#alex goumas
jarofglitter · 6 years
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2019 Reading List!
In 2018, since I was and still am dealing a lot of things, and now with school on top of those, reading at least 12 books were my goal. I exceeded that by 5 books, and read 17 instead. It might not be much but it was a good effort for me to eventually being able to read like this again. 
This year my goal is 20 books, but I made myself a 30+ books-pool to pick instead of strictly limiting myself to 20 pre-decided ones.
Books left to right;
Rönesanstan Günümüze Resim Sanatının Öyküsü / The Story Of Painting: From the Renaissance to the Present - Anna-Carola Kruse 
Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal: Creation Myths, Volume 1 - Brian Holguin, Alex Sheikman, Lizzy John, Brian Froud 
The Wicked + The Divine: Book One - Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie 
Saga: Book Two - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples 
Modernizmden Postmodernizme Sanat (Art: From Modernism to Post-Modernism) - Mehmet Yılmaz 
Institutional Time: A Critique of Studio Art Education - Judy Chicago 
Women, Art, and Power and Other Essays - Linda Nochlin 
The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins - Clint McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Justin McElroy 
Neden Bu Sanat?: Çağdaş Sanatta Estetik ve Eleştiri / Why Is That Art?: Aesthetics and Criticism of Contemporary Art - Terry Barrett [BH]  
On the Edge of Gone - Corinne Duyvis 
Iron Cast - Destiny Soria 
20. Yüzyıl Batı Sanatında Akımlar (20th Century Western Art Movements) - Ahu Antmen [BH]
Kimlikli Bedenler: Sanat, Kimlik, Cinsiyet (Identitied Bodies: Art, Identity, Gender) - Ahu Antmen 
Labyrinth Lost (Brooklyn Brujas, #1) - Zoraida Córdova 
Karantina (Quarantine) - Beyza Alkoç 
The Book of Madness - Levent Şenyürek, Feyza Howell 
AEDEN: Bir Dünya Hikayesi (AEDEN: A World Story) - Azra Kohen 
Sanat ve Propaganda / Art and Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century - Toby Clark, Esin Hoşsucu [BH] 
Kandinsky: Sanatta Tinsellik Üzerine (Kandinsky: About Spirituality in Art) - Özkan Eroğlu [BH] 
Çalıkuşu / The Wren - Reşat Nuri Güntekin 
The Witches of New York - Ami McKay 
Sanat Terimleri Sözlüğü (Glossary of Terms in Art) - Adnan Turani [BH] 
Leyla'nın Evi (Leyla’s Home) - Zülfü Livaneli 
The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher 
Autonomous - Annalee Newitz 
Sanat Komplosu: Yeni Sanat Düzeni ve Çağdaş Estetik / The Conspiracy of Art: Manifestos, Interviews, Essays - Jean Baudrillard, Elçin Gen, Işık Ergüden, Ali Artun [BH] // DONE!
Books on top;
Sanatın Sosyal Sınırları (Social Limits of Art) - M. Demet Ulusoy 
The New Art History: A Critical Introduction - Jonathan Harris [OH]
The Art of Asking - Amanda Palmer
Through the Flower: My Struggle as a Woman Artist - Judy Chicago, Anaïs Nin 
Sanat / Cinsiyet: Sanat Tarihi ve Feminist Eleştiri (Art / Gender: Art History and Feminist Criticism) - Ahu Antmen, Thalia Gouma-Peterson, Patricia Mathews, Esin Soğancılar 
Sanat / Siyaset: Kültür Çağında Sanat Ve Kültürel Politika (Art / Politics: Art and Cultural Politics in the Age of Culture) - Ali Artun, Lev Kreft [BH] 
Alyoşa: Aliye Berger'in Öyküsü (Alyoşa: the Story of Aliye Berger) - Hayati Çitaklar 
Mihri Müşfik Hanımın İzinde (Following the footsteps of Lady Mihri Müşfik) - Emre Caner 
Bloodline - Claudia Gray 
Koko Takes a Holiday (EBK, #1) - Kieran Shea // DONE!
In short, yay books!
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tijtb · 13 years
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Exclusive download for Alex Goumas fans!
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rockrevoltmagazine · 4 years
IBOTW: Don't Believe in Ghosts
A compelling state-of-the art indie pop band with an eclectic New York City sound. Don’t Believe in Ghosts, led by singer/producer and writer Steven Nathan, rose from his home studio in 2017. The band is rounded out by Dan DelVecchio on Guitar, Alex Goumas on Bass, and Ken Yang on Drums.
The bands’ achievements include song features on many TV shows including ‘Ink Master’ and The U.S. OPEN. Don’t Believe In Ghosts teamed up with 8-time Grammy-winning mixer Ken Lewis for their single “Don’t Wake Me Up”. The song’s video featured famed comedic actor Gilbert Gottfried. “Don’t Wake Me Up” earned more than one million retail and radio plays. In 2019 Don’t Believe In Ghosts sold out their first headlining show at New York City’s Bowery Ballroom. In the summer of 2019, the band embarked on their first U.S. tour.
“Don’t give energy to the ghosts of your past.” Says Steven Nathan when describing the meaning behind the bands’ name. “Worrying about what other people may think can be draining and debilitating.” Don’t Believe In Ghosts amplifies this theme throughout their music.
    How do you describe your music to people? 
We’d classify our music as an eclectic blend of indie and pop with a modern twist. We try not to take ourselves too seriously, and focus on writing songs that we feel really good about and are meaningful to us. 
What inspires you to do what you do?
It sounds cliché, but we really love writing and performing music. The four of us have really connected as musicians, but formed a bond that goes deeper than that. Whether it’s practice, recording, or performing, we just really have a great time, and it shows in the music that we put out. 
What’s the best and worst thing about playing clubs?
Playing live music in any setting is the best part of being in a band. There’s just something really gratifying about being able to connect with our fans and see their reactions to the music. The worst part is all of the setting up, waiting, and anticipation before we go on stage. We’re just so eager to get out there and do what we love. 
when will we see you live again? 
We’ve got a big show planned in April at the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, so if things have gone back to normal by then, our fans can expect big things from us!
What type of recording process did you use? Who produced your recording?
We produce our own records from top to bottom . Our writing process usually begins with an idea, usually catchy chord progression with a riff on guitar or keyboard . N8 will hum or sing a melody and then later write out some words to the melody. Once we get the arraignment, we bounce the track back and forth to each other to beef the production:
We record both in the box and out of the box combining our instruments And in the box plug ins. Once we get the production as far as we can we pass it along to a mix engineer to mix and master . After that it’s Music Video time . And we produce and film all our own music videos with N8 doing the finish editing.
What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover)
Well each song lives in its own universe… but ultimately we try to keep things positive and find ways to inspire ourselves. 
Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones?
We have a super-wide range of influences… some on tape and record haha Individually we all draw from some different areas and I think that of course is part of the recipe. 
What’s your outlook on the record industry today?
It’s definitely not the industry of yesterday and we’re ok with that. 
What image do you think your music conveys?
I think for image we’ll let others decide where we fit… I’m sure that will change as we continue to create and evolve. 
Tell us about your new single? 
Our new song is called ‘Won’t Say A Word’ – It will be released on Friday Nov 27th… We have never written a breakup song until now. It was kind of a challenge, I think many people will be able to relate. 
Don’t Believe in Ghosts Is:
Vocals, Guitar / Steve Nathan Guitar / Dan DelVecchio Bass, Keys / Alex Goumas Drums / Ken Yang
Connect with Don’t believe in Ghosts (click icons):
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IBOTW: Don’t Believe in Ghosts was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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