#alexa play im breaking down from the 2016 broadway cast of falsettos
ask-lmanburg · 2 years
[Tommy swings open the office door]
Wilbur! Big man! Mr. President! How are you doing?
Hey Tommy, I’m okay.
Y'know, whenever you say that I have the urge to doubt you.
That’s what everyone keeps saying. You alright?
I'm fine, but you're clearly not. Is something bothering you?
Don’t worry about it, okay?
You do know that you saying that isn't gonna stop me, right?
It should. Hah, no, no, I know.
Sorry Wilbur but nothing can stop me. What have you done today? I want a storytime.
Worked, fought with chat, you?
I lived my best Tommy life, as usual. Was chat being dickheads?
No, I was.
Oh, okay. The tables have turned, or something.
Yeah, I dunno.
Are you sure you're alright, man? It's just- you sound miserable.
Have you ever thought about being president?
Uh- not really? Once or twice at the most, I don't really mull over it. Why?
I think you’d be alright, especially if you made Tubbo your vice. You’re smart, he can keep you… leashed.
Leashed?! Okay, wait, why are you bringing this up?
I’m- I’m not a very good president.
What do you mean? You're a great president, Wil!
I got my son kidnapped.
You didn't hand him over, that wasn't your fault! Sometimes shit happens but it's not like you can take the blame for Fundys… adventures.
But it is my fault, I didn’t get the book back fast enough and I made him feel like he had to take advantage and go do it himself.
Wilbur, I guarantee Fundy does not hold anything against you. Nobody does! You couldn't have done anything differently, going for the book right then would've been stupid.
Tommy you don’t- it doesn’t matter. I didn’t even know he was gone until he was in danger. I sit here for hours every day and I tell you all I’m doing work, but I’m not. I- I, Tommy I’m not doing shit half the time! I got you all killed and then I- Tommy you don’t understand, I- I can’t lead this country further into a ditch anymore.
Wilbur, Wil, you need to chill out! Look yeah, you don't have to do everything on your own, and you can't blame yourself for shit you couldn't have stopped! You didn't get anyone killed, and if you need help you've got your whole country here waiting to help you!
You don’t understand, Tommy. It’s been selfish of me to hold on this- this presidency for so long. I’m- Tommy I’m not good for this country.
Okay, I really don't understand now. Why don't you think you're good for L'manburg?
I- fuck.
[He turns away in his chair, not wanting to see Tommy’s face for his next words.]
Tommy, I’m… I’m broken.
What? Wil- Wilbur you're not broken. I know that shits not great, and you're going through it but you're not broken. I-… Wilbur is there any way I can help you?
Let me resign Tommy, I can’t lie about this anymore.
… Do you really not want to be president anymore?
I don’t think I deserve to be.
I'd beg to differ on that one. Look, if being president is fucking you up I don't… I don't want you to have to keep going with it but I don't want you to resign if you think it's because you don't deserve it.
This isn’t about me, Tommy.
Now you've lost me again.
It- okay, I am a liar, Tommy. I’ve lied about how capable I am and I’ve put you all in danger. Is that what you wanted?
What do you mean "is that what I wanted"?! Wilbur, I just want to help you!
And I don’t understand why!
I care about you! Obviously! I don't want to see you falling apart, believe it or not!
Me trying to make a decision for the good of our nation doesn’t mean I’m falling apart.
You're not exactly thriving at the moment.
I don’t know what else I can tell you.
I'm just… I'm worried about you, Wil. I don't- I don't get your whole resigning thing but if it's supposed to be for the good of the nation it should be good for you too.
I’ve already told you that I don’t count.
Too fucking bad, I say you do count considering you're also part of the nation.
I’m going to bed.
I don’t want to get mad at you, but you’re not understanding, so I’m going to bed.
I- fine, fine. Go to bed, whatever.
[Wilbur opens the office door, waiting for Tommy to leave before turning the lights off.]
Goodnight, Tommy.
Yeah, goodnight.
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