#all contained in a carefully placed mask of chilled elegance
honoosenshi · 4 months
rei has both limited & limitless patience. this is completely dependent on how stupid or pointless the matter is. of course, if someone were to struggle talking ( like, they're timid ) or they're emotional ... rei is incredibly gentle. but do NOT waste her time with trivial affairs, she'll lose interest immediately. honestly, also pertains to weak arguments without sufficient proof or source.
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noire-pandora · 3 years
For @14daysdalovers also on my AO3
Words: 2317
Warnings: pain and wounds mentioning.
Heavy, dark clouds gathered above Val Royeaux, threatening to release the cold rain over the streets, to flood every nook and cranny. Without warning, their burden poured over the people who enjoyed their walks around the luxurious streets. What started as a sunny autumn afternoon transformed into a cold, wet day. The downpour and the joining wind ruined the lovers' romantic walks, forcefully waking them up from their love-induced dizziness.
In a few seconds, markets filled with people emptied as the rain came down rapidly, transforming into a cold curtain, the smell of wet dust rising in the air. Women wearing sparkling and expensive dresses hurried to find shelter, their tiny multi-coloured shoes useless against the flooding waters. Soon, the streets transformed into small streams, the sewers unable to contain it all.
The open terraces slowly became waiting stations, as people gathered under the tiny roofs, finding temporary shelter against the unexpected turn of events. Among the tensioned gents and giggling ladies stood Elluin, annoyed by the lack of respect for personal space. A young, half-drunk man nonchalantly used her shoulder to steady his movements, winning a long, deadly stare from her. With a low growl, she left the safety of the coffee shop, to lie against the outside wall, hoping the small, extended roof will be enough to keep the water out of her hair.
She stared ahead, cursing her luck. Of course, it had to rain precisely on the day she decided to come back, after ten years of diligently avoiding setting foot in this town. She returned at the Diplomat's insistence. At first, when the woman informed her they have to come here to sign commercial contracts with the merchants, she refused, but Josephine advised her to let the traders see her face, especially after Haven's fall, to combat the rumours of her death and ease their fears. She accepted, dreading the meetings. But, to her surprise and joy, after a few minutes, the merchants grew bored with the Inquisitor, their interest grabbed by the offers laid in front of them. At that moment, Elluin slipped past her and her companions, to walk the streets of Val Royeaux again.
The stroll brought back memories long forgotten, the sights and the smells reminding her of a younger Elluin, one who ran around the city's avenues, ignoring their beauty and elegance, in a hurry to deliver the packages her adoptive father entrusted her with. Back then, the numerous faces and accents of the city fascinated her. She spent her free hours studying the people, learning how to read their emotions and moods only by observing their body language. Now, the busy streets, with everyone bumping and pushing her from every direction, took the air out of her lungs.
When the thunder rumbled in the sky, she decided to make her way back to the merchant's base. When the lightning electrified the clouds, her instincts beckoned her to find shelter. As she barely reached the terrace, the rain came down, making her feel as if every single inhabitant of Val Royeaux decided to retreat under the same roof as her and shove their perfumed selves into her soul.
And now, she stood under the small extended rooftop, her short-sleeved shirt and linen pants doing nothing to stop the cold from pricking her skin. She swore under her breath as the rain reached her toes through her sandals.
The wait reminded her why she despised the rain's touch on her skin, the icy kisses of the water drops, sending her body into a frenetic fight against the cold. A shiver shook her body, her teeth chattering with a dull sound. She whimpered, wishing she learned how to cast a barrier to protect her from the downpour; instead, she had to wait for the skies to finish pouring their anger on her. The thought of a walk through the rain sent another powerful shiver through her body, the hair on her arms standing up in indignation.
Suddenly, a pang of pain crossed her left leg, starting from her big toe, moving up towards her knee and stopping at the back of her thigh. There, the pain pressed on her nerves, forcing her to bite down on her lower lip to supper a groan. This affliction tortured her almost every day since Haven's fall and her trip through the mountain's cold paths. The wounds inflicted on her by those violent events slowly healed, leaving scars on her skin, but one made her life harder: a sword cut that reached the bones of her leg. No matter how careful and thorough Solas has been with the healing, the pain came back to remind her of her vulnerability. And when the weather turned cold, the sharp pain intensified.
She closed her eyes and took in a few deep breaths, flexing her fingers while trying to remember the calming techniques Solas advised her to use when her body suffered.
"What terrible weather, mademoiselle!" a man suddenly addressed her, forcing her to open her eyes and look at him.
A blond Orlesian joined her, his back against the wall to protect his expensive-looking clothes from the rain's touch. The bright colours of his attire stood out in contrast with the grey hues of the day. Under his tastefully decorated mask, deep blue eyes shone with delight. Elluin watched him, perplexed, unsure if he addressed her.
"Yes, it's been pouring for a half an hour already," she found herself replying. "I hope it will stop soon, my toes are turning blue."
"I suspect it will continue for at least thirty more minutes," he explained, his melodious voice grabbing Elluin's attention. "Autumn in Val Royeaux can be quite wet. I hope you did not plan for sightseeing today." He smiled at her, his perfect, white teeth, offering her a hint about his social status.
She sighed, cursing her memory for forgetting that. Three more drops reached the tips of her toes, and she shivered again. Gods, she hated rain so much.
"Are you in our exquisite town for the first time?"
"No, I've seen it a few times," she answered, wondering why an Orlesian bothered to talk with an elf. She suspected the wait for the rain to pass might have bored him. Truth be told, the half-hour-long wait bored her too.
"Oh, is that so?" he inquired, genuine curiosity colouring his voice.
"Yes. I lived here for a few years with my father. He owned a bookstore, close to the University of Orlais."
A sad smile tugged at the corners of her lips, the memories of the jealousy nestled in her heart as she watched the students leaving the University pulling at the strings of her heart. Back then, she would have given anything to join them.
"Did he?" My memory must be deceiving me, for I do not remember any book shop there."
"I closed it ten years ago after my father died."
"In the Blight?"
She gave the man a short nod, hoping he won't continue interrogating her. The loss of her adoptive father still haunted her dreams, even after ten years.
Silence fell over them, and Elluin thanked the gods the Orlesian man understood her tone. She had no desire to share her private life with a stranger.
"While we are waiting, shall we warm ourselves with a drink?" he said, breaking the silence and startling her. "They serve the most delicious Sun Blonde in here, imported from Tevinter."
Elluin blinked with disbelief at the man, amusement and confusion blending in her mind. Last time she checked, no one dared to even speak with elves, at least invite one to a drink in a busy cafe. The sly smile on the man's lips made her frown. Was he aware of her identity?
"Lethallan?" a voice reached her ears, making her heart skip a beat.
 She spun on her heels to face the owner of that voice, thanking the gods for sending Solas at the perfect moment to interrupt the awkward invitation.
Solas stood outside, his tall, lean body unbothered by the rain, his clothes and face dry. A soft, white halo buzzed around his body, the magical barrier keeping the rain at a distance.
"Solas!" she exclaimed." What are you doing here?"
"I came to get you."
"Get me?" she frowned. "Did something happen? Does Josephine need me?"
He shook his head, nonchalantly. "No, our Diplomat is doing wonderful, much better than any of us can do. I came after you because of the rain."
"The rain?" she asked, knitting her eyebrows in confusion.
"Indeed. If I remember correctly, you told us you hate the rain and," a small smile appeared on his lips "your hair smells like a stinky wolf when wet. Since you do not possess the ability to create a protective barrier, I have been searching for you to offer my help against the rain."
Elluin watched him, baffled, various emotions knotting in her throat. "Did you search for me, not knowing where I am exactly? In Val Royeaux? In this immense town?"
"I did. But I found you faster than I anticipated. It took me only fifteen minutes."
"You walked in the rain for fifteen minutes, searching for me in a place you don't know," she repeated, dumbfounded, her breath shortened. "Solas, I--- that's so-- "
"Extremely romantic," the Orlesian man shouted, scaring Elluin who completely forgot about his presence. His hand reached for her waist, playfully pulling her closer to him, a bright smile adorning his face. "In all my years of courting, I have never seen such determination," he let go of her to move closer to Solas.
The elf watched the human with a raised eyebrow, a mild amusement reflecting in his eyes. The Orlesian circled Solas, carefully studying his body and posture. Then, he stared into Solas' stormy grey eyes, stroking his chin and nodding, as if understanding a marvellous secret.
"Yes, yes, I can see it in his eyes. He knows how to pleasure a woman," he turned to face her and gave her a dramatic wink. "This one is a keeper, my lady Herald."
Her eyes widened as she heard the man's words, a blush blooming against her freckled skin, starting from her neck, up to her cheeks, reaching even her lips, to travel all the way up to the pointy tips of her ears. A pleasant chill ran up to her back, but she felt considerably warmer than a few moments ago. She waved her hands in the air as if to clear the air.
"What? No, we're not….Solas is my companion!" the Orelsian snickered at the last word. "Not like that! Of for...Solas is just my friend, that's all. Friend!"
She looked at Solas and discovered a blush discreetly dusted his cheeks, and for a second, she hoped he felt the same rush at the words uttered by the other man.
"That is how all the relationships start, my dear," the man continued to tease her and Elluin felt the blush reaching her forehead and scalp. A few more seconds and her face would catch fire.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Solas intervened. "Thank you for your fascinating insight, Messere, but the Herald is needed in another place. Let us get going, Lavellan."
Solas reached out for her, extending his arm towards her, palm up, and for a second, she thought he wished to hold her hand. Then, she realised he waited to cast the barrier on her. Her fingertips reached for his, the cold touch of his skin soothing and calming the maddening rhythm of her heart. He whispered a few words, and the barrier shrouded her, instantly warming her. She instantly missed his touch when he retreated his hand. 
"It was a delight to speak with you," the Orlesian man waved at them as they left the cafe, the sly smile never leaving her lips. "I offer you all the best wishes, Herald."
They walked in the rain, the barrier keeping her dry, a comfortable silence settling between them. She looked up at Solas, delighted to see the blush reached the back of his neck.
"Are you well, Inquisitor?" he softly asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"How is your leg?"
"My leg?" she asked back, unsure what he meant.
"Yes. Does it hurt?"
"Oh! Yes, it does, but not as bad as it did a few moments ago. The barrier is helping me by keeping away the cold and the rain.”
"I see. I am happy to hear it."
She frowned, looking down at the ground, the raindrops bubbling as she walked. Was this the real reason why he searched for her? Did he fear the pain would take over her again? The thought made her breath hitch.
"Who was that man?" he spoke again after a few minutes of total silence.
"I have no idea. He joined me when I was waiting for the rain to pass. Did you notice he called me 'Herald'?
"Yes," he paused. "You should be careful. People will not shy away from any means to feel the taste of power. Even if it means charming their way to it," he added, the vein on his temple pulsing nervously.
Elluin glanced at him in amazement, the faint note of irritation in his voice surprising her. "Do you think he tried to charm his way into my heart? Did the man make you jealous, Solas?" she spoke before her mind had any chance to catch up with the meaning of her words.
He chuckled. "I worry about your safety, as everyone does. After all, you hold the key to our salvation in your hand."
"Ah, of course," she commented, barely containing a cheeky smile. Somehow, the blush spreading towards his ears contradicted his words.
She grinned. For a reason, at this moment, even the infuriating rain filled her heart with unspoken joy.
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tanirath · 4 years
Remember to Hate You
A story written by its3am
Original on Ao3
Slight AsraxJulian, Slight ValdemarxOC, LucioxMC, the third chapter contains explicit content
italics are flashbacks
You can read the first chapter here
Chapter Two
It was as it was when she was among the tribes. They would have to be aware of their surroundings of course, there could be danger, or an opportunity for food, and they had to be alert at all times for either. It was the eerie feeling that she was being stalked, watched, as if she were prey. She tried not to show her fear, focused on walking faster to get to her room. Click. Click. Click. Footsteps to her left. She didn’t dare look, she wasn’t even properly clothed! She took off, sprinting toward her room when- “I beg your pardon” An unsettling voice cut through the air as her body collided with someone directly in front of her. Stifling a scream, she looked up to see- Red eyes staring widely down at her, a mask now covering their mouth, hiding the unsettling set of sharp teeth. “Sorry-“ Athenia gasped, backing away and fixing her eyes on her door up ahead. She walked around them and scurried to her door, looking back once more to see glowing red eyes staring right through her. She shut the door firmly, then locked it. She dropped her clothes onto a nearby chest, hung her towels on the doorknob and climbed into bed, heart still racing. She was hoping to be relaxed after her bath, but it’s only seemed to put her on edge. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. In, out, in out. In. Out.
The sun was shining brightly through the gauzy curtains, its golden light filling the room with warmth. A knock sounded on the door. “It’s me!” Portia called out in a singsong voice, “I have your breakfast!” Athenia scrambled out of bed, wrapping herself in a sheet before unlocking the door and opening it just a little bit. Portia’s smiling face greeted her on the other side. She couldn’t help but smile as she opened the door, allowing her to bring the tray of pastries inside. “Perfect day for a par-tay!” She said enthusiastically, wiggling her hips a bit. “Are you excited?” Athenia couldn’t help but be a little excited, Portia’s positive energy was certainly contagious. “Yeah, I need to get home first though-“ she began. “Nah, I have the perfect outfit for you, don’t you worry. Just relax! It’ll take all day to get you home and back again.” Portia reasoned. She was right. Athenia sighed in defeat before plucking a scone from the tray. Portia waved goodbye and slipped out into the hallway, closing the door behind her.
It was almost time for the party. Portia had brought her a stunning dress, the color matched her skin tone perfectly, the gold accents and tulle made her feel like a princess. She couldn’t help but smile when she peered at herself in the mirror after slipping it on. She pulled her hair up into a loose, elegant bun. Curls fell from the sides, framing her delicate features. She rubbed her lips together, rubbed her fingers over her cheeks as to even out the rouge that Portia had let her use while they started to get ready together – before Portia was whisked off to the kitchens to assist with bringing out the food. She took a deep breath before turning away from the mirror, opening the door ever so slightly to peek out into the hallway. The sound of the music could be heard from the ballroom, a faint whisper as if a dream. She stepped out into the empty hall and followed the delicate rhythm to the party that awaited her.
Satchel at her side, she breathed the warm air that she was starting to grow accustom to. She’d been in town for a week and it was already starting to feel like home. She made her way among the crowd to the coliseum, not quite sure that she would be prepared for the show that awaited her. She’d planned to leave after scoping out the Count that she was hearing so much about. The dust seemed to kick up under the hundreds of feet that moved excitedly in the same direction, the vibrant colors of their clothing, both the rich and the poor, like a rainbow river streaming into the coliseum. She could make out whispering in languages she didn’t know along with the common tongue, the city’s inhabitants’ anticipation was palpable in the thick summer air. Once arrived, she carefully found a place to sit, she didn’t know any of the faces that surrounded her. She looked around the stands for someone familiar, picking out the baker’s plump face, the same face that she went to for her sweet bread. Only this time he wasn’t beaming like he usually was, his expression stoic, as if he didn’t want to be there. Scanning, she spotted Dr. Julian Devorak chatting with someone with white fluffy hair, tanned skin, clothed in ethereal colors and a mystical glow to match. Dr. Devorak seemed mesmerized by his company, and wasn’t paying attention to anything else around him. His partner, however, was scanning the scene with a furrowed brow before settling on the speakers box that waited vacantly for it’s announcer to arrive. The minutes seemed to drag on forever, as the moments passed the crowd became more and more rowdy, voices shouting across to each other in various tones, a chorus of chaos. After it couldn’t possibly become any louder, the crowd went silent, the air stilled eerily as everyone turned their heads to the announcement box. Her gaze followed the rest, eyes settling on flashy red velvets, glittering accents of gold, pale skin that reflected like the moon itself, and an unmistakable blonde head of hair. The coward himself, Montag Morgasson.
Ball gowns swirled as the music played, the dancers skillfully stepping and turning in unison as if they were toy ballerinas in a jewelry box. She scanned the room, taking in the glamour of the party, everything was just a touch over the top from the clothing, the gold décor, the red carpets that lined the floor with their shimmering tassels. The buffet table shining under the glittering decorations that she and Julian had meticulously placed earlier. There was a certain magic in the air, a shimmer above her amongst the decorations that wasn’t there before… the magician, perhaps. It was like a fairytale. She looked down at her own dress, tracing her fingertips over the elegant patterns that adorned the silk, the netting of the tulle that lay underneath. “Athenia!” A voice called, she looked up to see Julian approaching her, dressed in finery as the other gentlemen in attendance. She smiled. “Hey, when did you get here?” She asked him, wondering if she had missed anything important. “Well I got dressed then came back out to finish setting up.” He said softly, cheeks turning pink. She happened to glance behind him, her eyes settling on a breathtaking watercolor swoosh of silk, fluffy white hair and gleaming shoes sparkling even more than the floor itself. Julian hurriedly glanced behind him to look at what she was seeing just as the magician caught her gaze and waved. Julian turned back to her, face scarlet. “I’m going to go check out the garden!” He said anxiously, his voice an octave higher than usual. “I hear it’s all lit up-“ And with that he scurried off in the opposite direction of the rest of the party.
The masquerade began without a hitch, guests had arrived and were enjoying the rooms, dressed up and fragrant with the scent of the most delicious food and drink imaginable. White roses in crystal vases the centerpiece of each pristine table, set to look as if it were straight from a painting. The night continued as she sipped her bubbly and observed the crowd. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, even as the hour grew later and later. She had greeted acquaintances, explored the bubble room as well as the winter room that had reminded her far too much of her roots, and was now wandering around the garden with some of the party goers that were trying to catch their breath before heading back in for more dancing. The fountain glimmered at the edge of the hedge maze, she made her way over and seated herself at the fountain’s edge, taking a sip of her champagne and gazing into the swirling depths of water, lit by an array of colored lights. She could hear happy voices around her, glasses tinkling together as the guests made cheers to this and that. Breathing in the early autumn night air, she closed her eyes. Everything felt right. Breaking through the quiet chatter of the crowd was a whining, familiar voice. Her eyes snapped open as she willed herself to disappear. Not tonight, she thought. This was supposed to be a good time. She came out to see the masquerade, sure, she had been planning all week for her outfit, the matching mask. But she was also celebrating, as Dr. Devorak had finally noticed her talents and asked her to come on to the clinic staff full time. She was thrilled, and knew it would be a stepping stone to greater things to come. This was her night.
She found herself wandering out to the garden, sparkling red wine in hand. She strolled leisurely out into the cool air, the chill of winter barely registering in her mind after spending years in the cold southern region. The night was refreshing, perfect for a celebration. Glittering lights like stars seemed to shimmer mere feet over her head wherever she wandered, she was sure it was the magician’s magic that was responsible for the finishing touches, making the whole party’s atmosphere seem almost ethereal. She wandered around the bouquets of white roses, noting the flowing fountain of red wine that the Countess had mentioned earlier, placed on a beautiful table alight with faerie lights delicately glowing on the table, artfully circling the fountain and cascading down the table’s legs in angelic swirls. Conversation seemed to pick up at the entrance as a small crowd spilled out into the garden, the lit area suddenly becoming alive with the buzz of excited party goers. A woman giggled, a man seemed to be recalling a most impressive story – surely fabricated for the enjoyment of the onlookers, another woman cooed. Men laughed and clinked their glasses in celebration. Athenia filled her glass with more wine from the fountain and glanced behind her to see what all the hubbub was about, her relaxed features tensing as soon as her eyes landed on a single figure, smiling arrogantly as his eyes flitted over the women fawning over him, desperate for his attention.
She peered over her left shoulder as blonde hair flashed into view, contrasted by the usual bright red of the fine silks and satins, a velvet cape to match. She rolled her eyes as she saw his perfect face, it disgusted her. She still couldn’t understand how such a man had become the Count of Vesuvia. What were the odds that he would magically be in the same place that she ended up, the same place she decided to start a new life, away from her past? But of course he would. He was an awful man and awful men tend to ruin things. She was glaring in his direction, noting the pout of his lips, the bratty expression on his face, when his light eyes darted in her direction. Breath escaped her lungs as he held eye contact for a long, miserable moment, a flash of some unrecognizable emotion flittering through his expression. Surprise? Disgust? He didn’t even know who she was. He never paid her any mind. She averted her eyes as soon as her senses came to her, standing to walk in the other direction, the long way around the hedge maze to make her way back to the safety of the crowded party.
As if he could sense her presence, his smile dropped as his gaze darted upwards in her direction. She was already full of such rage, such loathing that she had to make an effort to change the unpleasant scowl that was etched into her pretty features. Try as she may, she couldn’t bring herself to be pleasant toward this man. Instead she turned her back to him as if she never saw him, downed the glass of wine and fixed her eyes on the doorway, walking defiantly past the crowd that surrounded him. The music hardly reached her ears as she stormed back into the Palace, trying to hide her displeasure. What an arrogant ass. Cowardly little brat of a man child. She hated his stupid pretty face. He didn’t deserve it, if only he was as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside then people would treat him how he deserved. He was disgusting, a monster. Her daze was broken by Julian waving excitedly at her, cheeks pink and eyes glazed. No doubt the result of too much wine. “Atheniaaaaa daaance with meeee-“ He sang, before twirling off. She laughed, following him into the crowd of dancers. She needed something to take her mind off things. The song ended and the next one began, a more upbeat tempo, a cheerful melody that would certainly refocus her attention on trying to keep her footing. One hand in Julian’s and another on his shoulder, he twirled her around the dance floor like he’d had years to practice for this day, he never lost footing as he guided her in elegant circles around and around the room. She smiled broadly as she realized that they were attracting attention from the other dancers, some of them began whistling and cheering as Julian skillfully spun her like a little ballerina. She looked up at him, his eyes closed in concentration, an easy smile on his lips. He was certainly a skilled dancer. The song ended and Julian dipped her low, her head mere inches from the shining floor before effortlessly pulling her back upright again, eliciting applause from a few people nearby. “You’re amazing!” Athenia said, laughing at Julian’s proud expression. “No, youuuu-!” He slurred, swaying and sashaying over to the buffet table. Athenia shook her head and laughed, taking a look at the couples who have once again congregated on the dance floor for a significantly slower dance that had just begun. The lights went low as the music played, shining specks of glitter hovered overhead in the air as if the stars were just within reach. She swayed with the tune, a hauntingly beautiful yet melancholy number, as the couples before her grasped each other and swayed like bright flowers in a summertime breeze. A cool breeze swept through the room, gentle and refreshing. She hummed along to the tune as she munched on a brownie with colorful swirled frosting. She swallowed the treat and spun around, feeling eyes on her. She saw nothing out of the ordinary as she looked around the room, of course there would be people looking at her. This was a party after all, and she was dressed in a ball gown fit for a princess. She smiled and plucked another brownie from the picturesque display, popping the bite sized treat into her mouth.
She cursed him as she walked through the dancers, brow furrowed in frustration. He didn’t deserve to be Count. He didn’t deserve to be loved, didn’t even deserve to be hated. He deserved to be no one, forgotten, alone. But he wasn’t. He was loved as well as hated here, his stupid perfect skin, stupid perfect hair, his pretty features clouded her mind as her footsteps became heavier as she made her way across the floor toward the buffet table. She needed another drink to scrub his face from her mind. She was finishing her second glass of champagne since returning to the party as the air changed behind her. She turned cautiously to see the dancers moving, as if they were the red sea parting for someone of utmost importance. A dramatic swish of red and blonde could be seen through the crowd as the Count made his way through the party and toward the stairs to his hall. The music continued, but softer as his whining voice could be heard throughout the ballroom, complaining about his complexion and the late hour, prior to making his way up the carpeted stairway to retire to his bedchamber. She sighed in disgust, secretly hoping that he woke up with wrinkles, black circles, and maybe an extra 50 pounds to round out that disgustingly perfect waistline of his. Athenia downed another champagne and headed out to the carriage to make her way back home, unable to enjoy herself after suffering through having to see his face and hear his voice. She shuddered, remembering the way his gaze landed on her in the garden. He certainly couldn’t recognize her. There was no way.
A hand on the small of her back startled her out of her trance as strong hands circled around her waist, grasping her hand, pulling her onto the floor. Dizzied, she followed lead, wondering when Julian was going to head to bed. Her head buzzed pleasantly, the taste of the sweet wine on her tongue. “How long are you going to hide from me, pet?” A smooth voice whispered in her ear, rocking her back and forth to the music. A shiver ran down her spine, cold as ice as she looked up into the frustratingly pretty face of none other than Montag himself. Her jaw dropped and she stiffened, unable to move away or think or run. He smiled charismatically down at her, still gripping her hand in a delicate yet firm grasp, his hand on her waist sending shockwaves through her distressed body. “You-“ she began, a low growl.
You can read the third chapter here
Please check out the writers AO3 account. All of their stories are incredibly well written and thought-through. Leave Kudos and most importantly: feel free to comment below their works. I couldn’t be happier with this stunning gift I recieved from them.
Athenia belongs to me
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edosianorchids901 · 5 years
Prompt: "Carry me"
Thank you so much for the prompt!!
Read here on AO3 - Tumblr mobile formatting has been iffy lately, so this may be your best bet if you’re on mobile.
Vicious wind blasted a wall of dust straight into Julian’sface as soon as he stepped off the transport. He squeezed his eyes shut with awince. God, this was like the time he’d used a salt scrub not meant for humans.The scrub had left his body raw, burning. And if anything, this dust scouredhis skin even more severely.
Shielding his face with one hand, Julian cracked his eyesopen. Garak hadn’t lied about the conditions or the continued struggle torebuild. All around the edges of the spaceport lay crushed and twisted remnantsof the proud structures that once stood guard.
And yet, ramshackle buildings peeked hopefully over theruins. Amid all the grey and tan, green emerged in the form of newly-plantedvegetation. And all around, Cardassians worked industriously. Some were buildinga wall, while others buzzed around inside what looked like a traffic control tower.
Impressive. Julian picked his way down the street, carefulnot to slip on any loose gravel. Other pedestrians alternately jostled him or shotsuspicious glares and gave him a wide berth. A warmer welcome than he’dexpected, really.
Now, where could he find Garak? Julian stopped to pull outhis padd, and someone immediately plowed into him. “Sorry,” Julian said, givinga quick wave and stepping out of traffic.
I probably should havetold him I was coming. But then it wouldn’t have been a surprise. The lookon Garak’s face would outweigh the inconvenience of being slightly lost.
Julian wiped a thick coat of dust from his padd screen andchecked the time. Early afternoon, which meant Garak was with the ReunionProject, probably having lunch. Julian tucked the padd back into his duffel andset off.
Perhaps from guilt over both the distance and initial delayin communication, Garak had been unusually forthcoming about his life onCardassia these past months. His messages contained a ridiculous amount ofdetail, so much that Julian’s eyes often glazed over. But knowing Garak’sfavorite lunch spots came in handy now.
Even the oppressive heat and choking dust couldn’t put adamper on this. Julian almost broke into a run when he saw the makeshift café,his hands tingling. Finally. Finally, after all these months. He flung the dooropen.
Garak sat in a typical spot, off to the side with a clearview of the entire room. He glanced up from a padd, and his eyes widened. Hisfork slipped from his grasp, bounced off a plate, and clattered to the floor.
Words rushed in Julian’s mind, tangling and wrestling fordominance. I’m here! Hallo, Elim, Idecided to move to Cardassia. Oh my god, it’s so damn good to see you. Surprised?
“Hi,” he finally managed, cheeks aching from his grin.
Mouth hanging open, Garak leapt up. He’d lost weight—alittle too much weight—since leaving DS9. His scales were dull, hair unkempt.
But delight radiated from his eyes. He crossed the café andseized Julian’s hands. “My dear Julian. What are you doing here?”
How very like him to immediately start asking questions. Julian’sthroat went dry and tight. “Moving here, if that’s all right with you.”
Garak tilted his head. “Is that so?”
God, that wasn’t an encouraging response. The others in thecafé—all Cardassian, probably members of the Reunion Project—fell silent. Thiswas probably as close as they got to theatre these days.
“Yep, it is.” Julian kept his tone light despite the knot inhis stomach. “I just couldn’t go any longer without kissing you, so I decidedit was time to change things up.” Without asking. Which was, in retrospect,maybe not the wisest idea.
Garak’s entire stance relaxed, a smile spreading across hisface. He reached up and cupped Julian’s cheek. “I meant what I said in myletter. You are always welcome here, Doctor.”
Thank god. Julian glanced around the café. Expectant facesstudied them, not even bothering to feign polite indifference. It was likebeing surrounded by a pack of raptors. “Um, should we go back to your place,or…?”
“Ah. Yes.” Garak shook himself. He scooped the fork off theground and set it on his plate, then collected his belongings. “Come, my dear.”
The heavy cloud of dust attacked again the instant theystepped outside. Julian groaned. Grit filled his mouth, burned his eyes.
Garak made a soft, disapproving sound and tugged somethingfrom his pack. “You should have known better than to go for a walk on Cardassiawithout a mask. Did you bother to read my letters at all? I do believe we spokeabout the dust at length on one of our chats as well.”
“I thought it might be more fun to make you take care of mefor a change.” The mask definitely wasn’t designed for a human, leaving gapswhere ridges would be on a Cardassian. Still, it kept out most of the dust, andJulian breathed a little easier. Maskswill complicate kissing a bit, though.
Garak cut through the crowd, occasionally exchanging a fewwords with passersby. His gestures flowed with a natural, almost calm grace.
Despite the rubble, despite the death, despite thedestruction… Amazing. Cardassians really were the hardiest of people. Knock them down and they just spring backout of the cracks and keep going on with their lives. Adapt or die.
“Here we are.” Garak gestured to the path ahead.
Even without the introduction, Julian would have recognizedthis as Garak’s home. If plants peppered other areas of the city, theypositively enveloped this land. Bushes of every kind, vines Julian couldn’t identifyeven with his enhanced memory. And, of course, orchids, their light peachblossoms unfurling at the base of nearly every monument.
And the monuments!They stretched towards the sky, another symbol of Cardassian pride anddurability. They seemed to say Wesurvived, we endured, and now we stand back up.
“This is stunning,” Julian said, his voice muffled by the mask.“How the hell do you work in the garden in all this wind?”
“Carefully.” Garak led him down the path. “And, as you cansee, my shed is expanding into quite a nice little residence.”
“It’s bigger than I expected.” While simple, the structurehad a certain elegance that ran through all Garak’s work, whether his medium beplants, fabric, or stone.
Garak’s jaw tipped up, his pride unmistakable even through amask. “I do believe I’m finding my place,” he said softly with a glance atJulian. “Particularly now, with you beside me.”
The remaining pressure in Julian’s chest vanished. “Carryme.”
“Beg pardon?” Garak tilted his head.
“It’s an old human custom, to carry someone over thethreshold when…” Heat suffused Julian’s cheeks, and he waved a hand to thehouse. “Well, technically it’s when you get married. But, I mean, we’ve beentogether for so long that I thought it might be—”
“Hush, my dearest Doctor.”
Julian found himself swept up in strong Cardassian arms. Hegiggled and looped an arm around Garak’s neck. “See, I always knew you were aromantic at heart.”
“I believe I’ve demonstrated my romantic tendencies quitewell over the years.” Garak cradled Julian a bit closer so neither of them bumpedagainst the doorframe. After a couple steady steps inside, he stopped. “Am I allowedto put you down now? Or is there more to this custom?”
“No, you can put me down.”
Once on the ground, Julian dropped his duffel and glancedaround the house. Low bookshelves lined the walls. Many of the books had beendamaged by water, fire, and who knew what else. A few Edosian orchids decoratedthe simple wooden table.
A cot huddled in thecorner, several blankets spread neatly over the mattress. “Your bed’s a littlesmall,” Julian said. Of course, Garak had complained that nights on Cardassiachilled him, so snuggling would benefit his health.
“I believe we can make do.” Garak deftly peeled off Julian’smask and then his own. He combed his fingers through Julian’s hair, and dust cloudedthe air. “Better.”
Julian’s breath caught—this time, not from the dust. Heleaned into the contact, brought his hand to Garak’s cheek, and kissed him.Finally. I’m never letting him leaveagain.
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snakescript · 6 years
face like thunder | park chanyeol
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pairing | hephaestus!pcy x reader genre | modern greek god au, angst-ish, fluff wordcount | 6.5k note | a birthday fic for the one and only @ilovpcy
hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος ) • greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmen and fire
a memory - or maybe, a moment - shared, between a pretty gal and a strange blacksmith
The first time she meets him, her world does not change. She does not even realize he has just passed her. Some chance encounter not realized, he simply brushes against her shoulder as he rushes past. A muttered sorry and an annoyed tch are all the words exchanged before both fade into one of many in the crowd again, indistinguishable and forgotten. All the remains is a lingering smell of burned coal, with a hint of something sweeter masked by it. She has never quite forgotten it. Of course she didn’t. It would all have made more sense to her if she had known that she had just ran into a god.
But she doesn’t know, how could she. So, the encounter faints from her memory, with only the scent lingering and driving her mad in the fury of trying to find out where she had first stumbled across it. Yet it is not enough to change her routine, to possess her mind and make her seek for the cause. It simply sticks in her thoughts, wavering up from time to time, refreshing her memory and making her wonder where it came from.
The man the scent sticked to like he was born in ashes himself has never once crossed her mind. And neither has he kept her in his memory, a mere mortal not worth enough to linger in his mind for long, nor worthy for his full attention. But maybe, then again, there was something about her that called to him, forgotten again the second she passed.
Their second encounter takes place years later. A necklace needing to be fixed, some asking around, a tip from a friend, and now she is here, standing in front of the unimposing little shop. Nestled inside an old building with a washed out stone facade, a small wooden sign hanging from the wall above the door marking the shop and the only thing calling it’s existence to attention. It looks quaint and a little run down, nothing she would have ever stopped in front of if her friend wouldn’t have told her to. The door swings open with a lovely ring of a tiny bell, announcing a customers arrival. Inside, the air is stuffy and stale, with a hint of smoke lingering.
The stone ceiling is high, giving off an elegant feel to the rusty interior. Her eyes trace the walls, lined with blades and daggers that glisten in the warm light, in the middle of the room are glass cabinets, displaying beautiful jewelry. There is so much to take in, too much gold and silver shimmering at every corner, she does not know where to rest her gaze.
She ends up stopping in front of small vitrine filled with carefully forged rings. None of them looks exactly the same, but they share a certain style, both elegant yet unforgiving, with metal woven into each other to form tangles and braids, some adorned with jewels and gems, others plain. There is something about them that is scarily impeccable, unhuman in their perfection.
“May I help you?” The voice takes her by surprise. Whipping around she faces the person that just emerged from a door behind the counter, and slowly makes her way over to him. He is tall, towering over her, with a sturdy build that hints at a pure strength hidden underneath his clothes. Something cold seeps from his aura, yet it is a burning kind of cold, reminiscent of blue flames. It feels as unforgiving as the steel forged into the blades on the wall.
It takes her by surprise, but she musters her courage to voice her request. “Yeah, I was wondering if you could fix a necklace. It is quite important to me. A friend recommended you, saying there is nothing you can’t do.”
She pulls something white out of her handbag, walking over and placing it on the countertop for him to take. Picking up the little envelope, he lets the delicate chain slide out into his hand, where he carefully inspects the jewelry.
A silence follows, in which he concentrates on the necklace, and she looks around the little shop once more. The longer she is in here, the more chills she gets. There is something very fascinating to be surrounded by all the blacksmith work, it gives of an antique feel, as if stepped into another time period, but somehow, there is a strange unnerving tension surrounding it, too. It feels foreign, and strange. But the scent of ash and smoke, she is sure, she has smelled it before.
“Yeah, I should be able to fix this. It’s just the closure that broke, that I can replace.” He announces, making her face him once more. His voice is deep, and he keeps his sentences curt. As if he does not want to say more than he needs to, as if he wants to finish dealing with her as quickly as possible. “How fast do you need to have it done?”
Her lips form a straight line as she mulls the question over. There is no rush, she does not need it at a special time, does not need it for a certain occasion, in a sense he can take all the time in the world with it. But then again, this necklace holds her heart, her dearest that no longer is, a present given by someone that has left her, discarded her, no longer wants her, yet she cannot let go. She clings to that lost love, having it around hanging from her neck and knocking her chest, right above her heart, each day. Going without feels like a part of her missing, the letters of the engraving in the back of the pendant initials that keep her in a state of completion, although with cracks all over.
The past days she had carried the damn broken thing around secured in an envelope, but always read to grip. Now, the thought of having to go without it makes her head spin and heart ache, it alone feels dreadful enough for her to dare break apart. Her vision gets blurry as thoughts in her head circle and circle around themselves, washing up a face she no longer gets to see before letting it drown again. She takes a deep breath, trying to clear her head, but it only hits her with the scent of coal, the one that she has recalled in her memories oh so often, and it confuses her. She feels out of control, and when he repeats his question, this time carrying an annoyance in his tone, she answers without realizing it. “It does not matter.”
“Then come back in a week.” He grunts out. Without any other word he turns around and leaves through the narrow corridor in the back of the shop he came through earlier. Silently she takes him in, the broad back, the black hair, and the limp he walks with. That is all she can do, still too perplexed by her own answer.
A part of her wants to call him back, explain to him with a shaky voice how she messed up, and how important the necklace is to her. How she needs it back as soon as possible, no, how she doesn’t need it fixed after all and will just take it home again, unable to part from it for even a minute.
But there is something holding her back, something that grounds her and keeps her tears from flowing. An earthy scent and a certain warmth, that is in such a stark contrast with everything in the shop, that tells her she made the right decision, and that she will be just fine.
Quietly, she makes her way back home.
It’s been a long while since someone new has set foot into his shop. He has long scared away all mortals walking the streets outside, only a few still come in and those have known him for a long time. Not quite friends, but the closest thing he has to them. It was nothing short of a miracle for her to come to him.
But there she was, dressed smartly yet simple, with long hair draped over her shoulder, taking in his work. Too delicate to be standing in between all the unforgiving metal. When he spoke, she turned to look at him with eyes wide, like a deer caught up in the headlights. He nearly scoffed right there and then.
And then she took out the necklace.
The one he made years back, the one he himself was so proud of, something one of a kind.  Delicate and lovely, something light and beautiful, meant as a present for someone held dear. Yet with a dark twist underneath, undetectable to the eye.
He remembers selling it. Just like her, it was a random mortal that found his way into his shop, saying he was looking for a gift, an anniversary present for his lover. The second he spotted the fine chain with the gold, crescent moon shaped pendant, he immediately knew it to be the one. Of course, he did.
In the little jewelry contained lays exactly that, a gift for someone to appreciate. Chanyeol was aware of this, was aware that every weak mortals mind would fall underneath the spell of that power all too easily, that who ever would wear it, would kneel to the feelings within. Would maybe go mad without knowing why. Aware of all of that, he didn’t hesitate to sell it, though. With no use for it himself, why would he keep it? He even engraved the man’s initials in the back, and gave it away for little to no money.
And now, here it is, years later, back in his possession. At least for now. Slightly damaged, it found its way to him to repair, and he wonders how it happened. The pendant itself is still in wonderful condition, clean and well taken care of, but the closure broke through force. A curiosity finds its way onto his mind as to how it ended up like this, how it got destroyed by someone so powerless when it holds such might within.
Maybe, his own resentment has caught on, has made it become just a matter of time before it would collapse in itself. It would not surprise him, yet it makes no sense as only the closure seems damaged. But as he lives quietly, keeping to himself and avoiding mortals, along with other gods, at all cost, he wonders if he has he managed to ruin this poor girls life? Has his curse settled on some innocent girl, has his wrath hit some unfortunate soul? The thought brings a wave of guilt to wash over him, although it is all too easily brushed aside again.
If he repairs it, without asking for payment, polish and clean it, would it restore the necklace to good faith and lift the darkness he placed within it once upon a time? Or should he keep it, tell her he was wrong and that he couldn’t save it? Restore her mind and lift the curse from her, do the righteous thing. But no, the lie would scrape his ego too much. After all, there is nothing he cannot repair, forging metal and burning coals his only home. And he does not want to tell her the truth, does not want to turn attention to his nature, to his past.
Really, why does he care about her anyway, when all his life he has been cast out, thrown from the heavens as a mere babe just for being born the way he was, hideous and worthless even in his own mother’s eyes, crippled in his fall, deeming him shameful and undeserving. A god that should not be, a god ungraceful and for eternity hurt, weakened and lame.
He has grown up with no home to return to, no family to call his, has only dealt with hate and dismay. Why should he care about some mortal that had the poor luck to get caught up in his mess?
Her suffering is incomparable to his.
The next week drags by. Time passes slowly, and every minute she is not occupied with work or friends, her mind reminds her of the missing weight around her neck. And each time, a sense of fear comes with it. Yet whenever panic rises up, the scent of burning wood and coal fills her busy brain, and she finds herself calming down again.
It is unnatural how bewitched she has become with that smell, ever since the first time she breathed it in. After all those years, it has become familiar, like coming home to an old friend. Something about it calls to her, puts her under its spell. And maybe that is why she was able to leave her necklace, as if she had felt that it was in trustworthy hands.
But it is not just the shop, and it’s smokey air, that she is drawn to, the mysterious man the scent clings to has not left her mind either. He was unfriendly and harsh in his ways, something that, as a customer, should have put her off, yet somehow she isn’t. She is curious, instead, about the dark eyes and silent strength he emits. An unnatural aura surrounds him, and she wants to know more about it.
So, on the seventh day, she is excited. Having struggled hard not to return earlier, she can feel her heart beating just a tick too fast, and a, to her, foreign energy run through her veins. Throughout her work day, she is fidgety, constantly needing to have something in her hands, and impatiently checking the clock. Time does not pass fast enough.
The door opens with a creak and a ring once again, welcoming her back. The decor lining the walls is as enticing as during her last visit, but this time she heads straight to the counter, waiting for him to come through the door in the back - just like last time.
But he doesn’t. She waits and waits as seconds pass by, turning into long minutes. Anxiety bubbles up in her, as she gets confused. The shop is definitely open, that much she is sure of, and the bell announced her visit. There isn’t anything else around to make her presence known, and she does not want to yell for someone to notice her. What should she even say? Then, she hears it. The sound of two metals clanging together, in regular intervals, coming from somewhere behind the door.
And she knows she should not go there, should leave the shop altogether and return later, hoping he will hear her come in this time round, but something pulls her along. Like a marionette guided by her puppeteer, she opens the door and tiptoes through the narrow, stone hallway. It bends around a corner, and suddenly she is faced with another door, this one only leaning in the door frame, not completely shut. Slowly she tugs at the handle, opening it fully, only to be faced with his workshop.
A surge of hot air hits her in the face, making her eyes tear up and letting the warm colors of the burning fire dance. The furnace is going, smoking up the room, and different metal tools are hanging along the wall, decorating the room. And in the middle of it all is him, in front of an anvil as he shapes a glowing piece of melted steel. Dressed in only a sleeveless shirt with a leather apron thrown above it and harsh looking gloves, his large biceps are on full display. She can see his muscles bulge with each swing of the hammer.
There is a layer of sheen all over him, skin even more golden in the flickering light of the fire. The heat doesn’t seem to bother him other than the sweat pooling along his hairline, and neither do the sparks flying through the air. The prancing flames reflect in his large, dark eyes that, for once, do not look full of cold hate. Overall, his whole demeanor seems changed. As if he has entered his comfort zone, looking fully at home and happy.
She stares at him for a while, unable to tear her eyes of him, before she finally tries to gain his attention. Her knuckles rap against the door frame as she takes a small step forward, still keeping a safe distance from him. He notices the movement and looks up, his face showing surprise for a split second before morphing back into the mask of indifference she has seen him wear a week ago. “What do you need?”
“My necklace.” It’s hard to muster up the words under his piercing gaze and furrowed brows. His eyes narrow and she is sure it is just her imagination, maybe a trick of the light or pure coincidence, but she sees the fire behind him suddenly dance higher. “You said to come back after a week.”
“I don’t have it ready. Come back another time.”
He says it so nonchalantly, already turned back to the half forged blade that is resting on the anvil. Raising his arm, he swings the heavy hammer down once more, hitting it with force and letting sparks fly that make her flinch away. Yet she does not hide, she is not so easily brushes aside.
Turning her down so absentmindedly, she feels annoyance rise up in her. A whole week she has ached and longed for her necklace, her most precious thing. A whole week she had to restrain herself from letting go, forcefully holding herself together as to not break apart. It was the thought of him alone that let her keep it together, and now he dares to just send her away again? To make her leave without any words of apology? No, she will not comply. “Excuse me?!”
“I said,” he hits down on it once more before throwing the gleaming metal into stone basin behind him, the unfinished sword sizzling and steaming as it sinks and forcefully gets cooled down by the cold water surrounding it, steaming up the room, “you should leave. There is nothing I can do for you today.”
“No. I am not leaving without it.”
“It’s just a necklace, I am sure you won’t die going without it for another couple days,” he says, tension in his shoulders as he is visibly getting annoyed. He straightened up to his full height, towering over her, and he is nothing short but terrifying. The fire behind him flickers up again, and this time she is sure it is not just a dumb coincidence. But somehow, she is not scared. “What’s so urgent about it, anyway?”
“It has immense value to me, thank you very much. And you told me you would have it ready in a week,” she fires back, a rage brewing inside her, that takes her by surprise. She has never been a person that is easily angered, and neither is she one to seek out confrontation. Yet, here she is, picking a fight with someone she has no chance of winning against. Something inside her tells her she does not need to be afraid.
He just scoff at her. “Well, what do you want me to do about it?”
“Do it now.”
“Excuse me?”
“Fix my necklace right now. I don’t care if you have anything else to do, fix it,” she responds, voice harsh and eyes revealing an iron will. She is furious, and it's impossible change her mind. It takes him aback. Nothing but a mere mortal, she does not know she is going up against a god, a person whose wrath she should not entice. Judging by her petite looks, she would probably not even stand a chance against a regular human. Yet, here she is, determined to get her way, no matter what stands in her path, and for a split second she resembles his mother. Graceful and proud, a gentle goddess, yet once provoked, wrathful and unforgiving. He has experienced that first hand.
Out of all the beings, divine or not, he cannot fathom how she happened resemble Hera. With all the scorn he harbors against her, he should be furious and burning up. It was probably his own imagination, but maybe, just maybe, his mother actually manifested in her, putting him back in his place, reminding him about his destructive power.
He is well aware he already made the flames flicker earlier. If he would let himself go, would let his rage consume him, he would not hesitate to burn the whole place down to nothing but ashes, her included.
So he takes a deep breath, makes sure he has his emotions under control and looks into her eyes. Perhaps she is seeing the change inside him as her own expression softens as well, lips turning into a thin line as she presses them together. He takes another moment to gather his thoughts and transform them into words.
"Listen. There is something you don't know about that necklace and if you know what is best for you, leave right now and never come back. Believe me, you will be happier without it."
Throughout the week he tried not to think about what to do, and he had hoped if she would just do as he says, leaving without a fuzz to return at a later time, he would have had more time to figure things out - or actually sit down to decide. The words coming out of his mouth are spontaneous, and he isn't sure what made him tell her. Maybe she has left more of an impression on him than he realized. And he is well aware that her little outbreak is to blame on the influence of the necklace as well.
She takes a while to react to his words, staring at him in silence. Maybe she is waiting for him to explain further, but he stays quiet. Sitting down on his anvil he crosses his arm and lets her find the right words. When she finally speaks, she sounds confused. "What are you talking about?"
"It's a bit of a long story, and I really don't wanna waste my breath telling all of it, but let's just say I know there is something wrong with the necklace because I am the one that made it. There is a reason why you are so fuckin' obsessed with it. Just believe me." He sighs, slightly shaking his head. He really isn't in the mood for a story time nor for having the conversation drag on much longer. "I'll fix your necklace if you really want me to, but if I were you, I'd leave it be."
"W-wait. So, you are telling me, I've been clinging on to my ex for no god damn reason other than this necklace? That's insane. That's- You're insane. It's a necklace, what could be wrong with it?"
"As said, I don't wanna tell the whole thing right now. If you have some common sense, trust me. Even if it sounds crazy," he replies, and he can tell in the way her body has shifted and her arms have crossed over her chests, her frame now looking even smaller, that she is unsure in what to do, and what to believe. He doesn't doubt that she has felt - and suffered under - the effects of the necklace, yet to hear it like that, of course she would not take his word for granted right away.
"Why should I trust you? I don't even know your name," she huffs, but there is no longer any fire in her voice. Even if her words say otherwise, she seems to believe him.
"Well, I guess it's nice to meet you, Chanyeol. I'm y/n." She extends her hand for him to shake, a friendly gesture betraying the stern look on her face.
"My hands are dirty," he says, hesitating to take her hand. Small and delicate, like the rest of her, with perfectly filed nails they are the opposite of his. Large and thick, calloused and scarred all over and all dirtied up. But she doesn't seem to care, keeping hers hovering in front of his face until he finally gives in, his hand nearly swallowing hers completely as they shake.
"So I am still in love with my ex because of that?"
"Something like that, yeah." He sighs once more, standing up and stretching out his back as he walks a couple steps. "So, what do you wanna do?"
"No, we are not done talking." She closes the distance between them again, hands balled to fists by her side. Determination is back in her eyes asking him to surrender and play along. "Tell me the whole story, it is only fair for me to know."
How she managed to get the upper hand, he is not sure of, but he knows he has to give in. If he doesn't, she will come back again and again, demanding the truth to the things he teased. Had he only put the damn jewelry into the flames and let them melt to a misshapen clump, then he could have just thrown that to her feet and turned her away, closing down the shop for a while and escaping this whole mess. But it is too late for that, and now he doesn't have a choice.
She opens her mouth to keep demanding, but he cuts her off before she gets even a syllable out. "Fine. But not here. Let's go somewhere else."
In his thoughts he adds, it's too dangerous here. With the fire burning in the back, and his emotions not under control as he reminisces into his past, it is only a catastrophe waiting to happen. Plus, while he is used to the heat and the smoke, she is not. She has already been here too long, he can see the sweat beading along her hairline, and there are spots of grey on her white blouse were ashes settled. It's no place for a pretty girl like her.
"Let's go find a café then."
They found a small coffee shop around the corner, just a short walk along the narrow cobblestone street lined with old looking buildings. It barely takes a couple minutes, yet it still manages to be awkward, their steps unmatched and a pregnant silence lingering in between them. With the large distance his long legs cover, she has trouble keeping up, even as his limp seems to make it hard for him to walk. She has to awkwardly cough two or three times for him to notice that she is falling behind. She is glad when they finally walk through the door.
Choosing a small round table in a secluded corner, they sit down facing each other, two steaming cups of coffee sitting in between them. She waits for him to start talking, he wants to drag the whole thing out. The awkwardness shared has become so tense, it is about to explode, she thinks, as she lifts her cup to her mouth, blowing air on the hot liquid before taking a tiny sip. He clears his throat, takes a deep breath and finally speaks up.
"First of all, I am a god. These days I know a lot of you mortals no longer believe in us, which is honestly fine by me, I am trying to live a quiet live after all. There are quite a few of us living in your world, taking on a different face and name. Some of us keep quiet, some of us like a bit of attention," he says, face expressionless but a sternness in his voice. His eyes look straight into hers, never wavering, and she does not dare to look away. "But for the most part, my kind keeps to themselves. They think of themselves as better, which is kind of true, we are immortal after all, and look down onto humans. And believe me, it's better they stay away. All of them are loathsome bunch."
He continues on, while she stays quiet, only mixing in some appropriate noises from time to time to show that she is still listening. So, he tells his story, how he has been conceived out of spite and rage as Zeus would betray his wife, how Hera herself had cast him out once born as he was a grotesque sight, unbearable to look at compared to his brethren. Thrown into the sea and left to die, his foot has gotten injured and was rendered useless, turning him into even more of a disgrace. Out of some miracle, though, he was taken in by a kind woman. He thought himself to be a blacksmith, to make himself useful. Naive as he was back then, he had hoped that once he had learned and perfected a skill, he would earn a place with his family. Presenting the finest works of art and the deadliest of blades, he was still denied.
So, he had plotted revenge. Creating the necklace, he meant it as a present for Hera, to trap her, and have her submit to his will. Zeus was not pleased, yet could not strike him down in fear of killing Hera as well. They settled on a deal, letting Hera walk free, and promising Aphrodite as a wife for him. The personification of beauty and grace, his very own reversed mirror. Yet, after having wed, he realized it did not please him. Aphrodite did not love him, and neither did he love her.
So, he resigned himself to the mortal world, forging blades for wars and trinkets for lords and ladies, earning himself a place to stay, quietly living in a bubble of bitterness and hatred.
"How did the necklace end with me then?" She asks the question as he paused for a bit, letting the words he said sink in. Along the way his hands had cupped the ceramic mug with a tight grip, his knuckles white from the force.
"I took it back after freeing Hera as means to remind myself of everything that has happened and that I have done. But as the centuries passed, I stopped caring about it. And so, I decided to sell it."
His words shock and anger her. "Why? Did you not think anyone would get harmed?"
"I did not think that far. I obviously removed the trap that chained the wearer to me, yet the feelings that I wove into the gold remained. To get Hera to accept the give, the true intentions were hidden under an aura of love, adoration and devotion. A mortal would obviously be drawn to it, just as the guy who gave it to you was. Because he was the one to give it to you, you were chained to him, in a sense, as Hera was chained to me. I suspected something like that could happen, but I honestly did not care what would become of him, or anyone else receiving it."
She mulls over his words, appalled by his lack of empathy and absence of warmth. It is not fathomable by her how a god of fire can be so cold and cruel. And she does not know how to respond, or what to think. In everything he has revealed himself to be, in every word he said, he as exposed himself as selfish, hateful and vile, yet the man that sits across her, the one that speaks with a soft voice seems anything but that. Her rational mind tells her to curse him out, to leave and never turn back, yet her guts makes her stay seated and listen to every word he has to say. She gets the feeling, she is the first to have ever done that.
"By the way, I was wondering, how did you break the necklace in the first place? That is not an easy task to accomplish."
His question takes her by surprise, especially the genuine curiosity he asks it with. "I... was having a mental breakdown after having been rejected again, after I tried to get back with him again. And for a split second I hated him and all that reminded me of him and I ended up ripping the necklace off me. It was such an intense, overwhelming feeling, I didn't even know I was capable of so much hurt and anger."
"That is impressive. You defied the necklace power for a second." There is something akin to new found respect in his eyes as he looks at her, yet there is another emotion hidden in the tone of his voice. She can't fully pinpoint it, yet she guesses it to be something of concern. "Anyway, have you decided what you want to do?"
She bites her lip as she tries to quiet her thoughts, but she only ends up shaking her head. "No, I don't know if I just need more time to think about it, or if I will never know."
"Okay, listen to me: how much does the necklace mean to you?"
"I-, I don't know. I am no longer sure what was me and what was your curse."
He cocks his head to the side, before pushing his now long empty coffee cup to the side, and leaning closer towards her. "Right now, in this moment, do you love your ex?"
Her eyes open wide at his words, meeting his gaze as she slowly but surely shakes her head. It is true, she does not love him. There is only indifference towards him in her heart. When she thinks back to their relationship, only the ending of it comes to mind, the constant fights, his lying and foul excuses. The way he had distanced himself so long before finally leaving her. The memories are no longer tainted with the spell she was under, and now she can finally see the closure that she has longed for. Oh, looking back now, she should have left him long before he ever thought about splitting up.
Maybe her thoughts, her realization, are reflected on her face, maybe, she is just an open book to him, but something about his expression changes and he leans back, looking somewhat satisfied. "Come back to my shop sometime over the next days if you made up your mind. If you ever want to see me again after today, that is."
And with those words he stands up and leaves, no goodbyes, no other formalities. She is left behind with two empty mugs and more questions than answers.
Two paper cups of freshly brewed coffee in hand, she looks forward to the now familiar ring of the bell as she opens the door to the shop. The scent of coal and smoke is welcoming her. Three days have passed, and she had enough time to think things over, or at least, she doesn't believe that agonizing over it any longer would help her reach another conclusion.
As expected, she does not find him behind the counter, but this time, she does not hesitate to go search for him in the back. With his back turned to the door, he is bend over something she cannot see, yet he seems to carefully be inspecting it. At her knocking he turns around, a hint of a smile gracing his plush lips. He expected her to come back. Pointing at the coffee cup, he greets her. "Is that for me?"
Returning his grin, she nods as he hands it over to him. She isn't sure why she is so kind to him, or when exactly her caution of him has faded, but here she is, bringing him coffee as a treat. Maybe, she finally decided to trust her gut, that even though he paints himself a loathsome man, there is a warm heart underneath. It is the same voice inside of her that made her recall the smell of sweet smoke whenever distressed, and that told her to put the necklace in his fateful hands. And that maybe, if treated with kindness, he will return it, too. After all, he decided to tell her about the necklace and free her from its grip, rather than letting her suffer further.
"So, on what did you decide? Want it back?"
She shakes her head at him, stifling a little giggle as he raises an eyebrow. She is not the only one that changed. "You can keep it. I am finally letting go of my relationship, and there is no way I want to turn back to that. Although, I am a little sad about it. It was beautiful, I adored it."
"So, if I told you I made a replica, you would want it?" His grin widen in turn as her eyes get bigger.
"You did what?"
Turning around he looks through one of the drawers of his work desk, taking out something shiny. He lets it fall into his palm and shows it to her. And there it is, the fine chain, the crescent moon pendant, the gold glowing under the natural light that falls in through the windows. It looks identical, save for the small, barely noticeable white gemstone inserted in the bottom half, making it look even more breathtaking. "I changed it up a bit, so you can tell that it's a different one. There, also, is no engraving on the backside either."
He flips the pendant over, and true to his words the surface is polished and smooth. She has no doubt that he made her a new one, and not just changed up the old one. It brings tears to her eyes that dare to spill with each flutter of her lashes, and she reaches up to carefully wipe them away before they ever dare to fall. "It's beautiful, thank you so much."
"Here, let me put it on you."
"No, wait!" He stops in his movement, confused by her sudden outburst. His eyebrows furrow slightly and she smiles again. The idea suddenly popped into her mind. "Could you add another engraving instead?"
He affirms her that yes, of course it is possible, and she bites her lip in hesitation before finally voicing out her wish. A part of her is scared that he will reject it, that it will destroy the mood, the happy atmosphere they have, and the trust they build. But it was she, no, her heart desires. "Add your initials."
Looking at her in disbelief, he shakes his head no. Yet, she presses on, convinces him that it is truly what she wants. That she wishes to wear his name above her heart, one that finally belongs only to herself, and that now, she can decide who to let in. He reminds her that the name she knows it not his real name, just the one he chose for this cycle of his mortal persona, but she insists. After all, this is the him she got to know. Eventually, he gives in.
And for the rest of her life, she proudly wears the necklace, everyday it is put around her neck for the world to see. But it is her free will to do so, her heart's own desire, and the rest of her bodies too, when she visits him in the shop on regular basis, bringing him coffee and lunch, until one day, he is the one coming home to her.
note | tenri, if you are reading this: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i know this is a big step down from last year, but i hope you like it anyway!!!  have a great great great day with lots of presents and cake and people declaring their love for you bc you deserve the best birthday ever!! i love you !!! 🤧💖💐
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A Review Of coffee face mask
Not only that, we also have dressing combs, hair brushes, headbands, roller sets, wigs, hair clips together with other accessories. Regardless of whether your hair is long or small, curly or straight, coloured or pure, you could browse our number of Qualified hair care and styling appliances In keeping with your precise desires. To complete off your seem, you'll be able to store online for hair styling products and solutions from some of the prime haircare makes. Go ahead and take guess exercise of flaunting gorgeous hair, store on the internet and obtain hair care will have to-haves. Puree the papaya in the meals processor or blender till just mashed evenly, and after that Mix in the opposite elements by hand. Unfold over your face, averting your eyes, and Enable it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wipe or rinse your face thoroughly clean, and smile at by yourself within the mirror. The anti-inflammatory house of coffee will help in lowering inflammatory pores and skin disorders. Also, coffee is loaded with antioxidants that defend your skin from no cost radicals that happen to be answerable for untimely getting old of the skin. Distribute it evenly with your face and neck and chill out for twenty minutes. Gently rub the mixture although washing it off with h2o. This allows in removing the useless skin and brightens the complexion. I also really like the graphics you place as part of your hub! I assume through the Resource url that you just created them you. Great position! They are actually fantastic graphics to employ for pinterest. :) Of which, I feel I'm going to pin this to my beauty board on Pinterest to work with for long run reference. You may use honey as a house solution to brighten your skin complexion in the following methods: Mixing juice of 1 tomato by using a teaspoon of honey will help lower tan marks, brighten skin complexion and do away with spots & blemishes. Twice weekly, therapeutic massage the combo on the face for five minutes and leave it to relaxation for one more quarter-hour just before rinsing it off with tap drinking water for preferred final results. Include 1 tsp honey to one of the lemon halves. Wonderful moisturizer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGHy_hzq6wA and skin brightener and lightener. Anti bacterial and antiseptic Qualities that help ruin germs on skin surface. Nourishes and water dry skin. The cream nourishes and offers pores and skin a smooth lustrous truly feel though honey acts like a delicate astringent and also the anti-septic Attributes it's really helps to cleanse skin of germs and Grime chargeable for resulting in acne. Honey contains a hefty serving of antioxidants for moisturized and vibrant skin. Polyphenols in honey demolish totally free radicals that induce oxidative pressure in skin cells, thus slowing down the aging means of skin. Now, this just one will be good for dry pores and skin. Olive oil moisturizes skin and it has vitamin E information also. Include 1 tbsp of coffee powder with 1 tbsp of olive oil, mix very well, and use the paste on face and neck. Rinse off when its semi dry. Clay masks are amazing for managing oily pores and skin. Honey assists split up excessive oil and extremely absorbent clay eliminates it when Carefully exfoliating. Bentonite and Moroccan Pink are two of the greatest clay decisions for balancing oily skin. Turmeric masks have a regular place in my elegance routine — I do them once per week. They’ll leave a slight yellow hue about the skin, but that fades in about thirty minutes. Should you see residue after the thirty moment mark, you can soak a cotton ball with milk and go around People places. Consider this mask as being a smoothie for the face: strawberries consist of salicylic acid (that is perfect for acne-susceptible skin), although lemon juice really helps to tighten pores and remove previous, lifeless skin cells. > In relation to make-up, there is get which should be followed to stay away from make-up fails. Also, in case you Adhere to the appropriate purchase, makeup stays in place for more time however we want to reiterate that it’s completely upto 1’s personal desire. Some women prefer to do their eyebrows to start with while some Many others do […]
Top latest Five diy face mask Urban news
This articles is precise and correct to the very best on the creator’s information and isn't intended to substitute for official and individualized suggestions from a qualified Experienced. Planning: Again, the preparing is very simple. Just combine the two substances and make a uniformly blended paste. Incorporate the lemon juice and honey, and use the combination to the face. Make it possible for it to sit down for twenty-30 minutes. Lemon juice exfoliates your skin, brightens dim spots and fades scars. When most of us give skin care and hair treatment their due relevance, we regularly overlook to deal with our lips. This very delicate component of your respective bo... As soon as you already know and have an understanding of the bring about, it truly is time to find a get rid of. Because https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Organic-Face-Masks is caused due to blockage and subsequent an infection in the sebum glands, clearing the blockage and fighting the an infection need to logically enable overcome your acne symptoms. This is where the honey mask for acne will come into Participate in. Using a honey mask for acne not merely clears the blockage but in addition eliminates the infectious microbes, Hence lessening the signs of acne. The surplus oil secreted via the sebaceous glands entice free radicals when clogging the pores and skin pores. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the skin’s elasticity and curbs excess oil creation, holding the skin cleanse plus much more balanced. Rich in healthy Fats and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado might help feed and lubricate withered skin, giving it a supple look and feel. Have you ever tried a variation on the honey mask? Exactly what are your preferred food items-centered components to implement on your skin? Remark under! Want to turn each day into a fantastic pores and skin working day? Need to know how you can continue to keep the skin younger, clean, and glowing 24/seven? Every man or woman would like to look and feel their finest always. Our assurance is right proportionate to how we sense about ourselves. Deriving the very best from oneself is having said that a job that may be considerably assisted with the use of sensible merchandise. Avocado masks are employed by celebs like Victoria Beckham and Jessica Biel, along with the better part is which you could eat the second fifty percent that you don’t use with your face. I've read through and settle for the privateness policy Pink Backlink to Media collects personalized knowledge for interior use only. Beneath no situation will your information be transferred to third get-togethers without having your permission. Coffee constricts the blood vessels eliminating any puffiness with your face because of the presence of toxins. This is easily the most complete mask within our guideline, because it's both of those a scrub and also a nourishing therapy. You will want floor coffee beans, as much cocoa powder, 2 times as much dairy or almond milk, a tablespoon olive oil - You may as well use almond oil or, When you've got oily skin, lemon juice - and a tablespoon honey, that may be skipped For anyone who is prone to acne. Moist a washcloth and press it in your face to loosen the mask, then rinse with warm water. If you have delicate pores and skin, you ought to keep away from rubbing your face because the coffee grounds could probably scratch your skin.
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Create a canned pumpkin and papaya face mask. Pumpkin is loaded with antioxidants, although papaya contains an enzyme that gets rid of oil and lifeless skin. Blend a cup of canned (mashed) pumpkin with 2/three cups mashed papaya. Never neglect to mask not only the middle human being, butfor the neck, it is this Portion of the body in the initial issue age. For https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxMzMpXSans that may fit neck mask of lemon juice combined with yeast. The combination must be a bit warm, stir and apply with a cotton pad on the pores and skin. For via little herbs channel up-to-date foodstuff news, health recommendations and recipes, like us on Facebook or observe us on Twitter and YouTube. Thanks so greatly!! All the days of my lifeI hhave been scuffling with acne. Tried out anything in existence and nothing will work. I am absolutely gonna check out these! Thank you so a great deal for these normal remedies In accordance Together with the law of 8th December 1992, you'll be able to access the databases containing your own facts and modify this information and facts Anytime by speaking to Backlink to Media ([email protected]) Insert a spoonful of oatmeal, baking soda, and peel powder to some spoons of drinking water and mix them till it types a paste. I undergo dry, sensitive, blemished matured pores and skin that detest substances. I am unquestionably seeking the peel/coconut ouT appropriate thru; do I cease the peel when the blemishes are out & cleared?, how/ with what do I cleanse these skin?, any moisturising & sunblock strategies? Cheers! Another fantastic read! Here's https://www.pinterest.com/pin/722616702689548172 for honey: it works good on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye several instances, about 4 several years back when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops gave the impression to be assisting, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I'd a staph infection and once again, the antibiotics were not doing Substantially to crystal clear it up. There are several face masks recipes from yeast with many different accent substances. Pick the types which have been ideal for your skin type. Keep in mind that yeast is especially fantastic mask for oily skin and for pores and skin inflammation. Hi :) i just did the lemon mask Together with the strawberry and i loved it but how frequently am i able to use it? Daily with any luck , Make certain not to smile or talk to the face mask on! This tends to extend the skin within the mouth and eyes and really induce wrinkles to form. The coffee and lemon face mask is ideal for the oily pores and skin. To organize the face mask you'll need two tablespoons of moist coffee grounds, just one tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. Unfold the combination with your face. Chill out for 20 minutes then rinse with lukewarm h2o.  Lie down and go away the mask on for five minutes. Clean it away with heat water, pat your face dry and adhere to up with your preferred toner and moisturizer. Do-it-yourself Recipe #three Homemade Strawberry Mask Face masks are a great way to feed the skin balanced antioxidants. I love creating my very own selfmade masks at home since it's inexpensive and also the normal ingredients are gentle on my dry and sensitive skin. After a very long working day, nothing is better than kicking up my ft and pampering myself using a mouth watering mask. Strawberries are in period from late spring to early summer season and if you live in California, They are available at your local stores and farmer marketplaces right this moment.
5 Essential Elements For orange face mask
Combine all components alongside one another in a small bowl. Apply a thin layer in excess of your entire face and neck. Rest for twenty minutes and rinse with warm drinking water. Repeat the mask weekly or make use of the combination for a each day spot remedy by dabbing it on to discoloration. Success will acquire two-three months. Right after https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ , spot this mixture inside a bowl of sizzling h2o. This will heat it up and the yeast can get activated. Apply the mask in your face and neck utilizing a make-up brush (you don’t want to stain your nails and fingers yellow!). There are https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/status/1087123981155618816 from yeast with many different accessory ingredients. Choose https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ that happen to be great for the skin variety. Do not forget that yeast is especially excellent mask for oily pores and skin and for skin inflammation. Yeast is part of masks to the face - incredibly powerfulSkin-treatment products and solutions. But if it is Erroneous to use them, you could set yourself and damage. For that reason endorses healingandbodywork acquainted that has a several helpful strategies: Just before preparing a mask from yeast, Test the expiration date of every one of the substances. Consider this mask as a smoothie for your personal face: strawberries incorporate salicylic acid (which can be great for acne-prone skin), even though lemon juice helps to tighten pores and take away previous, dead skin cells. As it is possible to see, employing an orange peel face mask has many rewards that function for various pores and skin forms. Regardless of what you'll need it for, orange peel powder is unquestionably a blessing. Honey and avocado are the ideal combo of hydrating components for dry skin. Floor almonds gently exfoliate, and their great fats go away the skin feeling super delicate. If little herbs youtube channel 'd like to incorporate all the more moisturizing Positive aspects, add a tablespoon of oil to the combination. Now, smooth the paste equally and gently utilizing your fingertips on the cleanse neck and face; keep the eye place crystal clear. Obtained pretty oily and acne-susceptible pores and skin? Fret no much more with this easy and cleansing orange peel face mask, that may leave the skin oil-free of charge and moisturized concurrently! Puree the papaya inside a foods processor or blender until just mashed evenly, after which Mix in one other substances by hand. Unfold over your face, avoiding your eyes, and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. step to remedies or rinse your face thoroughly clean, and smile at your self within the mirror. Perfect for combination skin mask fit of milk: Break the yeast into a number of smaller pieces and put it in warm milk, it is actually in almost any situation really should not be sizzling, or else the mushroom will die; *Observe: this mask can be utilised on eczema patches on other elements of Your system, for instance inner arms, the backs of one's knees, your neck, and many others. For locations apart from your face, you could go away the remedy on for the bit extended prior to washing it off. Great, there is a place for this. An acquaintance on line commenced chatting with me about skin and she suggested a yeast face mask with milk. I never ever heard of such a point but I figured Why don't you, I love masks. So https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=face+mask tried it. I just pour some dry yeast (the minimal beads) into a little dish and insert several drops of milk.
Facts About strawberry face mask Revealed
You can obtain rid of acne devoid of enduring the ache of digesting bitter tablets or making use of People creams and lotions which, in most cases, are nothing but lumps of petroleum jelly mixed with an artificial scent, coloration, moderate bleach, and random antibiotics. home remedies via steptoremedies and lemon face mask is ideal for the oily skin. To arrange the face mask you will need two tablespoons of soaked coffee grounds, a single tablespoon of lemon juice and also a teaspoon of honey. Distribute the mixture on your own face. Take it easy for 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm h2o. Turmeric masks have an everyday area in my attractiveness program — I do them at the time per week. They’ll go away a slight yellow hue to the pores and skin, but that fades in about thirty minutes. In case you notice residue following the 30 minute mark, you are able to soak a cotton ball with milk and go above People places. Thanx. I am a black/african girl 0f 41. I'm light in complection, but my face appears to be like so uninteresting and grey. I have tried evri item but my pores and skin retaliates skin care program. I attempted it almost everything and its interesting.... its really productive... just ought to set minutes all of it ... I get it done every day before i take a tub or whilst have a bathtub... This is exactly why ordinarily i'm 30mins from the rest room hahahaha... for 30days I am able to begin to see the result of glow -Manuka Honey is said for being the best choice in terms of antimicrobial properties, Which explains why Manuka Honey Masks are viewed as the best. Like any other residence face masks, yeast face mask has a number of indications to be used, which really should be recognised prior to to undertake its planning. Yeast face mask is suggested: Ensure never to smile or talk to the face mask on! This can extend the skin within the mouth and eyes and truly lead to wrinkles to variety. If you prefer a mask in your complete face, then a few to 4 tablespoons of cinnamon powder could well be enough, and make sure you have enough honey to create a free paste While using the cinnamon powder. You’ll get by far the most Gains working with raw honey. And when you’re willing to splurge, you are able to’t conquer Manuka honey. This honey from the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is really an antibacterial superfood with a great deal of immunity and 1st-assist benefits. for oily pores and skin: no other cosmetic item is able so helps make slim enlarged pores and eradicate as quickly as possible unhealthy glow of the face; Now that you've got your orange peel powder, Here's three face mask recipes that will assist you to reap their Gains: Many people toss out orange peels the moment they’re finished taking in or juicing an orange. But Are you aware that orange peels are a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants? The orange peels also have a better vitamin C material in comparison to the fleshy within! Then, location the yogurt and strawberries inside a blender to mash or Incorporate jointly the yogurt and strawberries utilizing a fork (a blender is effective best).
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broch76egan-blog · 6 years
A good Insider’s Help guide to Classic Balinese Health spa Treatment options
The regular elegance customs regarding Indonesian women go as far back a large number of ages and also placed their root base within traditional medicinal practises referred to as jamu. The actual collective knowledge of organic beauty treatments transferred via decades remains to be commonly popular right now, and so are right now being used by contemporary health spas in which serve your hoards of tourists. The largest bring minute card for most people going to Bali will be the possibility to atone for spa remedies. The resort schools are fantastic when you have any health spa session included in your lodging deal, or else you want to sleep in seconds involving finishing your current treatment and get away from the irritation of touring back to the place. But they generally be more expensive when compared with multiple the buying price of a neighborhood spa, so the majority of us will be supplying that luxury the overlook. When you’re after a more upmarket encounter all the time, you’ll locate plenty of self-sufficient specialist spas along the major pieces within Kuta, Seminyak as well as Legian. The type of gem is actually Prana Health spa in Seminyak. It’s among the greatest schools throughout Indonesia, eccentrically adorned within a Moroccan fashion with complex passages as well as remedy areas. A new pedicure charges all around USD$25, the hair lotion bath cost around USD$30 as well as a 70 minute massage therapy is all about USD$40; that’s almost in between what your current motel bills you you and your token nearby places. Here’s a list of A few of the finest conventional Balinese spa treatments: Balinese rub Balinese rubs regarded as a routine choice of everyday existence throughout local way of life. It incorporates traditional techniques coming from India and China to chill stress items, stimulate lack of feeling being, and also revitalize tired muscle groups along with prolonged middle of the stress shots. The Balinese perform a wonderful job in terms of conventional massage therapy. Bali Spa to get a therapeutic massage is appropriate on the beach from the delayed afternoon. Within Kuta and Seminyak, community masseuses trawl the shore each day providing half hour massages for approximately USD$8. Top the therapy with a new refreshing soak in the sea and you’re able to coloring the town reddish! Shirodara Shirodara can be a healthy Ayurveda treatment that is believed to pacify a struggling mind. Whilst you lie flat on a your bed or desk, the boat stuffed with cozy gas drips a regular flow regarding fluid on your brow, drizzling around the remaining hair approximately one hour. Because comfortable oil carefully passes away from the “third eye”, anyone literally think that your complaints are melting away. The procedure has proven to heal go, neck of the guitar and olfactory syndromes, sleeplessness, nervous ailments and tension headaches. Papaya Molecule Wraps Papaya Enzyme Wrapsutilize naturally occurring papain digestive enzymes to tiny exfoliate, enliven as well as moisten skin. Also, they are rich in vitamin C and also blood potassium, which usually helps with removing excess water along with toxic compounds through the body. Given that vitamins could be assimilated with the epidermis hurdle, pawpaw chemical systems additionally enhances the the lymphatic system. Pawpaw has been employed through conventional civilizations since way back when to help remedy a large array of skin complaints. It’s seen to cure sets from broke high heels as well as pimples for you to skin color and in many cases ringworm. Lucky function as simple pawpaw! Mandi Lulur Mandi Luluris a historical Javanese physique scrub that’s then the flowery bath and is also utilized by Indonesian ladies in their standard beauty routine. A new paste made from yoghurt, grain powder and also turmeric root extract is buffed within the body throughout prolonged spherical strokes, and after that condensed off of in a casually scented bath. Yoghurt consists of lactic acid, an all-natural hydroxyl acid exfoliator, whilst hemp powdered provides a physical exfoliator. These 100 % natural ingredients additionally contain pores and skin lightening and also hydration attributes. Turmeric alternatively, can be a effective de-oxidizing labeled as a secret natural skin care tart that snacks sets from acne breakouts and pimples to eczema along with dermititis circumstances. The actual Mandi Lulur encounter is a marvellous expulsion and also liquids strategy for one's body in which results in your epidermis sensation supple and soft for several days right after. It’s additionally a wonderful calming answer to sunburnt epidermis. Often, your potion is actually perfumed with sandalwood, if you’re not used to pungent aromas, allow club psychologist recognize your choice. Curly hair lotion bathtub A hair cream bathis a normal scalp and also hair treatment in which people can't live without. It begins with a head, neck and shoulder therapeutic massage and is accompanied by a new home made mask made from grape, ginseng and other 100 % natural ingredients that are lightly applied in the a person's scalp. It’s left on with regard to 30 minutes under a steam cleaner while you remain pampered. For many Indonesian women, cleaning their very own tresses are a rare to not ever incident, using a professional head of hair cream shower becoming this type of regular treat. Salons throughout Australia are usually beautifully inexpensive because they’re commonplace in lifestyle for several local girls, so that you don’t have to go with an upmarket salon to get a great service. The in your area run salons and spas perform perfectly congrats; just ask for a curly hair cream bath plus a blowout.
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