swiftgrcn · 4 years
You know in hindsight I find the ~anti Dianna narrative~ perpetuated by Kaylors so funny? Like I get why they do it, it’s to make their ship better in comparison by painting Dianna as this nasty villain and Karlie as Tay’s savior (when that isn’t supported by Tay’s words or the music at all) but it’s so damn ridiculous to me now. Especially considering the irony of Karlie being the back stabber the whole time.
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
We don't talk enough about how dianna inspired the biggest pop album of the decade and probably one of the biggest pop albums in history HER POWERR sometimes i just randomly think about this and this cute lil angel who never posts on social media and literally does nothing for days is the muse for sooo many songs
she is the muse to end all muses like does she even know???
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
This “what she says verses what she means” haunts me
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“my heart was not irreparably broken”
- Taylor Swift in Rolling Stone, 2014, before 1989 dropped
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“she’s still 23 inside her fantasy”
- Right Where You Left Me, 2020
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
this is kinda random but after reading some of your thoughts on dwoht it completely changed how i saw the song and now i can see how it could be connected to dianna! we may be clowning, but at least there's some logic to our clownery lol
yeaahhh been holding this back for a minute cause i wanna do it justice but given that i put dwoht on the official playlist feels like it’s time to do a proper analysis
part 1 - “but dwoht is about kissgate!”
listen maybe but i don’t think so.  kissgate didn’t change much for kaylor.  as @swiftiesleuth​ outlined in her realistic kay timeline kaylor kept hanging out w one another and being very publicly bffs.  taylor did take to liking tumblr posts calling kaylor shippers freaks and i do think it affected her but i don’t think she’s writing songs about it.
she put the dwoht lyrics on this poloroid:
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and she was spotted wearing that on September 3, 2014, 2 months before kissgate:
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that’s also a day before the Fairfax anniversary if we want to tie it to anything.
part 2 - “ok but it could still be about karlie”
yeah it could be.  ever since i read realistic kay i am of the opinion that kaylor still definitely happened but i don’t know that they went much farther than fwb.  karlie was with josh the whole time and guys idk what to tell you, joshlie is real like look at this nonsense:
that was in 2014 like during the HEIGHT of kaylor.  karlie started studying to convert to Judaism in 2015, married him, threw another wedding party, and is now having a baby with him.  i don’t know what to tell you.  joshlie is real and karlie chose him. i mean if the kushners were trash they’d be cute look at them!
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taylor’s music (cruel summer, august, illicit affairs) backs this up.  kaylor was hot, messy, and chaotic but it was not a monogamous love story.
given the uncommitted nature of kaylor i have trouble believing that lines like:
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it and
I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us
are about a fwb situation.
part 3 - “ok maybe it’s not about karlie but why isn’t it about joe/TLL?”
because the entire song is in past tense.  i know taylor (supposedly) tells some story about being harassed by the paps and trying to break up with joe and then he said “no ❤️” and then...she wrote a break-up song for him?  
if the song went out on a hopeful note or flipped to present tense in the bridge like “we were dancing with our hands tied but now we’re dancing freely because we chose one another and we’re happy” i would believe her but this song is sung past tense to someone who she’s no longer dancing with
i mean just look at the past tenseness of this song!
I, I loved you in secret Oh, how were you to know, and My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden Oh, and you held me close
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it I had a bad feeling And darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis People started talking, putting us through our paces I knew there was no one in the world who could take it I had a bad feeling
But we were dancing I, I loved you in spite of I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted
I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
and while i’m pointing out the past tense nature of the song let’s examine the bridge:
I'd kiss you as the lights went out Swaying as the room burned down I'd hold you as the water rushes in If I could dance with you again
taylor’s talking about what she would do differently if she had another chance with this person, if they could dance together again and she claims she’d hold them as the water rushes in.  the water rushing in is the flood and pouring rain described in clean.  clean describes her breakup w dianna.  she’s saying if she could go back she’d have stayed with her if she could do it differently.
part 4 - more lyric clues that point to dianna:
after the ootw music video came out taylor reblogged this post on tumblr describing her being frozen in the snow as having her “hands tied behind her back”
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the avalanche described in dwoht also seems to take place in the ootw music video.
the lyric “People started talking, putting us through our paces” is exactly what she describes in Wonderland 
“First sight yeah we love without reason” sounds like the same scenario Taylor is warned about in Wonderland “didn’t they tell us don’t rush into things”
“My, my love had been frozen Deep blue, but you painted me golden“ taylor’s love is paralyzed in All Too well and then her walls are tall and painted blue but she takes them down for dianna in EHC. “Oh, 'cause it's gravity Oh, keeping you with me“ gravity pulls taylor to dianna in treacherous 
and finallay
“oh 25 years old oh how were you to know”  Dianna was 25 when she met Taylor, the you in the song is 25, not Taylor.  That doesn’t match for Karlie only joe or dianna, and since it’s a song about someone she can’t dance with anymore then i don’t think it’s joe.
lastly taylor ofc likes to dance with everyone but she certainly did with dianna too:
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
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Dickinson Pilot Script Written by Alena Smith
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
i’ve come to do violence 😍
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
this is why i’m stuck on swiftgron
let me recommend listening to my swiftgron vibes playlist while reading this for full impact
143 is a code taken from mister rogers that means I (1) Love (4) You (3).  Mister Rogers thought this was such a lovely sentiment that he even kept his weight at 143 pounds for much of his life.
143/Mister Rogers is a Taylor Thing.  She made the Lover track 3:41 in length just because it’s a code that means “I love you.”
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she also hinted at this by including a Mister Rogers pin in her Lover Promo:
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But 143/Mister Rogers is a Dianna Thing as well.  She posted about this Documentary about him:
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Dianna also used the 143 code to rave about a show she liked:
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But I think 143 is a Swiftgron Thing as well (no I don’t think Lover is about Dianna that’s why it’s also just a Taylor Thing.)  The day after the infamous Kaylor Vogue Spread came out, you know the one:
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Dianna tweeted this:
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But here’s the 143 that I can’t shake…
Taylor added 5-6 seconds of silence to the end of Clean to make it 4:31 in length.  
I have checked youtube, apple, and spotify.  It’s not a glitch it’s across all platforms and here’s a receipt:
I checked with a friend who’s familiar with the music industry and typically songs have a standard 2-3 second pause between tracks to allow the listener to realize a new song is starting.  If it’s any longer than that it’s either an amateur mixer working on the album (so we know it’s not due to this because Taylor only works with the best of the business when it comes to working on her albums) OR it’s done intentionally.  It can be intentional to allow the listener to sit with the music a bit longer before starting the next track but in the case of Clean it’s the last track on the album.
Taylor intentionally made the timestamp on Clean a secret 143.  And if she wanted to easter egg in the timestamps she could have made the song 4:30 in length, which is Dianna’s birthday.
She didn’t.
On their final break up song, the one where she declared herself Clean, on an entire album dedicated to their break up, she had the last thing she said to her be “I love you.”
Sit with that a while.
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
cardigan is about Dianna Agron
So like many of you when I first heard cardigan I though “ok obviously this song is about about Karlie Kloss or perhaps Joe/The London Lover” but since this July we’ve gotten lots of new info.
First of all, Karlie is now pregnant with her husband, essentially proving once and for all that whatever Kaylor was it’s over.  She likely conceived over the summer so we know Kaylor was over then as well.
Secondly, Taylor seemed to confirm that Karlie did betray her to Scooter as suggested by her friends Ashley and Claire and Super Swiftie Spencer Pratt (who received a cardigan) with the song It’s Time To Go with the lyrics “When the words of a sister come back in whispers / That prove she was not in fact what she seemed / Not a twin from your dreams / She’s a crook who was caught”. 
Given that Taylor is releasing absolute drags about Karlie in her contemporary music I really don’t think she’s saying anything as sweet as the sentiment of cardigan about Karlie right now.
Here’s Taylor’s own words about the song: The song is about a lost romance and why young love is often fixed so permanently within our memories.  Why it leaves such an indelible mark…This is a song that’s about long lost love, and looking back on it and how special it make you feel, all the good things it made you feel, all the pain that it made you feel.”
So this seems to point to the idea that Taylor is drawing on an old, past love as inspiration for this song, so not Joe/the London Lover.  The permanent and indelible mark she seems to reference sounds very specifically like the lyric from This Love, a song written in 2012 that is almost certainly about Dianna when she says, “This love has left a permanent mark”
Let’s look at some lyrics before we jump into social media clues.
“When you are young, they assume you know nothing“ -this sounds like the warnings Swiftgron had to endure that Taylor talks about in Wonderland.
“A friend to all is a friend to none Chase two girls, lose the one“ -this sounds like Taylor is lamenting the Swiftgron/Kaylor overlap that occured.  A friend to all is Karlie who said Kim K was a lovely person after the kimye incident and sold Taylor out to Scooter.  Taylor went after Karlie instead of trying to work it out with Dianna as evidenced by Taylor going to the Glee set in early 2014, after she had met Karlie already.  (Check out @swiftgronmasterpost​ for receipts on all of this)
Also “lose the one”, I believe The 1 is about Dianna so that would track.
“But I knew you Playing hide-and-seek and Giving me your weekends, I“ -this makes me think of how DIanna was working full time on Glee when Swiftgron met and wouldn’t have had much time for Taylor except on the weekends.
“I knew you Your heartbeat on the High Line Once in 20 lifetimes, I”- yes the High Line is a place in NYC and is easy to tie back to Karlie, but Swiftgron hung out in NYC a good bit too in April right around when they first got together and December of 2012 as well.  It’s very possible they went up to the High Line and spent time together, just as they fell for one another.  Since Taylor is dragging Karlie so harshly I just can’t believe she’s referencing her in such a sweet song.
“To kiss in cars and downtown bars Was all we needed“ -there’s rumors that Dianna and Taylor would go out to bars in disguise.  I also have pointed out that Taylor references cars in a lot of Dianna songs (in which they’re driving) because you drive in LA whereas in NYC you walk.  I doubt anyone is making out in front of Taylor’s driver so if they’re kissing in cars I say it’s happening in LA.
“I knew you Tried to change the ending Peter losing Wendy, I” -Dianna referred to herself as Peter on her website You, Me, and Charlie
“I knew you Leavin’ like a father Running like water, I“ -Dianna supposedly left Taylor a time or two as they went back and forth in their relationship.  Taylor also uses water imagery heavily to describe Dianna in Clean, This Love, and HYGTG
“But I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss” -Dianna has tattoos (Karlie does not)
“The smell of smoke would hang around this long” -Dianna smokes (Karlie does not)
“And you’d be standin’ in my front porch light And I knew you’d come back to me You’d come back to me” -this sounds very much like the plot of the song HYGTG which is almost certainly about Dianna as well.
“And you’d come back” -we have good reason to believe that Dianna and Taylor are now friendly and on good terms since Dianna showed up at SNL and was counted among Taylor’s “inner circle” at the after party.  If they are indeed friends like the evidence suggests, in a way, Dianna did come back to her!
Ok now onto some social media clues.  It should be noted that these are ALL reaches except for the last two.
Since Folklore came out Dianna has been showing up more and more in jeans.  The song says “dancing in your levis” which had me thinking it wasn’t about her because while Dianna loves to dance, she hardly ever wears jeans.  However in the fall of 2020 she has shown up in jeans again and again, even leading her best friend to comment on it in one point:
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Dianna added a star to her IG name for a while:
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which seemed to match Taylor’s IG bio with the lyric “you drew stars around my scars” a lyric from Cardigan:
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The day Folklore came out Dianna’s ex husband Winston posted the lyrics:
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now Winston does not seem to like Taylor, although Taylor is a fan of his band and featured his bandmate Marcus Mumford’s vocals on evermore.  I think it’s possible Winston was being shady and trying to spill the secret.  He and Dianna were split up by this point but I think some of the lyrics may have clued him in to know the song was about her and he wanted to point it out in a petty way.
And of course the grand finale…Dianna herself publicly streamed the song on her spotify on October 28th, 2020:
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Who better to let us know the song is about her then the muse herself?
And with that I rest my case, and I will officially be adding cardigan to my songs about dianna agron playlist on spotify.
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
here’s something super interesting!!!
one of my favorite things to do when taylor drops an album is read all the footnotes to see who played instruments and did backup vocals and all that. and i just noticed this
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“vocals recorded by robin baynton at scarlet pimpernel studios (united kingdom). and guess what? that’s not a real studio!! so it must be taylor’s uk home studio
scarlet pimpernel is a book that was published in 1905 about a man who is apparently nothing more than a wealthy fop, but in reality a formidable swordsman and a quick-thinking master of disguise and escape artist. The band of gentlemen who assist him are the only ones who know of his secret identity
i’m not smart enough to start analyzing so i’ll leave all that to you but i just thought it was a fun little detail
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
Cowboy Like Me is about Dianna Agron and the Aftermath of Swiftgron
So if you’ve read my complete and exhaustive Swiftgron Timeline (@swiftgronmasterpost​) then you know directly after Swiftgron ended Dianna went to Morocco then not long after that she stopped hanging around her usual crowd,  then moved to NYC and started hanging out with very wealthy socialites and she also ended up marrying Winston Marshall of Mumford and Sons, whose dad is close to being a billionaire.  They got married in Morocco:
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It was also rumored that after Dianna split with Winston (summer of 2019) she supposedly started dating a (rich) guy named Gus Wenner.  They appeared to also meet in Morocco.  That relationship has never been confirmed but the rumors were loud and coming from a place I generally trust to have Dianna tea.  DIanna pictured with Gus in Morocco in November 2019:
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The rich guys and Morocco will come into play for our analysis but first…a retrospective.
Swiftgron’s first public hangout took place at the Fairfax Flea Market (also known as the Melrose Trading post), which is a flea market that operates on a high school property:
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 That high school has tennis courts…
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So it’s fair to say that when Swiftgron met, the tennis court was indeed covered up with some tent like thing:
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Cowboy Like Me then goes on to talk about dancing and how it’s a dangerous game.  Two things here…we know Dianna loves to dance and got her start in Hollywood as a dancer and danced with Taylor:
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and why would dancing be a dangerous game exactly?  That’s queer coded and reminds me of the danger warned about in Wonderland.
CLM also sings about bandits, y’all probably already know that L Chatters nick named Dianna Pussy Bandit based on her alleged reputation as very popular with the ladies.
There’s also queer coding in the “takes one to know one” assertions of the song.  Gay people often can spot one another out due to gaydar and signaling when straight people remain oblivious.
Same with the lyric about “skeletons in our closets.”
And the song ends with:
And I’m never gonna love again I’m never gonna love again Mm, mm, oh, oh I’m never gonna love again
The idea here is that after Swiftgron split in April of 2013 is it possible that Dianna gave up looking for conventional love, settling instead for security and comfort with exorbitantly wealthy guys like Winston and Gus (no shame in it you do you girl)?
Taylor has left us more clues in the Lyric video.
First of all the lyric video is exactly 4 minutes and 39 seconds long…
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the same length as the music video for the Swiftgron masterpiece Babe which rips off, and is the same length as, the music video that Dianna starred in - I’m Not The Only One.  Click here for more on how that’s the loudest piece of Swiftgron evidence in existence.
Furthermore in the lyric video there is a Morocco Oil Lamp:
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There’s also a clock set to 4:30 (interesting because Taylor usually sets clocks to some configuration of 13, like 1:30, in music videos)
Dianna’s birthday is 4/30:
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It should also be noted that the aesthetic of this scene is similar to Dianna’s old LA house that she insisted on decorating in a peculiar fashion, painting the walls black:
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Anyway as if hiding Dianna’s birthday in the lyric video wasn’t enough, Taylor also included backing vocals by Marcus Mumford of Mumford and Sons on the track…You know…the guy who’s in Dianna’s rich ex-husband’s band.
Taylor seems to have commented on Dianna’s switch to dating rich guys before in the music video for The Man when she included the date of a famous Swiftgron moment, the inside source at Glee tweet date (2/14/13) on a dollar bill being thrown on a dancer:
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and for good measure, perhaps it’s a coincidence but right before Dianna and Winston’s divorce was announced to the public, he posted the lyrics to Cardigan and there was monopoly money in the photo:
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And lastly throughout the month of October 2020, while Taylor was working on evermore, Dianna and her friends were posting again and again to Intagram about a trip to a ranch that Dianna took this year in which she had a complete cottagecore, cowboy meltdown:
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So in summation, yes Taylor is still writing about Dianna Agron in the year of our gay lord 2020, and in this song is commenting, perhaps mournfully, about the idea that maybe Dianna gave up on true love after Swiftgron ended, settling instead for financial security.
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
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also what does this caption mean
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
that the glasses on the table in the insta post might match the ones taylor wore in the 22 music video
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
All-my-possessions says the copyright registration for Begin Again is 2011. You actually seem interested in the truth (unlike some other blogs!) so that’s why I raise the issue.
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ok so it looks like begin again was probably written in fall 2011 which still tracks for it to be about dianna since they likely met sometime through cory or chord in 2010 and were at the very least acquaintances.  they seem to actually become friends in fall 2011.
this is all documented in my timeline here - @swiftgronmasterpost
tho i do believe achele continued on and off throughout feb 2012 and swiftgron wasn’t officially together until march 2012 i think it’s entirely possibly taylor got a big ole lesbian crush on dianna after hanging out with her in fall 2011.  maybe it’s about someone else but i can very easily make a case for it being about dianna and i’ve been parsing over this analysis in my head for a couple days (hence me waiting on posting these)
begin again seems to have some references you could easily attribute to dianna. also what’s funny is none of the “official red love interests” (harry and conor) are around at all during this point in time (and neither are the “official breakup boys” jake g and john mayer)
what’s funny is even though the copyright was established in 2011 the hets seem to be fine with ascribing it to conor like...do they even care about reality? conor would have been freshly 17 and i think a junior in high school when she wrote this that’s honestly DISGUSTING and harry was 17 at the time too.  i think it’s safe to say it’s not about either of them.
there are a few lyrics that can even be publicly ascribed to dianna it seems to me!
“And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid”
when they met at Fairfax flea market there was a lot of laughter pictured
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and dianna’s actually a bit famous for her distinctive laugh
“I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did”
we know dianna thought taylor was funny:
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“I've been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does”
lately, @adastrabella and @swiftiesleuth have been making me think there was something legit about jake g and taylor... probably not what the media painted it out to be but perhaps they had something (they seemed to be spotted in organic and private moments and liz huett seemed to be jealous of him and ofc we’re open to bilor theories here)
if that’s the case then fall 2011 is exactly when she met dianna and 8 months after she publicly ended it with jake.
if this is the case it’s possible that “He didn't like it when I wore high heels, but I do” is accurately ascribed to jake as the “he” because jake is a dude who is 5′11″
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taylor being a woman at 5′10″ would have towered over jake in heels.
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dianna is short compared to tayor at about 5′5″ which is a very average height for an american woman and wouldn’t have cared if taylor wore heels or not.  girls in wlw relationships aren’t typically insecure about that stuff.
so the 8 months line added to the heels line seems to suggest that there was something more than pr (tho i still think it was heavily pr, relationships can be both) to jake and taylor.
“You said you never met one girl who Had as many James Taylor records as you, but I do”
dianna is a bit famous for being, shall we say, a pretentious art gay.  i promise you she would have gushed with taylor over record players and vinyls as well as artists like james tayor.
here’s dianna talking about records and such:
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and we know dianna went and saw Taylor preform with james taylor at tanglewood in the summer of 2012!
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“We tell stories and you don't know why I'm coming off a little shy, but I do” this doesn’t tie back to dianna specifically (although who wouldn’t be shy around her god) but it’s very sapphic.  that nervousness that goes along with meeting a girl you may like is communicated sweetly here.  not only do you have to wonder “does she like me back” but also “is she gay too?”
But you start to talk about the movies That your family watches Every single Christmas and I won't
dianna is Jewish but has been observed casually celebrating christmas and the holiday season in general.
so while she’s probably not at midnight mass or having an extremely spiritual christmas tradition having an annual movie watching fest at christmas seems to be a way she may mark the holiday.
furthermore, it’s actually on record that dianna seems to celebrate the christmas season sometimes by watching love actually, which is one of taylor’s favorite movies!
also dianna is ofc going to discuss movies with new friends and crushes since she’s an actress and a huge cinema head.  i would say her top four interests are film, music, photography, and dance and i think og dianna fans would agree with me.
so as far as the content of the song goes it’s pretty obvious you can make a strong case for begin again being about taylor’s first couple of meetings with dianna and her developing crush and their early friendship spent discussing music, movies, and other shared interests.
as far as the timeline goes i think it makes a lot of sense to be about dianna as well since it’s a song about the very beginning of falling for someone (but not confirming you’re in an official relationship with them yet) 
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swiftgrcn · 4 years
Reblog if Dianna Agron is your life ruiner
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