#alex schroeder oneshot
fearfully-fiction · 2 years
You Catch Each Other Staring-Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:421
warnings: Fluff, more of a blurb, sorry guys
summary: You catch each other staring
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(random gif again sorry guys!)
You were sitting on the couch with your eyes fixed on the tv in front of you. You were watching the newest episode of the show curled up in a blanket. You never went on the road with them and so you always got excited when the episodes finally came out. Alex sat next to you and chuckled at how into it you were, he always found it funny when you jumped and hid under the blanket. He couldn’t help but stare at you as you watched, just thinking of how lucky he was. 
He knew what was coming next and tried to hide the smile on his face. It was the Loftus Hall episode and the shadow behind Dakota was about to show up. He saw your fingers grip the blanket as hard as you could and your eyes go wide. “Holy shit, did you see that?” you asked and whipped around to face him to see him already looking at you. “Were you staring at me?” you asked and he chuckled. “I’m not surprised you didn’t notice seeing as how invested you were,” he shrugged and you shook your head. “It was getting good!” you defended yourself and he laughed. 
“You’re mean, creeper,” you said and stuck your tongue out at him. “I’m not a creeper, I just like to admire my girlfriend that’s all. That’s not creepy at all,” it was his turn to defend himself and you rolled your eyes. “Sure,” you dragged out and gave him a small grin that you couldn’t hide. 
He reached out and grabbed you, pulling you into his side. You let out a yelp at his sudden actions and chuckled when he painted your face with kisses. “You’re gonna be the death of me, I swear,” you joked and he chuckled. “I can proudly say the same,” he said and you smiled before leaning up to place a kiss on his lips softly. 
“I guess you’re not a creeper, 'cause that would make me one too… I won’t lie, I stare too,” you said and hid your face in your hands. “No, c’mon don’t hide from me. I wanna see your pretty eyes,” he said and gently pried your hands from your face. “There they are,” he said and let his gaze linger for a while. Your gaze was just as unwavering as his before he leaned down and pressed a kiss on your forehead. “See, staring isn’t so bad is it?” he asked and you laughed softly. “I guess not,” 
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
"One instinctive thing gets pointed out"- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:2049
warnings: fluff! language
Summary: "One specific thing you do instinctively in your relationship until someone points it out"
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(gif not mine! again random sorry)
Going out on the road with your best friends was one of your favorite things. You all got to be together and it was one f the things that made you the happiest. The one thing you always missed was time with your boyfriend, just you and him.
You missed the simple things, like those lazy mornings, and comfortable nights just being with each other. Making him watch stupid videos with you, or making stupid videos of your own just for you.
Though there were times when you all got to be together and you cherished them more than anything. You were sitting in the RV with everyone, anxiously waiting for the next stop. You had been the one to choose this time and you were extremely excited. You wanted to take them somewhere that you hadn’t been to yet. You wanted to go to California. (it’s where I’m from, and I’m dying for them to come to check some stuff out. I had to make it Cali I’m sorry)
You were taking them to Preston Castle. It was an old reform school for young boys, you very anxious to take them there seeing as you had always longed to visit. You finally got the chance and you couldn’t be more thrilled. You had talked to Alex about the place multiple times, and so once he found out you knew he would probably tease you a bit later. It was the day of the packet read and you were getting more anxious as time moved forward. You didn’t know how they would feel about it, and it was always nerve-wracking when you let them read what you had put together. You always thought it may not be enough or it may not seem as creepy or cool to them as it seemed to you.
“So are you guys excited or nervous for the packet read?” you asked them all with a grin. “I’m usually terrified by the places you choose and so I’m actually super nervous about it,” Chelsea explained, and you just grinned at her. “Yeah really, you always put together a great packet,” Dakota complimented and you smiled gratefully at him, “Thanks Dakota,”
“I think it’s a bit creepy how you react when we read the packets you put together. It’s like you thrive from our fear,” Tanner explained and you laughed loudly. “What?!” you questioned. “It’s kind of true babe,” Alex said and you looked at him in surprise. “I’m not like that! I just get excited to see what you think about the place!” you explained yourself. “Sure,” Chelsea nodded.
“The sarcasm is much appreciated Chels,” you said and she chuckled.
“It’ll be fun, I promise you guys, and I don’t have anything terrible planned for you so that should be on the upside,” you shrugged and leaned back in your seat.
Alex sat next to you, and so you instinctively leaned toward him just a bit and he placed a kiss on your cheek. It was just something he was used to doing. You would lean toward him and he knew that you wanted a kiss. You didn’t have to say a thing and you barely realized you even did it. Neither of you really noticed it.
Chelsea smiled at the action, she had been noticing it more and more during the road trip. It was just something you naturally did. The first time she noticed it was the first day of the trip.
You had just picked her up and when you all settled into your seats she saw you casually lean closer to Alex and he would place a kiss on your cheek without a second thought.
The second time was at a location,
You were just about to go to sleep for the night and it was your turn to draw a sleeping arrangement. You were standing right next to Alex and so you leaned in and he reached down to kiss your head before you reached into the hat and found out where you were sleeping. And you had actually had luck that night and got the easiest one.
She shook her head thinking about the times she had seen you do that. She thought it was adorable, it was just something you did instinctively and didn’t even think twice about. It was just like breathing to you.
You knew there wasn’t going to be much to do in Ione, California and so you decided that it would be nice to just stop at the park. Stretch your legs and try to settle your nerves before the packet read.
“So, you guys. I know we usually have something extremely cool and fun to do before the packet read, but I thought it might be nice to go to the park. We can walk Maine Street too, get some ice cream and just piss around you know,” you said with a small smile. You were nervous about your idea, but you thought it might be nice to explore a bit, and just have some extra time to mess around with your friends.
They all looked at you and could tell that you were a bit nervous. You always got nervous when it came to proposing your ideas to the group. But they were usually always pretty good so they didn’t understand why.
“That sounds great to me,” Tanner said, and you smiled brightly. “I’d kill for some ice cream right now,” Chels spoke up and you let out an airy chuckle. “I just need to get out of this RV, I think I might die in here,” Dakota quipped and you nodded in agreement. “I just want to breathe fresh air again,” Alex added and you chuckled. “I’m glad you all like the idea!” you exclaimed.
“Now, I just can’t wait to get there,” Dakota said, “Me too! I’ve been dying to come to California,” you said and reached to hold your boyfriend’s hand. He squeezed it and smiled down at you. “I guess we can check it off our list now,” Tanner said. “We can,” you agreed.
You looked out the window and smiled at the sight of the park. “Are you guys ready?” you asked. “I’m more than ready,” Chelsea said. The RV came to a stop and you were the first to get up and out the door. You got out and stepped into the ray of sun, letting your head tilt back and a smile fall on your lips. You let out a sigh of relief at the natural warmth.
Alex stepped out and looked over at you, just admiring you for a few seconds. He made his way over to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. “Hey, Al,” you said and kept your smile as you looked up at him. “Hi babe,” he said and held you a bit tighter.
“So, what’s the plan?” Dakota asked. “Well, my plan wasn’t really anything except do whatever we wanted. So, you have freedom, be wise with it, and don’t forget we have to get ice cream in a little bit,” you said and pointed at them. They chuckled, “I'd never forget the ice cream," Tanner said and you laughed.
"I swear on my life if we don't get at least one picture I'll be so pissed." You said and shook your head.
"It's us, of course, we'll get pictures," Chelsea said and nudged you gently. “Good,” you nudged her back with a smile.
The first thing you spotted was a big tree and it was perfect for climbing. “I know exactly what I’m doing,” you said. “And what is that?” Alex asked. “I’m climbing that big ass tree,” you pointed at it and began your walk towards it. “Shit, not again. You know what happened last time, let’s not repeat that!” Alex called after you. “What happened last time?” Tanner asked. “She fell and literally almost passed out, you should’ve seen the bruise she had. It was insane,” Alex explained. They all began to walk faster, “C’mon (y/n), you don’t need to climb the tree,” Dakota said. “Yes, I do. It beat me last time and it won’t happen again. I’ll be fine I swear,” you said and held your camera out for one of them to take but none of them took it from you. They didn’t want you to climb that tree but you were going to. You sighed and set your camera on the ground before getting yourself ready. You were about to pull yourself up until you felt arms go around your waist to pull you away. “That’s not happening,” Alex said and you sighed heavily. “C’mon, it’ll be fine this time. I’ll be careful I promise,” you said as he set you down but kept his arms around you. You turned around to look at him, “No, babe. Really, now is not the time,” he said, and you looked up at him with sad eyes. “Alright, I won’t,” you said and leaned closer. He gently leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead.
The action almost Chelsea laugh, as she realized how often it occurred.
“How about we go get ice cream instead?” Alex offered an alternative. “Well if I can’t climb the tree we may as well get ice cream now,” you shrugged and went to grab your camera off of the grass. “Alright, let's go,” you said and walked to the small ice cream place you passed to get to the park.
Chelsea looped her arm through yours as you walked. “That lean is cute,” she said quietly and you looked at her in confusion. “What, what lean?” you asked with furrowed brows. “You know when you lean closer to Alex and he kisses you,” she explains. “What?” you ask. “You’ll be sitting next to him and just lean over while looking at your phone and he’ll just kiss your cheek. Do you not even realize you do that?” She asked with surprise. “I didn’t realize that. I mean I know it happens but I don’t pay much mind to it when I do it. I just do it I guess,” you say and smile shyly. “That is so freaking cute,” she said and squeezed your arm. “What’s cute?” Alex asked as he walked alongside you two. “When she leans in and you kiss her cheek. It’s adorable, she doesn’t even think about it, it’s just like a natural thing to do,” she told Alex what she was talking about. “Oh that, yeah I don’t really think twice about it,” he shrugged his shoulders.
“You guys are adorable, seriously,” she said and you blushed softly.
“What are you guys even talking about, you’re so slow,” Dakota had stopped and looked behind him at you all. “It’s nothing,” Chelsea waved it off, but Tanner looked at her, not believing anything she said.
“Sure,” he said, “But seriously hurry up, I want my ice cream,” He said and turned back around to walk into the small shop. Chelsea walked in the door that was being held by Tanner, and you did next, thanking him as you passed by.
When you got to the front of the line to order you looked down at all the options and smiled immediately when you saw your favorite flavor. You explained what you wanted and Alex did the same. You got your ice cream and smiled.
You all decided to go back to the park and sit at one of the benches, “You know, this sun is making it melt way too fucking fast,” Dakota complained and you chuckled. “That’s California,” you said and smiled over at him. You felt someone looking at you and so you looked over to see your boyfriend smiling at you. You once again instinctively leaned over and he placed a kiss on your head, you shut your eyes happily and let yourself lean against him. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder and it made you hum in contentment, Chelsea grinned over at you and shook her head. “That lean is so cute,” she mumbled to herself and chuckled softly without anyone noticing. You grinned over at her, and she just smiled back.
Some things were just too pure to point out more than once.
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
"You're Cold"- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count: 1189
warnings: language, fluff, spelling/grammatical errors, (forgot to add that one on the rest of them, sorry guys)
summary: "You're Cold"
so guys, this is the final imagine for a bit. I'll be back when with more imagines when I'm feeling a bit better. Which with my kind of depression it could be in 2 days, or maybe even a week. but when I'm ready I'll be back to write more for you! once again, take care of yourselves and,
I love you to the moon and to Saturn
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(gif not mine, once again random, sorry)
“You’re warm,” you said as you snuggled into your boyfriend’s side even more. “You’re cold,” he said and looked down at you with a grin. You shook your head with a smile, “no, what gave it away?” you sarcastically quipped. “I think the shivering gave it away,” he answered jokingly. You chuckled, and he kissed the top of your head. You were lying in your bed with your boyfriend, both of you were live-tweeting with the fans.
“How are you even cold? We’re literally in bed and you have a sweater on. I don’t get it,” he said as he typed away on his phone. You just stared at him, “I love the multitasking going on here. Teasing me while live-tweeting. It’s really an amazing feat that you’re accomplishing right now.” you said as you gestured around at him. He let out a laugh as he looked at you, “Thanks for the compliment I really appreciate it. Also, I’m not teasing you, I’m asking you a reasonable question,” he explained. You rolled your eyes, “My hands are freezing from not being under the blankets therefore the rest of me is freezing too,” you answered his ‘reasonable question’.
“That’s a very you thing to have happen,” he said and you chuckled. “Thanks, Al,” you said sarcastically and he smiled broadly over at you.
You were about halfway into the episode and you replied to a tweet asking how you and Al acted without the cameras around, wondering if you were as affectionate as you were on the show.
You replied with:
“We actually are pretty much just like you see us on the show. The things you don’t really see are obviously just the more personal and private moments. Things are a bit different when it’s just us. But other than those private moments, what you see on the show is what you’d get if you met us.” you explained. You smiled when you saw that the person who tweeted the question liked it and gave you a reply. You always loved interacting with the fans, it was one of your favorite parts of being on the show.
You shivered again and let your phone fall onto your lap so you could bury your hands in the blankets trying to warm them up a bit. Alex looked over at you again seeing that you were trying to warm your hands, he set his phone down before letting his arm wrap around you pulling you closer to him. You sighed in contentment as you curled up to him he smiled down at you, “I’m sorry you’re so cold babe,” he said and kissed your head. You looked up at him with a soft smile, “It’s ok, you’re here so I should be fine soon,” you said and he leaned down to place a kiss on your lips softly. Without thinking you reached your hand up to place it on his cheek, and he instantly pulled away. You looked at him in surprise, “What the fuck?” you asked. He just stared at you with wide eyes, “You’re hand is fucking freezing cold!” he exclaimed. “I told you!” you said loudly. You reached up to hold his face but he moved away and tried to push your hands away. “No, no, keep your hands away from me!” he shouted, “You’re so loud,” you laughed at his behavior. “You’re attacking me,” he defended his volume.
“I am not attacking you, Alex, you’re just being a baby,” you said and pulled your hands away from him.
“I’m not being a baby, I’m being perfectly reasonable,” he said and you looked at him in disbelief. “Oh really?” you asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yes,” he said. “You’re crazy babe,” you said and went to tuck yourself into his side again. You grabbed onto your phone and started to tweet again, thanking everyone for watching the episode and telling them that you loved them.
Since the episode was over you decided to just turn on a show that you had seen a million times to just have some background noise.
“Alex,” you said softly. He looked down at you with a furrowed brow, “ Yeah babe, what’s wrong?” he asked and lifted his hand to move a piece of hair away from your face. “I really am cold,” you admitted to him.
He grabbed your hands and laced your fingers together despite how cold they were. You smiled at him, “You don’t have to hold my hands I know they’re cold,” you said. “I don’t care, now c’mere,” he said and brought your hands up to place a kiss on each of them. He held both of your hands tightly in his trying to warm them up. “You know I was only joking earlier,” he said and leaned forward to place another kiss on your lips this time reaching up and placing your hand on his face, himself.
You smiled against his lips feeling the slight stubble against your fingertips. He pulled away, “Any better?” he asked. You nodded your head, “Yeah, Al, thanks,” you said and smiled up at him. He let go of your hands and wrapped his arms around you so he could pull you into his lap and then between his legs. You let out a laugh and let your head rest back on his shoulder. He leaned down and kissed your cheek.
His arms wound around your waist and once again came to clasp your hands in his.
“Al,” you said and he looked down at you. “Can I post a picture of us?” you asked him timidly. A smile broke out on his face, “Of course, you can babe, where’s your phone we’ll take a picture,” he said with a hint of excitement in his voice. You smiled broadly and felt his hands let go of yours so you could pick up your phone.
You held up your phone and he nuzzled his nose against your neck while you wore a bright smile. “Al, don’t hide,” you said with a chuckle. You heard him sigh and picked up your phone again for another picture. He leaned over your shoulder and placed a kiss on your cheek, while you smiled. You took the picture but Alex didn’t move from his spot instead he kept placing gentle kisses on your cheek eventually he lifted one hand to turn you to face him so he could kiss you properly. You felt your cheeks heat up at how gentle and sweet he was being. It wasn’t new but still, it made you blush every time.
He pulled away, “You stopped shivering,” he said softly and you chuckled lightly and nodded your head. “Yeah, I did babe,” you said with a small smile. “I guess you’re warm now then?” he asked. You nodded your head. “I definitely am, but if you don’t mind I think I’d like to stay right here for a little while longer,” you told him. “You could stay here forever,” he said and once again nuzzled his nose against your neck. “I think I’d like that,” you said and curled closer to him.
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
"He or you makes the other blush"-Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:1337
Warnings: FLUFF, language!, I think that's everything!
Summary: "He or you makes the other blush"
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(gif not mine! and once again random, sorry!)
You were with your boyfriend just lying on his bed watching some random show you found. Neither of you were paying much attention to it if you were being honest. You sat criss-cross in front of him just relaying your week to him, you hadn’t seen him in a few days and so he had missed some things. You worked at a school and had just gotten a job as an English teacher. It was your first time being a teacher, and you had been there for about a year now. It was one of the best parts of your life, and Alex was extremely supportive. You actually had to stop going on the road with them because of your job. They all understood and were very happy for you and super proud. They knew how much you loved working with the kids. It was an eighth-grade English class so the kids weren’t too bad. Some needed extra help and you absolutely loved to help them.
You had already made great friends with their science teacher actually. She was a sweetheart, and she really helped you out in the beginning. So you had some things to tell Alex about at the end of the week.
“So there’s this guy at work, he’s a total asshole by the way. His name is Damien and he just makes me want to bang my head against a wall whenever he talks I swear,” you said and rolled your eyes. Alex chuckled. “What did he do?” he asked and reached over to grab your hand. “So, Melissa and I were having lunch, ok. We were talking about the kids and what we were teaching them. I am, as you know, teaching them about poetry and plays and such currently. Well, I was telling Melissa about it, and telling her how excited I was about it because they seem to really be liking it so far.” you explained to your boyfriend. He nodded his head, letting you know he was listening. “Here, this bitch comes over to us. He thinks he’s better than us because he teaches a philosophy class over at the college as well as teaching here too. Can you even believe that?” you asked with a huff. “That’s stupid. How does that make him any better?” Alex asked, almost as upset as you were. “Right! It makes no sense!” you expressed. He nodded eagerly. “What did he do?” he asked, sitting up straighter ready to hear what you had to say.
“So Damien walks over and sits down right next to us, and you know me trying to be polite even though I can’t stand him. I ask how he’s doing, and how his class is. You know I try to include him, cause I’m a nice person, and so is Melissa, of course, backing me up.” you said and took a breath.
“He looks at me with the fakest smile I had ever seen in my entire life. Babe, it was horrible, I wanted to punch him.” Alex let out a laugh, “I would too,” he said.
“Instead of bringing up his class, you know what he talks about? You wanna know what he fucking talks about?” you were getting worked up. Alex takes your face in his hands and places a kiss on your forehead to calm you down a bit. “What does he talk about sweetheart?” he asked and held your hands.
“Apparently this little shit of a person has seen the show somehow and starts talking about me being on it. Ok, which may not sound too bad, but wait. Just wait until you hear what he had to say.
He looked at me directly with that fucking grin, and he says “Yeah, I thought it was pretty silly. I mean you should be old enough to know that those things aren’t real. It was probably all faked anyway,” that is exactly what this fucker had the audacity to say. He had the fucking audacity to say that shit to my face!” you exclaimed in exasperation. Alex looked at you in surprise and you could tell there was a bit of vexation floating in his eyes.
“I didn’t want to go off on him at work. I didn’t want to get in trouble, you know so I had to handle it like a civilized person. I looked at him with a smile ok, a big sweet, kind, and oh so innocent smile.
And I said, “You know, I understand where you’re coming from, we all have our different opinions and beliefs. That’s fine, you have yours and I respect that, but don’t be rude about mine. I’m not telling you that you’re wrong in what you believe I’m just saying that I don’t agree with it and so if you wouldn’t mind respecting my friends and I that would be really kind. If you think we’re faking the things we find then fine you can think that but we know we’re not. Because we were actually there when those things happened to us and they were and are very real. They have left lasting effects on all of us. So please don’t invalidate our experiences. You can think what you think, but you can’t tell us that what we felt and saw and experienced was fake and just lies that we made up. It’s really rude and hurtful. So if you would please, respect me and the people I love, with the respect that I have for your opinions and thoughts and beliefs that would be much appreciated.” that’s exactly what I said to him.” you let out a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. Alex looked at you with no more frustration and just a look of pride and love. You always stood up for them, and what you believed and you did it in the most respectful yet direct way possible to get your point across.
Alex hadn’t responded and so you looked over at him just to see a big smile on his face. “Why are you looking at me like that?” you blushed a bit under his gaze. “You’re perfect, you’re absolutely perfect,” he said and reached over to grab you and pulled you into his lap. You let out a yelp of surprise at his actions, a bashful pink tint on your face still ever-present.
You turn to look over at him and he chuckles at the blush on your cheeks. He placed a kiss on your heated cheek, “Why are you blushing babe?” he asked and you attempted to look away from him to hide your face. “Why did you say I was perfect?” you asked softly. “Because the way you stand up for the people you love and what you believe in. You don’t disrespect people, you’re just direct. You handle it maturely and that’s one thing I love about you. You’re just perfect,” he said and you blushed even more.”Don’t say that stuff Al,” you tried to make him stop. “Why? I love to tell my beautiful girlfriend how much I appreciate her,” he said and kissed your neck softly. You felt his smile against your neck and rolled your eyes.
“You’re too much Alex, I don’t know how my heart isn’t a puddle yet,” you said softly and he chuckled. “I guess I’ll just have to work on that then huh?” he asked and kissed your neck a few more times before turning your face towards his. He leaned down and pressed a kiss on your lips. Your hand ran up into his hair and his arm wrapped around your waist tightly. When you pulled away he smiled at the soft smile on your lips. “Is it working?” he asked. You chuckled and shook your head. “Not yet, I think you may have to try a bit harder,” you said with flushed cheeks and a bashful gaze.
“Then, I won’t stop until it works,” he kissed you again and smiled against your lips.
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
One of the other boys likes you-Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:3476
Warnings: fluff, sadness of course. I think that’s it! 
Summary: “One of the other boys likes you” in this case: Tanner loves you while you’re with Alex.
ok, so in this one, the reader gets the 18th floor as their sleeping arrangement and Chelsea gets somewhere else. Just wanted to let you know! Also, I know this is out of order and early but, I love you guys and wanted you to have it early! I love you to the moon and to Saturn!
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(gif not mine!)
Waking up on the day of your stay at the Statler was nerve-racking, after hearing about all of the accounts, and not being able to sleep with all of the thoughts running through your mind. So there you were sitting next to Alex with bleary eyes trying to keep yourself from just falling against him and crashing out. Everyone could tell that you were exhausted and it worried them a bit, but they knew you would pull through, you always did. You just needed some coffee, and the day to start instead of just sitting where you were trying to keep your eyes open. 
Alex looked over at you and lifted his arm, inviting you to curl up beside him and that is exactly what you did. You looked up at your boyfriend and smiled sleepily, he grinned before leaning down to press a short kiss on your lips then making sure to place one on your nose as well. You sighed in content before letting yourself relax into his hold. Just as Tanner walked into the front of the RV he noticed you and Alex and his heart sunk. He had been in love with you since high school, but you were his best friend and the first person you told that you were dating Alex after loving him for so long. His heart was immediately crushed at the news he got back in Junior year. Seeing you with him now, even more in love than before, was incredibly difficult for him. 
Instead of sitting on the couch, he sat at the table trying his best to not think about it anymore. “Are you guys ready for The Statler?” Dakota asked. “Um, no,” Chelsea said and Dakota grinned. 
“Tanner? You ready?” he asked him, “To be honest, I’m excited but honestly I’m scared too.” he expressed and Dakota nodded. Alex looked down at you and smiled at how sweet you looked fast asleep next to him. He looked back up when he heard Dakota ask him if he was ready. “No, not really, and I’m sure she’s not either,” he said and once again glanced down at you. “Yeah she looks exhausted, poor thing,” Chelsea said. “She had a hard time sleeping last night, the whole packet read put her on edge pretty badly,” Alex said. “It was a tough one this time,” Dakota said. “I think we should really keep an eye on her tonight,” Alex spoke up again. Tanner nodded his head in agreement. “I think that would be the best idea,” he said. 
You had been gently shaken awake by your boyfriend who placed a kiss on your cheek when he saw your eyes begin to flutter open. You looked at him groggily and smiled. “Hi,” you mumbled sleepily. “Hey babe,” he said and smiled right back at you. You turned to face everyone to see they all had their cameras out and so you immediately tried to rub the sleep from your eyes and grabbed your camera. “Crap, I’m so sorry guys.” you apologized quickly. “Don’t be sorry, you were exhausted, we’re just glad you got some sleep before tonight,” Tanner said and smiled brightly at you. You smiled back, still with sleep lingering on your features. He couldn’t help but admire you like that, he wanted so badly to wake up to those sleepy eyes and lazy smile. While Alex held the camera with both hands you placed one of yours on his leg comfortingly tracing small patterns. It was always a sweet gesture you made and it never failed to make Alex smile, and Tanner wish he was in his place. 
“Okay. we are back on the road. Now we are going to a coffee shop. We’re gonna meet with a lady named Kristie. She is a paranormal investigator, a psychic, and she’s been to the Statler many times.” Dakota explained to everyone what was going to happen that day. You nodded your head in understanding. “Oh, nice,” Tanner said. “Yeah,” Dakota agreed. “I’m excited to see what she has to say.” you said, “It’s definitely gonna be interesting,” Dakota said. 
“How are you guys feeling, like, rest-wise?” he asked and you chuckled knowing you had just woken up. “I’m definitely under the weather,” Tanner said and your eyes widened a bit. “Yeah?” Dakota asked. “100% under the weather,” he reaffirmed. You had worry clouding your eyes. You got up from your spot instantly to sit next to Dakota across from Tanner so you could reach over and feel for a temperature. He chuckled at your motherly actions. “No, this isn’t funny. Are you ok? Do you need anything?” you asked with your brows furrowed in concern. He grabbed your hand gently and just held it for a second before setting it down. “I don’t need anything right now ok. Really,” he told you. You looked at him skeptically. “You, swear to tell me if anything changes.” you pointed a finger at him. Everybody chuckled, and he nodded his head. “I swear,” he said and you nodded your head. You leaned back in your seat, still next to Dakota not wanting to be too far from your best friend in case he needed you at all. Alex looked at you with a big smile, you could see how much he loved you just from the way he looked at you and smiled when you did things like what you did with Tanner just then. He loved how loving you were. 
You were like that the rest of the day for him, you even offered to go to the hospital with him, but he literally had to tell you no. Were you upset about not getting to go with him because of how worried you were? Yes. Yes, you were. 
You all got back to the RV after speaking with Kristie and your mind kept wandering to if Tanner was ok or not. Alex could see the worry etched across your face and pulled you close to him. You buried your face in his chest and sighed heavily. “Al, I’m worried,” you told your boyfriend. He could hear the crack in your voice. You had always gotten emotional when the people you loved weren’t at their best, it made you worry and jump to conclusions. 
He pulled you away from him a bit so he could wipe a few stray tears from your face. “Baby, he’ll be ok.” Alex comforted you. You looked up at him with glistening eyes and a trembling bottom lip, he placed a hand on your cheek and rested his forehead against yours. “Everything will be ok. He’ll be ok,” he said and pressed a kiss on your lips shortly before moving away to let you completely tuck yourself beside him on the small couch. “I just want- I just want him to feel better you know. I hate seeing any of you guys feeling bad like that, cause I can’t just fix it, I can’t make it go away, I can’t make it better,” you explained as you reached over to hold his hand tightly. Chelsea and Dakota looked over at you and sighed. It was in times like these that they came to realize just how much you loved and cared for them. 
Each of you had your cameras out, and the day had begun to settle into a softer evening now. 
“I haven’t heard anything from Tanner yet. He’s not answering his phone or anything.” Dakota said and your hand instantly reached out to find Alex’s. Though he was holding the camera he managed as always to hold your hand tightly, while using the other to help steady the camera. 
“I have a bad feeling about this, but, I’m hoping he’s gonna be able to make it tonight but…” Chelsea trailed off. “I can’t even imagine not having him with us tonight,” you stated, and everyone nodded in agreement.
“We have to have him, he can’t miss this one. This is the biggest location we’re going to.” Dakota said. “And there’s a chance that he still might come with us right?” Chelsea asked her brother. “Yeah, I still think it’s a 50/50. I don’t really know.” Dakota said. You took a deep breath, and Alex had begun to notice the grip on his hand was so tight. He picked up your hand and placed a kiss on it soothingly. You looked over at him and smiled softly knowing that Alex was there for you. 
The sound of a car pulling up quickly drew your attention to the window. “I think that’s him,” Dakota said. You immediately sat up straighter and tried to get a good look out the window, your boyfriend also had to get up and maneuver around to get a good shot out the window. You chuckled a bit at his actions and he looked down at you quickly and smiled at the small giggle that escaped you. 
“He doesn’t look good,” Dakota said. “I’m just glad that he’s out of the hospital,” you said and Chelsea agreed with you. “He does not look happy,” Dakota said. 
He walked through the door and immediately you were up to greet him. Your arms were around him tightly, and he reciprocated just the same. Seeing how much you cared for him made his heartbeat even faster every time you showed that love and affection. He knew it would only ever be platonic to you but he would savor any amount of time he got to have you close to him like you were right now. 
You let go to let him sit down and when he did you reached over to take his hand in yours comfortingly. “So, went to the doctors told them, kind of like, you know, the whole what we’re doing. You know, we’re in abandoned locations it’s dusty all that jazz. There’s black mold in some of these places. So what they decided the smartest thing to do is for me to get an X-ray. So I did two X-rays and, um…” Tanner kind of trailed off and your eyes got wide in fear. You had no idea what you were going to hear him say but it didn’t sound like it would be very good news. 
“They gave me a clear bill of health,” he said. You let out a heavy sigh of relief and squeezed his hand tightly. “So you can come tonight?” Dakota asked. “So I can go tonight,” Tanner confirmed. 
You shut your eyes tightly and let go of his hand, you could already feel yourself tearing up. You never understood why you got so emotional, but you couldn’t help it. 
“Oh my gosh yes!” Chelsea said in relief that Tanner could in fact do the overnight. “I wanted to see if you guys cared or not,” Tanner said. Chelsea leaned against him in a big hug. Everyone had smiles on their faces, and then there was you. Sitting there with shiny eyes and a relief-flooded heart. He looked over at you and saw that you had tears in your eyes. Immediately he got up to pull you into a hug. 
“Why are you crying, what’s wrong?” he asked in concern. You held him tighter. “I was so worried, and I’m so glad that you’re ok because I hate seeing you not feel good. I’m so happy you get to come with us, I’m so happy you’re ok.” your voice cracked. He felt his heart hurt just a bit at the fact that you were so worried about him. He knew you cared, but he had no clue it would affect you like it did. “Don’t cry, I’m ok. You know, I’d never miss a location like this one.” he felt you nod and pull away to wipe your tears. “I’m sorry, I just love you guys and hate seeing any of you down and out like that. It breaks my heart,” you told them. He hugged you one last time and you kissed his cheek softly before each of you sat down again. He could feel his face heat up and tried to hide it as best as he could. This was gonna be a long night for him. And little did you know, but it would be an even longer night for you. 
Here you were after an insanely long night that was not near over yet. You had gotten the 18th floor for your sleeping arrangement and you were absolutely horrified. Your boyfriend got the basement and so the only person you would be able to reach on the walkie was Tanner. Your boyfriend was helping you set up your sleeping arrangement before he went down to his and your stomach was already turning. Before you sat down on your cot you wrapped your arms around him and sighed heavily trying not to break. 
“Alex, I’m scared, and I can’t reach you,” you said and held him tightly. “I swear babe, everything will be ok. Tanner is one call away, he would never let anything happen to you especially knowing I’m not here and if he didn’t I would kick his ass,” he said and kissed your head. You looked up at him, you could barely see him but you could tell he was looking down at you. You reached up blindly and your hand landed perfectly on his cheek and you smiled. He leaned down and kissed you softly for a few seconds before pulling away. “You’ll be ok baby. I know it. I love you so much.” he said and kissed you one more time. “I love you too Alex, please be careful here ok,” you said and you felt him nod against your hand.  “I will be.” he kissed your head. You gave him one last hug before he turned to get back on the elevator. 
Since he left you felt like you were being watched. You heard what sounded like voices down the hallway, and you could’ve sworn you felt something move by you. 
Your breathing got heavier when you heard a crashing sound down the hall. You let out a scream when you heard a scream. You felt tears well up in your eyes and immediately you were on your walkie trying to get ahold of your best friend. 
“Tanner,” you spoke with a shaky voice. “(y/n)? Are you ok?” he asked, noticing how shaken you sounded.  “Um, I know- I know it’s a bit early into the night but can you please get up here. Please, I’m really scared, I don’t feel safe at all.” you almost cried through the walkie. Tanner was immediately up with his camera and on his way to the elevator. 
“I’m on my way right now, just sit tight ok. I’m almost there,” he told you, trying to keep you calm. 
There was a huge crashing sound behind you and it sounded like something falling and hitting the ground hard. You remembered at the end of the hall Dakota and Alex caught a shadow figure who you all assumed to be one of the heart attack victims. You let out a scream when you heard the sound again. Just as Tanner exited the elevator he heard you scream and ran over to you. You were curled in on yourself trying to get away from the things going on around you. You felt someone grab you and you screamed again. “It’s just me. Hey, (y/n), it’s Tanner. Open your eyes, you’re ok. You’re safe.” he said and tried to pry your hands away from your eyes. 
Your eyes flew open and you stared wide-eyed at your best friend who was kneeling right in front of you. You wrapped your arms around him, and let some tears fall not knowing how to control your fear at the moment. He held you tightly. 
“I keep hearing voices and what sounds like something hitting the floor or something. It’s just all so loud, and it’s everywhere.” you cried to him. He took your face in his hands and wiped your tears as best as you could. “You’re ok now. I won’t let anything hurt you, I promise,” he said and you nodded your head. 
“Will you stay with me?” you asked hesitantly. He looked at you and nodded his head. “Of course I will. I won’t leave you,” he said and sat next to you pulling you into his side. You relaxed against your best friend and let out a heavy sigh. He looked down at you and wanted so badly to be able to be the one to kiss you and just take it all away. He wanted to be the one to protect you like this every night, and he couldn’t help but just want to hold you through the whole night until you felt ok again. 
He wanted you to love him the way he loved you, but he knew he could never do that to you or Alex. 
Through the night, he got what he wanted. He got to hold you until the morning until Alex came to get you. The morning came and when Alex got to your floor he saw that you were sitting there with Tanner. You looked exhausted and scared, and Alex’s heart broke at the sight. 
“What happened?” he asked frantically. Tanner and you looked up at the sound of his voice and you immediately stood up and stumbled your way over to him. His stuff is on the floor the second you let yourself fall against him. You knew the night wouldn’t have affected you this much if you were in a good state of mind. Alex knew you were going through so much and you weren’t sleeping well. “Baby, what happened?” he asked gently cradling you against him trying to give you that sense of safety you had been lacking for so long. You felt safe with Tanner, but with Alex, it wasn’t just safety, it was security and love, and a full set of armor guarding you against the world. 
You could barely even talk and so Tanner spoke up for you. “She kept hearing things and feeling breezes like someone was just pacing by her. She needed me to stay with her.” Tanner explained to Alex. “Thank you, Tanner. Thank you so much man really. If you weren’t here tonight I don’t know what would’ve happened.” Alex thanked his best friend. He nodded. “Of course, I’m always here for her, and you ok. Whenever,” he told Alex. 
You still held onto your boyfriend, reveling in the security his arms gave you. You heard Tanner begin to walk away but you break away from Alex to stop him. “Tanner, wait a second,” you said and tugged on his sleeve. He turned to look at you, and you wrapped your arms around him tightly. 
“Thank you for keeping me safe through the night,” you said. And his eyes went wide but he closed them tightly before holding you tighter. “I’d do it again,” he reassured you. You leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
He smiled down at you. “Let’s get out of here now huh?” he asked and you nodded hastily. You stepped back to your boyfriend just to see that he had already begun to put your things away so you could carry them out. You went to help him, you grabbed your things from him and you headed to the elevator. You all got on and pressed the button to take you back down. You stood next to your boyfriend, your head was leaning on his shoulder, you finally began to feel a sense of peace. 
When you got outside and finished wrapping up, you all got into the RV. you were all ready to move on from that and to say you weren’t excited for what was to come would and wouldn’t be a lie. You were scared and nervous but you were also excited and curious. 
You sat curled up next to Alex, already half asleep. He kissed your head and let his lips linger for a while before moving to rest his cheek on the top of your head.  “You’re safe sweet girl, get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Alex whispered to you and your eyes fluttered fully shut and you relaxed. Your breathing evened out, and he held you securely in his arms making sure you knew you were ok. 
Tanner took one last look at you in Alex’s arms and knew he had to just live with the fact that you would never be his. He needed to continue to be happy that you and his best friend are happy together. Knowing you cared for him as you did would have to be enough, and in time it would be. 
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
You’re Shy- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:1079
Warnings: FLUFFFF
Summary: “You’re Shy”
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(gif reused! and still not mine lo!)
You walked into the living room where everybody was sitting waiting to watch the newest episode. You had gone to put on a sweater because you were cold and so you put on one of your favorite sweaters that just so happened to be one of Alex’s sweaters. When they noticed what you were wearing Chelsea smiled broadly and Dakota chuckled. You heard Dakota’s laugh and turned to look at him, and noticed everyone smiling. “What are you guys smiling at?” you asked quietly. “You’re wearing his sweater,” Tanner said. Your cheeks immediately heated and you quickly sat down next to your boyfriend picking up a blanket to cover you quickly.
Alex smiled at you lovingly before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him. Immediately your eyes fell into focus on your wringing hands, your cheeks were pink and you felt uncomfortable with everyone still looking at you. “Babe, why are you hiding?” Alex whispered to you. “Just shy, You guys know I don’t like to be the center of attention. I’m sorry for using your sweater you can have it back if you want,” you said in a rush and reached down to lift the sweater over your head. He abruptly reached for your hands to stop your actions, “Sweetheart, no, no, no, you don’t have to do that. We just think your cute that’s all, you’re so shy and it’s so sweet. You make me melt when I see you in my clothes. Please don’t take it off,” Alex said quietly and kissed your head. You moved your head to rest against his chest so you wouldn’t have to face the world. “I won’t,” you said and pressed a soft kiss on his chest. 
Chelsea looked over at you and Alex and her heart swelled at the sweet sight. “Sorry for making you uncomfortable (y/n/n),” Dakota apologized. You looked up at him shyly and smiled softly. “It’s ok, I’m sorry I get so shy,” you apologized back to everyone. Everyone smiled at you, “It’s ok, now how about we watch the new episode and do some tweeting!” Tanner said. You nodded gently and settled back against Alex again. 
The episode began and you pulled your phone out to go on Twitter. 
You were going on to the middle of the episode and you had begun to get sleepy. You had no idea how you got sleepy but you did and you were trying to keep your eyes open throughout the show. 
“You ok baby?” you heard Alex say and turned your face so he could look at you. He saw how sleepy your eyes looked and he chuckled. “Close your eyes and get some rest,” he said. You looked at him sleepily, “No, I want to watch and tweet with you guys,” you said trying to make yourself seem more awake than you were. He knew you were shy and embarrassed about falling asleep in front of people. “I know you’re just shy to fall asleep out here, but it’s ok really. Remember they’re your friends you’ve known them your whole life,” he whispered to you as to not interrupt the episode. “I’m not just shy to fall asleep out here, I really do want to watch with you guys,” you spoke at the same volume as he did. “C’mere babe,” he said and put you in a more comfortable position so you would fall asleep better. You smiled shyly at the fact that you were currently in his lap now. You hid your face in his neck as if trying to disappear from prying eyes. He felt you tense up and reached up to place a hand on your leg letting his fingers trace patterns soothingly on your skin. “You’re fine ok. No one is going to judge you here, they would never do that to you. I would never let them do that to you, so you can sleep if you want to,” he said and kissed your head. You kissed his neck in appreciation and turned your eyes back to the screen once again trying to keep your eyes open. 
Tanner looked over at you and Alex, he smiled at how sweet you two were. Alex saw him looking and smiled at him. Alex knew he wasn’t judging you and it just made him smile even more knowing that he would never do that to you. He just wished you knew that they weren’t judging you.
The next thing he knew he felt you relax, your breathing was even, and he could feel your eyelashes flutter against his neck. The episode had ended and everyone had taken notice of you asleep in Alex’s lap. Chelsea covered her mouth to stop a giggle from escaping at the sight of you so relaxed, she thought it was so sweet, they had never seen you look so comfortable and relaxed in a setting that’s so open. Even though to them it was more of an intimate setting with just them, you were still shy around them. They never took it personally because you were more open with them than you were with anyone else besides Alex. 
“She’s so cute,” Chelsea said softly and took out her phone to take a picture. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so relaxed,” Dakota spoke quietly. Alex kissed your head gently enough to keep you asleep. 
“She’s always so shy, but I’m so proud of her for coming out of her shell even more with you guys,” he said and Tanner nodded. “We’ve known her our whole lives and we still have so much to learn about her. We know so much, but we also know so little. I’m just happy that we’re getting closer,” Tanner said. 
“I am too, I’m excited that you’ll get to know her like I know she wants you to,” Alex said and once again kissed your head. Chelsea carefully made her way over to you and kissed your head softly before telling everyone goodnight. The boys said their goodnights as well, and after they were down the hall Alex carefully picked you up and carried you down the hall. He set you on the bed and smiled at your sleeping figure. “I love you, my shy girl,” he said and went around to his side of the bed before getting in and pulling you closer to him and letting himself fall asleep the feeling of your even breathing. 
Happy Holidays! <3 
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fearfully-fiction · 3 years
Odd Fellows Home pt.7- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:6012
Warnings: language, intense mood switches and this warning will also be in the next chapter. 
Summary: based on season 3, episode 6 of DF. so all credit to the crew, the show, and the channel. Raeder and the group venture into the Nursing Home, and along the way the reader has a scary experience which leads her to decide on something she’s never done. 
Ok guys! here we go! I know it’s a super long chapter but I’m trying to get this out quickly for you guys. I believe there is only one more chapter to go so hang on! I’m sorry I missed posting yesterday, I was super tired and I just didn’t have the energy to do much. once again the gif will be random, hopefully it will be ok though! I love you to the moon and to Saturn!-M.G.
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(gif not mine!)
“Ok, I have one rule for you, babe.” You heard your boyfriend speak up. You looked at him in confusion but allowed him to continue. “Seeing as you’ve almost dropped your camera 80 times tonight you won’t carry one for the rest of the night. You will have your flashlight, and you will stay near all of us at all times, ok,” he told you, and without hesitation, you agreed. You knew he was right about dropping your camera a million times and you didn’t want to break it so you just agreed. You wanted to be around them as much as possible and if that meant no camera and your flashlight on the whole time then that’s what you’d do. In all honesty, you were glad you didn’t have to carry a camera around and had more freedom and visibility with a flashlight in your hand. “Ok,” you said and nodded in confirmation. “Promise to tell us if you feel yourself slipping ok?” Dakota asked. You looked over at him and nodded. “I promise Kota,” you said and everybody nodded their heads. “Alright, let’s get started then,” Alex said you immediately reached for his hand, and he immediately laced his fingers with yours. You sighed heavily and shook your head a bit hoping to clear some of the fog that settled over your thoughts. 
You silently followed everybody outside and to the Nursing Home. 
You all stopped just outside of the Nursing Home and were ready for Alex to give his next instructions on his plan for the night. 
Your hand was still in his, you had no gloves on that night which was insanely stupid of you because you felt like your hands were frozen. Holding Alex’s hand was like a blanket for yours. You smiled as you looked down at your intertwined hands and leaned into him just a bit. Behind the mask, no one could see the smile on your face but you’re sure that if they looked at your eyes they would be able to tell that you were smiling. 
“Ready babe?” Alex asked you. You looked up at him, trying to be as confident as possible. “Yeah I’m ready,” you told him. “Always stay where we can see you and get to you easily ok,” Tanner told you. “I know.” you nodded at him, trying to ease the tension in your body that had been building since the second you stepped away from the gear room. As soon as the cameras began rolling you hid further into your boyfriend’s side, too embarrassed to show up. Before you knew it, your boyfriend began to speak. 
“We just had a very scary encounter, and now we’re gonna go explore the Nursing Home,” he said and you just nodded in approval. You crossed your fingers and wished on the lucky star next to you that everything would be ok now. 
“This is honestly going to suck, I don’t even know why we do this to ourselves,” Chelsea said and everyone chuckled. She was expecting a response out of you seeing as she set up her words to be open-ended for banter from you. She got nothing. No sarcasm, no jokes, no wit. Obviously, she didn’t take it personally, but still, it hurt to see her best friend in such a bad frame of mind. Just as you were about to enter the building Alex said something, something that you knew you needed to have ingrained in you. 
“You tell me or anyone the minute you start to feel off, and we’ll get you out of here ok. If something feels wrong let us know so we can get to it before it escalates again,” he told you. You looked at him softly. “I know Al, I will, I promise,” you reassured him. “Alright, let’s do this,” he said and let you into the building. Immediately you got a bit of a vibe, you didn’t know if it was negative or positive. Your mind was becoming misty again but you tried to will it away. You stepped a few feet further into the building before stopping to go over what your next move was. 
“This is the building that the morgue is at, and they say there is a dark energy here. There’s even been reports that people hear piano music.” your boyfriend explained and it made you tense up even more. Alex felt you tense up for a second as he continued to speak. “And if you look right here…” he trailed off and pointed to a room with piano’s “Not a chance,” Chelsea spoke up. 
“There’s no music coming from that,” Alex said as you shined your flashlight into the room and cringed at the creepy sight. “I wonder if they would play Clair De Lune if I requested it.” you tried your best to joke and show everyone that you were feeling better. When in actuality you were becoming more nervous but you didn’t want to say anything because you didn’t want to leave them, and you didn’t want to be alone and admit defeat. Everybody laughed and smiled for the first time in a while after not hearing such witty remarks from you that seemed genuine. 
“No, but I bet they’d play Für Elise if you asked kindly enough.” Tanner joked back and you chuckled softly. 
You were all cautiously walking through the vacant and decrepit hallways looking and listening for any signs. Your hand had left Alex’s and so while you held the flashlight in one hand the other nervously twisted the old arcade ring around your finger nervously. You made sure to stay in the middle of them all and get out some funny jokes so they would think you were fine enough to go off on your own that night. 
“Is there somebody here with us?” Dakota calls out the question. You walk into a room and instantly hear glass crush underneath your feet, and you jump at the noise of it breaking. 
“Ah!” you yelled. In your ears, it sounded like an explosion when to them it was all that it was: glass breaking. They all turned quickly towards you, you barely had time to gain any fragment of composure before they saw you. “It just scared me that’s all,” you told everyone. Your laughter was fake when you really were just completely horrified but they couldn’t know that.
Chelsea began to walk again, and you were glad the topic was dropped so quickly. You let out a practically inaudible sigh of relief. 
Chelsea stepped on more glass and you needed to try and ground yourself. “Woah. There’s so much glass, guys,” she stated to everyone. You all continued through the building and Alex moved ahead of everyone else into one room while Tanner stayed back and held your hand so you wouldn’t wander or get lost in your head for too long. Alex looked into one room and looked around. “A dog kennel? What the hell?” he questioned. You took a moment to peek into the room and lo-and-behold in the middle of the room was a dog kennel. Your brows furrowed and for the first time in a while, you let out a real chuckle. It just so happened that everybody heard it and turned to face you. You looked at them in discomfort not knowing why they had just begun to stare at you. “Did I do something wrong?” you ask softly. Alex’s eyes widened at your question. “No. No. of course not babe, it’s just we weren’t expecting a genuine laugh like that.” Alex told you, and you nodded your head. “Oh, well I was just laughing because of the dog kennel you found in that room,” you explained to everyone. Little did you know but they were smiling finally hearing the sweet sound that they felt like they had been missing for far too long. Alex walked over to you and took Tanner’s spot next to you reaching to grab your hand to hold tightly in his. “It was pretty funny wasn’t it?” Alex questioned and you could hear the smile in his voice. Even the smallest things he did made butterflies swirl in your stomach. “Yeah it was.” you agreed and leaned into him affectionately. 
You followed everyone down the halls once again, and let Tanner speak. 
“This building is, like, completely run down,” he said and you flashed your light into some of the rooms just to see them practically falling apart. Not having a camera was extremely strange for you but in a way, you felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. “This is disgusting,” Dakota said with disgust. “Yeah, it is.” you agreed with him. Alex made sure to look down at you every now and again just to make sure you didn’t seem affected even worse than you were. 
You stayed by Alex as you continued further into the building, your heart began to race and you tried to take deeper breaths without anyone noticing the small change in you. Your ears were ringing with how much adrenaline was coursing through you due to your mounting fear. All of a sudden something cut through the ringing, it sounded almost like a whisper. You weren’t sure what it said but you knew you weren’t alone. Your eyes were wide and you hadn’t even realized you stopped walking. Out of nowhere, you felt a weak shove and a louder whisper. It sounded like your name. Immediately your breath caught in your throat and you felt lightheaded, you could feel your pulse in your fingertips that’s how hard your heart was beating. You were in a state of shock and pure terror everything around you was blurry and you felt like you were moving but you didn’t know where to or if you even were. 
Little did you know but Chelsea had noticed your absence and immediately stopped walking. “Guys, where’s (y/n)? She was right next to you Al wasn’t she?” she asked hurriedly. Alex frantically looked around and they all walked back from where they came and saw you standing in the middle of the hallway. You looked completely out of it, and Alex ran over to you setting his camera on the floor. “What the hell?” Tanner asked with fear evident in his voice. Dakota walked closer to you just far enough away to see what was going on. 
Alex placed his hands on your face and tried to talk to you. 
“(y/n), hey, it’s me, it’s Alex can you hear me?” he spoke gently not trying to scare you. Your eyes darted around the room, he could see an insurmountable level of fear in your eyes and it gave him chills. “Shit.” he cursed under his breath. “(y/n), can you hear us?” Dakota spoke up from behind Alex. 
The feeling you had was giving you chills, it was almost like tremors shaking your body. You stood there trying to make your eyes focus on one thing so the room would stop spinning, still, you felt like someone or something was there grabbing you by your arms and spinning you in a never-ending circle. You suddenly felt someone touching you, you began to feel hands gripping your arms firmly as if trying to ground you. The touch didn’t feel threatening it felt protective and that feeling was beginning to break you away from that far away place that you seemed to be stuck in. As you stood there you heard familiar voices that were acting as a guide to bring you back out of your mind. 
“(y/n), hey c’mon. We’re all right here.” Tanner spoke up. “Yeah, just try and listen to us, focus on our voices,” Chelsea said. “Babe, come back to me. C’mon come back… be here. Please, sweetheart, you’ve got this. I’ve got you.” Alex tried to coax you out, and your eyes fluttered a bit trying to blink away the double vision and find purchase on your boyfriend. You carefully shook your head and cringed, the beating of your heart began to calm down as you felt your hand being placed on Alex’s chest right over his heart. You felt it beat against your palm his natural heat beginning to warm your cold hand. You finally found your normal vision again and looked up at your boyfriend with relief-riddled eyes. You let out that breath that had been caught in your throat and let your shoulders sag before letting yourself lean into your boyfriend’s embrace. 
“Are you ok babe? Crap, What happened? We got so scared. I was so scared.” he said and just held you. “I’m not sure. One second I’m right next to you and the next I felt like I was waking up,” you told him the partial truth. You didn’t want to tell him what you had heard and what it was making you feel not wanting to make things, even more, worse than they already were, and things were already far beyond the worst. 
“Do you remember anything, or what may have happened?” Chelsea asked and you pulled and turned to look at her. “No, I think I just got a little dazed that’s all it was a bit weird but I’m ok just a bit confused,” you told her as calmly as possible when in all honesty you were ready to fall apart. 
They all looked at you like they could see right through you and of course you knew they could even if you hoped they couldn’t. 
They absolutely knew you were lying to them but they didn’t know what to do with you.
They knew they couldn’t leave you back in the gear room but they didn’t want to take you with them either. They were scared for you, and sadly they were a bit scared of you. You could see the looks of fear on their faces and your heart sunk even further. You looked at Alex seeing the worry in his eyes and they looked glassy it looked like he was going to cry and that scared you. “Alex, please don’t cry. Please don’t cry,” you said and pulled him into a hug. You could feel your boyfriend shake and it made your heart begin to crack. You thought to yourself that you could fix this. You would go back to the gear room and stay there until the night was over. 
His head on your shoulder and the masks caused discomfort to both of you but you knew you didn’t care at this point. “I’ll go back sweetheart, I’ll go back and sit it out for tonight just for you guys ok. Just for you babe, I’ll stop and step down this time,” you told him and he held you even tighter. The whole group heard you and shock went through each of them, they didn’t think you would do that. They knew you’d do anything for them, but they never thought you’d sit out just because they asked you to on an investigation. Seeing you do this was unreal, they never thought that the day would come that you would take a seat and take a step back like this. They knew something in you had to know that they were all scared. 
You pulled away from Alex and wiped his tears away. “I’ll sit it out, ok my love,” you reassured him. He looked down at you and nodded. You could tell he was upset knowing that this was the first time you had to take yourself out of the situation, he felt guilty for doing that to you. You looked at everyone else and saw fear in their eyes, you knew that part of that fear wasn’t for you, it was because of you and so you sighed heavily before speaking up one last time. “I’m going back to the gear room, I’ll have my walkie and the light will be on. I’m sorry for scaring you, I’ll see you later,” you said quietly and moved to leave the building without waiting for anyone to offer to walk back with you. 
“Babe, wait, slow down.” you heard your boyfriend’s scratchy voice call out to you as you walked away. You turned to look at him with shame covering your features. You saw everyone still looking at you and tears welled in your eyes, feeling as though they would never look at you the same way as they used to ever again.” We love you (y/n)!” you heard Chelsea call to you and it made tears spillover. “You didn’t understand how much you loved them until it came to these situations when they show you over and over again that they love you too. You felt that everything would change after that night, but deep in your mind you knew they would never do that to you, you knew they would always love you no matter what. Alex jogged over to you, “I’m not scared of you. I love you so much and I just want you to be safe.” he said and reached for your hand. You interlaced your fingers and let out a shaky breath. “I know I said to go, but, I don’t think I should let you especially on your own,” he said. You looked up at him and sighed, “Alex. I’m scaring them, and you don’t have to say that I’m not scaring you because I’m sure that I am. I’m sure I’m just being overdramatic about being alone… I’m just gonna go.” you told him softly. You were embarrassed because of yourself, you were letting this place affect you and you could see how that was affecting everyone else, so you thought it would be best to go so they could carry on with the night. 
“Don’t go.” Alex told you. “Al, I’m not gonna hold you guys up anymore, I’m slowing everything down and the night is ticking away. Just get this done and I’ll be waiting,” you told him and pulled your hand from his to turn and walk away. Before you knew it you were being thrown over Alex’s shoulder and carried back to the group. “Alex, I’m not joking. Put me down now,” you told him harshly. You got no answer from him. “Alex. Put me the fuck down!” you exclaimed. He didn’t stop moving. Everyone looked his way with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. “What the hell are you doing?” Tanner asked as he finally set you back on your feet and wrapped his arms around you so you wouldn’t leave. You moved around in his grip trying to get away from him, you were upset and angry and embarrassed. You just wanted to leave, you didn’t want to be alone but you didn’t want to scare anyone anymore and you knew you would continue to do that if you stayed with them. “She’s not leaving.” Alex said, and Dakota looked at him in confusion. “Dude, you just agreed that she should go and sit this out five seconds ago.” he said. “I know what I did, but I changed my mind. She can’t be there alone, and I won’t let her think that we don’t want her here.” Alex told them. Chelsea looked at you while you tried to get out of his grip. “Alex Schroeder. I swear if you don’t let me go I’ll bite you,” you growled. Chelsea looked at you like you were crazy, and the boys did too. “Babe, just settle down. Let’s work this out ok, just settle down for a minute.” he tried to calm you down. You struggled a bit more. “Come on (y/n) stop this. Don’t be so dramatic.” Tanner told you, and you immediately stopped moving. Everyone perked up at your sudden halt. You instantly went silent, and all of your movement stopped and you held your gaze to the ground. Alex slowly unwrapped his arms from around you but kept close to you in case you tried to run. 
“(y/n), we love you ok. We want you safe, just stay here.” Dakota said. You lifted your head and turned to look at him with sad eyes. 
“You didn’t try to stop me from leaving, so I understand that you don’t think I should be here and I agree. Am I scared to be alone? Yeah, I am. But am I more scared of scaring you? Yes, yes I am. So I’m going to go back to the gear room, not get in your way, not scare you, and not worry you about how this place is affecting me. You won’t even have to think of me ok. I’m not gonna scare you anymore.” you told them. “Don’t make this so dr-” You cut Tanner off with a glare. “I’m telling you the truth and I’m not holding my feelings back. I’m not being dramatic, I’m being truthful I’m sorry if you think I’m dramatic but you try being in the situation that I’m in and see if you could do any better at trying to explain what’s in your head when you feel like your mind is crumbling.” your tone was firm but harsh. He looked at you in surprise not expecting that from you, you never spoke this way to any of them and so hearing what they had heard that night was extremely uncomfortable for them. They didn’t even know that you could speak the way you did because they had never heard it before. 
You didn’t wait for anyone to speak up and so you quickly walked past Alex who immediately reached for you but you slipped by. You bent down and picked up his camera and turned to hand it to him. You placed it in his hands before turning to walk away. Dakota walked over to Alex and took his camera telling him to go after you. He looked at them with worried eyes before following after you and out of the building. 
“What the hell do we do?” Dakota asked. Chelsea looked like she was about to cry and they could tell that Tanner felt bad for making you go off like that. “I feel horrible,” Tanner spoke up. They looked at him and they could tell Chelsea was a bit upset. “You made her feel like we thought she was crazy and dramatic. She probably thinks we don’t want her here, damn it. She’s even more scared than we are, imagine if one of us did that to you and how that would make you feel.” Chelsea directed at him. Dakota looked wide eyes at his sister not expecting that from her at all. “ I know, I know. I’m sorry.” Tanner voiced loudly. “Guys, calm down. Tanner was a bit harsh, but Chels was just trying to get her to calm down. Maybe he didn’t use the best words but he was trying to help.” Her brother tried to defuse things between them all. Dakota heard his sister sniffle and saw her wipe her eyes trying to stop crying. He immediately walked over to her and hugged her tightly. 
“Hey, it’s ok Chels, everything will be fine. She’ll be ok.” Dakota comforted his sister. She pulled away from him and nodded her head. “Ok, ok. I just want to get this done so we can get her out of here.” She said. 
Alex went out after you, and as soon as he was outside he saw you walking as fast as you could with your head down, and he could just tell from how you were carrying yourself that you felt horrible. He quickly caught up with you, and he could tell that you noticed because you tried to walk a bit faster. 
“(y/n). Stop,” he said. You kept walking. “(y/n), seriously stop.” you could hear how frustrated he was. You heard his tone of voice and came to a halt, you never wanted to hear him upset with you. He walked over to you and turned you around to face him, he gently reached up and took your mask off before taking his own off as well. “I know you’re scared, but please come back. I can’t protect you if you’re not with me,” he told you and held your face in his hands carefully. He could see shame floating in your (e/c) eyes, and it made his heart ache. “They think I’m crazy, and you know I guess I am. I don’t think I should be around them right now, I don’t think I should be around anyone right now.” You told him truthfully. “I probably hurt Tanner, and Chels and Dakota probably think I’m crazy.” you voiced your thoughts to your boyfriend. He looked at you and sighed before pulling you into a hug. “They don’t think of you that way, and Tanner was a bit harsh but that doesn’t mean they don’t want you there, and it doesn’t mean that they think you’re crazy or they don’t love you. Because you know damn well that they love you, you’re family to them, we’re a family,” he said. You pulled away to look at him. “I just don’t want to hurt them or scare them even more if something else happens,” you explained to him. “We won’t let anything else happen. I told you I wouldn’t remember?” he asked and stroked your cheek soothingly. You sighed heavily. You held onto his shoulder and pushed up on your toes so you could press a kiss to his lips. He reached down to hold your waist to steady you, it was short but still just as sweet as any other would have been. When you pulled away you looked at him with nervous eyes. “I’m sorry I said I would bite you,” you said shyly and he looked down at you with a smile and he chuckled. “Babe, don’t worry about that ok. It’s over. Now, will you come back with me?” he asked sweetly. You looked at the ground and decided you would go with him. “I’ll go with you. I hope they forgive me,” you said softly. “It’ll be ok babe, once the night is over with everything will be passed and we won’t have to come back here. Also, I’m not letting you sleep by yourself so if you don’t want to be with me, you’re definitely going to be with somebody else. I don’t care what you say, now c’mon let’s go and get this over with.” He said, and before you could say anything once again you were off your feet and in his arms. “You know, we do very unconventional things while trying to film and hold flashlights, I don’t know how we even get footage.” You said and he laughed. “You’re right, and I’m not sure either I guess we just get lucky,” he said. His laugh put a smile on your face. “Yeah, I guess so.” you agreed.
“I love you Alex, and I’m so sorry about this whole night.” you apologized. “It’s ok baby, no more apologizing ok. I love you too,” he said and kissed your head. 
Chelsea, Tanner, and Dakota waited for you two to come back, or maybe even just Alex to come back. They were all hoping you would both come back because they didn’t want you to be alone, even though they were scared they didn’t want you to be by yourself and even more vulnerable. They loved you. 
They heard footsteps coming toward them, and it put them all on edge. “Shit, did you hear that?” Tanner asked. “Yeah, I did,” Dakota said. “Alex, (y/n), is that you guys?” Tanner called. They all waited for an answer. “Yeah it’s just us, sorry guys,” Alex said as you got closer to the group. Their eyes all lit up when they heard Alex say “us”. When you came into view Chelsea ran toward you and gave you a huge hug. 
“I thought you weren’t coming back. I thought you thought we didn’t want you here. I’m so happy you’re back.” she said as she hugged you tightly. You hugged her back, “I’m so sorry I acted the way that I did. I promise I won’t leave like that again.” you told her. She let you go and gave you a reassuring smile. “Don’t be sorry, it’s ok now,” she said. You smiled at her and turned to the boys shyly. “Tanner, I’m sorry for being so harsh, I’m really sorry,” you said and walked over to him. He pulled you into a hug. “I’m sorry too,” he said and held you tightly. “I know I sounded harsh too, but that’s over now so how about we finish this night,” he said and took a step back. You nodded at him eagerly and looked over at Dakota before pulling him in for a hug as well. Just as you were about to speak he interrupted you. “I swear if you say sorry again,” he said in annoyance and you chuckled lightly. “Ok, ok. I’m done,” you said and stepped away. 
“Let’s get the night done,” you said and took a deep breath. “Right, let’s go,” Alex said and took his camera back from where Dakota had set it on the floor. Alex looked at him in annoyance. “The floor really? You couldn’t hold it for five minutes?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. Dakota shrugged. “I wanted a free hand,” he said. You and Chelsea rolled your eyes before she linked arms with you and you both walked ahead of everyone. 
Eventually, you came across the morgue and it made you shiver. So far you had been ok, but you never felt like you weren’t being watched. Now it felt closer, just like it was before. You immediately went to stand with your boyfriend. He looked down at you and could tell you were nervous. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him. You tried to focus on his warmth instead of the feeling of dread you had. 
“I would never had guessed this was the morgue,” Chelsea said and looked around. 
“I can’t even take a guess of where things were,” Tanner said. “Yeah, it’s hard to tell in here,” you said, trying to keep yourself calm and not be as vulnerable as you had been before. You all looked around, “Ten-thousand people died here.” Chelsea brought up. It hurt your heart, knowing how many people had lost their lives here. “That is a lot of death and mortality,” she said. “Yeah, it is.” you agreed. You could feel yourself get colder and so you tried to stay as close to your boyfriend as you could without completely getting in the way of him. “You ok?” you heard him ask, you looked up at him and nodded. “Just feels a bit off in here that’s all,” you told him and he looked down at you with concern. “Do you feel anything happening?” he asked. You shook your head. “Not right now, just feel like we aren’t alone,” you told him and he nodded. “Tell me ok,” he said and you reassured him that you would. “I will babe, I promise.” 
“Alright Al, where are we going next?” Chelsea asked. 
He looked a bit nervous, “Actually guys, I think it’s time for us to separate and sleep alone.” he said. You looked up at him like he was crazy. “What?” you all asked in disbelief. “It’s so early, what are you talking about?” Tanner asked in confusion. You were becoming anxious at the thought of being alone for so long, even though Alex was forcing you to be with one of them that night. In your mind, you were thankful for that, but you felt so guilty for it, you felt like you got to take the easy route and it made you uncomfortable. 
“Dude, hell no!” Chelsea exclaimed and threw her head back in exasperation. “Already?” Tanner asked in irritation. 
“Usually, we separate and sleep alone for three, four hours, but tonight we are going to be sleeping alone for six to seven hours,” Alex explained and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. “Dude seriously?” Dakota asked in bewilderment. “Alex, no, c’mon you can’t do this.” You told your boyfriend. “It’s my location,” he said to you. You just rolled your eyes and sighed in aggravation. “For that long?” Chelsea asked. “And we know someone was, like, on the property” Dakota reminded him. “Alex, I saw somebody on the property, and you’re still gonna do this?” Chelsea stated angrily.
Alex shrugged, “How was I supposed to know that that was gonna happen? I’m not just gonna change my whole game plan.” Your boyfriend explained to everyone. “I just don’t think this is a good idea, at all,” Chelsea stated her opinion. “Really, Al, I don’t think this is very safe,” you told him. “Trust me, I feel like a jerk, but I get one shot at a location and I’m not letting anything mess my plan up.” He told you all. 
“This is fucked up Alex, especially with the kind of night we’ve had. With the effects that this place has, and what we’ve seen. This is so stupid Alex.” you said angrily and stormed out. They all look at him and begin their walk out, Chelsea shook her head. “She’s right man, this isn’t a great plan especially for her,” Tanner said. Alex sighed heavily but carried on. “Oh, man,” Dakota said nervously as he walked outside and found you standing there waiting for them all. Your arms were crossed and they could tell you were upset about this. You glared harshly at your boyfriend. “I mean I would do the same, I think we all would probably do the same,” Dakota said. You all walked back to the gear room with you in the lead marching away from everyone, until you stopped when you heard what Dakota said. “Right, I would do exactly that Dakota. Especially after we’ve all been through hell and beyond tonight. I would do the exact same thing.” You growled before continuing forward angrily. 
You were becoming paranoid again, you were horrified. How could he go through with this after everything that has happened? You knew for a fact that you weren’t going to be staying with him during the sleeping arrangements you would go with either Chels, Dakota, or Tanner, but not him.
Dakota looked at you walk away and let out the breath he had been holding. “Crap, this is gonna be great,” he mumbled to himself. Though Dakota said what he said you would rather have him over your boyfriend right now. 
Chelsea quickly walked after you and fell into step with you. “Chels, why is he doing this? He knows what hell we’ve been through tonight. It’s not like he won’t ever have another location to do this at… Just anywhere but here you know. Anywhere but here.” you said and sighed. “I know (y/n/n), but hey think of it this way. It’s one step closer to being done.” she tried to comfort you even though she was upset with Alex as well. 
Alex looked on ahead at you and Chelsea talking, he knew you were upset with him but he wanted to do this and felt it was his only opportunity. He hoped that after everything was over it would all be ok. 
You got to the gear room and sighed heavily, “This night is going to be too long.” You said to Chelsea. “You know that none of us are allowing you to sleep alone right?” she asked you. You looked up at her from your seated position and nodded your head. “I know, I’ve been told.” you breathed out. 
Everyone arrived back and began preparing to choose where each of you would sleep. 
You walked back outside and began the last half of your night. 
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fearfully-fiction · 3 years
Odd Fellows Home pt.3- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count: 3108
warnings: Language, fluffff!!, sarcasm lol!
Summary: Based on season3 episode 6 of DF. so, all credit goes to the crew, the show and the channel! The group gets ready to face the night ahead of them. Alex calms the reader about confronting her fear, and entering the Hospital. 
once again everyone, I am incredibly sorry this part is late! I was gone all day yesterday and i never got the chance to upload this part for you! I do hope you enjoy it! and I’d love to hear what you think as usual! alright, Love you to the moon and to Saturn!- M.G. 
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You sat on the couch facing everyone, while everyone else sat at the table. You were getting closer and closer to the location and your heart was beginning to skip beats. You had been worrying all day, especially after the information you received the night before. Alex had calmed your nerves last night but throughout the day they had built up again, but you decided it was best not to show your feelings too much. Alex glanced over at you while you fiddled with the old arcade ring he had won for you when you first started dating 3 years ago. He knew you always did that when you were deep in thought. The small daisy that sat atop the ring was a bit faded and you could see that it was not expensive seeing as he won it for you, but you wore it every day since the moment he put it on your finger. Everyone took a look at Alex seeing as he had gone quiet just to see him with a smile on his face as he admired you for doing the simplest thing. It made them smile, though the boys didn’t express what they thought of you and Alex as Chelsea did. But once in a while took small moments to appreciate the love you two had for each other, and it always made them smile. Chelsea had a big smile set on her face as she watched the scene in front of her. They started speaking to each other once again not wanting to keep staring and make things awkward for everyone. Alex got up from his spot, you noticed his movement and turned to look up at him from your place on the couch. He had a smile on his lips as he sat next to you. “Hey babe,” he said. “Hey Al,” you greeted him. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked and moved closer to kiss your temple. You smiled at the gesture. 
“Nothing much, just thinking about the location, wondering how it’s gonna go this time around,” you told him. He could hear the hint of worry in your voice you were trying to hide from him. 
“I’m sure things will be ok. Like I said I’ll keep you safe ok. We’ll all be ok.” he reassured you. You looked up at him finally noticing just how close he was to you. You looked into his eyes and without thinking, you reached up and pulled him into a kiss. It was short and sweet, but it made you feel nothing but love, and a sense of calm even just for a moment. “You always keep me safe,” you said and his smile got bigger. “I always will.” he pulled back and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“As long as you have this.” he lifted your hand and placed a kiss on the small ring. “I’m always there with you,” he told you and you let yourself lean into him. Bringing your legs up onto the couch and tucking yourself into his side. 
Chelsea overheard the soft conversation between the two of you and it made her heart melt. She knew from the moment you met each other that there wasn’t going to be any way to stop you from falling for each other. 
Seconds later she was broken from her thoughts when she heard Alex ask her a question. “What?” she asked. “I just asked if you could pass me my camera. You ok?” he asked her with a furrowed brow. “Oh, yeah, I’m fine just spacing out.” she said and picked up his camera to hand it to him.” Here you go,” she said and Alex took it from her. You smiled at Chelsea and she smiled back. 
You picked up your camera as well and began filming. 
Chelsea was the first to speak up. “I know that rituals were performed at this location. I just hope it didn’t, like, stir up anything really evil or something that’s completely unwanted,” she said. You nodded your head in agreement. “I’m not looking forward to that,” Dakota said. “Neither am I,” you added. 
“Well, we’re getting really close. So, Tanner and Chelsea, do you wanna head up front?” your boyfriend asked. Dakota moved from his spot so that Tanner could get up to go to the front and Chelsea followed. “Alright let’s do this.” she said. You glanced at Alex before looking out through the front to see if you could catch a glimpse at what it looked like. 
“No way,” she said and turned to look back at everyone. “The road’s called Odd Fellows. We are close!” She exclaimed. She turned her attention back to the road and you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the night ahead of you. 
Everyone had freaked out over the sight of the place when you first saw it. It was massive and to be honest it was intimidating to you. The sight sort of made you shrink back further into your boyfriend. “This is fucking crazy,” you said breathlessly. “Yeah, it is,” Dakota said and you turned to look at each other with wide eyes. 
You pulled up in front of the building and your breath immediately caught in your throat. Alex got out the door first and was followed by Chelsea, Tanner, and Dakota with you ending up in last place. You took a look at the building in front of you and it made you shiver. “This is gonna be terrible,” you whispered to yourself before putting your head down and walking forward to catch up with everyone. 
“Are you ready?” your boyfriend asked. “No!” Chels exclaimed and you chuckled. “Are you kidding me, Al? No. I am not ready!” you exclaimed while letting out a laugh. It seemed that no one had noticed you and it sort of made you deflate just a bit. 
“Dude, get out of here,” Tanner said in disbelief. “Look at this place,” Alex spoke up. “You’re crazy, babe. How the hell are we going to get through this whole th-.” you got cut off by Chelsea speaking up louder than you. 
“Odd Fellows Home. Seriously?” Chelsea said in nervousness. “Holy crap!” Dakota said.
“I feel like, we’re in like, a horror movie. Alex this is terrifying!” Dakota expressed. Alex climbed the stairs and turned back to face his friends. “This is messed up,” Chelsea said. She looked around and noticed you in the back of the pack. She fell into step with you. “Hey, you ok?” she asked in concern. “Oh, yeah, just nerves like usual,” you said and smiled softly at her. She looked at you with furrowed brows. “You’re usually super talkative, when we get to locations I haven’t heard anything from you,” she said and placed her hand on your arm comfortingly. 
“Guess my voice is just a bit softer today,” you said. “Well c’mon whisper, let’s catch up. Looks like your boyfriend is looking for you,” she said and dragged you by your arm over to the group. Alex’s eyes found you and he walked forward to take a hold of your hand, interlacing your fingers. 
“Even like, look out into the land we’re surrounded by it looks scary,” Dakota said. “Yup.” Alex agreed with him. You could see a smug smile placed on his lips, he was proud of what location he chose. 
Alex let go of your hand and opened the door to hold it for everyone. Tanner walked through the door and you could tell he was nervous. “Come on!” he exclaimed in frustration. You chuckled as you stood by Alex. He looked down at you and grinned. 
“After you, guys,” he said with a smug smile. “Go on babe, I’m right behind you,” he said and nudged you forward. You walked through the doorway and immediately you felt your stomach drop. You felt like something was off, you had no idea why, but you had a bad feeling about tonight and your want to not sleep alone increased tenfold. 
You took hesitant steps forward, and you jumped when you felt a hand touch the small of your back. “Hey, hey it’s just me.” you heard your boyfriend speak. You sighed in relief and reached back to grab his hand. He once again interlaced your fingers as you walked alongside him. Your flashlights are on and so you have to let go of your boyfriend’s hand. You still stood close to him though not wanting to be separated or get lost. “You’re being quiet baby, what’s the matter?” he asked you softly as you moved ahead. “I don’t know. I just. I have a really bad feeling about tonight. I feel like something bad is going to happen.” you said and shook your head. Your head was tilted down as usual while you walked to your destination. “I guess I’m just more nervous than usual, especially since there is a hospital here, and you know how that goes for me. I think I’m just feeling off, I’m sure I’ll be ok as the night moves along,” you said and glanced up at him. 
“Can you do something for me sweetheart?” he asked, coming to a halt when arriving at the place you were going. He lifted your head. “There’s my beautiful girl,” he said and kissed your head. “I want you to put your hand right here.” he grasped your hand after setting down his camera. He unclenched your fist and brought it up to place over his heart. “Keep your hand there for a second,” he told you. You felt his heartbeat beneath your palm and feeling the steady beats was bringing you back down to the ground from your thoughts swirling in your head. “Do you feel that? Do you feel how steadily it’s beating?” he asked and looked down at you. You nodded. “Yeah.” you softly spoke. 
“It’s because of you, you calm me in times like these. You are the only one that brings me back down and calms the racing in my heart at these locations. You are my peace, and so the heartbeat you feel is for you.” he said and rested his forehead against yours. “Remember the feeling of this ok. Remember the steady beat, and breathe to it. In for 3 beats out for 4. I’m next to you and my heart is beating right next to yours. So don’t worry, remember that I’m here, and I will make sure that everything is going to be ok, and you’ll know my heart is still beating and it’s only for you.” he tried to soothe you. Your eyes teared up, and you grabbed his hand to place it over your heart. “Mine beats for you too.” you whimpered and he pulled you in for a hug. You held him tightly. He pulled back and leaned down to kiss the stray tears away. He pulled away from you slightly and smiled down at you softly. “You ready?” Alex asked gently. You looked at him and nodded. “Yeah, I’m ready,” you answered. He placed a chaste kiss on the top of your head before turning back to the group to help set up the gear room. 
You walked over to Chelsea and helped her set up what needed to be. When all of you were done, Alex lead you all back outside. You stood next to Chelsea and listened to your boyfriend explain how things were going to go that night. 
Your camera was focused on your boyfriend as he began the night. 
“So we just got to the Odd Fellows Home. We set up a gear room in the orphanage behind me. I think right now what we should do is just go explore this place as a group.” he said and you nodded your head in agreement. “I like that idea. I love group activities,” you said and they chuckled. Chelsea looped her arm through yours as you walked. 
You had been walking for a little bit and you turned to glance at your best friend. “All this walking is going to give me my exercise for this entire year,” you told her. She let out a big laugh. “I couldn’t agree more,” she said and you chuckled. Alex looked over his shoulder at you and Chelsea and his heart swelled at the sight of your smile and genuine laughter after you had just been crying and scared moments ago. It was moments like these that made him feel even more fully that he wanted you for the rest of his life. 
It wasn’t much longer before Alex spoke again. 
“It’s so far away guys,” Alex said and you rolled your eyes. “I know.” Dakota agreed. You then heard Tanner pipe up. “This is gonna suck.” his statement made you laugh. “Yeah, it is,” you said. 
“This whole place is creepy dude.” Dakota expressed. “You think so Kota?” you asked, he turned to look at you with a raised brow. “Yeah, of course, I mean look around,” he said. “Well, that’s a shame. I think it’s a beautiful piece of real estate and would love to live here and call it my own.” You announced in the most joyful sarcastic tone you could.  He rolled his eyes, and you laughed. “Is sarcasm your default?” you heard Tanner speak up, and you let out a loud laugh. Alex turned to look at you and chuckled at you. “Yes, Tanner. Yes, it is,” you said and let your laughter die down.  
“Here’s the hospital.” your boyfriend announced and you flashed your light at the large looming building. It made your heart race, and your mind wander to past events that had taken place at the hospitals you’ve been to. You fell silent. “It’s way over here?” Chelsea asked as she took a few steps away from you to get a better look. “Are you serious?” she asked.
It was so far away from the rest of things and it made you begin to slow down, thinking of all of the things that could happen.  
“Apparently there is something very dark in this hospital. People have said to be chased out by shadow figures.” you heard your boyfriend explain and it made your heart skip a beat. You knew this was gonna be bad but you weren’t expecting this in the hospital. It made you extremely weary as you ascended the stairs. You had fallen behind once again, as you walked through the doors. Your boyfriend stopped walking and looked around to find you. He saw you all the way in the back with wary eyes and a timid stature. He moved to the back of the pack and grabbed your hand in his, interlacing your fingers. You looked up at him, and he moved your hand to his chest as a reminder of what he said earlier. You took a deep breath and held his hand tighter. “You’re not leaving my side, while we’re in here, I’ve got you,” he said. 
You fell into step with Alex as you made your way further into the old building. The area surrounding you was old and decrepit. It was wasting away and it made you even more creeped out by it. “Damn this place is just rotting away,” you said and shone your light into one of the rooms. 
“Oh my gosh, this is super rundown,” Chelsea said. 
“I’m gonna put my mask on,” Dakota said. “Yeah that’s probably the best idea right now,” you said and pulled out your mask to put on your face as to not breathe in anything that could be harmful to you. 
Once your mask was on you noticed Alex fussing over his and so you walked up to him and set your camera down. “C’mere babe,” you said and he walked over to you. “I’ll help you with the mask. Turn around for me,” you said and he did as told. You took the mask from him and helped him settle it on his face correctly.
Once it was on securely he turned to face and pull you into a side hug, he leaned down to press a kiss on your head like usual and ended up hitting the mask on the top of your head. Kissing you was just a natural instinct by now and so he didn’t even think about him wearing a mask. He felt you jump at the contact and you looked up at him. “I’m so used to being able to kiss you whenever I want, I didn’t even remember the mask was there. You chuckled, “tomorrow babe.” you told him and squeezed his arm comfortingly. “Great, I have to wait until tomorrow,” he said quietly and you giggled. “Don’t be dramatic,” you said and lightly slapped his chest
“You know we got that all on camera right?” You heard Dakota say. “I don’t mind.” You said with a shrug. Alex shrugs as well. “It’s not like people haven’t seen it before,” he said.
“Ok, well we should probably continue then,” Dakota said. 
You all continued to walk down the hall, with Alex in the lead and you directly behind him.
“Is there anyone down here?” Alex asked. You looked around nervously. “I don’t feel good about this place,” he spoke again. You took a deep breath and tried to remember the feeling of his heartbeat. It began to calm you down until a loud noise echoed through the hall. 
Your boyfriend instantly turned around at the sound and you shut your eyes.”Whoa.” Your boyfriend said. “What the hell was that?” you asked softly. “Did you hear that?” Chelsea asked. 
“It’s upstairs,” Chelsea said. “Right above us,” Dakota said. “That was a loud thud right above us,” Tanner added. 
“How do we get upstairs?” Dakota asked. “Right behind you, back towards the front.” your boyfriend explained. 
“I love going upstairs in haunted abandoned buildings in the middle of fucking nowhere,” you mumbled to yourself, but Chelsea picked it up, and chuckled. “I agree,” she said and it made you smile despite not being able to see it she could tell you were. 
You all got back to the front and started going up the stairs. 
“We should just check,” Dakota said. As you walked up the stairs your head was facing the floor trying not to trip on anything. You knew Alex was behind you and it made you have the slightest semblance of peace. You reached the top of the stairs and sighed. “This is gonna be a long night,” you said and everyone agreed. 
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fearfully-fiction · 2 years
Details(Sad Song Based)- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:3045
Warnings: unrequited love, angst, language. I believe that's all!
Summary: Based on the song "Details" by Maisie Peters. so, all credit goes to her for the beautiful song! and by beautiful I mean beautiful.
“I don't wanna know the details
Don't wanna know where she's from
Or the New Year's that you met her
Just wanna know where you've gone
I don't wanna have to meet her
Pretend we get along
Yeah, I know that's selfish and sudden and wrong”
You were sitting next to Alex on your couch and he started to talk about his girlfriend. This was the first time you’d seen him in a while and you didn’t really have any clue where he went for a long while. It turned out that he had gotten a girlfriend, and so when you heard him say that your heart broke. You didn’t realize how much you loved him until he wasn’t around as much, and he came back to tell you he was in love with someone else.
He was telling you all about how they met, and where she’s from. But you didn’t want to hear anything about her, you just wanted to know where he had gone for months. You needed him but he wasn’t there, he was too busy falling in love with someone else to think about you.
“You know, I really want you to meet her. I think you’ll like her a lot and you’ll get along really well,” he said. You forced a smile and nodded your head, “Yeah, that sounds nice Al, I’d love to meet her. She sounds great.” you said in the most sincere voice you could muster despite your spite and hurt.
“You ok (y/n)?” he asked and looked at you with those eyes you loved so much that held concern and kindness.
“Yeah Al, I’m fine. Just happy that you’re happy,” you said with another forced smile. You had to keep yourself from wanting to cry. He smiled softly at you before bringing you into a hug. You almost lost it when he wrapped his arms around you, “Thank you (y/n/n), I can’t wait for you to meet her,” he said and pulled away.
You didn’t want to have to meet her and pretend to get along with her. You didn’t want to have to fake your kindness, You didn’t want to pretend to like her. “Me too,” you said softly and tangled your hands together in your lap.
You knew your feelings were uncalled for and selfish, you knew you were wrong but you couldn’t help it. You loved him.
“But I don't wanna talk about it
'Cause if I talk about it
Then you'll see I don't, I don't
Know what to do about it
What to do about this feeling that I don't want
But I'll keep it all to myself
If you spare me the details”
You were with the whole group and he just wouldn’t stop talking about her. Chelsea looked at you and could tell something was wrong with you. She always knew that you had some sort of feelings for your best friend, and now she could see it was all collapsing.
Chelsea looked at you with a concerned look in her eyes. “Sorry, guys but, I’m just gonna borrow (y/n) for a bit. We’ll be back.” She said and got up from her spot to grab your hand. She stood in front of you and you looked at her with the faintest glint of fear only she could see.
Everyone looked at you with worry and confusion, “Are you ok?” Dakota asked you. You looked over at him and smiled as best as you could. “Yeah, of course, I guess we’ll be back guys,” you said with a soft laugh. Chelsea grabbed your hand and pulled you into your bedroom.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” she said as she sat down on your bed with you. “Tell you what Chels?” you asked in false confusion. “You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she said with a raised brow.
“No, I really don’t know Chelsea,” you said keeping up your front. She just looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to spill. She knew you wouldn’t be able to not talk to her about it.
“Shit,” you sighed and rubbed your eyes tiredly. “I love him Chels,” you said softly. She smiled sadly at you, “I know, I’m so sorry,” she said and rubbed your back soothingly. “You know?” You asked in fear. “Yeah, you know I can see right through you,” she said and you put your head in your hands trying your hardest not to cry. “What the fuck do I do?” you asked helplessly. “Just try and move on. I know it’s hard to do, but you have to do it, if not for yourself, then for him,” she told you.
“I don’t know how,” you let your tears fall. You leaned into her and she just held you tightly. “It’ll all be ok, I promise,” she said. “It won’t be easy, it will take time but it will be ok,” she kissed your head.
Before you could speak someone else did. “(y/n), what’s wrong?” You heard his voice as clear as crystal through the blood rushing in your ears. You tensed and subconsciously tried to hold onto Chelsea tighter. “She’s just tired Al,” Chelsea answered for you and you let out a quiet breath of relief.
“Can I talk to her?” he asked gently. Your eyes flew open and you held your breath. You moved from her embrace and looked at her with worry. She had look on her face as if asking you if he could talk with you.
You didn’t want to talk to him about it, You didn’t want to talk with him. You knew for a fact that if you spoke with him you might spill and he would see everything. He would see the confusion and the fear of not knowing what to do with the feelings you didn’t want. You knew that the topic would change to her and you might break again, you did not want to speak to him right now.
But you would keep it all to yourself if he just spared you the details.
“She looked over at Alex and shook her head, “Not right now Al, she just needs a girl talk. Ok, maybe later,” Chelsea said. He looked at you with worry in his eyes and just nodded in disappointment. “Ok, well, me and the guys will leave if you want,” he said and motioned with his thumb toward the living room. “I think that would be best,” Chelsea said with an apologetic smile.
“Well, I guess we’ll talk later (y/n/n), love you,” he said. You almost let out a sob and Chelsea gripped your hand tightly in hers. “You too Al,” you said keeping your voice as steady as you possibly could. He sighed heavily before leaving the room to tell the boys. You heard Dakota, and Tanner shout an I love you before leaving and it made you cry even more.
You let yourself sob, as Chelsea held you.
You just prayed that he’d spare you the details.
“I don't care about the mixtape
What kind of cigarettes she smokes
Don't wanna hear about the one time
You made up in that park we'd always go
So I'll ignore her and she'll be really nice to me
Yeah, I know I'm being bitter and jealous and mean”
It was about two weeks since the incident you had. You were going to meet her today and you were horrified, Dakota, Tanner, and Chelsea wouldn’t be able to be there with you, and you felt sick.
You had no idea what to do, so you got ready and cleaned up before they got there. You got a text from Alex that morning telling you how excited he was for you to meet her, and have his best friend and girlfriend be friends. It made your stomach turn.
You heard a knock on the door and your breath hitched, quickly you pulled yourself together before going to answer it. You got to the door and pulled it open and there she stood, his arms wrapped around her and a bright smile on her face. Alex had the same expression, you put on the most beautiful fake smile you could possibly muster. “Hey, guys c’mon in,” you greeted and stepped aside to let them in. “Thank you,” She said and it made your heart sink.
You closed the door behind them and turned to properly meet her.
“Hi, (y/n), it’s really nice to finally meet you. I’m Olivia, I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said and held out her hand. You took her hand and shook it, “It’s nice to meet you too, You know I’ve heard a lot about you too,” you tried to laugh. She blushed and looked down, Alex grabbed her hand, “Don’t be shy babe,” he said and kissed her cheek. You bit your cheek and tried not to think about your heart breaking though you could practically hear it.
You looked away, “You can make yourselves comfortable. Al, you know where everything is. Olivia did you want anything to drink or something?” you asked. She kindly asked for water and you nodded before going to get it.
You walked into your kitchen and you swore you were gonna throw up from how nervous you were. You were terrified and heartbroken. You didn’t want to go back out there and listen to them rant on about each other.
You didn’t care about hearing that stuff, you didn’t care about how nice she was. You didn’t want to be around her, you wanted to pretend she wasn’t there. You knew it was wrong and rude, but you just wanted him back even though you never had him.
You walked back into the living room just to see the end of a kiss. You almost dropped the water in your hand, but you incredibly managed to keep yourself together. They heard your footsteps and immediately she blushed again and he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.
You handed her the glass of water with a strained smile. “Thank you,” she said softly. “Course,” you nodded.
It had been a while now and they had been talking about each other for a while, occasionally asking you questions.
“To make it up to her I took her to the park, you know the one we always go to,” he said and your stomach knotted up. Your brows raised in shock, you thought it was yours. It was his and yours only, no one else went there, it was an old park that no one really used anymore. He took her there to make up, and you could just picture it in your head. Your heart couldn’t have been any more broken than it was until you heard that. Now you knew you couldn’t go back without thinking of them together, and you knew that if they ever broke up he would never go back there because he would think of her.
“Oh uh, yeah I remember it. I always loved that park,” you said. “It was so sweet he um, he made me a mixtape actually.” she smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Oh wow, that’s really sweet of him. That’s just who he is, isn’t it? Sweet.” you said trying to hold back from crying.
“But I don't wanna talk about it
'Cause if I talk about it
Then you'll see I don't, no I don't
Know what to do about it
What to do about this feeling that I don't want
But I'll keep it all to myself
If you spare me the details”
The day had turned to early evening and Alex had taken her home and told you he’d be back. He promised to hang out with just you and him, and you were nowhere near excited. You knew if you were to talk to him it be exactly how you thought it would go. You would break.
The door opened and he walked in with a huge smile on his face, he walked into the living room to see you sitting on the couch curled up with a blanket. You had on a sweatshirt and a pair of comfy shorts ready for the night to be over. You had your crossword puzzles in your hand as you tried to use them to fend off the negativity creeping into your mind.
“Hey, (y/n),” you heard him softly greet you. You turned to him and smiled softly, “Hey Al,” you said gently. He sat on the couch next to you, “So, I think that went really well,” he said with a satisfied sigh. You nodded your head. “Well, it did. Didn’t it?” you said in an attempt to keep him in the dark.
“Thank you (y/n/n),” he said and you looked at him in confusion, “What for?” you asked. “Being so great about this, your support means everything to me,” he told you with sincerity. His words made you want to die. “You wanted to be supportive but you just couldn’t find it in yourself to make it sincere.
“I’ve missed you you know. How’s your life?” he asked you, actually switching the topic. “Oh um, well it’s fine. It’s not very interesting you know. Just my life you know,” you said and shrugged your shoulders. “Hey, your life is always interesting. I never get tired of hearing about your life,” he said and nudged your knee gently. And just for a while, it felt like you had him back. He spared you the details.
“So you'll pull me over on a Friday night
Both a little drunk and you're asking why
I've been so off since late December
Say "I don't know, no I don't remember"
Look, I don't think I want you to myself
But I know I don't want you with anybody else
Don't think you want to hear that either”
“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” you heard Alex ask. You turned to him and your head spun slightly. ��Yeah sure, are you ok?” you asked softly as he pulled you away from the movie playing on the screen. You and he had been hanging out. It was a rare moment for just you and him to hang out, and so you took advantage of it, you got some drinks and turned on all of your favorite movies.
So both of you were a little drunk when he pulled up the question.
“You’ve been so off since December. I mean, you don’t seem like yourself. Why?” he asked with curious eyes.
When the question was asked you instinctively curled up a bit more. “I don’t know, I mean I don’t even remember. I’m fine Alex,” you said trying to keep your voice as clear as you could, as well as trying to defog your brain. “C’mon don’t give me that crap. You know what I’m talking about,” he said and turned to face you completely on the couch. You knew you couldn’t just say that you wanted him all to yourself but you also didn’t because you couldn’t. But you really didn’t want him to be with anyone else. You didn’t want him to be with her, but you didn’t want him because you were scared despite wanting it so badly. He wouldn’t want to hear any of that. You had to lie. You needed to think of a good lie.
“I just- I’m not happy Alex. I love someone and I know they’d never love me back. It’s just been hard lately,” you blurted out. It wasn’t a complete lie, you just didn’t tell him that he was the one you were in love with. You saw his eyes widen in shock, “shit, (y/n), why didn’t you tell me?” he asked and moved closer to you to pull you into a hug. You sighed heavily and let yourself lean against him even though you knew it would only hurt more when he pulled away.
“You’re so happy Al, you don’t need my problems,” you told him. “That’s what you and Chelsea were talking about that day wasn’t it?” he asked you and pulled away so he could look at you. You just nodded your head. “You know, you can always tell me anything. I’m here to support you cause I love you, and anyone who wouldn’t is insane,” he told you. You bit your lip and forced a laugh. “I know I can tell you anything Alex, but your happiness means more than mine ok. I’ll be fine, I’ll get over it. Just focus on you being happy ok,” you told him honestly.
“Your happiness is just as important as mine ok, I’ll help you,” he said and hugged you again.
You felt yourself tear up because you knew he couldn’t help you, he would only make it worse, and you had no idea how to tell him.
“Thanks, Al,” you said softly. “Anything for my best friend,”
“So let's not talk about it, let's not talk about it
'Cause then we won't, no we won't
Have to do something about it
Or just dance around it
Until we don't
So I'll keep it all to myself
If you'll keep it all to yourself
And just spare me the details”
It had been a couple of weeks since that night and you were all hanging out together. Alex and Chelsea sat next to you while Olivia sat beside Alex.
None of it got easier, it got harder and you had no idea what to do. You couldn’t tell him the truth, because it would ruin everything. You just had to sit back while he tried to help you get over him, and he had no idea what he was doing. He had Olivia introduce you to a friend of hers on a double date and it made you want to lock yourself away.
He had after that night with you realized that talking so much about him and Olivia wasn’t doing any good for you and so he kept it to a minimum.
So, you kept it all to yourself, and he spared you all the details.
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fearfully-fiction · 3 years
Odd Fellows Home pt.6- Alex Schroeder x Reader
word count:2204
warnings: Language, angst, emotional distress, I think that’s everything
Summary: based on season 3, episode 6 of DF. So, all credit to the crew, the show, and the channel. Reader is hit with a wave of fear of being left alone, and the group being gone. she can tell that something is wrong with her but has no idea what to do.
I hope you guys like this one, It’s a bit chaotic, but don’t worry there’s probably more chaos down the line who knows! anyways I hope you guys like it, and more of the plot will continue on Tuesday! plus, I legitimately cannot find a good gif for this chapter so, I’m just gonna put a random one, sorry guys! I love you to the moon and to Saturn!-M.G.
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(gif not mine!)
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” your voice wobbled. He pulled away from you slightly and you let your hands move down his chest to grip his sweater. He placed his hands on your cheeks and wiped the tears away as they fell, you looked at him with big eyes filled with fear and confusion. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours. His nose bumped yours and could feel how cold it was, he moved so he could press a kiss to your nose. He then tilted your face up just a bit so he could lean in and kiss you. His lips were soft against yours, a bit chapped from the cold but still soft as they moved with yours. The feeling of him so close to you made you relax just a bit. Your crying had slowed to a few stray tears, and your shaking had ceased. He pulled away slowly, he saw that you had become more relaxed and seemed to have calmed down just a bit. You did wrap your arms around him one last time. “I love you, Alex,” you told him softly. “I love you too babe, don’t worry I’ve got you ok?” he said and he felt you nod against his chest. “It’s still beating for you,” he whispered and kissed your head before pulling away. He saw a tiny smile appear on your lips as you unwrapped your arms from around his waist and wiped your cheeks of any stray tears. You turned to face everyone again, your cheeks were heated in embarrassment, and you looked to the ground. “I’m sorry everyone. Let’s just get on with night ok.” Chelsea walked over to give you your camera and give you a big hug and kiss on the cheek. You smiled gratefully at her, “thanks Chels.” you thanked her softly. “Of course.” she smiled at you. Tanner handed Alex his camera back as well. 
“Well, I didn’t see anything.” your boyfriend said. “Whoever it was, they are either still here and is hiding or they dipped out. I just don’t know.” Dakota said. You felt Alex reach down and grip your hand again. You hissed once again not realizing the cut was still on your hand. “Crap, we have to go fix that babe,” he said and you nodded your head. “After we fix her hand, I think we should definitely keep exploring. We have a lot to see tonight, and this is just the beginning.” Alex said. You nodded your head and took a deep breath. 
“Alright,” Dakota said and you started on your way. “The fact that we don’t know if there’s a person inside one of these buildings has me completely freaked out and on edge,” Tanner said as you made your way back to the gear room to fix your hand. Once there Chelsea helped clean up the cut and put a bandage on it. 
While she did that, the boys stood further away from you to talk about what was happening. 
“Okay, what the hell man?” Tanner asked. Alex looked at him and sighed heavily. “I don’t know, she’s been acting like this since we stepped out of the RV. it’s just gotten progressively worse.” Alex said and ran a hand through his hair. Everybody’s masks were back on seeing as they were about to go out again. “Seriously, I have never seen her this scared or affected before,” Dakota said. “I know, It’s really got me worried,” Tanner said. “I don’t know if it’s good for her to keep going,” Alex told them. They both nodded in understanding. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe she should sit this one out, she looks like she could shatter at any second now.” Tanner said with concern in his voice. “You’re right, I think that would be best. But I really hate her being alone here too you know.” Alex expressed his feelings about the situation. “Yeah, I get it, we’ll work something out,” Dakota said.
 Before anyone else could speak, you and Chelsea integrated back into the group.  “I think I’m ready now,” you said with as strong of a tone as you could muster. 
“Babe, I don’t think this is good for you right now. None of us do. This place has affected you since the moment you stepped onto the property. We think you should sit this one out.” your boyfriend explained. Your eyes widened. “But, no, I can’t- I can’t do that. I always get through them, I can’t quit now, I’ve never given up before.” you rushed out. “Babe, we know, but with how this place is affecting you we don’t think it’s good for you to continue, especially with the plan I have. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to keep going.” Alex explained to you. 
“I don’t give a damn Alex. I know I’m scared ok. I know there is something wrong with me! I know this place is making me fucked up. I know I’m messed up!” you yelled. Everyone looked at you with wide eyes, they had never seen you this way before. You were scaring them, they had no idea what to do anymore. Tanner went to speak up but you beat him to it. “I know- I know that something is wrong, something here is messing with my head… but I don’t wanna give up. I don’t want to let anyone down especially the fans. I don’t want to be a disappointment. I just, I can’t, I don’t- I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” your voice broke and trembled. 
They had never seen nor heard you this vulnerable before. You had tears in your eyes again. “Babe, you wouldn’t be a disappointment, you wouldn’t be letting anyone down. This is for your own good, we want you to be safe. This place is taking a huge emotional and mental toll on you. We don’t want to see you this way. Please, think of yourself and not everyone else for a minute. Take care of yourself because that’s what’s important right now. You. It’s ok to take care of yourself and do what is best for you. We want what is best for you, and right now we think it’s best that you stay back because we can’t have anything else happen to you. I can’t have anything else happen to you. I promised you that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you and this is me keeping that promise.” Alex said in a sweet but stern tone. You just looked at him with big glassy eyes. “What am I supposed to do?” you asked carefully. “Just stay here ok, keep your flashlight on and your walkie right next to you. Don’t step outside of this room until we get back to you.” Chelsea said. Your heart started to race at the thought of being left there on your own.
“Or I can stay with you if you want me to.” Chelsea offered. You looked over at her, your eyes still wide. “No. no I can’t do it. I’m not just going to sit here while you guys go out there. You guys, we saw someone on the property not even 20 minutes ago, and damn it. I’m not even sure if it was a real person.” your words rushed out. 
“We’ll call the RV back here then, and you can sit it out,” Alex said not even having heard what you said. You looked at him angrily. Dakota looked at you in confusion. “Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean you’re not sure if it was a real person?” he asked you. You looked at him with a heavy stare. “Like Chelsea said when you thought someone was actually in the building, they couldn’t have moved that quickly across the building. This person you saw maybe they weren’t even a person if they got away as quickly as they did, and now there is no evidence there was anybody there. Maybe that’s one of the reasons I was so affected out there, maybe it was because whatever you saw wasn’t even human. I’ve never been affected this way, and I doubt that a human could cause me to react the way that I did. I don’t know you guys. Maybe it was a person, or maybe it wasn’t. I just, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. But please. Please. Don’t leave me.”  you ended in a plea. They all looked at you in bewilderment Alex walked over to you and set his camera down and then took yours from you to put down as well. “I know what you’re thinking and I’m not saying it isn’t valid, but babe, I don’t think it was inhuman. I think this place is toying with you. I think you’re scared and upset and confused.” He said and held your hands in his. “I know it’s toying with me, I know it is, and maybe I am confused, maybe I am completely wrong about this. “ you said. “I know I’m scared, but damn it I can’t be alone. I can’t be without you, and I want to be with all of you so I can be there for you because I love you. I love you all so much, and I know I’m messed up but please Alex, don’t leave me like this.” you practically begged him.
 He could feel you start to shake and tighten your grip on his hands. His eyes were filled with sympathy, conflict, and concern. The group watched on as you once again broke down, they knew that after this place you wouldn’t ever be the same. This might be your breaking point and it hurt them to see you like this especially when they knew how strong you were. So to have you look so frail and fragile this place must have done something horrific to break you this way. “Ok baby, ok.” Alex caved and pulled you into his arms. 
You clung tightly to him and cried in relief. You were the most scared and confused you had ever been in your life. You knew this place was off the minute you saw it, you had a horrible feeling the second you stepped into it, and at the start, you felt off. As the night went on you felt like you reached a drop-off and were suddenly shoved off of it. Everything just abruptly spiraled out of your control, you seemed to have lost grip on reality, and you felt like there was danger after every turn. You were hit with a tsunami of fear, and anxiety, and paranoia. The thought of being alone or leaving them alone made you crazy. The thought of the person they saw not actually being a person swirled around in your brain clouding it with confusion and conflict. You felt sick. You didn’t want anyone to be on their own and it scared you that they would all be splitting up at some point that night. 
“It’s ok babe. You’re ok. We’re ok. We’ll stick together tonight I promise.” Alex said as he held you close. You pulled away and pulled your mask off so you could breathe a bit better after crying so much. Chelsea walked over to you and grabbed some tissues to help wipe the running mascara on your cheeks. You cleaned yourself up and took a deep breath before turning to face everyone again. You look embarrassed and shy, you seemed ashamed almost. 
“I’m sorry for making everyone uncomfortable… I know um- I know that something is wrong with me, this place is affecting me. I’m so sorry you guys, I know you’re scared of me, I am too. But just know that I’m sorry and I love you all very much.” you said, still, not looking at them. They had all set their cameras down and walked over to you. Dakota reached forward and pulled you into a big hug. He held you as tightly as he could, and he felt you hold onto him just as tightly. “I love you (y/n/n). Don’t be sorry for anything ok. It’s ok.” he said to you and pulled away. You nodded your head. “I love you too Kota. thank you,” you said and gave him a small smile. Tanner was the next person to step up and pull you in for a bear hug. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and you did the same to him. “I love you too (y/n/n),” he said and you said the same back to him, and this repeated one more time with Chelsea. She held you the tightest and you could both tell that you were both about to cry. She pulled away and wiped your tears again, and you wiped hers. “Ok, ok, I think we’ve done enough crying to last us a lifetime.” she joked and you chuckled a bit. “I guess so,” you said softly. You still weren’t your usual self but they understood now that it would take time to pick up the pieces of you that had been scattered around this place. 
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