#all he needs is your valid government issued ID and your social security number!
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ron's stuck in the mcdonalds play place :(
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newblogdandan22 · 3 years
4 Government IDs That Are Very Easy to Apply For / Guide Ph.
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Obtaining government IDs does not imply that your young and also carefree days are over. If you're going to have a look at the other citizen of society, you're already coming to be a liable resident of culture. These government IDs won't just profit on your own but also your liked ones.
An Identification (ID) card is generally made use of to validate that the individual owning it is certainly that she claims to be. In other words, the Identification Card is used as an evidence of identification in numerous purchases in your area and also globally. You can utilize it to match any extra info you offer such as the address on an application.
However, the ID has to be issued by a firm that is genuine, such as a state government or government agency. Some examples consist of driver’s licenses, military identification, and also passports. These cards are generally made use of in determining the providing body and also has a picture of the owner. It can also include the address, birth day, as well as signature of the holder.
Making an application for a government ID nowadays is not that so challenging, though physical looks are a must, on-line applications make our lives less complicated. However a lot of you might be questioning what are the government IDs that are easy to apply with much less of paper demands. In this write-up, I will certainly reveal you the easiest government IDs to acquire that you can make an application for.
Four (4) Government IDs that are very easy to apply for:
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Here's an example of a Postal ID
The postal id is just one of the simplest to acquire a government-issued ID in the Philippines. And the advantage is that this is a valid id that can be accepted in different exclusive as well as public field purchases. And also just recently, it was transformed by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhilPost) from a simple paper document into an ID card with upgraded security functions.
A postal ID is a card which is one of the most typically accepted ways of identification in any type of postal transactions anywhere in the world, according to the Universal Postal Union. Postal ID is a socially broad card making its application open for anyone.
Prior To, Postal IDs are released by Philippine Postal Company to see to it that parcels as well as letters are supplied to the right people. This ID exists to a postman or postal carrier before he/ she can offer the items/parcels to you for confirmation. Currently, this ID card is not restricted to postal deals just, because you can currently utilize it in various deals in any government and exclusive establishments such as opening up a bank account, obtaining various other government-issued identification cards, evidence of identity when sending out as well as receiving cash, etcetera.
Any person can apply for Postal ID no matter age, occupation or citizenship. Non-citizens or foreigners can additionally make an application for postal ID if they have actually been staying in the nation for a minimum of six months.
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Here's an example of a Philippine Passport
The Philippine Passport offers a lot of purposes. If you're intending to take a trip outside the country, this would certainly be your very first need on the listing. And also in addition to being a ticket to the world, your passport is additionally a valid ID that can be made use of in some important transactions throughout the country.
Passport credibility has actually been extended 10 years as well as the application process has been upgraded that is why it is just one of the best as well as simplest IDs to get.
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Below's an example of an SS ID
SSS is an insurance policy program mandated by the government to all earnings earners or employees in the Philippines. The SSS members are obliged to contribute monthly in exchange for the insurance coverage advantages such as sickness, maternity, disability, retirement, death, and salary loan.
Acquiring an SSS number is your very first step in getting your SSS ID together with the benefits provided by the SSS. This ID is possibly the first demand that you need to meet if it's your first time getting a work.
Your SSS ID determines how much benefit you can claim from the SSS. Having an SSS ID and meeting particular demands qualify a member to the SSS benefits such as:
● Salary loan-- Members can borrow cash from the SSS to fulfill their short-term cash requires specifically if there's an emergency that requires for cash however doesn't have financial savings.
● Sickness-- Members can use a sickness benefit that pays a cash allocation for each day they're confined in a health center or in the house due to an injury or illness.
● Unemployment Insurance-- With the recently established Social Security Act of 2018, the SSS is needed to supply a cash allowance to unwillingly apart or terminated workers for two months to help them get back on their feet while finding a new job.
● Maternity-- This is an everyday money allocation given to female SSS members that can not function as a result of giving birth or miscarriage.
● Disability-- Members with a limited or complete irreversible disability may obtain cash advantage, which is provided either as a lump sum or monthly pension.
● Retirement-- Members who are 60 years old and also can't work any longer can obtain a cash money advantage as a lump sum or monthly pension.
● Death-- It is a cash money advantage given as a regular monthly payment or a lump-sum amount to the beneficiaries of a deceased member.
● Funeral-- This is a money advantage offered to whoever spent for the funeral costs of the deceased member.
This ID is very easy to get because you can now apply for SSS membership online. Just visit their site and fill-up the form.
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Below's an example of an NBI CLEARANCE
NBI or the National Bureau of Investigation Clearance is a paper that informs if a person has criminal cases or records filed in the courts in the entire Philippines. It is just one of the most required for files in some important transactions like applying for a job, UMID ID, taking the Civil Service Exam, and a lot more.
NBI Clearance Online application is one of the developments that will make it much easier for us to obtain NBI clearance without needing to queue in more or less three (3) hours at the NBI Field office. Thanks to innovations that have actually conserved us from a lot of inconveniences in getting such important papers because we can currently obtain our clearance with just a variety of clicks on our mobile online devices.
If you are rushing to get a Valid ID, maybe you can take into consideration these four (4) valid IDs that are very easy to enter the Philippines. This would certainly save your time as well as guarantee that you can use this in all important transactions that you might encounter.
The list below government IDs stated above have no complicated steps in using so it is perfect for those first-timers who intend to get a valid ID.
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empmoniitor · 3 years
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Keeping a check on an employee’s work pattern is no more an abnormal practice. It’s a  protection assessment commonly used by extremely cautious enterprises. Today, nearly 75% of the U.S. corporations track the websites that their staff surf.
According to various surveys, monitoring industries of approximately $200 million is much likely to become more than $500 million in the upcoming years.
Do you also want to know which employee is working on what?
Are your employees using web applications effectively?
Keeping a check is not just about monitoring when an employee spends productive time on particular websites and applications. It is also about defending your business from security threats such as data thefts or attacks by malware.
Thus, one of the best ways to manage your employee’s computer activities is by employee management software.
There is tons of software available to keep a check on employee’s computer activities, but in today’s blog, I will take a deeper dive on one of the top trending software i.e. EmpMonitor.
Click here to get the free 15 days EmpMonitor trial and check out your employee’s productivity & profit increase.
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EmpMonitor is one of the top leading employee management software. It helps employers and managers to keep a check on workplace productivity by managing all the computers in the organization remotely from a centralized location.
With this real-time computer management software, users can view employees’ computer activities and manage them instantly. EmpMonitor is agent-based and provides on-premise solutions for all its customers.
SignUp and install an EmpMonitor agent on the system you want to keep a check upon. EmpMonitor then proceeds ahead and provides the details regarding employees computer activities, based on the no of productivity hours, top 10 apps and websites used, etc.
EmpMonitor works in stealth mode and is also platform easily compatible with 100+ software (different category software) therefore, it doesn’t hamper the employees working as well.
However, it’s an important practice to tell your employees about the need for employee management practices that take place in your organization, it helps in building trust, which is one of the important factors governing the employer-employee relationship.
EmpMonitor provides insights into the top 10 websites & apps, user logs, and screenshots are automatically captured and are created in high quality.
Hence, once your employees know about capturing screenshots, they won’t open their bank accounts accidentally in the office computers, as it jeopardises their personal financial details.
EmpMonitor also helps to gain complete visibility & total control over the computer activities of the employees. Helps in analysing the productivity, effectiveness, focus using screenshot monitoring, browser tracking history, top apps and websites used.
It allows you to better understand your team by tracking key metrics and the date of successful use. Handy while attempting to improve the efficiency of the squad.
Let’s understand in depth a few characteristics of EmpMonitor. Let’s also discuss how easy or hard it is to use these characteristics.
Productivity Analysis & Measurement –
The secret to organisational success is employee productivity analysis. Measuring the efficiency of workers brings crucial improvements to how a business operates and also positively affects the quality of work of both workers and employers.
Hence, EmpMonitor’s detailed reports and interesting graphs provide an all-round analysis of the company’s productivity workflow. It also helps to gain insights into your company’s top working day, and you can also see it location-wise, department wise & yes, you can also change the date.
Productivity Reports –
The Employee Productivity Report will help you to assess your employees’ results. You will see a contrast of employee efficiency and time management and an overview of how much revenue they have generated.
Having detailed productivity reports –
Helps to gain detailed insights and avoid common efficiency pitfalls
Allows having a detailed analysis of data & workflow of every employee based on different roles, designations and departments.
The graphical charts help workplaces to give you a jumpstart to their work efficiency.
Screenshot Monitoring Feature –
Using this feature, high-quality screenshots are captured at different intervals of time. EmpMonitor also allows users to adjust the time intervals of the screenshots to 15-second intervals to as per your needs.
You can also access the screenshots of the users of 90 days of any employees and it can also be customized using the customization feature of EmpMonitor.
It is one of the smartest ways to monitor the employee’s computer activities especially while they are working from home. It helps to manage the employees every single activity and thereby help your organization from insider threats.
Web & App Usage Reports –
You can take a quick look at the top apps used by individuals, groups, departments, etc. all at once.
It helps employers to check the low productive apps like various social sites. Few companies also prefer blocking sites with high-bandwidth to minimize overall costs and prevent affecting consumption of company internet.
With EmpMonitor, employers can also gain complete insights of the top 10 apps used in the past 180 days and at real-time at a single glance. Dates can also be adjusted according to the requirement.
Keystroke Monitoring –
EmpMonitor team doesn’t use any illegal monitoring ways, such as gathering personal profile passwords and other related information.
The keystroke monitoring feature is highly important as it helps in keeping the private information of your employees safe. Their level of keyboard operation during the day can be useful to measure productivity and what people do at work.
In order to quantify idle time, EmpMonitor records keyboard movements.
Productivity Analysis & Measurement –
Complete detailed insights of your employees log in and log out time along with the productive and non-productive hours at a single place. EmpMonitor provides detailed insights of user logs of 7days, productive hours of the current and last 7 days.
The insights are represented in the form of charts and graphs that are easy and interesting. You can also set the date accordingly.
Role-Based Monitoring –
In an organization, the employees work based on different hierarchies and manage their teams accordingly. Therefore, in such a scenario, the admin may generate the group, on the basis of rank, place, department and employee.
He can then delegate the tracking setting so that the tracking of employees can function as per group. It not only helps the employers to save time and manage their teams individually but also helps the teams in having a quick detailed analysis of their productivity within their departments.
Timesheet Management –
The time its employees spend on assignments and programmes must be properly accounted for by every corporation or organisation. Time entry requires workers entering the time on a timesheet to begin and end work on a job or project.
Hence, EmpMonitor – timesheet management software helps businesses to meet their client deadlines, manage costs, payroll and achieve success when the time is utilized effectively.
Free Trial Offer –
EmpMonitor comes up with a 15 days free trial option. The free plan allows us to monitor upto 5 employee computers. Productivity Reports, Productivity Alerts, Real-Time Screenshots, Advanced Access Control, Productivity Analysis & Measurement, Web & App Usage Reports, Stealth mode, Flexible Monitoring Mode, Detailed Timesheet, Role-Based Access.
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Visit – EmpMonitor.com
Click on the Login/Signup button available on the main menu.
If you are a new user, click on the Signup option available.
Register using your basic details, including  name, mail id, username, phone number, password, address, etc.
Check the terms and conditions of EmpMonitor & Proceed.
A confirmation mail would be sent to your mail.
Activate your EmpMonitor account from your mail to complete the registration process.
Once your subscription is successfully completed, to enjoy your membership click the Download File button. You will see a dialogue box appear that begins the installation process. Click on the Next button.
Select the installation location. Click on Next Button.
Click on Install.
Click the Finish button to complete the Installation.
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This employee management software completely works in stealth mode and is not visible in the program list, neither recognized from the task manager. Until and unless employers specifically tell their employees about time tracking, there is no certain way of letting it know.
But, It’s a smart thought, to let workers know that their PC activity is being monitored and how it is being done. Tracking someone without telling them can violate trust issues in the organization which later decreases the overall productivity.  
Also Read –
Is employee monitoring legal?
Check the blog, and know whether Employee Monitoring Is A Productivity Booster or Privacy Killer?
If you are planning to use EmpMonitor, then here are some of the quick suggestions –
Notify your staff that you’re using tools for tracking. Although it may lead to trust issues, here are a few benefits which you can share about –
If they know they’re being watched, employees can work more efficiently and not waste time.
It is fair for them to notify the staff.
Employees are aware of not opening websites that could contain confidential information, such as websites for banking.
Although EmpMonitor completely works in stealth mode. But some curious employees usually like checking out the software running in their system, and if employers notify them beforehand, it will go a lot better than employees finding it out themselves.
Planning to get started with EmpMonitor and get away your employees from productivity blues, then start your free trial now! Don’t forget to share your EmpMonitor experience with me here in the comments section below!
Till then happy and safe management!
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Originally Published On: EmpMonitor
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Getting government IDs doesn't infer that your young and obliging days are done. On the off chance that you will research the other extraordinary side, you're starting at now transforming into an able inhabitant of the general public. These administration IDs won't simply preferred position of yourself yet notwithstanding your loved ones.
An Identification (ID) card is regularly used to watch that the individual having it is unmistakably who she professes to be. In this way, the Identification Card is used as a proof of character in various trades locally and all around. You can use it to organize any additional information you give, for instance, the area on an application structure.
In any case, the ID must be given by an association that is bona fide, for instance, a state government or bureaucratic office. A couple of models consolidate driver's licenses, military unmistakable verification, and distinguishing pieces of proof. These cards are normally used in recognizing the giving body and has a picture of the holder. It can in like manner fuse the area, birth date, and mark of the holder.
Applying for an administration ID nowadays isn't nonsensically so confounded, be that as it may, physical appearances are a verifiable prerequisite, online applications make our lives on with more straightforward. In any case, a lot of you may be pondering what are the administration IDs that are definitely not hard to apply with less report essentials. In this article, I will show you the least complex government IDs to procure that you can apply for.
Four (4) Government IDs that are extremely simple to apply for:
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The postal id is one of the most direct to get a legislature gave ID in the Philippines. Likewise, strangely, this is an authentic id that can be recognized in various private and open division trades. In addition, starting late, it was changed by the Philippine Postal Corporation (PhilPost) from a direct paper record into an ID card with upgraded security highlights.
A postal ID is a card that is the most consistently recognized techniques for separating evidence in any postal trades wherever on the planet, as showed by the Universal Postal Union. Postal ID is a socially extensive card making its application open for anyone.
Beforehand, Postal IDs are given by Philippine Postal Corporation to guarantee that bundles and letters are passed on to the perfect people. This ID is acquainted with a postal transporter or postal conveyor before he/she can give the things/packs to you for affirmation. By and by, this ID card isn't obliged to postal exchanges just, considering the way that you would now have the option to use it in various exchanges in any legislature and private organizations, for instance, opening a money related equalization, applying for other authoritatively authorized distinctive distinguishing proof cards, affirmation of character when sending and tolerating money, etcetera.
Anyone can apply for Postal ID paying little heed to age, occupation, or citizenship. Non-inhabitants or untouchables can similarly apply for postal ID if they have been living in the network for in any event a half year.
2. Passport
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The Philippine Passport fills a lot of purposes. On the off chance that you're needing to go outside the country, this would be your first essential on the once-over. Also, other than being a go to the world, your recognizable proof is furthermore a generous ID that can be used in some noteworthy exchanges the nation over.
Visa legitimacy has been loosened up to 10 years and the application method has been overhauled that is the explanation it's really extraordinary and most easy IDs to make sure about.
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SSS is an assurance program directed by the organization to all compensation laborers or workers in the Philippines. The SSS individuals are obliged to contribute month to month as a byproduct of the security focal points, for instance, issue, maternity, failure, retirement, passing, and pay advance.
Acquiring a SSS number is your underlying stage in getting your SSS ID close by the points of interest offered by the SSS. This ID is probably the essential that you need to fulfill if it's your first time pursuing a position.
Your SSS ID chooses how much bit of leeway you can ensure from the SSS. Having a SSS ID and meeting certain necessities qualifies a section for the SSS focal points, for instance,
SALARY LOAN– Members can obtain money from the SSS to meet their transient cash needs especially if an emergency requires money yet doesn't have venture reserves.
SICKNESS – Members can benefit from an ailment advantage that pays a cash settlement for consistently they're limited in a clinical facility or at home as a result of a physical issue or affliction.
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE– With the as of late endorsed Social Security Act of 2018, the SSS is required to give a cash settlement to consequently separated or terminated laborers for two months to help them with monetarily recouping while simultaneously getting a different profession.
MATERNITY – This is a day by day cash stipend given to female SSS people who can't work in light of work or premature delivery.
DIASBILITY – Members with a restricted or changeless handicap may get money advantage, which is given either as a solitary sum or month to month benefits.
RETIREMENT– Members who are 60 years old and can't work any more extended can get a cash advantage as a solitary sum or month to month benefits.
DEATH– It is a cash advantage given as a month to month remuneration or a particular sum singular amount to the recipients of an expired part.
MEMORIAL/FUNERAL SERVICE – This is a cash advantage given to whoever paid for the entombment expenses of the perished part.
This ID is very easy to jump in light of the fact that you would now have the option to apply for SSS interest on the web. Just visit their site and round out the structure.
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NBI or the National Bureau of Investigation Clearance is a report that tells if an individual has criminal cases or records archived in the courts in the entire Philippines. It is one of the most required records in some huge trades like pursuing a position, UMID ID, taking the Civil Service Examination, and some more.
NBI Clearance Online application is one of the progressions that will make it more straightforward for us to get NBI leeway without queueing in practically three (3) hours at the NBI Field office. By virtue of advances that have saved us from a lot of issues in getting such huge reports since we would now have the option to get our opportunity with just different snaps on our versatile online contraptions.
In case you are dashing to get a Valid ID, perhaps you can consider these four (4) real IDs that are anything but difficult to get in the Philippines. This would save your time and confirmation that you can use this in massively huge trades that you may understanding.
The going with government IDs referenced above have no confounded walks in applying so it is perfect for those beginners who intend to get a real ID.
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ericvick · 4 years
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Digital, Customer Service Products; FHA COVID News; 1st Quarter GDP Takes a Big Hit
Digital, Customer Service Products; FHA COVID News; 1st Quarter GDP Takes a Big Hit
While in captivity it is important to observe the impact of your words during meal times. (Warning: Rated R for language.) Measuring the financial impact of the government-instituted changes is now a focus. Credit-card payments are one of the first places where the effects will show up, and are often the first loans people stop paying when money is tight. They are usually unsecured, so lenders have little recourse if a borrower stops paying. Many large card issuers are letting borrowers pause their credit-card payments for a month or longer. Some are lowering or waiving late fees and interest charges, or even forgiving portions of customers’ balances. And lenders disappointed in purchase times and what aggregators are paying them (mostly due to low servicing values) who think retaining and servicing their own loans is a breeze, think again. Modeling out how much cash you will need to cover is critical. The focus has been on principal and interest, but what about taxes & insurance if your borrower isn’t paying? Compass Analytics’ “Retaining Servicing – Part III: Forecasting Cash Needs for High Forbearance Servicing” is available (the password is ServicingPart3). (If you would like to request access to the Servicing Advance Calculator that was demonstrated in the webinar, click here; questions can be addressed to Rob Kessel.)
Lender Services and Products
Free Webinar: Use Digital Closings to Keep Your Loans Moving. Register for a complimentary webinar on Wednesday, April 29 to learn how digital closings can keep your loans on track during the COVID-19 crisis. Hear from John Ralston, Black Knight’s Director of eLending Strategy, as he provides an update on digital closings in light of the GSEs’ guidance and the availability of remote online notarizations. John will also demo Expedite Close, Black Knight’s proven, easy-to-use digital closing solution that can be implemented in a few weeks. Register for this complimentary webinar today.
From Service 1st (SRV1st.com):  Old risks are rapidly emerging as growing threats for originators.  The current refinance market has enhanced early borrower payoff risk. Additionally, as industry has quickly transitioned to a near fully remote model, enhanced vulnerabilities now exist for one of the fastest growing cybercrimes in housing finance, wire fraud. Service 1st is a leader in cohesive risk strategies.  Our Mortgage Payoff Watch solution alerts originating lenders should your borrower shop for a new mortgage within the first year of closing– with no monthly minimums! Mitigate growing wire fraud concerns due to enhanced exposures. Wire fraud financial losses are surpassing a likely underreported $150mm in 2018.  S1’s fully integrated verification of participant certification and ID plus bank account verification dampens this business risk. Visit SRV1st.com for industry insights, newsletter registration and scheduling opportunities with members of S1.  Stay safe!
This spring has presented us with an unanticipated, new normal. With so many lenders now working remotely, it makes sense to use mobile apps to access necessary files. GetConnexions is a mobile app that lets you access Connexions functionality remotely to better manage real estate valuations, right from the palm of your hands. With an easy-to-navigate dashboard and integrated search tools, GetConnexions lets you obtain workflows, track orders, reference current and past requests, set-up push alerts, and find appraisal locations. It’s the perfect way to bridge the gap between lenders, appraisers and AMCs while honoring current social distancing requirements. Connexions’ premier Appraisal Management platform delivers best-in-class automation, reporting, data analytics and integration to real estate valuations. It works with over 150 AMCs and over 13,000 independent appraisers nationwide. Want to learn more? Set up a demo or download the app from the App Store or Google Play today!
How are mortgage originators supposed to bring borrowers and Realtors together when we can’t, well, come together? Just ask LendUS. As a brand that was born when two well-established mortgage companies joined forces, they know a thing or two about collaboration. Before any of us had even heard of coronavirus, 90% of LendUS loan officers were using SimpleNexus to connect borrowers, real estate agents and loan officers in one place. And not just for the initial application, but all the way through loan disclosures. Read firsthand why LendUs considers SimpleNexus such a “powerful tool for moving loans forward.”
COVID-19 Changes 
After years of low delinquency, stable servicing values, and a very liquid servicing market, mortgage servicers are facing a host of issues not seen since the 2008 financial crisis. It took courage and perseverance to survive the fallout from that time: How are servicers going to handle today’s virus-driven crisis? In the April issue of STRATMOR Group’s Insights Report, STRATMOR Senior Partners Michael Grad and Garth Graham, Senior Partner and CEO Lisa Springer and Principal Seth Sprague, CMB discuss the steps servicers need to take to proactively manage current issues and prevent a repeat of the past. “We can and will survive the time of COVID-19 by being smarter, more proactive and more disciplined with our response to the change in market conditions,” says Springer. “We owe it to our borrowers to apply the lessons of the past as we shape a better future for them.” Don’t miss “Walking the Tightrope: Servicing Through COVID-19” in the April Insights Report.  
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) announced the availability of a new Default Reason Code in the Single-Family Default Monitoring System (SFDMS) to ensure that loss mitigation actions that result from the COVID-19 National Emergency are accurately recorded. Mortgagees must follow the loss mitigation guidance in Mortgagee Letter 2020-06 (FHA’s Loss Mitigation Options for Single Family Borrowers Affected by the Presidentially-Declared COVID-19 National Emergency in Accordance with the CARES Act) and should also adjust their default reporting as described below. Mortgagees are asked to begin using the new Default Reason Code 055 – Related to National Emergency Declaration, as soon as possible. This new Default Reason code is available beginning May 1, 2020, for the April 2020 reporting cycle. Mortgagees unable to use Code 055 should, instead, report using Code 010 – Neighborhood Problem, for the April cycle. In addition, if the mortgage is newly defaulted (i.e., no open default episode), mortgagees are reminded to report Status Code 42 – Delinquent, and then Status Code 06 – Formal Forbearance. 
Don’t forget that Flagstar issued a bulletin outlining the temporary suspension of certain products.
Due to the continued closure of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offices responsible for providing tax return transcripts, Wells Fargo Funding updated its temporary tax return transcript requirements that were previously published. For conventional Conforming Loans not receiving full income validation through Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter (DU) validation service or Freddie Mac Loan Prospector (LPA) asset and income modeler*: Delegated – if all income information used to decision the Loan is made up exclusively of wage-earner income reported on a W-2 and/or fixed income reported on a 1099 (e.g., Social Security or VA benefits), and the automated underwriting system (AUS) does not require income documentation other than a paystub, W-2, or 1099, IRS tax return transcripts are not required. For all other transactions, the Seller must provide a verification of deposit (VOD) verifying the assets used in underwriting. Prior Approval — Seller must provide one of the following: VOD verifying the assets used in underwriting, Verification of the borrower’s income directly from their employer or The Work Number database. Verbal verification of income is acceptable. Under its published policy, IRS tax return transcripts are not required for borrowers whose qualifying income was fully validated using DU validation service or LPA asset and income modeler.
Wells Fargo Funding has aligned its appraisal requirements for FHA and Guaranteed Rural Housing (GRH) Loans with the temporary, COVID-19-related, appraisal flexibilities announced by FHA and USDA Rural Development on March 27, 2020. Effective date for FHA Loans with appraisal inspections completed on or before May 17, 2020 and GRH Loans through May 26, 2020.
Freedom Mortgage posted credit policy updates which include clarification on Conventional loans with “Final Approval” status and new VA appraisal guidance.
Earlier this month Redwood Trust announced it is suspending the issuance of Purchase Price and Terms Letters (PPTLs) and the acquisition of residential mortgage loans delivered for purchase review.
Capital Markets
Around the world, economies are dealing with the record-breaking financial impacts caused by the coronavirus. In the Eurozone, Japan, and Australia, PMI indexes hit record lows in April. U.S. durable goods orders fell 14.4 percent and shipments fell 4.5 percent as shelter in place orders disrupt supply chains and demand for many goods evaporates. The housing market slowed in March, but it did not come to a complete halt, with existing home sales fell 8.5 percent and new home sales fell 15.4 percent. There is cautious optimism that the current slowness is creating some pent-up demand that will show up once people are comfortable to move again. It is no surprise that mortgage purchase applications are down 30.6 percent from one year ago and refinances are up 180 percent from a year ago given the current rates environment. The government continues to try on prop up the economy, passing the fourth major piece of legislation aimed at bringing financial relief to people and businesses. To date, the total fiscal response to the economic upheaval is $2.8 trillion.
What happened in the markets yesterday? Wall Street lost some momentum, oil had another turbulent day, and U.S. coronavirus cases topped 1 million, though NYC hospital admissions dropped. U.S. Treasuries rallied ahead of today’s FOMC decision, largely attributable to April Consumer Confidence posting its lowest reading since June 2014.  Consumers are positive about the economy reopening, but less optimistic about their financial prospects, which could be a headwind for spending activity during the recovery phase. The 10-year closed the day -5 bps to 0.61 percent.
Today’s main economic event will be the latest FOMC statement, at 2:00pm ET, followed by Chair Powell’s press conference at 2:30pm where there is potential for talk of inflation targeting as well as a tweak in the IOER rate. The calendar is underway, with MBA mortgage applications for the week ending April 24 posting a 3.3 percent decline from one week prior. We’ve also had Advance Q1 GDP (-4.8 percent). Later this morning brings March Pending Home Sales and Weekly crude oil inventories for the week ending April 24. The NY Fed will conduct two FedTrade purchase operations totaling up to $8.213 billion, like Monday. We begin the day with agency MBS prices better by a few ticks and the 10-year yielding .6 percent after the GDP news.
A profitable, well-capitalized and fast-growing top-100 retail mortgage company headquartered in Northern California is looking for opportunities to acquire assets of companies with demonstrated record of success in retail production while maintaining excellent loan quality. “We are a FHLMC and FNMA, seller/servicer as well as, a Ginnie Mae servicer, with a very comprehensive set of loan programs. We are a storied, employee-owned company with a culture of honesty, collegiality and respect. Our management team has decades of experience and our operational and technological capabilities are second to none. We are recognized for our excellent service to our loan officers and their borrowers and we provide transparency and unlimited upside in compensation for our sales and operations teams. Third party advisors are welcome. All inquiries will be completely confidential.” If interested, please send resumes to Anjelica Nixt. 
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elizabethcariasa · 4 years
IRS online tool helps non-filers apply for COVID-19 payments
The Internal Revenue Service is beginning the process of sending out COVID-19 economic relief payments. Americans who filed a tax return in 2018 or 2019, as well as folks who got Social Security retirement or disability payments or Railroad Retirement benefits, don't have to do anything.
The IRS will use the tax return or other government payment information on file to send the money, which could be a maximum of $1,200 per individual or $2,400 for married couples who file jointly, to these eligible recipients.
Some people, however, don’t fall into these already on-record categories. The most notable group here is low-income workers who do not make enough money to require that they file a Form 1040.
But these folks could benefit greatly from the added cash. And the IRS now has an online tool to help them get their portion of the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act relief.
COVID payment filing for non-filers: The new Non-Filer Payment tool is designed for use by single filers who in 2019 made less than $12,200 and married couples who earned less than $24,400 and did not or do not plan to file a tax return.
A quick filing note. Some folks who don't have to file do so anyway for other reasons, usually to get refunds of taxes that were withheld or to claim a tax credit for which they qualify. If you are one of these folks who has or will file even though your income is within the ranges established for the non-filers payment tool, do not use it. The IRS has your information and should sent you your COVID-19 payments automatically.
If, however, you do need to get your information to the IRS, go to the special web filing tool as soon as possible.
And a bit of bad news for students who might fall into these earnings limits.
If someone else claimed you on their tax return, you will not be eligible for the Economic Impact Payment and cannot use the Non-Filer tool. Sorry, but there may be some future relief for you (or your family) thanks to a bill pending in Congress to expand payments to college students (and others), and which might become part of future COVID-19 legislation.
Before you start: But back to now and the non-filer online form. As with all interactions with Uncle Sam's tax collector, you'll need some information handy before you start.
In the case of the non-filer online tool, you'll have to provide your:
Full name, current mailing address and an email address
Date of birth and valid Social Security number
Bank account number, type and routing number, if you have one and want your payment directly deposited. (If you don't have a bank account, your COVID-19 payment will be mailed to the address on the form.)
Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) you received from the IRS earlier this year, if you have one
Driver’s license or state-issued ID, if you have one
For each qualifying child: name, Social Security number or Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number and their relationship to you or your spouse
Got all that? Good. Then on to the tool.
Entering your info: After an introduction page again spelling out who should and should not use it, the special web page will ask you to create an account.
This account creation process was designed for the IRS by Intuit, maker of TurboTax and a member of the Free File Alliance that works with IRS' Free File online tax return preparation and e-filing option. In this case, it's based on the fillable forms option, which takes basic tax returns and makes then accessible to be filled out via computer and then electronically filed.
Privacy alert: If you're worried about what Uncle Sam and/or the tax software manufacturer will do with your data, check out the new web page's privacy statement.
Once you're satisfied and/or comfortable with the process, then you'll enter your email address, a user name, password and an option phone number.
Neither the IRS nor Intuit will call you, according to the registration instructions. The phone number will be used, according to the page, only to help recover your account if you forget your password.
But there's no choice as far as an email. You must have one to eventually e-file your return.
Here's a quick email hint. After you're done with this account creation page, go to your email (in a new browser window) and find the message from the IRS. It will have a link asking you to verify the email account. Do that. Your email must be verified before you can, a little later in the process, e-file your return.
Personally, I'm always a little leery about leaving an online application for fear of not getting back in. By verifying it first (again in a separate browser window), you won't have to leave the filing process when you get to the end of form and it tells you that your email must be verified. And you (OK, I) also will be confident that the actual return e-filing will be completed without a hitch.
Short COVID tax form: As for the return itself, it's pretty basic. Below are some screen shots.
The image above is actually three screen shots. To get a bigger, better look, at each segment, click on them near the top, in the area where you see lines to enter dependents' information and near the end.
The key area is in the middle section, where it asks for your bank information (routing number and specific account number) and whether it's a checking or savings account. This info will let the IRS directly deposit your COVID-19 relief payment.
If you don't have a bank account, the payment will be sent to the address you've entered via U.S. mail.
Again, it's pretty basic, self-explanatory and quick for most folks to complete.
E-filing the form: Then it's on to Step 2, the actual electronic filing of the form.
This is where things might get a bit uncomfortable, especially for folks who've not filed a tax return for a while. In fact, this page could be quite intimidating.
The online non-filer tool asks for info from your 2018 tax return, like your adjusted gross income (AGI), or a signature Personal Identification Number (PIN).
Don't freak out. If you didn't file a return for the 2018 tax year, enter 0 (zero) in the "Taxpayer" AGI space. If you're filling out this form jointly with your spouse and he or she didn't file a return last year either, also enter zero in the "Spouse" AGI space.
E-signing, e-filing your return: Next, you'll have to sign your return electronically. Start by entering the date, cell number if you have one, and a five-digit PIN of your choosing (other than 00000 or 12345) for both you and, if you're jointly filing, your spouse.
You'll also have to enter your (and spouse's) birth date(s) and, if you (and spouse) have one, your state issued driver's license or ID card number.
Then to the final step. Continue to e-file.
I must admit that I didn't go there, as I have filed in the last two years so I don't meet the non-filer tool's requisite info. Also, I kept getting a "we're updating the system message" and I didn't want to jam it up even more with an invalid filing.
But if it works like my software filing program, you'll get an onscreen message that your form has been filed. The non-filer tool also says it will send you a verification and filing status update to the email your provided.
More online COVID payment help on the way: The Non-Filer tool that went live today is just the first of online options to help everyone who qualifies get their COVID-19 relief payments.
The IRS says it is building a second new tool to help everyone check on the status of their payments. It should be available for use by April 17. This option, dubbed Get My Payment, will provide people with the status of their payment, including the date their payment is scheduled to be deposited into their bank account or mailed to them.
An additional feature on Get My Payment will allow eligible people a chance to provide their bank account information so they can receive their payment more quickly rather than waiting for a paper check.
One not so welcome note here, however, is that the IRS say this feature will not be available if your COVID payment has already has been scheduled for delivery via an alternate method, i.e., snail mail. Bummer.
But I'd still check it out just in case you beat the IRS to the issuance of your payment.
  Coronavirus Caveat & More Information In 2020, we're all dealing with extraordinary circumstances, both in our daily lives and when it comes to our taxes. The COVID-19 pandemic and efforts to reduce its transmission and protect ourselves and our families means that, for the most part, we're focusing on just getting through these trying days. But life as we knew it before the coronavirus will return, along with our mundane tax matters. Here's hoping that happens soon! In the meantime, you can find more on the virus and its effects on our taxes by clicking Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Taxes.
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The political fight in the 2018 midterm elections isn’t just about winning over voters. It’s about how difficult it should be for people to vote in the first place.
Across the country, Republican governors, secretaries of state, and state lawmakers — some of whom are on the ballot this fall — have been tightening the restrictions on voting in dozens of states citing concerns about voter fraud.
The result is that voters in North Dakota, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, and New Hampshire, among other states, are facing restrictive voter ID laws and purges of voter names from the rolls. These restrictions often benefit Republicans, studies have found, because minorities, young voters, and others who might struggle to meet their requirements often vote Democratic.
In Georgia, allegations of voter suppression against black voters have reached a boiling point — heightened by the fact that the Republican candidate for governor, Brian Kemp, is also the current secretary of state and in charge of state elections.
Voter fraud is extremely rare. As Vox’s German Lopez has written, a study by Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt found just 35 credible allegations of fraud from 2000 and 2014 — out of more than 800 million ballots cast. But Republicans have hammered on the specter of voter fraud for years, and President Donald Trump made a pet issue since winning the election while losing the popular vote in 2016.
All levels of government and Law Enforcement are watching carefully for VOTER FRAUD, including during EARLY VOTING. Cheat at your own peril. Violators will be subject to maximum penalties, both civil and criminal!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2018
Trump has plenty of allies in Republican secretaries of state, including Kemp in Georgia, and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. Kobach was the vice-chair of Trump’s since-disbanded voter fraud commission that found no evidence of widespread voter fraud after the 2016 election.
This debate comes two weeks before an election when voter enthusiasm seems to be surging. The numbers show very high turnout in states with early voting like Nevada, Texas, Florida, and others. Here’s where the laws stand with 11 days to go.
1) Georgia: Georgia’s “exact match” voter ID law was passed by the Republican-controlled state legislature last year. Kemp, who is running for governor while holding office as secretary of state, is overseeing its implementation.
The law requires the information on government-issued identification, such as a driver’s license or Social Security card, to match up exactly with the name on a voter registration application. If they don’t match — even because of something like a missing hyphen, an extra space, or a typo — the applicant has to take extra steps to verify their identity.
That law has some serious consequences, according to a recent report from the Associated Press’s Ben Nadler. About 53,000 voter registration applications are in limbo at the secretary of state’s office because the information on the applications doesn’t exactly match up with names on drivers licenses or Social Security cards. The vast majority of those applications belong to black voters, an AP analysis found, and some aren’t even aware their applications are being held up.
These voters can still vote in the election, as long as they bring an acceptable form of photo ID to the polls (like a driver’s license), but voting rights advocates fear the move will confuse voters about whether they’re allowed to vote and disenfranchise those without photo IDs.
2) New Hampshire: Voting advocates scored a big win in New Hampshire this week, when Hillsborough County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Brown issued an injunction striking down Senate Bill 3 — a law recently passed by Republicans that essentially forced the state’s voters to prove they lived in the ward or town where they were trying to vote.
The bill was trying to make sure voters had documented proof that they lived in the place they were voting, but voting rights advocates argued it could make it more difficult for college students, the elderly, and homeless residents to vote.
Brown agreed, ruling that the law could not go into effect before the midterms because it had the potential to confuse voters and create long lines unnecessarily. But the state has challenged and said they will still use the new registration rules on Election Day.
3) North Dakota: The US Supreme Court recently decided not to overturn a controversial North Dakota voter ID law that could make it more difficult for the state’s Native American residents to vote in 2018. The law requires voters to have an identification that shows their name, date of birth, and most importantly, residential address.
The residential address part of this is the most controversial because much of the state’s Native American population and other rural voters don’t have fixed street addresses; they use PO boxes instead. That could adversely impact the Native American vote in 2018. The stakes are even higher given that the state has one of the most important Senate races in the country, and vulnerable Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) needs the Native American population to win reelection.
4) Missouri: Like in New Hampshire, voting rights advocates scored a recent legal victory with just a few weeks to go until the election. Cole County Judge Richard Callahan ruled the state needed to stop circulating advertisements suggesting voters needed to bring a photo ID to the polls to vote — as an ID without a photo is also acceptable under state law.
Callahan’s reasoning in his ruling was that advertisements from the state about the identification needed to bring to the polls were confusing voters and allowing local elections officials to interpret the law the wrong way. The state has said it will appeal the ruling, but it likely won’t be decided until after November 6.
5) Kansas: Kansas’s controversial 2013 voter ID law required voters to provide proof they were US citizens in order to register to vote. It was struck down by a federal judge in June, but it’s still getting a lot of attention this year because it was pushed by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is currently running for governor.
Kobach is synonymous with restrictive voter ID bills. He’s also a close ally of Trump, who he supported in 2016 and whose voter fraud commission he joined. The commission was ultimately disbanded, and reports from the White House showed it found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. But Kobach has made voter ID laws part of his legacy, and could go further as governor.
Voter purges have been on the rise since the Supreme Court overturned a key part of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, allowing nine states to more aggressively police their voter rolls without permission from the federal government, including removing names. This gives states the opportunity to remove the names of people who have died or been incarcerated, but in a handful of states, it impacted voters who simply hadn’t voted in the past few elections. Here are some important examples:
1) Georgia: As secretary of state, Brian Kemp has overseen the purging of 1.5 million names from the state’s voter rolls from 2012 to 2016, according to NYU’s Brennan Center for Justice. That’s double the amount it purged from the voter rolls from 2008 to 2012.
In 2017, Kemp’s office removed more than 500,000 voter names from the rolls, according to a joint investigation from APM Reports, the investigative radio show Reveal, and Atlanta public radio station WABE.
Some of these removals were removing names of people who had died, but the investigation found that about 107,000 people had been taken off the list because they hadn’t voted in previous elections. While Kemp insists he’s been on par with past secretaries of states in Georgia, the numbers show an increase in names removed.
2) Ohio: The US Supreme Court recently ruled that Ohio can continue its controversial practice of purging voter names from the rolls. The state has a similar practice to Georgia, where names are removed from voter rolls if voters don’t vote in two federal elections in a row — a total of four years — and don’t confirm their address with the state by sending back postcards to state officials validating the address that’s on file.
This law was challenged in the courts, and while lower courts found it to be a violation of the National Voter Registration Act, the US Supreme Court disagreed. The crux of the Supreme Court ruling said that because the state wasn’t only taking names off the roles because of a failure to vote (but also factoring in whether voters were verifying their addresses or not), the practice was constitutional. The Supreme Court’s liberal justices dissented in the case.
3) New York City: The New York City Board of Elections has a persistent problem with missing names on its voter rolls; every year, names of registered voters don’t show up when they go to cast ballots (something that happened again during the 2018 state primary).There’s a reason New Yorkers are suspicious: the New York City Board of Elections illegally purged about 200,000 voters off the city’s rolls in 2014 and 2015, an issue discovered during the 2016 elections.
The board did two things: It manually identified and purged the records of more than 100,000 voters who had failed to vote or update their forms since 2008, and cut another 100,000 voters it suspected to have moved outside of the city from the rolls.
Both moves were illegal under state and federal law. After the suit, the board of elections agreed to institute reforms. Though there were some missing names in 2018, it doesn’t appear to have been nearly as widespread as in years past.
4) Virginia: Virginia’s voter purges first got attention in 2013, when the state used the Crosscheck database to try to identify voters who they believe had moved out of state and no longer needed to be on the rolls. However, as the Brennan Center report found, the database wasn’t accurate in many cases, leading to legitimate voters still in-state being cut.
And from 2012 to 2016, the state has removed slightly more than 379,000 names from the rolls than it did from 2008 to 2012, according to the Brennan report. Researchers from Brennan argue that some of those people are citizens who are eligible to vote, and were removed illegally.
Original Source -> Republicans are making it harder for people to vote in key 2018 elections
via The Conservative Brief
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The verdict on Aadhaar is finally out. The Supreme Court on Wednesday decided to uphold the linking of Aadhaar number with Permanent Account Number (PAN). This has been made mandatory for filling income tax returns. The apex court has also ruled that Aadhaar is not mandatory when linking it to bank accounts. The same is also the case for getting new mobile connections or school admissions.
The year was 2010, when the government conceived the National Identification Authority of India Bill. The purpose of the bill was to provide Indian citizens with a unique identity. The bill was only passed in 2016, under the current BJP regime. During the course of the years, a number of petitions were filed challenging the validity of its subsequent ‘Aadhaar Act of 2016’.
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Keeping in account the plethora of petitions that challenged the validity of the system on grounds of misuse by the state towards surveillance, a five-judge constitution bench announced the above mentioned verdict. The verdict stresses that private companies cannot access a customer’s Aadhaar data. Also, seeking biometric details does not violate any right to privacy.
As of today, close to 21 crore PAN numbers have been linked to Aadhaar. As per the Press Trust of India, the number of total PANs ever issued stands at little more than 41 crore. Its been 9 years since Aadhaar was introduced in India. In that time, close to 1.22 billion members have enrolled in Aadhaar. Close to Rs. 88 billion has been spent on Aadhaar enrollment. 21 welfare schemes and more than 100 services require Aadhaar. 30 FIRs are filed for violating the Aadhaar Act. 99% Indians of age 18 and above possess an Aadhaar number. There have been 200+ cases of data leaks up till last year (Info courtesy – Lok Sabha Quetsions).
On July 28th, TRAI chairman Ram Sewak Sharma voluntarily disclosed his Aadhaar number on social networking site, Twitter. He had done so, challenging anyone to cause him harm based on the open declaration of his Aadhaar on a public domain. The resulting challenge was accepted by multiple hackers who managed to fetch his residential address, PAN number, date of birth, mobile number and profile pictures, from his Aadhaar. UIDAI, which is the statutory authority under which Aadhaar’s database is maintained, declared that no data was retrieved from the Aadhaar number of Mr.Sharma. They also ascertained that the news of data infringement using Aadhaar is fake.
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Aadhaar in India
The word ‘Aadhaar’ in Hindi means ‘foundation’. It is a 12-digit unique identity number that is issued to identify citizens residing in India. The identity is maintained based on your biometric and demographics. The data is collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) – which is the statutory authority established by the Government of India. As of now, over 99% of Indians above the age of 18 have enrolled in Aadhaar. Aadhaar is a proof of residence and not a proof of citizenship. Despite the comparison to USA’s Social Security Number, Aadhaar in fact offers more uses to its members. The UIDAI stores the customer’s biometric data (fingerprint and iris scan).
Aadhaar Card Structure
The Aadhaar Card is a colored document that is mostly printed over glossy paper and is available electronically in a PDF format. According to the Government of India, a Xeroxed black and white version of Aadhaar is deemed invalid. The Aadhaar Card’s header section contains the:
Enrolment Number
Full name of the card holder (in state language and in English)
Name of the card holder’s father (or husband)
Residential address
Phone number
PDF electronic signature self-signed by UIDAI
Downloaded date
Generation date
Aadhaar number (in state language and in English)
QR code (the QR code contains an encoded version of some of the data in XML format)
The rear of the document contains the emblem of the Republic of India, Aadhaar logo among general information about the Aadhaar Card.
The Aadhaar Card information can be validated online. The updating of the information can be done electronically using a mobile phone number or email as a second factor of authentication. The system collects a photograph, all 10 finger scans and eye scan.
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Aadhaar Benefits and Uses
Aadhaar is used in a number of government-based schemes which is beneficial to citizens in India. Some Aadhaar based benefits are.
Election Card – From the year 2015, the Aadhaar Card was to be linked to one’s voter ID. The purpose for this was to tackle bogus voters.
LPG Subsidy – The Aadhaar number is used to avail an LPG subsidy amount directly to your bank account. This scheme is called as PAHAL. To avail of this benefit, a citizen must link his Aadhaar number to his/her LPG consumer number.
Jan Dhan Yojana – Also known as the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, this scheme allows citizens to open a bank account making use of only the Aadhaar number as proof. You can make use of other documents as well but using only the Aadhaar allows you to maintain a zero-balance savings account, along with life and accident insurance.
Passport – Possessing an Aadhaar Card can get you a passport in just 10 days. The police verification is done at a later date.
Pension – All pensioners from select states need to register their Aadhaar Card number to receive monthly pension. This was initiated to avoid any fake pension beneficiaries.
Digital Locker – Using the Aadhaar allows citizens in India to open a digital locker which will be housed on the government’s server. The signup process requires you to provide your 12-digit Aadhaar Card number.
PPF – The provident fund money will be given the account holder only if he/she is registered with the EPFO (Employment Provident Fund Organization)
SEBI – Aadhaar Card is accepted as a proof of address by the Securities and Exchange Board of India for investing in stocks.
Biometric attendance – From July 2014, government offices were installed with Aadhaar enabled attendance. This was done to check for late arriving employees.
Land records – The integration of land records and its monitoring is done by linking it to Aadhaar.
SIM cards – From 2015, Aadhaar linked SIM cards started to be sold as a pilot project. This was part of the Digital India project.
Mobile number – Since February 2018, all existing mobile subscribers are needed to link the customer’s Aadhaar to their mobile number or the connection would be deactivated. Likewise, new connections are needed to be linked with Aadhaar. The Supreme Court, however, has asked for ceasing on linkage of Aadhaar to mobile connection, until further confirmation.
Income Tax return – To curb black money, since January 1st 2018, the PAN Card and Aadhaar Card must be linked to avail of IT returns. Not doing so would lead to the deactivation of the PAN and the return would be considered invalid.
Investments – From January 1st 2018, the Aadhaar must be submitted while doing investments related to mutual funds.
Driving license – Soon, the Aadhaar would be required to be linked to your driver’s license.
Banking – New bank account holders must provide their Aadhaar. Financial transactions above Rs.50000 must be accompanied with an Aadhaar Card copy.
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Aadhaar Safe for Online Usage?
Your fingerprint is part of the world’s largest biometric ID system. We have almost 1.2 billion citizens enrolled on it (as per UIDAI portal). That is the extent of Aadhaar – a system that is allowing every Indian to be part of one authentication document for every government procedure.
Loan Singh is a digital lending platform which allows salaried individuals to apply for a personal loan and do so by submitting their PAN, Aadhaar and 6 months bank statement PDF. Aadhaar holds personal and sensitive data of the user. With personal and biometric information gathered for close to a billion people, UIDAI holds probably the largest database in the world. This obviously means UIDAI takes enhanced precautions to ensure the information is safe. UIDAI also does not contain information with regards to health, caste, religion, bank accounts, financial property etc. As per Section 32 (3) of the Aadhaar Act 2016, UIDAI cannot control, collect or maintain any financial information of the user.
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Identity thieves usually retrieve your social security card by stealing your wallets or purses or via raiding your trash in which you may have accidentally thrown some data containing your social security number as well as credit card details. There are also instances in which thieves search your mail box in order to steal such valid documents as valid bank letters along with credit and bank statements, pre-approved credit cards, and tax information. Some may become victim of SSN identity theft via phone calls asking for personal details. Thieves may also bribe employees who maintain employee database or buy personal information from sources that may have your personal details. Nowadays, people also become victim of SSN identity theft through online scams, known as phishing. This in turn happens when you furnish your personal information to an unsecured internet website or when reply to a spam email.
One may come to know that he has become a victim of SSN identity theft only when he receives a phone call from an unknown creditor or shops demanding for items' payment that have never been bought. In some instances, your good credit may be utilized for opening a number of accounts in your name, thereby leaving debt in your name. A number of other problems are also associated with social security card identity theft such as employment problems. In short, the after affects of social security identity theft is quite distressing. Buy Death certificates online
Hence, the best way to avoid identity theft is to be careful always. If it is not necessary, avoid carrying your social security card number. Lock your social security card in a safe place, and never disclose your social security number to anyone unless necessary.
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vodsel-prime · 6 years
Letters of Administration
Generally, Letters of Administration are documents issued by the Utah Probate’s Court authorizing a person (called ‘Administrator’) to manage or distribute the property of a deceased person who died intestate (without making a Will). A Utah probate lawyer will explain the function of these documents to you directly so it is clear.
Individuals can and should determine the distribution of their estate by preparing a Will which usually specifies an executor to carry out its directions. Where the decedent has left no Will, the Utah laws and procedures determine both to whom and by whom a decedent’s estate will be distributed.  It is important that the deceased’s close family members protect their interests in the decedent’s estate including being appointed as an estate Administrator. Imagine a situation where a person dies without having prepared a Will and a distant relative is appointed as Administrator and the decedent’s house and all other assets are inherited by this relative whom the decedent disliked or had no contact with for many years.  Moreover, it may turn out that a government official called the Public Administrator will be appointed by the Court to administer the estate.  The Public Administrator and his attorney are required to be paid a fee which will diminish the funds going to the decedent’s family.
The estate laws determine the family member that have the right to be appointed as an Administrator of an Estate. The Probate’s Court Procedure Act (SCPA) has many section s dealing with Intestate Administration.  Section 1001 of the SCPA provides the order of priority for the appointment of the Administrator.
When a person prepares a Last Will in which he nominates an executor, the intestacy law no longer control the selection of the estate fiduciary.  It is apparent that a person should prepare a Will so that he can select the persons who are to be in charge of handling all estate affairs.  This selection is usually a close relative or friend.  The nominated executor must present the Will to the Court for his official appointment as Executor. An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Administration proceedings can be complex and involve many issues such as proof of kinship and a search for unknown heirs. Letters of Administration will need to be obtained which requires filing a petition and many other documents with the Court.  The petition for Letters of Administration is filed in the Probate’s Court in the county where the decedent lived.  For example, if the decedent lived in Manhattan, the papers are filed in the Utah County Probate’s Court which is located at 31 Chambers Street in Utah.  Most of the Probate’s Courts in the various counties have the same requirements regarding the papers that must be filed such as the death certificate, petition, affidavit of kinship and affidavit of no-debts.   However, experienced estate attorneys are aware that some of the Courts have their own particular requirements and forms.  It is important to find out about these various estate filing specifics as soon as possible when preparing the filing papers.
Executor and Trustee
An Executor and Trustee and an Administrator are all what are generally known as fiduciaries. Fiduciaries have many duties and responsibilities. These obligations are set forth in statutes and by the courts which have developed standards of conduct to be followed by fiduciaries. A Utah estate planning lawyer can explain them in greater detail.
Executors and Trustees and Administrators are all generally accountable and responsible to the court and to the persons who are the beneficiaries for the assets which they administer.   Such responsibilities involve duties of care so that assets are protected, obligations that prohibit self-dealing and a duty to account for the assets they collect and payments they make.
Sometimes there is confusion as to the difference between an Executor and Trustee.  When a person executes a Last Will, he typically nominates an Executor and substitute or successor Executors.  The job of the Executor is to follow and carry out the terms of the Will.  Once the Will is admitted to probate, it becomes validated by the Court.  Say for example, that the Will says that the decedent’s house is to be sold and that the proceeds from the sale are to be divided into three shares, the Will further states that two of the shares are to be given to two named estate beneficiaries, However, the third share is to be given to a Trustee to be held in trust pursuant to the trust terms that are set forth in the Will.  This is called a testamentary trust.  The Will typically names the Trustee. Once the executor pays the proceeds to the Trustee, the executor’s job is finished and the Trustee takes over and administers the trust assets according to the Will provisions.  It is possible, and often occurs, that the person named as Executor also acts as the Trustee.
Executors and Trustees serve an important role in Estate Planning.  They are essential in implementing and fulfilling the intent of the creator regarding the disposition of assets.  They can also have a vital role in safeguarding the economic welfare of minor children and beneficiaries who suffer from disabilities.  It is common that a Utah Estate Plan will include a Supplemental Needs Trust to benefit someone who is receiving governmental benefits such as Medicaid or social security disability.  An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Free Consultation with a Probate Lawyer
When you need help with an estate or when a loved one has passed away, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. Our compassionate and experienced lawyers are here to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/letters-of-administration/
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winniegist · 6 years
Letters of Administration
Generally, Letters of Administration are documents issued by the Utah Probate’s Court authorizing a person (called ‘Administrator’) to manage or distribute the property of a deceased person who died intestate (without making a Will). A Utah probate lawyer will explain the function of these documents to you directly so it is clear.
Individuals can and should determine the distribution of their estate by preparing a Will which usually specifies an executor to carry out its directions. Where the decedent has left no Will, the Utah laws and procedures determine both to whom and by whom a decedent’s estate will be distributed.  It is important that the deceased’s close family members protect their interests in the decedent’s estate including being appointed as an estate Administrator. Imagine a situation where a person dies without having prepared a Will and a distant relative is appointed as Administrator and the decedent’s house and all other assets are inherited by this relative whom the decedent disliked or had no contact with for many years.  Moreover, it may turn out that a government official called the Public Administrator will be appointed by the Court to administer the estate.  The Public Administrator and his attorney are required to be paid a fee which will diminish the funds going to the decedent’s family.
The estate laws determine the family member that have the right to be appointed as an Administrator of an Estate. The Probate’s Court Procedure Act (SCPA) has many section s dealing with Intestate Administration.  Section 1001 of the SCPA provides the order of priority for the appointment of the Administrator.
When a person prepares a Last Will in which he nominates an executor, the intestacy law no longer control the selection of the estate fiduciary.  It is apparent that a person should prepare a Will so that he can select the persons who are to be in charge of handling all estate affairs.  This selection is usually a close relative or friend.  The nominated executor must present the Will to the Court for his official appointment as Executor. An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Administration proceedings can be complex and involve many issues such as proof of kinship and a search for unknown heirs. Letters of Administration will need to be obtained which requires filing a petition and many other documents with the Court.  The petition for Letters of Administration is filed in the Probate’s Court in the county where the decedent lived.  For example, if the decedent lived in Manhattan, the papers are filed in the Utah County Probate’s Court which is located at 31 Chambers Street in Utah.  Most of the Probate’s Courts in the various counties have the same requirements regarding the papers that must be filed such as the death certificate, petition, affidavit of kinship and affidavit of no-debts.   However, experienced estate attorneys are aware that some of the Courts have their own particular requirements and forms.  It is important to find out about these various estate filing specifics as soon as possible when preparing the filing papers.
Executor and Trustee
An Executor and Trustee and an Administrator are all what are generally known as fiduciaries. Fiduciaries have many duties and responsibilities. These obligations are set forth in statutes and by the courts which have developed standards of conduct to be followed by fiduciaries. A Utah estate planning lawyer can explain them in greater detail.
Executors and Trustees and Administrators are all generally accountable and responsible to the court and to the persons who are the beneficiaries for the assets which they administer.   Such responsibilities involve duties of care so that assets are protected, obligations that prohibit self-dealing and a duty to account for the assets they collect and payments they make.
Sometimes there is confusion as to the difference between an Executor and Trustee.  When a person executes a Last Will, he typically nominates an Executor and substitute or successor Executors.  The job of the Executor is to follow and carry out the terms of the Will.  Once the Will is admitted to probate, it becomes validated by the Court.  Say for example, that the Will says that the decedent’s house is to be sold and that the proceeds from the sale are to be divided into three shares, the Will further states that two of the shares are to be given to two named estate beneficiaries, However, the third share is to be given to a Trustee to be held in trust pursuant to the trust terms that are set forth in the Will.  This is called a testamentary trust.  The Will typically names the Trustee. Once the executor pays the proceeds to the Trustee, the executor’s job is finished and the Trustee takes over and administers the trust assets according to the Will provisions.  It is possible, and often occurs, that the person named as Executor also acts as the Trustee.
Executors and Trustees serve an important role in Estate Planning.  They are essential in implementing and fulfilling the intent of the creator regarding the disposition of assets.  They can also have a vital role in safeguarding the economic welfare of minor children and beneficiaries who suffer from disabilities.  It is common that a Utah Estate Plan will include a Supplemental Needs Trust to benefit someone who is receiving governmental benefits such as Medicaid or social security disability.  An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Free Consultation with a Probate Lawyer
When you need help with an estate or when a loved one has passed away, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. Our compassionate and experienced lawyers are here to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/letters-of-administration/
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advertphoto · 6 years
Letters of Administration
Generally, Letters of Administration are documents issued by the Utah Probate’s Court authorizing a person (called ‘Administrator’) to manage or distribute the property of a deceased person who died intestate (without making a Will). A Utah probate lawyer will explain the function of these documents to you directly so it is clear.
Individuals can and should determine the distribution of their estate by preparing a Will which usually specifies an executor to carry out its directions. Where the decedent has left no Will, the Utah laws and procedures determine both to whom and by whom a decedent’s estate will be distributed.  It is important that the deceased’s close family members protect their interests in the decedent’s estate including being appointed as an estate Administrator. Imagine a situation where a person dies without having prepared a Will and a distant relative is appointed as Administrator and the decedent’s house and all other assets are inherited by this relative whom the decedent disliked or had no contact with for many years.  Moreover, it may turn out that a government official called the Public Administrator will be appointed by the Court to administer the estate.  The Public Administrator and his attorney are required to be paid a fee which will diminish the funds going to the decedent’s family.
The estate laws determine the family member that have the right to be appointed as an Administrator of an Estate. The Probate’s Court Procedure Act (SCPA) has many section s dealing with Intestate Administration.  Section 1001 of the SCPA provides the order of priority for the appointment of the Administrator.
When a person prepares a Last Will in which he nominates an executor, the intestacy law no longer control the selection of the estate fiduciary.  It is apparent that a person should prepare a Will so that he can select the persons who are to be in charge of handling all estate affairs.  This selection is usually a close relative or friend.  The nominated executor must present the Will to the Court for his official appointment as Executor. An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Administration proceedings can be complex and involve many issues such as proof of kinship and a search for unknown heirs. Letters of Administration will need to be obtained which requires filing a petition and many other documents with the Court.  The petition for Letters of Administration is filed in the Probate’s Court in the county where the decedent lived.  For example, if the decedent lived in Manhattan, the papers are filed in the Utah County Probate’s Court which is located at 31 Chambers Street in Utah.  Most of the Probate’s Courts in the various counties have the same requirements regarding the papers that must be filed such as the death certificate, petition, affidavit of kinship and affidavit of no-debts.   However, experienced estate attorneys are aware that some of the Courts have their own particular requirements and forms.  It is important to find out about these various estate filing specifics as soon as possible when preparing the filing papers.
Executor and Trustee
An Executor and Trustee and an Administrator are all what are generally known as fiduciaries. Fiduciaries have many duties and responsibilities. These obligations are set forth in statutes and by the courts which have developed standards of conduct to be followed by fiduciaries. A Utah estate planning lawyer can explain them in greater detail.
Executors and Trustees and Administrators are all generally accountable and responsible to the court and to the persons who are the beneficiaries for the assets which they administer.   Such responsibilities involve duties of care so that assets are protected, obligations that prohibit self-dealing and a duty to account for the assets they collect and payments they make.
Sometimes there is confusion as to the difference between an Executor and Trustee.  When a person executes a Last Will, he typically nominates an Executor and substitute or successor Executors.  The job of the Executor is to follow and carry out the terms of the Will.  Once the Will is admitted to probate, it becomes validated by the Court.  Say for example, that the Will says that the decedent’s house is to be sold and that the proceeds from the sale are to be divided into three shares, the Will further states that two of the shares are to be given to two named estate beneficiaries, However, the third share is to be given to a Trustee to be held in trust pursuant to the trust terms that are set forth in the Will.  This is called a testamentary trust.  The Will typically names the Trustee. Once the executor pays the proceeds to the Trustee, the executor’s job is finished and the Trustee takes over and administers the trust assets according to the Will provisions.  It is possible, and often occurs, that the person named as Executor also acts as the Trustee.
Executors and Trustees serve an important role in Estate Planning.  They are essential in implementing and fulfilling the intent of the creator regarding the disposition of assets.  They can also have a vital role in safeguarding the economic welfare of minor children and beneficiaries who suffer from disabilities.  It is common that a Utah Estate Plan will include a Supplemental Needs Trust to benefit someone who is receiving governmental benefits such as Medicaid or social security disability.  An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Free Consultation with a Probate Lawyer
When you need help with an estate or when a loved one has passed away, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. Our compassionate and experienced lawyers are here to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/letters-of-administration/
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loreneweiner · 6 years
Letters of Administration
Generally, Letters of Administration are documents issued by the Utah Probate’s Court authorizing a person (called ‘Administrator’) to manage or distribute the property of a deceased person who died intestate (without making a Will). A Utah probate lawyer will explain the function of these documents to you directly so it is clear.
Individuals can and should determine the distribution of their estate by preparing a Will which usually specifies an executor to carry out its directions. Where the decedent has left no Will, the Utah laws and procedures determine both to whom and by whom a decedent’s estate will be distributed.  It is important that the deceased’s close family members protect their interests in the decedent’s estate including being appointed as an estate Administrator. Imagine a situation where a person dies without having prepared a Will and a distant relative is appointed as Administrator and the decedent’s house and all other assets are inherited by this relative whom the decedent disliked or had no contact with for many years.  Moreover, it may turn out that a government official called the Public Administrator will be appointed by the Court to administer the estate.  The Public Administrator and his attorney are required to be paid a fee which will diminish the funds going to the decedent’s family.
The estate laws determine the family member that have the right to be appointed as an Administrator of an Estate. The Probate’s Court Procedure Act (SCPA) has many section s dealing with Intestate Administration.  Section 1001 of the SCPA provides the order of priority for the appointment of the Administrator.
When a person prepares a Last Will in which he nominates an executor, the intestacy law no longer control the selection of the estate fiduciary.  It is apparent that a person should prepare a Will so that he can select the persons who are to be in charge of handling all estate affairs.  This selection is usually a close relative or friend.  The nominated executor must present the Will to the Court for his official appointment as Executor. An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Administration proceedings can be complex and involve many issues such as proof of kinship and a search for unknown heirs. Letters of Administration will need to be obtained which requires filing a petition and many other documents with the Court.  The petition for Letters of Administration is filed in the Probate’s Court in the county where the decedent lived.  For example, if the decedent lived in Manhattan, the papers are filed in the Utah County Probate’s Court which is located at 31 Chambers Street in Utah.  Most of the Probate’s Courts in the various counties have the same requirements regarding the papers that must be filed such as the death certificate, petition, affidavit of kinship and affidavit of no-debts.   However, experienced estate attorneys are aware that some of the Courts have their own particular requirements and forms.  It is important to find out about these various estate filing specifics as soon as possible when preparing the filing papers.
Executor and Trustee
An Executor and Trustee and an Administrator are all what are generally known as fiduciaries. Fiduciaries have many duties and responsibilities. These obligations are set forth in statutes and by the courts which have developed standards of conduct to be followed by fiduciaries. A Utah estate planning lawyer can explain them in greater detail.
Executors and Trustees and Administrators are all generally accountable and responsible to the court and to the persons who are the beneficiaries for the assets which they administer.   Such responsibilities involve duties of care so that assets are protected, obligations that prohibit self-dealing and a duty to account for the assets they collect and payments they make.
Sometimes there is confusion as to the difference between an Executor and Trustee.  When a person executes a Last Will, he typically nominates an Executor and substitute or successor Executors.  The job of the Executor is to follow and carry out the terms of the Will.  Once the Will is admitted to probate, it becomes validated by the Court.  Say for example, that the Will says that the decedent’s house is to be sold and that the proceeds from the sale are to be divided into three shares, the Will further states that two of the shares are to be given to two named estate beneficiaries, However, the third share is to be given to a Trustee to be held in trust pursuant to the trust terms that are set forth in the Will.  This is called a testamentary trust.  The Will typically names the Trustee. Once the executor pays the proceeds to the Trustee, the executor’s job is finished and the Trustee takes over and administers the trust assets according to the Will provisions.  It is possible, and often occurs, that the person named as Executor also acts as the Trustee.
Executors and Trustees serve an important role in Estate Planning.  They are essential in implementing and fulfilling the intent of the creator regarding the disposition of assets.  They can also have a vital role in safeguarding the economic welfare of minor children and beneficiaries who suffer from disabilities.  It is common that a Utah Estate Plan will include a Supplemental Needs Trust to benefit someone who is receiving governmental benefits such as Medicaid or social security disability.  An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Free Consultation with a Probate Lawyer
When you need help with an estate or when a loved one has passed away, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. Our compassionate and experienced lawyers are here to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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Protecting Assets from Divorce
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/letters-of-administration/
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bestutahattorneys1 · 6 years
Letters of Administration
Generally, Letters of Administration are documents issued by the Utah Probate’s Court authorizing a person (called ‘Administrator’) to manage or distribute the property of a deceased person who died intestate (without making a Will). A Utah probate lawyer will explain the function of these documents to you directly so it is clear.
Individuals can and should determine the distribution of their estate by preparing a Will which usually specifies an executor to carry out its directions. Where the decedent has left no Will, the Utah laws and procedures determine both to whom and by whom a decedent’s estate will be distributed.  It is important that the deceased’s close family members protect their interests in the decedent’s estate including being appointed as an estate Administrator. Imagine a situation where a person dies without having prepared a Will and a distant relative is appointed as Administrator and the decedent’s house and all other assets are inherited by this relative whom the decedent disliked or had no contact with for many years.  Moreover, it may turn out that a government official called the Public Administrator will be appointed by the Court to administer the estate.  The Public Administrator and his attorney are required to be paid a fee which will diminish the funds going to the decedent’s family.
The estate laws determine the family member that have the right to be appointed as an Administrator of an Estate. The Probate’s Court Procedure Act (SCPA) has many section s dealing with Intestate Administration.  Section 1001 of the SCPA provides the order of priority for the appointment of the Administrator.
When a person prepares a Last Will in which he nominates an executor, the intestacy law no longer control the selection of the estate fiduciary.  It is apparent that a person should prepare a Will so that he can select the persons who are to be in charge of handling all estate affairs.  This selection is usually a close relative or friend.  The nominated executor must present the Will to the Court for his official appointment as Executor. An attorney may be helpful in this process.
Administration proceedings can be complex and involve many issues such as proof of kinship and a search for unknown heirs. Letters of Administration will need to be obtained which requires filing a petition and many other documents with the Court.  The petition for Letters of Administration is filed in the Probate’s Court in the county where the decedent lived.  For example, if the decedent lived in Manhattan, the papers are filed in the Utah County Probate’s Court which is located at 31 Chambers Street in Utah.  Most of the Probate’s Courts in the various counties have the same requirements regarding the papers that must be filed such as the death certificate, petition, affidavit of kinship and affidavit of no-debts.   However, experienced estate attorneys are aware that some of the Courts have their own particular requirements and forms.  It is important to find out about these various estate filing specifics as soon as possible when preparing the filing papers.
Executor and Trustee
An Executor and Trustee and an Administrator are all what are generally known as fiduciaries. Fiduciaries have many duties and responsibilities. These obligations are set forth in statutes and by the courts which have developed standards of conduct to be followed by fiduciaries. A Utah estate planning lawyer can explain them in greater detail.
Executors and Trustees and Administrators are all generally accountable and responsible to the court and to the persons who are the beneficiaries for the assets which they administer.   Such responsibilities involve duties of care so that assets are protected, obligations that prohibit self-dealing and a duty to account for the assets they collect and payments they make.
Sometimes there is confusion as to the difference between an Executor and Trustee.  When a person executes a Last Will, he typically nominates an Executor and substitute or successor Executors.  The job of the Executor is to follow and carry out the terms of the Will.  Once the Will is admitted to probate, it becomes validated by the Court.  Say for example, that the Will says that the decedent’s house is to be sold and that the proceeds from the sale are to be divided into three shares, the Will further states that two of the shares are to be given to two named estate beneficiaries, However, the third share is to be given to a Trustee to be held in trust pursuant to the trust terms that are set forth in the Will.  This is called a testamentary trust.  The Will typically names the Trustee. Once the executor pays the proceeds to the Trustee, the executor’s job is finished and the Trustee takes over and administers the trust assets according to the Will provisions.  It is possible, and often occurs, that the person named as Executor also acts as the Trustee.
Executors and Trustees serve an important role in Estate Planning.  They are essential in implementing and fulfilling the intent of the creator regarding the disposition of assets.  They can also have a vital role in safeguarding the economic welfare of minor children and beneficiaries who suffer from disabilities.  It is common that a Utah Estate Plan will include a Supplemental Needs Trust to benefit someone who is receiving governmental benefits such as Medicaid or social security disability.  An attorney may be helpful in this process.
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When you need help with an estate or when a loved one has passed away, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. Our compassionate and experienced lawyers are here to help you.
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furynewsnetwork · 7 years
Quoting old movies is fun, particularly when they involve surreality.  Government functions are almost entirely surreal, but quoting them is rarely fun … unless Trump is somehow involved.  Love him or loathe him or something in between, he’s brought fun quotes back to self-governance.  And with them come the witch hunts.
There are ways to tell if someone is a witch.  What do you do with witches?
Burn them!
And what do you burn apart from witches?
Republican officiocrats who work for a loathably abrasive New York democrat twitter freak holding the White House as a republican that the Deep State Swamp is desperate to delegitimize because he’s declared war on it.  In other words: more witches.
Never mind that Medusa sold foreign policy futures to foreign government agents in the guise of contributions to her and Cuckold Bill’s charitable foundation.  The real issue is that members of the Trump campaign met with Russian government provocateurs who − wink wink nudge nudge, your wife’s a goer − had “information” on Medusa that would “bring down” her campaign.
Therefore, he’s made of wood.
And this contact wasn’t disclosed on the security questionnaire, which means he lied.  The only reason you lie about something this substantial is to hide the truth.
Therefore, he weighs as much as a duck.
The officiocrat’s security questionnaire was amended four times, and now contains hundreds more foreign contacts.
Therefore …?  A WITCH!! BURN HIM!!
Time the fuck out.  Has anyone ever completed one of those security clearance questionnaires?  I have.  Multiple times.  I’ve held a clearance for most of the time since 1980 when I joined the Air Force.  It is form SF86, in case anyone wants to follow along.  It can be found online.  Giving answers that can be construed as lies by those wishing to do so is trivially easy, for the form was devised by bureaucrats and their legion of loyyers.
The current version [as of 2014] is 157 pages long in its raw form on paper, including instructions and multiple release of liability and signature pages.  Paper applications are no longer accepted; it is now completed online requiring a government login ID and irrationally long gibberish password that cannot be remembered and must never be written down.  You will be calling the toll free help desk repeatedly to have your password reset.
You may not advance to the next section of the form until the current section is completely answered.  Unless you are fresh from the womb, you will have scores of addenda and explanation pages to add information.  These addenda are needed for families larger than you and two parents and one sibling, for any travel farther afield than the local Walmart, and for anything you’ve done more complex than buying a stick of gum.  God forbid you have a relative − to include in-laws − born in a foreign country.  I have such an in-law.
But still, I’m an incredibly boring individual with a relatively small family and no social or civic affiliations to speak of.  I’m a libertarian and thus have no meaningful political affiliation, either.  One investigator in the 90s looked at me and my paperwork and said, “Ah … N J.”  I quizzed, “N J?”  He replied, “Non-joiner.”
My most recent clearance application ended up being 380+ pages long.  …Not including instructions and signature pages.  It took me over five weeks to complete.
The online form has pull-down menus for standard fill-in-the-blanks.  But just try explaining where your father-in-law came from.  He’s been living in the US since the age of 9, but was born in a village in Yugoslavia to German parents.  He spent the first 7 years of his life in Nazi, and then Soviet, prison camps.  The online form no longer lists Yugoslavia as a legitimate nation [I used Angola, since it was listed first and I was not about to dignify their inept system], nor does it accept his home town.  The village itself was obliterated de facto by the Wehrmacht and de jure by the follow-on Tito government.  After the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the specific location may be in Serbia, or Bosnia, or Slovakia, no one is quite sure.  Not that it matters anyway; it’s gone.  His naturalization document lists a naturalization center in the US no longer in existence and therefore not in the pull down list.  His naturalization is identified by a certificate number using a layout no longer recognized as valid − not enough digits.  My father-in-law is just generally suspicious, I suppose.
Explaining this one fairly trivial matter that I covered in one paragraph took − I recall − 15 additional pages on the SF86.  Maybe more.  One’s eyes tend to glaze over after a certain amount of useless necessity.  In any event, it took 15 pages too many.
But then comes the sections of the questionnaire that has caused Trump teammates so much trouble, and which would cause me the same trouble were I a republican party officiocrat instead of a mere libertarian DoD data analyst: section 19, about halfway through form SF86, “foreign contacts”.
I have been on eleven cruises, and I’ve met literally thousands of foreigners.  Most were wearing name tags, and many of those who weren’t told me their names.  I wrote down none of them.  With the exception of maybe a half dozen, I couldn’t tell you much more about them than their first name, sometimes not even that.  There is Pedro [last name unknown], the effusively friendly manager-slash-head waiter of a little cantina [forgot the name] on the second floor over a souvenir shop [forgot the name] on the main tourist drag [forgot the name] of San Miguel on the island of Cozumel.  We visit the place for lunch every time we’re there.  Pedro’s head is shaped like a bowling ball, if that helps the investigators any.
There is Major Tom [last name unknown], the unofficial greeter for the nation of Belize, and head of the Belize City Chamber of Commerce.  He runs several tourist excursion operations, including one we took our first time there.  He used to be in the Belizi army − hence his title of Major.  He looks like a young Ricardo Montalban, or did the last time I saw him.
There is Ngede [last name unknown], our Indonesian head waiter on not one but two cruises, on two different ships … and what are the odds?  Highly suspicious if I were a republican officiocrat.  He has his First Night patter down: the nearest any English-speaker can ever come to pronouncing his name is “g’day”, so just say G’day.  He has an advanced degree in engineering, but works as a waiter on US cruises because at $10 a day plus tips he makes more than an engineer in Indonesia. …where you have to be politically connected [i.e., the correct race, the correct tribe and the correct religion, none of which includes him] in order to get a job that pays more than twenty-five cents an hour.  He is now considered extremely wealthy among his countrymen … at least on his time off when he goes back home.  He showed us how to make a rat out of a linen napkin.
There’s the guy on Cayman who runs Moby Dick’s − the stingray encounter excursion.  His name is Richard something, and he’s from England.  He charges almost $100 American for a thirty minute boat ride and a bucket of squid to twenty folks at a time to feed the stingrays tamed by generations of hand-feeding on a sandbar in the sound.  Wouldn’t know him on sight.  He was thoroughly unremarkable, apart from being well-tanned.
On the ship, I try to find one of the bars with a particularly attractive bartender and get my glass of before-dinner wine or after-dinner drambuie from her.  The last two cruises these bartenders were in the form of a cutey from Ukraine, and a hotsy from Brazil.  I impressed the Ukrainian by knowing how to say please [pazhalsta], thank you [spaseeba], goodbye [da svedanya] and I’m bored [mnya skuchnya] in Russian.  I made my bartender from Ipanema laugh by butchering the words to Mas Que Nada.  I have long forgotten their names.
But by far, the most memorable foreign contact I had was a little boy, maybe four years old. He was paying close attention to the cracks in the sidewalk while walking with his mother, an attractive twenty-something, and older brother, maybe seven years old.  This was down one of the back streets of San Miguel on Cozumel.  I was searching for a cheap cantina serving actual Mexican tacos.  The older brother was in navy blue shorts, starched white shirt, and a solid black tie.  His shoes were polished black.  He was going to school, and mom was walking him there.  I was approaching them on the sidewalk, and as we neared I smiled and said, “Hola.”  Mom smiled back, and the older brother looked puzzled.  Both said “Hola.”  The four year old boy, though, looked up from the cracks under his feet, directly at me.  He pointed and announced, in surprise, “Mama!  Gringo!”
His mother was mortified, and stammered a Spanish apology interlaced with scolds directed to her child.  I laughed and told her “De nada.”  I still laugh when I replay it.  But that was it; that was the entire foreign contact.  I never quizzed them for their names.  Were I a republican officiocrat I’d be required to.
Section 19 of form SF86 requires full names, addresses, dates and places of birth, employer[s], all nicknames, not to mention affiliations, and purposes, and outcomes of all foreign contacts.  Per instructions, it limits the contacts required to be disclosed to those of “close and continuing” nature, but one’s definitions of “close” and “continuing” are extremely subjective, and might well rely on political partisanship.  Very few of the items under foreign contacts allow for the option of declaring “I don’t know”.  “I don’t remember” is not permitted at all.
As someone who’s had a clearance for over thirty years and a Top Secret clearance for all but my four years in the Air Force, I know exactly what they’re trying to get at here.  They want to know if a clearance candidate has ever encountered any foreigner who went out of his way to indicate that he was trying to dig for information about things he shouldn’t be digging for.  “Has any foreigner you’ve ever encountered asked you nosy questions about what you do, who you do it for, or otherwise acted like a spy?  If yes, list as many details as possible.”
That’s what they’re trying to ask, but they don’t.  Instead, they require that anyone wanting a security clearance from the US government act like a spy themselves every time they encounter a foreigner, by getting full names, addresses, dates of birth, employers, the foreigners’ affiliations and purposes for existing … none of which anyone ever does.  You don’t go on a cruise with a notebook and stubby pencil demanding the names of every vendor hawking his souvenirs upon every passer-by.
“Come in! Come in! We have condition air.  Feel all cool and cold while buy your pretty wife a necklace, eh?”
Not until I know your full name, date of birth, nationality, who you work for, and what civic groups you participate in.
… yeah, not gonna happen.  As a result, almost everyone filling out this form leaves these things out.  And no one cares that you leave these things out.  …unless you’re a republican officiocrat working for an outsider president that everyone loathes because he’s harsh, abrasive and an outsider who’s declared war on the Deep State Swamp which creates − among other things − obscenely obstreperous national security clearance questionnaires.
Section 20 of form SF86 inquires after “foreign activities”; subsection A deals with foreign holdings, of which I have zippo.  Oh, drat.  I have a self-directed IRA which has mutual funds which hold foreign stocks and bonds.  Subsection A is trying to find out if I have meaningful holdings.  Never mind that “meaningful” is arbitrarily and subjectively determinable itself.  Ah, the hell with it; “No”.
“Do I own, or plan to own, property in a foreign country.”  Yes, I plan to retire to Mexico.  I like Mexico.
“Give the date of purchase, or planned purchase.  Where do you plan to purchase property, and what price are you paying for it?”  What? The hell?  I veered off onto one of the “explanation” pages with the following:  Listen, guys, if you think I can give you the speculative date and speculative location and speculative price of a speculative purchase of a retirement home for a speculative retirement and have this information mean a single god damn, then you must think I have a crystal ball.  If I had a crystal ball I’d be using it for personal enrichment and wouldn’t need a job which requires a clearance.  I plan to retire in Mexico, at some point, don’t know where, when, or how, but a guy can dream.  That’s all I’m saying about it.
I’m not going to describe the other 5 pages of this subsection.  Needless to say, it’s more of the same useless necessity.  Each item must be answered; “I don’t know” is not usually accepted.
Subsection B: foreign business, professional or government contacts.  Uh oh.  I’ve had literally hundreds of contacts with foreign government agents. … that I know about.  Knowing the nature of government, I’ve probably had dozens more government contacts that I don’t know about.  Eleven cruises, multiple port calls each cruise, encountering customs agents, port security wonks, police − in Limon Costa Rica, we were trying to find an outlet for the local coffee so I could bring home a few pounds of whole beans.  Had a conversation with dos policia who knew bupkus English.  With my formal Spanish lessons ending in 7th grade forty years prior, and my informal Spanish picked up in bits and pieces [Dos cervezas, por favor.  Muy Frijo.  Donde es el baño?] … my wife reports it was an amusing conversation to watch, and it would undoubtedly have been fun to participate in had I not been hung over.
Do I have to list these government contacts, to include full name, nationality, government agency and rank or title, date[s] and purpose of contact and all “offers” made?  I do if I’m a republican offiocrat working for the aforementioned outsider president loathed by the Deep State Swamp.  Does el policia pointing me at a bodega which sells coffee beans constitute an “offer”?  If I’m a republican officiocrat, yes.
Additionally, I’ve undoubtedly run across government agents burrowed into excursion outfits watching for illicit activities − you know what those Americans are like when they get closer to the source of their recreational drugs.  Many Americans attempt to score their own while visiting drug exporting nations, and their arrogant self-absorption is a direct contributor to the unsolved murders of dozens of us a year.  But do I know they are undercover government agents?  No I do not.  Does it matter?  Do I have to list them as well, even though I don’t know who they are?  Only if I’m that republican officiocrat.
There are another 7 pages of this subsection that I won’t go into.  All items must be answered; almost none apply.  “I don’t know” is only acceptable for a small portion of the items.
Subsection C: foreign travel.  Once again: eleven cruises.
Specific dates [which I no longer know] for each nation visited.  And for each nation describe once again the information previously inquired after in section 19.  This was the section that was trying to, but did not, ask, “did any foreigner get too nosy about things that are none of his business?”
It had taken me three weeks to get to this part of form SF86.  I’d long ago exceeded my tolerance for bureaucratic impertinence, and used one of the many “explanation” pages to freeform the following paraphrased blowback: Lookit, my wife and I have taken one cruise a year between 2004 and 2012, and one year we took two when we had both our parents along.  You have much more access to the dates of our cruises than we do at this point; all I can tell you is that they were usually in May.  We’ve met thousands of foreigners, and over a hundred foreign government weenies, and not one of them was any more forward than to pester us about emptying our wallets in their particular store.  No one asked what I do, or who I do it for, and no one especially asked if I had any government secrets to give out.  The only thing any of them wanted was my business.
I bawled out the apparatchik in the Deep State Swamp with irreverent, impetuous scold.  And once again, does this matter?  The answer is, once again: only if I am a republican officiocrat working for the well-loathed outsider New York democrat holding the White House as a republican and who declared war on the Deep State Swamp.
The nature of government bureaucracy is to evolve into an endless stream of gotchas.  It is these gotchas that are levied against anyone chosen to be the witch du jour.  You would have to be blind or a partisan shill to fail or refuse to see who is being gotchaed at the moment.  The republican officiocrat was doing opposition research during the presidential campaign, and was contacted about gaining opposition candidate spice.  He showed up to get the spice and met two Russians, neither of whom said, “Hey!  I’m with Moscow and work for Putin!” thus cluing him into it being a government contact.  The meeting was short, and the subject was not juicy gossip about Medusa; it was about US sanctions that resulted in Moscow curtailing Russian adoptions to the US.  The meeting was abandoned and none of the players ever met again.
Section 19 of SF86 requires − per instructions − “close and continuing” contact with foreign nationals to be disclosed.  A single meeting with a female Russian loyyer and her [from all accounts] silent partner is neither “close” nor “continuing”.  Unless, of course, you have it in for the republican officiocrat and the well-loathed guy he works for.  Therefore … a witch.
In contrast, the encounters with my bartender from Ipanema, occurring each day of the cruise before dinner for a glass of wine, and after dinner for a glass of drambuie was, in comparison, intimate and perpetual.  Even though I no longer remember her name − it was five years ago now − I learned much more about her than any republican officiocrat ever knew about the two Russians.
But it doesn’t matter because I’m not a republican officiocrat working for a New York democrat playing a republican president on twitter, and who declared war on all the jealously self-important bureaucrats who spend their days constructing 157 page long gotchas with which they can play king for a day.
King?  Pffft.  We didn’t vote for them.
You don’t vote for kings.
How’d they get to be kings then?
The Deep State of the Swamp, arm clad in the purest shimmering samite held aloft Regulation, signifying by authoritarian providence that they, the bureaucrats, should rule this land.
Listen, mysterious functionaries lying in ambush distributing arbitrary rules is no basis for a system of government.  Supreme executive power derives from broad support of the masses, not from some farcical procedural ceremony.
I fart in your general direction.
You’ll be dead in a minute.
BU-U-U-URN him!!
The post He Turned Me Into a Newt! appeared first on The Libertarian Republic.
via Headline News – The Libertarian Republic
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politicalfilth-blog · 7 years
For Years, The FBI Has Secretly Gathered Millions Of ‘Faceprints’ For Biometric Database
We Are Change
A representative of the FBI was grilled by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform regarding the agency’s growing biometric database.
Article via Activist Post by Derrick Broze
On Wednesday the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform questioned Kimberly Del Greco, Deputy Assistant Director at the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division, about why the bureau broke the law by failing to file a privacy impact statement acknowledging the collection of millions of Americans’ faces for the agency’s new biometric identification system.
The FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system is made up of fingerprints, iris scans, faceprints, and other facial recognition data. The NGI organizes Americans’ biometric data into a single file that includes personal and biographic data like name, home address, ID number, immigration status, age, race, etc.
The Committee reports that nearly half of all adult Americans’ photographs are in the database.
The 2013 U.S. Census Bureau estimated that there are over 242 million adults living in the U.S. If the Committee’s numbers are correct, over 121 million adults are in the FBI’s database.
Other revelations include that 18 states have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the FBI to share photos with the federal government, including from state departments of motor vehicles (DMV).
According to the Electronic Privacy Information Center:
“With NGI, the FBI will expand the number of uploaded photographs and provide investigators with ‘automated facial recognition search capability.’ The FBI intends to do this by eliminating restrictions on the number of submitted photographs (including photographs that are not accompanied by tenprint fingerprints) and allowing the submission of non-facial photographs (e.g. scars or tattoos).
The FBI also widely disseminates this NGI data. According to the FBI’s latest NGI fact sheet, 24,510 local, state, tribal, federal and international partners submitted queries to NGI in September 2016.”
Committee Chairman Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R- Utah) scolded Ms. Del Greco for the FBI’s failures.
“The failure here is years after you were supposed to make it public,” Chaffetz stated. “You were using it in real world circumstances, you were actually using it and didn’t issue the statement.” Chaffetz also asked Del Greco whether the FBI had plans to gather faceprints via social media. “Are you collecting that information that is available on social media?,” the chairman demanded. “We do not have any other photos in our repository.”
Alvaro Bedoya, Executive Director, Center on Privacy and Technology Georgetown Law, questioned the FBI’s claim, stating that the bureau has access to driver’s license photos. “We have access to that data but we do not use it,” Del Greco answered. Jennifer Lynch, Senior Staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation also stated that the FBI has access to “civil photos” in the NGI database.
Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI) also questioned Del Greco regarding the FBI’s activities. “I think the issue goes beyond the First Amendment concerns that were expressed. . .and is broader,” Mitchell stated during the panel. “I don’t want to just protect someone if they’re in a political protest from being identified, the reality is we should protect everybody unless there is a valid documented criminal justice action.
Why should my photo. . .be subject because I get a driver’s license, to access?” Rep. John Duncan (R-TN) expressed similar fear regarding the possibility that the expectation of privacy is quickly fading. Duncan worried that Americans looking at the information, “would wonder if were ending up in a federal police state that’s gotten totally out of control, and has far too much power.”
Duncan is not far off. The databases include photos those of people who aren’t suspected of any criminal activity that come from driver’s license and passport and visa photos. Other issues with the FBI database include misidentifying females and blacks at a higher rate.
The FBI is currently facing a lawsuit from EPIC regarding the database. EPIC is asking a judge to force the FBI to release records about its plan to share the biometric data with the U.S. Department of Defense. EPIC filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2015, but the FBI has so far refused to release the 35 pages of responsive records.
EPIC and privacy advocates are concerned about the potential for cases of mistaken identity and abuse of the collected data. EPIC also argues “the FBI stated that ‘[i]ncreased collection and retention of personally identifiable information presents a correspondingly increased risk that the FBI will then be maintaining more information that might potentially be subject to loss or unauthorized use.”
In 2014, the EFF received documents from the FBI related to the NGI system. At the time the FBI estimated the facial recognition component of NGI would include as many as 52 million face images by 2015. The Committee’s hearing on Wednesday indicated that number was more than double as of 2017.
The danger of abuse from facial recognition programs is on the rise. Activist Post recently highlighted a new report from Georgetown Law University’s Center for Privacy and Technology that details how law enforcement is using facial recognition software without the knowledge or consent of the people. The report, “The Perpetual Line-Up: Unregulated Police Face Recognition in America,” examines several cases of misuse or abuse of facial recognition technology.
How can we protect our privacy in a world that is quickly becoming a digitally interconnected panopticon of audio recording devices, faceprint collection machines, and cameras from every direction? The answer is not simple. Most of us live our lives with these devices and use them for several hours each day. When we are staring into our phones to send text messages, the camera is potentially stealing our faceprint and sending it to your cell phone provider and/or law enforcement. We are giving away our privacy for convenience, luxury, and entertainment.
How can we stop the fast march to a total surveillance state?
Perhaps abandoning all technology and living off the land. Short of that, we need to take measures to encrypt our communication and practice a culture of security.
Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for ActivistPost.com and the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com. Follow him on Twitter. Derrick is the author of three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2
Derrick is available for interviews. Please contact [email protected]
This article may be freely reposted in part or in full with author attribution and source link.
Image Credit: TheFreeThoughtProject.com
The post For Years, The FBI Has Secretly Gathered Millions Of ‘Faceprints’ For Biometric Database appeared first on We Are Change.
from We Are Change https://wearechange.org/years-fbi-secretly-gathered-millions-faceprints-biometric-database/
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