#alex tuch imagine
sergeifyodorov · 6 months
we need to create the world we want to live in. who can be in a gay narrative with jeff skinner now. let's start a movement
FUNDAMENTALLY we need to start something... we need to have a conversation. every pundit on earth was out there last season insisting the sabres are ~FuN~ and frankly... what do we have to show for it? moving up 15 points in the standings but still not making the playoffs? minimal addition to the yaoi web -> no fun value really.
in addition from my scouting about a third of the sabres are fairly old and a third are babies... make of that what u will. jeff's whimsy might be a lot for another calmer older figure to really get into... (i am imagining him and ej trying to vibe together and it is not happening) but you could get a little bit like... not a father figure per se but like a friend's gay older brother who u were always kind of into. presenting options and dynamics:
jeff skinner/tage thompson: your classic centre + his chosen winger dynamic. there's always chemistry there
jeff skinner/alex tuch: see above. gonna be honest as """"fun"""" as the sabres are it might be me or it might be them but im not really like. aware of a lot of their personalities? like what are their deals. largely. this is a problem solved by fervent yaoiposting
jeff skinner/dylan cozens: dylcoz is one of the few sabres whose Vibe i could at least pretend to place and that Vibe is "brat." not that Markham Jeff is what you would consider a "dom" by any means but after being in the league for as long as he has he's earned kind of a (to me) old gay sage status... like he could list all of madonna's albums in order and certainly could tell a fresh young little gayboy what to do. dylan cozens is the teenager who would show up half an hour late to class belligerently high and make straight B+ses and jeff skinner is the harried yet firm history teacher who doesn't have enough time or budget to stop him especially not when he's clearly familiar with the material (despite his lack of respect for authority) and somehow they are having perfectly normal adult consensual moderate d/s sex about this.
jeff skinner/rasmus dahlin: ras has never met an Emotion he was at peace with . if you tell this to jeff he'll think you meant carly rae jepsen. see skinner/cozens but rasmus cries a lot more
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Just One Date? ~ Part 4
A/N: HEYO IT’S SMUT TIME. If you’re not into that don’t read it, you won’t miss anything super important to the series. If you are into that hello, same, enjoy.
It was a simple text. Just two words. ‘Come over?’. And yet here I was once again feeling pretty nervous. Of course I was going to go over to the house and see him. I was nervous though because I finally wanted to take that next step with Alex. I knew he wanted to too, he’d been very clear on that many times but he also made it clear that he didn’t mind waiting. At first I thought he would be disappointed but he made sure I knew he didn’t expect anything from me.
I was ready to give in now though. The sexual tension between us got worse and worse every time we were together. I don’t know if he felt it getting worse but I sure did. It was subtle things like him smirking and saying dirty jokes as well as very not subtle things like him pinning me down when I jokingly say make me. There was just a lot. Alex was a lot and it was becoming more and more impossible to keep my hands to myself. I didn’t know if this would be the right time though since I was going to his house and Shea might be there too.
It took me forever to find something to wear. I wanted something that I’d look hot enough in that he would want me but I also wanted to be comfortable. A big dilemma to be honest. Eventually I just decided to do both, be comfy but be hot underneath. I put on the red lacy bodysuit then put a big sweater and leggings over top. I hoped he’d like it since it was the only really sexy thing I owned. I shook my head at the worrying I was doing and left my house to go see my boy.
I got to his house and I needed to calm down my racing heart. Remind myself that this was just Alex. The guy I had been with the past couple months, officially together with for a month. Just my favourite person. Just someone who cares about me a lot. Not someone to be this nervous around. It was weird feeling this nervous again. It was like the first date all over again.I shook my head and just got out of the car, walking up to his front door and walking in. At this point they didn’t really care if I just came in so I did. I kicked off my shoes and walked further into the house.
“Alex?” I yelled out into the house.
“Baby?” I heard from upstairs accompanied with shuffling.
“Whipped!” I heard Shea yell.
“You’re one to talk Shea!” I called up the stairs as I saw Alex coming down. He stopped right in front of me and pulled me into a kiss.
“Hi baby.”
“Hi love.”
“Did you just get here?”
“No I’ve been quietly sitting here for the past hour or so. Yes I just got here you nerd.”
“I missed you.”
“It’s only been like a day.” I said giggling as he kissed around my face.
“Yeah but I couldn’t talk to you today even though you were there and it was just torture. I had to invite you over so I didn’t die.”
“And we can’t have that.” I said sarcastically making him laugh.
“No we can’t.” he said kissing me again.
“Get out of my damn way.” Shea said coming down the stairs. “You guys are gross.”
“Where are you going?” I asked him turning away from Alex who responded by wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my hair.
“I’m going literally anywhere else. I’m not staying here while Tuch is all clingy like that. Weird.”
“It is weird yeah.” I said making Alex bite my neck. “Ow you whore.”
“You like it.” he mumbled.
“Yeah I’m not staying for this. Besides I’ve got a date. Don’t expect me home tonight. Unlike our little prude over here,” he said flicking my nose. “My girl puts out so.”
“I’m not a prude, you’re just a slut Shea.”
“You’re not wrong.” he said shrugging. “Bye guys, see you tomorrow probably.”
“Bye Shea.” he left and I turned to look at Alex. “You’re really gonna just bite my neck like that in front of people?”
“Hey you tell me to bite you all the time.” he said with a smirk.
“Yeah but not in front of Shea. I don’t want you to bite me in front of people.”
“So let me get this straight. I can bite you alone, you want me to bite you alone, but not in front of anyone?”
“Alex cut it out.” I said blushing looking at the ground.
“No, I want to know what you want baby.”
“I don’t mind biting alone.” I said quietly.
I was getting really shy again. So much for being hot and assertive. I was now a blushing stuttering mess. Nothing hot about that. How was I supposed to initiate something and fuck Alex if I was so embarrassed at this? Maybe Shea was right and I was a prude. Alex could sense that I didn’t want to talk about it anymore right then thank goodness.
“Do you want to come upstairs?”
“Yeah, I don’t want to stand anymore.”
“Poor baby.” he said rolling his eyes before lifting me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and squealed.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Fixing your problem.” he said starting up the stairs.
“I swear to god Alex if you drop me..”
“What? What would you do?” he asked once he was at the top of the stairs pretending to drop me making me grab onto him harder.
“I’d fucking fight you.”
“Oh yeah? Good luck with that babes.” he said, throwing me onto his bed before climbing in after me. “You couldn’t do a thing.”
“Pfft yeah okay.” I said rolling my eyes before shoving him roughly and climbing on top of him, successfully pinning him down. He let out his breath in a huff. “Get wrecked.”
“How do you know I didn’t let you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Whatever you need to tell yourself baby.” I said kissing up his neck. His eyes fluttered shut and he let out a soft sound. I bit down a little harder on his neck making sure to leave a mark.
“Babe everyone’s gonna see that.”
“Are you mad about it?” I asked pulling back worried once again.
“No of course not. The boys are just going to talk, that's all.”
“Let them.” I said going back to leaving kisses on his neck.
“What?” I asked sitting up, looking at him. He reached up and brought my face down to his.
“Wanna kiss you.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
“You to stop being a brat.”
“You’ll be waiting a while.”
“One day I’ll make you behave but I don’t have the patience for it today.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked trying to sound suggestive. I don’t know if it worked.
“Is that something you want?”
“You want someone to put you in your place huh? Need someone to show you who’s boss?” he asked, his eyes darkening.
“Yeah.” I whimpered quietly. I wanted to punch myself at how dumb I sounded. How needy. Really just how pathetic I sounded for him.
“Yeah? I can do that for you baby. I’ll show you how to be my good girl.”
I couldn’t handle him talking anymore. Not gonna lie he was making me really wet and I wanted him much more than I had when I decided to come over here in the first place which was hard for me to believe because I wanted him badly then. This was borderline desperation now.
I tried to keep the kiss nice but it really didn’t last long and things were soon getting more intense. We’d had a lot of makeout sessions before this a few times where it would go a little further and I’d touch him, help him finish but that’s all it’s ever been. Every time we made out though his hands would travel under my sweater and just rest on my sides. I was counting on him doing this to try and get him to take things further with me.
He took his sweet time but eventually his hands untangled themselves from my hair and made their way down to my waist. He pushed me down on him by my lower back and I got the picture. Shifting so I could grind on his member. He moaned into the kiss and I knew I got it right. His hands went under my sweater and I felt him touching my skin and the lace that covered it.
“What’s this baby?” he asked breaking the kiss that left me breathless.
“A surprise for you Alex.” I said shyly.
“For me? Baby you didn’t have to.” he said rubbing up my sides feeling more of the lace.
“I wanted to.” I said quietly leaning forward to kiss him. “Do you wanna see?”
He didn’t answer, just nodded his head a lot. It would’ve been funny if I hadn’t been so nervous. He kept his hands on my waist as I leaned up and slowly took my sweater off revealing more and more of the red lace until I was pretty much naked from the waist up except for it. I threw my sweater off the edge of the bed and looked back at Alex biting my lip.
“Fuck..” he whispered just staring at me.
“Do you like it?”
“Baby I love it.” he tried to look up at my face but his eyes just kept being pulled down. “Can I touch?”
“Yeah go ahead love.” 
“Fuck..” he said again before grabbing at me all over and kissing my neck and chest. He flipped us around so I was on my back with him over top of me. The hand he wasn’t using to balance over top of me went to my chest and grabbed at one of my boobs making me gasp. “You look so good baby.”
“I wanted to look good for you.” I said pulling him down to attach our lips together in a fiery kiss that I felt all over my whole body. 
I slipped my hands under his shirt and started to take it off. He got the hint and removed it pretty quickly. I ran my fingers all over his upper body, feeling his hot skin as his muscles tensed under my hands. I pulled him by his waist so he was resting against me. He had been holding himself up so his body wasn’t on mine at all but that’s not what I wanted, not what I really needed. He let out a loud groan as he pushed his dick against my leg. I pulled my legs up onto either side of him, trying to keep him there. I lifted my hips to meet his, making him moan again against my lips. He broke the kiss and I went straight for his neck until he pushed me back onto the bed and held my hands above my head.
“(y/n) stop for a minute. Please stop.”
“Sorry.. I’m sorry.” I said, suddenly feeling all the nerves and all the fears from before creeping back in. I let my legs fall away from him and my whole body just kind of deflated. It felt like in the movie Vampires Suck where he sucks her blood through a crazy straw. I really just wanted to disappear or cry or both. 
He rolled off of me and I was planning on just staying there but he manhandled me a little so I was sitting on his lap. I could still feel his dick half hard in his sweatpants and I’m telling you it was not helping how wet I was or how bad I wanted him. I shifted a little sighing. He tightened his grip on my hips and let out a strangled moan.
“Sorry, sorry.”
“Stop saying sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“I feel like I should be sorry. Like I definitely did something wrong.”
“Do you feel me baby?” he asked raising his hips to mine to really get his point across. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I only wanted you to stop so we could slow down a little bit. I wanted to make sure you definitely wanted to do this. That it wasn’t just because Shea said you were a prude. Because I don’t think that and you don’t have to do anything to prove it to me.”
“Alex I put this on for you long before I ever talked to Shea today.”
“Oh shit true.. Baby were you planning this?”
“Yeah a little. I’m so fucking desperate for you Alex. Every time I see you the sexual tension has just been getting unbearable and I don’t know if it’s just me or what but God I just want you so bad Tuch.” I rambled quietly. “I don’t know what you’ve done to me, I’ve never felt like this before in my life.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“I haven’t figured that out yet honestly.”
“If it makes you feel any better it wasn’t just you. I’ve been feeling it too. I just didn’t want to push you or make you feel like I was waiting for it or expecting you to do shit with me.”
“I just want you so bad.” I said dragging my nails down his chest before getting off him completely. 
I got off the bed and slowly took off my leggings facing away from him, hoping I was giving him at least a bit of a show. Judging by the way he adjusted himself in his pants I did something right. I walked back over to the bed and crawled up towards him. He reached out for me and guided me to my back on the bed. He stayed hovered over me just touching my body.
“Please Alex?”
“You look so beautiful like this..”
“Thank you..” I said quietly, blushing. He saw the blush and smirked at me before coming up to kiss me. It was a slow, dirty, kiss that had me wanting him even more. He shifted so he was between my legs again and pushed himself up against me making both of us let out noises. He pulled away from me and I let out a whine.
“What do you want, baby?”
“Touch me please?”
“So needy..”
“Tuch can you please just..I don’t know something? Just touch me or something and stop making fun of me.” I said in mild annoyance.
“I’m sorry baby. It wasn’t meant as making fun.”
“Just please do something Alex.”
“Shh I will.” he shushed me and brought his lips back to mine. It didn’t take him long to figure out the buttons at the bottom of the suit and he had them popped open in no time. He ran his fingers down my folds and groaned. “You’re so wet (y/n).. Who did that to you?”
“You did. Always you.” I moaned out as he gathered my wetness and started circling my clit.
“You probably don’t even need fingers, you could probably take me just like this couldn’t you?”
“Maybe.. You’re pretty big though..”
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna get you ready first. Gonna make you cum all over my fingers like a good girl.”
“Your good girl.”
“Fuck..” he mumbled before attatching his lips to mine again in a searing hot kiss. It was more just smashing our tongues together at this point but it was still good. Even better when he added two fingers in me to the mix. 
“Shit Alex.”
“You’re already a moaning mess and I’ve barely done anything to you..That’s so hot. You’re so hot (y/n).”
“I’m close..”
“Yeah? You gonna cum on my fingers? Get yourself even wetter for me? Cum for me gorgeous.” he sped up his fingers and in no time I was overwhelmed as an orgasm washed over me. He worked me through it and he stared down at me in awe.
“Don’t look at me like that, creep.” I said breathlessly, but sarcastic nonetheless.
“I can’t help it beautiful.” he said with a chuckle. He leaned back and left my body making me whine again. “Calm down, needy. I’m just taking my pants off.”
That made my eyes shoot open fast which made him laugh again which also made me laugh. He leaned back in and gave me a kiss before pulling back and shoving his pants down his thighs biting his lip while looking at me. I personally didn’t know where to look because on the one hand, dick. On the other Alex biting his lip was gorgeous. I was a mess, plain and simple. He got his pants the rest of the way off and came back to lay on top of me. It was worse when I could feel him. I wanted him so much more now that I was feeling all of him on all of me.
“You still want to do this baby?”
“Uh yeah?” I said looking at him like he was dumb. He ducked his head to laugh but came back up kissing my neck.
“You just got really quiet, that’s all. I wanted to make sure.”
“I got quiet because I feel like I’m going to explode and I don’t want to say some dumb shit.”
“You really want me huh?” he asked, pumping himself a few times. I nodded my head as I watched him. “Want me to tear that pussy up?”
“Please.” I let out in a whimper making him smirk and me groan. “See this is the dumb shit I was talking about trying to hold in.”
“I don’t want you to hold it in. I want to hear how much you want me, how desperate you are for it. And I want you to know how desperate for you I am too.” he said softly as he started pushing into me. 
Anything I would have said to him was lost as he kept filling me slowly, inch by inch. Once he bottomed out he started leaving a trail of kisses all over my chest and neck leading up to my face where he left small kisses all over before getting to my lips and leaving nice soft ones there.
“You okay?” he asked quietly against my lips.
“Think that much of yourself Tuch?” I asked playfully. He laughed and kissed me again.
“No I just want to make sure you’re good.” he pushed my hair back from my face and held my face kissing me again.
“I’m good.” and apparently that’s all he needed to pull out and push back in again making me moan loudly. “Better than good, fuck.”
He kept a pretty slow pace at first really trying to figure out what I liked. It didn’t take him long to figure out I liked everything though so soon he started to speed up. He alternated between shallow thrusts where he grinds his dick into me and hard sharp thrusts that were really fast. He kept mumbling extremely dirty things in my ear but I really couldn’t pay attention enough to know what they were. In one ear out the other as he kept his steady pace of fucking me.
I was a mess grabbing onto anything I could. His back, his arms, the sheets, his headboard, the side of the mattress, my own hair. Anything to make me feel more grounded and less up in the clouds. 
I don’t know how long we were there for but I could feel myself getting close again. I finished with almost no warning though screaming his name as I clenched hard around him. He let out a strangled sound and mumbled about how tight I was and how good I felt as he tried to fuck me through an even more intense orgasm than the first. Trying to stay grounded did not work and my head was definitely up in the clouds at that point. It didn’t take long at all for him to cum after I had finished. 
He laid there for a minute, collapsed on top of me, as he caught his breath. I ran my fingers through his hair while we both settled down a bit. He pulled back so he could get out of me but he laid right back down where he was. I put my fingers back into his hair, scratching at his scalp, making him sigh in content.
“That was incredible baby, thank you.” he mumbled.
“Thank you actually.”
“Did my little brat get what she needed?” he asked sitting up and smirking at me.
“Yup.” I said simply making him laugh.
“Well I’m glad.” he leaned up and gave me a small kiss before getting more serious again. “I like that we waited a bit. I wouldn’t usually do that.”
“How come?”
“Most girls that I’ve dated have really only wanted to date a hockey player or fuck a hockey player so I don’t see the point in making them wait. They don’t want to wait or take things slower than everyone else.”
“Well I hope at this point you know that it’s not like that.”
“I do. And I’m really glad because I like you a lot (y/n). Getting to know you and do all kinds of fun stuff with you all the time first just really made me like you so much more than I thought I could.”
“Alex come on..” I was blushing but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I looked away. He put his hand on my face and gently turned it towards him.
“I mean it baby. I’m falling for you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same yet or something I can wait. I just wanted you to know I guess.”
“Wow Alex, getting nervous something crazy I never thought I’d see.” I teased making him groan.
“Alex you have to know that I’m so gone for you.”
“Yeah. I like you so much. You really mean so much to me.” I brought his lips to mine in a sweet kiss. We stayed like that for a while, just cuddled up together sharing soft kisses and sweet words. I really don’t know what I had been so nervous about.
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queeniewriteshockey · 5 years
Can you write something like this with Alex Tuch plz: So I was scratching my girlfriend’s back and I decided to write ‘will you marry me’ on her back and as I was writing it she interrupted me and said yes I’ll marry you and my heart died… so guys, that’s how I proposed to my girlfriend
(I don’t know him very well...or at all)
The evening was coming to a close, the sun setting in the sky. Orange and mauve fade to inky black while you sit on the balcony watching nightlife come to life. You live in Las Vegas, life never manages to stop but the lives of people during the day is still very different from the lives people lead when the sun goes down and the world gets quiet.
The world is never quiet in Las Vegas.
You sigh softly and look over your shoulder at your boyfriend. Alex sits behind you, eyes soft and soothing. He isn’t looking at the night sky or world below. He’s looking at you. A smile spreads over your lips and you lean into him, shoulder tucking into his side and your head resting in his shoulder as you do.
His arms wraps behind your back, his fingers skim along the fabric of your shirt. Dull nails, kept short for the sport he loves scratches gentle at your back sending shivers down your spine.
It takes you a moment, lost as you are in your contentment to understand that his fingers aren’t scratching as they were before. You focuse your mind on the feel of his fingers, writing something into your skin. It’s not hard to pick out the letters. You don’t even let him finish before you’re spinning in your seat, body twisting so that all of you can see him.
“Yes!” You say happily to your confused and a handsome boyfriend. “Yes, I’ll marry you!”
The confusion on his face morphs into shock and then excitement, “yeah?” He asks, not sure if he should believe you or not.
“Yes, Alex!” You say again, but the words are barely audible through the snuffle of happy tears and the hug he’s pulling you into.
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hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Take it out on me with Alex Tuch
Admittedly I don’t know a whole lot about Alex so if this sucks, I apologize. Not super happy with the ending but my brain is failing to come up with anything better. Good song though so this got a little long.  
You’d been friends with Alex for as long as you could remember. Your moms were best friends and so it wasn’t odd for the two of you to be forced into spending time together. As you got older though, separate interests pulled you apart. Still, you always knew that Alex was someone that you could lean on and who would be there for you no matter what. It didn’t matter if it had been three days, three months, or three years since you’d seen each other last. 
When your parents had sat you down and explained that they were getting divorced shortly after you’d turned nineteen you’d hopped in your car and driven down to Boston, Alex meeting you with open arms. In a way, he was like the brother you’d never had. Except, well it would be wrong to have the kind of thoughts about your brother that you’d had about Alex. 
Every year on your birthday, a bouquet of flowers appeared at your door and while there was never a card, you didn’t need one to know exactly who had sent them. When your boyfriends would ask you’d insist that they had come from one of your parents or grandparents. 
It had been almost a year since you’d seen Alex, though you’d spoken, well fought really, over the phone multiple times. See, ever since Alex met your boyfriend last summer he’d been insisting that he was bad news, that you deserved better than being with a guy like that. But you’d been stubborn and had decided that one meeting couldn’t possibly tell Alex what kind of man your boyfriend was. So every time you mentioned your boyfriend Alex tried to warn you and in return, you’d scream at him before hanging up. Though he wouldn’t push the issue for a while after that, he’d send a short text reminding you that his door would always be open for you no matter what. 
You hated him for being right. 
Finding your boyfriend cheating on you, in your own bed no less, completely crushed you. Without thinking you’d hopped into your car like you had what seemed like forever ago and just started driving. This time, instead of Boston, you were destined for Vegas. 
You could have flown. You should have flown. But a cross-country road trip was good for your soul. The tears had ebbed for the final time as you crossed into Indiana. For the majority of the trip after that, a feeling of emptiness had taken sadness’s place but the Nevada state line brought with it anger that you couldn’t explain. 
By the time you pulled up in front of Alex’s house, the thunder crashing and pouring rain echoed the intensity of your mood. All of the lights were off, which was unsurprising considering that the Golden Knights would be returning from a series of away games tonight. You hadn’t told Alex you were coming, though you’d had the chance many times, you didn’t want to hear the words that he’d been right all along. 
Instead, you sat on his stoop, letting the rain pour over you until headlights pulled into the driveway and Alex climbed out of his car, bag tossed over his shoulder along with his suit jacket, leaving him in just his button-up and dress slacks as he tried to dodge rain droplets while coming up the driveway. 
The moment he spotted you it almost felt like time had slowed and though you felt like you should be crying, no tears were falling. Instead, you pushed yourself to your feet and before either of you could say a word, his free arm had wrapped tightly around your hips and after one look in his eyes, you’d stretched to press your mouth to his. 
Not once did he pull away as he fumbled to get his door open, pulling you inside before pressing you against the door once it closed behind you. His large body crushed you between it and the door as he dropped his bags, now free hands, running up and down your sides before lifting you up, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
Whimpers escaped your throat as his mouth sucked deep marks onto the skin of your neck. Frantic hands worked to undress each other and as he buried himself inside you, your nails scraped deep lines down his back. His teeth nipped at your bottom lip, drawing you back into a passionate kiss as his thrust into you over and over, pushing you toward the edge of pleasure. 
You screamed his name in climax and then felt him spilling inside of you, though he continued to work you through your orgasm until it began to ebb.  Only then did his kisses soften, touches turning from intense to gentle. Carefully, he carried you to his bed, laying you down gently. Though he moved to pull out of you, you kept your leg wrapped around his hip, keeping him in place. 
This certainly hadn’t been your intention when you’d decided to come to Vegas, you certainly hadn’t intended to use Alex to vent your anger and frustrations, nor had you expected him to let you. Your confusion as to what the hell had just happened must have been evident because Alex simply kissed you again before pulling back to speak against your lips. 
“‘Bout fucking time…”
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puckyeahhockey · 5 years
Tattoos {A.Tuch}
Tumblr media
Requested: Y/N
“I’m in the mood to do something exciting,” you whined to your boyfriend who was in the midst of playing a video game.
“Like what?” he asked not taking his eyes away from the screen.
“I don't know but I wanna change something,” you mumbled.
“Go get your hair done,” Alex suggested. You shook your head no making his push his eyebrows together. “How come?”
“I just got a haircut and I don't wanna dye my hair again,” you explained. You knew you wanted a change but you didn't know what.
“Do you wanna go shopping?” he asked shutting off his game and setting the controller down on the table.
“Do you wanna take me shopping?” you poked him.
“Not really,” he matched your tone before laughing with you. ”You take such a long time and I can only take so much.”
“Let’s get tattoos!” you yelled smacking his arm. His eyes went wide as yours lit up. His face filled with shock and confusion as yours filled with excitement.
“Are you serious?” he asked still staring at you in shock.
“Yeah I know of a place out here because I was looking into in not too long ago,” you explained whipping out your phone and quickly typing out the name Bad Apple Tattoo.
“What would you even get?” he questioned you as you showed him the place.
“I want like a little crescent moon somewhere or maybe even like a rose and stem thing on this part of my hand,” you explained running your finger over the part of your hand where the thumb and wrist connect. “You don't have to get one but you’d have to take me.”
“And you are absolutely positive you want to do this?” Alex asked once again as he shut the truck off in the parking lot of the shop.
“It's too late to say no,” you laughed and hoped out before he could argue.
“What’s up guys, I’m DJ, how can I help you?” someone greeted as you opened the door. You explained your ideas to him as you flipped through some artist portfolios.
“For sure let me just sketch some things up for you guys and I’ll be right back. Help yourselves to some water if you’d like.”
“See, all good right?” you leaned against Alex’s shoulder.
“So far,” Alex mumbled looking around the lobby area.
“Why are you being like this?” you turned to face him on the bench.
“I don’t know this is kind of spontaneous, don't you think?” he said plating with the edge of his phone case.
“I mean a little but I have put though in this,” you explained grabbing his hand on yours.
“What if he messes up?” Alex threw out there. “These things are kinda permanent,” he sassed.
“They won’t, I trust them. They have amazing reviews and they seem to have really good designs. Trust me it’s gonna be okay,” you assured him before pecking him. After a little while longer you hear someone get up from a chair in the back.
“Alright so this is what I have drawn up,” the guy announced walking over to you and Alex. “The moon I can do in a thicker line to really make it pop without taking away the dainty aspect of it and the same with the flower so that they last in wear and tear.”
“Ah hell yeah,” you gushed causing the guys to laugh a little. “You like them?”
“Yeah, whatever you think,” Alex said giving your hand a squeeze.
“Alright cool let’s get you prepped in the back,” DJ said leading you and Alex to the back.
You laid on the black chair while Alex took the guest chair next to you. DJ first prepped the base of your neck for the crescent moon. He took the stencil and applied it to the area. You check in the mirror to confirm the placement.
“So this part of your body isn’t that bad because of how the skin is and the amount of fat there but if anything becomes unbearable just let me know. And since this is a small tat we should be over it pretty quick,” DJ explained while he set up his needles and ink.
“Hand?” you whispered for Alex as your face was pressed into the little face hole on the chair. Alex took your hand in his and played with your fingers.
“Alright here we go,” DJ announced starting up his machine.
Once he made contact with the skin, there was some pain but nothing that was unbearable. You were more focused on Alex playing with your fingers than your first tattoo. DJ would stop every few seconds which allowed you to breathe comfortably again.
“You doing okay?” you heard Alex asked before swinging his face down to see yours squished in the chair.
“Yup,” you mumbled through squished lips.
“And just like that we are one down,” DJ announced, “I'm just gonna clean you up real quick and then you can go over and take a look.”
“How does it look baby?” you questioned nudging Alex’s leg.
“I think it look super nice,” he whispered squeezing your hand.
DJ cleaned up the area and allowed you to go take a look in the wall mirror. You adjusted the smaller hand mirror and you were met with a cute little moon on your neck.
“Awe I love it,” you cooed with excitement.
Before you knew it you were seated in the same chair prepping your hand for the next tattoo. The same procedure was followed except this time you were able to watch. The pain was significantly worse but you powered through it. While one hand was being vibrated out of existence the other was squeezing Alex’s.
“Yo this is so pretty,” you gawked at your hand as Dj cleaned it up.
“Awesome, I'm glad you liked them.”
You finished up at the shop by paying and receiving what you needed to care for the new ink as it healed.
“You like them baby?” you asked Alex as he pulled out of the lot.
“Yeah I really do actually,” he admitted. “I was nervous for nothing.”
“See I told you,” you poked at him causing him to roll his eyes.
“Yeah yeah,” he whispered knowing that you were in fact right.
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Pride—A. Tuch
Requested by anon and anon. I had two requests for Alex Tuch, so I combined them. No warning. Check out my other imagines and master list on my blog with #hockeyimagine.
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It was love at first trip. You met Alex Tuch during the inaugural season of the NWHL. When you were drafted into the Boston Pride, you took it with (no pun intended) great pride and you played your heart out as often as you could to prove why you should be there. Mid season, a fun scrimmage was scheduled with Boston College. It was a great opportunity for you and the team to hone your skills. You won the game against the College’s girl’s team. Their boys were in attendance, and you had no idea who suggested it, but someone challenged the boys for a period. The boys greatly accepted. Five minutes in you almost fell on your face. You whipped around and saw him standing there. In a fashion of rage, which he was not expecting, you punched him.
The ref blew his whistle and called a penalty on each of you. “What the fuck,” you heard him mumble on the way to box. This was the moment you learned his name. After your two minutes, the two of you minimize your interaction on the ice and kept to playing the game.
“You play well,” you told him after the game. “That trip was really sneaky too.”
You smiled. “You play well too, and what a punch you pack. You hit harder than some guys I’ve played. I’m Alex.”
*Two Years Later*
Nate and Alex have each been bugging you to fly to see them. You were not able to see your boyfriend or brother often as both the NHL and NWHL seasons had begun. Luckily you were able to find a break in your schedule to go visit them at a practice when they were in Boston to play.
“Y/N!” Nate screamed and tackled you. “How are you, little sis?”
“I’d be better if you got off me,” you groaned. Nate chuckled as he got off you. You caught sight of your boyfriend and skate towards him. “Alex!”
Your boyfriend gracefully caught you as you jumped into his arms. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Y/N,” Alex chuckled. “I’m glad your coach let you come and see us.”
William Karlsson skates up to the two of you along with Shea Theodore. “So this is Y/N Schmidt,” William said.
“The love of Tuch’s life and the bane of Schmidt’s,” Shea added. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Both of them won’t stop talking about you.”
“Well, the obviously they know who the best player is to talk about,” you joked.
Shea gave William a look. “Well then let’s have a friendly competition,” William said loudly so the whole team could hear. “Alex vs Nate vs Y/N. Let’s see who’s the better player.”
Alex quickly shook his head while Nate nodded and grinned. As much as you loved to show your big brother up, you didn’t want to do that right now, and you didn’t have much time.”I have practice in an hour,” you told them. “I don’t have much time.”
William waved your statement off. “It would just be a few simple challenges like a lap around the rink, passing, intercepting a pass, and shooting. It’ll be fun.”
“Chicken, Y/N?” Nate taunted.
You narrowed your eyes. “You’re on Schmidt.”
“You in Tuch?” Shea asked.
Alex sighed. “Fine, but only because I want to beat Nate.”
The three of you lined up on a blue line. “This isn’t fair,” Nate whined. “I have to skate the most since they are closer to the middle.”
The team ignored him as they began the countdown. The three of you took off like rockets. You started to worry at one point when Nate and Alex began to push ahead of you until all of a sudden Nate was on the ground and you were skating past him.
Alex finished ahead of you. “Did you do that?” you asked.
Alex shrugged, but you could see a small smile. “Nate can be a clut sometines.”
You succeeded in passing the puck (Alex was close behind you since he was number one on the team with assists, but so were you on the Pride with even more than him) while Nate succeeded in intercepting them. This left it down to shooting to determine the winner.
Malcolm Subban glided into the crease. Shea and William dropped the pucks. “Each of you get five shots. If none of you make the five, then you’ll keep doing one more until someone makes it. Nate, since you have the least amount of points, you can start.”
“I have the same amount of points as them!”
Shea shook his head. “I’m talking about in this season. Both have more than you. I can’t believe you held out on how accomplished your sister is.”
Nate grumbled as he skated up to the pucks. “How do you want me to shoot?” “However you want,” William answered. “Like it is a penalty shot.”
Nate nodded and began shooting. None of them went in. Alex got one in. “You need one to tie and two to win. Even if you get the two and you still have some of your five left, take them,” Shea tells you.
You nodded and took a deep breath. The first two were misses. The third made it in. YOu glanced over at Alex. He smiled, gave you a thumbs up, and mouthed, “I love you.” It was obvious he had faith in you. He didn’t care if you got more goals than him. He only agreed because he knew he could show off your amazing talent this way. He loved that still played with the same passion, enthusiasm, and energy as you did two years ago when you met. You took the shot.
All you heard was the sound of the puck hitting the goal post and then a bunch of yelling. You looked towards Alex. He nodded and skated towards with a smile. “It went in.”
You squealed with joy and hugged him. “I am so proud of you.”
You blushed and kissed him. “And I am proud of you. I have to go though so I can make it to practice on time. I’ll see you later tonight. The team plans on coming to the game. I’ll be the one not in a Bruins jersey.”
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nhl-stories · 4 years
Alex Tuch as a Dad
Requested: Yes ∆ No
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You hadn’t been feeling very well while Alex was on a road trip
You had been texting him your symptoms like he was some sort of WebMD
When he came home he threw a grocery bag on your lap
You joked about him getting you a present in the airport until you pulled out a pregnancy test
“I think you’re pregnant,” he said with a smug smile
Turns out while being the most oblivious woman on earth you were also pregnant
Alex was stoked, you didn’t know how to feel since you had never really thought about being a mother in a serious, concrete way
But if you were going to become a mom, you’d want Alex to be the dad
Then it turned out to be twins
And you felt even less prepared
And very mad that you knowingly dated a man who had twins run in the family
He claimed since he didn’t get to experience the pregnancy, he wanted to be in charge of everything else he could
From putting together the nursery to signing you up for parenting classes
When it was finally time to have the baby you still didn’t feel ready
But Alex should definitely looking into motivational speaker or birthing coach as potential post hockey careers
And you welcomed your perfect angels, one boy and one girl
Twins were literally an armful, but Alex made it look easy
So easy it made you feel like you were failing as a mother
You just didn’t feel like you had the parenting instinct other people get
One night after the twins were extra fussy and impossible to deal with, you shut yourself in the bathroom to cry
You thought you were being sneaky and hiding the cry session
But you took too long to calm down and Alex came in, sitting across from you on the bathroom floor
“How are you so good at this?” you said through tears
Alex was confused
“I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing like I’m some alien and then you’re like taking care of both of them at the same.”
“Like just right now you took care of both of them while I just cried”
He shook his head, “Sometimes I cry while I try and calm them down, cause I don’t know what I’m doing either”
“Also I’m so tired all the time”
You cried out a laugh
“But I think you should maybe see someone, postpartum depression could be making it even harder for you.”
You started seeing someone and it helped
It also helped knowing that Alex was guessing as well
So you started to enjoy the little things
Like hearing Alex sing off-key to them at night
Or try to explain the rules of hockey to two infants who couldn’t even hold their heads up
Or cuddling with your little family on the couch, which always turned into napping on the couch with your family
You were starting to feel like a real mom and you were right that there was no better dad than Alex
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In Bed- A. Tuch (headcanon)
k so like, he is a big boy
and i do mean B I G
so he gets kinda rough without meaning to
but it’s always hot af
bit of a sex fiend
will literally want to any time, any place
especially horny after a Vegas win
locker room sex happens a lot
has a hard time keeping his hands off you
loves when you ride him
always down to try new positions with you
loves to play sex truth or dare
lil bit kinky
into spanking
big into sex with his equipment on
like he gets so into it that he doesn’t even bother wasting time to take the shit off
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korpisolid · 4 years
imagine that... alex tuch drawing a penalty... haven’t seen that before 🥴
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I’m still pissed about the Jim Lites comments regarding Tyler and Jamie, but what really upsets me is that there is no accountability by any higher ups regarding the real issues with their franchise which are bad scouting, and development. In this post I will highlight the 2013-2018 drafts where Jim Nill has been GM
For the drafts I’m going to highlight who the Stars drafted in the first round and what kind of dent they had on the team, then will highlight who they could’ve drafted as well as 2-7 round beautiful scouting by other teams
With the 10th overall pick the Stars drafted RW Valeri Nichushkin who is a complicated player to talk about. During the 2013-2014 season he had 34 points in 79 games as a rookie, the following season he would suffer injuries. In 2015- 2016 he would play another 79 games but this time dropping to 29 points. He then went to the KHL and retuned to Dallas for the 2018-2019 season which we are currently over half way through and he has a total of 7 points which are all assists. Obviously there is a readjustment period but we’re half way in now and he only has 7 points (I’m going to highlight at the end some of the reasoning for this)
With that pick the Stars could’ve drafted Alexander Wennberg who is a solid 30 point guy and could’ve been the number 2 Center behind Tyler. Andre Burakovsky who could’ve served as a second or third line winger (I also feel like Andre would serve better on a not so high pressured team). Max Domi another solid 30 point C. Josh Morrissey D, Shea Theodore D.
Dallas also had the 29th overall pick and drafted Jason Dickinson who is up and down and in and out of the lineup. 
Other 2013 Dallas players: Remi Ellie, Philippe Desrosiers, Niklas Hansson, Nick Paul, Cole Ully, Matej Paulovic, Aleksi Makela. All these players combined have played a total of 157 NHL games with a total of 29 points. None of which are currently on the roster.
Notable 2013 late draft picks by other teams which = good scouts : Brett Pesce, Jake Guentzal, Juuse Saros, Miles Wood, and Andreas Johnsson who went in the 7th round!!
2014 Draft
Stars draft with the 14th overall Pick Julius Honka D. Julius has played a total of 86 games with a total of 13 points.
Notable 1st rounders after Honka : Dylan Larkin, Alex Tuch, Nick Schmaltz, Kasperi Kapanen, David Pastrnak (Imagine him on Tyler’s right)
2-7 round Dallas picks : Brett Pollock, Alexander Peters, Michael Prapavessis, Brent Moran, Miro Karjalainen, Aaron Haydon, John Nyberg, Patrick Sanvido. Combine games played in the NHL: 0. Nhl points: 0
Notable 2-7 round picks: BRAYDEN POINT,  Viktor Arvidsson
2015 Draft
Stars draft with the 12th overall pick Denis Gurianov who has played a total of 12 games in the NHL and has a grand total of 3 points!!!!! I don’t even know how it was possible to draft a complete dud this year but somehow the Stars found a way
Major notable 1st rounders after Dallas : Jake Debrusk, MAT BARZAL, Kyle Connor, Thomas Chabot, BROCK BOESER, Travis Konecny, Anthony Beauvillier.
2-7 Dallas picks : Roope Hintz, Chris Martenet, Joseph Cecconi, Markus Ruusu. Combined have played a total of 22 NHL games with 5 points. 
Notable 2-7 picks : Travis Dermott, Sebastian Aho, Brandon Carlo
2016 Draft
The Dallas Stars draft with the 25th pick  Riley Tufte has played a total of 0 games. 
Notable 1st rounders : Brett Howden, Tage Thompson
2-7 round Dallas picks: Fredrik Karlstrom, Rhett Gardner, Colton Point, Nicholas Caamano, Jakob Stenqvist. Combined NHL games: 0
Notable 2-7 rounders: Carter Hart, and Dillon Dube who was selected with a Dallas pick.
I’m going to stop here cause way to go Dallas you didn’t fuck up the third overall pick in 2017.
The point of this is to show that the Stars have poor scouting and need to fix this ASAP, the players they have drafted in recent year’s have barley made a dent in the NHL other then Miro. The drafted players are also not being given the chance to properly development, they get called up and down and are healthy scratches. I think a player like Julius Honka could’ve been a good player in the NHL however he spends his time benched, where other NHL teams could use him. Look at the leafs for example with a player like Josh Leivo, Kyle Dubas knew he was never going to be given a proper chance with this team so he made a trade to give Leivo a shot in the NHL. The Stars fail to do this, hell they lost Gemel Smith to waivers to Boston when they could’ve instead easily have traded him to Boston since the bruins were in need of players since so many of them were injured, but instead they lost him for nothing.
Let’s talk about coaching cause this is the third year in the row were the team has had a different coach. Hitch comes in and helps the team defensively which exposes how weak the team is upfront other then the first line. Hitch was the first coach that really allowed Tyler to break through, Tyler takes that and runs with it and shows why he is the star of the Dallas Stars however the rest of the team decided to nap and allow his best season to go in the garbage. Say what you want about Hitch but yes he did help Tyler, and Tyler has publicly admitted that.
Now I don’t know anything about Monty other then this season and I’ll be honest I’m very iffy on him. I remember watching a video of him near the beginning of the season where he said something on the lines of how Hitch always split up the top line and it didn’t work so you wouldn’t see him doing that, however it took 3 games after that for him to start changing the lines. THE ISSUE IS NOT THE TOP LINE, why the fuck do you split up the line that is getting you the points????? and you do it repeatedly!!!! And I understand Radulov got injured and needed to be replaced  but the issue here is that the stars have no one to truly slot in that first line cause there is no other first liners!!! And what really pissed me off during this time was when Monty kept giving them a different winger every damn night!, never giving them a shot to build chemistry, and then he has a brilliant idea and goes to Jamie and Tyler and says “who do you think you should play with?” they respond “Pitlick” and what do you know the line gets some points but what happens next? Mr Coach takes Pitlick off the line and replaces him with another player that doesn’t work.
The Dallas Stars have no proper line ups, The players are not given the chance to build ice chemistry cause the lines are ALWAYS changing. Why the fuck can’t we just keep the same lines for a few games and allow these players to build off it? Instead of getting something going and breaking it up. The Stars this season is being held together by their goalies. The Dallas Stars NEED their first line to not be split up. The Dallas stars NEED for their GM to get on the phone and make some trades to get them some true second liners. The Stars NEED new scouts so we can start drafting players who can actually help the team.
Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn are not horseshit, they are the players holding your team together and waiting for their management to get their shit together.
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rcloonan8-blog · 5 years
The Beanpot
Growing up as a hockey player in Massachusetts, you dream of playing in one thing, The Beanpot. As a kid my father would always make his best efforts to get me to the tournament every year that he could. He knew that seeing the atmosphere in person would fuel me to work towards being the one on the ice rather than in the fan section. In 2015, I was able to achieve my goal of playing in the tournament for the first time.This was the first time I would be skating on the ice of such a historical building and largest venues I have played in front of. As a young, inexperienced freshman, I didn’t know whether to be nervous or excited. The atmosphere in the building was like nothing I had imagined when I was on the other side of the glass. Warm-ups went by as a blur and puck drop was upon us. The opponent, Northeastern Huskies. After a few shifts, the atmosphere became invisible to me. The game turned into any old game and the outside noise was irrelevant. We ended up winning the game and were off to the playoffs the next Monday. The tournament format is like no other, two games on consecutive Monday nights in February. I personally, like the design of it and love that it is towards the end of the season so every time is at their peak performance. Anyways, our opponent for the championship, Boston College, our arch nemesis. Coming into this game, the nerves were high but we were so excited to hoist that trophy that the nerves weren’t a factor. The game was very fast and back and forth and regulation ended as a 0-0 tie. Going into overtime is when the nerves picked up. Sudden death overtime and the winner takes the crown. Ten minutes in, Alex Tuch rolled around the zone and sent in soft shot with people in front of the net. It seemed as if the puck had eyes, through a set of legs and right past my goaltender who couldn’t see through all the bodies. This was my first taste of heartbreak in the tournament but I knew I had 3 more years to win that trophy. Now as a senior, here I am 3 years later without a trophy. It has been such a privilege to play in the tournament but I will regret for the rest of my life not being able to say I won a Beanpot championship. 
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hockeytrashgoblin · 4 years
Just One Date? ~Part 1
A/N: Anon you spoke and I listened. Here is part one of this really cute Alex Tuch series. I hope you guys enjoy and especially you anon, I hope I can do this justice for you! 
it’s also almost 4000 words so it’s pretty long oops
It was a Monday afternoon and like always I was putting away the camera equipment from the post-practice interviews. I only got to do help and really participate on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays. The rest of the time I spent editing or shadowing people elsewhere. The days I got to be around everyone and be around the boys, the knights, were always my favourite. I had ended up becoming pretty good friends with a few of them like William, Shea, Ryan and Fleury. I guess I was sort of friends with Alex too if you could call it a friendship. It was weird. Well not so much weird as he flirted with me and asked me out every week and I didn’t think he was serious about it at all, just teasing me for my very obvious crush on him.
I was almost done deconstructing and putting away the camera when I saw someone walk up out of the corner of my eye. I knew who it was without looking up and the blush on my face appeared as soon as he did. I hated that I blushed so easily around him. It always made him smirk and God I’d like to just kiss that dumb smirk off his face but alas.
“Hi Tuch.”
“Hi gorgeous.” he said making me blush even redder.
“How are you today?”
“I was doing pretty good. But I’m doing really good now that I’m here talking to you.”
“Oh.” I said dumbly rolling my eyes. If it was for what he said or I said who knows. Maybe it was a bit of both.
“How are you?”
“Oh um..I’m okay?”
“You don’t sound so sure.” he said with a small chuckle making me glare up at him making him actually laugh.
“I’m sure.”
“Are you? You’re awfully red. Maybe you’ve got a fever or something.” he put emphasis on the ‘or something’ and winked at me making me blush more. “God you’re so cute.”
“Alex come on shut up you don’t mean that.”
“Of course I mean it. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t.” he said with a serious tone. I looked into his eyes trying to find any hint that he was joking around but couldn’t find one so I just shrugged.
“If you say so.”
“I do. Now onto the real reason I came over here. Go on a date with me?”
“There it is.” I said rolling my eyes. “Tuch how many times are you gonna ask?”
“As many times as it takes for you to say yes.” he said with a confident smile.
“You’re insufferable.” I said rolling my eyes as I latched the camera case closed and started bringing it to the closet where it lived. Alex stopped me though.
“Let me.” he said, taking it.
“Alex you’re not supposed to touch that! Stop.”
“Calm down (y/n/n) it’s fine. I just want to help.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Okay fine. I like calling you gorgeous way better anyway.” he said with his dumb smirk making me blush and groan as he put the camera away. “So what do you say? Date?”
“Alex I’ve said no a million times why are you still doing this?” I tried walking out of the room but he boxed me in with his arms.
“(y/n) have you ever considered that I might just maybe want to date you?” he said sarcastically.
“Noooo come on, you’re putting me on. Gee golly gosh, I never thought of that even one time.” I said just as sarcastically putting one hand on my hip and the other on my forehead. He ducked his head down and laughed which made me laugh.
“The real question is why do you say no every time? You always get all blushy and cute whenever we’re in a room together. Especially when I talk to you. And I catch those beautiful eyes looking at me all the time.”
“Alex this is all just a game to you. As soon as you get what you want you’ll be gone again.”
“How do you know that?” he asked looking a little offended.
“I’m sorry Alex, that came out worse than I meant for it to..” I said looking down blushing worse and scratching my arms anxiously.
“Hey stop that.” he said bringing one of his arms down and laying his hand on mine to stop it. “I don’t want you to be nervous around me.”
“A little late for that if you couldn’t tell already from like, every encounter we’ve ever had.”
“Why do you keep turning me down (y/n)?”
“I don’t want to look stupid okay? I don’t want to be the sad dumb end of a joke or a bet or just be used. I just can’t get it out of my head that this is one of those things.” I answered quietly looking at the ground.
“My god no. That’s not what this is at all. Beautiful, look at me.” I shook my head but he gently grabbed the sides and tilted my face to look up at his. “I want to date you because I like you. Is that so hard to believe?”
“Yes.” I said even more quietly.
“Just give me a chance? One date?” he asked quietly matching my volume.
“What about work?”
“There’s nothing against it. We work for two different companies.”
“Okay one date.”
“Really?” he asked, letting go of my face with a big smile.
“Only one. Make it good Tuch.” I said jabbing my finger into his chest making him laugh.
“I will. It’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on.”
“Well that really won’t be hard to do but okay I guess I’ll try to look forward to it.” I said sarcastically making him laugh.
“Okay I gotta go but I’ll text you later with details.”
“Alex you’ve got a game later!” I said laughing.
“Yeah well priorities.” He said winking.
“Your priorities are fucked.” I laughed making him laugh too.
“Okay well I would love to stay here and chat but I’ve got a midday nap I need to take so I’ll see you later.”
“Oh one more thing Alex.” I said when he was in the doorway.
“What is it, gorgeous?”
“If this is all a joke and you stand me up for this date I will absolutely destroy you. I’ll literally tear you a new asshole.”
“Kinky.” he said with a smirk.
“I’m not kidding Tuch, I refuse to be treated that shitty.”
“Good thing I’m never going to treat you that shitty then huh?” he gave me another smile before waving bye and exiting the room.
It didn’t really click that I had agreed to go on a date with him until I was curled up in my bed with pajamas on getting texts from him. I was panicking, not gonna lie. All sorts of thoughts were running through my head. What if he didn’t actually want to date me? What if he wasn’t going to show up and I would have to move back to Canada just to get away from the embarrassment that being stood up by him would cause? What if this is all just a sick joke like before? 
I let the what ifs work me up until I was crying. It wasn’t the first time I cried over a date and it probably wouldn’t be the last. I just got so nervous about myself as a person that I just turned into a mess. I didn’t know what kind of person I needed to be or that they were expecting me to be. I really didn’t want Alex to go out on this date with me and then realize I was different than he thought and he didn’t want to have me around anymore at all.
The reasonable side of my brain countered that completely. I had hung out with the boys so much. Going out to bars, hanging out at their houses, even sometimes hanging around the rink on my days off. Tuch had been around me enough that he should know at least a little bit of what my personality was. But my anxious brain overpowered that and I stayed awake half the night worrying. Tossing and turning until I was just too exhausted to keep my eyes open.
I woke up to my alarm and groaned loudly at the sound. I set another alarm for a few hours later and went back to sleep for a bit. I set it so I’d still have enough time to shower and let my hair air dry as well as get dressed. Alex had decided our date would be today because apparently he just couldn’t wait. He offered to come pick me up so I wouldn’t be as worried that he wouldn’t show up and I honestly really appreciated that he compromised with me instead of just canceling. 
Once the alarm went off again I still felt like I hadn’t slept at all but that’s what anxious sleeps will do to a person. I got up anyway and was even more nervous than before. I showered and towel dried my hair a little bit before trying to figure out what to wear. I looked over his text again.
Tuch: wear something light that you won’t be too hot in but bring something warmer for later just in case.
What the fuck did that mean? What were we even doing? I sent him a text asking me if he could tell me what we were doing and he said no again. I rolled my eyes but I wasn’t really expecting anything different from him. He sent me another text not too long after.
Tuch: how would you feel about an overnight adventure?
Me: I don’t know, what are we doing?
Tuch: Beautiful, if I tell you it won’t be a surprise. I promise it’ll be lots of fun.
Me: I dunno Alex..
Tuch: Will and Shea think that you’ll love it if that helps convince you more lol
Me: wow gee yes. I am convinced now.
Tuch: I promise it’ll be a lot of fun.
Me: okay fine. If I end up dead though I’m so haunting your ass.
Tuch: so aggressive. I like it.
I left it at that and went back to trying to figure out what to wear. I decided on shorts with a comfy crewneck. No point in really dressing up, I didn’t want his expectations for how I look to be too high from normal. I also didn’t want him to think I was trying too hard by wearing a dress or something. I put on some flip flops to go with it and looked in the mirror. I didn’t look drop dead gorgeous or anything but I looked pretty good, cute I thought. No model by any means but I was happy with how it looked. I moved on to packing an overnight bag. Packing up extra clothes, pajamas, medications, a brush, and anything else I could think of that I might need. Once I was done it was almost time for Alex to pick me up so I just waited around downstairs. I got a snapchat from him a little while before he was supposed to be there. It was a video of traffic and then it switched to his pouting face as he said, “It’s like they don’t know I’m trying to get to the cutest girl in the world right now. It’s rude. I’ll be there soon gorgeous. I promise.”
I blushed like mad and smiled really big. I tried to get myself under control before answering but I was still blushing so I knew he’d know he got to me. I couldn’t really bring myself to care though. He only ended up being like 5 minutes late and when I let him in be just apologized a million times.
“Alex stop you’re okay.” I exclaimed laughing as he apologized again for being late. “You told me what was happening. I wasn’t worried about you being a little late.”
“I just feel bad. I should’ve left earlier.”
“Tuch cut it out, it’s fine I promise. As long as you communicate with me we’re good.” 
“You’re sure?”
“Yes Alex.” I said touching his arm lightly. “Calm down a little yeah?”
“Okay. Do you have everything you need?”
“Yeah I think so. Do I need to bring food or anything?”
“No I’ve got it covered. Snacks too. Will helped me.” he said with a small smile.
“That was nice of him. Well that’s it then I’m ready to go if you are.”
“Cool let’s go.” he said with a smile taking my beg from me.
“Oh my goood Aleex I can carry my own shit.” I groaned with a smile.
“Yeah well maybe I’m a gentleman and don’t want you to.”
“Beautiful, you could just say thank you, ya know?” he said with a smirk that made me blush and him laugh. “There’s that blush.” he poked my cheek and I glared at him.
“Now I’m really not saying thank you.”
“Wow grumpy.” he said still with a smile on his face.
“I’m just kidding. Thank you for carrying my bag, you didn’t have to.”
“You’re welcome (y/n). Buckle up, we’ve got a bit of a drive ahead of us.”
“Oh? How long?”
“About 20 minutes? Maybe 30?”
“Man you really are planning on killing me.” I teased as I got situated in the car. 
“I would never.” he said giving me a smile. He handed me his phone and I just kinda stared at it like an idiot making him laugh. “Put some music on you dork.”
“Oh fuck yeah okay.” I slid it open and was surprised to find no passcode on it. I went to his spotify app and saw a playlist that was called ‘stuff (y/n) will like hopefully’. “Quite the playlist you got here Tuch.”
“The guys helped me make it. Some of it is songs you like but some of it is stuff you might not have heard before..I dunno I just wanted to make something that you’d hopefully like.” he said a slight red colour coming to his cheeks.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you Alex.” I said, giving him a smile back. I put on the playlist and it was pretty quiet in the car besides the music. I was really just listening to what he thought I’d like. I was interested to know if it would be stuff I liked. Turns out most of it was really good. I lot of it I didn’t know but he got it pretty spot on with my all over the place music taste. We weren’t very far into the playlist though when we got to where we were going so I didn’t hear the whole playlist but from what I did hear it was good.
“Okay you’re actually going to have to grab your stuff this time.”
“But my arms will fall off. Alex how will I ever go on?”
“You’re a little shit.” he said laughing.
“Your little shit.” I said before immediately turning red as he raised an eyebrow. “Hey where even are we anyway?”
“Nice try cutie but I’m not forgetting about what you just said. We’re at lake Mead though.”
“Really? I’ve always wanted to come here!”
“I know you have. Now get out and grab your stuff so we can get this date started and I can sweep you off your feet.” he said giving me a wink before jumping out of the car. I followed soon after to the trunk to get my bag.
“I dunno man, you’re gonna have to try awfully hard to sweep me off my feet.”
“I’m up for the challenge.” 
“You always do like a challenge.” I said as we walked down a dock. “Where are we going?”
“Right about here.” he said walking in front of me and stopping making me bump into him. He grabbed my arms to steady me making me laugh.
“You did that on purpose.”
“Maybe.” he said smirking. “Anyways here is where we will be staying tonight. Well I mean not right here but on the boat.”
“What really?”
“Yes really! Now come aboard and I’ll give you the tour.” he reached his hand out and I grabbed it getting onto the boat. He climbed up after me and put his stuff down on the deck. “So here is upstairs, I drive here and you get to sit and do whatever you want.”
“I like that.”
“And if we go downstairs,” he said, opening the door for me to go down. I climbed in and he came in after. “We’ve got a little kitchen here, a bathroom right beside us with no shower unfortunately and through here we have the bedroom.”
“Comfy.” I said throwing myself onto the bed. “But where will you sleep?”
“Wherever. I don’t really care. I can sleep on one of the benches upstairs or on the little couch for the kitchen table or something.”
“Tuchy I was kidding. You can sleep here, I don’t care.”
“I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.” he said with a serious look on his face.
“You won’t. And if you do I’ll let you know. Communicating remember?” I asked kicking his leg.
“Yeah okay.” he gave me a sweet smile before it turned mischievous and he pulled me by the leg off the bed a bit. “But come on now we’re gonna go boating for a bit if that’s cool with you?”
“Yeah for sure.” we went back up on the deck and he started untying things. A man from the dock helped us get going and with that we were off. Alex was a good driver so I wasn’t too worried about the boat. He followed all the rules and it was really nice to let go for a bit and feel the wind in my hair and have the water splash my face. Once it was almost dinner time we were just slowing down when Alex decided to ask me, “Do you want to drive the boat?”
“Alex I’m not qualified to drive a boat and you know it.” I said crossing my arms. “So much for you following the rules today huh?”
“Come here, I’ll help you.” he offered with a smile. It looked pretty fun so I just rolled my eyes and walked over to him sitting on his lap. He explained a few things to me but then just gave up when I didn’t understand. “I’ll control the speed and you can steer with a little bit of help, deal?”
“Sounds good to me.” I said as he started up the boat again. It took a little while but we finally got to a point where he was barely steering anymore. He just had his hands balancing on the steering wheel and his chin was resting on my shoulder as he watched me laugh and have fun ‘driving’ the boat. After a little while we stopped and anchored the boat, which he let me help with. We went down to the underside of the boat and he started taking out some cold cuts and pasta salads and stuff for dinner. We sat close together so our legs were touching and shoulders were bumping just joking around and eating. Once we were done we went back up to the deck and were watching the sunset listening to music again. 
We spent the time talking about childhood memories, embarrassing stories, our favourite things. Really we just talked about everything. I was really comfortable with him and the stories just kept pouring out of me. Even traumas and private stuff I was talking about. I don’t know at what point he held my hand or at what point I laid my head on his shoulder. What I did know though was that I was having an amazing time and I didn’t want to move anytime soon. We talked well past when the stars came out. Eventually though we had to call it a night. Alex let me go in first to change then he got changed in the other room before coming in and joining me on the bed.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me sleeping in here with you?” he asked quietly draping a warm blanket over the two of us.
“I’m positive Alex. As long as you know that this is absolutely not leading to sex. If you were hoping it was, I’m going to disappoint you.”
“Hey, hey no.” he said turning me over to face him. “That’s not what I wanted here at all. That wasn’t the intention.”
“Okay. I just wanted you to know so you didn’t get the wrong idea.”
“You deserve so much better than that beautiful.” he said brushing my hair out of my eyes.
“Yeah well..” I said shrugging.
“I’m gonna show you better than that.”
“Hmm pretty cocky that this first date went well huh?” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
“Alright fine then, tell me you don’t want to see me again.” he challenged with a grin making me laugh.
“I can’t tell you that.”
“So does that mean I move on to date 2?” he asked, leaning over me.
“I guess.” I sighed out sarcastically. He was smiling at me and biting his lip which made my insides really just turn into jello.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked suddenly breaking the short bit of silence. I didn’t answer verbally, instead I just pulled him down to me and kissed him. It felt incredible. I could kiss him for hours, days even, without getting bored at all. He broke away too soon for my liking. “I wanted to do that since you were driving the boat.”
“Alex that was so long ago.” I said laughing, hitting his arm.
“I know. You were just so cute I couldn’t help it but then I didn’t want to over step but I just never stopped thinking about it.”
“You fucking sap.” I said with a smile bringing his lips to mine again. We broke apart and he just laid down beside me on the bed with a smile on his face. I traced his cheek with my finger. “Cute.”
“Now who’s a sap?”
“Fuck off Tuch, we were having a sweet moment!”
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queeniewriteshockey · 5 years
Alex is a low key softie lol maybe something like catching him getting hair done by his daughter or maybe playing dress up and having a tea party
So I was feeling super fluffy this morning and decided to tackle this. I went a little different but I hope you like it nonnie. 
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You sit on the couch, eyes closed, mind dozing. You’re absolutely exhausted. It comes with the territory of having a newborn, but you wouldn’t change it for the life of you. Yes, it’s brought you to tears a few times and you’ve never actually known what being tired was until you were blessed with your princess, but it’s still so worth it. 
You’re almost asleep when someone speaks. “Okay, I think she’s asleep,” you hear him say. It takes you a moment too long to understand the words and even longer to realize that the voice belongs to your husband. You’re that tired. 
You open your eyes after what feels like a lifetime, body shaking slightly at being woken up when it wasn’t ready. You’re met with an image of your husband looking as disheveled as you feel in his boxers. Alex’s hair is sticking up in directions you didn’t know were possible. He’s got what was a five o'clock shadow five days ago and his eyes are red-rimmed and heavy-lidded. 
“I want a shower so bad,” he says as he joins you on the couch, “but sleep..” he trails off, laying his head in your lap. 
You hum softly, eyes closing again. Your fingers slid through his hair for a moment and you understand why he wants a shower. When was the last time either of you got to take one? Probably the day you came home from the hospital. 
Words don’t seem to be something you’re capable of and for that matter, Alex has fallen silent as well. The both of you find yourself sinking into the couch, the peace of the house settling over you while your five-day-old little girl sleeps peacefully for the moment in her crib. A shower and anything else can wait. 
39 notes · View notes
hockeylvr59 · 5 years
Your most loved pieces of my writing as of June 30, 2019. (#11-36 under the cut)
Promises Part 1 - Auston Matthews (436 notes)
Promises Part 5 - AM/MR (279 notes)
Promises Part 2 - AM (278 notes)
We’ll Take It Slow - AM (276 notes)
What Happens In Vegas - Jamie Benn (246 notes)
Arms Wide Open - Tyler Seguin (244 notes)
Promises Part 4 - AM / Morgan Rielly (240 notes)
Atypical Summer - AM (237 notes)
Promises Part 3 - AM (224 notes)
Please Don’t Judge Me Part 1 - AM (184 notes)
Good Samaritan - Colton Parayko (160 notes)
Hurt - Jeff Skinner (157 notes)
Always a Winner to Me - AM (142 notes)
Please Don’t Judge Me Part 2 - AM (121 notes)
What Ifs - Jeff Skinner (120 notes)
Life Changes Part 1 - Paul Bissonnette (114 notes)
Not the Only Option Part 1 - Tyson Barrie (110 notes)
TIE - Proving Your Worth Part 1 - Jonathan Toews / Wind Beneath My Wings (92 notes) 
Please Don’t Judge Me Part 3 - AM (90 notes)
Not the Only Option Part 2 - TB (81 notes)
Home - Mikko Rantenen (79 notes)
TIE - Down on Me - AM songblurb  / Bruises - Mat Barzal  (73 notes)
Life Changes Part 3 - PB (62 notes)
Imagine - Elias Petterson songblurb (58 notes)
Proving Your Worth Part 4 - JT (57 notes)
Life Changes Part 4 - PB (56 notes)
TIE - Proving Your Worth Parts 2 & 3 - JT (53 notes)
TIE - Take it Out on Me - Alex Tuch Songblurb  / Proving Your Worth Part 7- JT  (51 notes)
Proving Your Worth Part 5 - JT (47 notes)
Proving Your Worth Part 6 - JT (45 notes)
Life Changes Part 2 - PB (42 notes)
Life Changes Part 5 - PB (35 notes)
Second Chances Part 4 - Jake Guentzel (34 notes)
Second Chances Part 2- JG (25 notes)
TIE - Second Chances Part 3 - JG / Proving Your Worth Part 8 - JT (21 notes)
Second Chances Part 1 - JG (17 notes)
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puckyeahhockey · 5 years
Peach {A.Tuch}
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Requested: yes
Authors Note: oop this is short but I liked it idk
“Dada!” your little one shouted pointing into the phone.
“Yeah Phoebs that’s Dada,” you smiled adjusting her on your hip while Alex busted up laughing.
“Hey Peach,” he said through smile. You could tell he was smiling just but his tone of voice. “I’ll be home in like 10 minutes and uh Shea and Mariana are gonna drop by for a few and maybe we’ll head out to dinner or something with them tonight,” he explained.
“Yeah sounds gucci,” you joked causing him to groan.
“Don’t say that! Alright be home in a few bye,” he said hanging up. Thankfully today’s game was early in the day so Phoebe was able to stay up and watch with you even though she only paid attention when she heard Alex. Early games also mean some team time after too which is always welcome.
“You want a snack babe?” you asked knowing around this time she’s ready for a snack and it will hold her off until dinner.
“Mhm,” she hummed reaching to be put down.
“Peaches?” you followed up after setting her down.
“Yay, peaches!” she squealed clapping her hands. For some reason, Phoebe was obsessed with peaches. You and Alex both thought it was hilarious because while you were pregnant, Alex always said your stomach resembled a peach in a way and just so happens your baby is a peach lover.
“Here babe.” You set the bowl of mashed peaches with an applesauce consistency you made.
“Mmmm peaches,” she blabbed spooning some in her mouth. You let out a small laugh as she ate her food, spilling it down her chin in the process.
Once she finished, you cleaned her up and set her on the floor. Just as you finished doing the dishes the sound of the garage door opening rumbled through the house.
“Dada is -” you started but were interrupted by the sound of a squealing toddler.
“Hide!” she whisper shouted and darted behind the couch and crouched down. It was routine for her and him to hide from each other when they hear the garage door because the two of them are such dorks. Al usually hides behind doors while Phoebe takes to closets, pantries, and inside of things.
“We’re back,” Alex’s voice boomed through the house followed by the couple’s laughing from behind him.
“What’s up guys?” you greeted everyone with hugs. You noticed Mariana filming and you shot her a questioning look.
“I’ve never caught their little hide-and-seek thing on video,” she whispered.
“She’s behind the couch,” whispered to her laughing as Alex opened and closed the hall closet door.
“They do this every time huh?” Shea asked watching along with you guys. You nodded as Alex approached the couch.
“Boo!” They both said at the same time causing everyone to erupt into laughter. He picked her up and her arms wrapped around his head tightly for a hug.
“Are we sure she’s mine?” Alex joked tossing her in the air.
“Yeah, that’s your kid,” Mariana laughed, “Especially after that.”
“Matching hair and everything,” you added. Her hair was dark like his and just as thick. When she heard Mariana’s voice her head spun around and her eyes lit up.
“Shea,” she yelled (which came out more like Chay) and reached her arms out to him. Alex’s face displayed a look of betrayal.
“Peach,” Shea said matching her excitement taking her from his teammate’s arms.
“Looks like I have some competition because she loves him,” Mariana laughed nudging you to look at them. Shea and Phoebe were making funny faces at each other and dancing to the music you had on earlier.
“Uncle Shea is the bomb that’s why Peach loves me,” Shea announced with her nodding in agreement.
“Babe, why do you call her Peach too?” Mariana asked taking her from him. She had a point, Alex was really the only one you heard call her Peach and then Shea started to as well.
“The whole team calls her that,” Alex said tossing Shea a water.
“All the WAGs calls her Phoebs,” you replied furrowing your eyebrows.
“Peach suits her better,” Shea argued jokingly.
“But Phoebs goes with her name?” Mariana countered, “And plus one of the better characters from Friends has the same name.”
“She’s a spring baby, she has a peachy skin tone, she’s, as every old person would call, a peach,” Shea fought back causing you and Alex burst out laughing.
“I'm with him,” Alex sided.
“Although it is cute, I don't agree,” siding yourself with Mariana.
“Phoebe, what’s your favorite food?” Alex asked, his words drenched in confidence.
“Blueberries,” Mariana whispered low enough to where the guys didn’t hear.
“Blueberry,” Phoebe announced giggling.
“Are you sure?” Shea asked sensing some influencing.
“Yeah,” Phoebs smiled making the guys roll their eyes
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nhl-stories · 5 years
Masterlist (as of 4/10/24)
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Anaheim Ducks
Trevor Zegras- Details
Arizona Coyotes
Clayton Keller- Rue
Boston Bruins
Trent Frederic- Body and Mind
Charlie McAvoy- I’m Such A Fool
Buffalo Sabres
Tyson Jost- Apartment 402
Alex Tuch- Happy Anniversary ∆ As a Dad
Jeff Skinner- I Have My Own Drawer?
Carolina Hurricanes
Freddie Andersen- Nicest Thing
Zach Aston-Reese- Think I Could Love You
Chicago **********
Taylor Hall- Be My Mistake
Colorado Avalanche
Nathan Mackinnon- The Best Man Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Cale Makar - Serotonin
Zach Parise- Anxious Breaths
Columbus Blue Jackets
Johnny Gaudreau- Can I Help You?
Dallas Stars
Jamie Benn- Cooking Breakfast ∆ Doll Parts
Detroit Red Wings
Dylan Larkin- I’m Drunk, Baby
Olli Maatta- Oblivious Part 1 Part 2
Edmonton Oilers
Leon Draisaitl- You Stupid Bitch 
Florida Panthers
Sam Reinhart- Nice Boy
Matthew Tkachuk- Did You Come?
Los Angeles Kings
Adrian Kempe- Flowers in Your Hair
Nashville Predators
Tyson Barrie- If You Leave The Light On Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Anthnoy Beauvillier- Midnight Love 
New Jersey Devils
Dougie Hamilton- Fool’s Holiday ∆ hydrangeas where your face should be
Nico Hischier- Valentine’s Day ∆ hornylovesickmess
Timo Meier As a Boyfriend
New York Islanders
Mat Barzal- As a Boyfriend ∆ Go To Bed Angry ∆ As a Dad
New York Rangers
Chris Kreider- A Melancholy Flavor
Ottawa Senators
Jakob Chychrun- Them
Pittsburgh Penguins
Ryan Graves- Don’t Write An Elegy
Krist Letang- Bad Boys Bring Heaven To You
Evgeni Malkin - Rough Night  
Seattle Kraken
Brandon Tanev- Capricious
St. Louis Blues
Kevin Hayes- As a Boyfriend ∆ Geminis 
Kasperi Kapanen- A Big Deal
Tampa Bay Lightning
Phil Myers as a Boyfriend
Vancouver Canucks
Brock Boeser- Prove It  ∆  Needy ∆ Morning After ∆ Seven to Ten ∆ Homebody
Quinn Hughes- .  
Elias Pettersson- I’ll Call You Mine
Vegas Golden Knights
Nolan Patrick- Rocket Power ∆ As a Boyfriend
Winnipeg Jets
Mark Scheifele- Anything to Make You Smile
215 notes · View notes