#alexander jenssen
nofatclips · 2 years
Clandestine Blessings Of Thy Infernal Lord by Panzerwar from the EP Warlord
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nightmaresart · 2 years
The way I'm grinning like a maniac rn jskshsjsk
It's @nights-wonderland for those who are wondering~
Okay, okay!!!
Aleksander Novak
He is a wizard made thanks to an accident in his own laboratory, to which overwatch responded by holding him I captivity to check on his vitals. He eventually escapes during a chaotic period of time
He has exactly 1 person who calls him Sasha and that's Zarya. Its a Russian nickname for people with the name Alexander/Alexandra as far as I know
He eventually has some sort of father/daughter bond with D.va aka Hana Song
This man is a little unhinged on the battlefield so people always underestimate him when they haven't seen him in action before
He is in a healthy poly relationship with Cole Cassidy and Hanzo Shimada. Because I say so<3
Rachel Jenssen
Before overwatch fell she had a daughter/father bond with Gabriel Reyes. After it all went down she grew colder to everyone around her
She also has a sibling like bond with Cole Cassidy and Genji Shimada! Ana Amari even calls them the troublemaking trio of overwatch
She learned how to become an excellent sniper thanks to Ana. Now she is certainly one of the best out there, and she thanks the older woman for it all
She, especially after the fall of overwatch, has a harder time opening up to people and letting them in her life. She doesn't want to be vulnerable again so people can walk out of her life
She has a couple of scars on her back and her legs. She caught a couple of bullets with them for others
Louis Maes
He is a weapon created by Talon and is completely under control
He is way more aware of what people say and do than people may think. He is a listener, not a talker. Which has given him way more information than a person needs in their life
He has multiple prosthetics, both his legs, both his arms. And after escaping from Talon he modifies his body even more because he doesn't believe there is any humanity left in him. So why not project that into his body
He was in captivity of Talon 10 years before he made his successful escape. I'm saying successful because he has tried to escape before and it all ended in him getting treated worse than before
He has killed alot of people under Talon's control and after his escape he doesn't want to kill anymore. But will do so if completely necessary
Piper James
Piper is a junker much like Junkrat and Roadhog and is better known as ScrapBunny within junkertown
She creates her own weapons out of scraps that she finds laying around, explaining her name
She comes off as crazy and insane most of the time, but she is so much more aware than people think. They just like to underestimate this young lady
She is slightly radioactive thanks to the conditions of the outback in Australia where she comes from
She sees Junkrat and Roadhog as brothers more than anything else. She likes to create chaos with them and just like them, is she a wanted criminal
Bonnie Prins
This woman idolised Torbjorn and his creations from a very young age, like at the beginning of overwatch. She was in complete awe
This caused her to start creation things on her own with the goal in mind to help make a better world for Omnic and Human alike
She is a highly talented skater, and she actually implants this in her suit to help fight for the world
Her creations get eventually noticed by the newly reunited overwatch and she gets recruited by Cole Cassidy
She dyes her hair alot of different colour, but her main hair colour is pink
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
do you have any older fcs you'd like to see? preferably for Jasper or Sandstone?
oh we sure do non ! some fc’s we think could fit either of them are : viola davis, famke jenssen, angela basset, idris elba, paul rudd, daniel sunjata, sandra oh, mads mikkelson, alexander skarsgard, henry golding, steven yeun, bill hader, isaiah mustafa, liza weil, deepika padukone, katrina kaif ! 
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wikivila · 3 years
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• Dorothy Callaway McCoy || 10 anos (Scarlett Estevez)
• Charlotte “Charlie” Garcia-Demir || 8 anos (Carlotta von Falkenhayn)
• James “Jamie” Garcia-Demir || 6 anos (Nicholas Crovetti)
• Alexander “Alex” Garcia-Demir || 6 anos (Cameron Crovetti)
• Taylor Garcia-Demir || 4 anos (Alexa Gerasimovich)
• Ángel Lopez Mendiola || 6 anos (Elias Jenssen)
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boesenfoto-blog · 6 years
Så er der mulighed for at se og bestille af billederne fra Pokalkampen mellem FC Nordsjælland og Vendsyssel FF, som endte 0-1.
Se alle billederne ved at klikke her
Røg på banen ved spiller indgang. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
28 Peter Vindahl Jensen (m) bokser bolden væk. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
39 Mohammed Kudus. 22 Seyi Adekoya. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
2 Karlo Bartolec. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
5 Mads “Mini” Pedersen. Brok til dommer Anders Poulsen. 12 Allan Hövenhoff. 4 Victor Nelsson. 8 Magnus Kofod Andersen. 17 Andreas Skovgaard. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
30 Alexander Juel Andersen. 11 Godsway Donyoh. 24 Michael Tørnes (m). Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
8 Jeppe Illum. Gult kort. 7 Mikkel Rygaard. Skade. 3 Ulrik Yttergård Jenssen. 4 Victor Nelsson. 2 Karlo Bartolec. 8 Magnus Kofod Andersen. 5 Mads “Mini” Pedersen. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
29 Joachim Rothmann. 21 Morten Brander Knudsen. 13 Søren Henriksen. Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
24 Michael Tørnes (m). Resultat 0-1. Farum Park
Boesen Photography & Design også kendt som boesenfoto.dk har eksisteret siden år 2000 og tilbyder at påtage sig stort set alle former for fotoopgaver heriblandt bryllupsfotografering, portræt og modelfotos af både børn, voksne og familier, sport og eventfoto samt decideret firmaopgaver. Boesenfoto.dk drives af Michael Barrett Boesen, der samtidig arbejder som grafiker og fotograf for et forlag i Glostrup. Se og læs mere på www.boesenfoto.dk | Udvalg af opgaver | Webshop
Pokalkamp: FC Nordsjælland mod Vendsyssel FF – 05.12.18 Så er der mulighed for at se og bestille af billederne fra Pokalkampen mellem FC Nordsjælland og Vendsyssel FF, som endte 0-1.
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En teatersjef i startgropa
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– Tre jobbtilbud på under en time – jeg trodde nesten det var en practical joke, sier Morten Joachim om begynnelsen av regikarrieren sin. Og nå også teatersjef for Haugesund Teater, hvor han har tiltrådt ett år og to måneder før tiden, noe han selv tenker preger måten han tenker på – at han fortsatt er i ferd med å sette ord på tankene og visjonene.
La oss begynne med deg som kunstner og teaterperson først. Du er både dramatiker, regissør og i Fire begravelser og ett bryllup er du vel også utøver? Når var det du bestemte deg for å jobbe med teater?
– Veien inn i teatret har vært en glidende overgang som begynte med at jeg var sufflør på Nationaltheatret i fire år (1998-2002). Det er egentlig en forferdelig jobb for en fyr som ganske tidlig skjønte at han ville lage teater selv. Men jeg fikk jobbe med folk som er forbilder for meg i dag, som Runar Hodne, Alexander Mørk-Eidem, Ole Anders Tandberg og Marit Moum Aune. Jeg har ingen formell utdannelse innenfor teater, men jeg var heldig med hvem jeg fikk jobbe med som sufflør og så ble det en slags utdannelse. Deretter brukte jeg ti år på å etablere meg som instruktør, jeg har vært mye blakk for å si det sånn.
– Jeg har ingen ambisjoner om å være skuespiller, men jeg har hatt stor glede av å stå på scenen under Fire begravelser. At det er jeg som har skrevet teksten, om mitt liv, og så framfører den tror jeg gir en reell kontakt mellom sal og scene. Det var psykisk utfordrende å spille den rollen, men veldig lærerikt. Jeg har jobbet med den teksten i ti år, og hadde egentlig ikke planer om å sette den opp før Thomas Bye foreslo det. I utgangspunktet leverte jeg den til ham fordi jeg ville ha en annen dramatikerjobb ved Teater Ibsen, men Bye ville sette opp Fire begravelser i stedet.
Resten av intervjuet, opprinnelig publisert 1.juni 2018, kan leses på Scenekunst.no.
Foto: Dag Jenssen, fra forestillingen Fire begravelser og ett bryllup. Scenograf: Hans Georg Andersen
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01-15 (L-R) Alexander Sorloth of FC Groningen , Ruben Jenssen of FC Groningen , gr14during the Dutch Eredivisie match between Heracles Almelo and FC Groningen at Polman stadium on January 14, ... http://dlvr.it/N6dl63
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nofatclips · 3 years
Óðinnblót by Panzerwar from the album Warlord
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nofatclips · 4 years
Olaf og Oskar by Panzerwar from the album Lost in the Confines of Absolute Hatred
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glitchrpgmain · 4 years
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Species: Lycan
Affiliation: The Liberation; Paternal Figure
Age: 200+
Suggested FCs: Taika Waititi, Famke Jenssen, Alexander Skarsgard, Viola Davis, Matthew Daddario
You’ve always been the one people have turned to for strength; your fortitude is an asset that has allowed so many of the ones around your to seek you out for comfort. You are unyielding, but kind. Your desire to protect and watch over the young, the sick, and the helpless have helped nurture a heart of gold deep in your chest. You understand that the time for justice is close – but you cannot help but worry of the destruction that will come as a result of the fallout. This pack is your family, your home – and you want to be the positive guiding force that they need to survive. Some call you soft. Others call you foolish. You don’t pay much mind to any of them. Your duties and responsibilities as an older member of the Liberation means you can’t be bothered by outside voices.
𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐂. You can understand their pain; you feel it like your own – but then again, you’ve always had a bad habit of empathizing too deeply, too intimately with others. You try to reach out and provide a gentle hand when they need it, but they continue to turn their back on you like they do everyone else. You feel tender and you wish to protect them, to shield them. It’s a process and though you hardly make process, it’s something you have committed to nonetheless.
𝐉𝐀𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑. Their guilt hangs heavily upon their shoulders and you watch them bend, break, and wither under its weight. You wish you could take it away, ease their burden and soften their jagged edges. They don’t let you, though – they rarely let anyone in deep enough to see the scars that remain so fresh – but you persevere with your patience. it is all you have to offer and it is not much, but it is what it is.
𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐓. Rambunctious little pup that they are, they bring a smile to your lips. The talk of war and casualties is enough to drain the spirit of anyone who listens too long, but they pump fresh life back into the dreary existence of planning an all-out revolution. So many others in your pack try to dampen their vitality and their wild spirit, but you find it endearing. You think that to be so young is a chance that occurs only once – so why not indulge them? Where others are stern, you are kind and encouraging. They remind you of a sibling.
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01-15 (L-R) Alexander Sorloth of FC Groningen , Ruben Jenssen of FC Groningen , gr14during the Dutch Eredivisie match between Heracles Almelo and FC Groningen at Polman stadium on January 14, ... http://dlvr.it/N6bBzL
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01-15 (L-R) Alexander Sorloth of FC Groningen , Ruben Jenssen of FC Groningen , gr14during the Dutch Eredivisie match between Heracles Almelo and FC Groningen at Polman stadium on January 14, ... http://dlvr.it/N6Z1bZ
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01-15 (L-R) Alexander Sorloth of FC Groningen , Ruben Jenssen of FC Groningen , gr14during the Dutch Eredivisie match between Heracles Almelo and FC Groningen at Polman stadium on January 14, ... http://dlvr.it/N6YqQ0
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01-15 (L-R) Alexander Sorloth of FC Groningen , Ruben Jenssen of FC Groningen , gr14during the Dutch Eredivisie match between Heracles Almelo and FC Groningen at Polman stadium on January 14, ... http://dlvr.it/N6WlSZ
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01-15 (L-R) Alexander Sorloth of FC Groningen , Ruben Jenssen of FC Groningen , gr14during the Dutch Eredivisie match between Heracles Almelo and FC Groningen at Polman stadium on January 14, ... http://dlvr.it/N6T5rg
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