#alding cousland
lords-of-fortune · 3 months
🍉🥭🧅 for anyone! :3
What will your OC take to the grave?
The only way I imagine Rodaine dying is in the deep roads if he finally gets his Calling. In that case, he's bringing a sword, a staff, a token from his love (in-game it's Morrigan's ring. In other aus it's a miniature portrait of @nightwardenminthara 's Gideon) and some sort of token to remind him of Kieran.
Tierce is also more likely to be killed in action than in any other way so I imagine he's got Malcolm's Honor, Bethany's lil scarf thing which he took off her after she was killed, something that he probably had to steal off Carver because he'd rather die than admit he has a keepsake for his brother on his person and that includes asking Carver for it lmao, and probably something from Leandra too but these last two things I'm not sure what they would be
What colors best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favorites?
Most of my (dragon age) guys have colors that correspond to the vibes of their games and I think that color is also their favorite (Rodaine is blue and that's the only color in his wardrobe that's not a neutral tone 99% of the time. Tierce is red and he wears it often (also helps cover up the bloodstains from the blood magic) Halen is green and it is also very often found in this wardrobe etc) I tend to color coordinate my guys to the main colors in their designs so most of their favorite colors are also that color sjfkfk. Even Arc's favorite color I think matches his eyes ajdklf he is also a green boy (though he does also have a lot of red and orange and yellow in his vibes as well skdlf)
What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
Hmm this is hard because I am definitely more of a crier than my characters are lmaooo
I guess I'll do Alding bc I feel like he's the only one with a *surefire* way to make him cry. He's a sweet sensitive man so it's actually pretty easy to get him to cry. Show him an animal that's too small. Get him a little too drunk. Try to strike up a conversation about his family. Be a little nicer to him than he expects. These will all bring at least a tear to his eye. Zevran is acutely aware of these things. The two former things he finds very charming. The two latter things are kind of a bummer so he mostly takes advantage of the small animal one bc it is adorable.
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faimrpg · 3 years
were there any inspirations (from tv shows/movies/books) for the new skeletons? c:
Definitely! These are all loose sort of inspirations; some might be closer than others, but this was fun to think about, thank you!
Adraste: Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars), Anne Bonny (Black Sails)
Cassian Cigydd: Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher), Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Karine: Renfri (The Witcher), Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age: Origins)
Medraut Galant: Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars), Charles Vane (Black Sails)
Roth Babin: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars), King Arthur (Arthurian Legend)
Rowan ald Gwynn: Josephine Montilyet (Dragon Age: Inquisition), Nina Zenik (Grishaverse)
Sylviane Amaury: Marianne (Portrait of a Lady on Fire), Sokolov (Dishonored)
Vaska of Calais: Cousland (Dragon Age: Origins), James Flint (Black Sails)
- Julia
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lords-of-fortune · 4 months
23, 26, 30, 60 for any/all c:
23. Do they like being restrained?
Rodaine- Usually very much no. It makes him very anxious and he will only allow someone he trusts a lot to do anything even resembling restraint, and usually restraints need to be such that he can break them easily
Most of my other characters I think are at least amenable to it. Halen and Arc I think especially enjoy it.
Do they like to be called degrading names (slut, whore, etc.) during sex?
Pretty much universally yes ahdkflg. Rodaine especially enjoys it. Sometimes he just needs to just get absolutely railed, his hair pulled, and called a slut. It's enrichment for him. But yeah I don't think any of my guys dislike it ajdkfl
How bratty are they?
My brattiest boys are Tierce and Arcosæ. They love to make things difficult. Anyone attempting to top Tierce has to win a wrestling match first. Arc is slightly more pliant but he's got a sharp tongue and he won't stop quipping until you really shut him up. I think Halen and Alding are my most pliant boys, always wanting their partners to be pleased with them. Ro is somewhere in the middle.
What, if anything, do they fantasize about when they masturbate?
Hmmm this one is harder so we're defaulting to Rodaine since he is the only one I have ideas for ajdkfll. When he was a horny teen, he was fantasizing about King Maric in his prime, sweeping him off his feet and out of Kinloch entirely and fucking him in every way an inexperienced teen can dream up in the very small amount of private time he can make for himself at the tower. After Gideon makes his move on him, he fantasizes about him and the experimenting they do. Post-Origin he is still wanking to Gideon for a bit, though it is mixed with weird emotions given the betrayal. And then he's thoroughly taken with Morrigan so it's easy to think about her when she's teasingly turned him away for the night but sometimes a lovely blond will make his way in there unbidden. Then there's a lot of sad wanking about both of them. And then when he's back together with Gideon, they fuck so much that he doesn't really need to masturbate when they're together but when they are apart (usually because Rodaine is on Warden Business) they are exchanging steamy letters filled with elaborate sexy role-playing that he gets off to Often.
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
22 for Alding & Zevran; 5 for Rodaine & Gideon
22: What does sex mean for them? Socially, religiously, what attitudes are they bringing with them? Is “virginity” something they care about? Do they want sexual experiences to occur within a certain “level” of relationship, or does that not really matter so much to them?
Ooh, that's a fun one. Alding is kinda shy, and it did take him a little bit to come to terms with the fact that he is gay, but otherwise, I don't think he really has any hangups about sex? Once he sorts through his feelings re: the gay thing he's more confident in flirting and doesn't really see sex as a super big deal? Neither he nor Zevran are virgins by the time they meet, so I very much doubt that matters to either of them :P it was more of a concern for Alding when he was younger but mostly just out of anxiety about not being a good partner due to lack of experience. By the time he meets Zevran he feels like he's got a decent level of experience, though he's pretty sure Zevran still has More Experience. Alding I think cares a tiny bit more what "level" of relationship they're at pre-sleeping with someone, but I think the bar is still pretty low lmao he just wants to be certain people are Interested before he really makes a move whereas Zevran will often flirt first and backs off once rejected.
5. How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
Lmao it takes Rodaine and Gideon a Long Time to realize that they like each other yes. They've known each other since they were like 11 but they barely interacted beyond the approximately 2 baby fights they got into when they were kids. And then they didn't really speak until age 18 when Rodaine became his magic tutor. Gideon realizes he's attracted to Rodaine first but he's heavily in denial about it lmao (though I couldn't pinpoint for certain what the exact moment for Gideon would be, perhaps @gvnseylike could shed some light upon this) This does not stop him from using smooching Rodaine as a distraction so he doesn't actually have to learn magic. Rodaine doesn't really realize he's into Gideon until this kiss and then he's like 'wait, he's kissing me?? He's interested? Oh. Uh. He sure is. Blond 😳 and has an awfully square jaw... when did he stop being an annoying 11 year old???' And then they couldn't keep their hands off each other until Rodaine got conscripted. They're complete disasters ❤️
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
"a ten, but..." tag game
Tagged by @gvnseylike and oh I love this concept lmao
Rodaine Amell is a 10 but he can't tell when someone is flirting with him for the life of him
Tierce Hawke is a 10 but he bites to show his affection and has a deep fear of emotional vulnerability
Halen Trevelyan is a 10 but he Will Not let you take care of him even when he really needs it
Nennril Lavellan is a 10 but they accidentally desecrated their own people's graves because I was not paying enough attention during that sidequest the first time and thought opening the graves was part of the killing the demons brief.
Darien Hawke is a 10 but he took 2 months to come up with a new name that was 2 letters off from his dead name and also rhymes with his dead name.
Alding Cousland is a 10 but he told Morrigan that maybe they would have been together "under different circumstances" when the current circumstances preventing that are that he isn't attracted to women
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
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Tagged by @my-dumb-obsessions to make my characters with this picrew so here's the boys!
Rodaine, Alding, Darien, Tierce, Nennril, and Halen, in order
I once again am! Awkward about tagging people so... if you wanna do it, pretend I tagged you. I wanna see others' I am just anxiety
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
OC tag game
Tagged by @gvnseylike (thank you!!) I'm sticking to dragon age ocs for the dragon age blog because I have made so many ocs I don't think I'd be able to make these choices otherwise lmao
Favorite OC: This changes almost literally hourly. Right now I'm leaning towards Rodaine but Tierce is so close behind it's barely a difference lmao
Newest OC: of dragon age ocs I *think* it might be Halen's brother Ephraim. I just recently figured out quite a few of his character traits and renamed him so he's basically a whole new guy now lmao
Oldest OC: I literally wouldn't be able to answer this if I wasn't doing just DA ocs lmao. Of DA ocs, though, my oldest is the apocryphal Nico Tabris who was my very first Warden ever. He was a massive contributing factor to my absolute obsession with dragon age lmao
Meanest OC: I think it's Tierce? But Rodaine isn't close behind. Tierce tends to be very blunt when asked for feedback and he can also be rather glib in situations where dicking around maybe isn't appropriate. Rodaine is also very blunt and he doesn't always realize when that bluntness should probably be tempered a bit to soften a verbal blow. He tends to be a lot more apologetic about when something he says lands differently than he intended it to where Tierce tends to just shrug it off or double down because he's stubborn as fuck so that is why I think he's meaner lmao.
Softest OC: Probably Alding? Or maybe Serenity, who is Rodaine's younger sister. Hard to really say though because most of my character have a very tough edge to them even if they tend towards softness. I like that Alding and Serenity both choose that softness despite the difficult things they've been through.
Most Aloof/Standoffish OC: Rodaine. He doesn't mean to be, he's just quiet and has a resting bitch face most of the time. He's very serious and is slow to trust so he comes off as unfriendly and unapproachable and he isn't good at picking up social cues so he doesn't immediately realize when people are trying to befriend him and that sometimes makes him seem uninterested in friendship when that isn't true.
Dumbest (Affectionate) OC: all of my ocs are dumb in their own ways but I think I'm going to go with René, who's Rodaine's brother. He's just a jock and he's at peace with that and I think that's the right mindset but also he's just a himbo.
Smartest OC: Rodaine. Big gifted kid energy. He's not great with social stuff but he's smart in most other areas, clever, tries to think things through before he does them. He loves magic and has spent so long studying his craft and he's a nerd who likes to read history books
OC I'd Probably Be Friends With: this one is hard... I think maybe Alding? Soft boy but he knows how to have fun. I think Rodaine and Tierce would intimidate me in different ways lmao. I think I'd also like Annika and Rosalie (Rodaine's sisters) and Aned (Halen's sister)
This took me a second to get this one done lmao and I will tag...
@iamonlybutaneel and @my-dumb-obsessions
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
11 for Rodaine & Morrigan; 13 for Rodaine & Gideon; 17 for Alding & Zevran!
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Lmao yes they both do this. Morrigan is definitely better at picking up on grouchiness than Rodaine is. He's a little oblivious sometimes but also I think Morrigan is Worse at hiding her emotions so it becomes noticeable eventually
13. Who’s the bigger tease?
I wanna say it's Gideon. Rodaine can tease but he tends towards spoiling. He wants to give Gideon everything he wants 🥰 @gvnseylike just to check if you agree 😂
17. Who's more likely to pull the other in by the waist and kiss them passionately?
Zevran. Alding might do it if they've been separated for a while, but he's shy. Zevran loves big sweeping gestures like that so 8 times out of 10 it's Zev and the other two times is Alding getting swept up in the excitement of seeing his Zev 🥰
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
'concept of home and family' for Alding and Rodaine!
Ohohoho! Excellent character choices for this one.
As a Cousland, of course home for Alding was always Highever Castle, and his family was his immediate family (he's a mama's boy especially.) He's set completely adrift after Howe's attack and I think his concept of family recovered but his concept of home never really did? He still considers his immediate family his family of course, they didn't stop being his parents and his sister in law and his nephew just because they died, but his companions are his family too now. He especially attached himself to Wynne because her motherly demeanor was a comfort to him after losing his own mother. He's still sorting through his dark ritual emotions because he does consider Morrigan family (he did BEFORE having a child with her) and he's mostly just. Worried for her. He'd like to help her if possible and is sad that she pushed him away. I don't think he really thinks of Kieran as his son (I'm not certain he even knows Kieran's name or that he's a boy) because he never got to meet him, but I think he Would if he was allowed to get to know him.
As for home, like I said, I don't think his concept of this ever fully recovered. Amaranthine certainly isn't it, but I don't think Highever feels like home anymore either, the few times he visits Fergus there. It's too empty now, even with new servants and chantryfolk and—presumably—repairs to the castle. His room doesn't feel like his own anymore, and all he can think about anywhere else are the corpses. He has a panic attack the first time he approaches the pantry and thats about all he can take of the haunted house. The only reason he ever returns to Highever is to visit Fergus, but he avoids the castle itself as much as possible. Ultimately, I think he doesn't really have a physical home again. Zevran is his emotional home though <3
For Rodaine it's even more complicated, lmao. He was separated from his birth family so young and while he still thinks of them as his family he also doesn't really know them? At the tower, Jowan was absolutely his family, and he was ride or die for Jowan till the end. I don't think he really considered his companions family as much as Alding did? He loves them but he's very particular about who he thinks of as family so really it's mostly just Morrigan who falls into the family category and everyone else is "friends" which is still very important to him because he's never really had friends aside from Jowan before. Of course Kieran is his baby boy and if anything ever happened to his son he would kill. Many people about it.
For home, I think he kind of has this idea in the back of his head of returning to Kirkwall and finding it just like when his family left it when he was young, and finding his family there, whole again, and things going back to how they should have been before everything happened, but he's well aware of this being a pipe dream and he actively avoids going to Kirkwall because he doesn't want to ruin the image he has of it in his mind (just as well bc it really is a shithole <3) He's not really content to just sit around somewhere though anyways so I think for him, home is where the heart is very literally. He's his own home. Morrigan and Kieran are also home to him once he's reunited with them as well.
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
okok now i will throw you gideon bc he is the opposite of faron lmao diplomatic, very devout andrastian mage. didn't join the mage rebellion and was a loyalist in the circle, went to the conclave to speak on behalf of the loyalists. soft-spoken and introverted. he shares viviennes beliefs for the most part but not her ambition. brought the templars on as full allies to the inquisition (he does want reform but not to abolish them). diplomatic, enjoys deep discussions, but ultimately self-righteous and stubborn. somewhat of a pacifist (as much as he can be as inquisitor lol), prone to being judgy but generally curious about the world
Okay well I absolutely have to add rodaine to this mix lol
Rodaine and Gideon are in the mutual Judgy Zone. Given that Gideon is soft-spoken and introverted I think that would offset Rodaine's inclination to get confrontational about it, so he probably wouldn't like, deck him but he definitely would not be particularly friendly rip.
Tierce Would get confrontational about it, 100%. He (probably) wouldn't throw hands unless Gideon said something particularly egregious but he might get in his face about things and threaten to bite.
I think he Would get along alright with Alding. He's pretty Andrastian as well, and as a non-mage he has a lot less skin in the game and though he'd probably come down a bit more on the pro-freedom side, he's a lot less emotional about it and would be interested in a deep discussion about it rather than a fight about it. They might not 100% agree, but Alding would be civil about it.
Darien is less Fighty than Tierce and is a bit of a people pleaser as I've said so he'd be. Silently miffed about the pro-circle stuff but he'd probably kinda just. Ignore and avoid that topic lol. As long as Gideon isn't talking about it all the time, they might be able to find some common ground on other things (I do think Darien is at least a bit more Andrastian than Tierce at least at the beginning of da2 lmao so that might be a safe-ish topic)
Halen has a little more skin in the mage freedom game than Alding since his sister is a mage and he hasn't seen her in like a decade so he might get a little prickly about it (I promise I'll do a pro-templar playthrough eventually lmao) but given his current peace with Vivienne in his playthrough (helped along by him giving her the correct heart bc he is notna total asshole) he'd probably be pretty chill with Gideon as well. He's also Andrastian but Weird about it so maybe some deep discussion about religion could help him make some peace with his feelings about it. Overall, I think I mentioned in Faron's ask that he likes hearing other people's opinions even if they differ from his own, so I think they'd be able to have a civil debate and not be at each other's throats lol.
I forgot to add Nennril to Faron's ask (they'd probably get along) but they have beef with Viv so they'd probably have the same amount of beef with Gideon because they are fervently pro-mage rights and not particularly Andrastian and they HATE being judged. They would. Avoid him like the plague <3
One of these days I'll make a character who would love AND agree with him but most of my boys are unfortunately feral
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
hi! bc he is on my mind! faron: he is a flashy flamboyant rogue, conflict averse in his personal friendships (although once pissed off that conflict aversion goes away). creative: plays several instruments, sings, draws, writes, whittles (maybe not all of them well). he is prone to deflecting on serious topics but he is wary of humans, he supports mages (his late wife was one!), and has a ruthless streak, very much looks like a cinnamon roll but would kill you. every thing is buried very deep, and he is the type to just “there there” with a ten foot broom if someone expresses raw emotion around him
We already did Rodaine so I'm gonna do my more complete worldstate + Tierce bc I love Tierce
Alding: he loves him a flashy elf rogue [glances at Zevran. Glances away] The biggest issue between them would probably be the wary of humans thing because if Alding picked up on the fact that he was uncomfortable, he might avoid to overcompensate because he is a bit of people pleaser. Aside from that, I think they'd get along. Rogue bros who are often conflict-averse 🤝
Darien Hawke: Darien is. Honestly also a conflict-averse people-pleaser lmao I was kind of projecting a lot in this worldstate I guess. Different from Alding, he would absolutely not even notice the wary of humans thing. He's really friendly so he'd just kinda rope him right in. He might find the deflection on serious things a bit difficult to get past bc he Knows deflection when he sees it (he does it Often and he doesn't like seeing it reflected back at him so he'd avoid those topics entirely once Faron deflected)
Tierce: I don't know if Faron would like Tierce but I think Tierce would like Faron for the most part? He also likes flashy rogues and people who know how to have a good time. The deflection might also be an issue for him, lol but in the opposite way from Darien, he would be more likely to push the issues because he is Not conflict-averse. However, given that Faron is at least pro-mage rights, he wouldn't get too aggressive about it and would not be above apologizing if things got heated (he'd be less above it if it turned out Faron was Pro-templar lol) He'd love to see Faron get Ruthless where it might scare some of the others on this list
Halen: Flashy rogue boys 🤝 (again. I also love flashy rogues turns out lol) I think he's definitely a bit more prone to showing raw emotions than some of the others on this list so that might make Faron uncomfortable but he's generally here for a good time. He enjoys getting others' perspectives on things so he'd be kind of disappointed to receive a deflection on an important topic and might push a bit more than is comfortable. He's another one who I think would like Faron maybe more than Faron likes him lol
Overall, I think they'd all get along with him but most of them would not try to break down that wall of his for various reasons so they might not necessarily be close. I'm not certain how Faron would react to Tierce so it's kind of a dice roll if they'd get close or like. Try to kill each other lmao
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
For any (or all) of your OCs
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep? 
Mmmm this one is hard I'm not good at visualizing voices
I think Nennril has the highest voice, higher than the default British Inquisitor voice. Clear and very stereotypically elf-y lmao. Then I think probably Alding? I think he has kind of a perpetual Teenage Boy voice like... Jesse McCartney is the first example that comes to mind. Specifically as Roxas from Kingdom Hearts lmao. Halen isn't far off from that either tbh but his is a bit deeper and I think probably closer to the Britih Male Inquisitor? And then I think Darien. I don't have specific notes on him he is very middle of the pack. Rodaine is on the deeper end of the scale but even then I don't think the 'deeper end of the scale' is super deep for me? It's very mid-range. Baritone, where I'd call the others tenor (maybe even slipping into low alto for Nenn) and then Tierce who is deeper than Rodaine but still solidly baritone. I don't have any boys who I would consider a bass ajdkd.
Anyways I feel like this is long already and I don't think I will be able to describe these voices any better with more words lmao so I'll cut myself off there
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lords-of-fortune · 2 years
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stayed up way too late to finish this thing so i am going to pass out now goodnight. I could not fucking get his hair to cooperate with me to depict the actual hairstyle he has in game but i’m also a big fan of playing with his hair styles anyways so low loose braid it is.
Alding is a pretty boy and he deserves kisses from other pretty boys thank you for your time
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
Alding and Rodaine: protag-specific 13
Nennril and Halen: protag-specific 1
13. Did they help protect Redcliffe? What happened to Connor? How did they deal with Jowan?
Alding and Rodaine both made pretty much the same decisions in Redcliffe ajdkkd. They protected the village, saved Connor by going to the Circle Tower, and had Eamon kill Jowan. The key difference is that Alding... didn't really care about Jowan ajdkfk especially since he didn't really do much since Alding didn't do the blood sacrifice and he sent Morrigan into the Fade. Rodaine's whole connection to this quest was a lot stronger. Isolde's fight to keep her son from the Circle was really admirable to him (it reminded him of his own mother's fight to try to keep his sister Annika from being taken and it was what he wishes his father had done) and he was not going to leave Connor motherless and he wasn't going to kill a child for fucking up and getting in too deep. He went into the Fade himself. He did vouch for Jowan once he healed Eamon but he was very aware that there was no way that Eamon would let Jowan go free. Ultimately he decided that it was more of a mercy for Jowan to die at the hand of someone who isn't a templar rather than send him back to the circle to be made tranquil or die anyways. It was one of the hardest decisions he'd ever had to make at that point and it really fucked him up for a while.
1. Does your Inquisitor believe they are chosen by Andraste? How do they feel about people worshiping them as such?
Nennril has no idea! They're open to the possibility, they suppose! They aren't like super jazzed on the Andrastian theme of the entire inquisition but they're not comfortable dismissing it outright because who's to say who's right and who's wrong? Certainly not them! They just work here. Theyre also not Jazzed about the worship. It's just uncomfortable. They're just a guy. Also they're certain most of the people bowing and scraping would be trying to kill him under different circumstances.
Halen has gone on a roller-coaster from unsure to starting to believe to not believing to maybe believing again? He's got conflicting feelings and he doesn't really know why Andraste would choose him of all people. He feels like it's kinda hubristic to assume he's Chosen by God or whatever. He is also just some guy, and though he believes in Andraste and the Maker, he just can't get his head around why they would choose a goofball with sticky fingers to be their Herald. He's also uncomfortable with the bowing and scraping because of this. He feels like it's prideful to act like he is an Act of God when he is so unsure himself. Best to stay a bit humble.
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
Rodaine and Alding 24 dao
Tierce 9 da2
Halen 2 dai
For all 4: 7 Essentials
Okie dokie pullin out the computer for this monstrosity lmao
24: What gifts would raise their approval rating if they were a companion? Rodaine- magic-related things, Kirkwall paraphernalia, art supplies. stuff like that. maybe if you're extra close to him you can get away with Maric paraphernalia but also that might just embarrass him and give disapproval anyway. alksdjf Alding- pretty knives, stuff from Highever, nice smelling soaps, candies. He misses the luxury of being nobility so little things that remind him of home and that make him feel a lil pampered are very nice.
9: Do they feel any connection to their family's noble status? How did they feel about rising to Kirkwall's Aristocracy? I think Tierce is extremely indifferent about being nobility. He was raised a wild child, was constantly on the run until he was like, 14? Being from nobility is just. another thing for his mother to complain about until they reach Kirkwall and then it's something to keep her mind off of her grief while he takes care of the important stuff. It's nice to have a fancy house and some money to throw around but he doesn't have time for any of the other nobility. He's got shit to do. Also he isn't exactly polite company so it's rare he gets invited to hang out with the polite nobles. He prefers the Hanged Man anyways.
2: What was their reason for being at the Conclave? For Halen, the Conclave was to be the start of his life of Chantry contemplation. He is the baby of the family and his parents let him not be dedicated or trained as a templar for a long time because they coddled him a bit and it was pretty clear he wasn't particularly enthused about those career paths, but eventually they had to put their foot down and send him, especially since their second was a mage and they really need to uphold their Good Andrastian Standing. It was decidedly not his decision and he was not particularly invested in the outcome of the Conclave until the outcome of the Conclave was. him almost dying in a magical explosion. He was also decidedly not actually being looked at to help make decisions there. I think he was there to carry a more experienced, Chantry-connected relative's bags or something.
7: How do they dress in their downtime, while fighting, in formal settings, etc.? Rodaine- Downtime, at least post-blight, being free of the Circle and not having to wear a robe, he is wearing some fuckin pants! And they're the tightest pants he can still move comfortably in. Entering his slut era. He's also got a lot of flowy pirate shirts. Fighting is whatever armor is keeping him protected, usually heavy armor since he's got those arcane warrior perks babey! Formal wear is pretty much the same as downtime wear but he's wearing like a vest and jacket to really be fancy. Maybe you can catch him in a cravat. Alding- He's a 24/7 fancy boy, even his downtime clothes are well-tailored button ups. Sometimes even waistcoats. He likes fashion and likes to look good. Maybe on an extra relaxed day he's got the top button undone. He's kind of a prep. Fighting wear is usually leathers or another light armor. He's definitely an agility guy and needs to be light on his feet. also the battle skirt looks great on him. Formal wear is dressed to the fuckin' nines. Not in Orlesian fashion because he is Fereldan through and through but in the fanciest Ferelden fashion money can buy. Lots of jewel tones and well-coordinated outfits. Tierce- Downtime looks usually involve an unbuttoned shirt, a band of fabric over his titties to "preserve his modesty" (Leandra insists), and a pair of comfy pants that he can easily still kick ass in. A lot of the time it's pretty much the same thing he wears under armor, minus something a bit more binding over his chest. Fighting looks, he's one of the only people whose actual armor names i remember, Big fan of the fugitive's mantle and the robe of the notorious pirate. He likes things that are light but not too obviously robes because A: Robes are ugly and B: He's an apostate in Kirkwall, he's not a complete moron flaunting his status as a mage for any and all to see, despite what his brother might think. Formal wear is a struggle to get him into, but when he gets into it, it's usually at most a well-fitted shirt and vest and fancy pants. The vest is coming off by the halfway point of the party. Halen- He's pretty casual in his downtime looks, simple comfy shirt and pants. Not the Skyhold jammies. I have thought the least about his sense of style tbh alskdj. Armor is usually the prowler coat look, something warm and easy to sneak in. He's not a big fan of the cold since the avalanche thing. I do technically currently have him in the antaam-saar armor but most of the time he's fully covered, even though it's at the expense of people not getting the full view of his archers' arms. Formal wear is whatever he is given to wear. He's not used to going to fancy parties pre-Inquisition because he was sickly as a child and just didn't want to go as an adult so he usually manages to avoid needing to wear formal things. Which is how he got talked into wearing the sin-ugly Halamshiral marching band uniform lmao.
I feel like i was kind of vague on those clothing questions but also it is currently 3am and i need to go to bed so i will... contemplate those a little bit more later lasdkj thank you for the questions!! (I will answer the other set tomorrow)
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lords-of-fortune · 1 year
Halen 💘, Rodaine 💌 , Alding 💐
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
Absolutely. Halen loves to flirt and is extremely charming about it. He's got an easy smile and that does half the work but he's clever with his words and he loves to compliment. I love him
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
No one has ever accused Rodaine of being fairy-tale prince levels of romantic, lmao. A romantic night for him is just. Keeping things simple. He'd take them somewhere where they can be alone, maybe stargazing or something similar outdoors. A little wine, a little smooching, a lot of soul-baring conversation and/or info dumping about magic, depending on how the mood is striking. ✨️romance✨️
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Alding is Bad at courting lmao. He does not play long games because he does not know how to play. He's honestly used to being the pursued rather than the pursuer because like. Most of his relationships have gone like that ahsjdkf. I feel like if he was super interested in someone and they showed signs of interest but not active pursual, he would make an effort to talk to them more and just be extra nice but idk if i would call that "courting" really lmao. He's a sweet guy and he can be charming but he's also not the best at romance tbh ajdkfk
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