#zaorva´s cult is smart
kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Life is wonderful au
N/A: To be clear here, this idea is thanks to a horror video I saw and to make the timeline easier Zaorva knows she is Zaorva, in this world, she will born again as human just to have fun, there´s no squidboy here. This won´t have a plot, per se, is just Zaorva having fun.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
If Terry could have even imagined that this is how her romantic getaway would be she would have stayed at home. Cameron book a nice room in a hotel that...has no one, only creepy sounds and that leads Terry to where she is.
Turning back the pendulum a bit, Terry recalls her lack of better judgment that leads into this mess.
"This is a big hotel, where is everyone?" Terry did ask and Cameron assured her this is fine, they arrive late and he knows the people in this hotel.
In the room, Terry did listen to odd noises, and Cameron would often belittle her, until, black hooded figures appear and they gentle take Terry as she weights nothing. Cameron did nothing and only nod at them saying his debt is paid.
She is now sitting in a chair in the middle of all the hooded figures and is very unsettling. The leader, or so it seems, spoken with a firm voice without falter, in her opinion, his speech seems rehearsed.
"Teresa Pryde, you are hereby chosen to be the mother of mothers" Terry now knows they´re perverts is this one of those freaky sex clubs? Terry is not a MILF. Someone seems to be getting what´s she getting an elbow the leader hard. "I mean, you´re chosen to be the mother of life itself, Miss Pryde, you´re far worthy than all of us"
"I´ll call the police you freaks," she said and to her luck, they didn´t tie her up, but, there´s nothing she can use as a weapon. They didn´t move an inch.
"We don´t want to hurt you, Miss Pryde" someone mutters the leader could start with this line. "We just want to fulfil the wishes of our god"
As the woman is looking for a way out, the leader tries a new approach, and this time Miss Pryde is listening. "Psiu, miss, you´re ruining our scene" he whispers and Terry is confused. "This is a new TV Show called Bust it, we take couples into a scary situation and if the boyfriend comes to save the girlfriend they win, if not they lose"
Terry frowns. "One, I didn´t give permission for filming and I had no clue this could happen and second, Cameron ditch me..is clear he won´t save me"
This makes the leader take the hood out and shout cut pretty loud as cameras can be seen and the others follow suit. "Wait, Cameron told us you are up for a love test...you didn´t know anything?"
Terry is calling to her family and explaining the situation, channel 43 is behind this show and she´s not pleased with all, but, is much better than be captured by a cult.
The leader offer water to Terry to drink. A cab is called and the woman is sent home safely as the crew members watch the woman go. Now, the leader is making some calls. "Mission complete, she did drink the potion, now, you must do a new tv show called busted...yes, I had to use that card. As for Cameron...yes, let´s use plan B"
A few weeks later, Terry finds out she´s pregnant and Cameron is out of town and her life, so, Terry Pryde will be a single mother, and, will have to take a job to support herself and the baby.
"Oh, but, if before getting a job was hard, imagine now?"  Terry laments with her own mother as the job marketing is not easy for anyone.
But to her total, surprise, several companies are hiring and they want Terry to work with them, Terry does recall sending her cv to them, but, in this modern world, maybe they saw her social media and got interested.
The "Inflex" is a pharmaceutic company that has ties in India and Germany, well, it was a successful collaborative and is going strong, so, when they offer a job Terry was a bit sceptical as she clearly has no skills to join this company...yet, this happens.
"Miss Pryde?" the man asked and then he makes some calls. Terry watches as the man only says yes to the phone, then, hangs up and looks at Miss Pryde. "You´re hired"
Terry blinks and nods as the man calls to his secretary to send all the other candidates away. Terry is grateful and suspicious at the same time. There are stories of powerful men that hire a woman to harass her.
Her belly is getting big and each time she arrives in the company people look at her funny. One time, she overheard some co-workers talking about paychecks and Terry realizes that as a secretary she ears more, in fact, she is getting more money then a regular executive and she´s doing almost to nothing.
"I quit," Terry said once is getting clear this company is using her for something. Her paychecks are too high, she has too many privileges and they all talk about her with such reverence ...it is almost as if she´s the Virgin Mary.
"Fraulein Pryde wants to leave us?" a man asked with turtle glass as being the most definitive trait on his face. Terry can´t help by feeling there´s something fake on this man...as if he wears a mask.
"Yes, I´d and you can´t stop me"
The man offers a cruel smile, but, to her surprise, he nods. "No, I cannot, then Miss Pryde, I wish you good luck" and that smile...is not right on Terry´s book.
Terry leaves quickly and more jobs opportunities open to her. Opportunities to work on the sea seem tempting, but, Terry ended up working as a journalist in a newspaper.
Kitty Pryde is born and Terry can´t be any happier as right now. The doctors are making calls in pleasure. "Active part 3 of the plan, she´s here" Terry is oblivious of all that as she´s holding little Kitty, she could swear the new baby is understanding Terry...
Years late, Kitty Pryde is a healthy and lovely little girl that is going to school. She´s a bit of hippie girl and the teachers can´t say anything bad at the little girl, well, teacher Alfonso can. Alfonso teaches math.
The man comes from Brazil and seems to have a burning hatred for children, often belittling them and their intelligence and Kitty? Is an odd fish that he wants to fry.
The man gives a big F on her test and even make commentaries about her intelligence and feels a sense of superiority, after all, he´s the teacher if he says she´s dumb...she´s dumb.
Alfonso is walking on the school halls, you see, he wants to grade his newest school´s grade to his students and want to make this a grand event. Kitty is his favourite target, oh Alfonso will have fun in showing everyone her failures.
"They can´t do anything. I´m a god in this class" Alfonso thought to himself in the safety of his mind.
"Really?" A reply echoes in his mind amused. "You´re god, why? Because you gave me an F?!"
Alfonso stops on his track as now he realizes the school hall is different. The hall´s wall has a liver, in fact, the walls have eyes and mouth and Alfonso let the paper drop on the floor. A tongue takes the paper and eats it fastly.
The floor has a mouth.
"Gods do much more than give F, that´s actually really funny, you think you can hit me" the voice echoes again and the hall morphed into something worse, a Japanese city, well, he can guess it is a Japanese city by the look of traditional houses.
Ballons float nearby and they speak in a high speech voice for Alfonso to hold the ballon. To hold and die. Alfonso notices the dead bodies that still hold the string of the balloon.
"Little human, math means nothing here" Kitty´s voice can be tracked but her face is full of cracks and her smile is far away from being remotely human.
"What is this?" Alfonso asked noticing his hands start to mutated into something akin to a snail, snails have no arms, so, his arms are big snails now.
"You didn´t figure it out? Well, that´s a big F for you!"
Kitty Pryde waves at her mother. Is time to go home. As Kitty approaches her mother the gossip that the other mothers are spreading with ardour. "And Terry that is shocking news, professor Alfonso just run away to be with his lover just like that"
Terry is not one for gossips but she has to admit, this story is interesting. "Leave all behind to be with your lover? Sounds romantic on paper, but, in reality...he was a fool, and his girlfriend or boyfriend is too"
"Yeah," Kitty suggests "he´s a fool that thought to be a god"
"Such silly man" Terry nods and soon the two went home, no one notices the snail that is on the school hall.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Life is wonderful au (the city)
N/A: A case fic?
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @bamfoftheundead
The X-men are getting closer and closer of their goal that is mutant´s acceptance, which, realistic speaking, won´t make all humans and mutants hold hands and sing peaceful music, but, if the project sentinel is officially destroyed and if a mutant kid can go to school without fear...then the X-men have done their job.
Yet, Scott wonders if all the good publicity really comes from their effort or if is something else, Betsy urges him to not think too much about this(as she too has many questions, questions that she rather be unanswered)
Rogue is out of the X-men for a while having joined the Death´s cult("I´ll be back, guys, Death has some missions for me to do" "Can you give her a hello for me?" "Sure, Wade, I´ll send your hello") and Jubilee is in Shiar being worshipper as a goodness. Chamber is there with her and lasts the X-men heard from them is that Jubilee adopts a baby, the hows and whens are not important when Jubilee is the Pheonix.
"Well, we´re still here" Storm speaks calmly as if reading Scott´s mind (deep down, she has an idea what happened with Jean, Logan and Prof X and she is not sorry for what happened, but, it gives more reason to be careful when bargaining with you know who) "And we have a mission, what we should do?"
Iceman, Storm, Cyclops, Beast, Psylocke received a call about a mutant girl that wants to join the school. There´s something to be said when people can just call the X-men calmly, instead of death and life situation. The girl goes by the name Pixie(her human name is Megan Gwynn) and she is in a city called Sey, in the north of the state, and whats an X-men to come to pick her up.
At first, they thought she could come here by herself, but, the seniors are studying the case. "She seems scared of this city" Bobby speaks sagely and they all agree.
"So, what we could take from this?" Scott asked "lately, we have seen more and odder things..." he trails off.
"She is real" Betsy states "I used my powers and I can see she is a real mutant, and, I can see she is indeed afraid of that city even through...I couldn´t see it"
A plan is formed and Psylocke and Scott will go check out, and, Ororo, Iceman and Beast will stay in the school to protect the students and of course, to keep an eye on their guest.
"Wait," Beast speaks "isn´t she with Scarlet Witch now?"
"Yes, but, even if Kitten is a benign force we still should be aware of her, she is an ally now, so, let´s hope she continues one in the future" Ororo speaks calmly and they agree with her statement.
____________________________________________ Betsy and Scott agree in using a more mundane way of transportation and is almost like a date, almost. Scott remembers that Jean used to hate trains and Scott still thinks about her(she cheat on him, yes, but, she was a big part on his life) and Betsy is very different from Jean, she likes trains.
"Hey, after all this is over, what you would like to do?" Scott asked.
"I really don´t know, I never plan ahead, I guess ...I´ll always be an X-men, no matter what and you?"
"Retired and be a father" Scott confessed "my own was a disappointment, but, it also makes me what to be a better father"
"That´s cute, I did peg you as a family man"
"That you did"
And the banter continues until the train stops in their location and is time for them to meet the new student.
The city is normal, the people look normal, but, even Betsy can feel something up(she tries to scan the city and ended up with a headache, thank god, Scott is prepared for those things)
"So...strange normal or normal normal?" Scott asked looking around the city is the typical small American city, except, there´s something different here.
"Strange strange!"
They speak with the mayor, a man with a big belly, a short hair and blue eyes, the man appears to be in the middle 40s and is talking friendly to the X-men, with one annoying addiction...he keeps calling them Tim.
Betsy and Scott could interpret this as the mayor or being dyslexic of some sort or maybe this is a mean spirit joke.
"We received a call from Megan Gwynn, where is she?" Betsy asked trying to read his mind....but is impossible.
"She is with the other kids, of course, Tim can take you there," the mayor said and he called for the milkman, also named Tim, to guide them.
Why a milkman is guiding them?
"Come here, Tim!" he speaks smiling friendly to Scott and Betsy and maybe the Tim thing is not a joke here.
Megan waves her arm at them with reluctance. The X-men spot her along with a woman with long hair and blue eyes. "You came here to pick up Megan? She is a type fairy too" Megan nods her head agreeing with the woman.
"Are you the mother?" Scott asked and the woman opens a big smile that makes him think of you know who.
"Of course! I´m the mother" the woman replied calmly.
And Betsy feels uneasy of the sudden as all the other citizen are present, they...never left. They are watching. Always watching and Psylocke uses the telekinesis blade.
The woman just smiles at them. "Child, you think your blades will stop me?" and without Betsy command, the blade is gone.
The woman never gave a name as no one in the town did. She let Megan, Scott and Betsy talk freely(not really, Scott can feel she is watching, she is listening)
"Is she your mother?" Scott asked and Megan shakes her head.
"Look, is complex, she is not my mother, she is our mother! She births 1000 or more of us, so, she is not my mother in the sense you are thinking, she is our mother" Megan said "and she let me tell you this to you two...she is Gaia"
"Who is Gaia?" Betsy asked remembering the tales Meggan used to tell a few years ago.
"She!" is all Megan can say about the subject. They talk some more and learned that Megan is indeed a fairy mutant, a fae of sorts(is so ironic that Scott almost laughs, almost) and her birth parents kick her out once learned what Megan is ...but this city takes her in.
"So how long are you here?" Betsy asked fearing for the girl.
"...I´m here for 10 years or 1 day, time here is irrelevant for Gaia" and Megan asked who is the president and is shocked to see...is a new one, she stays on this city for more than 10 years...but there´s no indication of this city before.
The woman arrives and so the other people of this town, and Psylocke, maybe thinking about her childhood or getting fed up fearing something she can´t understand decides to attack the mayor.
She cuts his head. Megan is not impressed even if Scott did cover her eyes. "Mr Summers, is ok, Gaia can´t be killed" and before he could ask what she is saying Betsy takes a step back as the mayor´s head has no blood, and is still alive.
The woman speaks "Oh, you Tims are so violent sometimes...Uhm" she said and her eyes are azzure now "Is hard for me to remember your names in this form, so, sorry for calling you Tim, Betsy" the woman´s face is cracking a bit and now, only now, Betsy is taking the option of fleeing.
"Run, Run now," she said and is relieved to see there´s no monster chasing them, but, is freak out to see there´s no small city anymore, there´s just ...nothing.
Scott and Betsy agree to take Megan to the school as the girl has nowhere to go. Back to the train, a kind woman in selling food appears and before they could decide if they want to eat something, the kindly woman replies. "Betsy, don´t go around beheading people you don´t know, that´s very impolite, and really, I thought you two you made the connection by now"
They but Megan are speechless.
"Megan, be a good girl, ok?"
"Yes, mother!"
And just like that, the kindly woman leaves the X-men and Megan alone.
"What the fuck is that? Who is Gaia?"
"Gaia is the mother of all living things, she is above the faes, she is above the dijins you are so fond, Scott, she is above everything" Megan explained and Scott knows he was happy when he thought fairies are something that only exists in movies.
Wanda and Kitty are meditating in a circle, well, Wanda broke the concentration to speak something important. "I know!" and Kitty only gazes upon her. "I know you are Zaorva, I know you´re Gaia, I know!"
Kitty smiles amused. "What gave away?"
"Your energy. I was taught to reconize all types of energies, and you? You´re pure life, only Zaorva gives that energy" and adds "plus thinking back then, only you could defat anything related to Cthulu so easily" Wanda states feeling dumb for not having put 1+1 sooner.
"Ah, you´re smart, I like that, Scott and the others still don´t get it, well, will you keep this as a secret?"
"Sure...will this change anything?"
"Of course not, Wanda, I like you and I enjoy our time very much" this makes the witch feels happy as now she returns to the meditation.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Lovesick au (part 8?)
N/A: The plan to take Mr and Mrs Pryde out of Dagon ...will mean a great sacrifice for Kitty.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Venus is a being created first in the grand schemes of things. A being of fire, well, her fire that´s it. And Venus has duties to her creator as the first Herald...even if Zaorva is no longer here, the duties still remain.
HIM! The Crawling God of Chaos asked Venus to arrives in the planet Earth, why? Who knows(only him) and she is nowhere having a hard time to grasp the fates of the universe as she´s looking at Kitty Pryde with a bit of reverie as Kitty explains the plan.
"Oh, a way out? Not common, but, not impossible" Venus speaks noticing HIM is paying attention to Venus(she's not enjoying this at all) "The Zaorva´s cult can accept the deal, but, well...what about Dagon?" Venus asked directly to Kitty.
"I´ll face him...he wants to protect me, right?" Kitty replied her decision and her hands have the familiar crystal blue glow.  Nightcrawler, only now, decides to pipes in "I could do this for you, you don´t have to suffer in any shape" the Chaos itself replied and Venus is bitting her tongue to speak something, while, Kitty merely smiles "I know, but, I have questions and if the answer won´t fall from the sky...I´ll have to face on my own"
Kitty leaves the room, giving a gentle smile to Nightcrawler and compliment Venus´s hair("it looks like wildfire")
"Is she...?" Venus tries to ask.
"Yes," he answers.
"And we can´t speak about it?"
"No, of course not, this is a subject related to life itself, and only life itself can uncover the truth...our lips must and will"the tone is dangerous now as he´s looking at Venus "remain shut...because if you try to babble the secret...your head will explode"
Cameron Pryde is not a smart man that´s a given at this point. Cameron wanted to protect his only daughter from the monsters that now he knows exist.
Wanted to protect Kitty and Terry at any cost, however, Cameron knows that Dagon is not a human thing nor something to thrive with and knows this port city is not ...nice.
Yet, Cameron wanted nothing more than protecting his family and now....the man only regrets the fact Dagon has so much control over their daughter.
"Honey?" Terry speaks holding a piece of paper and Cameron can only trust his wife at this point. "Are we going to do this?"
"What choice do we have?"
Dagon is happy to see Kitty back to the port city, Dagon City, as the woman walks near the water(without flinching much) this pleases Dagon as life and Water must walk together.
"You return and that evil creature didn't hurt you, you were vulnerable back then... I want you to show how dangerous the world is and how lucky you´re" Dagon´s take the form of a handsome man and is now facing Kitty Pryde.
"Luck? You know, throughout all my time here I thought I was a mutant and that´s why you are protecting me because I had some mutation you can explore later, yet, I know now is not the case...I´m not a mutant am I?"
"Kitty..." Dagon speaks slowly "Did you really thought you were human?" and Dagon shakes his head as if lecturing Kitty(Kitty is shivering but never broke eye contact with Dagon) "Kitty, what you´ll do without my protection? Exist creatures far worse than me... and they would love to see dead again"
"AGAIN?" Kitty asked confused and suddenly her chests hurt as if someone just pierces a spear through her heart(no, a tentacle and Kitty is sure that she is about to die) "You know, for someone who often preaches about protecting and how the world is dangerous...you love to keep in the dark. I´m not a mutant, I´m not a human...and I know I'm not linked with you in any form as I hate water, so, why you want to protect me so much?"
Dagon is displeased and soon speaks "cease the questions or your father won´t have a nice afternoon"
"That´s how you plan on gain control? It won´t work on me...my parents are free from your control" Kitty explains as only now Dagon realizes the tie is served.
Kitty´s hands are glowing and she can feel heated, she can close her eyes and think of lava and that´s...a soothing image for Kitty.
"Child, you don´t understand, your power is far too powerful and will more people will want to hurt you, no, more creatures will...like The Crawling God of Chaos...is because of him you´re in this state...this lowly human form" Dagon speaks firmly and Kitty still aims at his head with her eyes turning crystal blue.
"I´m not human...then why should I follow your words?" she asked "If I´m something else, if I´m linked to Zaorva...then I have all the reasons to blast you from existence"
"Kitty, you´re like me...we create life"
"No, you have this notion that I must be this person, maybe, in the past, I was Zaorva, now...I´m free to choose who I want to be and right now I´m an angry woman ready to kick your ass"
Mr and Mrs Pryde are talking with Venus, a nice lawyer with a peculiar name, the woman is explaining how they won the lottery and the Italian government is interested in selling some of their lands.
Terry Pryde always wanted to live in Italy. Cameron Pryde has all the praises to give to God(or gods) for such a price.
"We´ll live in Italy, Toscano, Terry this is a dream come true" Cameron told and for a moment, the Prydes wished they had a son or daughter as this moment would be sweeter.
"You didn´t kill him," Nightcrawler asked once she´s back. Her eyes are azure and Nightcrawler has the notion that she knows, it was bound to happen.
"No, I choose not, he takes care of the water and I´ll take care of me" she speaks a bit dryly and looks at him " my parents often wanted to go to Italy but were stuck with me...." she wanted to say more about this but chooses not.
"He told me you are the reason for me being in this form...Are you going to lie to me?"
"No, never. Katzchen...this is a long story"
"I´d think I have time now"
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Healing au (part2)
N/A: Do not mess up with Zaorva and don´t make MILF jokes with her...Sorry, that article was gold. OCS will be used. And the Harem won´t be that important.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
The Harem has 5 princesses now and life as well, the princess of the family Blanc made a profit with war and agree with a treat with a very important kingdom. It´s lucrative to everyone, and the best part, they did all this in Zaorva´s name.
Kurt is not religious even though he has a cult dedicated about himself, no, but the idea of having a Zaorvaian in his harem did make him side eyes, however, expel someone who workship HER may be a tad bit stupid.
(Kurt sweat cold when the name Zaorva is mentioned and he knows, too well, how Zaorva can be ruthless. Life can be a bitch and Kurt does not wish to tempt her anger)
Of course, his efforts to make Zaorva ignore his presence was cut short when a fire smoke presents on his palace and Venus, HER Herald, appear carrying her master´s fury.
Venus points her finger to the princess of the family Blanc with a vengeance as her eyes are showing the primordial fire, HER fire. " You and your family committed a Genocide in the name of my lady? She hear, she saw and knows everything and I´m here to deliver her punishment to you" her tone has a cold tone that matches with her fire-ish presence.
Fire engulfed the princess burning to ashes and this was in front of everyone. Kurt is there watching the woman turning into ashes, no, she didn´t even turn to that...the primordial fire is something else. Something that Kurt will never conjecture.
Venus now points her finger to Kurt. "You!" she strolls at him with HER fury and now Venus´s eyes are crystal blue and Kurt can only shiver and sweat cold as SHE is talking to him. "You! This is also your fault, the family burned and destroyed a kingdom to please you and me, I´M NOT PLEASE" her tone is deadly and Kurt is gulping hard and loudly. "Your punishment will be to fix that. There´s no life in that place, nothing...you´ll make life there" and Kurt can feel her presence squeezing his form "I´m not talking about necromancy...you´ll build a kingdom as lively and bright as before"
Venus´s eyes are back to her fire presence, but, she still is pointing at Kurt with a displeased face. "Kurt Wagner, you have a mission from my Lady, fail and we´ll eat your flesh" she promised.
"But...I´m a conquer...I know nothing about making a kingdom" Kurt has the guts to speak even if is in a low tone. Venus does not appear to show mercy to him, yet, she is giving this advice. "Go to the central city, look for a healer named Bob, he´ll help you"
And Venus leaves in the same way she enrols in the harem. Fire and smokes and fear are present in the court and Kurt has to stop his world domination.
Kitty is dressed up as Bob, a healer that is working work for the evil necromancer, she knows the man is often in need of healers. She was sure that getting the job would complex and full of the interview.
When the necromancer strolls in the bar looking for Bob, Kitty is surprised how quickly she got the job. "Congratulations, Bob, the healer, you´ll work for me...and for Zaorva"
"Yes!" Bob said. Kurt is bemused.
Kurt has many minions who do his dirty work, of course, no one is as good as him, however, the latest excuses for failures is grinding his nerves. "Let me guess, your excuse will be" Kurt fake pondering "Oh right, a mysterious healer shows up and magically knock you out?!" Kurt is bemused.
His last student is nodding saying that the healer has abilities he never saw before, Kurt is not pleased. "And this healer defeat all of you?" Kurt asked once again noticing how some of his students are still in pain.
Bob is working with Kurt, the first step is to make sure the soil is fertile and is watching the situation unfolds. Kurt´s zombies appear and Kurt´s gaze is on his last student. "Now, in my eyes or this mysterious healer is that powerful and a threat to me or my lazy student is making a lie, which one is the truth" his smile is cruel and Bob knows what will happen, so, bravely so Bob speaks.
"Wait, I know the healer, she´s from Zaorva cult, the first of her name and a force to be reckoned "Bob speaks in a modest tone "they are speaking the truth, they have to meet Shadowcat"
Kurt sends his zombies away and is pondering, now, this is different. "Bob, tell me more about this healer, please?"
"Oh, fine, only because you´re asking politely"
Bob is a hot topic for people inside the harem and outside as well, the man is often lurking around and looking for something, one of the ladies thought the man wanted an excuse to be with her, sadly for her, that´s not the case.
"So, he does not have the spear?" Bob mutters and now is thinking about her next movie, suddenly, Kurt shows up with great news.
Is the spear?!
"I know her name!" Kurt exclaimed with the confidence of having a real confidant. Bob is making his usual face(no glamour, only a good disguise) as Kurt is talking about the healer, making Bob sweat now "her name is Katherine Anne Pryde, healer of the Zaorva, the first of her name, the only daughter of Cameron and Teresa Pryde and" he gives a wild grin making Bob sweat even more "she´s immortal"
"How did you know that?" Bob asked in a cool way.
"I´ve my ways, Bob" and leaves as Bob realizes this is a far complex cat-mouse game, meanwhile, Kurt is paying at the detective for getting the basic of the necromancer, even her image.
Kitty is using her white robes as she´s healing one person in the road, of course, she's not surprised to see Kurt Wagner as well looking at Kitty as she finishes her proceed.
"So, you´re the sweet healer that has been in my way?" Kurt asked in a leery way but the threating part is lost on Kitty as the man continues "doe eyes and a gentle heart, yes, are you."
"Are you insulting or compliment me? " Kitty asked wittily and Kurt only replies. "Sweet healer, don´t cross with me" and Kitty couldn´t help by adding "Well, I´m not crossing you, I´m here on the middle of the road, but the road is big enough...you can walk without any problem"
Kurt bites his lips and says he´ll be looking for her and leaves. Kitty is sure this is the most complex cat-mouse game ever. Meanwhile, Kurt has no idea why he has the need to compliment this healer.
Bob has trouble as Kurt likes to talk about the healer and his confusing feelings about her. "She´s a worthy rival" and Bob nods and then Kurt asked, "Bob, are you gay?"
"No, bi and no, no interest in any woman in the harem" Kitty speaks as the new houses are being built and refugee from wars can stay on the land.
"I see, I just ask to know, whatever you swing hope the person is worthy of your time...you´re a good friend Bob" and Bob is sweating feeling guilt.
"Thanks, you´re a strange boss but I can´t say I hate to work with you" The reply is sincere and Kitty knows she needs to end Bob or else...
"Ok, wanna see my new fanart of the Healer? She has beautiful eyes and the fluffiest hair ever" Kurt declares and somehow Bob is blushing, thankfully, Kurt did not saw.
The Kingdom is ready, a capital city and common cities to fill the space. The commerce is thriving and Kitty is amused at how Kurt take his job seriously, Bob, was finally killed as Bob wanted to be with his husband and kids.
A party is being thrown as dance and music are being rung loudly, the new kingdom will remain and the young ones have a bright future at their front, suddenly, Kitty is taken by a group dance and her small hands are intertwined with blue ones.
"Hello, Evil Necromancer" she speaks easily.
"Hello, sweet healer" he responds still dancing with her. There´s an old saying that goes like this, keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer. Of course, there´s no saying on dancing with your "enemy" but Kurt just concluded a task for Zaorva and is alive so who will question him? ___________________________________________________ Zaorva watches the scene as Venus is thrown some suggestion. "Maybe, we should tell who Bob is...He never connected the dots and Kitty is terrible with glamours"
"She´ll tell when she´s ready, she feels guilt and is confused about her feelings with this necromancer and Kurt is not very smart with his feelings" Zaorva speaks sincerely.
"And you never get confused about your feelings for IT?" Venus asked.
"No, sometimes, IT can be an asshole, but, I love IT very much...even an asshole"
Meanwhile, as IT is dealing with his Heralds and ITS changes his mood for better. Not that will help his Heralds very much.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Lovecraft au (Clifford)
N/A: Well, it wasn´t just loving that make Clifford so big.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @sailorstar9 @look-ma-no-hands336
Mary Elizabeth is a girl normal as any girl can be. She´s living in a good neighbour, have friends and get good grades, however, Mary wanted a dog more than anything even if her parents don´t believe their little Mary can hold such responsibilities.
Most kids would try the classic tricks, beg, bargain or bring a dog and expect the puppy´s cuteness overtake their poor judgement, however, Mary is a tenacious girl and if her parents won´t give her a dog...she´ll get a dog in another fashion.
Elder gods are real and you are free to choose who to worship. No age restriction, in some cults, as long you´re honest about your intentions. The Crawling God is not suitable for a small child much less anyone who wants to remains sane, the Pheonix seems something out of a bad lemon fic and Mary is sure she´s far too young to enjoy what the grown-ups enjoy.
But Zaorva? Is safer for all ages. And Mary enrols in the cult, to earn favour from the goodness you need to perform 100 tasks and in a perfect condition(No murder is required here) and Mary accepts the challenge.
Mary has a nice agenda and is a very organized girl, so, fulfil the 100 tasks were easier(well, not easy, per se, but it was easy to make to fill her quote without her family founding out)
100 tasks complete and Zaorva will keep her word, the deity is wearing a form that is far too akin to that character of "Fantasia 2000" and Mary loves it(tales of the Fire Bird cross her mind and Mary is smart enough to know this form has a symbolic meaning, but, is not smarter to know the real meaning)
"Mary Elizabeth, you´ve earned your reward, be wise in your decision, child" Zaorva speaks in such melodic tone and again, flashes of that character comes to her mind "Yes, that is a lesser form of me, child, but don´t let your mind travel on meanings beyond humanity"
Mary Elizabeth nods not fulling getting what she just said, but, she´s not here to philosophy with Zaorva. She makes a bow(is always important to show good behaviour to your elder, her mother always speaks, and Zaorva is aeons older than anyone else, so, Mary must be polite) "Lady Zaorva, I want a puppy!"
Zaorva blinks one, two, three and fourth times until she speaks again "Child, any dog I create won´t be the normal dog you´re imaging, are you sure this is what you want?"
Mary Elizabeth ponder for a moment "I don´t really care if he´s a normal dog or not, as long he doesn´t bite me, my friends and family, I´m ok with a strange dog"
"Very well, this dog won´t attack ...unless you give the orders," she finishes the speech and a red puppy born into the ground that Zaorva´s finger touched. The dog is a puppy, too small, and Mary loves the little fellow as the dog and Mary knew each other since the begin.
"Thank you, Lady Zaorva" Mary catches the small dog and as the puppy licks her face recognizing who Mary is, the girl gladly speaks "Your name is Clifford, welcome to the family Clifford"
Mary´s parents would like to say they never intended to have a dog, but, now they can their daughter is far too tenacious. No one is dumb enough to refuse a present from a God, especially from Zaorva, so Clifford stays and he grows, grows and grows to the point he´s bigger than their house.
Thankfully, some companies of dog food are interested in helping to feed Clifford if the giant dog accepts to be their mascot, in the end, they signal with "Good Paws" as Clifford seems to enjoy this mark the most.
Vets and the problem with his "number 2" were resolved in a matter where Mary´s parents won´t be living under the bridge. And Mary is pleased to have her new dog, Clifford, a giant red dog that grows because of how much she loves her dog.
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