#alias 4x08
pink-bird-30 · 1 year
Titans 4x09
The fact we got an entire episode dedicated to Garfield Logan has me screeching into the void.  Beast Boy has deserved his flowers for a long time and I am super proud of Ryan for standing his ground and making it a priority that Gar’s story was told.
Alright, let’s get into the thick of it!
First off, we start the episode off with a 10 year old version of Gar.  When I tell you the motherly instincts within me(which are cat mom instincts) wanted to reach into my tv and give that baby a hug…I- fuck whoever made him cry (which we alllll know who did…)
 I also liked the small touch of the Central City mention- “Central City Zoo” 
When Gar wakes up, his reaction is what I needed from the other Titans when they woke up after Sebastian’s attack.  Right away he was wondering where they were, where he was, and what happened. Gar is always asking the right questions.  
I was really excited to see Freedom Beast and how they would tell his story.  I think they did a great job talking about his background and how his powers work and where they originate from.  Seeing the bat lion hybrid was insane.
“One with all beasts”
“I am your freedom”
I just really enjoyed how Freedom Beast was teaching Gar about himself and how to be free and accept the Red. There has been a lot of time spent with Rachel’s development, Dick’s redemption, and Kori’s acceptance of her destiny.  But along the way, we forgot about Gar and that wasn’t fair to him.  Hell, we even got an entire season of Jason before we got a single episode focused on Gar.
“Our shared grief fuels us”
There are a lot of great quotes from Titans, but this is top of the list for me.  Freedom Beast was able to connect with Gar on a different level that I don’t think other people have even tried to on the show.  Yes, he and Raven have a close bond, and Kori has always done the best by him, but there was something about Gar’s entire interaction with Freedom Beast that gave Gar purpose outside of the Titans.  For so long Gar has been part of two different teams, but has he ever taken the time to get to know himself and his abilities? 
In the midst of this, Gar keeps saying, “I need to get back to my friends” my heart was breaking for him.  All I can think of in 4x07 and 4x08 is how little Gar was mentioned.  Their concern did not reach the levels that Gar’s did when he woke up alone.  Every other word from his mouth was asking where his friends were, when he can get back to them, that his family needs him.  This hurt and I hope the Titans appreciate him a little more when they do meet up again.
 I thought it was pretty cool how Freedom Beast explained how all those connected to the red share a bond and then name drop of Vixen!  That was a big moment for me.  I haven’t thought of Vixen since my Legends of Tomorrow days…god I miss that show…
I love even in serious situations, Gar can find the humor in them.  Especially when Freedom Beast hands him the vile to drink, he says a quote that is a great nod to Alice in Wonderland.
Gar tripping was not what I was expecting from that scene, and I can only imagine the absolute fun Ryan must’ve had while filming this scene.  The multiple different versions of Gar tripping was hysterical.
While on his trip, we see Gar interact with Rachel and Jinx.  I was expecting Raven to be someone he saw, but this is not how I expected to see Jinx again this season.
Now for that fight scene:
Gar turned not into 1
not 2
but THREE FRIGGIN ANIMALS?!?!?!?!??!?!? 
We dreamed to see Gar change while fighting, and it finally happened and I’m so excited that it was  amazing.  Whoever choreographed that fight deserves an Oscar, bravo!
I knew Freedom Beast had great power, but seeing him merge the doctor into the monkey…I- that was terrifying.
Freedom Beast casually dropping both of Gar alias’ “Beast Boy, Changeling” we ate so good this episode, my god.
“Protecting the red is your destiny” 
There is a wholeeeeee lot of destiny being thrown around this season, but hey, I’m all for it if it means my Titans are content in life and no one dies an unnecessary death.
The entire scene when Gar finally gives into the red was really cool.  We saw so many cool easter eggs that I got whiplash.
The Flash
Grant Morrison
Listen, I am a grown woman, but seeing Courtney Whitmore grace my screen after saying goodbye a few months ago, I’m tearing up while writing this.  Her interaction with Gar was brief, and I’m not sure how a real crossover between these shows would have panned out, but maybe I’ll write a fic about it?(winks) But regardless, the short interaction alone really solidified how much family means to Gar and Courtney, especially when it comes to your found family.
The second time we are in the red, the easter eggs get even crazier
Swamp Thing
Teen Titans Go! Beast Boy?
That last one really threw me for a loop
And then finally, the best thing to ever happen and I can’t wait for 4x10:
Cyborg and Beast Boy finally meeting
My childhood dreams coming to my screen.
I hope it is everything we have waited for and more.
I can’t wait to see how the Doom Patrol will fit into the storyline, I kinda figure it has to do with Gar needing to face his demons and the truth that has evaded him this entire time.
Until next time guys, let me know what you think about this episode!
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missmaxime · 3 years
Do you think Beth is going to meet Rio grandmother ? because the title for 4x06 say grandma if beth do meet Rio grandma you think that might open up old feelings that she had for Rio in s2 when she was looking at his clothes and look at his family pictures ?
(x) Get ready for some wild predictions under the cut [SPOILERS AHEAD]
So, the episode titles don’t always have an immediate relationship to what the episode is about. Sometimes they are vague, a line of dialogue, or something you only understand after watching the episode. I know @pynkhues wrote a post breaking down the themes in the episode titles, but I can’t find it. Full title of the episode is ‘Grandma Loves Grisham’ - The women take matters into their own hands - Beth meets Rio’s boss, who’s not at all what she expected - Annie secretly retakes the GED - Ruby encourages Stan to step up - Dean works through his trust issues Now I had no immediate reference to Grisham, but Google helped me out. John Grisham is a former lawyer who is famous for writing bestsellers like The Pelican Brief, Runaway Jury, and many many other legal thrillers. He has written over 25 books in the span of over thirty years. (Maybe related: Rio uses the alias Kowalski in 3x01, Jack Kowalski is a writer that writes the same genre). Will Beth meet Rio’s grandmother? I have no idea. But she might have played a part in how Rio has ended up where he is today. If the title is an immediate reference to the Beth/Rio storyline in this episode I can imagine we already learn a little about Rio’s background (while we know it’ll be played out more in 4x07/4x08).  I’m just going to make a wild prediction: If Rio’s boss is not his grandmother, it’s either a family member or someone else he’s close to. I think the title might play into this: Perhaps we learn that Rio was either raised by his grandmother, or for other reasons spend a lot of time at her house. His grandmother was obsessed with Grisham novels, owned every one of them. Rio took a liking to the books, and learned a lot about how the legal system worked through them.  We don’t know for sure, but since we kind of got some hints that Rio has ties to East Side Detroit gangs, there’s a big chance he grew up there. Came up as a teen, and moved up ranks from there. What he learned from Grishams books may have prepared him better to navigate (or, rather, avoid) legal complications. So that Grandma Loves Grisham got him to move up in the world of crime smarter and faster. And I’d be thrilled if that was under the wing of his grandma. Based on absolutely nothing, haha. Maybe I will have some better predictions after 4x05.
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eldritchhousekeeper · 4 years
So I just watched 4x08.
I loved Gwen. But Jeri Ryan, so not surprised.
Does Macgyver’s mother even have a name? She died when he was young and she is barely mentioned. Now, she is a scientist who helped formulate the plan that could destroy the world?
It is almost like they wanted Gwen to be his mother and then suddenly realized it was too Alias.
Also, if Gwen was dead why didn’t Macgyver’s grandfather, the man who raised him and his mother’s father ever mention her.
And the timeline didn’t add up? Seventeen years ago is not that long ago, and at about twenty seven ish Macgyver should have memories of a woman that “died” in 2003.
So I did like the episode, I get far more nitpicky when I don’t.
Please bring me all the fanfics with Auntie Gwen raising her nephew in the way of evil geniuses.
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itselyserebecca · 3 years
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Alias 4x08 "Echoes" ★★★★★★★★☆☆
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i-see-you-bell · 7 years
Bellamy and Clarke; flame that cannot turn into fire; some of my thoughts on 2x07-2x09
fYou know, I am rewatching The 100 again, since there is a little break before the next episode will be aired. You must know that I am Bellarke trash. I really loved them as a enemies (yeaaas, the tension was strong between those two), then I fell in love with concept of them being a friends, then as a leaders. I love them also for the fact that they may be lovers in the future and I am counting that they will end up in this situation. Maybe not now, because, you know, the end of the world is coming, but maybe someday. Okay, let’s go back to my original thought. I am rewatching The 100. Today I saw episodes 2x07, 2x08, 2x09. Maybe someone brought it up, but, God, i need to write it somewhere because it will gonna kill me.
In episode 2x07 we see that Clarke is trying to bring back “old” Lincoln. Bellamy is seeing that too, all these strenght in her, knows that all he can do is trying to protect her [he fails, since it is O. who rescues Clarke], but that’s not the point. This is not the episode I want to concentrate on, this episode just starts the story, In 2x08 we already know that coalition will happen only when they will bring Finn. Clarke is trying to not let this happen, since, you know, she was in love with him at the time. Bellamy is always around her, trying to help, trying to save the person Clarke takes care most in the whole world. He is not even trying to talk to Finn, every word that he says is like water of a duck’s back for Bellamy. Everything our King is coming up with he discuss with Clarke and on this point I think that I might brought up the thing I am thinking about. He is clearly doing it for her. He already knows that she will do anything to protect Finn; so Bellamy makes sure she will not sacrifice herself for him. Because, I think that our little Blake knows that she would be capable of doing that and he, he is trying to do his best in order she would not have to. He hits one of the people from the Ark that is trying to probably kill Finn (but strange thing is, when I was watching this scene I though, for a second, that this man is talking to Finn but wants to hit Clarke) and challanges others. He looks on Finn and Clarke that are running away and few emotions are going through his face. Then I realized that Finn did not even thanked him for saving his life.
Then a moment when Finn is coming to the dropship with wounded Clarke. Bellamy’s voice is so filled with worry, a little pain maybe that I die a little inside every time I hear his question; “What happened?”. Then his hand running through her face, just to make sure she is alive and that she will be fine.
Okay, wait a second, I wil change narration to past, since English is not my native language, it is so hard for me to write this.
At the end of the episode he sees Clarke that is taking away life from her lover. He keeps  Raven firmly in his arms, but did not even look at her; his eyes were looking everywhere, at the ground, maybe once for a second, fled her way, he closed them for minisecond. But then he is looking at Clarke, Clarke who is staying in front of her people and he realises what she have done and what consequences it can bring. He knows his job is not done.
And finally! Episode 2x09.
First arrow that Clarke hit Bellamy‘s heart with is a moment when she told him that “she can’t lose him too”. He knows that he must stay by her side and he can’t leave her and go to Mount Weather. And a moment of suprise and a lot of question had go through him. Really? How much she cares for him? Which way? Why? DO I DESERVE IT? And if yes, then why? and probably a big OH.
Somewhere in the middle of the episode is the moment that everybody remember: “Weakness? What is? Love?”. Clarke, at first, is suprised, but then, these words are slowly burning the things she learned inter alia from Bellamy. Bellamy showed her that love for his sister survived everything else, but then there is a scene that is burning everything down in Clarke, when not the heart, but the mind is the master.
I am talking about the Abby x Clarke moment. When Abby is comparing her daughter’s situation to the moment when she kind of betrayed her husband. She is talking about that pain will fade away and that loving her is what helped her get trought it (my Bellarke heart skipped for a second when I thought that Clarke might go through it with Bellamy). In first second we see that Clarke is going to believe her mother.  But as she stares, Lexa’s word are coming through her mind as she asks “You are talking about Dad?”
She is saying that their situations were different. Camera is showing us the others that are looking on them. And in this moment we all know that everybody is listening. But in the few next seconds. what we are not seeing- is Bellamy’s reaction to the argument. They are showing us literally everyone, but not him. Why is that? Maybe because he is so shocked with how they are alike?
He recognized the guilt over what happened to her dad. He recognized her pain. He saw how she is struggling with what her mother did. They are not so different. He was in mess too, after they took away Octavia from him, after his mom get floated. He sees that they situations are very alike.
I consider myself it as breaktrough moment for Bellarke.
And that is also the moment when Clarke partly shouts down her emotions (which leads us to very curious thing about how she recognized allie in herself and why she shouted her down but it is not the moment for that).
Then I think she partly realizes who might have tried to poison Lexa. It was suddenly so obvious to her how it was done and she knew it before Finn showed her. And she knew it must have been someone from Lexa closest army. And that is when she continue trying to close her emotions, but not entirely, just to safe friend. She is running to Raven. “Clarke, stop, you get yourself killed!”- Bellamy is shouting that. As I said, he knew that she would do absolutely everything in order to pay for Finn’s death and he knew that for her- death was also an option. He is trying to protect her, again, like he did in 4x07 and 4x08. And while she is drinking from the bottle he is so worried about her; you could tell that by looking at his face. And that is why he easly recognizes who tried to poison Clarke. He knew it was Gustus because he was the same. He would do that for Clarke too. And Lexa is looking on Bellamy with one eye and recognizes this emotions and she believes him. Clarke is suprised with his conclusion only a little and do not priecesly endorse what he said; i think because she shouted her emotions a little more.
And Bellamy in the next words confirms what I said. “How do you know it was Gustus?” “He would do anything for her. To protect her. It just makes sense.”
And in that moment we all know, that everything he done in the past three episodes- it was for Clarke. He tried to save, what she considered at the time, the love of her live, he get himself in trouble, he listened and done what she wanted, when she, by saying “i can’t lose you too” asked him to stay with her after Finn’s death, asking him not to go on another super crazy suicide mission but to be by her side, he looked at her while she stopped caring about her own damn life and, maybe not intentionally, getting her self in trouble that could cause her death. He stood by her, even when he was emotionally torn after he realized something about him and Clarke while he listened to the fight between her and Abby.
And then we see Clarke completely disabling emotions. She is sending him for the mission and she uses the words she heard from Lexa earlier. She was being weak. She realized what Bellamy started to feeling, why he has done so many things for her and she got scared. She didn’t want history to repeat. She did not want to lose the love again.
Instead, she preferred to cut her off from him, hurt as hard as she could. When she is sending him to Mount Weather, her face is so dead like it was never before. Bellamy knows something is up, but he is so hurt that he only feels pain and regret and he is not asking about how she is feeling; instead he is telling that she hated that plan. But, what he does not know- that she is not feeling. That she shout down her emotions. He is hurting him harder and he only gasp in the answer. We see that everybody is shocked, because it was the least they could expect from Clarke- they all know she was crazy about his health. Then he tries, for the last time, for the last time he gave her the look- “What is wrong? What happened Clarke? What happenend? Talk to me” but before he could even stop her- she ran away.
He is so shocked that Clarke for the first time rejected him that he could not even find words for Lincoln or Raven.
And then we are hearing Clarke using Lexa’s words- “Love is weakness”. On screen we see that she direct these words to imaginated Finn, but I personally believe that it is not only Finn she was talking to. That’s why I am so in love with these episodes. We see the moment when Bellamy started to realize he is falling in love with Clarke. We see that Clarke is starting to relize it too and somewhere in her wakes up a small flame of love towards Bellamy Blake but she can not let this flame change into fire. (and there I have theory about Arkadia being a metaphor for these two, since 4x06 are dedicated for Bellarke)
Hope you enjoyed it!
I am tagging few of my favourite blogs to know what they think about my first meta  @bell-clarke @bellamybb @bellarkesdaily @bellaarke @bellamybalke @bellarke-stydia @bellsqueen @bellamybalke @bellamynochillblake @bellarke @bellarkss @100shadesofbellarke @caramelkru @fyeahbellarke @spacexualkids @grounderbellamy @bellsgirl I follow so much more people, but i can tag everyone and you must know that every person i follow is my favourite <3 
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Castle Episodes (Season 4)
The season 4 post, you can find the other posts here: Castle Episodes
4x01 Rise: There’s this intense scene at the hospital where Beckett’s boyfriend Josh blames Castle for what happened and Alexis yells “leave him alone!” and wants to go at him but they hold her back. “I don’t remember much of anything” liar, liar, pants on fire. Gates is the new captain now. Castle and Beckett sit on the swingset. Beckett is back on duty but she’s clearly not fine and struggling with PTSD. Something’s going on with Alexis, she doesn’t want him back at the precinct after what happened and she’s upset that he missed dinner again and that he’s not there and everything. “You could’ve been shot. [...] You’re a writer, not a cop. Stop pretending.” At the end, there’s this sweet conversation between Alexis and Castle. “Does she make you happy?” “Yeah she does” “Is it enough?” “It’s enough for now.” “Okay.” “Okay.” “Dad? Don’t grow up too much, okay?” He kisses her on the forehead. “Hey, it’s me we’re talking about.” At the end of the episode, Beckett admits to her psychiatrist that she does remember everything about the shooting, hence also what Castle said.
4x02 Heroes & Villains: Alexis talks about leaving for Stanford in the spring already and Castle is super crushed about this. And then he wipes away a tear and Martha says “Richard, are you crying?” “no, it’s the onions” and then a scene later with Beckett at the crime scene he goes “okay, it wasn’t just the onions. Not completely.” Also, there’s a Game of Thrones reference. A man is cut in half with a sword and Castle goes “Sword, that is so Game of Thrones”. There’s a special title card again. And Castle and Alexis have a little “fight” because it’s Alexis’ plan to choose the classes her boyfriend is taking, just so that she can spend more time with him. And Castle thinks it’s not a good idea which Alexis realizes at the end as well. And then Alexis casually mentions that she’ll be moving in with Ashley lol.
4x03 Head Case: Alexis gets her letter from Stanford (”A letter from a Mr. Stan Ford”) but she didn’t get in. And Castle is like “Why does Stanford think she’s not worthy? She’s perfect.” Also, Gates is not too impressed by Castle yet and it’s so hilarious. “Maybe if I sent her flowers-” “No. No.” Alexis texts Castle and he goes home to her. The next morning, he tells Martha that he found her sacked up on the couch and that he had to carry her up to her bed, she’s really taking this hard :( “It’s me, dad! I’m a failure!” bb :( she’s so crushed.
4x04 Kick the Ballistics: The 3XK-storyline continues! Also the title card is super dramatic because they had just revealed that the murder weapon was Ryan’s gun. The whole episode is super dark and heavy. The music is dark, the colors are dark, the whole setting is dark. It’s not as comedic and ‘fluffy’ as usually, the conversations aren’t as simple.
4x06 Demons: The beginning of the episode is hilarious. Castle tells Alexis not to rearrange all her plans according to Ashley’s schedule and to not drop everything the minute he calls - and then Beckett calls and Castle drops everything :D The title card (or the music) is also in the episode’s theme. I just love the episode with all the paranormal stuff. Also, the ending is pretty cool. There’s this sweet scene between Alexis and Castle. And then, they decide to continue the movie they watched at the beginning and they both look straight into the camera and Castle pushes a button and the screen “turns off”. This is so cool, I loved this.
4x07 Cops & Robbers: I LOVE THIS EPISODE. Martha and Castle are in a bank when it’s being robbed and they are taken hostage. Dean Norris is in the episode. Also, the robbers all go by the alias of a tv doctor, including Doctor Shepherd :) The reunion with Alexis is so emotional. Oh, and Alexis breaks up with Ashley.
4x08 Heartbreak Hotel: Castle, Ryan and Esposito as Elvis doubles are hilarious. Also, Alexis isn’t too sure if she did the right thing with the breakup and Castle tells her to invite some friends over. But it goes terribly wrong. She invites a friend who tells her boyfriend who tells someone else who ends up making a Facebook invitation - half New York ends up at the Castle residence throwing a crazy party. Alexis’ anxiety is going crazy over this. The final scene is hilarious where both Castle and Alexis have their walk of shame in front of the other.
4x09 Kill Shot: The victim is killed with a shot right through the heart by a sniper from a distance which is similar to what Beckett suffered, so it brings back memories and PTSD. Poor Beckett in this episode :( She’s so distraught and struggling. Her PTSD is done beautifully in this episode, though it’s really painful to watch.
4x10 Cuffed: Ah, the episode is so entertaining, I love it. Castle and Beckett wake up in some old basement, cuffed to each other. There’s some hilarious scenes, it’s great. Also, there’s a tiger. Grrreat. 4x11 Till Death Do Us Part: Ryan and Jenny get married at the end of the episode. And there’s this adorable scene which makes so much sense considering the final seasons: Castle goes “You know what, I kind of envy him.” and Beckett says “Maybe third time’s a charm, Castle.” “Yeah, maybe.” <3
4x13 An Embarrassment of Bitches: The first scene with Martha, Castle and Alexis is hilarious where Alexis tells him that her friend’s nickname is Buttons and her last name is Dutton, so that makes her Buttons Dutton. Also, Alexis looks SO pretty omg. Castle is being mistaken for Jason Bateman again :D And that final scene with Castle and Alexis is so adorable omg. Castle wants to get a dog so that Alexis would come home from college all the time and she goes “don’t worry, I’ll come back and visit so much, you’ll be sick of me.” “Promise?”. Their whole dialog is so cute. “So.. this dog you want to get, you know, for me. This wouldn’t be an enticement to come home from college more often, would it?” “Don’t pretend like you’re smarter than me. I tought you subtext, young lady.” “Don’t worry. I’ll come back and visit so much, you’ll be sick of me.” “Promise?” “Yeah.” and a little while later he whispers “welcome home”. I can’t stress enough how important their relationship is to me.
4x14 The Blue Butterfly: This episode. You either love it or hate it. I love it. I love the 40s setting. I love seeing the cast in different roles. It’s just great and entertaining and interesting. A very special episode in my opinion. Also, the title card is a special one (well, the music is different). 4x15 Pandora: Martha tells Castle that Alexis is doing another internship at Castle is worried because it’s 9pm and she’s at her internship. Turns out, Alexis is interning with Lanie. It’s hilarious when she shows up at the crime scene and Castle just goes “Hey, Alexis. ... Alexis?!” Castle isn’t too thrilled about it because it’s two worlds colliding, church and state, you know. Also, Alexis blames herself because a body was stolen from the autopsy when she was in the other room talking on the phone for a minute - which Lanie finds fascinating because Castle wouldn’t care at all and Alexis just carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. I’m not too fond of the episode, though. It’s too CIA for me. Too much secret agency. 4x16 Linchpin: Last episode’s storyline continues, it’s a two parter. It’s so awkward when Castle and Beckett fight in the autopsie about Castle having had a thing with the CIA woman - and Alexis walks up right behind them. There’s a nice shot of Beckett with wet hair and in an NYPD jacket/hoodie, she looks so good omg. Also, the CIA woman mentions Castle’s father and him being very proud of Castle dying in battle, dying a hero and about Castle’s father having to do with the CIA. 4x17 Once Upon a Crime: OH MY GOD IT’S KELLY SEVERIDE I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS IN AN EPISODE OF CASTLE BEFORE OMFG. He plays the boyfriend/husband of Leslie, the victim’s sister. LESLIE. ... Shaaaay. (tbh I could see him being the killer because there was no real need of him so far to be in the episode, like he was such a random character that served no real purpose so far, so he could be the killer). “It’s him” omg I knew it. They are interrogating him and we’re only in minute 32, it’s not him. “It wasn’t him.” I knew it. Ah, I like the episode. It’s simple and I can actually follow the plot and it has fun moments aaaand it features Kelly Severide, it’s like fandoms coliding. 4x18 A Dance with Death: “Well, separated at birth twin storylines never end happy. Except The Parent Trap”. Awww. Richard Castle has seen The Parent Trap and even referenced it. It’s so cute when Alexis talks about the autopsy report and Castle is so proud and hugs her and she goes “Dad. Work. Boundaries.” It’s just so cute how proud he is of her <3.
4x19 47 Seconds: I’m so excited to rewatch this episode because I love it. There’s an explosion that kills several people taking part in a protest. The images are awful and really get to you. Beckett, Castle and the rest of the team are shocked, too. So many innocent victims. A boy dead who was just about to go to college. A mother of two dead. It’s just awful. Alexis is also in the autopsy working and she’s clearly exhausted and can’t handle it. When Castle sees her, he goes up to her and she tells him that she was fine until she saw a bracelet on someone’s arm that was made by a little kid - just like the one she made for Castle when she was six and Castle still has that bracelet. He tells her to go home but she says she still has work to do, but he tells her again to go. “Let’s get you out of here.” It’s really ... I can’t find the right word, adorable or cute don’t seem right ... heart-warming sort of to see how he cares about her and makes sure she gets a break. Also, Martha tells Castle to be open to Beckett about his feelings because this tragedy makes them all realize how fragile life is. It’s hilarious when Gates lowkey compliments Castle and he goes “I think she’s finally starting to like me” and then Gates “No, I’m not.” And then the episode gets all sad again when Alexis makes emergency-cheering-up-pancakes for Castle and Alexis explains that after the other day, she thought they could both need some cheering up. And Castle says “You shouldn’t need cheering up. You shouldn’t have even been there. You should’ve been with your friends or at the movies.” “Dad, I’m 18.” “I know. I know, it’s just... You’re gonna see plenty of reality in your lifetime. I just would like you to keep the rose color on your glasses for as long as possible.” <3 “You’re a pretty smart kid, you know that?” “Well... they say genius skips a generation.” “Apparently, so does funny.” “Eat your pancake.” <3 Also, Beckett is in interrogation and Castle is watching and she tells the suspect that she was shot in the chest and remembers every second and Castle is like ‘wait what’. Ever since then, Castle is very distant toward Beckett, very cold, reserved. It breaks your heart but also makes you realize that we’re close to the season finale. THE season finale.
4x20 The Limey: Lanie tells Beckett to tell Castle already how she feels. And then Castle arrives to the crime scene with some hot chick and Lanie goes “or maybe not”. “Sometimes it’s the people we think we know best that we don’t know at all” GOD IT’S SO FRUSTRATING. There’s this hilarious scene where Castle tells Ryan and Esposito his plan involving the three of them (about getting fingerprints off someone) and it’s hilarious when he puts up their pictures and Castle’s picture is flawless of course and Ryan and Espo both look funny, it’s hilarious.
4x21 Headhunters: Detective Slaughter! It’s hilarious because Slaughter is such a character. NPYD! :D Slaughter talks about Alexis in a real disrespectful manner (’that girl’s barely street legal’ ‘she’s got an ass’ ‘that hot redhead’) and Castle just hits him and tells him to stay away from Alexis (”my daughter is off limits”) but it’s so cute how protective he gets over her especially since we’re talking about Slaughter and Castle is so afraid of him. Alexis gets her University replies and she pretty much got into every University she applied to. At the end of the episode, she thinks about what decision to make and they end up having ice cream because that’ll help. Aww. It’s adorable how they race each other to the freezer.
4x22 Undead again: The beginning of the episode is HILARIOUS. It starts off really suspenseful, with someone entering the Castle residence, all dressed in black, it looks like a crime is about to happen. The music is all serious. Alexis is sitting on the couch, on her ipad. The camera shows a picture of Castle and Alexis. The unknown person sneaks through the apartment, then right up to Alexis. Turns out, it’s Castle playing lasertag. Man, this could’ve been some good shit. And then you get your heart broken when Alexis says she wants to go to either Stanford or Oxford because they are both far away and she wants to challenge herself and not come home every other day. And Castle says “But who’s gonna play with me?” :( “I think it’s time to holster the laser guns and be adults.” Noo :( Poor Castle, he’s really not doing too great at the end of season 4. Alexis is about to leave, things with Beckett aren’t exactly going great. “That, my friends... is a zombie. The killer is a zombie!” and Castle walks on the hallways highfiving a random person :D And then it gets even better when Martha distracts Castle at home and Alexis surprises him with laser tag and beats him. It’s hilarious. Then, at the morgue, Perlmutter goes “He was a live man, now he’s a dead man” and then stabs a needle into his leg - and right in that moment the zombie man comes back to life and runs away. Beckett “Castle, call for backup!” and Castle tries using the morgue phone but doesn’t know the code “how do I, what do I” “9″. Beckett and Castle are driving me CRAZY with not talking about it and just talking in codes. “When a life altering moment happens, you remember.” “Well, maybe it was too big to deal with.” JUST TALK. They kinda do at the end of the episode. Only kinda though. The final scene is hilarious. Similar to the beginning, just Alexis sneaking up on Castle who’s still wearing his zombie makeup thus freaking Alexis out which makes Castle win this one. He reaches 1,000 points and techincally, the game is over. But Alexis decides 2/3. And she also decides to go to Columbia because she realized she can’t go that far away. Yay <3 The moment she realizes it is really adorable and sad though.
4x23 Always: THE storyline continues. The one with Beckett’s mom, Montgomery. The title card is so dramatic. Barely any music, the sky is greenish. The scene where Beckett is hanging off that building makes me so anxious oh my God. Even though I know it’ll be fine, there’s this tingling in my hand, in my feet, in my stomach. And then comes the iconic ending. In My Veins is playing. Alexis’ beautiful speech with Castle sitting proudly in the audience. Shit going down at the precinct. Kevin’s “Javi, I had to”. Beckett sitting on the swingset in the rain. Castle deleting her mother’s case files. Then the knock on the door. 
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