#alister; jimmyღ
lost-in-ivory · 6 years
@aspernamentum ღ
“I’m way too fucked up for this weird ass shit right now.” Ali said, watching a clown honk at her as he walked by. She turned her attention to Jimmy, “I’m fuckin’ starving, let’s get some food.”
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lost-in-ivory · 6 years
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking
Alister’s head was throbbing as she was suddenly woken by the need to vomit. Slowly, sitting up, she struggled to not upset her body further by one wrong move. It was a failed attempt, as she was jolting to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. How bad did she go last night? The brunette etched over to the sink and rinsed her mouth with water. It was the slight scrape of something on her finger that alerted her to look down at her hand. A small crystal diamond sat on her left ring finger, telling an incredibly story that she had no memory of. 
Her brows furrowed together as she slowly made her way back to the living room, now recollecting that she’d stayed over at Jimmy’s house. The entirety of what she had just emptied from her system was in a mess on his end table. Coke, alcohol, weed, pills... They were all lying there like nothing had happened. She turned to Jimmy on the bed where he slept and shook him awake, “Jimmy- what the hell did we do last night? Whose ring is this?” Most likely stolen.
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lost-in-ivory · 6 years
“I need your help, Jimmy-”
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// closed random starter for my love @aspernamentumღ //
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lost-in-ivory · 7 years
It had been one of the shittiest days that Alister had fought through in a long time. Every single thing went wrong right after the other. Losing an oz of weed on the subway, fought with the cashier at the gas station about leaving her bag at the door, stealing the wrong size shoe from the mall. Granted, the last wasn’t exactly the universe’s fault but it still put a damper in her day. It was only after Jimmy had stopped by that things had started to level out and now he was leaving so quick.
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“Hey- stay and do another line.”
//closed starter for @aspernamentum//
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