#alferd newman
see-arcane · 5 months
Ok sure people can make Kate Reed a main character, all except Newman I've decided.
It's been done several times with Kate but, she wasn't even mentioned in the final. Here's someone who was mentioned and even had a line: Mary, the housekeeper.
Hear me out... make her the Alferd of the now monster-hunter/paranormal-detective Harkers.
She kind of has to be by default when Baby Quincey starts cryptid-crawling around on the walls
And when Mrs. Harker seems to just Stare and Smile an unwelcome visitor away from the door
And when Mr. Harker is caught sheathing his kukri and reaching for a broom at the same time, the mysterious toothy visitor abruptly gone from the front porch between blinks, leaving only a pile of dust behind
Just roll with it, Mary, it's cool, it's fine
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