#aleksandra ivanova
maddiesflame · 11 months
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madison beer x kirillsasha layouts
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fireheartlady · 1 year
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blood of my monster headers
like or reblog if you save/use it. 
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griffin-girl-r · 8 months
Can you write a blackhill x daughter!reader where reader and Kate are dating. One day Kate sneaks into readers bedroom window really early in the morning injured from her late night mission the night before. Reader helps patch her up and then Natasha and Maria walk in on them kissing. Being the protective parents they are they give Kate “the talk” about not hurting their daughter and making sure reader stays safe and out of harms way of Kates little hero life.
I wasn’t sure if you write fics where reader is dating someone so I understand if you decide to not write this.
The birds and the birds
Created: 16.10.2023
Finished: 17.10.2023
Edited: 17.10.2023
Age: 24
Word count: 1,514
Warnings: Injury, Cussing, Embarrassment
Request: Yes (Tumblr user)
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Female!Reader, BlackHill
It was early in the morning when you turned around on your other side in sleep, allowing a soft sigh to escape your lips.
The compound was enveloped in silence as everyone was peacefully sleeping.
Everyone except one person.
"Ah, fuck!" A loud groan was heard as the window of your bedroom swung open
"What in Fury's name?" You mumbled confused, angry that your peaceful slumber had been disturbed
You slightly raised your head and looked in the direction of the sound and there, you found your girlfriend, clinging to her arm.
"Hi, honey!" Kate greeted you, supporting her side to the wall she bumped into earlier
"Katie, what are you doing here?" You asked, sitting up, now fully awake
"I just came to visit my girlfriend." Kate nodded as if to convince herself of what she was saying "Is that illegal?"
"Not when it's 5:34 a.m. in the morning." You looked at the clock on your nightstand then back at Kate.
"Is that early?" Kate chuckled nervously "Damn, I haven't even noticed. I must have really missed you."
"Come and sit!" You ordered your girlfriend and she obediently complied with your orders
When Kate sat down on the edge of your bed, your eyes went wide when you noticed what was wrong with our girlfriend.
"Katherine Elizabeth Bishop!" You gasped, worry visible on your face, as you quickly stood up
"Y/N Rosalinda Elisabeth Yelena Valentina Ivanova Alina Svetlana Mikhailovna Aleksandra Sofia Romanoff-Hill." Kate stated unimpressed without stuttering in the slightest
"Wow..." You stopped in your tracks for a moment "Was it necessary?"
"You say my full name, I say your full name." Kate determinately stated "Isn't this how it works?"
"I know, but still..." You shrugged defeated
"Did your parents hated you that much when you were born?" Kate asked
"No." You walked towards one side of the room and grabbed a first aid kit "Why?"
"Just asking." Kate shook her head "Curiosity, you know. But, given your name, I wouldn't agree with you."
"Oh, go fuck yourself, Bishop." You chuckled, sniffing a laugh away, as you began to tend to the wound on Kate's arm
"Why don't you do it yourself?" Kate smirked "Coward!"
"First the wound." You smirked back, staring to patch up your girlfriend "Now what has actually happened?"
"I may or may have not been shot in the arm with an arrow on my mission last night." Kate avoided eye contact
"Katie..." You sighed, allowing your shoulders to fall
"I'm sorry." The girl winced when the disinfectant made contact with her wound "I didn't know where to go so I came here."
You smiled and cupped Kate's cheek with your hand.
"I am so glad you felt safe enough to come here first." You quickly pecked her lips "I am just worried that, one day, you would badly get hurt and won't be able to make it back here in time."
"Hey..." Kate whispered, moving a strand of hair away from your face, her eyes full of adoration "I will always come back to you, sweetheart. I love you too much not to do so."
"You better!" You chuckled tearfully "And I love you too."
Kate leaned closer and kissed you as you melted into her touch.
It was a much-needed kiss and your hands froze in the middle of the process of wrapping a bandage around your girlfriend's injured arm.
The door of your room was silently pushed open and a loud gasp interrupted the make-out session between you and your lover.
"Y/N!" Natasha gasped, taking in the sight before her
"Mama!" You shouted, your eyes going wide
"Kid?" Maria said confused
"Mom?" You asked back
"What is happening here?" Natasha yelled, walking over to you and Kate with Maria hot on her heels
"Uhm... Nothing?" Kate spoke unsure as she realized you both had been caught red-handed
You and she have indeed been dating for over a year now, but given everything that happened with the snap and the wars, you both chose to keep your relationship a secret until the time was right.
Natasha and Maria, that have disappeared during the snap, were shocked to see their little girl, because in their eyes you were still a baby, kissing someone.
"Kate, what are you doing with our daughter?" Natasha was, again, the one to ask as Maria was too stunned to speak
"We were just talking, Mrs. Romanoff-Hill." Kate raised her hands in defence "I swear."
"About what?" Natasha raised her eyebrow "About how to hide from us that you two are dating?"
"What are you two even doing here at this hour?" You looked at your mothers, also raising your eyebrow, mimicking Natasha's gesture
"It's 6:30 a.m." Natasha explained "We always come to check on you first thing in the morning when we wake up and look what we discovered this morning."
"If it makes it better, we weren't hiding." Kate tried to reason
"You shut up, Kate Bishop." Natasha snapped at Kate and the girl could swear that it was as if she heard Yelena's voice "Does Clint know about this?"
"Why are you acting like he's my father?" Kate raised her shoulders in confusion
"Babe, he kind of is." You scrunched your face, silently agreeing with Natasha
"Oh, fuck me." Kate sighed in defeat, looking down at the floor
"I would, but not with my moms in here." You whispered, hoping that your parents didn't hear
Unfortunately for you, Natasha's ears can pick up even on the faintest of sounds and your words resonated loud and clear in her mind.
"No, you wouldn't!" Natasha protested "You barely turned 16 a week ago!"
"Mama, I turned 24 a week ago." You said cautiously "Not 16. And Kate is 23. We are not kids anymore. I had just turned 16 when you and Mom were dusted."
"Is that so?" Natasha crossed her arms over her chest "Then I guess it's finally the time for 'the birds and the bees' talk."
"More like, 'the birds and the birds' talk." Maria spoke for the first time, her eyes staring into the distance "Cause there's no bee in here to sting if you know what I mean."
Maria quickly came back to her senses when Natasha slapped the back of her wife's head full force.
"You're an idiot, Hill!" Natasha shouted
Maria rubbed the back of her head, with tears in her eyes, and winced "I'm trying. Okay?"
"Remind me why I married you?" Natasha shook her head
"At this point, even I ask myself the same thing." Maria kept rubbing her head
After an entire hour where Natasha sat down on a chair in front of you and your girlfriend, explaining about safe intimate ways of having "fun" with each other, the redhead let out a deep breath and looked up at Maria who sat behind her, the brunette commander's hands resting on Natasha's shoulders.
"We want to make one thing clear, Kate." Natasha said, turning her attention from Maria to Kate "You have to make sure that our little Y/N stays out of harm's way."
"And away from your little hero life." Maria added, quietly growling at Kate
You and Kate shared a confused look when you noticed Maria's behavior but, at the same time, tried to hide the amused looks on your faces.
"You are not allowed to hurt her." Maria finished her sentence
"Or else, we'll be coming for you and we will find you and boil you to your death." Natasha threatened
"Then we will cut you up in pieces and fry you on the grill as if you were Steve's Saturday barbeque." Maria squinted her eyes, her voice cold
A shiver ran down Kate's spine and she gulped, feeling the knot in her throat tightening.
"Yes, Mrs. Romanoff-Hill and Mrs. Romanoff-Hill." Kate managed to choke out, her face filled with terror
"Great!" Natasha shouted in a cheerful tone as if nothing had happened "Now we'll let you two love birds have some private time."
"But we will keep an eye on you from now on." Maria pointed her finger toward you and Kate
And with that, Natasha dragged Maria out of the room by her hand.
When the door slammed closed behind the older couple, Kate and you looked into each other's eyes.
"They were joking, didn't they?" Kate chuckled, trying to hide the fear she was feeling
"I doubt they are." You dragged out "But they're my moms. They are capable of anything, I wouldn't worry too much about them. They're harmless."
Kate shivered out of fear, not fully agreeing with your statement about the commander and the spy being harmless but she had no other choice than to say you are right.
After all, Natasha and Maria had reacted so much better than any of you expected upon finding out about your secret relationship and the fact that Kate had sneaked into the compound injured after a mission.
Kate can only hope that Natasha and Maria were joking.
Permanent taglist: @mmmmokdok , @lizlil , @youralphawolf72 , @observeowl , @lovelyy-moonlight , @froufrousnowman , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @theunchosenonee , @darkstar225 , @circe143 , @daggersquadphantom , @halstead-severide-fan , @ravensinthedaylight , @dannipotatoo , @natsxwife
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ivanvolkovroleplay · 1 year
Ivan Volkov soprannominato Ivan VII (18 maggio 1976) è l'imperatore (zar) della Russia e in precedenza era oppositore del presidente russo Vladimir Putin, un politico,ex agente di sicurezza del FSB.
È attualmente sposato Aleksandra Ivanova
Breve biografia
Ivan Volkov nasce il 18 maggio 1976 a San Pietroburgo in precedenza città chiamata Leningrado nell'impero sovietico da parte di una famiglia russa.
Nel 1996, all'età di 20 anni si recluta come agente di sicurezza presso l'agenzia russa del FSB che aveva sostituito il KGB dopo la caduta dell'impero sovietico e si sposa con Aleksandra Ivanova.
Nel 2011, Ivan diserta dal FSB e partecipa alla protesta governativa contro il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.
Nel 2023, Ivan critica Putin per aver invaso l'Ucraina e fece promesse alle opposizioni di Putin che cercherà un modo di fare pace con l'Ucraina e con gli Stati Uniti.
Il 3 aprile, Ivan tramite la ribellione russa rovesciò il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e mette fine il communismo russo causato dagli ebrei sovietici e divenne imperatore (zar) della Russia con il soprannome Ivan VII, egli permisse le basi militari del nuovo Sacro Romano Impero attraverso il nuovo imperatore tedesco Heinrich Ludwig e inviò l'esercito Imperiale in Siria per aiutare i ribelli sunniti di Free Syrian Army.
Nello stesso giorno rese San Pietroburgo e Mosca come le due uniche due capitali della Russia.
Il 4 aprile, Ivan VII fece scatenare i progroms contro gli ebrei russi che avevano minacciato di distruggere l'Europa e il cristianesimo attraverso le armi nucleari e i terroristi, fece risparmiare soltanto gli ebrei neutrali e che non credono in nessun messia ebreo.
Significato del nome:
Ivan è nome di origini celtiche,anglosassone ed ebraiche che significa "Dio ha avuto misericordia"
Il Toro ascendente con ascendente Capricorno è artistico, è ambizioso, testardo e di bella presenza. La vita interiore è vivace, ma la vita sentimentale instabile e fiacca a causa anche di una certa vulnerabilità di fondo che subentra nel momento in cui esce dalla sicurezza della propria praticità e razionalità
Data di nascita: 18 maggio 1976
Luogo di nascita: San Pietroburgo,Russia
Luogo di residenza: San Pietroburgo,Russia
Nazionalità: Russo
Professione: Imperatore (zar)
Segno zodiacale: Toro
Religione: Cristiano ortodosso
Ideologia: Nazionalismo e monarchia
-James Sawyer, presidente degli Stati Uniti
-Heinrich Ludwig, imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero e quarto reich
-Adolf Hitler, ex dittatore della Germania nazista e del terzo reich
-Josef Mengele, collaboratore di Adolf Hitler,medico e scienziato
-Reinhard Heydrich, collaboratore di Adolf Hitler e ufficiale delle SS
-Joseph Ratzinger, ex papa tedesco
-Hassan al-Douri, emiro dell'Arabia Saudita e Mahdi sunnita
-Malik al-Badri, leader dell'Iraq sunnita baathista
-Abu Qasim Muhammad, re d'Israele,anticristo e Mahdi sciita
-Ephraim Werner, collaboratore di Abu Qasim Muhammad e falso profeta
-Saif al-Adel, leader di al-Qaeda
-Bashar al-Assad, leader sciita della Siria
-È un uomo introverso,indeciso e testardo
-Parla inglese,russo,francese,danese e tedesco
-Ama viaggiare e i viaggi
-È un uomo profondamente religioso
-È stato un ex agente di sicurezza del FSB prima di diventare un oppositore di Putin
-È molto atletico, fa esercizi mattutini fa passeggiate quotidiane, ama il kayak e può camminare per decine di chilometri alla volta.
Ama guardare e partecipare alle corse di cavalli.
È un eccellente nuotatore e un appassionato amante del biliardo.
Gli piace anche il tennis.
Durante l'inverno è un appassionato pattinatore e giocatore di hockey sul ghiaccio.
Aleksandra Ivanova (moglie)
Olga Volkov (figlia,1997)
Tatjana Volkov (figlia,1999)
Marjia Volkov (figlia, 2001)
Anastasjia Volkov (figlia, 2003)
Aleksej Volkov (figlio, 2005)
Nicola II Romanov
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amazonsofoz · 6 years
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6-foot-3 Aleksandra Ivanova from Moscow (Russia) plays professional basketball 🏀
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Primera actualización y estoy bastante nerviosa por eso. De toda la familia, soy la última en animarse a pasar por acá, así que pueden imaginarse que me cuesta un poco. Pero hey, no podía ser la excepción de la familia, ¿No creen? Así que aquí estoy, aprovechando de que esta mañana no fui a trabajar para estar aquí, intentándolo. Mi nombre es Aleksandra Canning Ivankova, tengo 28 años y toda mi vida he pertenecido a la ciudad hermosa de Sofía, Bulgaria. Quizás algunos pocos — o nadie, — noten que en Facebook no aparece mi primer apellido pero esa tiene una razón super fácil y que quizás a nadie jamás le haya explicado. Verán, para Facebook añadir el apellido "Canning" le suena más a una empresa que a una familia. Así como ven. Es por eso que Arielle y yo —las últimas en la familia en aparecer— que no pudimos añadirlo, a excepción de otros miembros de la familia que si alcanzaron a hacerlo. Para empezar a explicar resumidamente, soy hermana de Alison y Arielle Canning Ivankova, mis sobrinos son Eileén, Analeé y Erick, mientras que Abba y Annabella vendrían siendo mis primas. ¿Ven? Una familia grande y eso es incluyendo sólo a los que han decidido tener redes sociales porque no se imaginan cuántos somos en realidad. Hace un par de meses con mi hermana Arielle decidimos dejar Sofía para ir a Miami, Estados Unidos con el propósito de avanzar en nuestras carreras, ella es actriz y yo soy bailarina, ambas compartimos además la pasión de bailar y ser fanáticas del ejercicio, pareciéndonos buena idea en abrir un gimnasio donde también se incluyan otros tipos de actividades, como el yoga, el baile, pilates, etc, etc. Ese proyecto sigue aún en píe porque el lugar está en construcción mientras nosotras estamos trabajando por otros lados para que las finanzas no vayan en números negativos. Por ahora me dedico a trabajar en hacer algunas clases en Academias que quedan cerca de mi casa, enseñando diversos tipos de bailes porque soy muy versátil en esa área. Me ha ido bastante bien y me gusta el ambiente, pero he dejado en claro que es por un tiempo corto en lo que mi verdadero trabajo se termina porque claramente mi enfoque estará 100% en aquello y estoy bastante emocionada porque comience. Si tenemos suerte, espero que sea antes de fin de año, pero sería una locura con tantas fiestas. Así que ahí estaremos viendo. ¿Qué más podría contar de mí? Bueno, estoy cerca de todo el mundo de Hollywood y quise probar suerte para ver si ganaba un poco dinero. Audicioné como animadora para un Show de Disney y para mi suerte, quedé. Ya realicé ese trabajo y el show ya fue emitido por la TV. No se imaginan lo emocionado que estaban mis padres con eso, ellos lo vieron en vivo por la laptop y aunque moría de la vergüenza, yo también lo hice. Era mi primer trabajo en la pantalla, después de todo. Pero no creo que me incline tanto en esa área. No los quiero aburrir demasiado, así que me retiro. Yo se que volveré pronto, así que mucho mejor. Que tengan una linda tarde. ¡Besos! ✴ Alek. ____________________________________________________________________ BEAUTY DIRTY RICH es una historia ORIGINAL INDEPENDIENTE.
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Irina Deleanu Cup 2021 Results
Seniors Individual Top 25
Lala Kramarenko 99.050
Anastasia Simakova 95.950
Milena Baldassarri 94.150
Annaliese Dragan 91.950
Denisa Mailat 89.250
Kaho Minagawa 89.150
Noga Block 86.250
Radina Tomova 84.800
Eva Brezalieva 84.600
Sofia Ivanova 84.350
Lenox Hopkins-Wilkins 80.600
Yana Striga 79.750
Anna Murikova 78.600
Mikaella Moshe 78.500
Alexandria Kautzman 78.350
Alisa Aleskovska 74.500
Arina Krasnorutskaya 74.200
Julia Wierzba 72.350
Adrianna Budnik 82.350
Darja Frolonoka 71.550
Andrijana Blazic 71.450
Aleksandra Podgorsek 70.400
Barbora Kafkova 68.950
Arina Jevstafjeva 68.800
Narendra Sutjiati Kelenaritma 68.100
Juniors Individual Top 25
Anna Popova 89.900
Liliana Lewinska 85.000
Evelin Viktoria Kocsis 83.800
Maiia Kolobovnikova 81.700
Lidiia Chernysheva 79.650
Christina Dragan 79.000
Alisa Balan 78.350
Yelizaveta Zorkina 77.750
Megan Chu 76.950
Adar Friedmann 76.300
Alisa Medvedeva 75.850
Rin Keys 75.450
Erika Rusak 75.450
Luca Lovasz 75.300
Daniela Munits 74.900
Michelle Munits 73.600
Snizhana Oshchipko 73.600
Gemma Gow 73.450
Daria Grokhtova 73.350
Sarah Marotti 72.100
Viktoria Georgieva 71.600
Lena Wloch 71.600
Sofia Sokolova 71.200
Blanka Krasznay 70.850
Elinor Gerts 70.650
Junior Groups
Poland 60.100
Israel 59.850
Hungary 57.250
Bulgaria 56.900
Belarus 56.700
Ukraine 53.650
Italy 51.500
Estonia 47.100
Greece 46.150
Romania 44.400
Czech Republic 43.650
Slovakia 42.500
Switzerland 37.150
Georgia 33.550
USA 43.300 (OOC)
Senior Groups
Mexico 72.650
Hungary 67.950
Slovakia 43.900
Full results here.
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Pancho Vladigerov - Sonata for violin and piano in D dur, Art Chamber Duo "Polyconcerto"  / Ivan Krastev - violin / Aleksandra Ivanova - piano
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fabiochampioraro · 5 years
Russia has updated their team for the 2019 season, and apparently these are the names:
Senior individuals
Arina Averina
Dina Averina
Irina Annenkova
Anastasia Guzenkova
Marina Lobanova
Ekaterina Selezneva
Maria Sergeeva
Aleksandra Soldatova
Senior reserves
Daria Zaitceva
Karina Kuznetsova
Polina Orlova
Arina Romanova
Anna Sokolova
Senior team
Anastasiya Bliznyuk
Maria Kravtsova
Evgenia Levanova
Maria Lyutakhina
Daria Markelova
Daria Mishina
Elizaveta Pichuzhkina
Maria Pozdina
Ksenia Polyakova
Alisa Sarkisyan
Anastasia Tatareva
Maria Tolkacheva
Anastasia Shishmakova
Senior team reserves
Vera Biryukova
Polina Lyutikova
Anastasia Maksimova
Diana Menzhinskaya
Anzhelika Stubailo
Alina Sharapova
Anna Shirokikh
Junior individuals
Anna Ivanova
Olga Karaseva
Lala Kramarenko
Aleksandra Mikhailova
Daria Sergaeva
Anastasia Sergeeva
Anastasia Simakova
Alexandra Skubova
Anna Strashko
Kristina Teliatnikova
Daria Trubnikova
Ekaterina Chaplina
Polina Shmatko
Junior team
Anna Batasova
Yana Kolobovnikova
Valeria Korotaeva
Elizaveta Koteneva
Adelia Kupan
Daria Matveiuk
Daria Perevozchikova
Aleksandra Semibratova
Dana Semirenko
Alisa Tishchenko
Anna Ulnerova
Yana Shuvalova
I wonder why Shmatko, Trubnikova and other 2003 are still listed as juniors even if they’ve became seniors....
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maceikblog · 2 years
Co się dzisiaj działo? #39 8.2.2022
Turniej ITF w Canberze: Weronika Falkowska-Naiktha Bains 6:4 4:6 4:6
Weronika Falkowska/Olivia Gadecki-Naiktha Bains/Paige Mary Hourigan 6:0 6:2
Kobiece Ashes: Australia (164/2, Meg Lanning 57, Annabel Sutherland 4/31) pokonała Anglię(163, Tammy Beaumont 50, Sophie Ecclestone 1/18) 8 wicketami
NCAA: Virgina Tech Hokies-Pittsburgh Panthers 74:47
Turniej WTA w Sankt Petersburgu: Magda Linette-Aliaksandra Sasnowicz 5:7 6:4 4:6
ICC Cricket League 2: Oman zremisował z ZEA
Turniej ITF w Grenoble: Michał Dembek/Miguel Damas-Gabriel Debru/Arthur Gea 7:5 6:7(0) 5-10
Turniej ITF w Porto: Maja Chwalińska-Quirine Lemoine 6:0 0:6 6:3
Turniej ATP w Rotterdamie: Hubert Hurkacz/Felix Auger Aliassime-Ivan Dodig/Marcelo Melo 6:4 2:6 10-7
FIFA Club World Cup: Palmeiras-Al Ahly 2:0
CEV Liga Mistrzów: OK Maribor-ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle 0:3
League Two: Carlisle-Port Vale 1:3
Igrzyska Olimpijskie w Pekinie, Dzień 4
Snowboard, slalomy równoległe:
1. Ester Ledecka (CZE)
2. Daniela Ulbing (AUT)
3. Gloria Kotnik (SLO)
5. Aleksandra Król
22. Weronika Biela-Nowaczyk
24. Aleksandra Michalik
1. Benjamin Karl (AUT)
2. Tim Mastnak (SLO)
3. Victor Wild (RUS)
5. Oskar Kwiatkowski
9. Michał Nowaczyk
Biathlon, bieg indywidualny mężczyzn:
1. Quentin Fillon Maillet (FRA)
2. Anton Smolski (BLR)
3. Johannes Thignes Boe (NOR)
Grzegorz Guzik
Narciarstwo klasyczne, sprinty
1. Jonna Sundling (SWE)
2. Maja Dahlqvist (SWE)
3. Jessica Diggins (USA)
39. Izabela Marcisz
50. Weronika Kaleta
1. Johannes Klaebo (NOR)
2. Federico Pellegrino (ITA)
3. Alexander Terentev (RUS)
19. Maciej Staręga
58. Kamil Bury
Saneczkarstwo, jedynki kobiet:
1. Natalie Geisenberger (GER)
2. Anna Bereiter (GER)
3. Tatyana Ivanova (RUS)
27. Klaudia Domaradzka
Hokej na lodzie kobiet:
USA-Kanada 2:4
Japonia-Czechy 3:2 po karnych
Finlandia-Rosja 5:0
Szwecja-Dania 3:1
Curling, turniej par mieszanych:
mecz o brązowy medal:
Szwecja-Wielka Brytania 9:3
mecz o złoty medal:
Włochy-Norwegia 8:5
Pozostałe konkurencje medalowe:
Narciarstwo dowolne, big air kobiet:
1. Gu Ailing Eileen (CHN)
2. Tess Ledeux (FRA)
3. Mathilde Gremaud (SUI)
Super Gigant mężczyzn:
1. Matthias Mayer (AUT)
2. Ryan Cochran-Siegle (USA)
3. Alexander Aamodt Kilde (NOR)
Łyżwiarstwo szybkie, 1500m mężczyzn:
1. Kjeld Nuis (NED)
2. Thomas Krol (NED)
3. Kim Minseok (KOR)
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maddiesflame · 1 year
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Blood of My Monster headers
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marie-patsyuk · 6 years
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Our (fb.me/shkola.community) performance during the Museum Night in Museum of Russian Impressionism. We had interviews of museum workers in our speakers and perform improvisation in empty museum for 3 hours 40 minutes nonstop.  Director Ira Ga Writer Aleksandra Lebedeva Producer Maria Patsyuk MUA Yulia Lyubchikova Hairstylist Aleksandra Kotenkova Performers: Anna Todich Ella Ivanova Lyubov Zhurkova Maria Patsyuk Olga Anisimova Eugenia Drobina Ekaterina Trihmonenko Ekaterina Miheeva #brushkola
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A melhor estratégia a ser usada para aprender a tocar teclado
Nem o autor, nem os editores ou afiliados e associados desta publicação assumem qualquer responsabilidade por erros, imprecisões ou omissões. Qualquer supervisão nesses aspectos não é intencional. Qualquer referência a qualquer pessoa ou organização, viva ou morta, é puramente acidental.
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Entre alguns desses hobbies, tocar violão se tornou um dos hobbies por excelência durante essa quarentena. Um dos instrumentos de corda mais característicos e emocionantes.
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Aleksandra Ivanova Muitas pessoas decidiram usar seu tempo em casa para praticar as habilidades que sempre desejaram aprender. Alguns relacionados à culinária, esportes, música ou arte.
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ivanvolkovroleplay · 1 year
Ivan Volkov soprannominato Ivan VII (18 maggio 1976) è l'imperatore (zar) della Russia e in precedenza era oppositore del presidente russo Vladimir Putin, un politico,ex agente di sicurezza del FSB.
È attualmente sposato Aleksandra Ivanova
Breve biografia
Ivan Volkov nasce il 18 maggio 1976 a San Pietroburgo in precedenza città chiamata Leningrado nell'impero sovietico da parte di una famiglia russa.
Nel 1996, all'età di 20 anni si recluta come agente di sicurezza presso l'agenzia russa del FSB che aveva sostituito il KGB dopo la caduta dell'impero sovietico e si sposa con Aleksandra Ivanova.
Nel 2011, Ivan diserta dal FSB e partecipa alla protesta governativa contro il presidente russo Vladimir Putin.
Nel 2023, Ivan critica Putin per aver invaso l'Ucraina e fece promesse alle opposizioni di Putin che cercherà un modo di fare pace con l'Ucraina e con gli Stati Uniti.
Il 3 aprile, Ivan tramite la ribellione russa rovesciò il presidente russo Vladimir Putin e mette fine il communismo russo causato dagli ebrei sovietici e divenne imperatore (zar) della Russia con il soprannome Ivan VII, egli permisse le basi militari del nuovo Sacro Romano Impero attraverso il nuovo imperatore tedesco Heinrich Ludwig e inviò l'esercito Imperiale in Siria per aiutare i ribelli sunniti di Free Syrian Army.
Nello stesso giorno rese San Pietroburgo e Mosca come le due uniche due capitali della Russia.
Significato del nome:
Ivan è nome di origini celtiche,anglosassone ed ebraiche che significa "Dio ha avuto misericordia"
Il Toro ascendente con ascendente Capricorno è artistico, è ambizioso, testardo e di bella presenza. La vita interiore è vivace, ma la vita sentimentale instabile e fiacca a causa anche di una certa vulnerabilità di fondo che subentra nel momento in cui esce dalla sicurezza della propria praticità e razionalità
Data di nascita: 18 maggio 1976
Luogo di nascita: San Pietroburgo,Russia
Luogo di residenza: San Pietroburgo,Russia
Nazionalità: Russo
Professione: Imperatore (zar)
Segno zodiacale: Toro
Religione: Cristiano ortodosso
Ideologia: Nazionalismo e monarchia
-James Sawyer, presidente degli Stati Uniti
-Heinrich Ludwig, imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero e quarto reich
-Adolf Hitler, ex dittatore della Germania nazista e del terzo reich
-Josef Mengele, collaboratore di Adolf Hitler,medico e scienziato
-Reinhard Heydrich, collaboratore di Adolf Hitler e ufficiale delle SS
-Joseph Ratzinger, ex papa tedesco
-Hassan al-Douri, emiro dell'Arabia Saudita e Mahdi sunnita
-Malik al-Badri, leader dell'Iraq sunnita baathista
-Abu Qasim Muhammad, re d'Israele,anticristo e Mahdi sciita
-Ephraim Werner, collaboratore di Abu Qasim Muhammad e falso profeta
-Saif al-Adel, leader di al-Qaeda
-Bashar al-Assad, leader sciita della Siria
-È un uomo introverso,indeciso e testardo
-Parla inglese,russo,francese,danese e tedesco
-Ama viaggiare e i viaggi
-È un uomo profondamente religioso
-È stato un ex agente di sicurezza del FSB prima di diventare un oppositore di Putin
-È molto atletico, fa esercizi mattutini fa passeggiate quotidiane, ama il kayak e può camminare per decine di chilometri alla volta.
Ama guardare e partecipare alle corse di cavalli.
È un eccellente nuotatore e un appassionato amante del biliardo.
Gli piace anche il tennis.
Durante l'inverno è un appassionato pattinatore e giocatore di hockey sul ghiaccio.
Aleksandra Ivanova (moglie)
Olga Volkov (figlia,1997)
Tatjana Volkov (figlia,1999)
Marjia Volkov (figlia, 2001)
Anastasjia Volkov (figlia, 2003)
Aleksej Volkov (figlio, 2005)
Nicola II Romanov
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inovaniteroi · 4 years
Caminho Niemeyer recebe a Escalada de Velocidade no dia 12
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Os atletas farão um treino de reconhecimento no local um dia antes da competição, 11 de janeiro, que também será aberto ao público, das 9h às 13h. Foto: Divulgação
Em contagem regressiva para a Olimpíada, Niterói receberá, no dia 12 de janeiro, às 10h, a Escalada de Velocidade, torneio que vai aproximar os brasileiros da modalidade, que estreia em 2020 nos Jogos em Tóquio.
O torneio, que acontece no Caminho Niemeyer, no Centro, com entrada gratuita, tem apoio da Secretaria de Esporte e Lazer da Prefeitura de Niterói, organização da X3M e transmissão ao vivo em programa de TV.
Dentre os atletas da modalidade que participarão do evento em Niterói, destaque para a conterrânea Luana Riscado que conquistou a medalha de bronze na Velocidade no Brasileiro de 2019. Luana promete uma disputa acirrada com a atual tricampeã brasileira no Boulder, Camila Macedo, que é a mais recente campeã brasileira na modalidade.
Camila Flores, quarta colocada no ranking nacional, completa o trio de brasileiras. O torneio também conta com atletas internacionais como Aleksandra Kalucka, da Polônia, quinto lugar no mundial; as russas Mariia Krasavina, sexto no mundial; e Elizaveta Ivanova, quarto lugar no ranking IFSC (Federação Internacional de Escalada Esportiva).
No masculino, Cesar Grosso, melhor brasileiro no ranking mundial da IFSC, em 64º lugar, e recordista brasileiro de Velocidade (Speed), com a marca de 7s14, tem como grande objetivo a busca pela vaga para os Jogos de Tóquio 2020.
“É um evento inédito no Brasil que já chega grande: com parede e agarras oficiais, com atletas tops do Leste Europeu e sendo televisionado em canal aberto. A escalada está crescendo. É uma grande satisfação para mim, espero bater o meu próprio recorde”, comenta Cesar.
O russo Deulin Vladislav, um dos favoritos na competição, vai deixar a disputa acirrada. O atual número um do mundo também conquistou ouro no último Europeu, no Reino Unido, e, ainda em 2019, a medalha de prata na Copa do Mundo da Rússia.
A competição abre o ano olímpico num formato bem rápido: a disputa será feita em pares. Com rotas idênticas, quem chegar ao topo da parede de 15 metros no menor tempo avança para a etapa seguinte. Os atletas farão um treino de reconhecimento um dia antes da competição, 11 de janeiro, que também será aberto ao público, das 9h às 13h.
Evento: Escalada de Velocidade Data: 12 de janeiro de 2020 (domingo) Horário: 10h Local: Teatro Popular, no Caminho Niemeyer (Rua Jornalista Rogério Coelho Neto, s/n – Centro, Niterói – RJ) Entrada gratuita
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melmothblog · 7 years
“Paquita”, Act III. Vaganova Ballet Academy graduation performance. Mariinsky Theatre. June 2017.
Choreography: Marius Petipa (1881) Re-staged: Yuri Burlaka and Nikolai Tsiskaridze (2017) Costumes: Dmitry Paradizov Paquita: Eleonora Sevenard Lucien d'Hervilly: Egor Gerashckenko
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