#alfonso is based on my real math teacher and he really did all of that
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Life is wonderful au
N/A: To be clear here, this idea is thanks to a horror video I saw and to make the timeline easier Zaorva knows she is Zaorva, in this world, she will born again as human just to have fun, there´s no squidboy here. This won´t have a plot, per se, is just Zaorva having fun.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
If Terry could have even imagined that this is how her romantic getaway would be she would have stayed at home. Cameron book a nice room in a hotel that...has no one, only creepy sounds and that leads Terry to where she is.
Turning back the pendulum a bit, Terry recalls her lack of better judgment that leads into this mess.
"This is a big hotel, where is everyone?" Terry did ask and Cameron assured her this is fine, they arrive late and he knows the people in this hotel.
In the room, Terry did listen to odd noises, and Cameron would often belittle her, until, black hooded figures appear and they gentle take Terry as she weights nothing. Cameron did nothing and only nod at them saying his debt is paid.
She is now sitting in a chair in the middle of all the hooded figures and is very unsettling. The leader, or so it seems, spoken with a firm voice without falter, in her opinion, his speech seems rehearsed.
"Teresa Pryde, you are hereby chosen to be the mother of mothers" Terry now knows they´re perverts is this one of those freaky sex clubs? Terry is not a MILF. Someone seems to be getting what´s she getting an elbow the leader hard. "I mean, you´re chosen to be the mother of life itself, Miss Pryde, you´re far worthy than all of us"
"I´ll call the police you freaks," she said and to her luck, they didn´t tie her up, but, there´s nothing she can use as a weapon. They didn´t move an inch.
"We don´t want to hurt you, Miss Pryde" someone mutters the leader could start with this line. "We just want to fulfil the wishes of our god"
As the woman is looking for a way out, the leader tries a new approach, and this time Miss Pryde is listening. "Psiu, miss, you´re ruining our scene" he whispers and Terry is confused. "This is a new TV Show called Bust it, we take couples into a scary situation and if the boyfriend comes to save the girlfriend they win, if not they lose"
Terry frowns. "One, I didn´t give permission for filming and I had no clue this could happen and second, Cameron ditch me..is clear he won´t save me"
This makes the leader take the hood out and shout cut pretty loud as cameras can be seen and the others follow suit. "Wait, Cameron told us you are up for a love test...you didn´t know anything?"
Terry is calling to her family and explaining the situation, channel 43 is behind this show and she´s not pleased with all, but, is much better than be captured by a cult.
The leader offer water to Terry to drink. A cab is called and the woman is sent home safely as the crew members watch the woman go. Now, the leader is making some calls. "Mission complete, she did drink the potion, now, you must do a new tv show called busted...yes, I had to use that card. As for Cameron...yes, let´s use plan B"
A few weeks later, Terry finds out she´s pregnant and Cameron is out of town and her life, so, Terry Pryde will be a single mother, and, will have to take a job to support herself and the baby.
"Oh, but, if before getting a job was hard, imagine now?"  Terry laments with her own mother as the job marketing is not easy for anyone.
But to her total, surprise, several companies are hiring and they want Terry to work with them, Terry does recall sending her cv to them, but, in this modern world, maybe they saw her social media and got interested.
The "Inflex" is a pharmaceutic company that has ties in India and Germany, well, it was a successful collaborative and is going strong, so, when they offer a job Terry was a bit sceptical as she clearly has no skills to join this company...yet, this happens.
"Miss Pryde?" the man asked and then he makes some calls. Terry watches as the man only says yes to the phone, then, hangs up and looks at Miss Pryde. "You´re hired"
Terry blinks and nods as the man calls to his secretary to send all the other candidates away. Terry is grateful and suspicious at the same time. There are stories of powerful men that hire a woman to harass her.
Her belly is getting big and each time she arrives in the company people look at her funny. One time, she overheard some co-workers talking about paychecks and Terry realizes that as a secretary she ears more, in fact, she is getting more money then a regular executive and she´s doing almost to nothing.
"I quit," Terry said once is getting clear this company is using her for something. Her paychecks are too high, she has too many privileges and they all talk about her with such reverence ...it is almost as if she´s the Virgin Mary.
"Fraulein Pryde wants to leave us?" a man asked with turtle glass as being the most definitive trait on his face. Terry can´t help by feeling there´s something fake on this man...as if he wears a mask.
"Yes, I´d and you can´t stop me"
The man offers a cruel smile, but, to her surprise, he nods. "No, I cannot, then Miss Pryde, I wish you good luck" and that smile...is not right on Terry´s book.
Terry leaves quickly and more jobs opportunities open to her. Opportunities to work on the sea seem tempting, but, Terry ended up working as a journalist in a newspaper.
Kitty Pryde is born and Terry can´t be any happier as right now. The doctors are making calls in pleasure. "Active part 3 of the plan, she´s here" Terry is oblivious of all that as she´s holding little Kitty, she could swear the new baby is understanding Terry...
Years late, Kitty Pryde is a healthy and lovely little girl that is going to school. She´s a bit of hippie girl and the teachers can´t say anything bad at the little girl, well, teacher Alfonso can. Alfonso teaches math.
The man comes from Brazil and seems to have a burning hatred for children, often belittling them and their intelligence and Kitty? Is an odd fish that he wants to fry.
The man gives a big F on her test and even make commentaries about her intelligence and feels a sense of superiority, after all, he´s the teacher if he says she´s dumb...she´s dumb.
Alfonso is walking on the school halls, you see, he wants to grade his newest school´s grade to his students and want to make this a grand event. Kitty is his favourite target, oh Alfonso will have fun in showing everyone her failures.
"They can´t do anything. I´m a god in this class" Alfonso thought to himself in the safety of his mind.
"Really?" A reply echoes in his mind amused. "You´re god, why? Because you gave me an F?!"
Alfonso stops on his track as now he realizes the school hall is different. The hall´s wall has a liver, in fact, the walls have eyes and mouth and Alfonso let the paper drop on the floor. A tongue takes the paper and eats it fastly.
The floor has a mouth.
"Gods do much more than give F, that´s actually really funny, you think you can hit me" the voice echoes again and the hall morphed into something worse, a Japanese city, well, he can guess it is a Japanese city by the look of traditional houses.
Ballons float nearby and they speak in a high speech voice for Alfonso to hold the ballon. To hold and die. Alfonso notices the dead bodies that still hold the string of the balloon.
"Little human, math means nothing here" Kitty´s voice can be tracked but her face is full of cracks and her smile is far away from being remotely human.
"What is this?" Alfonso asked noticing his hands start to mutated into something akin to a snail, snails have no arms, so, his arms are big snails now.
"You didn´t figure it out? Well, that´s a big F for you!"
Kitty Pryde waves at her mother. Is time to go home. As Kitty approaches her mother the gossip that the other mothers are spreading with ardour. "And Terry that is shocking news, professor Alfonso just run away to be with his lover just like that"
Terry is not one for gossips but she has to admit, this story is interesting. "Leave all behind to be with your lover? Sounds romantic on paper, but, in reality...he was a fool, and his girlfriend or boyfriend is too"
"Yeah," Kitty suggests "he´s a fool that thought to be a god"
"Such silly man" Terry nods and soon the two went home, no one notices the snail that is on the school hall.
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