#aljaz skorejanez
strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Judi and Graziano - Charleston
I love Judi so much and she really put her all into the dance, but it might not be my favourite Charleston I’ve seen. Despite the style and theme, I almost wish they’d given Judi something that showcased her charisma and personality more. As much as I hate to admit it, craig was right with the lack of content because it didn’t have enough noticeable Charleston stuff. Yet, she never ceases to make me smile!
Dan and Nadiya - Foxtrot
I thought ballroom might have been more of Dan’s thing but it wasn’t... there were quite a lot of issues throughout. From mistakes, timing issues and problems with posture and lack of consistency, it didn’t feel right and it’s a shame. However, Nadiya looked gorgeous and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Sara and Aljaz - Samba
I was honestly worried about Sara and the samba because it’s a very hard dance. Yet, it was actually pretty decent. From the music and concept, it seemed perfect for her. She has this excitement and charisma that shined throughout and with so much content, she managed to keep up with Aljaz throughout and it was executed very well. Like I saw samba rolls, basic content and it was full of fun.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Sara Davies and Aljaz - Cha Cha
Honestly, when it comes to people like the dragons, I never expect much. Yet, Sara surprised me. At some points, it was a bit stop start and she could’ve done more with her hips. Yet, she oozed so much charisma and confidence that this dance needs. Despite her career, she has great musicality and you could see her feeling the music. With more work, she will be great.
Dan Walker and Nadiya - Quickstep
Considering that he is 6ft 6, I was actually quite impressed at how light on his feet he was. Apart from some issues with timing, he was quick and light moving across that floor and I actually think most of his footwork was pretty good considering it was week one. Also, with his height, his frame needs improving because with so much height, he might have a tendency to slouch for Nadiya but he has potential. I was shocked because I expected it to be awful.
Rose and Giovanni - Jive
Honestly, Rose is such an inspiration and I honestly, like I just can’t find anything wrong to say. It’s week one and she had bundles of personality and her technique was great as well. The flicks and kicks were sharp, her energy was always high and she had amazing musicality which helped the dance flow like it should. Rose should be so proud of herself.
Katie and Gorka - Tango
As expected, Katie channeled her inner actress and really shone in this dance dominating the floor like she had been doing it for ysars. Although there were some issues with consistency of her frame, this song is about the commitment and passion put into a story. I missed the first part because of a hair problem but I enjoyed watching it.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Strictly Dance Summaries - part 1
Max and Dianne - Jive
He had so much expectation after Jay. You could see that he enjoyed himself and tried his hardest because it was full of energy and so much fun, it just needed to be a little sharper and cleaner.
Clara and Aljaz - Viennese waltz
Apart from the few issues with the wardrobe, this was a nice change for Clara this week. It wasn’t as clean as I hoped and the posture wasn’t great but maybe because of her stress and stuff. However, she showed nice emotion and had the feel of the dance. Also, but upset that I don’t think I saw a proper fleckle.
Bill and Oti - quickstep
After last week, oh my gosh, I just can’t describe how good Bill was this week. He was light on his feet, quick and his frame and steps were all so good for a dance so fast. Like it’s worlds away from last week and I just couldn’t find faults from the footwork to the frame.
JJ and Amy - paso Doble
Apart from the small timing issues and sometimes hunching in the frame, this was another great dance from JJ. The paso is all about shaping and passion and he had this both. They were so elegant and magnificent which is something men always struggle with. I’m so proud of JJ because he danced his heart out and immersed himself in the dance.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Dances Part 3
Ranvir and Gio - Foxtrot
Out of everyone, Ranvir never ceases to amaze me whenever she gets on that dance floor. Once again, Gio let her take the entire stage and she really exuded confidence and it was almost as if she was a completely different person. If her character wasn’t good enough, I can’t explain how good her actual dancing was. From her frame, her steps and her body. She was so elegant and the chemistry between the two is electric high made the dance look like a romance movie. I couldn’t find fault in anything and I just love this partnership and could watch them dance all night.
Jamie and Karen - Charleston
Can I give this dance a 100 - Hercules is one of my favourite disney films and Charleston is one of my favooiurite dances - this was a match made in heaven. Honestly, from start to end, I couldn’t stop laughing. The characterisation was absolutely phenomenal and he threw himself into a dance where you can’t take yourself too seriously. Also, in terms of the actual content, it wasn’t bad either. I saw swivel, it was light footed and full of charisma which is exactly what this dance should be about. This definitely has to be one of the best dances of the night and I can’t stop smiling. I will be watching this dance a hundred times.
Clara and Aljaz - Tango
Queen Clara is back and that dance was phenomenal. With music like this, you couldn’t do it without attacking it 100% and that’s what she did. Her frame was strong and the footwork was so powerful as she drove across the dance floor almost leading Aljaz which is perfect. Also, that disco stuf was perfect with the song and theme - like Jamie, I just wanted to get up an dance and pretend that I am sassy. Together with Aljaz, the two of them work amazingly together and have this bond which is so fun to watch.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
First Three Couples
Caroline Quentin and Johannes
This is definitley an odd couple! At first, I thought she was going to have anton as a partner, but this is definitely a much better fit. The two will definitely bring out the sass in each other and I can imagine that Johannes is going to bring out another side to Quentin which is youthful, fresh and full of fire. I’m so happy and hopefully it sets up for a night of completely different match ups. I don’t expect a lot of technique, but there’s going to be so much fun.
Clara Amfo and Aljaz
This is definitley going to be one of my favourite couples. Clara Amfo is so funny and charismatic and then there’s Aljaz who is an actually sweetheart. I also have really high expectations for Amfo because she has the musicality from being a DJ. She also seems like she has this sass and passion which is going to be great for Latin dances. These two are definitely going to be a match made in heaven and hopefully her ballroom can be as good as what I hope her Latin is!
Ranvir Singh and Giovanni
I mean, if this isn’t a match made in heaven, I don’t know what is! Ranvir seems to be so charismatic and I just feel like she’d have some sort of rhythm or a passion to want to learn to dance. For someone like that, Gio is the best fit because he’s fiery, passionate and a whole lot of fun. I don’t know whether she’s going to have a style she’s good at, but with her frame, she might be very elegant and poised which is obviously means maybe Ranvir might be a ballroom girl.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Dances - Part 2
Clara and Aljaz - Samba
I had so many high hopes for this dance and all in all, it was a nice dance. She had personality, sass and hips - it was so much fun to watch and I loved the connection her and Aljaz have. I think the judges were so harsh because, yes there were fumbles, but she hid them well and I didn’t even notice. I think the issue was the song and concept, it just wasn’t right for the dance and I missed some samba rolls. It’s a shame, but not every dance is going to be easy and this wasn’t her week.
Jamie and Karen - Couples Choice
What is going on? From being in the bottom two in the first week, I now want Jamie to win. What can I say about this dance other than it was fantastic. The music, the concept and the choreography was stunning. Jamie from da hood. There was this sag from the minute the dance started and I was like obssessed - I couldn’t take my eyes off the two of them. Karen was also fantabulous, like the two of them work amazingly together and I just ant to get up and dance with them. Honestly, I would watch this a million times and pay for them to teach me it. I wish I had the energy Jamie had, because lord it was damn.
HRVY and Janette - Tango
Last week, I was bopping along to BTS. This week, HRVY just blew me away with the change I character. Despite the weird ass song, this was such a perfect concept and mood throughout. Like seriously, I thought I was watching a movie with such intensity, passion and this characterisation which seems effortless. You could see that the two of them danced as one. Everything was great and, despite the mistakes, I loved watching it.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Clara Anfo and Aljaz - Cha Cha
This girl sure an dance. From the second sh stepped onto the floor by herself, you could see that she meant business and she spayed it. Honestly, it was so much fun to watch and there was hardly anything I could critique. She has hip action, charisma and even attempted that straight leg which is so hard. The only thing ‘d say she could improve on was retraction of her leg, but it’s the first week! Clara and Aljaz are so perfect together and I am so excited to see what else they’re going to give me.
Jackie and Anton - Foxtrot
I was no expecting much from Jackie because you know MP. However, I was suprised. Maybe it was because it was ballroom which always suits certain people more but i actually enjoyed it. You could see that she loved what she was doing which always makes you look amazing, even if you aren’t the best dancer. For most of it, she did the right moves and I think all she needs is a bit more confidence and believe that she is a dancer. She looked elegant and with her lack of entertainment knowledge, it was never going to be perfect.
JJ and Amy - Waltz
Honestly, I always find people like JJ so inspiring aand I am so happy to see how well he did in this dance. Even though it was slightly simple, which is normal for a waltz, he looked so beautiful. He is so tall and looked massively elegant as he moved with Amy across the floor with ease. He almost had this grace about him and coupling that with his emotion just transported me to another world where the Amy and JJ were the only two people in the room. I dont know whether Latin will suit him, but I am looking forward to seeing more ballroom from him.
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strictlycomesparkle · 5 years
Strictly Dances - Part Two
Mike Bushall and Katya
My sister said it perfectly when she said he looks and reminds her of Chris Hollins. The jive is such a hard dance but, as long as he keeps a smile on his face and stamina up, he’ll get through it... probably. And he did, and I am happily surprised. Yes it was a bit flat footed at times but it was so much fun and had a lot of personality. In terms of actual jive, there was a lot of basic jive steps and that solo section in the middle was actually really good and precise. He also had really good stamina and timing throughout which is key for the jive. As always, Katya made some amazing choreography and it showed off both Mike’s skills and his personality.
Emma Waimouth and Aljaz
You know what, Emma has rhythm and some really nice hip action in this dance and I was quite surprised at how well she did the moves with no mistakes. She also has beautiful hands. However, for a lot of it, it just seemed all a bit prim and proper almost as if she was scared to put too much into it. A cha cha needs to be passionate and full of energy. It did get better once the key change happened, but it did come at the cost of some her technique. She looks like she will definitely be a ballroom girl because she doesn’t look too comfortable with this sexy type of dance.
James Cracknell and Luba
So, the positives were that he looked in the zone for the tango and had a great straight face from throughout. Unfortunately, I can’t really say anything else that nice. His frame was pretty shocking with hunched shoulders, splayed hands and his elbows didn’t really stay in place. It almost looked as if he was just walking though get dancing in the changing room rather than entertaining. Hopefully it was just nerves and he’ll only get better.
Kelvin Fletcher and Queen Oti
It looks like someone’s trying to take the Samba crown off Danny! I am kind of awe struck like what have I just watched? Like was this a week one dance from someone who’s only been dancing for two weeks. Holy moly. Like I don’t even know what to say about that: it was life. Oti didn’t start off easy with the choreography and it was as full on as Danny who didn’t do it until pretty much near the final. He had amazing hips, energy and it was personality that was just perfect for the Samba. It was almost as if I was watching a professional because he got all the moves down with double bounce, sass and he just looked like he was having the time of his life and that he had no nerves. Oti and Kelvin worked perfectly as a pair and Kelvin really embraced this dance and let go. Sorry, I cannot praise it anymore.
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strictlycomesparkle · 5 years
Strictly Dances - Part One
Guys, I’m back!!!
Karim and Amy - Quickstep
What a change from last week? Honestly, is there anything Karim can’t do? From the first beats of the music, Karim had this charisma and personality that was so smooth and perfect for this kind of dance, like he was a smooth operator! Apart from him just being adorable and like just so handsome, i can’t even begin to say how good he was technically. The steps were flawless, the frame was strong and the flair of the dance was just amazing, even the snake detail from the body contact to the swing and sway. Karim couldn’t have done this without Amy who consistently produces amazing choreography with a mix of solo and sections in continuous hold. This along with their amazing partnership just made for an amazing dance.
Michelle and Giovanni - Paso Doble
This was a very brave move from Giovanni from the choreography to the whole feel of the dance. It may not have been my favourite dance of Michelle, but by god it was still amazing. By wearing the skirt and then removing it to dance in pants, not only showed that Michelle was capable of doing the skirt-ography, but also this strength to it where it felt like they were both fighting each other. It was very different from the usual male/female dynamic with both of them taking this male-esque stance and it worked perfectly and was so empowering. It had all the basics done beautifully and she had these amazing arms and shaping from start to finish. It was so simple but massively effective and personified who Michelle is as a person and her partnership with Gio.
Emma and Aljaz- Samba
Samba is one of the hardest dances of all time and completely different from Emma’s personality. I didn’t know what to expect to start with and I was slightly worried. After the dance, i was slightly more confused than anything. It had all the basics in there and surprisingly, there was a lot of sass and great musicality from her from start to finish with a lot of energy. However, it just seemed all a bit elegant which is bizarre to say in a bad way. Normally you always want someone to be elegant, but not for this dance. Here, you want dirt and sharpness rather than being ladylike. Luckily for Emma, her personality was on show here and it really made the dance so easy to watch. I think it was the pace of music and the elegance that put me slightly on edge, but she did so well considering how hard that dance is and the type of person Emma is.
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strictlycomesparkle · 5 years
Pairings - Part 2 Girls
Emma Barton - Emma Barton is an actress I’ve watched for years and she just looks like such a nice person and someone that you just want to hug! I know she said she’s had some dance background, but SCD is another ball game and I hope people don’t judge her for the past like they’ve done before! I am so happy Anton has someone with rhythm because hopefully they are going to go far, I am literally living for Anton’s reaction and they might just be one of my favourite couples.
Emma Weymouth - I have no idea who Emma is but my mum says she watches Emma on the TV cooking, so I don’t see any dancing in her background. However, she’s a model so will have poise, posture and will probably do really well in the ballroom dances.She looks like such an elegant lady and with the equally amazing Aljaz, they could literally produce magic and hopefully improve his diction.
Anneka Rice - Anneka Rice is a UK tv legend and I can’t wait to see what she’s going to bring to the floor, considering she’s probably one of the oldest contestants. Rice is literally up for anything and has this determination so she’s going to be a real worker even if she might not be naturally good to start with. If anyone can get something out of Anneka, it’s going to be Kevin - I mean even with the height difference, I don’t see her not being able to pick things up.
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strictlycomesparkle · 5 years
Movies Week - Part 2
Catherine and Johannes - Rumba
Now, this was a completely different Rumba from Alex and Neil and weirdly enough I loved it just as much, if not more. It had everything you ever expect from this dance and her acting skills really just worked in its favour. Apart from the amazing technique e.g. the beautiful hips, the Rumba walks and even the freckle, it was all done just so beautifully and simply. Normally the speed would throw people, but it just made the dance look even better. Then, when you combine it with the emotions and story, it was just one of the best rumbas I’ve seen and I think I wanted to cry - I meant this never happens. Johannes and Catherine are the perfect couple and I loved them.
Will and Janette - Pokemon Paso
Well, that was literally the best thing I’ve ever seen. I didn’t know how much I needed to see a Paso themed on Pokemon. Off the amazing theme, it was actually a real,y good effort from Will. His back and arms were constantly in a really nice shape and so strong - which is so hard for most men because they can’t keep the frame throughout. Also, as well as a really nice attempt of technique, he had this perfect attack and face. Like his commitment to the dance was perfect and just made me enjoy the dance a whole lot more!
Kelvin and Oti - Charleston
I don’t want to sound like a poor sport, but I don’t know if I loved this dance. Of course I liked it - I mean it was so good! The theme of Mary Poppins worked so well and they had amazing content, swivel and just everything you want in the dance. The story telling and chemistry between the two are second to none and it just seemed so effortless. However, for me, I don’t think it had that quirkiness that this dance needs. Weird to say but it as too perfect! Also, there was one lift that wasn’t great so I don’t know if the judges saw it or not. Yes, I enjoyed watching it. However, it wasn’t my favourite and not my favourite dance of his at all.
Emma and Aljaz - foxtrot
As well as being Aljaz’s favourite dance, this was definitely a dance that suited Emma to the tee. There were some issues for me, including a lot of gapping and sometimes being too tense in the frame, however it was beautiful to see. She had this amazing musicality and flow that it looked as if she was gliding across the floor. Together, Aljaz and Emma had this perfect chemistry which portrayed such a beautiful story that looks straight out of Downton. She has this natural grace and it almost looks like I’m watching a model because she’s so beautiful and elegant. This was her perfect dance and the best I’ve seen from her.
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strictlycomesparkle · 5 years
Strictly Week 4 - Part Two
Alex and Neil - Tango
This was one of the weirdest tango’s I’ve ever seen. Like it started great with attack and the attempt to get that intensity and sharpness that the tango needs. However, it then almost seemed like an American smooth where her characterisation went and it just didn’t have that feel we needed and loved in the dance. I adored the story and what both of them were wearing, i mean I would wear that any day of the week. Alex is improving every week and you can also see her gaining more and more confidence each week which is all that we can ask.
David and Nadiya - Quickstep
I definitely saw an improvement in David this week and it was worlds away from the last few dances. Not only did he have so much joy and personality through this dance, but there was sparks of really amazing technique. He had a really nice frame throughout which couldn’t have been easy to hold in a dance that was so quick and full of content. He moved effortlessly across the dancefloor with Nadiya and led her so well and with such elegance considering his height. The song always helps and i think it really helped David this week get into the dance and character of the dance.
Kelvin and Oti - Rumba
I dont even know what I can say with Kelvin. This dance was literally something I haven’t seen with a male and this dance. He really embraced his feminist side which you need with this dance. Of course, his hips were second to none and really just made this dance seem effortless. Sometimes this dance can just seem awkward and you dont want to watch it. With this one, it felt like I was watching two professionals. The two had such amazing chemistry and i would watch this all the time if I could. I think it’s actually unfair at how good he is and I can’t wait to keep seeing him grow.
Emma and Aljaz - Jive
I dont want to sound like a broken record, but I do really think Emma keeps improving every week. As always, I do sometimes think she is a bit too elegant and careful but I think thats her personality. She had those sharp kicks and flicks, great musicality and it was just a pleasure to watch. Considering that stamina has always been an issue, she kept it up the entire dance and kept up with Aljaz but still keeping the precision within those steps and letting Aljaz be so daring and throwing so much in it.
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strictlycomesparkle · 7 years
First dance of the series so lets get chatting... Gemma and Aljaz: Cha Cha
I am a massive Aljaz fan but really never heard much about Gemma and don’t really care much for the cha cha... this should go well hehe. She started off with some promise because her lines from her arms and legs started initially pretty good but the little problems seemed to pop up in places. She seemed a bit wobbly in places and missed a few steps which made the dance look a bit messy at times and I missed the necessary straight legs that you need in the cha cha. I knew it wouldn’t be easy for her because she’s so tall and gangly but it definitely wasn’t a disaster!
The scores were quite harsh, especially from Craig *not Bruno* but its only week one!
*Looks like SCD aren’t posting pictures so sad times for me*
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strictlycomesparkle · 8 years
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What a great way to start the lead up to the new series 😘
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