katrinaxbeauford · 4 months
closed starter for @alicexcheng
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There was long pause after Katrina finished her story, and as every second passed, it was becoming more and more clear that Alice had completely tuned her out. "You didn't hear a word of what I just said, did you?" There was no malice in her voice, just amusement as Katrina raised a hand to wave it between the other woman and the store window that Alice was intently peering into. She followed the other's gaze, trying to figure out exactly what had caught her friend's attention so fully.
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gavin-carrigan · 24 days
💫 a late night text ( alice )
Gavin: So I can't sleep. Gavin: Feel like grabbing some late night food and just hanging out for a bit? Gavin: I think I just miss you too. @alicexcheng
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caleb-majhi · 4 months
CLOSED STARTER for @alicexcheng
"Grab your beer, the dart board just opened up."
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Caleb doesn't bother politely requesting that Alice follow him to the other side of The Reef. They're well past the need for pleasantries, and Caleb's about three beers in, so the small talk falls to the wayside. He wants to play a game of darts, and he wants Alice to be his competition.
Mostly because Caleb thinks she might just provide him enough of a challenge to keep it entertaining, and if not for the game then perhaps the conversation. He hands three white darts to her.
"You know how to play, right?"
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🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent ( alice )
Colton: We should get drunk again like in that PARDI Gras party. Wear the bombshell wig too!!! But you're NEVER allowed to dance on the bar again. EVER. At least without me!
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aurorabayrpg · 3 months
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the following have 24 hours to post the minimum of 3 ic posts or to contact the main, or their faceclaims will be reopened:
the following have ended their hiatus and have 48 hours to make 3 ic posts or contact the main or will be unfollowed:
the hiatus list has been updated
admin note: due to the holiday weekend this week, we have decided to forego activity check next monday, july 8. please note though, we will still be doing checks for those coming off hiatus
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Platonic connection
 [GAVIN CARRIGAN (SAM CLAFLIN)] is looking for their [ BEST FRIEND/LOVE INTEREST]. They are [32- 34], and look an awful lot like [SUKI WATERHOUSE, MONICA BARBARO, JURNEE SMOLLETT, BELLA HEATHCOTE, UTP]. Muns [DO] have to contact mun before applying.
Gavin and this person have always seemed to connect at the wrong times. They’ve been best friends and yet for as long as he can remember Gavin had been in love with them. There was just never a right time to say. Whenever he was about to admit to his feelings something got in the way. Whether it was his obligations to his band, finding out he was gonna be a dad, his best friends wedding/or possible wedding; nothing ever clicked. The closest he got was asking her to move to LA with him but it never but even that had fallen through. Now that he’s getting divorced Gavin hopes he can finally build up the courage to confess finally. He might have a lot going on romantically but this is the person he wants to be with at the end of the day. 
Taken by @alicexcheng
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caleb-majhi · 4 months
🤔 THINKING FACE — what three emotions tend to dominate your mindset? do you know why they do?
"Pride, contentment, and annoyance. Not all at once. Pride when I finish a job well, contentment when I'm home or out on the dock fishing with Quincy, and annoyance when certain thorns in my side decide to be extra annoying some days."
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@quincyxkeats @chelsabel @alicexcheng
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gavin-carrigan · 10 days
eavesdrop + Alice
Gavin continued to pace back and forth in his kitchen, he was pretty sure if the tile wasn't good quality you would have seen a foot path across the surface. He had this conversation once before, but it was one he didn't want to keep having. Once had been enough to prove that while his ex had been the one to have cheated, he was the one who had been in love with someone else too. They both had guilt on their shoulders.
" I don't want to talk about this. I called to talk about Bennie " Gavin sighed. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he could feel a migraine starting to form. It wasn't the time to have this sort of a talk with her. " I just wanted to ask if it was okay for me to take him to the carnival. " He stated further, feeling as though he wasn't being listened to, quick statements kept being interjected in between his former spouses comments, just so he could get a word in.
" She might be there. I haven't asked her yet. " It was clear the conversation was staying on the woman in question and it wouldn't be dropped until Gavin gave her what she wanted or maybe didn't want to hear. "She's my best friend. I don't think it would be unheard of for me to spend time with her"
We both know she's not just your best friend
The statement echoed in his head. It was true but he just hadn't put it out there. Was he even ready to admit to this sort of a thing?
" Doesn't matter. " He replied pausing in front of his kitchen island. For the first time he'd stopped his pacing and took in really what his ex wife had said. " It doesn't matter because she doesn't feel the same way. " Or at least he didn't think she did. He wanted the topic to change and he didn't know how to get it to. It didn't matter that every time she smiled it made Gavins heart beat faster. That he wanted to do whatever it took to get to capture that smile again. It didn't matter because at the end of the day they were just friends.
" Listen. If I see her there, were just gonna spend some time together, its not a date. I just want to spend some time with my son, and if I see Alice there, I'm going to spend time with her too. Whatever I feel about her, is not important to this conversation. It wasn't what broke our marriage up. " @alicexcheng
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