strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Rhys and Nancy - Couple’s choice
I am always so sceptical with couples choice because isn’t ballroom and just seems to vague and confusing. Yet, there is no denying that I loved watching Rhys and Nancy doing this dance. Compared to other weeks, Rhys seemed so chilled which was perfect for this dance because it seemed cooler and more natural, which is the best thing for a dance like this. From the synchronicity to musicality and personality, YAS!
John and Johannes - Paso Doble
Right, so I feel like I’m just repeating myself when it comes to John and Johannes but what else can I do when they pull out stuff like that. I don’t even know what else to say about it, like there was power, passion and drive. That doesn’t even mention the actual choreography and technique which was absolutely out of this world and it seemed like two professionals who had been dancing together for years.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Tom and Amy - Jive
I had such high hopes for this dance not just because I love Tom and the jive, but it felt a bit flat for me. As expected, his charisma and personality were second to none and I loved watching him. Yet, there were times where it seemed heavy and flat footed just like Tilly. This dance needs a lightness and I felt that it didn’t work but his confidence was great when he danced alone. I wish he gave me more.
Adam and Katya - Rumba
Honestly, I hate the rumba with a burning passion and they make me cringe. But, I actually really enjoyed watching it because it told a story. Considering he is a sportsman, he was elegant, smooth and full of emotion. In particular, I liked the hips and thought they were more prominent that other rumbas in the past and the lifts were yas. It’s a shame that the judges are harsh about rumbas because it was nice to watch.
Katie and Gorka - American a smooth
I was excited for this dance because I love the dance and film, but it fell sort of flat for me. I loved Katie’s character but I was way too preoccupied with watching Gorka who was definitely cute af. When she was out of hold, she was sassy but it felt boring when they came together.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Tilly and Nikita - jive
The jive is me of my favourite dances and Hairspray is one of my favourite musicals but this didn’t do it for me. As expected, she had the charisma and personality but the technique wasn’t there. There was a mistake, some issues with the tricks and it was very flat footed and almost seemed laboured which is the worst thing for a jive which should have energy, lightness and ease. It’s such a shame because it had so much potential.
Rose and Giovanni - Foxtrot
I’m sorry, I don’t think I can type because I might just cry. From the minute she stepped onto the floor, it was one of the most beautiful dances I’ve ever seen. From her frame, which might have been the most prettiest thing I’ve seen with her fingers, arms and neck placement, and the storyline and acting... like I don’t even know if I can give Rose enough praise for this dance. It was almost like I was transported to another world and watching a small love story in a few minutes. It might have been simpler than other dances. Yet, that makes it easier to make mistakes and leaves her vulnerable but it was beautiful and I am going to cry.
Ufo and Oti - couples choice
So, I’m actually very confused at what genre of couples choice this was but HOLY GOD IT WAS AMAZING! Like okay, first things first, Ugo has a great body and like I can’t ignore how amazing he looked. Also, choreography itself was so complicated but he made it look effortless. From the scary and dangerous ass lifts to that bloody backflip thing, like I am shook af. It was so cute and charismatic and as a Moana fan, love it.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
AJ and Kai - American Smooth
Can someone please double check that AJ hasn’t been ballroom dancing for her entire life? Like seriously, how does she keep getting better each week. Like this dance is one of my favourite and they knocked it out of the park. From the amount of content, musicality and storyline, it was scary to see how good she is becoming and I felt like I could forget it was a dancing competition and just enjoyed it. Also, I always love a good fleckle and this was perfection.
Rob and Dianne - Quickstep
Once again rob has blown me away with his performance skills and the whole atmosphere of the song was amazing. But I did see some issues throughout because at times, his frame was perfect but it would suddenly drop and that combined with a few misteps was such a shame. However, this dance is tough and he definitely held his own as much as he could and it’s still early.
Greg and Karen - Paso Doble
I don’t know what I expected from this dance and unfortunately, it wasn’t great. As an actor, it wasn’t surprising that he had the perfect characterisation throughout and I could see that he actually attempted some of the proper moves with the shaping and hand gestures, but it just fell a bit flat. Luckily, the paso is about showcasing your partner and he made Karen look fabulous. They work great together and he did have that matador feel, I just want him to let loose more.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Judi and Graziano - Charleston
I love Judi so much and she really put her all into the dance, but it might not be my favourite Charleston I’ve seen. Despite the style and theme, I almost wish they’d given Judi something that showcased her charisma and personality more. As much as I hate to admit it, craig was right with the lack of content because it didn’t have enough noticeable Charleston stuff. Yet, she never ceases to make me smile!
Dan and Nadiya - Foxtrot
I thought ballroom might have been more of Dan’s thing but it wasn’t... there were quite a lot of issues throughout. From mistakes, timing issues and problems with posture and lack of consistency, it didn’t feel right and it’s a shame. However, Nadiya looked gorgeous and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.
Sara and Aljaz - Samba
I was honestly worried about Sara and the samba because it’s a very hard dance. Yet, it was actually pretty decent. From the music and concept, it seemed perfect for her. She has this excitement and charisma that shined throughout and with so much content, she managed to keep up with Aljaz throughout and it was executed very well. Like I saw samba rolls, basic content and it was full of fun.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Robert and Dianne - Cha Cha
Sorry, I can’t just this dance at all. It was iconic in every way and even if it had the worst technique in the world, I will watch it every day. ICONIC.
Greg and Karen - American Smooth
I don’t know what I expected from Greg, but I was pleasantly surprised. I wasn’t shocked that he had this great Hollywood feel to him that perfectly told a story and looked great when he was out of hold. Apart from hunching, his in hold wasn’t consistent but I think it was cool, calm, and collected and I am going to love watching this partnership. The whole feel of the dance was great and it was a great way to start the show.
Nina and Neil - Samba
Sorry, but I am shook by that dance. Omg, from the second the music started, Nina literally owned this dance and not just from her vibes, but it was technically so great considering how hard the dance was. She had tempo, style and sass which is what this dance needs. Like from her steps, samba rolls, rotation and freestyle aspects - everything had this samba feeling that just oozed flavour and I just wanted to get up and dance with her. I thought she’d be good, but goddamit, this was out of this world.
John Waite and Johannes - Tango
As soon as this partnership was announced, I was so excited yet even I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. I mean straight away, the music and outfit and theme just worked, but then they started dancing, and I can’t complain. In particular, I loved how Johannes choreographed it - with both men swapping who was leading effortlessly had me shook from the very beginning. Yet, from the quality of the steps and the storyline, it was the perfect package and something I would expect much later in the series. I can’t praise it enough and I might cry so brb.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Sara Davies and Aljaz - Cha Cha
Honestly, when it comes to people like the dragons, I never expect much. Yet, Sara surprised me. At some points, it was a bit stop start and she could’ve done more with her hips. Yet, she oozed so much charisma and confidence that this dance needs. Despite her career, she has great musicality and you could see her feeling the music. With more work, she will be great.
Dan Walker and Nadiya - Quickstep
Considering that he is 6ft 6, I was actually quite impressed at how light on his feet he was. Apart from some issues with timing, he was quick and light moving across that floor and I actually think most of his footwork was pretty good considering it was week one. Also, with his height, his frame needs improving because with so much height, he might have a tendency to slouch for Nadiya but he has potential. I was shocked because I expected it to be awful.
Rose and Giovanni - Jive
Honestly, Rose is such an inspiration and I honestly, like I just can’t find anything wrong to say. It’s week one and she had bundles of personality and her technique was great as well. The flicks and kicks were sharp, her energy was always high and she had amazing musicality which helped the dance flow like it should. Rose should be so proud of herself.
Katie and Gorka - Tango
As expected, Katie channeled her inner actress and really shone in this dance dominating the floor like she had been doing it for ysars. Although there were some issues with consistency of her frame, this song is about the commitment and passion put into a story. I missed the first part because of a hair problem but I enjoyed watching it.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
Tom Fletcher and Amy Dowden - Cha Cha
Well, that was definitely a lot better than I thought and for week one, it was out of this world. The cha cha is such a hard dance but Tom definitely delivered as well as anyone could hope. Of course, he has amazing musicality but from the very off, he had those hips moving like there was no tomorrow and he had some great footwork with those retractions and straight legs. My only issue was his arms sometimes looked awkward but it’s to be expected from someone who always has a guitar in his arms. I also loved the dad dancing we saw, and I can’t wait to see what he brings next week.
Tilly Ramsey and Nikita - Waltz
Bless her! For someone so young, Tilly really made her mark in the competition with a romantic af waltz. Before I compliment her, the only issue was there was no heel leads like this dance needs. Yet, it was full of content with basic steps, a fleckle here and there but more importantly, there was a beautiful story and it seemed so elegant. Also, considering how old she is, there were moments where her top line was impeccable and it was a shame she couldn’t keep it throughout.
Ugo and Oti - Samba
Can we confirm that this man is a sportsman because I have never seen an athlete let go in a samba like this so early. The samba is one of the hardest dances in the competition and he definitely didn’t struggle like I expected. Although he wasn’t as fluid as when Danny did it (which is obviously the standard), he had so much fun and just exuded positivity. Those hips couldn’t get enough and I just wish he let go even more. Hopefully, as the weeks go on, he grows in confidence and we see his full potential.
Rhys and Nancy - Viennese Waltz
I had high expectations from Rhys after last weeks opener and he didn’t disappoint! Although he seemed like a latin boy, he even smashed the ballroom, especially considering how hard the Viennese waltz is. Although his fleckles weren’t the best, he had great potential with his frame, even though it sometimes fell. For me, he had great swing and sway with musicality that just oozed charisma and told a great story. I am definitely going to keep my eyes on him.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
I am so sorry about not live blogging during last week’s show but I was out all night! But I’m back again this year for STRICTLY COME DANCING 2021!
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Strictly - Couples Choice
HRVY and Janette
Sorry, I’m eating so I can’t type much haha. However, as expected, this dance was as good (if not better) than the first time. It was fast, dynasamemic and so much fun. I loved everything about this dance and I was so happy they picked it again!
Jamie and Karen
I’m still eating so the next few lines will just be simple and to the point... ICONIC
Bill and Oti
I love bill and Oti so much, this will go down in history
Maisie and Gorka
Can you believe this is the girl who said she didn’t like ballroom?
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Strictly - Show Dances
HRVY and Janette
Now, this is a show dance! Janette has made up for all those years she wasn’t in final and threw in all the choreography possible. There was salsa, cha cha, Charleston and samba just to name a few. I love it when the pros put in proper ballroom dances, especially when they’re fast ones. I absolutely fell in love with HRVY in this dance because he showcased just how diverse he is with his dancing from proper choreography, energy and them lifts which we can only expect from Janette. I would absolutely watch this again because it was so much fun and so strictly - sparkles and all.
Jamie and Karen
That was actually the perfect dance for Jamie. It was random, high energy and so much fun to watch which perfectly tells us the story of his journey. From the start, it really made me remember just how far Jamie has come from all those dance offs to putting on some of the most iconic dances of the series. This dance depended on the quality of their partnership and it just showed how in sync Karen and Jamie are. They were perfectly in time with such difficult choreography and you could see that they both put their hearts and souls into this show dance. After everything, Jamie is still standing and I couldn’t be happier.
Bill and Oti
Well, if the first two dances were high energy and made me excited, this made me just feel like damn. I don’t actually know what to make of this dance because it was probably one of my favourite dances I’ve ever seen. I didn’t expect this concept from bill, but I’m so glad oti picked something with more traditional and intense ballroom moves. From the dance moves to the music and the outfits, everything was just so perfect and only oti could produce something like this. We need to remember that bill isn’t a dancer, but now he defo is. Also, that guitar solo made me so happy, I want to scream! This was iconic and I’m so happy for them.
Maisie and Gorka
Well, wasn’t this a bit of Christmas joy? I don’t know if I saw this as a show dance, but it was a generally very good show dance and made me smile. There was speed and a whole lot of dance choreography. The duo sped across that floor as if there lives depended on it and worked perfectly together which always makes a dance much more exciting and impactful. The lift from the drum wasn’t as huge and magnificent as I thought, but it was a nice touch and the whole concept was cute.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Strictly - Judges Choice
HRVY and Janette - Jive
For someone so young, it’s so amazing to see how far HRVY had come in his strictly journey from this dance all the way back in week one to now. I think the judges picked the right dance, because there’s nothing better than going back to the start and really seeing how much they’ve got better by. You could see that his confidence was completely sky high compared to last time and he looked so much more comfortable. He has been consistently good and I hope HRVY and Janette are proud of themselves because it was yet another great dance.
Jamie and Karen - Charleston
When I first saw this dance, I was smiling ear to ear because it’s one of my favourite dances and favourite disney songs. It might actually have been the dance which made me fall in love with Jamie. This time, it made me smile even more if that’s possible. He felt a lot happier and more confident going into the dance which really just epitomises what this dance should be about. It was fun, random and just seemed like it had so much more energy. There was dancing, charisma and personality which is exactly what you need and want.
Bill and Oti - Quickstep
This was the dance which I think changed everyone’s minds about bill and I was so happy to see it again. It once again proved just how amazing bill is because this dance was choreographically so complicated because oti didn’t let bill off with easy and funny dances. This time, it was even better than before. He was light on his feet, had immaculate posture and he didn’t put a single foot wrong. With everything going on from his dancing to the concept and moves, it was one of my favourite dances from this entire series.
Maisie and Gorka - Samba
This was definitely one of her best dances and I’m glad the judges picked this again. I mean it was crazy enough that she pulled something like this off so early, but it’s crazy to see how far she’s come. The first time, it was great but just a bit messy. You can see how much she’s improved, especially with her footwork. It had the same feel and energy, but she just turned it up by 10000 if that’s even possible. After everything she’s gone through, I’m glad she’s still fighting.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Dances - Part 2
Jamie and Karen - Quickstep
I’m sorry, but I always end up sounding like a broken record with Jamie - THAT WAS AMAZING! Compared to his first ballroom dance, it was leaps and bounds of beauty. It was fast, dynamic and full of amazing of technique. It combined everything I love about dancing and made a normally quite subdued and traditional dance hilarious. There was your traditional steps, some fun cowboy moves and a whole lot of personality. I couldn’t stop smiling throughout and it just proved that Jamie is an all rounder. He couldn’t have done it without Karen and the two of them are just so perfect, I just want them to win. Sorry but THEY WERE ROBBED OF POINTS!
Ranvir and Gio - Jive
You all know I’m team Ranvir, however I can’t help but say that this was probably one of her weakest dances. She had so much personality and I loved seeing her flirt with Giovanni. However, in terms of technical ability, it wasn’t great. Her feet looked heavy, it was a bit flat footed and her retractions and sharpness in the kicks where nowhere near as good as other jives and other dances she had done. It’s a shame, but some people don’t suit certain dances.
Bill and Oti - Tango
I’m so confused and I don’t know what to say about this dance. Like I expected to much from it and I don’t know if it was the singer or the production that kind of overtook everything and pushed bill to the background. Sometimes, his posture was very poor and he looked hunched over. However, as always, he was fully invested in the dance and he drove his body across the floor and worked perfectly in sync with oti.
Maisie and Gorka - Viennese Waltz
This is such a contrast from all of his other dances. From the beginning to the end, it was nice and understated and elegant. Sometimes, I forget how young Maisie is and the fact that she is so mature in her dancing. Apart from that small stumble, it probably her best ballroom dance where she worked in perfect sync with Gorka as they moved across the room with elegance and grace. She really has improved and I prefer this to all of her Latin which is bizarre.
HRVY and Janette - Charleston
I keep feeling as if I’m being the bad person tonight. Like Maisie, it just didn’t deliver for me. For most of it, it was great with a lot of personality and full of so much content. It was effortless and there was so much chemistry between the two. However, some of his swivels went a bit dodgy and there were some moments when HRVY was not in sync with Janette. For a dance like this, you have to be perfectly in harmony and I don’t think this was like that. It didn’t help that some of his lifts were a bit messy too. I think I just expect so much from HRVY but it didnt deliver.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Dances - Part 1
Jamie and Karen - Salsa
If you would have told me in week one that Jamie would be a semi finalist, I’d have laughed. If you told by in week one that I’d be in love with Jamie and want him to win, I’d have laughed. Honestly, there’s nobody I enjoy watching more than Jamie and this salsa was no different. It was full energy from start to end and Karen literally threw so much content in, including the kitchen sink. You could see that he let himself go throwing himself into the dance with the sass, flamboyance and hips. I also can’t say how good those lifts were, they were over the top, exaggerated and so controlled!
Ranvir and Gio - Waltz
Once again, I got tingles down my spine watching Ranvir and Giovanni doing a ballroom dance. Whenever they step onto the floor, it feels like they are the only two people in the room and I’ve been transported into a romance story. It was so simple, but everything was so effective with the simple choreography, those emotions and the concept. For me, I love how Giovanni realises how special Ranvir is and doesn’t try to go to over the top and just let Ranvir’s dancing do the talking and her relationship with Giovanni is allowed to shine. You don’t see that enough.
Bill and Oti - Charleston
Every week, oti gives bill so much content and every week, he keeps giving us 110%. Sometimes he went out of time and there wasn’t much swivel. However, apart from that, it was goofy, fast paced and just full of so much character. For someone of his age, it was so amazing because he didn’t lose energy throughout and just made me smile so much. When they were side by side, it looks perfectly in sync and you can see that he’s taking the judges critiques and perfecting the technique.
Maisie and Gorka - couples choice
I hate to be the bad person, but something wasn’t right for me with this dance. Like technically, it was great and she has amazing technique for this. However, it just seemed maybe a bit safe if that’s the word for it. Compared to the other street dances like bill and Jamie, there wasn’t any impact and was all just a bit careful and boring. Maisie has so much charisma and talent, but she could’ve done so much more if they gave her better choreography.
HRVY and Janette - rumba
I’m always worried when someone gets a rumba and especially for someone so young like HRVY. However, I’m so Halle to be proved wrong. There was something so special between the two of these dancers. It was so simple and fluid as HRVY stretched such elegant lines and moved as if he was a born dancer. I also liked how it wasn’t a really romantic dance, but just emanated sweetness and beauty. I would happily watch this again, which is something I never say.
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Strictly Dances Part 3
HRVY and Janette - American Smooth
After the amazing dance last week, we all had such high expectations of HRVY. It really was a great dance for him and I had a massive smile on my face from start to end. There was charisma, speed and so much flair and fashion which suited this iconic song. I loved how HRVY just let loose and totally immersed himself into the whole concept with sparkles and all. However, my only issue was sometimes going in and out of holds and lifts, it was a bit messy and awkward. If he can improve that, it would’ve been perfect.
Jamie and Karen - Jive
After last weeks dance off, I’m so glad that Jamie and Karen came back fighting this week. Honestly, this musical is one of my favourite and this song is so iconic. I love how the two embodied this song and the concept which is perfect. Apart from that, the actual jive was great. There were kicks, flicks and so much energy. I mean they didn’t stop from start to the end and it was crazy that they didn’t run out of energy. Can we also talk about that desk-ograohy? Like it’s bloody hard and I just loved watching it and please... VOTE FOR JAMIE!
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strictlycomesparkle · 4 years
Strictly Dances Part 2
Maisie and Gorka - Jive
As expected, Maisie came out with another absolute stunning jive. Some people can either sink or swim with this dance and Maisie definitely swam! It was fast, quick and sharp which looked almost like it was two professionals. What I also love about these two was how good their characterisation was. It combined dance, personality and charisma which is sometimes hard. I love the jive, I love this song and really, it was just great and I can’t really complain!
Bill and Oti - Argenti Tango
So apart from the stumble at the lining from Oti (see pros make mistakes), this was definitely completely different style and I think bill did it well. Of course, it’s always going to be difficult for bill to lead a female professional. However, he definitely kept his own throughout and there was just this special delicate feeling between both oti and bill. Unlike Gio and Ranvir, it wasn’t quite sexy. There was still a connection between the two and it had that intensity and sharpness that we love from this dance. It was controlled, charismatic and crisp.
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