paulfwesley · 5 years
Lost and Found - an Ethan Ramsey x MC fanfic
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Claire King).
Chapter Rating: T
Word Count: 3000+
Description: Claire’s friends suspect that she’s dating someone and want to know who. They come up with a good plan to try and figure out who.
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices’ Open Heart. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Claire King’s background is my own creation, based off of MC in-game’s personality.
Author’s Note: Hello! This is my first Open Heart and Ethan Ramsey fanfic. This is an Ethan x MC fanfic in the sense that Claire is pursuing Ethan, but it circles mostly around her friends. Please let me know what you think!
Claire feels the chest underneath her head shift, and she groans in protest, turning her face so she’s burying her face in his chest. Ethan runs his hand delicately along her bedraggled blonde hair. “Claire,” he whispers her name.
“No,” she mumbles, snuggling closer to him. The sunlight hits her eyes, and she furrows her brows. She lazily opens her eyes, and the alarm bells go off when she realizes that it’s day. “Oh my God,” she stutters, throwing herself off of Ethan’s chest. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, watching her naked body slip out of the sheets. She leans down and picks up her bra. She slides it on hastily and jumps out of bed. 
“I’m not supposed to spend the night,” she says quickly. She searches for her panties on the floor and finds them under the bed. How the hell had they gotten under the bed? Whatever. 
“It’s okay, Claire,” Ethan insists. “Really, it’s fine.”
“I know, I know,” Claire says, and she shrugs her panties on and then reaches for her shirt that Ethan had tossed across the room last night. “I just… I can’t be late.”
“I’m sure it’ll be okay,” he assures her. He raises his brows at her. “Something tells me that your attending will be okay with it.”
She winces at the reminder that Ethan is in fact, still just Dr. Ramsey while they’re at the hospital. After winning her trial in regards to Mrs. Martinez, she and Ethan tried being just colleagues. Clearly they failed, but they decided to keep things quiet, at least until she finished her residency. At that point she’ll become a senior fellow and be studying to become an attending, so at least she and Ethan will be on a more even professional level. Hopefully people won’t be so judgy at that point. There’s the little detail that she’s still on his diagnostics team, but hopefully they’ll become one of those power doctor couples, like Derek Shepherd and Meredith Grey.
“It’s not that,” she says, but she’s giving him a cute smile, which he mirrors at the sight of hers. “I didn’t come home last night. I always come home before my roommates wake up.” She walks over to his side of the bed (she still feels a tingle in her stomach when she refers to Ethan’s bed as having sides, because that implies that she has a claim over half of his bed) and looks for her jeans. “Shit, where are my pants?”
“I think you lost them somewhere in the living room,” he answers, pointing to the doorway. “Why is it so important to go home before your roommates wake up?”
“Because they don’t know that we’re together,” she explains. She runs out of the room and finds her pants on the couch where Ethan had taken them off. She grabs them and starts pulling them on as she runs back to Ethan’s room. He’s still lying in bed, all naked and sexy and sleep-tousled. All she wants to do is crawl into bed next to him and pick off where they left off last night, but she’ll be really late. “And they can’t know that we’re together.” She hopes on one foot as she puts her legs through the holes. “If I come home in broad daylight, they’ll ask questions. More and more until I cave and answer and then this?” She gestures between the two of them. “Will be done. And I can’t let this be done.” She buttons her jeans. Claire grabs her watch off of the side table. “Shit, I can’t make it back home in time to change my clothes.” She slides the watch onto her wrist. “I’ll just change into my scrubs at the hospital.” 
Ethan grabs her wrist and pulls him to his chest. Claire protests but she’s giggling as he drops open mouth kisses to her throat. “You don’t have to go anywhere,” he murmurs against her skin. “You can stay right here. I can put in a good word for you with your boss.”
 He moves lower down her chest, his lips hot and hard. Claire tips her head back and lets out a moan. She dips her head and kisses him, long and hard. Over and over again. Ethan’s fingers creep up her shirt and he’s about to pull it off, but Claire comes back to her senses. She laughs and pulls away from him, moving his hand away from her shirt. “I really have to go.” She kisses him one last time before finally tearing away from him. She pats his cheek. “I’ll see you at the hospital.”
“Five, four, three, two, one!” Elijah says, pointing to the doorway. 
“Elijah, you’ve done that four times now,” Jackie points out, pulling a banana out of her locker. “She’s not going to walk through that door before rounds start.”
“You don’t know that!” Elijah protests. He wheels over to Sienna. “She could be walking through the hospital right now.”
“I’m telling you, it’s gonna be the walk of shame.” Bryce pulls his scrub top on. “Claire is never late to work. I bet you it’s because she got lucky last night.”
“You know, she has been acting weird lately,” Sienna says from her spot on the bench. “Maybe she is seeing someone.”
“‘Seeing someone’ isn’t the phrase I used,” Bryce points out. He bends down to tie his shoelace.
Jackie frowns at him. “What are you even doing here, scalpel jockey? This part of the hospital is reserved for those who can talk to their patients for longer than the five minutes before they’re put under anesthesia.” 
Bryce gives her an unimpressed look. “I’m here to enjoy the Walk of Shame: Claire King edition, just like the rest of you.”
“So what if she’s seeing someone and having sex with them?” Sienna wonders. “There’s nothing wrong with that. She’s an adult. If anything as her friends we should be happy and supportive.”
“We’re not saying that, Sienna,” Bryce says. He leans against the locker beside Jackie. “I’m just saying that she’s clearly dating someone that she doesn’t want us to know.”
“What makes you say that?” Elijah asks.
“If she didn’t have a problem with us knowing who she’s dating, she’d tell us,” Bryce points out. “The fact that she’s not, that she’s sneaking around, coming home late, being late for work, means she doesn’t want us to know who it is.”
“So you think she’s having scandalous sex?” Jackie wonders. “Maybe it’s a gynie.”
Bryce scoffs. “Please, Claire has more standards than to resign herself to someone from the vagina squad.”
“Well then who could it be?” Elijah wonders. 
Bryce’s brow is furrowed, then his eyes light up and he claps his hands. “All right, first person who finds out who Claire’s dating gets fifty bucks from the rest of us.”
“Fifty bucks, huh?” Jackie rubs her chin, then nods. “What the hell? I’m in.”
“Me too!” Sienna says. “It’ll be fun to get Claire to open up to one of us.”
“Fifty bucks is fifty bucks,” Elijah says. He cracks his knuckles. “You’re all about to fifty bucks poorer.”
“So we’re on?” Bryce clarifies.
“We’re on,” they all chorus, and just in time too, because Claire comes barreling through into the locker room. Her blue eyes are wide and wild and her hair is sticking up in different directions, and from the looks of it she’s still wearing her clothes from the previous day. Her friends all swallow their knowing smiles and turn away as she screeches to a stop in front of her locker. 
“Have Zaid and Ines showed up yet?” She asks hastily. She pulls her top over her head and tosses it into the locker, then grabs her scrub top. 
“No, you’re good,” Jackie answers. She crosses her arms over her chest and looks over to her roommates, who are all staring at Claire. Jackie clears her throat and asks, “So where were you last night?”
Claire pauses for a second but then she resumes pulling her pants on. “I was out late.”
“So late you didn’t come home?” Elijah asks.
“I came home,” she lies swiftly. She grabs her lab coat and pulls it on. She takes her stethoscope out of her pocket and wraps it around her neck. She lets out a low growl of frustration as she shifts things around in her locker. “Where the hell is it?”
“Where the hell is what?” Bryce wonders.
“My blue scrunchie,” Claire answers. She looks over her shoulder at her friends. They’re all staring at her strangely, but she ignores it. “My favourite blue scrunchie? I always wear it. It’s the only thing that can keep my hair out of my face properly.”
“Sorry, don’t know,” Sienna replies with a raise of her shoulder.
“Damn it,” Claire curses. She peeks into her locker again, but their pages all go off. 
“Incoming trauma,” Elijah says what all their pagers say. He tucks his back into his pocket. “Let’s go.” 
Most of the incoming traumas are surgical cases resulting from a multiple car pile up, so the diagnostic interns let the surgical intern take the patients. Instead the rest of them check on the patients whose injuries aren’t surgical, who need stitches or bump checks or concussion exams. By the time they’re done, Claire heads to a quiet hall and slumps against the wall, dropping down to sit. 
After a minute or so Elijah appears, stopping his wheelchair in front of Claire. “That was a doozy, huh?”
“Yeah,” Claire mumbles. Her stomach growls, and she rubs at the gnawing pain. She missed her breakfast and a quick glance down at her watch shows it to be almost eleven. 
“So are you dating somebody?” Elijah asks bluntly.
Claire blinks at him. Several alarm bells are going off in her head. Does he know? Does he know somehow? She and Ethan have been so careful! “What?” 
“You just… you didn’t come home last night,” Elijah replies sheepishly. He figured that a direct approach would be the best one, but judging on the offended look on Claire’s face she doesn’t appreciate it. “And I know you’re lying, because I spent the night passed out on the couch after reading a medical journal. I didn’t hear anyone come in or out.” 
“So the only conclusion is that I’m sleeping with someone?” she asks. “What if I went to go visit a friend?”
Elijah gives her a look. “Claire, you practically live at this hospital. You don’t have any other friends.”
“Ow,” she says, holding out her hands in offence. “That may be true but no need to just put it out there like that.”
“Sorry,” Elijah mumbles. “Are you, though?”
Before Claire can think of an excuse to give him, her pager beeps. She lifts it to her face to see that it’s in fact her boyfriend Ethan Ramsey paging her. She pushes herself off of the ground. “Gotta go, Dr. Ramsey’s paging me.”
“Oh, okay,” Elijah says as she walks around him. He turns his wheelchair around. “Hey, maybe we can continue this talk-”
But Claire’s already gone, lost in the sea of other medical practitioners down the hall.
Damn. He’s going to be fifty bucks poorer, huh?
Ethan had paged her to debrief her on a new case (and okay, to sneak a few kisses here and there in his private office) but once they’re done Claire decides to get some lunch before afternoon rounds. She missed breakfast because she slept over at Ethan’s and then didn’t have the time to grab anything. It’s been a year but she’s still not one hundred percent behind the hospital food, but she has no choice. She stands in line and grabs a sandwich, a salad, and an apple. She pays for her meal and then collapsing at a table.
Claire’s about to dig in when Sienna slides in the seat next to her. “Hello, sunshine!” she greets brightly. 
Claire holds up a finger. “Wait.” She picks up her sandwich and takes a large bite. She chews and then swallows, then nods and turns to her friend. “Okay, now I can talk.”
Sienna giggles, picking up her own fork. “Hungry today, are we?”
“Starving.” She takes another bite. “I didn’t have breakfast this morning.”
Sienna perks up. Perfect segway. She twirls her fork around in her hand a couple of times and asks, “Why not?”
Claire freezes momentarily but recovers quickly and takes a sip of her water. “Running late for rounds. Just didn’t have the time.”
“Why were you running late?” she asks. She scoots her chair closer to Claire, and Claire frowns and pulls away from Sienna a bit. 
She looks Sienna up and down. “Personal space, please?” 
Sienna pouts but moves away from Claire. “Okay, will you answer me now?”
“I was just caught in traffic,” Claire lies quickly. She picks up her fork and jabs at her salad. “Nothing else.”
“Really?” Sienna whispers. She leans close to Claire again. “You can tell me, you know.”
Claire, intrigued, also leans forward a bit. “Tell you what?”
“If you’re seeing someone!”
Claire drops her fork in surprise. “What?” 
“I’ve been wondering for a while now. If you’ve been seeing someone. You’ve been a lot happier than you’ve been in a while. I was just wondering who.”
Was she and Ethan really that bad at hiding their relationship? Maybe not, because as far as she knows it’s only Claire that’s being asked about her relationship status. 
She opens her mouth to try and come up with a good lie when someone slams a tray down next to them. Both she and Sienna jump in surprise, and then look up to see Ines and Zaid sitting down at their table. 
“Claire! Sienna! Mind if we join you?” Ines asks, already scooting her chair into the table.
“For the record I wanted to sit elsewhere,” Zaid volunteers without anyone asking. He picks up his spoon and picks up some soup, slurping on it gently. 
Ines swats his shoulder. “Zaid, manners!” she scolds, but she turns back to Claire and Sienna. “Anyways, I wanted an update on your patient in room 324.” 
Claire lets out a relieved sigh and dives into the information on Kelly Long, the patient in room 324. She’d dodged yet another bullet.
After lunch are the afternoon rounds, and Claire has hers with Jackie which frankly she’s relieved about. After her stressful trauma morning and then Elijah and Sienna hinting that they may know that she’s dating Ethan, she’s glad to have Jackie by her side, who never pries into her personal life. 
They’re walking side by side, charts in their arms, when all of a sudden Jackie asks, “Do you think Bryce is hot?”
Claire fumbles with the files in her arms in surprise. “Why? Are you interested in him?”
“What?” Jackie scoffs. “God no. Too much penis for me.”
Claire chuckles. “Then why are you asking?”
“I’m asking for you,” Jackie clarifies, and Claire’s face drops. “Do you think he’s hot?”
“Did Bryce ask you to ask me that?” Claire wonders. Her stomach squeezes at the thought. Sure, she made out with Bryce her first day as an intern, but after that the two had become good friends, and then she fell for Ethan and made sure Bryce knew that what they had between them was strictly platonic. Or so she thought. 
“Oh, no,” Jackie backsteps. 
Claire sighs in relief. “Good. Bryce and I are just friends.”
“Good to know,” Jackie says with a smirk. “I can cross him off, then.”
“Cross him off what?”
“The list that I made about who you’re hooking up with,” Jackie answers.
Claire whips her head to look at her in surprise. “Excu-” she starts, but she’s cut off by the sound of her smacking right into wall. She drops all the charts in her hands, and the papers fly out everywhere. Her nose gushes blood, and she pinches it to keep more from coming out. 
Jackie makes a face. “Ooh, that’s got to hurt.”
Claire stares at Jackie in disbelief and lets out a tiny groan of pain.
Claire winces as Bryce pulls on a pair of gloves. “Come on it’s not that bad, you big baby,” he says with an eye roll. He grabs the forceps in the kit next to him, and then uses it to pick up a piece of gauze. 
“Is it broken?” She asks. She really doesn’t want to go home to Ethan with a broken nose. Having a broken nose would really deter the hot sex she’s anticipating tonight. Broken noses are not sexy. 
“I don’t think so.” He blots at the blood around her nose. “The blood’s already stopped, so it’s probably just bruised.”
“Thank you, doctor,” she says with a silly grin, but that grin contorts as he dabs at a particularly sensitive part. “Ow.”
“Sorry,” he says. He pauses to move some hair strands out of her face. 
She groans and tucks her hair around her ears. “Sorry. I can’t find my damn scrunchie.”
“Did you check the lost and found?”
“No, but I should.” She winces again when he wipes under her nose. “Ow!”
“Sorry!” Bryce says again. “How’d this happen, anyways?”
“Ran into a wall while talking to Jackie,” she replies. “I was surprised by what she said, and I wasn’t paying attention, so I ran into the wall.”
“Surprised by what she said?” Bryce repeats, and his mind goes to the bet that he and his roommates made earlier in the day. Damn it. Jackie was at least getting somewhere if Claire was so surprised by what she said she ran into a damn wall. 
“She asked me a question,” Claire clarifies. “I wasn’t expecting it. Ergo, nose bleed.”
He drops the forceps and used gauze into the metal bin. “Okay, so I don’t think you need an x-ray. There was minimal blood and minimal bruising, so I think you’re good.” 
“Great,” Claire says. She hops off of the exam table. “I’m going to go get a pain meds prescription.”
She heads towards the door, and Bryce realizes that this may be his only opportunity to find out who she’s dating. So he blurts out, “Wanna have sex?”
Claire pauses with her hand on the door. She looks over her shoulder at Bryce. “Excuse me?”
He nods around at the empty exam room. “There’s nobody in here, will probably be no one in here for a while.” He looks behind him at the exam table and gestures to it. “There’s a bed.” He looks back over at Claire. “Wanna have sex?”
Claire furrows her brows at him. “Bryce, I’m gonna say this as nicely as possible.” She turns to face him and puts her hands in her pockets. “I’m not interested. I only like you as a friend.”
“And you’re seeing someone,” Bryce adds.
“And I’m seeing someone,” Claire nods, and she realizes the mistake she’s made. Her eyes widen and her hand flies to her mouth. 
“Ah hah!” Bryce points to her with his finger. “Who are you sleeping with?”
She drops her hand from her mouth. “So not your business!” She opens the door and storms out, shutting the door behind her. 
Stupid! Stupid! She thinks to herself as she strides down the hall. She was so close to accidentally revealing her relationship with Ethan. Multiple times! In one day. Ugh, she never should’ve been late for work this morning. That was the last time she stays over at Ethan’s. 
And she still misses her scrunchie.
It’s the end of the day, and all of the interns are hanging out on the stairs by the nurse’s station. Claire is standing at the nurses station, scribbling something down in a chart. She looks up at her group of friends, then turns her nose up and looks away from them. 
“I guess we deserve that,” Bryce says, leaning against the rail. 
“You’re not the one who accidentally made her break her nose,” Jackie mumbles, sipping from a juice box she stole from a patient’s tray. 
“So did anybody end up finding out?” Sienna asks. 
“I didn’t get anywhere,” Elijah says. “You?”
They all shake their heads. “I really thought I’d get her to open up,” Sienna says. “We’re dolphins!”
“I don’t know what that means, but it would’ve been nice to have something to tease her about,” Bryce says. “I wonder who it is, though.”
Claire peers up at her friends sitting at the bottom of the staircase. She shakes her head at them and hands the chart to the nurse. She pockets her pen and then stalks over to them. “I don’t know what got into everyone today,” Claire starts. “But my personal life is off limits to you guys. You’re all my people, my family,” she continues. “But that doesn’t mean I have to tell you all the details of what or who,” she gives them all a pointed look. “I do in my private time.” She crosses her arms over her chest. “I love you all. But what I’ve got going on with this person is fragile and new and I don’t want to mess it up or jinx it. So please.” She clasps her hands in a prayer position. “If any of you care about me like I hope you do, you’ll keep your noses in your own business. Are we clear?”
A wave of shame crosses the face of her roommates in turn. They all shift uncomfortably but eventually nod. 
“Good,” she says.
Just then, Dr. Ramsey passes by the group. He nods at them all as he does, coming to a stop next to Claire. “What’s going on?” 
“Nothing,” they all chorus.
“Nothing? Really?” he repeats. He glares at them all, including Claire, but she knows that his annoyance at her is just for show-mostly. “This is a hospital. There is always something going on. And if there’s not, then why are you hanging around here, on the stairs?” He waves at them and then places his hand in his pocket. “Go!”
They all scramble to their feet, and Claire moves to follow her friends. Claire looks over her shoulder at Ethan, just in time to see him bring his hand out of his pocket, holding… 
Her eyes widen to the size of saucers and her eyes shoot up to her forehead. “The hell?” Ethan says as he examines what’s in his hand. 
Bryce, Jackie, Sienna, and Elijah all also turn to see what’s got Dr. Ramsey so perplexed, and their jaws all drop comically at the same time at the sight. 
Ethan shakes his head and holds the thing out to Claire. “King, drop whatever this is off to lost and found on your way home.” 
Claire swallows back her dread as she takes her blue scrunchie out of Ethan’s hand. Now that it’s back in her hand, the memory of where it went floods her mind. She and Ethan had been fooling around in a supply closet, and he pulled her scrunchie out of her hair to run his fingers through it. She’d thought it was so hot, and then she reattached her lips to his. “Of course, Dr. Ramsey,” She stammers. 
He smiles at her and pats her on the arm before walking down the hall. Slowly, Claire turns around to face her friends, the dread and horror unable to leave her face. 
They’re all staring at her with a look she’s sure she has on her face right now, but they’ve also got confusion mixed with it. 
They all stand there for one minute. Then two. Then three. 
Finally, Bryce opens his mouth. “So who’s getting the fifty bucks?”
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paulfwesley · 4 years
I Now Pronounce You (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Claire King).
Chapter Rating: T
Word Count: 780.
Description: During a quiet night in, Ethan asks Claire a question. 
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices’ Open Heart. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Claire King’s background is my own creation, based off of MC in-game’s personality.
Author’s Note: This is just a little ficlet that’s been in the back of my mind that I’ve been wanting to write and then today’s chapter with the marriage conversation happened and I had to write it down lmao.
Claire King curled up on Ethan’s couch, a blanket wrapped snugly around her legs. Jenner sat in her lap, softly snoring. She tore her eyes away from the T.V. long enough to look to her left to see Ethan walking towards her, a mug of steaming tea in both hands. She smiled and gratefully accepted her mug. “Thanks,” she said before immediately returning her attention to the T.V.
Ethan took one glance at the screen and sighed, shaking his head. “I have no idea how you can watch that,” he said, taking a seat next to her. 
Claire automatically curled into his side as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Hey, don’t knock Grey’s Anatomy.”
“Nothing about it is real!” he argued, gesturing to the television with his mug.
Claire cocked a brow. “Oh? Nothing about it is real?” She playfully grinned at him. “What about the part where the attending falls in love with an intern?”
They stared at each other for a few seconds before Ethan finally looked away and sipped from his mug. With a smirk, she laced her fingers through his and turned back to the T.V.
Ethan glanced down at the glittering ring on her left finger, and a thought that had crossed his mind a few times before returned. He looked back at Claire and asked, “Hey, are you going to change your last name after we get married?”
The answer came faster than he anticipated. She didn’t even look away from the T.V. when replied, “Oh, no way.”
Wow. Ethan would be lying if that wasn’t a tiny blow to his ego. “Why? What’s wrong with the Ramsey name?”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with it,” she acknowledged. “The Ramseys are a good bunch. It’s just…” She hesitated, then said, “I don’t want to be Mrs. Dr. Ramsey. All and any accomplishments that I have are just gonna be compared to yours, if they’re not already. I want any research or breakthroughs I do to have my name on it, because it was Dr. King that did it, not another Dr. Ramsey. Besides.” She lifted a shoulder. “It was also Doctor King that discovered what was wrong with renowned diagnostician Dr. Banerji when he and another certain renowned diagnostician couldn’t.”
Ethan nodded. Okay, so that made sense. But what about… “What about hyphenating? Doctor Claire King-Ramsey. That way you still get to keep your name.”
Claire laughed. “Ha! And boost your already over-inflated ego by walking around and letting people call me, your wife, King Ramsey?” She shook her head. “I think not.” 
“How about the other way around?” He suggested. 
“Ramsey-King?” Claire mulled the words around in her head. “It’s better,” she finally said. She sat up a bit. “But why does it matter to you?”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“Why does it matter that I take your last name?” she wondered. “I would’ve thought something like that wouldn’t matter to you.”
“It doesn’t,” he said. “I don’t know. I guess I just still feel guilty for wasting so much of our time by insisting that we couldn’t be together, and now that we are getting married, I just wanted some sort of acknowledgement for all the waiting around you did.”
Her face softened, and she reached up to cup Ethan’s face. She ran her thumb along his cheekbone. “We’re getting married. It doesn’t matter how long it took us to get here. I’m just happy that we are.”
The corner of his mouth turned upwards, and he leaned over to press a sweet kiss to Claire’s lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said. She pecked his lips one more time before leaning back. “Wait a minute. I know why you want me to take your last name.”
“Oh? Why?”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You want all the other doctors to know I’m with you so they won’t flirt with me, don’t you?”
Once again, Ethan looked away and just sipped from his mug. “That would just be an added bonus.”
She shook her head at him before resting her head in the crook of his shoulder. They watched the show silently for a bit, Ethan rubbing circles on her arm with his thumb when he suddenly spoke. “Claire Ramsey-King has a nice ring to it.”
She scoffed. “Sure.”
“But so does Ethan Ramsey-King.”
At his words, Claire lifted her head to look at him. At the serious expression on his face, she smiled. “Mr. and Mrs. Doctor Ramsey-King,” she said again. “I love it.” 
When they met in the middle for another kiss, Claire knew she couldn’t be any happier. 
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