#all his sins will be forgiven for 24h
coralsgrimes · 2 years
Julianne and Ben are both very silent on instagram
Normal Benny behaviour muffin :c he probably just busy rehearsing the only four songs he knows x.x and doing some thinking, in his free time before bedtime, on how to jump onto the last of us popularity bandwagon... ye know some nerdist tweets
Twin flame... wasn't she at that cult spa in the desert last time I was here? It's her fave hide and lick them scars place! Probably doing face remodeling given the time of year lol maybe a whole flooring change if taking long xd
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yga-vn · 1 year
damn my door :(
so here are some fun facts about Noël:
He is really affraid of rats-
Noël can play many music instruments like pinao or violin, he can also sing
He knows how to speak many EU languages: French/German/Spanish/Italien. his hobby is basicly reading this dude has alot of knowlage that it's becoming scary-
He has a british accent because he was borne in Britten in the beganing or the 1800's in the Victorian era. Noël used to live a strickt and nobel life. So he is basicly like 200y/o or something like that but died as a young adult
Noël has comited 2 sins in his pas life that normaly couldn't be forgiven but god choosed to forgive him so he didn't went to hell
if I have to give a difference that Noël has with the other Yan that I personally haven't seen, is that he is able to be nice with the others, most of the time when a stranger came across Noël they can sent a nice ora coming from him, how ever this gentlness is still fake, but he doesn't fake it with you (which makes it even harder to spot his yandere tendencys since he is seen as a pretty sociable person)
Noël think sometimes that you're going to be the death of him because of the stupid decisions you're making in your life
his job is basicly to take care of you so he has a good excuse to be with you 24/24h
He hates the other angels and his god in general, since he met you and developpes feelings as he learned to know you he is no longer an angel or a demon, and his god is not aware of that (You will dicover in the game what he is I'm not saying anything)
He hates people who judge others based on their phyisical appearence as much as he hates when people are only attracted to him because of his physical appearence.
Bonus Fun facts:
If he met other Yan boys he wouldn't know what to say and will appear as a little bit shy at first
When he was first introduced to the moderne word and saw a TV for the first time he thought the human in it was stuck in that box (he is really embarrased about it now everytime he thinks about it)
He has a really proper manner to speak because of how he was educated, sometimes he still use some vocabulary that is no longer in the dictionary or words who are rarely used in oral.
and finally he has some tiny entennas like animal ears who are sencible, when he has his angel forme (don't touch them-)
There is much more but can't say all of them :)
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