#alex brighty brightmann brightening up your day
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You and Dewey were panting and sweating. If you asked Dew... it was not the good panting and sweating. You wiped your brow and groaned at Dewey... he was staring at you... again. A dopey grin on his scruffy face and his brown curls sticked to his forehead. You blushed under his loving gaze, skipped towards your rockstar and heared the floor squeek dangerously among your steps. You pecked Dewey sweetly on the lips while your hand moved to brush his hair out if his face. His hands found your waist, fingers dancing along your sides and his stubble tickled on your face.
Dewey hummed in the kiss... However, it was not how your rockstar preferred to spend his sundaymorning. Throwing away stuff from the attick of your uncles home... But hey... at least he got to spend time with you doing just that. "One more box untill freedom, baby!!!" Dewey whooped loudly in excitement, gesturing to the last box on the attic floor.
The last cardboard box was moved from the wooden floor and when Dewey moved it out of the way, your interest was peaked by an old looking coat that was draped across the floor.
It must have been laying underneath the boxes...
Dewey smirked at your enthausiastic sparkle. He knew you loved old stuff. You leaped toward it and took it into your sweaty hands. The coat felt cold... which peaked your interest, cause it was a bloody hot morning. The material looked like it went to hell and back, multiple times. There was a lot of dust on it and had several holes that were roughly stitched back together.
whoever did this... couldnt sew very good...
You turned the coat around to look at the back, a smirk appeared on your lips as you exeminated the piece of fabric fondly. Dewey's eyes lit up when he saw that smirk appear on your pretty face. He loved to see you excited... It made his heart full. Gosh he adored you when you were in your zone...
You brushed some dust of the shoulder of the green stained coat. Since when... was dust... white?
You held the coat by the shoulders before you and hummed in thought. This COULD be Dewey's size tho...
You flickered your exited gaze towards Dewey, who casually leaned against a shelve. Arms crossed, hair chaotic as ever and an innocent smile on his face. His gaze glued to your every move, and you could swear that your rockstar radiated adoration for you, when he looked at you like that.
"Mister Finnnnnn...." you started as you slowly walked towards him. Dewey's face lit up and he chuckled: "Oh boy.... last time you used that voice you wanted to go tie-shopping..."
You smirked at him and scratched his scruff, you held up the coat and mumbled to him: "Do you want to try this on for me?"
Dewey rolled his eyes and tugged you closer on the beltloops of your shorts. "Depends... How many kisses do i get in return?"
You pecked his cheek as an awnser and told him: "This one already. Try it on for meeeeee?"
How could Dewey possibly say no to that adorable pouty face of you... he nodded and you hugged him before handing him the coat.
Dewey stroked your hair lovingly and muttered on your lips: "But I get to pick the movie tonight... AND the pizza... deal my love?"
You nodded quickly and kissed him one more time before turning him around, and patted his shoulders to give him some courage.
Dewey snickered at your eagerness and held up the coat to look at it. He scrunched up his nose when he stated: "Fine darling... BUT... If a beetle crawls out of it... i swear i will scream so hard that you have to get your ears checked... Just forward warning you."
You chuckled and nodded, with a happy smile on your face. Dewey brushed of some more dust from the back of the coat with a chuckle, and went to slip it on.
You swore you felt the air move when his arms slid into the coat. A brush of cold air brushed against your legs and your eyes searched Deweys when you felt this. Wait... what? Did you just... Did Deweys eyes just... had a flash of *green* in them, for a second?
Dewey smirked at you and tugged at the collar of his jacked smugly. His smirk turned into a grin when his eyes landed on yours. He gave you an onve over and bit his lip. Dewry tugged at the collar of his coat again and strolled towards you.
Wait... since when did Dew stroll that confidently...?
Before you could process what was happening you felt yourself being pushed against the door of the attic. That was unusual... but not unwelcome... Deweys lips attacked yours and his hands tangled in your hair instantly. He tugged harshly it with a hunger that was unfamiliar to you. Dewey stroked, petted, even braided your hair... but never tugged at it...
You clenched the collar of his jacket tightly and took in the earthy smell that surrounded your HoneyDew.
His stubble tickling against your face felt familiar. Dewey's hands wandered your body and you panted when he pushed his leg upwards, touching your core as he roughly pinned your hands above your head.
Deweys dark eyes found yours as he tugged your bottom lip with his teeth. He growled with need when his lips moved towards your neck.
You were too caught into pleasure to care.
You threw your head back in pleasure and moaned quietly at the sudden roughness that overtook your, sweet and gentle rockstar.
Dewey let go of your hands and muttered into the hungry kiss: "You like this babes?"
thats... growly... and gravely... and... smug and...
Dewey brought your attention back to him when he nipped on your pulse point. hard
...babes? Dewey had never called you babes before...
As his tongue worked over the bruise on your pulse point, soothing the bruised skin... between sparks of pleasure your mind wandered.
What had gotten into your boy?
You massaged Deweys scalp softly, how he always liked it and instead of the expected moan, Dewey purred.
...your boy purred
Your mind was spinning, switching from pleasure to reason.
Suddenly it hit you. You kissed Dewey hungerly and moved your hands down over his scruff, down his neck, towards his shoulders. Dewey had a manic, hungry look in his eyes when his gaze bored into you... You deepened the kiss and took his bottom lip between your teeth and tugged when you brushed the coat of his shoulders.
With a thump it hit the floor and a bit of green smoke damped off the fabric.
You watched the green flash in Deweys eyes again and Dewey's hand combed calmly through your hair. When you saw his kind gaze again you let go of his bottom lip. Dewey beamed up at you and chirped: "Lip biting huh? Thats kinky..."
You smiled at him and pointed towards your hickey on your neck. His eyes knitted together when he saw your bruised spot and you massaged his scalp softly to calm him down. Your rockstar leaned his hand into yours and hummed contently when you scratched his hair playfully. He lowered his leg between yours and when he hummed your name it was coated with love again.
His arms slowly found its way towards your hips and brushed slowly up and down on your lower back.
You pulled your confused Dewey into a sweet kiss and scratched his stubble when his troubled eyes found yours. Dewey pulled back but before he could ask you kicked the coat out if the way and breathed against his lips: "I'll explain later, okay champ?"
Dewey nodded yes and went to pick up the old coat you loved, but your grip on his shoulder stopped him. You looked into his eyes and muttered: "The only thing i will be needing from this place... is you Dewdrop..."
Dewey blushed and pressed a sweet kiss on the top of your nose. His callous fingers entertwined with yours as you took a hold of his hand and tugged him towards the door. "Let's go home Dewey... Pepperoni pizza?"
Dewey chuckled when you lead him down the stairs and you squeeled he smacked your ass when you walked down the stairs.
When Dewey was done snickering his voice sounded behind you: "Hey! Carefull... I got to pick the pizza, princess..."
You mumbled under your breath:
"You can honestly pick the pizza on any day of the week Dew... as long as im sure that I have you..."
With a slam you left the house of your uncle behind you. And you swore to yourself... that... long coats would be banned from now on...
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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Random Beej and Dewey Finn drabble....
Okay... imagine...
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Imagine stealing Beetlejuice's shirt and topping it of with your black leather jacket. Our demon would have pink fluffy hair in a rapid second, purring affectionately: "Babes! You look so adorable in my shirt!" More babypink appears in his hair and he snaps his fingers to hand you a pink cheesy rose. Gosh... what a soft little demon...
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Now imagine....
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Imagine being Dewey Finn's neighbour and he taught you how to play guitar. His bouncy enthausiastic ass convinced you to go 'shred some faces' with him at your first gig ever. He spilled his beer all over you but hands you his shirt to wear. Dewey secretly brought an extra guitar, and you rock your socks off the stage together. Deweys eyes all pride and adoration. Sercetly revelling in the smell of Deweys shirt when you strum those strings.
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You're welcome?
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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@ironmansuucks presents to you...
The swoon-worthy Coat-move....
Of mister Brightman. 💚
Thankyou baby.
Loveyou. 💜💚💜💚💜💚
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Let the adorable green fluffball cause some mayhem...
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Because... we all know Beetlejuice would be responsible for this gumball joke....
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And he would be so darn proud of himself... 💚
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Hey lovelies,
I got an Dewey Finn x artsy reader for y'all.
The reader crafts this special thing for our Rockstar... fluff ahead.
Hope you enjoy. 💜
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It was a warm summer-day, Nirvana blasted in the background of your appartment when you painted. You wiped your sweaty hairline with a sigh. Glad you decided to put it up in a bun. That way your neck would be cooler, and it also helped you to keep your locks paint-free.
You watched your smeared hands and paint stains that covered your overalls. Wel... at last it wasn't in your hair.
You had been painting for about 4 hours now, and you finally managed to step back and be happy with your work. Not often was you pleased with what you created, but since this was gonna be a gift for Dewey... it had to be the best of the best. It had to be absolutely perfect. Your sweet baby deserved nothing less.
You had this idea for quite some time now. But today you finally managed to actually do it.
The idea hit you after the gig-ritual the two of you created.
Dewey came home after a gig a couple of weeks ago and tiredly slumped on the couch with you. Lovingly admiring your sleeping form on the couch.
You always tried to wait up for him, to talk to him about his gig and cuddle. But more often then not, sleep got the better of you. You gave up the battle and fell asleep on te couch.
Multiple times you were woken up by Dewey carrying you to bed while you mumbled an apology for falling asleep while waiting up. Again.
He'd put you in bed, pressed a kiss on your hair and told you it was fine. He crawled in the bed, snuggling closer to you and you would drift off to sleep again. Dewey mumbled how much he had missed you, just before you closed your eyes. You would fall asleep in Deweys warm, comforting embrace.
This was not the ritual you intended most of the time, but it was a nice one nevertheless.
The thought hit you one night, the moment you touched the bed, after Dewey carried you upstairs again. He sighed and mumbled in your hair: "Thanx for waiting up sweetheart... I've missed you so much today."
You decided that he'd miss you less if he carried a piece of you around him, during his gigs, when he rocked the roof of.
Your last thought before drifting off that night had been: Im gonna fix him a special guitar...
That week you ordered a brand new electric guitar for Dewey online, and decided to put your own fingerprints on them... (quite literally). You personally had hand-painted the instrument. A little reminder that he always had a piece of you with him, even when you were not physically around.
You always got a little lost timewise when you touched paintbrushes, and you were startled by the sound of the front door opening. Dewey called when he closed the door: "Hey baby... Im home!"
Shit! Is it already that late?!
You panicked and your eyes darted around the mess in the room. A small explosion would have been a good summary of the scenery in front of you. Paintbrushes and paint scrambled across the floor, old rags to wipe the brushes lay everywhere and you were seated in the middle of the living room, on the ground. The guitar lay behind you, it still had to dry because of the wet paint on it.
There was no way you could keep this a suprise for Dewey. You couldnt even hide the guitar, cause it was still wet...
Damn it!
You realised too late that Nirvana rocking through the speakers would lead him into the living room even faster.
"Hey... babe?" You heared Dewey ask, his footsteps coming closer and you decided: fuck it. No turning back now.
You quickly turned around to face the door, sitting there cross legged and a bit anxcious for a second untill Dewey's happy face appeared in the doorway.
Pleasedontbemad, pleasethinkitscool, Please for the love of the rock gods... just... like it...
His bright brown eyes found yours and he threw a beaming smile your way. "There you are, my little picasso..." Dewey took a step in your direction, pressed a kiss on your hair and mumbled to you "... I still don't know how you managed to do so beautifull, but you got some purple paint in your hair. Again." He chuckled and darted his eyes around the room as he took in the chaos. "If i didn't knew you any better I'd say that you were going for the: mad painter vibe dear... Chaotically perfect. As alway-"
His scentence died abruptly in his throath when he lied eyes on the instrument behind you. His face was shocked, his mouth hang agape slightly and he squeeled. He excitedly bounced over to where you were sitting and a high pitched noise escaped his throath.
"What the fuckeroni is this beauty of a guitar doing here???!!" Dewey managed to croak out in a hoarse squeel. Still bouncing up and down and he ruffled his brown curls in amazement. A smile so bright that it could break his face in half, appeared on his features and he fixated his gaze on you.
Doubt started to creep up your spine as he unmovingly stared into your eyes for a minute. His eyes darted from the guitar, to you and back.
You couldnt take the insecurity any longer and bashfully asked: "Erhm... Dew... are you okay? I... im sorry if i... i dont mean to... erhm... if you dont like it... please tell me..."
You were shut up by Deweys strong arms pulling you up at your waist. Before you could protest or even yelp at the sudden movement his lips crashed on yours. His hands rested on your waist. Between kisses dewey breathed against your lips: "sweetheart... i LOVE it!!!"
He kissed you again, and again and again. Untill you couldnt properly trace his lips anymore, Dewey was a happy, bouncy, excited mess and it was hard to kiss a bouncingball.
You smiled fondly and Dewey rambled on how excited he was, still bouncing around the room. "Baby... you made this??? Its so sick! Its gonna shred faces even before i touched a singe string. Its so beautifull. Its..."
He stopped bouncing and crouched down beside the guitar, suddenly very quiet.
On the side was scribbled: "For my bouncy oddball of a Dewdrop. Rock on...." after the scribble of text he noticed a finferprint. Your fingerprint.
He turned his head towards you and you scratched your elbow, afraid you had overdone it. Your eyes darted to the floor as insecurity crept its way in your chest.
Dewey stood up, very slowly and walked towards you. You didn't dare too look at him untill his deep voice said your name. His voice sweet and caring, made all your doubt wash away.
Your eyes found his and you notices his beautifull brown eyes were gleaming with emotion. His gaze pure adoration and love, acceptence and amazement, when he took your hands.
He smiled through his whirlwind of emotion and reached out to brush his calloused fingers against your cheek, kissed you sweetly on the lips and pulled you in a tight hug.
Holding on like you were his only anchor in the world.
You revelled into the hug and his presence and reached out to comb your hand through his brown messy curls.
You heared him take a deep breath and felt his chest rise and fall against yours. You mumbled against the crook of his neck quietly: "I did it so you dont have to miss me as much on your gigs, Dew... This way you'll always have me with you. Even when im not around."
Dewey slowly pulled back from your embrace and gazed into your eyes. Your hands still tangled at the back of his neck, teasing the hairs there.
His nose rested against yours and he mumbled "...Thank you, beautifull... its... beautifull... almost as beautifull as you..."
He kissed your cheek, his scruff tickled under your cheekbone and he brushed his thumb over the kissed area.
"Its beautifully chaotic and serene at the same time... just like you, dear."
Dewey kissed your lips again softly and when he pulled back he chuckled: "Hey love...?"
You smirked: "Yeah Dew?"
He replied with a soft voice: "...You painted yourself a bit too. Again."
You scoffed at his comment. Of course you did. Again.
Dewey mischievously guided you closer by the straps of your overalls. His thumb brushed your cheekbone again, where he just kissed you. Dewey put his hands on your lower back and continued with a whisper: "No need to paint yourself, love... you are already a masterpiece..."
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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Hey lovelies,
Gotcha a (sad) Reader x Dewey Finn fic. Sad fluff ahead.
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Kiss the sadness away.
You quickly texted Dewey: "Life status: currently holding it all together with one single bobby pin."
Dewey replied whitin seconds: "Almost home baby. 4 more minutes untill i can hold you."
You chuckled and typed back: "Counting the seconds, rockstar... craving you"
3 minutes later you heard the front door of your appartment open and the familiar thumping of Deweys footsteps on the floor closed in on you. "Baby!!! Im hooooome!" he shouted happily before he properly closed the door.
You rushed towards him and before he had the time to ask you anything you threw yourself in his arms. You hugged his frame tightly. Glad he was finally home to ground you a bit after your rough day.
It had been an emotional rollercoaster to say at least. All you wanted was Dewey helping you forget the world.
You pressed your lips against yours in a hungry kiss. Dewey chuckled and pulled back while he mumbled: "Well dear... this just scrambles my eggs..."
You shut him up by kissing him again.
Not like before. You wanted his kiss to ground you. To make you forget. To keep you rooted. To help remember you who you were. To help you forget.
Dewey pulled back, a bit to breathe... but also because the need in your kiss had him a bit worried. "Hey... hey love... are... you okay?"
Your lip trembled when his worried brown eyes found yours and you felt him brush your cheek reassuringly. He mumbled: "Whatever your mind is telling you... it's all lies darling..."
You kissed him again. Not wanting to talk. Just wanted to feel him. Only him. No one else. Nothing else. Just dew. Just Dew. Just Dew.
Dewey let you. He noticed at everything you did you were not okay. But figured you just needed to feel right now.
So. He let you feel.
He kissed you as softly and lovingly as he could possibly manage. His calloused fingers slid on the low of your back towards your neck and massaged the skin there. Deweys other hand drew tiny patterns on your side.
You revelled in the kiss. The smell of dewey. The sensation of his fingers brushing your neck and tickling your side. His scratchy vest under your palm. The hair you toyed with at the nape of his neck. You felt it all.
The feeling of his lips against yours grounding you.
After minutes of kissing Dewey noticed you had started to sob softly through the kiss. Salt tears dropped down on your cheeks and on his scruffy face too. Softly crying you continued to kiss him.
Just... wanted to feel...
Wanting to forget...
Wanting... him... to take it away. The worry. The doubt. The pressure.
Dewey pulled back, but before he did he kissed you softly one more time.
His worried eyes looked at you with a frown and he brushed away your tears from your cheeks.
He hugged you and started swaying the both of you softly through the hallway.
Your voice coated with desperation and sadness you whispered in his chest: "Please dont let me go Dewey..."
Dewey pressed an assuring kiss on the top of your head and whispered into your hair: "I'll be there love. Im not letting go. I'm here to keep your pretty ass grounded."
Dewey started to hum softly and moved a little bit faster, making you sway more in time with his humms: "Shake, shake, shake senoira..."
You chuckled a bit. Dewey grinned. It was a sad one... but still a chuckle.
That was a good start in Dewey's opinion.
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@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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Here's an adorable brighty brightman (in a smoking) being a bright ray of sunshine in the morning 💗
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@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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@ironmansuucks @paxenera @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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If request are still open can you make a Beetlejuice board with a fallen angel theme to it, with a dark aesthetic (like black angel wings) Blum or Brightman or both whatever you choose it will be great 💕
Sure thing dear! Always! With love i made two... hope they are okay.
Keep up the asks whenever you feel like it. 💙🤘
Alex Beej angel...
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Will Beej angel....
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Did a bit of a different vibe for both, cause i feel like their versions of Beej are slightly different too. 💙
Hope this is okay...?
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Gooosh... I love me a bouncy Brightman 🤗💖💛🖤💜🧡💗💚💙 (look at this cute cinnamon-bun bounce 😍)
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Okay lovelies.
So... the picture says it all...
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Request time.
Aesthetic request time! Dewey-Beetlejuice-Alex related.
(I'll do Will Blum too... if ya want)
I need an outlet to fangirl and i wanna make you guys happy, so...
Gimme some key-words, to make a vibe. Or colours. Or specific images.
And I'll fix you an aesthetic. (I tagged my usual but any of you lovely souls feel free to ask 💜)
Lemme know what you'd like to see, dearies.
@ironmansuucks @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @gegehaddock @bugdrinkss
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For your aesthetic ask: fun fair date with Dewey?? f!reader if that’s ok xx
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Something like this? Hope i got the vibe right. Thanx so much for the ask. 💜
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hello friend ☺️ can i request a fun dewey board— like, a night out on the town or something? love all that you do!! 💛💛
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Something like this? 🖤 Hope its okay.
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Hey my dude, only me hehe🥰 can I request a fluffy Dewey aesthetic?? Maybe like Sunday morning coffee??🥰🤘🏻
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Hey... not 'only you'... 'only you' is more then only you. You're amazing...
Something with this vibe dear? 🌟🤘💙
Excuse me... i read the coffee part just now. Here ya go. ☕🛏🤘💛
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