new identity
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pissjesus · 2 years
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go on 👁👁
Ok sooooooo I wanted to keep their personalities as close to their actual characterization, obviously, but I was thinking about how they’d get to the same place from a different starting point, if that makes sense. Cuz they’d probably be treated very differently if they acted and looked the way they do but were women instead (or a boy in Noodle’s case)🙃. Unfortunately these can get kinda depressing so fair warning. And these are just my takes so 🤷 unfortunately a lot of them are based on cisheteronormativity because we live in a cisheteronormative society
Also a lot of these ideas came from smashing my last brain cells together with @plastickatz and @alicepalmersnokia
* This all started from me finding out that “Murdina” is the feminine version of the name “Murdoch,” which sounds like what Murdoc would call himself if he put on a wig drunk in his room at 5am. So I’ve been calling them Murdina, Udon, and Rose— 2D stays the same cuz she’s still got 2 dents. But some people (Murdina) call her 2A cuz she still has no boobs 😔
* 2D does modeling on the side cuz her tall, slender, androgynous appearance and pilled-out, blank stare make her a y2k alt it-girl
* Murdina finding a younger, more attractive girl to be the face of her band when she’s in her 30s and considered “ugly” seems like it’d be of greater importance. Murdoc gets to make being ugly and gross his schtick. Not that Murdina would compromise her right to replace a shower with half a bottle of “Truth or Dare” by Madonna, but she’d probably have to work harder to get fame
* She’d be constantly in the tabloids for nip-slips and ass crack, throwing her heels at the paparazzi, and her “foul” comments about eating babies. She’d also post slutty pictures online and be shaking with rage as people comment “omg body positive queen, love your bravery <3”
* 2D is already treated like he’s stupid but I think people would expect girl 2D to roll over and take a lot more bullshit— she would have flipped her lid WAYYYY earlier on
* Don’t worry Rose is still bald she just wears wigs. Hear me out but I feel like Rose would be a lot more femme than Russel (or at least more femme than he’s allowed to be). Russel prides himself on being educated, well-spoken, and fashionable, and I feel like that standard would be higher as a woman (especially being a fat black woman in the early 2000s). So I think she’d be very conscious about her image— she’d probably be everything Russel wishes he could be. However, she’d get very down on herself when she can’t reach that standard of perfectionism when she’s really depressed.
* Russel being put on a pedestal as “the only responsible caretaker” would be cranked to 1000. Though, besides Rose being an über-perfectionist, I think her and Udon’s relationship would ultimately remain unchanged. They’d still be very close even through all the lows
* Rose criticizes Murdina and 2D for their lack of hygiene and sitting with their legs spread— she puts forth that she doesn’t believe in tearing down other women but once in a while she lets it slip that she thinks they’re sluts. She’s also a repressed lesbian but she’ll figure that out eventually
* Murdina, on the other hand, has no qualms with tearing down other women and resents 2D for being considered “the pretty one” (which I fully believe Murdoc already does, but the media doesn’t pit men against each other in terms of looks quite as much, don’t they? 🙃)
* On a darker note, and this might be a hot take I guess, but I feel like Murdina’s MO would be less physical and more psychological. If Murdoc/Murdina wants to hold power over 2D, they’d have to do it in a way where people are going to turn a blind eye. It’s not that big a deal for men to push each other around and hit each other, but it’s considered more unusual for women to physically fight in public. Murdoc still tries to get in 2D’s head and Murdina would still swat her occasionally but I just think Murdina would have had decades of practice in psychological warfare
* In the same vein 2D would have to fight back in the same way. I feel like she’d give her backhanded compliments in interviews— like “I always admired that you don’t give in to the pressure to get a nose job :)”— and Murdina can only sit there fuming because she can’t throw a table.
* 2D would have very little tolerance for men because they expect/want her to go along with anything since they think she’s stupid, but she wouldn’t take it. But I also don’t think she’d be particularly clever on the fly so when some guy is trying to make her look stupid she just throws things at them (which Murdina would kinda respect)
* I also think 2D already cries easily but girl 2D cries at any provocation so not only is she whaling on you with her bony fists but she’s also crying. Category 5 white woman moment
* Udon is a weird one and I don’t have as many thoughts about him, unfortunately. Like he’s still a former child soldier, fighting his way out of hell, killing zombies in his own home, and bearing witness to psychological warfare within his band, but I guess now he doesn’t have interviewers asking him if he’s drawn anatomically correct.
* I guess interestingly, here is where Kat and I had differing opinions. Cuz I think 2D and Udon wouldn’t be as close but they don’t think their relationship would be any different, so I don’t know, I’m not dead-set on my take
* I already think Noodle has a hard time being vulnerable and I think part of it is because she takes after Murdoc in that aspect, partially because she feels like she has to prove herself as the only girl. Udon would likely be the same way but maybe for different reasons? Perhaps seeing the way Murdina gets into peoples heads would make him keep his distance, though Rose and 2D’s influence would keep him from being too cold.
* I’m sure there’d probably be “concern” that he doesn’t have a proper masculine influence in his life when he’s like 14 and wants to paint his nails but idk, when 3 disaster bachelors took in a random little girl and put her to work, no one seemed too concerned
* I can literally name like 4 different pieces of media about 3 disaster bachelors taking care of a baby but I can’t name a single story about 3 disaster women raising a kid together so that’s probably why I have a hard time thinking of what to do with Udon
* Sorry if these are kinda depressing, I do have funnier scenarios if people wanna hear them. Or darker ones if you want to peep the horror
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poltergeistsoup · 2 years
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These are the worst people I know @gokutitties @alicepalmersnokia
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pissjesus · 2 years
Russel and murdoc for both
Absolutely cursed ugh your huge juicy brain
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I’ve said once and I’ll say it again: they’re divorced
Enemies meme
* Everyone thinks 2D and Murdoc fight the most but 2D doesn’t like to fight so it’s mostly one sided— Russel and Murdoc absolutely fight the most
* Murdoc doesn’t *hate* Russel on a personal level, at least not anymore. He used to “hate everyone, and himself equally” as Russel says in the Apex Tapes, but now he’s a bit more agreeable and is more antagonistic than hateful.
* Russel, however, has very little patience for Murdoc’s bullshit
* Murdoc’s pretty scrappy but Russel can take him out with one blow, so Murdoc now (usually) knows better than to pick fights with Russel he can’t win
* Russel is soft-spoken by nature and rarely raises his voice— except towards Murdoc
* They reconcile for the sake of the music and also for Noodle, and over the years they’ve gotten better at it.
* Murdoc goes to Russel for serious problems because Russel won’t bullshit him, and Russel respects him more for admitting these things
* They both experience psychotic symptoms and help each other through them since they can understand what the other is going through
Ship meme
* Russel and Murdoc is the worst combo when it comes to having to share a bed because they’re both so sweaty and take up so much space. Spooning sounds fun in concept only
* Russel can’t really borrow anything of Murdoc’s but even if he did, he wouldn’t want to. Murdoc steals Russel’s shirts when all his laundry is too dirty for even him to tolerate
* Russel gave Murdoc the nickname Muds (which I love) and primarily calls him that, though sometimes will tweak it to “Mudsy Baby” but only if he’s being passive-aggressive or sarcastic. Murdoc throws “love” and “sweetheart” around, or addresses him as “Russel Love” or “Russel Baby.” He’ll also refer to Russel as “my wife”
* They show they care by doing things for each other without being asked, like Murdoc will order takeout for Russel if he’s been in a depressive slump and Russel will help pull Murdoc away from situations where he’s getting angry and needs to blow off steam somewhere else
* They don’t really “confess” anything so much as have an unspoken arrangement, but if one of them were to initiate anything, it’d probably be Murdoc
* Russel doesn’t *scream* over bugs but he doesn’t like them and would get one of the others to take care of it if he has a choice. Murdoc has no problem with bugs but unfortunately he’s more likely to pick it up and chase Russel with it than kill it
* They’re both the primary drivers in the band, but they hate the way the other drives. Murdoc thinks Russel drives too slow and hesitates too much when he has to merge so they miss exits, and Russel hates everything about the way Murdoc drives. However, Murdoc is somehow the only one that knows how to parallel park
* Russel actually enjoys cooking and likes trying new things. Murdoc can’t cook for shit, but he’s also basically banned from doing so. Whenever he offers to “help” Russel it’s just an excuse to pester him the whole time because he’s bored. However, he has Murdoc try things because he’s not picky like 2D and won’t just tell him it’s good if it isn’t like Noodle.
* Neither of them like PDA and would certainly not be caught *dead* being affectionate with each other, but Murdoc would kiss Russel antagonistically like Bugs Bunny
* Russel knows Murdoc is a whore and wouldn’t expect otherwise— if anything he’s like “please take him off my hands.” Murdoc has no reason to be “protective” of Russel but he tends to have attachment issues in general and feels threatened when he feels like the others could leave him
* Russel hasn’t really had any long-term relationships and doesn’t seek hook-ups like 2D and Murdoc (until Cello enters the picture yes I’m still working on the fic). He actually loved Del and has never really gotten over losing him— the first time when he was killed, and the second time when he was exorcised from him. Though he has a lot of grief from Del being exorcised, he also has a lot of anxiety and shame around intimacy because having Del possess him meant his thoughts and feelings were never truly private.
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pissjesus · 2 years
my head cannon is that 2D is mboyfrend :}
My headcanon is that 2D is my shivering greyhound that was supposed to be a therapy dog but was too anxious and needs his own therapy dog and a turtleneck
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pissjesus · 2 years
white green pink
We’re like Bonnie and Clyde if they had huge bazoongaladonkaloos <3
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pissjesus · 2 years
in ROTO, there's something so wonderful about the fact that murdoc's reasoning for not killing noodle is that "they're gorillaz!", so he can't do that. but at the same time he saw that noodle wanted a break, and not knowing if she'd ever come back, he planned her escape and promised it would be no strings attached. he gave her the control to come back if she wanted.
he couldnt kill her because she's gorillaz, but he let her leave because she's family :')
and they turned that. into. him purposefully trying to kill her. what.
I know the your point is mostly about Murdoc, but @alicepalmersnokia and I were talking about this and she made a really interesting point about Noodle in this arc. If she wanted a break she could have just told the band and 2D and Russel would surely accommodate her, but the fact that she went to Murdoc with a plan to fake her death is so strange and specific it must say something about her as a person.
She assessed that Noodle seems like the type of person who doesn’t always consider other peoples feelings. Not maliciously, like Murdoc, but because it simply doesn’t occur to her. When she wants to do something a certain way, it makes sense to her, and surely everyone else will see it her way once she explains it to them.
Her logic:
-The only surefire way to remove myself from the public eye and avoid media speculation about me is to fake my own death
Russel wouldn’t agree to it, so I don’t tell him
2D can’t keep a secret, so I don’t tell him
Murdoc will help me execute this plan and will keep a secret, so I will have him help me
When I’m ready to come back, I will explain this reasoning to 2D and Russel and they will forgive me, or at the very least, will scapegoat Murdoc for orchestrating it
Which I find FAR more interesting than Noodle being the moral compass of the group because she’s the Girl, since so many characters who are the Girl are victim to shitty writing because they don’t get written beyond Girl.
Not to mention, what does Murdoc keeping her secret say about him? It’s not clear whether he actually knew if she survived or not, but by explaining her involvement in the plan he could brush some of the blame off himself—though it doesn’t seem like he does. If he keeps her involvement a secret, is it because he still wants to protect her privacy, or because he’s used to being the cause of misfortune and wants to spare her from getting in trouble too, maybe both? Either way, the El Mañana incident is caused by a pretty twisted plan between the two of them.
Retconning this saying Murdoc intentionally tried to get rid of her completely erases everything interesting about them in this arc. It takes away any agency Noodle has in this operation so now it’s just something that happens *to* her rather than letting her actively impact the story.
Although Murdoc is an unreliable narrator so he can kind of just say anything and it doesn’t really matter, it’s just a disappointing direction to take. I’m fine with *Murdoc* saying the rest of the band are “mere appendages” and bad-mouthing Noodle’s art because he’s a liar, but I don’t buy it coming from the writers/Jamie.
Plus if just feels shitty to have Murdoc care so little about Noodle— the fact that Noodle put a lot of trust in Murdoc that he would ensure she made it out safely— there must be a reason she trusted him this much
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pissjesus · 2 years
Tagged by @maybe-im-dark in a game where I give a song for each letter of my url and then tag as many people as there are letters:
P- Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode
I- I Am The Mud by Cheap Teeth
S- Shambala by Three Dog Night
S- Stuck in the Middle With You by Stealers Wheel
J- Joseph by Autoheart
E- Eclipse by Moon Byul
S- SHUM by Go_A
U- Up to No Good by the Hoosiers
S- St. James Infirmary by Cab Calloway
Tagging: @alicepalmersnokia @plastickatz @yellowginghamdream @gryphonfingers @cottagecwhores @gokutitties @electoons @extimetraveller @flannel-goth
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pissjesus · 2 years
Anytime I see that “I wonder what I taste like” meme, I think of Siggy and Murdoc. 💀
MY CO-CONSPIRATOR @alicepalmersnokia LITERALLY SAID THE SAME THING LAST NIGHT vagjdjdkfkoll definitely have to include that in the next doodle page then 👁👄👁
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bisexualchucky -> alicepalmersnokia
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