including his own thoughts on asura.
At the current point, circa level 30 personal story, I think his thoughts on the main races are likely fairly standard for Asura, that is to say quite elitist at best.
I'm leaning into making him a fairly younger character, bordering 20 at most, so he's very much without a lot of worldly experience. I like how charr and asura are kind of both in this boat of being generally awful and xenophobic, though in different extremes.
That aside, his view of asura is kind of like how Kodan view themselves, I think (though I don't know if he'd actually know the similarities himself) where he's less "the other races are all IMBECILES who will serve our intellectual ends blah blah whatever" and more "it's our responsibility as a more intellectually and magitechnologically advanced race to guide and aid those we live alongside."
He can certainly be crass, but he's like that with everyone, at least up till he gets shanked or whatever. And even then, it'll likely be a tendency for a while longer, too!
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[kicks door in] I'd like Phlunq's thoughts on Qirri! @ratasum
Phlunq thinks Qirri's rad as hell. He greatly respects her and Taimi and well, anyone who's achieved things in the face of adversity. He likes her attitude, and he thinks Garrus is hot, at least from an objective standpoint, so that's a definitely compliment on "you definitely do a good job choosing cats" (he's entirely aware it's not romantic, but is referring to it in the same way he views his own partnership with Gaius, whom he adopted).
You may or may not have seen from interactions with Catrat, but he's the sort who thrives on having his face in others' business--and voicing his opinions as loudly as possible. He very much likes and respects how Qirri's worked and applied herself; she may be privy to periods of him sitting in and watching her work, much like Lucasta or others he's fond of, and making comments or asking questions, and he's generally on the lesser end of "I'm being awful, but definitely in a banter-y way that I expect you to understand because you're not that loser Kudo"
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This just in:
Phlunq's blood is acid and his exhaled respirations are deadly neurotoxin. Steal his breathing apparatus now, Kudo!
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Plunk because I think I could fix him (I can't)
Ask Game
You are so gosh darn brave, he will kill you and not even think twice lmao
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Here's one, for the warband maybe even: What do everyone like for foods/from what region of (Charr) lands? or, anyone just indifferent to what they eat aslong as it feeds em (archon loaf type deal)
For the most part, Gaius is the only one who treats food as an archon loaf sort of situation (for those unacquainted with FF14, archon loaf is a notably unpalatable sort of bread that is apparently very good at replenishing aether--mana--and is decently nutritious. However it's the equivalent of eating granola encased in cement). He likes to eat, and enjoys food, he's even a pretty good cook! But he's not picky about it.
As for everyone else, Terang Bulan is the only one with a particularly notable favorite food, being his namesake, terang bulan, from the human lands of Divinity's Reach (and likely a remnant from before Cantha closed its borders). For the unaware, terang bulan is a pancake sort of deal (hence his nickname) that is sprinkled with filling, be it crushed nuts or chocolate etc, and folded over itself.
Phlunq doesn't need to eat much, but he does have a tendency to indulge, often imbibing in whatever those he's close to are eating. His favorite foods are really whatever someone else likes and he thusly eats often. His time in the warband has given him a sweet tooth, because of Pancake.
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About Phlunq (I am, not very well versed with the asura colleges i'm afraid) is his alchemy in any way biology related or is it more chemistry related? If it's biology is he more leaning towards wetlab work or is he more leaning towards a statistical approach like computational biology. (I may have gotten a bit too excited at the mention of anything bio related x3)
Phlunq's alchemy is focused on evoking short-term changes in physiology through the reactions to his elixirs--thusly it's kinda both? I'm. This isn't my field, and I know it's yours, so I can't really talk a whole bunch about the fundamentals of how it works or anything, but if you wanted to swing my way to discuss ideas, I'd definitely be up to it!
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What made Phlunq choose Synergetics?
Because I'm stupid and mixed up Synergetics and Dynamics!
I think, while theoretically, Dynamics is more fitting given the experimental nature of his research and how that relates to Dynamics' aesthetic as "the most experimental, spontaneous" of the colleges, I think Synergetics has a good place for him in the theoretical place of what he wants to accomplish with his alchemy: the uplifting and enhancing of lives. In practice, he probably winds up hanging out with members of both groups because of what he gets up to!
For an actual answer, I think it'd have been his aspirational attitude towards the whole thing.
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